Scary For Kids

Robert The Doll

Robert The Doll is a true ghost story about a haunted doll in a museum in Key West, Florida. The doll is real and some say it is the subject of an evil curse. Many people claim they have seen it blinking and moving.

Robert The Doll

Take a look at Robert the Haunted Doll. He sits under lock and key in a glass case located in the basement of a museum in Key West, Florida. At first glance Robert may seem like a harmless children’s doll. But looks can be deceiving, because Robert is the most haunted doll in the world.

In 1897, a family named Otto lived in a nearby house in Key West. They owned a plantation and had a lot of servants working for them who they treated very badly. One servant girl gave their son, Gene, a present of a doll. What the Ottos didn’t realise was that this servant girl knew voodoo and black magic.

Gene’s full name was Robert Eugene Otto. His parents had always called him “Gene”, so he decided to give the doll his real name, “Robert”.

Many strange things began to occur in the Otto household. Neighbors claimed to see Robert moving about from window to window, when the family were out. Gene began to blame Robert for mishaps that would occur. The Ottos claimed to hear the doll giggle, and swore they caught glimpses of the doll running about the house.

Gene began to have nightmares and scream out in the night, when his parents would enter the room, they would find furniture overturned, their child in a fright, and Robert at the foot of the bed, with his glaring gaze! “Robert Did It”, Gene would cry.

The doll was eventually put up into the attic. Where he resided for many years. But Robert had other plans. Visitors that entered the house could hear something walking back and forth in the attic, and strange giggling sounds. Guests no longer wanted to visit the Otto home.

Gene Otto died in 1972 and the house was sold to a new family. The story of Robert the Doll had died down, but Robert waited patiently up in the attic to be discovered once again.

The 10-year old daughter of the new owners was quick to find Robert in the attic. It was not long before Robert unleashed his displeasure on the child… The little girl claiming that the doll tortured her, and made her life a hell.. Even after more than thirty years later, she steadfastly claims that the doll was alive and wanted to kill her.

Robert, still dressed in his white sailor’s suit and clutching his stuffed lion, lives quite comfortably, though well guarded, at the Key West Martello Museum. Employees at the museum say that Robert is still up to his old tricks today…

Robert the doll served as an inspiration for the doll Chucky in the Child’s Play movies.

scary for kids


  • What I don’t understand that if the doll wanted to kill someone why didn’t it? I’m serious. The doll had years to kill Robert but he never did. I wonder why. But now I’m freaking more scared of dolls.

  • Wow that was awesome!!! Makes me wonder about my porciline Clowns, I don’t think they are evil though. I believe that all dolls have a little piece of you soul in them, that’s why we are so close to them

  • i waz alwayz scared of dollz. i knew that some were possesed and killed things…… i know a lot of horrible, scary things even though im 11. NEVAH EVAH TRUST ROBERT,CHUCKY,OR CREEPY/PORCELEAN dollllllllz

  • Dolls… Great story to read when I have Pediophobia (phobia of dolls) I HATE ROBERT AND ALL DOLLS THEY LOOK SO FREAKING POSSESSED!

  • i would throw that doll in the back of a dumpster truck, then it would be torn to threads

  • robert looks cute and i love dolls and i agree with laosbabii4u i will do whatever it tells me to do if he doest kill me or my family and friends but its better than die or anybody youlove

  • I actually went to Key West and visited Robert. When I first heard of him during the ghost tour, I was extremely intrigued by the thought of a living, aging doll. The last time I saw him, he was like 100 and something. Less than the age 110. That’s what I remember. He was in a case and was surrounded by letters. He even got a letter from the President of the United States! I think it was Bush, correct me if I’m wrong. Most letters were apologies for taking his picture without his permission. People who do that usually are overcome with misfortune when they travel back home, like really bad luck and sometimes life threatening events. I was so nervous when I met him. I felt ridiculous by talking to a doll and asking for permission to take it’s picture. My sister took his picture on her cell phone, nothing happened. Also when I entered the museum, I saw the cat that lurks around (from the vid, it looked like the same cat, it was soooo cute and sweet), I did not feel any ghost-like presence or any heat. It seemed like a normal museum. When I met Robert, he did not respond to me in any way. (Maybe I had creep him out by staring at him in awe for the first 20 minutes, I don’t know,) I was really disappointed though. Was it really haunted? I went there during Spring Break, so maybe it would have been different if it were near Holloween.

  • I dont think the doll came from hell maybe a little boy had it maybe somebody murdered him and now his spirts inside the doll looking for revendge!!!

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