Scary For Kids
School at Night

School at Night

The School at Night is a scary Japanese urban legend about schools that are supposed to be haunted because they were built on top of old cemeteries. They call it “Gakkou no kaidan” or “School ghost stories”. These urban legends are also sometimes known as the “Seven Wonders of the School.”

School at Night

Years ago, in Japan, there was an urgent need for new schools. There were rumors that the government needed to find cheap land on which they could build the schools, so they bulit them on the sites of old cemeteries. This gave rise to rumors and gossip among kids that their schools were haunted.

They say that if you go to your school at midnight, you will see and hear many strange things, like a candle floating across the school grounds, disembodied footsteps echoing down the halls and statues with eyes that follow you as you pass by. In the science room, the anatomical skeleton comes alive, you hear the sound of an invisible ball bouncing in the gym and you might even see a ghostly severed head flying around the classrooms.

If you walk across the school yard, ghostly hands will emerge from below and try to drag you down. If you dig on the school grounds, you will unearth headstones and tombs. If you go swimming in the pool, ghostly hands will grab your legs and try to drown you. Old buildings appear on the school grounds and there are staircases that lead to nowhere. If you walk up them, you will disappear. They say that one stall in the toilets is haunted and if you enter it, a rope will fall from the ceiling in the shape of a noose.

In one small town in Japan, there was a group of teenage boys who had heard rumors about their school. According to the legend, if you went to the school at midnight on the 15th day of the month, strange things would happen.

There was a statue that stood on the path leading up to the school and its eyes would supposedly follow you as you passed by. If you walked up the main stairs, the number of steps would be different when you walked back down. If you turned on the taps in the science laboratory, blood would come flowing out instead of water. And if anyone dared to enter the last stall in the toilet on the ground floor, that person would never be seen alive again.

The boys decided to go to the school at night to test if the legends were true or if they were just stories. On the 15th day of the month, they sneaked out of their houses and met up at exactly midnight. There were four of them altogether: Shinichi, Mikio, Takashi and Hiro.

As they walked through the school gates and up the path, the boys stared at the statue, waiting for something to happen. The eyes of the statue were looking to the left and even as the boys passed by, the eyes did not move an inch.

“So much for that stupid legend,” one of the boys chuckled.

They entered the school building and cautiously walked up the stairs, counting each step. One, two, three… There were thirteen steps in total. When they walked back down, there were still thirteen steps.

“Another old wives’ tale,” said one of the boys.

They made their way down the corridor to the science laboratory and turned on all the taps. Instead of blood, all that came gushing out was water. They let out a disappointed sigh.

“I knew it,” said one of the boys. “We came here in vain.”

They decided to test out one more legend before they went home and went to the toilets on the ground floor. However, when they came to the door of the toilets, a few of the boys lost their nerve. Although they had talked excitedly about it, none of them seemed in any hurry to enter the haunted stall.

Finally, one boy, Shinichi, stepped forward and told the others he was not afraid of anything. He pushed open the door and went into the toilet, while his friends waited outside. The boys looked at the clock. It was exactly 1:00 AM.

A minute later, Shinichi came out of the toilet with a grin on his face.

“Nothing!” he said. “It’s all just a bunch of kids stories and fairy tales!”

The boys all laughed and walked away. When they came out of the school, they walked back down the path. Before leaving, they took one last look at the statue, but its eyes were still looking to the left.

“What a let-down,” one of the boys whispered contemptuously and they all went home.

The next morning, each of the boys received a worried phonecall from Shinichi’s mother.

“Was Shinichi with you last night?” she demanded. “He wasn’t there when I checked his room this morning. He sneaked out and he still hasn’t come home. Where is he?”

The boys felt something was wrong. In the end, they decided to tell their parents about the little trip they had taken the night before. Their parents contacted the school principal and soon, the adults, the kids and the principal were gathering outside the school.

“What are you saying?” the school principal asked. “You’re talking the statue outside the school? The eyes of that statue have always looked to the right.”

“But when we were here last night, they were looking to the left!” one of the boys exclaimed.

Entering the gate, they were all shocked to see that the eyes of the statue were indeed looking to the right.

“But what about the steps on the main staircase?” one of the boys cried.

They all quickly ran to the staircase and counted the steps.

“One, two, three… TWELVE?!”

“Yes,” said the school principal. “The staircase has always had twelve steps. When it was being built, the architects made a mistake in the design. It was supposed to have thirteen steps.”

