Scary For Kids


Satoru-kun is a Japanese urban legend about a game that people play to find out the answer to any question.


If there is a question you need an answer to, Satoru-kun can help. According to the urban legend, Satoru-kun is a Japanese spirit, ghost or demon who appears in the form of a young boy. He knows everything about the past, the present and the future and can answer any question he is asked. You just have to perform a ritual to summon him.

However, by contacting Satoru-kun, you are playing a dangerous game.

To summon Satoru-kun, you need a mobile phone, some coins and a coin-operated public payphone.


Step 1: Insert the money in the public phonebox. Dial your own mobile phone number.

Step 2: Repeat the following chant:

“Satoru-kun, Satoru-kun, please come here. Satoru, Satoru, please show yourself. Satoru, Satoru, please answer me if you are there.”

Step 3: After that, hang up the public payphone and turn off your mobile phone.

If you did everything right, you will receive a phonecall from Satoru-kun within 24 hours.

When he calls the first time, Satoru-kun will tell you where he is. Then he will hang up. He will call you several times and each time, he will be closer and closer to where you are.

The last time he calls, he will say: “I am behind you now.”

This is the time to quickly ask your question.


Rule 1: Do not turn around or try to look at him.

Rule 2: Do not touch him.

Rule 3: Do not call him if you do not have a question to ask.

Rule 4: When he is behind you, do not delay. Ask the question immediately.

If you break any of these rules, you will die and Satoru-kun will drag you down to hell. So, it would be a good idea to decide the question in advance.

scary for kids


  • Wow, most of the girls here have the same question to ask. Haha XD
    Oh and I also thought that the owner was killed by Kashima for some reason lol and I’m guessing that the owner is male. (Sorry if I’m wrong)

  • I wanna play, but I’ll break a rule so there’s no point in risking it is there?

  • …. anyway, my elder sister said that some of her classmates from when she was in school tried to play this but maybe they did it wrong cuz she said that it was only windows closing and curtains going crazy and wind going insane and didn’t see a boy anywhere o.o

  • Iwantt 2 do id bhudd idntt wunaa do somethinqq wronqq ndd qoo 2 hell ndd idoo wunaa doo idd bhudd idntt wunaa qoo 2 hell anywayz causee iff iqoo 2 heavenn idntt wantt GOD 2 sendd mehh downn 2 hell causeee i dealedd widd dhaa devill..

  • Agreed to GrrrrRawrx and really, GhostGirl hasn’t been back o_o i remember before, some members here (including me) were like, believing that this site’s owner was killed by Kashima Reiko (a japanese ghost girl, as in the story) because he hasn’t posted anything in a long time XD so, are we believing anything this time?? lol
    but i really wanna know if she had played this game by now o.o

  • @Grrrr: i agree completly. i dont think anyone here actually knows what their doing though. who knows what demons could come through the portal with him.

  • warning: if you summon someone or something from the other side try not to open a portal. seriously. and if you know what you’re doing awesome for you.

  • @GhostGirl4744 omg dont oh god! o.o wait.. i think i also wanna find out if my crush really likes me :D I will lie on the floor! he would be lying underground behind me XD ooh yep… dragongirl is right o.o who discovered this?? oh not only this but other scary games and stuff? o.o LOL if satoru-kun is cute, i would ask him out xD

  • Do you just say the chant or do you say it into the phone? That “I’m getting closer” thing reminds me of a story from one of the To Tell In The Dark Books. The pictures from that have been traumatizing me for 15 years so I’m probably not doing this…

  • i wonder if my crush likes me i’m gonna find out soon
    bye i’m gonna try it out
    and wish me luck
    well 3 is my lucky number
    so i’m gonna wear my lucky shirt,lucky shoes, lucky socks lucky every thing
    and i’m gonna write the number 3 on both of my hands

  • i’m soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo NOT trying it only joking i will and on the final call i’m gonna lean agenst the wall ha

  • It says that he appears as a young boy at the top. But it makes me wonder who found that out if you’re not supposed to look at him… I was reading this thinking hey I should try this, then I got to the part where he says “I am right behind you now” and I said “OOoooooookay that’s scary!” And I would not try that in a million years!

  • Satoru-kun, Satoru-kun does my crush like me? :D LOL i wonder if he’s very cute :3

  • Picture this: your sitting on the couch and u get the final call where hes behind u. HOW CAN HE BE BEHIND U IF UR SITTIN DOWN?? that would look very wrong.

  • I want to play so bad but I’m too scared I wanted to ask him if my crush likes me

  • Someone should try it! I dont have a mobile phone or know where a payphone is so i cant try… :(

  • I would ask if my crush likes me. But i wouldnt do that. id rather be left wondering than accidentally break a rule and be dragged down to hell.

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