Scary For Kids

Pick Me Up

Pick Me Up is a sad story about a young girl who is waiting and waiting for her dad to pick her up after school.

Pick Me Up

Years ago, there was a little girl whose father would drive her to school and pick her up every day. One day, it was just past 5PM and all her classmates had gone home. She was waiting for her father but he still hadn’t arrived.

“Where’s your dad,” the nun asked. “Is he going to pick you up?”

“Don’t worry sister,” the little girl replied. “I know my daddy is going to pick me up eventually. Maybe he just got busy with work.”

Back then, there were no cell phones, just pagers and beepers. The little girl walked over to the phone booth and dialed the 5-digit number for her father’s pager. She sent him a message:

“Daddy, please pick me up. It’s late and I’m scared and all alone.”

After an hour, her father finally arrived. The little girl burst into tears.

“Daddy, why didn’t you come to pick me up?” she whined.

“Sorry baby,” her dad replied. “I had to work out of town and I couldn’t find a phone to call home and get someone else to pick you up. This will never happen again.”

The next day, it was just past 5PM and the girl was alone in school. There were only a few lights on and it was dark and as she sat by the school gate waiting for her dad, she paged him a message:

“Daddy, please pick me up. It’s late and I’m scared and all alone.”

She decided to walk to her dad’s office. The office wa a mile away but she kept walking and walking. When she reached the office, she went inside and found her dad asleep at his desk. She burst into tears and screamed, “Daddy, I hate you!”

Her dad woke up and hugged her.

“Sorry baby, I took a nap and accidentally overslept. I was really tired and I was out of town all morning on business. It won’t happen again.”

When her dad dropped her off at school the next day, he asked, “Do you still love your daddy?”

The little girl said, “No! I still hate you! You better be there to pick me up this evening.”

“I can’t,” said her dad. “I’ll be out of town. The driver is going to pick you up this afternoon.”

The little girl just sighed and turned her back on him. She didn’t even wave at him as he drove away.

That night, the little girl stayed up late waiting for her dad. At 2AM, she finally heard his car pulling into the driveway and she rushed downstairs to greet him.

All of a sudden, she heard the sound of gunshots.

Her mother was screaming. The little girl was in a panic. She didn’t know what was going on. Her mother grabbed her and brought her upstairs to the bedroom. She held the little girl tightly as she called the police.

Later, the little girl learned that her dad had been shot dead on their doorstep.

Years passed and the little girl grew up. She met a few boys, fell in and out of love, had a few relationships, but none of them ever worked out. Her friends all got married and moved away. Eventually, everyone deserted her.

She lived alone and every night, she would call the 5-digit pager number. The number no longer existed. Pagers no longer existed. All she would hear on the other end was a busy tone.

But still, she would dial the number and say, “Daddy, please pick me up. It’s late and I’m scared and all alone…”

scary for kids


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  • OUCH!!!!!! The dad needs to keep his promises and the man who killed the dad is a complete turd. Who would kill the dad for no reason? Why was the dad late? Sooooooo many questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I’m actually crying…

    I have gone through a similar situation, but not as serious as this…

    Ha! But I just thought of that song from “Cry Baby” when he’s in he the juvenile detention center… “Teardrops are falling…” That’s all I know.
    Anyway, really sad.
    But I do know a guy who had a pager in 2005.

  • You never know when will death greet you. So live life as your last day, tank and forgive everyone. The story is very sad…and little girl in the picture makes me feel more sad.

  • awe that’s so sad:(( never say those things because you never know when ur going to lose the ones you love most<3 i always tell my paretns i love them<3

  • Poor girl. I wonder what it was like having a dad that worked and cared about her though. I never knew my dad so I wouldn’t know. But poor girl i feel bad for her.

  • Death isn’t a choice its a line everybody stands in waiting wondering when there time will come.. Sad I’ve always thought as my dad as favorite parent. :(

  • I feel so bad for that girl…she is probably still haunted by the gunshots and her father’s death…

  • Omg i feel so bad for her. Here is my story tho.

    Waiting for You.

    A small 7 year old girl would always be picked up and dropped off by her sister. One day she was waiting on the curb and her sister never came. After waiting 2 hours, she walked back to her school and her principal decided to drop her off. As she got to her house she saw a dark shadow lurking inside.The principal didn’t want to leave till the girl got inside her house. But she got suspicious. She called for the girl to get back in her car. The girl skipped her way over to the car. The principal drove away as fast as she could. When she go to her house, she picked up the girl and ran inside. She locked herself and the girl in a bedroom. She grabbed her phone and called the police. The police arrived and when they got in the house, they saw the sister lying dead on the floor. The little girl was orphaned. She was sent to live at a horrible orphanage. Every night before she went to sleep she would whisper “Waiting for you”

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