Scary For Kids

Quick Divorce

The Quick Divorce is a scary funny story from Russia about a girl whose parents split up. The mother and father both want custody of their daughter.

Quick Divorce

Once upon a time in Russia, there was a married couple who had a daughter named Iriska. The parents loved each other very much and they were very fond of their daughter.

One Sunday afternoon, Iriska’s parents got into a big argument. Her Mom wanted to go to the theater to see a play because her friend had told her it was very good. Her Dad wanted to go to the stadium to watch a football game, because his favorite team were playing.

Unfortunately, the mother didn’t like football, and the father hated the theater.

As the day went on, the parents began to quarrel more and more. The argument escalated and the couple were so angry at each other that, by the evening, they had decided to get a divorce.

They began screaming and yelling at each other, both of them demanding full custody of their daughter. Iriska’s Mom said that young girls belong with their mother. Iriska’s Dad said that he couldn’t bear the thought of being separated from his daughter.

Eventually, the father became enraged and said that he was sick and tired of all the arguing. Without another word, he stormed off into the garage and came back brandishing a chainsaw.

“This will solve everything!” he yelled as he sliced his own daughter in half.

He picked up the girl’s lower half (the legs and pelvis) and threw threw them at the mother. Her upper half (the head, arms and chest), he kept for himself.

The mother flew into a rage. “Why do you get to decide which half you keep?” she screamed.

The father started up the chainsaw again, and cut each half of his daughter in two. He picked up her top right quarter and her bottom left quarter and tossed them to his wife.

“I’ll keep the left arm, the left part of her head and chest and her right leg”, he said. “Are you satisfied now?”

Later that evening, the parents were sitting on the couch, cuddling.

“Wait a second”, said the father. “What happens if I want to spend time with the parts of our daughter that you have?”

“Don’t worry”, replied the wife. “I can keep all of her parts during the week and you can have them on the weekend.”

scary for kids


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  • thi is dumb after they cut their daughter into pieces they are happy cuddling thats awful..they did not go even sad,,, poor lucky i have caring and loving parents..

  • Haha,lighten up guys,it’s not supposed to be realistic.
    I feel bad for the kid though and she couldn’t just go to the theater and he couldn’t just go to the game?

  • they didn’t need to cut her up they should of done what the mother said at the end but except with the girl alive! *the mum took care of her for the week and the father took her for the rest of the weekend* IDIOTS!!! @ her mum and dad

  • Uhm… This story is a bit impractical, I mean who would get divorced (and go insane) over theater and football?

    and didn’t the parents at least once think that if they split their daughter in half that she will die?

    Overall, it was not scary and unrealistic to the point of being ridiculous.

  • whoever likes this is retarded they should dislike it NOW. owner of this fairytale do you even know what scary means

  • and why can’t the mother go to the theater and the father go to the stadium no offence but this story is sooooo rubish oh did i say story sorry i meant fairytale and the reason why i meant fairytale is because that at the start it says ”once a upon a time” thats not scary at all :(

  • why does it say ”He picked up the girls lower half(legs and pelvis)and THREW THREW them at the mother”

  • Sounds like a symbolic story for how divorce hurts kids and the parents are too busy with their own feelings or concerns to care about what the child is feeling…just saying…

  • DeathIsForever
    We get sliced up pieces from a sliced up daughter and nothing that would solve their problem xD
    And ofcourse it doesn’t solve their problem and grooosss!! Living with the cut corpse of human… ewwwwww!!!

  • One question. What do you get from a sliced up daughter? And how does cutting your daughter in half solve your problem? If anyone answer these questions I will be put out of my confusion.

  • Also not to mention what their fighting over ! i mean c’mon im sure there is a solution for all of that

  • Sorry hun, but this story was just to stupid to be scary .
    i mean they just kept cutting the girl up ?
    and the parents didn’t show any emotion at all

  • why the hell daint the girl run or at leadt scream. silly child ‘rolls eyes’

  • Er… this is so weird o.o weren’t they even sad that they cut their daughter into pieces???? O_O Inhuman… totally inhuman…o.o btw stupid too xD


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