Scary For Kids


Satoru-kun is a Japanese urban legend about a game that people play to find out the answer to any question.


If there is a question you need an answer to, Satoru-kun can help. According to the urban legend, Satoru-kun is a Japanese spirit, ghost or demon who appears in the form of a young boy. He knows everything about the past, the present and the future and can answer any question he is asked. You just have to perform a ritual to summon him.

However, by contacting Satoru-kun, you are playing a dangerous game.

To summon Satoru-kun, you need a mobile phone, some coins and a coin-operated public payphone.


Step 1: Insert the money in the public phonebox. Dial your own mobile phone number.

Step 2: Repeat the following chant:

“Satoru-kun, Satoru-kun, please come here. Satoru, Satoru, please show yourself. Satoru, Satoru, please answer me if you are there.”

Step 3: After that, hang up the public payphone and turn off your mobile phone.

If you did everything right, you will receive a phonecall from Satoru-kun within 24 hours.

When he calls the first time, Satoru-kun will tell you where he is. Then he will hang up. He will call you several times and each time, he will be closer and closer to where you are.

The last time he calls, he will say: “I am behind you now.”

This is the time to quickly ask your question.


Rule 1: Do not turn around or try to look at him.

Rule 2: Do not touch him.

Rule 3: Do not call him if you do not have a question to ask.

Rule 4: When he is behind you, do not delay. Ask the question immediately.

If you break any of these rules, you will die and Satoru-kun will drag you down to hell. So, it would be a good idea to decide the question in advance.

scary for kids


  • XxscarygirlxX, keep the phone on, before you call on the public phone, after you’ve called, turn off the mobile phone :)

  • This sounds SO scary, but I will honestly try this later on. I’m gonna ask him if I have/will ever have psychic abilities

  • I went home and then turn on my phone and the after like 2 minutes I got athe call from him that he was right behind me and I have done this soooooooooo many time and it all came true

  • I have done this before it’s actually pretty cool my question was will I find a boy that we’ll love me and he told me yes at the age of 13 and he disappeared and guess what ……………he was right and I was just thinking omg this really worked I’m so excited

  • I so want to try this! But I don’t have my own cell atm, and I don’t want to use my dad’s. I’d probably ask Satoru-kun what the winning numbers to the Florida Lottery are.

  • Are you supposed to turn on the phone after you’ve turned off the phone? Please anyone here can. tell about it. I am very much confused

  • @werewolfgirl I’m assuming the spirit world translates all languages together, say you’re contacting a Mexican ghost but you’re Belarusian, The ghost will speak your native language (Belarusian) even though it’s really speaking Spanish but the spirit world probably translates it all. Eh, it won’t be a problem for me though because I speak Japanese.

  • has anyone seriously tried this?
    and when do you turn youre phone back
    on, after a few hours?

  • I would do do this but I dont have a payphone near me. I would ask if my crush likes me back.

  • I wanna try this but I don’t think there are any payphones in my town. Is it okai if I used a home phone? Like the ones you plug in and stuff in order to call. The ones that stay at home. Can I use one of those cause I have three of them and I really don’t think there’s any payphones in my town. I’ve lived here my whole life and I don’t remember seeing any. Anyways, if it is possible to use a home phone or any other phone in general, lemme know. I have a lot of questions I really need to know but can’t find out on my own. :P

  • I would do it but there’s no pay phones close to where I live I don’t even remember if I did see one

  • If you shut off your phone, are you supposed to turn it back on or wait until after you ask your question? Just so confused…

  • I DID IT… IT DOES WORK SO BE CAREFUL… My story: So i went to the nearest payphone and did what the rules said.. nothing happend for a while so i decided to bring my dog to the dog park. When i got there i got my first call. I told my friends about this so i thought it was just them. Then i got my last call. when i got that last call i froze for a bit. it suddenly got cold on my back. So basically i screamed my question into the phone and i heard an answer. after that i started running like an idiot because i was scared. I made a total fool of myself xD

  • i want to try this so badly… i would ask if my dad still thinks of me as his little girl.

  • Nothing ventured nothing gained. In other words I’d try it. Plus who says you can’t come back from Hell there’s a chance he drags you into hell then brings you back to earth.

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