Scary For Kids

Read The Sign

Read the Sign is a spooky story about a woman and her daughter who see something creepy on TV one night.

Read the Sign

One night, an 8-year old girl was sitting at home, watching television with her mother. Suddenly, the screen began flickering and the image of a ghostly woman in red inexplicably appeared on the TV. She was holding a small sign that was covered with words scrawled in red ink.

It read: “This is a special announcement. Parents, please send your children to bed immediately”.

The mother was worried and told her daughter to go to bed. The young girl protested, but the mother remained firm. She grabbed her daughter by the arm and led her into the hallway. The girl meekly walked up the stairs to her bedroom and the mother returned to the living room. When she looked at the TV again, the woman on the screen was holding a new message.

It read: “Please wait”.

The mother sat patiently on the sofa, waiting for the special announcement. After five minutes passed and nothing happened, she began to get bored.

Just then, the woman on the screen displayed a new message. The writing was tiny and very difficult to read. The mother inched closer to the TV, trying to make out the words.

The sign read: “Thank you. Your children are now dead”.

The mother was horrified. She ran upstairs and burst into her daughter’s bedroom. She found the young girl lying in bed with the covers pulled up to her neck and breathed a sigh of relief.

As she watched her daughter sleeping, the mother noticed that something was wrong. The blankets on the bed were not moving. Her daughter wasn’t breathing. Slowly, she walked over to the girl’s bedside and pulled the covers. She recoiled in horror and began screaming.

On the pillow, lay her daughter’s severed head. Her body was nowhere to be found.

More than 500 children died that night. The police couldn’t trace the strange television broadcast and the woman holding the sign was never identified.

scary for kids


  • @ rage man99: yeah I made it up off the spot is it good and it is pretty obvious who it is
    @ krissylovesscary: is spongebobs bootleg from the squidward one cause I dont get it either
    @ peanut brittle: it is an episode on nickelodeon ? or on creepy pasta I love creepy pasta though I like blinky but not he boy on blinky he mean
    What is your fav horror movie?

  • @krissylovesscary
    I’d post a link, but I don’t know if you can, but if you search “spongebob bootleg episode creepypasta” on Google, it’ll tell you.

  • once there was a murder
    he liked a lot of kids
    he didnt want to be a murder
    so he stopped killing
    his father did not like this
    he made a stop to this
    his father looked angry he was covered in red
    Who was the father?
    please comment

  • Gullible parents. But still sad. I wonder how the parents felt, then again I don’t wanna know.

  • If I had children, I wouldn’t send them to bed. I’d make sure they were in the same room with me!

  • Some spirit must’ve did it. Either that or Hell is starting it’s own show called ( Your Children Are dead.)

  • i would go to bed and when my mom left, i would leave and chill in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet (not using it)reading a magazine!

  • The mom retarded.Why would you obey the sign a GHOSTLY woman was holding?Geez ppl these days xD.

  • sonee? o.O
    omg thank you very much i am never going to sleep even if mom rips me off!

  • Sonee didn’t work for me. I watched the whole video and kept my eyes on it. D:

  • It does change. You have to be patient, its not going to immediately appear.

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