Scary For Kids

Scary Dreams

Scary dreams and their meanings. Read stories about the evil clowns, ghosts, demons and dead relatives that haunt your nightmares.

Scary Dreams

Dreams or Reality

When I was 12, I had a dream in two parts, spread over 2 nights. On the first night, I was walking trough the desert and my mother showed up out of nowhere. She was desperate to tell me something. She said, “This is a dream, please, open your eyes and wake up”, so I did. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was awake, but completely confused. On the second night, I was walking through the same desert, but my mother was nowhere to be seen. Then, I remembered what she told me so I tried to wake up. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I found myself on a rack in a medieval prison being tortured by some sort of monsters. There were lots of other people in that prison and they were all terrified. The monsters looked at me in shock and started telling me something went wrong. This wasn’t supposed to happen. They told me to go back to the dream. I tried, but I couldn’t do it and the longer it took, the more terrified they became. Eventually I closed my eyes and woke up in my bedroom.

Psycho Troll Doll

When I was 4, I had a dream where I was being chased through my school by a knife-wielding troll doll. He was 6 feet tall and he put the knife to my mother’s neck. He laughed menacingly and it echoed down the hallway. Then he slit her throat. He held up her severed head by the hair and her decapitated body was twitching on the ground. He dropped her head and started toward me. I turned and ran as fast as I could. I felt his hand grasp my ankle and then I woke up.

The Dirty Mattress

In the dream, it was Halloween and I was walking around when I saw a haunted house. A bunch of people were going inside, so I went in too. The house felt really eerie and I heard someone groaning. I followed the sound and found the room it was coming from. Inside, my boyfriend was lying on a dirty mattress with his hands and feet chained to the floor. His face was all bloody and beaten. I went to help him, but suddenly a dark mass threw the door open and engulfed me. When I could see again, my boyfriend was gone and I was now the one chained to the mattress. Somehow I knew the only way for me to free myself from an eternity in that rooms was if I could trick someone and get them to come in so they could take my place.

Evil Grandmother

When I was 10, I had a dream that I was in hell and my grandmother was the Devil. She had me on an operating table and was cutting me open with a big knife. Then all her little old lady buddies came over to join in. They took out my heart and my intestines and they were squishing them and laughing! Then I looked over and saw my dad on another operating table. He was getting brain surgery. He opened his eyes which were completely white and started screaming.

Killer Paintings

I had a dream once, where I was in a house with my family. My uncle asked me to come with him. He led me to another room where there were bizarre paintings of dead people everywhere. All of a sudden, I realized the people in the pictures were my family. I ran back to the other room and found my entire family lying dead in the exact same poses as in the paintings. I turned around and my uncle was standing there, holding a picture of him and me. He had a saw in one hand and my severed head in the other.

Zombie Songs are Infectious

In the dream, I was watching the evening news and it said that there had been a zombie outbreak near my area. They said the zombies apparently sang a tune that made your heart dance to the music. All of a sudden, I heard some singing outside the window. My heart began jumping in my chest. The zombies appeared at the window, broke through it and started to tear me limb from limb.

The Murderous Bum

When I was five, I had this recurring dream where my parents decided to let this homeless bum live in our house, but when they weren’t looking, he would keep trying to murder us. At one point, all the lights in the house would go out, and while everyone was looking around for a flashlight or candles, I would notice that the bum was missing and so was my brother. Then, I would run upstairs and find the bum holding my brother down and trying to kill him. In the dream, my parents would eventually kick him out, but he would only come back later, claiming he was a changed man. Then he would start trying to kill us all over again.

The Digging Clown

I had a dream about an evil clown digging my grave in our front yard. I woke up completely freaked and looked out the window to see our neighbor digging up his front yard.

E.T. The Evil Terrestrial

In my dream, it was dark and I was lying in bed. I got up and looked out my bedroom window. I saw a figure in the playground across the road. It was slowly creeping up the stairs and walking to the curb. It was E.T. from the Spielberg movie. He was hunched over and foaming at the mouth. He looked up at my bedroom window, reached out with his glowing red finger and pointed directly at me. Then he started running towards my house. I jumped back in bed, covered myself with my blankets and lay there trembling. I heard the front door open. There was an uneasy silence, then I heard rapid footsteps climbing the stairs. Outside my bedroom door, I heard wheezing, huffing and puffing. My bedroom door slowly creaked open. The wheezing slowly got closer and closer until it felt like it was right next to my head. Then my blankets were ripped off and I suddenly woke up.

