Scary For Kids

Scariest Picture

The Scariest Picture on the Internet is an urban legend about a strange painting of a beautiful young Asian girl who committed suicide. The painting is said to be cursed and if you stare at it long enough, the image will begin to change and her face will become hideous and monstrous. The story is believed to have originated in China.

Scariest Picture on the Internet

According to the legend, this is a picture of a teenage girl who lived in a country in Southeast Asia. Her boyfriend was an artist and he was painting a portrait of her.

The girl was the target of bullying at school. She was of a very fragile nature and she reached a point where she couldn’t take the bullying anymore and committed suicide. When her boyfriend heard the news of her death, he was so anguished that he finished the painting, sent a copy of it to all of the people who bullied her, then jumped to his death.

One of the bullies received the picture in an e-mail. When he looked at the picture he is believed to have gone crazy. He claimed he felt a rotting hand grasp his face and he was found the next day hiding in a neighbor’s back yard, shouting: “She came! She came!” He became ill and was confined to bed. Doctors could not figure out what was wrong with him and 3 months later, he died.

Since then, the picture has circulated on the internet and people have been reporting strange events when they stare at it for too long. People find themselves drawn in and hypnotized by her vivid blue eyes. An artist who became obsessed with the painting was later found dead in his home. He had hung himself.

Many people say that if you stare into her eyes for a long time, her face will change into a frightening and horrible visage. Others say that staring into her eyes will summon her ghost.

They say it is best to have a friend with you when you view the picture, to make sure you don’t have an accident or do something really stupid like take your own life…

scary for kids


  • I don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun but this whole thing is fake. The artist is a Japanese graphic designer (I forgot his name). He is alive. This picture is edited, the original has a necklace and a crown-type thing on her head. This painting is called “The Melancholic Princess” and was painted in the same way as the Mona Lisa’s mouth (soft enough to make it look like she will change expression at any minute.) It was literally painted to be an optical illusion.

  • her face if you stare at it will start to….just change it wont look like the girl who it started as. but kinda readjust it will go back to her. like i started seeing an older woman

  • Ok. I was way to scared to watch it after all these comments >:O But all i did was like, make my eyes blurr it out and im like OMFG, She had no eyes and her bones were like…Ehhh, Lol, this is scary, and all i did was blurr it ;33

  • i can kill myself but i am not watching this at any cost i mean i can see her skelenton!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • All I see is a VERY pretty girl. Sure she breathed, but so what ? Her right eye got smaller a bit, but it didn’t scare me.

  • I didn’t see anything. It didn’t even change abit? What am i doing WRONG ??

  • I take it I’m the only one who just saw a pretty girl then… The skeleton thing [SPOILER ALERT] is an illusion – it’s all a trick of the mind. I still don’t see skeletons though.

  • Guys, it’s an illusion . Try staring at your reflection at night in the car mirror . It morphs .

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