“That’s impossible!” one of the boys shouted. “But what about the taps in the lab?”

Entering the science laboratory, they all looked at the sinks. Each one was caked with a dark red stain. The boys were numb with fear.

“But… but… what about Shinichi?” one of the boys mumbled. “He went into the toilet…”

“Let’s go and see,” said the school principal in a grave voice.

They all gathered outside the toilets. The boys and their parents looked at each other nervously. The principal took a deep breath, reached out and pushed the door open.

Shinichi’s mother let out a blood-curdling scream and fainted. The others recoiled in horror and some of them could not help vomiting all over the floor.

The dead body of their friend Shinichi was hanging from the celing with a rope wrapped around his neck. His face was deathly pale and his eyes were wide open, frozen in a look of horror. His throat had been cut from ear to ear and all the blood had drained out of his body, covering the floor in a pool of dark red. His internal organs and intestines had been removed. They were sitting in a neat pile in the toilet.

One of the boys was in a daze. He was staring, unblinking, at the watch on Shinichi’s wrist. It had stopped at exactly 1:00 AM.

scary for kids


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  • Our school was used as a hospital during World War II and everyone says that it’s haunted. It creeps me out that where I had been enjoying myself, someone had died, the hall floor covered in food was once covered in blood and my desk was a goddamn DEATHBED!!!

  • That was awesome…the boys should done a little more research huh? Would have known what was going on then… Before it went too far…

  • Fool hardy boys when I read the story I thought the boys would prove the legend was fake but nice twist. Still one doubt, then who came out of the toilet really?

  • Oh. My. God. Now I’m dying to go to my high school and try out all these, but 1) I might be too chicken, 2) even if I did want to go, my parents would kill me if they found out that I sneaked out, and 3) what I get to my school and find out the doors are locked? lol then there’d be no point of going! But this is an AWESOME story I give it 10 out of 10!

  • cool story.. but gosh wat kind of idiot would even dare to venture into testing these legends… if there are legends .. they are there for some reason in the first place… i think these kind of people are the ones who do not watch horror movies or read stories on

  • I tried it one time… We were 4 friends: me, fahad, shazib and a girl Fatima. we 3 boys and 1 girl thought that we should try the legend that if it is true or not. we all 3 boys met Fatima in school gate. first we tried the steps one they were 15 steps upwards and to make sure we went down stairs they were 15. Next we did the science one. it was nothing but suddenly a liquid some kind shot out of the tap we weren’t sure what was it then we thought it was enough so we left but before leaving we took a group photo we all stood and took the photo. After the photo we went all to our homes and at the morning I woke up by my friend he showed me the group photo he had developed by himself there was all of us but Ithen I noticed that Fatima was not in it . I asked him that if he had edited it he said no. We quickly called Fatima she said that she was just gonna call that she was sorry for not coming she was out for dinner with her parents . We thought she was joking but when we asked her parents they told she was with them . Next day we went to school Because are class was upstairs we counted are we up to the stairs to the horror there were 13 steps my friend looked me with a horror on his face we ran to the science lab and on the basin was pool of blood the caretaker said that someone poured all the blood in it. After then we all never went school at night or even late at noon

  • And @chosen 1 nice story…you are a nice author too. But @scaryforkids is the best!

  • I am glad @scary for kids you are back…. I always knew you were on a vacation…..We missed you so much…..
    About the story:-
    Nice story. I have heard a rumor about my school that my school was first a graveyard then the graveyard was reconstructed into hospital and one day a nurse saw a dead patient in elevator….after that it was reconstructed into school. I would like to test my school by going at night……

  • Welcome back SFK,. missed you so much,now we don’t have to wait for more awesome stories…
    and this story was Creepy but predictable..

