Scary For Kids


Satoru-kun is a Japanese urban legend about a game that people play to find out the answer to any question.


If there is a question you need an answer to, Satoru-kun can help. According to the urban legend, Satoru-kun is a Japanese spirit, ghost or demon who appears in the form of a young boy. He knows everything about the past, the present and the future and can answer any question he is asked. You just have to perform a ritual to summon him.

However, by contacting Satoru-kun, you are playing a dangerous game.

To summon Satoru-kun, you need a mobile phone, some coins and a coin-operated public payphone.


Step 1: Insert the money in the public phonebox. Dial your own mobile phone number.

Step 2: Repeat the following chant:

“Satoru-kun, Satoru-kun, please come here. Satoru, Satoru, please show yourself. Satoru, Satoru, please answer me if you are there.”

Step 3: After that, hang up the public payphone and turn off your mobile phone.

If you did everything right, you will receive a phonecall from Satoru-kun within 24 hours.

When he calls the first time, Satoru-kun will tell you where he is. Then he will hang up. He will call you several times and each time, he will be closer and closer to where you are.

The last time he calls, he will say: “I am behind you now.”

This is the time to quickly ask your question.


Rule 1: Do not turn around or try to look at him.

Rule 2: Do not touch him.

Rule 3: Do not call him if you do not have a question to ask.

Rule 4: When he is behind you, do not delay. Ask the question immediately.

If you break any of these rules, you will die and Satoru-kun will drag you down to hell. So, it would be a good idea to decide the question in advance.

scary for kids


  • ill do this the day before exam ill ask this

    ! what are the exams questions? LOL it will be a long talk for sure….

  • What if your on the Jon or in the shower? That would be awkward when he calls and says I’m behind you. Very awakard indeed. But I would ask him who I will marry(:

  • Hey this game is black magic and if u do it u r commitin a gigantic sin leme tel u that I have tried this and it works Lol XD only when I turned back nothin happened I’m still alive!

  • LOL I read through all the comments to see if anyone actually did it and was surprised :P ………..That anyone would risk their life asking something from a demon that you can find out about on your own from friends If I ever risk my life for any question I would ask the next week euro million lottery numbers XD

  • I did this and it was creepy.Um..just don’t sit in front of a window and don’t look at it.

  • i really want to try this,i have a lot of questions…hope i wont break the rules…

  • i m afraid bcz i no dat i ll break one f rules……..i m afraid. but i wud really wanna ask him wen ll d cartoon super robot monkey team hyper force come on tv! hahahhaa lame 1!

  • I would try it if It wasnt so creepy. I will ask him one question: “how did he die?”

  • i would of tried it but considering the they said he will drag you down to hell i’m guessing that he’s a demon and most demons lie sooo you guys shouldn’t try this but if you are gonna GOOD LUCK :)
    yea GRR is right this a pretty dangerous thing i mean releasing demons into the real world with have counseqenses
    i’m a big fan of horrors and stuff so……. i’ve heard alot about demons and they don’t sound playfull D:
    WTF my fan just cut off and i heard a bang sound!!!!!!!!!!

  • I don’t know whether my curiosity would get the better of me and I would look behind me or if I would be too scared to look behind me.I wonder if he would get mad if you called him again and asked another question? Not that anyone who’s done this would be possessed to do it again

  • How do they know he looks like a little boy if you’re not allowed to look at him? And yeah,if you are in another country,does he understand all languages? Well,if he knows everything about the past,present and future then he probably does know all languages.I find it interesting that it’s Japan that has creepy games like this that could possibly summon a demon into this world.I would have so many questions to ask him but I don’t know that I’d risk playing this game to find out,I’ll just ask God when I get to Heaven. And Grrr is right,you really shouldn’t do this,it really could open portals and I have a feeling Satoru is probably a demon (Please don’t kill me Satoru.) Also GhostGirl you are a brave person if that is true,I would be freaking out everytime he got closer.I especially think it’s a demon since you said when he first called he said he was in Hell,that’s unnerving O.o

  • What if someone else is behind you and then he calls and says what he says? Does the person behind you die?

  • omg i played it yesterday!! it was so scary when he said im behind you!!! i freaked out then i asked my question. i asked if i will die in a plane crash. he said no then i turned arond and he was not there. im scared now.
    PS: dont play this game!

  • Just read the posts…hmm Wait if its a Japanese game how would you ask the question if you heard about it from another country? would he understand you? How?… hmm puzzling indeed. Curiosity is a thing of now yet i will not let it get to me.-.-‘ hmm

  • ok i’m totally going to play this oh i’m going to ask him if i’m going to hell if or when i die. i hope i’m not i’ve got a list of people i want to haunt

  • alritey im tryin thisss!!!!!! but ill never try bloody mary i dnt want her rippin out meh tongue in hell u still have a tongue XD alritez so byeeee im tryin this now wish meh luck ( btw im scared MOMMYYYY!!!!) lol i got this now byeee

  • LOL i get scared super easily so i guess its not a good idea for me to try this… When I read Satoru and thought SATAN. Of course I’ll never play this game. i don’t want to be dragged down to hell at this young age XD

  • That moment when you’re reading this and then you get a text message ughh =.=”

  • I dont know why, but i find it really funny that girls on this site would rather ask a demon if their crush likes them rather than asking their crush out directly.

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