Scary For Kids

Sesame Seeds

Sesame Seeds (or Cosmetic Sesame) is a Korean urban legend about a young girl who is insecure about her looks and when she hears about a new organic beauty therapy, she decides to try it out.

Sesame Seeds

There was once a young Korean girl who was extremely insecure about her looks. She would do anything to keep her skin looking young and beautiful.

One day, she heard about a new organic beauty treatment from a friend at school. Her friend told her it was very good for the skin, leaving it smooth and silky.

The treatment involved mixing sesame seeds in the bath water and immersing in it for a couple of hours. When the girl got home that evening, she decided to try it out.

She filled the bath with warm water and sprinkled a jar of sesame seeds to stimulate her skin.

Hours passed and the young girl still didn’t emerge from the bathroom. Her parents started to get worried about her. But every time her mother knocked on the door and asked the girl to come out, the reply would always be, “Wait a minute… Wait a minute…”

In the end, the mother could no longer contain herself and forced open the bathroom door. When she peered into the bathroom, she was greeted by a horrifying sight.

Her daughter was sitting in the corner and her body was covered in little black dots. The sesame seeds had become stuck in her pores. The young girl had a crazed look in her eyes and was frantically trying to pull out the seeds with a toothpick.

scary for kids


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  • moral of the creepy story:

    Don’t care much about your looks. What I am trying to say is you can care about your looks but not that much. Don’t get too self-consious. OR THAT’S WHAT YOU GET!!! lol

  • Oh no; Toxic_Nutella, SkullMist, and Amina.and.her.Tears! I hope you guys are okay!

    Anyway, that pic was probably scarier than the story!

  • Seed you later! Starring: Random Pastas, me
    Me: Hmm… That sounds like a good idea. Guys, I’m taking a bath! Don’t bug me!
    Guys: Okay.
    *I run the bath and sprinkle sesame seeds in it* Ah… What a nice relaxing bath…
    *Puppeteer knocks on the door* Creepy, hurry up!!! I gotta go!!!
    Me: In a minute…
    *7 hours later, a line forms at the bathroom door*
    Bloody Painter: What’s the holdup???
    *I get out of the bath, the sesame seeds sticking to my skin* O-O No… Not this…. *picks the seeds out*
    *Jeff kicks the door down* MOVE IT, CREEPY- Oh… Sorry… .///. *covers eyes* MOVE IT CREEPY!!! I GOTTA GO!!!!
    Me: Jeff, they’re in my pores!
    Jeff: What? Oh, those sesame seeds. *brushes them off my arm* There. Now out!
    Me: *leaves, feeling like an idiot* That didn’t even work… VnV

  • Bloody hell that picture scared me really bad because I have really bad trypophobia! Oh my god you need to put a warning

  • Oh God. I think I have tryophobia. I found that out this morning and now I feel sick oh God. >-< SFK, Could you please put a warning on this? I know its weird and you might not know but some people have fears of small clustered holes called 'Tryophobia' and oh God, I happen to have it and now I feel sick and uneasy. >.< I'm itching too.

  • I heard this story before:

    A woman gave birth to a baby but, unlike her, the baby did not have double-edged eyelids (the baby looked Asian). She felt disappointed, and because she felt the baby would be prettier that way, she turned the single eyelids into double-edged ones using nothing but tape. After a while she tried to remove the tape, but she teared off the baby’s eyelids along with the tape.

  • Oh god out of all the stories on this site this one is really creeping me out. Imagine having sesame seeds stuck in ur skin -shivers-
    I don’t think I can go to bed…
    Why sfk?!

  • I don’t get it

    Scaryforkids says: The hot water opened her pores in her skin and the seeds got stuck in the pores…

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