Scary For Kids

Pinocchios Revenge

Pinocchio’s Revenge is an evil doll movie from 1996 that starred Candace McKenzie and was directed by Kevin Tenney.

Pinocchio's Revenge

Pinocchio’s Revenge begins with the discovery of the body of a murdered child in a shallow grave. The police find a Pinocchio doll buried beside him. They suspect that the boy’s father is a serial killer and he is put on trial for murder.

During the court proceedings, his defense attorney believes that he is innocent and is hiding the identity of the real murderer. After he is executed, she accidentally takes the Pinocchio doll home with her. She has a young daughter, named Zoe, who thinks the doll is a birthday present and grows very attached to it. The young girl starts acting strangely as she begins talking to her Pinocchio doll.

Suddenly, mysterious accidents start happening to anyone who crosses Zoe. A girl who bullies her at school is pushed in front of a bus. Zoe claims that the Pinocchio doll was to blame for the accident. Later, her mother’s boyfriend is pushed down the stairs and ends up in hospital. Zoe claims Pinocchio did it. The mother becomes worried and brings Zoe to see a psychiatrist.

That night, Pinocchio convinces Zoe that he will behave if she cuts his strings. When she complies, he runs off down the street and a spate of mysterious murders begin.

scary for kids


  • Not a bad story. My cpu sucks though so I can’t view the video. :P
    Hey brony4life! Luuuurve the username! :D

  • i agree with zkhaotiK3. you lot are acting like children. sorry if i make mistakes in this message btw. i think @peanutbrittle and lovegettingfreakedout are two of the best commenters on this site. you two should work together !!!! please agree all other users?? you guys cant make your talent ( commenting) be wasted on mean things. besides. this arguement was started bout that first + second thingy. i mean really guys. i dont mean to be rude but you both need to grow up and start a blog coz ur awesome at commenting and i always read both of the comments you post! btw you are my role models on this site other than sfk. “longest comment iv’e ever written!!!!” seriously though. see ya my freinds :)))

  • Stop bitching about the first crap. It’s annoying, yes. Don’t like it, ignore it. Simple. Don’t act like immature children.

  • Let’s just stop all this and have fun reading stories about blood and guts and dieng people and killer dolls XD

  • Right let me get this straight then this is all an argument about be owing first or typing annoying things, are you serious? I don’t know why all this is happening or who started it but clearly SFK has absolute opinion on this seeing as he/she is the owner of the site.
    @ I call myself demented you had no reason to start the argument up again. They gladly had just stopped and you had to go and rubbsalt in to the wound. I’m with PeanutBrittle on this one and it is getting annoying it was fun and jokes at first but then when SFK told us to stop we should listen even if we dont have to. It’s called manners. Please go learn them.

  • GUYS!!!
    I am not taking sides here but who really care if someone childish wants to post a comment saying ‘ first’
    No one
    Has actually posted a comment on the STORY!!!

    Please don’t yell at me because I shared my opinion

  • Only reason your sticking up for peanutbrittle is cause its a girl I thinks gosh can’t nobody con on here to say wat they they won’t when they won’t how they won’t without somone crying about it

  • jeez peanutbrittles right. that first second third comment thing is stupid. sfk did say not to do that, and it’s their site! lovegettingfreakedout you are coming back to the argument too! IT’S A STORY SITE, STOP ARGUING ABOUT STUPID THINGS. don’t bother replying or calling me bad names or telling me QUOTE: mind my own business because im not coming back to see, unlike you childish arguers.

  • Peanutbrittle, you were being a real idiot coming back and adding to your argument. And SFK said, and I quote, “Please stop” that means that you don’t HAVE to stop, only they want you to stop. And thanks for not acting like a 3-year-old who always gets their way. (That was sarcasm if you are too ignorant to understand it.)

  • Ohhh maaan & You continue. Im very glad you know of to spell. Thanks for correcting my spelling atleast you’re being sweet. I appreciate that. Im surprised you actually took time to do that. ”honey” ???? Oh really? Sounds sweet. This is too funny. Im going to be the bigger person & stop commenting. I mean REALLY? You are continuing an argument about how people comment on this? Like i said if u have a problem learn to deal with it. It isn’t that hard.. its called (IGNORING) Yea thanks for your time. I had fun going back & fourth on this.

  • Ahaha, its so funny how you try to tell me that I have no proper grammar. It was really my second comment, and it was a misspelling, which is apart of spelling, not grammar. Whereas I have one misspelling, you have sentences and misspellings everywhere. Let me point them out.
    1. Idcurr
    2. I apologies (apologize hun, GIZE)
    3. Weather (whether)
    4. Plzzz (save that for your texting)
    5. Don’t you got something better to do
    Looks like you should brush up on your reading too, because SFK also said “Please stop” in the post that they wrote.
    Yeah honey, you are being a troll. You said “I’m going to continue saying first and second”
    alrighty thanx

  • Lol oh really? Check out your first comment . Then come to me about proper grammer. I know how to write a complete sentence. When you learn how to write one come back here & criticize kay ? & loki , Im not being no troll kay? Loki no disrespect , but no one was talking to you , mind ur own business next time plzzz :) alrighty thanx.

  • LovegettingFreakdout you don’t need to be a troll about it. Trolls have no life, so maybe you should be the one getting a life plzzz

  • @peanut brittle , idcurr if ur a guy or not i call everybody man. & Yess i did read what scaryforkids said he said that its getting annoying. Well i apologies cause i’m going to continue saying first & second weather u like it or not. Got a problem ? Well learn how to deal with it! Get a life plzzz. Stop coming on here saying its annoying. Dont you got something better to do then telling people what or what not to do?

  • @LovegettingFreakedout
    First, I’m not a guy. You guys must have missed what SFK said in click clack, whoops, bummer. I suggest you go read it.
    who the hell cares

  • ya i agree lovegettingfreakedaout, i mean its not gonna kill you if u say first and second in the comments so lay off our stuff

  • @peanutBrittle , whoo cares man? If people want to say First & second let them. Its not like its killing you. Sheesh. LET THEM BE !

  • i know you’re knew and all but we have this new thing where we dont say first in the comments

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