Amusement Park of the Dead

I had a recurring dream where I was at an amusement park. The sky was dark and overcast. All of the rides were rusty and broken-down, but for some reason they were still moving. At first, I thought there were people on the rides, but then I realized they were actually rotting corpses. Every time the ride went around a corner or over a bump, the corpses slumped from side to side. I was the only living person in the whole park. The dream kept coming back probably 3 or 4 times before it finally stopped and I always woke up sobbing and terrified.

Evil Rugrats

I had a dream when I was 7 years old. My whole class were in the assembly hall. Then principal came to the stage and made an important announcement, but no one understood what he was saying. He walked out and closed the door. Then, the Rugrats came through the main door and stood there while we all looked at them. There was Tommy and Angelica and the rest. All of a sudden, they turned a sickly shade of blue and their bodies began stretching, making a sound like nails on a chalkboard. They stretched out grotesquely until they were over 8 feet tall. Then, they began chasing us. When they touched someone, the person would stretch too and become one of them. We just panicked and ran round the room, but eventually they got to everyone. When my best friend was turned into one of them, they all stopped running and stood looking at me cowering in the corner. I was the only one left. Then, Tommy stretched out his arm to touch me and I woke up screaming.

Valentine’s Day is Friday the 13th

In my dream, I was in 2nd grade and it was Valentine’s Day. We were making cards for our parents. I was at my desk, happily cutting up pink construction paper into the shape of a heart. My teacher came over and said, “I have a special card for you.” She gave me a red card with hearts on it. Inside were the words: “YOUR MOM WILL DIE ON FRIDAY THE 13TH”. I looked at my teacher in shock and she said, “It will really come true.” Then I realized that it was Friday the 13th and I had to reach my mom somehow before the words in the card came true, but I was frozen to the spot and couldn’t move. I woke up feeling so shaken that I had to go check on my mom. This dream happened 12 years ago and since then, every Friday the 13th, I have to call and check on my mom to make sure she’s still alive.

Attack of the Grizzly Bear

I had a nightmare where my friend and I were in this forest and we came to a clearing. There was a nice house with a yard and a fence around it. We were walking up the driveway when we spotted a little boy running out to greet us. He was all smiles and he was waving and shouting “Hello!” As soon as the child was 10 feet away from us, we heard a loud growl and all of us froze in fear. We turned and saw a massive grizzly bear standing on its hind legs and staring directly at us. The bear suddenly smashed through the fence and went straight for the little. With one mighty swipe, it ripped off the boy’s face, then grabbed him by the head and started shaking him violently. We screamed and ran for our lives as the bear devoured him and his guts were flying everywhere. I was running as fast as I could, but I tripped over the roots of a tree and fell on my face. The bear closed in on me and began eating me alive. I woke up in a cold sweat.

First Person Shooters Become Real in Dreams

This man took me into an apartment complex. I had no idea what was going on. He took me into this small room. It was old and had only one bare lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. There was a door with a padlock on it. He picked up two guns that were lying on a small table and handed one to me. “I’ll go first” he told me. He unlocked the door and we went inside. It was pitch black. I couldn’t see a thing. I was shaking like crazy because I was so scared. Then suddenly I heard him screaming at the top of his lungs and there was a gunshot. Then, everything was silent. I inched forward through the darkness, looking for the exit. Then, I heard weird noises coming from above me. It sounded like a low growling sound. I switched on my flashlight and saw two of the most hideous creatures I have ever seen in my life. Before I could react, they pounced on me and the last thing I saw was their red eyes, black hair, sharp teeth and creepy smiles as they devoured me. I woke up shaking with fear.

Little Victorian Girl

I once had a dream that I saw a little girl standing in front of me. She had her back to me and she was wearing a Victorian dress and had her hair cut in a bob. When I reached out and tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around she had the head of a turtle. It still creeps me out to think about it.

Because I Hate You

In my dream, I was in a dark alley and a big truck pulled up in front of me. A tall dark figure got out of the truck and pointed a shotgun at me. I asked, “What do you want?” and he replied, “I want to kill you?” I asked him “Why?” and he said, “Because I hate you, and every time I try to kill you in real life, you somehow manage to get away.” Then, just as he was about to pull the trigger, I woke up.

The Burning Man

Me, my brother and my little sister were in this huge house, like a mansion size house, and we were upstairs. Doing what? I don’t really know, but then there was this really loud knocking at the front door, and it echoed through the entire house. My brother raced down the stairs and without even asking who it was he opened the door. At the door was a pale man with ragged clothes and he was holding up his hands and blood was streaming down them. All of a sudden, he burst into flames. But he didn’t die, he just chased us around while he was burning alive.

