Scary For Kids

Riddles For Kids

Here are some riddles for kids. See if you can figure out the solution to each puzzle. As usual, you will find the answers to these riddles in the comments.

Riddles For Kids

Riddle 1. Christmas Presents

On Christmas day, a young boy finds three presents under the Christmas tree. Opening the first present, he finds a pair of shoes and begins to cry. Opening the second present, he finds a soccer ball and cries even harder. Opening the third present, he finds a pair of bicycle shorts. He buries his face in his hands and starts sobbing. Outside, Santa Claus is having a big laugh. Why?

Riddle 2. Locked Room

In a locked room, a man is found hanging by the neck from the ceiling. His feet are not touching the ground. The room is completely empty. There are no tables or chairs or anything else. There is a puddle of water under his feet. How did the man kill himself?

Riddle 3. Murdered Sister

A woman proves in court that her husband was murdered by her sister. Even though the judge finds the sister guilty of murder, he can’t send her to prison. Why?

Riddle 4. Doctor

A man is driving down a highway with his son in his car. They get into a car accident and both are critically injured. Two ambulances from two different hospitals arrive. The man is taken to one hospital and his son is taken to another hospital. The doctor walks into the operating room, looks at the boy, and says, “I can’t operate on this boy. He is my son.” How can this be?

Riddle 5. Hole in the Suit

A man was just doing his job when he accidentally tore a hole in his suit. Three minutes later, he was dead. Why?

Riddle 6. Frog

There is a frog, dead in the middle of an island. If he swims north, the distance to the mainland is 2 meters. If he swims south, the distance to the mainland is 3 meters. If he swims east or west, the distance is 4 meters. Which way should he swim?

Riddle 7. Desert

Two men are lying in the desert. Both of them are wearing backpacks. One man is alive and the other is dead. The backpack of the man who is alive is open. The backpack of the dead man is closed. How did he die?

Riddle 8. Tracks in the Snow

The police find a dead man lying in a field of snow. The man was murdered. The police find a set of tire tracks leading away from the field. They follow the tracks to a nearby farm. At the farmhouse, they find an old man and a disbaled woman sitting on the porch. They question the man and woman and discover that neither of them can drive. Then they arrest the woman for murder. Why did they arrest her?

Riddle 9. Holiday

A married couple flew to Florida on holiday. They booked into a nice hotel. During the vacation, the husband was murdered. The police searched the couple’s hotel room and found a camera, a plane ticket and a bottle of sun-tan lotion. The police immediately arrested the wife. How did they she murdered her husband?

Riddle 10. Three Rooms

10. A man is captured and condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first room is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven’t eaten in three years. Which room should he choose?

Riddle 11. Who Was the Killer?

There was a rich man who lived in a mansion with his wife and servants. One Sunday morning, the man was murdered in his study. The police came to question his wife and his servants. The wife said she was asleep in the bedroom at the time of the murder. The cook said she was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. The butler said he was in the dining room, polishing the silver. The maid said she was in the driveway, collecting the mail. The gardener said he was in the garden, picking vegetables. Who murdered the rich man?

scary for kids


  • The Santa Claus was so mean!!! Poor the boy…anyway, it was a very nice story. Thanks for sharing.

  • 1.)Either he doesn’t have legs or its the belongings of a friend who died.
    2.)There was a big piece of ice and it melted.
    3.)Either they’re twins or the other sister is dead.
    4.)The doctor is the boys mother.
    5.)The man is in space.
    6.)He can’t swim if he’s dead
    7.)The mans parachute didn’t open
    8.)The woman was in a wheelchair
    9.)There was only 1 plane ticket
    10.)Third room: the lions haven’t eaten in 3 years, they must be dead.
    11.)The maid; there is no mail on Sunday… :D

  • 1)i dont know
    2)still dont know
    3)the sister is dead?
    5)oh i heard this riddle before the man is in space
    6)what how can he swim if he’s dead
    7)i’m clueless
    8)she is in a wheel chair
    9)oh there is only one ticket for going back or something like that
    10)ok i think he should choose the third room cause i dont think anything would last that long without eating like seriously three years???
    11)i’m clueless again
    oh well i think i got most of them

  • 1: the boy has no legs
    2: he stood on a big block of ice
    3: they might of been identical but they were both blaming it on eachother
    4: the doctor is the boys mum
    5: he might of made a hole in his skin
    6: none hes dead
    7: the mans parachute didn’t open
    8: the lady was in a wheelchair
    9: the wife only had 1 ticket for the journey home so she killed her husband
    10: the third one because the tigers havn’t eaten in 3 years so they’re dead
    11: the maid because there isn’t mail on sunday


  • I think the first one is because he’s never had then before so its tears of JOY

  • i have a story:
    erics family had just moved into a new house. eric was the first one in and he swore he saw a shadow with red eyes at the top of the staircase. he blinked and it disappeared. so anyway they do all their moving crap and eric chooses a room. that night he has a horrible dream the shadow man with bright red eyes was glaring at him. “ill kill you all if u dont leave” it said, then with a quick slash, too fast for mortal eyes to track, he scratched erics arm. eric woke up sweating. it was just a dream he thought. then in the morning daylight he saw scratches on his arm. “LEAVE OR DIE” they said. eric panicked. he showed his parents, but they thought he was joking. after school eric went to the library and researched his house. a old man had lived there. his name was emery wite. he had gotten shot by a burgler. “its emerys ghost!” eric thought. he went home and told his parents. they scolded him for being so untruthful. suddenly a lamp flew across the room and crashed against the wall. his dads bowling trophy fell off a shelf and conked his mom on the head. all sorts of objects were flying around the room. his parents grabbed eric and ran out the door, which slammed behind them. thankfully they hadnt unpacked anything too important to go back for. eric glanced back as they drove away, and he thought he saw a shadow with red eyes standing in the window watching them leave.

    XD i know it sucks, but i dont have that much time on my hands sorry!

  • i have a story:


    erics family had just moved into a new house. eric was the first one in and he swore he saw a shadow with red eyes at the top of the staircase. he blinked and it disappeared. so anyway they do all their moving crap and eric chooses a room. that night he has a horrible dream the a shadow man with bright red eyes TO BE CONTINUED I HAVE 2 GO

  • Answers:
    1. The boy has no legs.
    2. He stood on a block of ice.
    3. The sisters are Siamese twins.
    4. The doctor is the boy’s mother.
    5. He was an astronaut on a space walk, doing repairs.
    6. The frog can’t swim, he is dead.
    7. The man’s parachute didn’t open.
    8. The woman was in a wheelchair.
    9. The wife bought only one ticket for the return journey.
    10. The third room. If the lions haven’t eaten in three years, they must be dead.
    11. The maid. There is no mail on Sunday.

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