Scary For Kids

Red and Blue

The Red and the Blue is a creepy story for children about a glass-blowing shop that sells beautiful red and blue glassware. It is based on an urban legend told by Russian children in summer camps.

The Red and the Blue

In a big city in Russia, there was a vacant shop. It was located on the main street, in an old two-story building. One day, the “Vacant” sign was taken down and a new store opened. It was a glass-blowing shop and dealt in all manner of intricate and artistic glass pieces.

They sold hand-blown wine glasses, vases, crystals. All of the pieces only came in two colors: Red and blue. But these colors were so exquisitely interwoven that they captured the eye and were a delight to behold. The red color ranged from an anxious, frightening color of burgundy to a gorgeous pink haze. The blue color rannged from the shimmering cobalt of the deep sea to the pale azure of the cloudless sky.

Naturally, the store had many customers for their unique glass creations and the word spread for miles around. People heard about the unusual designs and formed huge queues, just waiting to buy the beautiful red and blue products. Many even came from other cities to buy their glassware in this glass-blowing store. Everyone wanted to own one of the pieces, even though the cost was very expensive.

Meanwhile, in the same city and its suburbs, a series of strange murders were taking place. Young men and women between the ages of seventeen and thirty years old were dying at an alarming rate. There didn’t seem to be any pattern to the crimes. The corpses were found all over the city and none of the victims seemed to know each other.

All of the crimes apparently lack a motive. Police scratched their heads and struggled to understand why these people were killed. Their valuables were never stolen and the bodies were often found with money or jewelry still in their pockets. The police were puzzled. Why didn’t the murderer steal the victim’s belongings? The victims were always killed in the same way. They were either chopped up with an axe or sliced open with a knife.

Two detectives arrived from Moscow and were tasked with solving the crimes. They questioned and temporarily detained all of the usual suspects, criminals and mental patients, but they came up empty. They did not even come across the slightest clue that might solve the mystery. Still, the hacked and slashed corpses continued to turn up in alleys and back streets.

Then, the chief of police decided to gather a task force of over two hundred policemen. They were ordered to go undercover. They dressed in civilian clothes and placed themselves on duty throughout the city. The murders suddenly stopped. For weeks, there was not one corpse littering the city streets. The citizens began to think that the reign of fear had finally ended.

One of the policemen was about to go off duty, when he remembered that he had forgotten his wife’s birthday. He needed to buy her a present before he went home. He had heard about the famous glass-blowing shop and the unusual glassware it sold. His wife had often remarked on how beautiful these glass pieces were.

He asked his partner to wait for him while he went into the store and bought something nice for his wife. When he walked into the shop, he was greeted by a bored storekeeper who stood behind the counter and showed him what pieces of glass were on offer.

The policeman looked over the whole range and was surprised by how drab and uninteresting most of the pieces were. He had been expecting to see something of rare beauty, but all of the pieces seemed to be just ordinary clear glass. The storekeeper told him that they were awaiting a large shipment of the red and the blue glass, but it had been delayed.

The policeman looked around for a few minutes, but nothing caught his eye. He picked up one of pieces of ordinary glass and began to make fun of it, saying there was nothing special about it and he could easily make it himself.

The storekeeper smiled and listened to him politely, then motioned with his hand and beckoned the policeman closer.”

“The problem is that during the glass-blowing process, we were missing one important element,” he said quietly.

“Oh, and What was that?” asked the policeman.

“Your heart!” said the storekeeper as he snatched an axe from under the counter and stuck the policeman on the forehead.

However, the storekeeper forgot that policemen always go on duty in pairs. The policeman’s partner, who was waiting outside, heard a scream and burst through the shop door with his gun drawn. He found the storekeeper at the back of the shop, crouched over the dead body of the policeman. The storekeeper had two large syringes in his hands and was extracting blood from the policeman’s corpse.

Blood from a vein for the blue glass and blood from the heart for the red glass.

scary for kids


  • @IcyBlu4211
    Where did you hear that from?
    Blood would only be green because of either contrast dye used for x-rays or if you had sulfhemoglobinemia.

  • Well actually, not all blood is red. He blood behind your eyes is green due to special chemicals that your brain needs.

  • looks at your wrist closely what do you see? a blue and red vein! the blue vein goes to the heart and the red vein is coming FROM the heart and circulates through everything else. so yea the blood is blue before it flows through the heart. @MegIz what did your mom say?

  • new stories please their really good! but i read this one last night and came back hopeing to see new ones! more please!

  • No, there is no such thing as blue blood in a human. Non-oxygenated blood is a deeper shade of red, but no matter what, all blood is red.

  • actually, blood is blue before it goes through the heart. after flowing through the heart the blood turns red. something like that. people who dont know this should really consider going back to school i mean seriously the stuff people dont know is quite fascinating

  • Wasnt the scariest story on here,I’ve seen better,still pretty creepy .___.

  • Happy 4th of July!! I even wrote a story for you guys to enjoy. In the middle of September, Katie started receiving boxes of chocolate along with letters that were signed announomous. She had her own secret admirer, she thought! Every day, she would get up to 2 boxes a day, along with flowers. After about two weeks of this going on, one of her letters read “Katie, want to know how you’ll look with a severed head, I know I do. Let’s find out tonight honey!” Signed Announomous. Katie thought it was some kind of joke so she ignored it. She went to sleep with no difficulty that night, but within hours, she was awoken by a sound of a meow. It was weird, she thought, because the only cat that lives in this neighborhood is Dana, the Slones outdoor cat. She then knew that someone had to let her in. Then she got really scared. She walked up to the door of her bedroom, and saw Dana standing there looking at her. She smiled she liked cats. Then out of no where, she hears someone whispering in her ear, “you’re going to die, you’re going to die, you’re the third on my list. You should count yourself lucky, because that means your pretty.” Katie then felt a cold arm on her mouth, then she felt the sharp pain of a knife in her stomache. “Good bye, my sweet, my fourth sweet awaits to be killed.” Katie’s last sight was of him laughing at her, then she passed out, for good. The End. Hope you liked it! Please send me your thoughts at

  • @acdc, You’re right, lol, found it.
    I’m silly. . . XD

  • SFK, Is there a limit to user stories? Like two stories per user for publishing?

    Scaryforkids says: No, there is no limit. I’m just looking for GOOD stories to post. Its hard for me because I can’t keep up with all the stories being posted every day and some people copy and paste stories and other stories don’t make sense and others arent scary… If people post some good stories I’ll put them on the site.

  • also quick question: is that a piece of Dale Chihuly glass for the picture? I love his artwork. :)

  • umm…They would only be able to make red glass because all blood turns red on contact with oxygen. Very good, creepy story, though!

  • @xX TO LIVE IS TO DIE Xx, it’s actually still here. You just have to go back to the homepage and click on Scary Stories. Now you click on Tell Me Your Story and you’ll find it there as you scroll down.

  • Hey, did anyone else notice that ‘The eye of the beholder’ story dissapeared???? 0.o

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