Sister in a Sack

I had a dream where I was on a bus and I had a big canvas sack in my arms. I peeked into the bag and my little sister was inside. She was dying and I had to get her to the hospital. I kept asking the bus driver when we were going to arrive and he kept telling me soon. I kept peeking into the bag to check on my sister. She seemed to be getting worse and worse. We never seemed to arrive at the hospital and eventually, when I peeked into the sack, all I found inside were my sister’s bones.

Decapitated Head

I was sentenced to death by decapitation for an unspecified crime. They put my head on the chopping block and the blade came down. Next thing I remember I was walking around this weird town, stepping really carefully and trying to keep my head balanced on the stump of my neck.

Dad, You’re Not Funny

I used to have this nightmare all the time where I’d be with my dad and all of a sudden he’d get this look of horror on his face and point behind me and let out this terrifying scream and I’d turn around expecting something horrible but there was nothing. The he’d start laughing and give me a hug and tell me he was just kidding. Then 5 minutes later he’d do the exact same thing, and I’d have the exact same gut-wrenching feeling that something horrible was going to happen, but when I’d turn around there would be nothing there.

Dead People in the Fog

I had a dream where I went to an amusement park with my friends. Nobody seemed to notice that everything was dark, grey and decaying. The rides were all broken-down and falling apart. I wandered off on my own and came to a park that was covered in fog. I walked into the fog and saw people just walking around looking sad. Then I saw one of my friends who had died years ago. I was thrilled to see him, but he just looked at me sadly. I told him that we had to go meet my friends back at the amusement park. That’s when he said: “We can’t go to meet them. We’re stuck here now, for eternity. Even if we go to see them, they won’t be able to see us. My friends were outside the fog and they were looking for me. I saw the panic in their eyes. I tried to shout at them, but they couldn’t hear me or see me. I put my hand in my pocket and found my phone. I asked my friend what would happen if I texted them. He said he didn’t know. No one had ever had a phone before. I typed a message telling my friends what happened. I told them that I was right beside them and asked if they could tell my family that I loved them. I told them to leave and not to enter the fog and that I would miss them. They read the message and started screaming and crying, and after that they ran away. My friend and I walked back and disappeared into the fog.

scary for kids


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  • when i was living by my grandma….i had a dream that my uncle {police} was chasing me down with handcuffs and trying to arrest me for eating ice-cream 11:00 pm….when i woke up i was in my uncle’s room….wierd

  • I had a dream where I was sitting on a old wooden chair with straps on my ankles and wrists in a dark room and the only light in the room was a old T.V on a old wooden stool. The T.V was on but the screen had that statect thingy that is black and white and it made that zipping noise . I just sat there staring and staring and staring in the dark.

    This dream isnt scary at all : At school my crush and friend , Sergio gave me a note ( i want suprised cuz we always pass notes) at the end of school. The note was on a pink paper that was folded and it had my name on the front of it. As i was observing my note Sergio just ran across the lengthy hallway . Then i opened it .The note basically said ” Do you want to go out with me?” Then i ran as fast as i could to Sergio and………… we became a couple ….. After i woke up I had to go to school and at the end of school ….,. Sergio gave me a note . I quickly opened it and it said ” do you want to go out with me ?” and…… we REALLY became a couple .

  • Well, idk if this counts as a scary dream. One night my father woke me up coz someone wants to see me. i got out of my room, then head towards the living room. I saw the television on with a famous actor on his best film scenes. I found it irrelevant so i decided to head towards my room. when i turned around i saw this thin and long guy with his face covered in white silk and grabbed my hand. The guys said something but i forgot what it was but it must be something like a deal but I know that there is something in exchange for it thus i disagreed and tried to break free from his grasp. I woke up on my bed still feeling the pain from that someone grabbing my hand.

  • I have this dream that is recurring.
    I’m laughing and talking to my best friend going down the hall. Then all of a sudden she goes and talks to the bully of the school. They look at me and start laughing at me. I start to walk down to my locker. When I go to get to class everyone starts looking at me and they start to whisper about me. I realize that I forgot my pencil case. I go back to my locker and there is a note tapped on it. I look at it. In the note it has a list of my deepest secrets that I have only told one person. But its not in their writing its in someone else’s. I start to run trying to get away from all the whispering. Then I run into my boyfriend who happens to live 2 and a half hours away. He looks at me then he starts laughing and joins the bully and my best friend along with the rest of the school. I run even more tears streaming down and then I start to fall. I keep falling until I end up waking up in my bed.

