Scary For Kids
School Desk

School Desk

The School Desk is a creepy story about a girl who has problems with her schoolwork.

School Desk

In South Korea, parents put a lot of pressure on their children to study hard and do well at school. There was one Korean girl whose parents were especially tough on her. They forced her to study seven days a week and she was seldom allowed to go out and have fun with her friends. They even bought her an old school desk so she could study better at home.

After a few days, the girl started to have problems. It was not that the subjects she was studying were difficult, instead it was the fact that her back would start to hurt whenever she was sitting in her desk for more than a few minutes. The pain became worse and worse and she couldn’t study properly. Her grades began to slip and her parents began to worry.

Her mother took her to numerous doctors, but none of them could find anything wrong with her back. They said that it must be due to stress. The strange thing was that the girl could study without any problems when she was in school, but as soon as she came home and sat down at her desk, she began feeling intense pain in her back.

As the girls grades slipped lower and lower, her mother became desperate to solve the problem. She even started to consult psychics and fortune tellers in the hopes that they could find a cure for what was ailing her daughter. Unfortunately, none of them could help.

However, one day the mother was talking to one of her friends. The woman suggested that it could be something to do with the girl’s posture. She told the mother to take a photograph of her daughter sitting at the desk.

The mother went home that night and took her camera out of the cupboard. The girl sat down at the school desk and the mother snapped a picture. When she looked at the photograph, she was horrified.

Her daughter was sitting at the school desk, but above her, was her another girl hanging by the neck from a noose. The ghostly girl was desperately trying to put her feet on the daughter’s shoulders.

The next morning, the mother went to the school where she had bought the desk and interrogated the school principal. It turned out that the mysterious girl in the picture was an ex-pupil of the school. She was the girl who had previouly sat at that desk. She hadn’t been able to handle the pressure of school and she had hung herself in the classroom a few years before.

scary for kids


  • That Is Freaky But I Expected It To Be Bcuz The Piano One Was The Same Pretty Much But it was needles making her loose blood

  • They should take the desk out of the classroom , cause the girl would do the same thing the other girl did….. Freaky story xD

  • that was freaky . i saw a movie like that a mans wife died and her spirit stayed on his back the whole time until he died …. it went something like that.

  • Creepy. Poor ghost girl though. They must have put a lot of pressure in her.

  • Wow that was cool – love the disturbing twist at the end as it’s scary without being bloody, though it was over at ‘breakneck’ speed (see what I did there?) :P

  • ha! i would love it if my mom saw that, btw, when i study, my grades lower, but when i dont…. YEAH BABY!IM A GENIUS! love the story

  • Oooh…creepy! See I like stories like this one. You could just picture the girl hanging and trying to keep her balance. Spooky…

  • @Rage-Man99 Looking at stories doesn’t mean you don’t have a life, and I’m offended that you would actually mention something like that to me.

  • @Peanut brittle, I only go on this like 3 times every week. I actually have a life:)

  • i heard that most asian parents are tough on children because asian quite rarely becomes super star actor/athlete so they force (yeah you read this right force) they children to be smarter.

  • too short of an story i
    thought there was going to be neddels on the back of the
    chair like the paiono story

  • @Rage-Man99
    I love reading new stories as much as you do and everyone else on this site, but it’s hard to manage a website on a daily basis. So it’s not like they’re on here 24/7 :(

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