Scary For Kids

Pencil Game

Charlie Charlie: The Pencil Game is an old Mexican tradition. It is a supernatural ritual that is used to contact a ghost. It is sometimes called “Six Pencils”, “Charlie Charlie Are You There?” or “The Charlie Charlie Challenge”. Some people believe that you are contacting the spirit of a young boy who killed himself. Others believe this ritual is dangerous and that you are, in actual fact, contacting a demon.

Charlie Charlie

How to Play Charlie Charlie

You need a sheet of paper and two pencils.

Step 1: Take the piece of paper and draw two lines on it, forming a cross. Write “Yes” in the top left and bottom right squares and “No” in the other two squares, as in the picture above.

Step 2: Place a pencil on the line going left and right and balance another pencil on top of it, along the line going up and down.

Step 3: Say the following chant twice out loud: “Charlie, Charlie, can we play?”

Charlie will make the pencil point to either “Yes” or “No”

You can now proceed to ask questions and Charlie will answer them with either “Yes” or “No”.

To end the game, you must chant “Charlie, Charlie, can we stop?” When you get a “Yes”, you say “Goodbye” and remove the pencils from the paper to break contact. If he says “No”, keep trying until you get a “Yes”.

How to Play Six Pencils

Pencil Game

The Pencil Game can only be played with two people. You need six unsharpened pencils.

Step 1: Each person takes three pencils and arranges them to form three sides of a square (as in the picture above). The ends of your pencils should be touching. You should be holding the pencils at the sharpened tip.

Step 2: Both of you say the following chant twice: “Charlie, Charlie, can we play?”

If the pencils move inwards, the answer is “Yes”.
If the pencils move outwards, the answer is “No”.
If one side moves inwards and the other moves outwards, it means “Maybe”, or that the question cannot be answered.
Also, up means “Yes” and down means “No”.

Step 3: You ask the spirit of Charlie Yes or No questions. He will indicate his answer by moving the pencils.

To end the game, you both must chant “Charlie, Charlie, can we stop?” When the pencils move inwards or upwards, you drop them to the floor and say “Goodbye” to break contact.

Stories and Experiences with the Charlie Charlie Pencil Game

“When I was younger, we used to play a game called Six Pencils… They truly moved! It was crazy. They answered questions that nobody could have known. My Mom told me it was demons we were talking to, so I stopped.”

“My friends played the Pencil Game and they got in contact with a ghost named Charlie that had died of child abuse. But things soon went bad. One of my friends saw a dark figure on her roof when she was home alone. Another heard scratching on her bathroom door and dark laughing. Another felt her blanket on her bed being pulled down when she was sleeping and then she also heard laughing. Another saw a dark shape hanging from her roof. All of these things happened when they were alone. Soon they got scared and stopped playing the game and put up crosses in their rooms and never went near that stuff again and it all stopped.”

“The game “Charlie, Charlie” was a big thing at my school, and I came home and played it with my Mom. My Mom and Dad got all mad and said that the game was just like the ouija board. Supposedly it’s a call to the devil… No offense, but it’s scary… I started hearing things around my house after I played it”

There are no reports of anyone dying or being possessed by demons after playing the Pencil Game so it is considered quite safe. However, we still advise you not to play it, just in case.

scary for kids



    ok. before you play what you want to do is pray for protection and say “yet only the good and holy answer our questions in the name of God and all good in the universe. and let none be harmed by this game!” after doing those things you should be good. AND also wear a cross necklace while playing.
    if you are still nervous burn a WHITE candle, bless the pencils, have Bible near for safty,bless the room and yourselves, burn incence, you get the point.

  • I’m going to try it but I’m having second thoughts though after reading XxJessieJuiceFacexX’s comment.

  • this worked my uncles tryed it in front of me but they screwd up alot the first time i think they are going to haunted by ghostes

  • me and my friend chloe played this at my house in my room and she decided to take my cross off my door. the day after that she decided to show a few people it. the people wanted to play it so the next day she brought 6 pencils and played it at recess (were going into 6th grade so we still have recess) but i stayed away.what the other kids didnt know was what happened to me the night before.when i put my cross back on my door i felt something watching me from my closet,my door kept opening by itself, and i felt something pull my blanket at night.something scratched chloe on the back so hard she started bleeding and its scarred over know but it was friends brothers arm was broken after they played it at his house and he woke up on the floor in his kitchen.i suggest u dont play it if ur scared easily.the only way we got rid of it was we put crosses up in our rooms.

  • i hate that charly guy i love cats and there death is just like saying ok i am here come and get me BURN IN HELL I HATE ANYONE THAT KILLS CATS

  • Did what happened to Jrockangel happen to anybody else cos ive got a cat i love and i wouldnt want that to kill her? HELP i want to play and instead call my dead nan who was very spiritual xoxox

  • If you got any pets DONT CALL HIM!!!!
    i called him 3 times with my lil bro and he killed 3 my cats!! BURN IN HELL CHARLIE!!!

  • I played this with my friend Emily and it worked and freaked out you guys should really try it.IT WORKS :) GOOD LUCK!!

  • imma play it…… and i looked and it said u need 6 UNSHARPENED pencils,so i was all like okay,but then it says to be held at the SHARPENED tip and i was all like I DONT KNOW WHAT TO BELIVE ANYMORE………..*epic facepalm*

  • i played other versions of this game with a friend many times..then we stoped becouse another friend of mine told us it was wrong and that we where calling the devil. She quite overreacted, but we never tried the game ever again. It really answers the questions right, if you guys will play it, i recomend you to ask things just YOU know the answer, so, if it answers right, there you have. Also, make sure your friend is not moving it, it happens sometimes hahaha

  • so me & my friend played, and at first instead of charlie , we said esa esa can we play? and they both moved up. The second time we said marshall, just because we thought of eminem and wanted to joke around; it still worked. then we said mikey, which is my cousin who passed, it worked. we asked if the mikey we were talking to had the same last name as my cousin and we asked if i’ve known them and it said yes. im so creeped!

  • I told my friend this.she said their Is a game called victoria and this game you have to play with sissors

  • I’m gonna ask; if one part says they need to be unsharpened but another says you hold them at the SHARPENED tip, who the hell wrote this? Now I don’t know what to believe… *facepalm*

  • OMG we played that game and it worked for all the questions we asked. we said have you ever killed anyone and it didnt reply. then we said is that a yes and it said maybe. we asked it if it was in the wardrobe and it said maybe. we freaked out and legged it out the room! totally freaky

  • vanssalovesscary666 and Midnight Sprirt must b all like “Ghost Whisper” u no Melinda and Eli and ppl. one of my friends cn sorta do tht but they dont like it so wutevrs but great story and it seems to me also like a wuigi board

  • I can see ghosts, believe it or not, or I can feel their presence so I should play this game and see whats going on…

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