  • —————GUYS READ THIS————
    OMG GUYS LISTEN UP so my school is 182 years old and there was a war like 40 years ago in my country that lasted for eight years,we won but alot of poor people including kids died,so as I was saying,my school is really old and old people that mostly died including my great grandmother studied there,our principal told us that in the two first years of war , some families that were running for life came and hid in our school , their men went to fight but women and children stood there and took care of injured soldiers. but one day a group of foreign soldiers came and found them and killed most of them and raped some of them.they mostly killed the kids.
    we have this one night stand in school(our school is boarding and has bedrooms and dorms in it but students from the town can just attend and go home everyday as most of us do) we stay in school for the night one night each year before the summer break and celebrate but one year we decided to play wuth ouija board and OMG WE JUST TALKED TO A GHOST OF A WOMAN WE WERE SUPER SCARED THAT SOME OF OUR FRIENDS RETURNED HOME AND DIDNT STAY IT WAS SUPER MESSED UP

  • Plus, I have a similar story to this…


    Everybody thought that the school was haunted. Rumors spread quickly and everybody believed. Mitchell, Avery, Jan, Dave and Theo were four best friends, and also went to the same school. They heard about the rumors and didn’t believe them at all. The school called them the Seven Wonders of the School. “A bunch of BS” said Theo. “We should check them out one night.”
    Everyone agreed, except Jan, who was a bit of a coward. The rest persuaded until she agreed. Jan was the only one who somewhat believed it. As she was teased a lot for being a coward, she decided to do it.
    The next night, Dave, Theo, Jan and Mitchell were waiting by the school gate. It was very old and rusty, and the school didn’t even bother to change it. “Where’s Avery?!” said Dave, impatiently.
    “How do we know?!” exclaimed Mitchell.
    “Shut up! I wasn’t asking you.” replied Dave.
    “Oh yeah?! You shut that bloody mouth of yours before…”
    Mitchell couldn’t finish her sentence they all say Avery running towards them. She apologized and they got in through the gate. Jan trotted behind everyone, afraid if the rumors were true. Something felt wrong. Avery kept looking around as if she has a plan with a weird smile on her face. But that may be natural, because Jan thought she always looked like a psycho.
    “First rumor!” yelled Theo suddenly, making everyone jump.
    They were in front of a big lake, and the rumor was that if they said “Moon Lady” 3 times you would see a figure of a woman turning her back to you. If she turns to you, you will have bad luck for a year.
    They all chanted. Nothing happened. “Told ya.” Said Theo, disappointed
    “There’s more, though.” Said Avery.
    “That’s what I’m scared of.” Said Jan to herself.
    They tested out 4 more rumors, but they didn’t work. “Two to go.” Said Mitchell.
    During the whole thing, Jan felt that something was wrong. Every time they tested a rumor and left, she saw Avery looking back and grinning weirdly. She would also hear some muffled noise.
    The 6th was the 13 step rumor. Everybody says that the stair usually has 12 steps, but at night, it has 13. And again, it didn’t work. But Jan saw something different. There was a huge mirror in top of the stairs. When they all got up, she wouldn’t see Avery’s reflection. She wanted to scream, but thought that she was imagining things. They all got out of the school.
    “I am highly disappointed.” Said Dave.
    “You thought you would see something? You’re an idiot.” Said Mitchell.
    Dave rolled his eyes and took out his mini camera and set it up on a trash can. “Picture, everybody.” He yelled.
    After the pic, Avery said, “I have to go. Bye.”
    They waved bye. Avery ran and disappeared around the corner. “Whoa, that was fast.” Said Theo.
    “Can we just go home now?” said Jan.
    They all laughed and teased her. Then they walked home. While walking, Mitchell suddenly remembered. They forgot to see the 7th wonder. Since they’ve walked a long way, they decided to skip it.
    The next morning, at school, Dave approached Mitchell, Jan and Theo with terror. Without even saying a word, he handed them some photos. They were the ones they took yesterday, and they all noticed that Avery was missing. “Nice photoshopping skills.” Said Theo, smiling.
    “I didn’t Photoshop! I got it like this!” Said Dave.
    Theo’s smile faded. Just then they saw Avery approaching them. “Avery! You won’t believe what happened…” Said Mitchell.
    “OH!” Said Avery. “I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I had high fever, for no reason. I’m okay now. Now, tell me what you saw…”
    “But you were there!”
    “Um, no?”
    Jan looked over at Theo. He was pale. “I remember.” Said Theo. “The 7th rumor. It says that a spirit will come in a form of a friend…”
    The story spread quickly among the school. The school was shut down soon.

  • Welcome back SFK! Looking forward to more great, spooky and scary stories! B.T.W, I think these stories on this website are very interesting.

  • And scary story but they were all fine when they went home thats weird… Luckily the cemetary isnt UNDER our school its NEXT to the school. Actually its across the street, lol but my house is built on indian burial grounds (we’re pretty sure)

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