  • you don’t want to know the half of my dreams or you will have nightmares forever… @TamaskiLion the ice cream part lol HAHAHAAAAA!

    I had a dream last night where I had to wake up early and so I went downstairs and I couldn’t see anything because it was so dark and I went to get my boots out of my entryway closet but I had this feeling of dread and went I opened the door I got smacked in the face by something long and thin. Then I woke up and went downstairs to get my boots so I could go but they were in my hall closet and when I opened the door I got smacked hard in the face by something long and thin…and I looked down and realized it was an umbrella! LOL XD

  • BTW these r only dreams there r no meanings to these dreams explained…too bad.

  • Most of the time my dreams (if u can call them that) are disturbing haha.

  • I once had a dream that my crush was possessed and so I had to stab him with some kind of demon blade that would kill him but save everyone else from damnation, so I had to kill him. :/

  • I had this dream once where I was in the school gym with a small group of kids and i was sitting next to one of my friends, and then my friend’s grandpa burst into the gym with this crazy look in his eyes and he had a gun. He started to shoot at me but I kept dodging. Then he hit me in the head but all that happened was I got a bullet-shaped dent in my head and I said, “Oh, great! Now I bet I’m bleeding all over the place!” Even though I could plainly see I wasn’t. Then I asked my friend why her grandpa was shooting at me and she said, “Becuase he’s jealous of how perfect you are!” Still creeps me out a little. I know it doesnt sound very creepy but it was.

  • two days ago i had this dream or whatever
    i guess it waz in the morn i was kinda half asleep n i turned around on my bed and felt sumthin. i thought it was my bro so i was goin to pull his cheeks but wen i touched the cheeks it felt very rough n leathery types …and i got up frm d bed n saw that no one was there just the curtains near my bed were moving…………….i think it was a dream or somethin

  • I know this isn’t relevant, but I did have a short dream once that was pretty disturbing. I was staying at my cousin’s house, and I noticed there was a woman with a mask standing outside. She didn’t seem real, as if she was a ghost, and it creeped me out so much I had to get away. I tried to escape, but once I stepped outside, everything felt really dizzy so I went back inside. I do recall seeing a family going outside and I tried to warn them but they disappeared and no one in the party seemed to care. The next morning (in the dream), I saw the spirit again, but this time she started whispering to me. She told me she was waiting for me in the attic, and that she has been waiting for a long time. As I went upstairs, I decided to go back downstairs and ignore it, but for some reason I found myself going towards the attic stairs. I tried my best to pull back, but my legs seemed to have a mind of its own. I was suddenly pulled into the pitch black attic, as I sat there calling for help. I don’t remember what happened after that, but I think I found the woman’s ashes, and showed it to my cousin’s dad, but I also think I ran out either because she kept breathing on me or something. After that, the police found the dad hanging on a rope, and the whole family was crying. I assumed the dad had killed the woman, and he felt so guilty (when I found out?) that he killed himself. I don’t know why but I just sat there eating ice cream while they were crying. I think I told them to be quiet. I do like ice cream, though.

  • Once I had a weird dream that I was in a gym with two Devils (my enemies) and their names were Ariana and Caro and we were playing dodgeball. They only went for me but I dodged all of them and when I was the last one they dropped the balls and planned to beat me up they chased me all around the school and I hid in a closet for the janitors. So I was just sitting there when all of a sudden… Their faces popped up and said boo. I woke up screaming and my mom burned herself with her curler and thought I like died or whatever😂😂😂😂😂💩

  • I had this dream that I was being punish for something and they would cut my fingers off then throw me in river and watch me fighting the crocodile with no fingers. But before they about to cut my fingers off I ran away then my mum grab me and scream at me o.o then chop all my fingers off and threw me in river but only in the end I won the battle against the crocodile somehow

    I also got this dream about psycho killer on loose INSIDE the school but no one seem to care. Then I saw him and he was smiling and holding knife. I was like shit and ran off but having trouble to find way out since I ran so slow then in end he found me at golf place and killed me…. But I still alive 0.o

    Other time I had this dream about teacher that came from greek time was supposed to teach my class about the life in Greece back then but instead he taught us this game when you have to walk around the room try to avoid the weapons he was going to throw at us (yeah you heard that right) and in the end I won the game but sadly my whole class was dead and covered in blood. Yet no teachers seem to care and just congratulations me?

    What a interesting dreams I been having…? And I ended up winning, maybe I just being badass XD

  • its kinda feel awsome sometime when u find out that even after 2 hrs now one yet check out the story…! #1 … Umm anyway this stories nw making me to think thrice before sleep

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