Scary For Kids

Severed Head

The Severed Head is a scary short story about a man who jumps in front of a train. The picture below is a Halloween prop. Looks pretty real, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, it’s just a very expensive prop. If you want to buy it, it costs about $4,500.

Severed Head

Train Tracks

In Japan, a man was severely depressed and decided to kill himself. Out of his mind with despair, he went to a train station and waited for the train to arrive. Just before the train pulled into the station, the man jumped off the platform as the other commuters watched in horror.

The train ran over him, tearing him limb from limb. It was a terrible and gruesome death. The people standing on the platform covered their eyes, not wanting to witness the horrible sight. Pieces of the man’s body flew left and right. His severed head was thrown through the air and landed on the platform.

The other commuters opened their eyes and saw the severed head lying there. They stared at it in horror. Suddenly, the severed head’s eyes fluttered open. It’s mouth moved and it screamed “This is not a show!”

Modeling Competition

A few years ago, I got a letter in the mail. It said I had won a chance to compete in a modeling competition. When I told my Mom about it, she said I couldn’t go. I asked her why not and she told me a story about a girl who wanted to go to a modeling competition. Her parents told her not to go, but she went anyway and she never came back. Her parents reported her missing and people searched for her, but they couldn’t find her. Then, a week later, a box came to them in the mail. It contained the girl’s head wrapped in a plastic bag.

Roller Coaster

My grandmother told me a story about how she used to love riding on this old roller coaster as a child. It was seriously frightening just to be on this thing. There were no seat belts or restraints at all and it had these big wooden stabilizing beams that went over the tracks every so often, which were quite low. If you stood up, you could easily touch these beams as you passed by. Some stupid teenagers even made a game of standing up and hitting the wooden beams with their hands. It was late one evening when my grandmother got on the roller coaster. A group of drunken sailors got onto the ride with her. She sat in one of the carts at the back because she didn’t want to be near them. Just when the roller coaster reached the fastest point of the ride, one of the sailors decided to play a game of daredevil. He stood up to see if he could sit down before one of the beams hit him. He was decapitated and his head landed in my grandmother’s cart. She never rode a roller coaster again.


One high school had an old gymnasium where, late in the evening, students would sometimes report seeing what looked like a single, ghostly hand beckoning from the window. One student saw this hand beckoning to him and innocently walked into the gymnasium. The student went missing and the next day there were two hands beckoning from the gymnasium’s window.

scary for kids


  • We really need to be able to make friends on here… Thank goodness we quite talking about feet licking!!!

  • the dark figures remind me of Dementors off of Harry Potter since they u no had dark cloaks and things and they glided and i thnk tht head is real too. creepy. and the main story we were tlking bout ddnt made any sense. i loved the other storied tho. especially the stories of the comments. great stories i dnt thnk i ll be n bathrooms unelse i hve a person or animal with me

  • one time in the late 1800s after the death of casey jorden there was a string of mass murders the weird thing was the ones who where killed where all kids. The police were stumped about who had been killing all the young kids. Years after this all happened in 1905 the parents of the young children had recieved a letter in there mailboxes. It read If you want revenge for your childrens death come to the orchard and half past. The parents were creeped but they wanted revenge. At half past 12 they went to the middle of the orchard. There were 20 couples. They waited for an hour then they heard foot steps all around them. The next day the farmer was tending to his treess when he saw a gruesome site. All of the parents were hanging by there ankles from tree limbs. Decapitated. On The grass writted in There blood was the words Dont Believe Everything You Read. Next to it was the devils Monogram. A week later the dead adults friends recieved a letter in the mail. This is actually a true story and i think you know what happens to the friends

  • @horrorgirl- yeah, but where to start a convo? Hmmm
    @scarylover- thanks
    @Bettyqueenofscreams- Go ahead and tell your story. I can’t wait

  • These are good stories. I especially enjoyed the last one, the one of the couple and the car, and the girl who created her own story. When is a NEW post coming out, Scary For Kids? Don’t just give us links to things that have been posted years ago!

  • true horror girl and sorry i was being random i hope it didnt disturb you. We should just pick a story to comment on i guess. Here is my story. When i was 7-9 I went to a school in Flint MI called Madison Academy. There was a rummor that was spread about the school. You see it use to be an apple orchard, Heres the rumor. In the late 1800’s A little girl was sent to go pick apples she happily walked along the dirt road. When she got to the orchard she went to her favorite tree and started picking apples. She saw movment in the corner of her eye. But when she turned she saw nothing. She continued to pick the apples. When she heard a sound she began to get scared. She saw the movments again but before she could react somethin slit her wrist. The little girl staggered and fell. Crying when she saw dark figures. One of the figures grabbed her and tied her by her ankles. It hung her from a tree. Another figure sliced the girls head off. The mother got worried when her little girl didnt come back. She ran to the police station and reported her daughter missing. They got in the horse-drawn wagon and went to the orchard. What the police saw was horrifying. They told the mother her little girl had been killed. This rumor is true when you go in the bathroom you see the dark figures in the mirror. If you dont quickly say Casey help! The figures will kill you. Casey is the little girl. She also happens to be my great aunt

    YOU SHOULD LET MEMBERS MAKE FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS HARD TO TALK IN THE COMMENTS!

  • @Kish
    OK… let’s start another conversation since SCARYFORKIDS ISN’T POSTING ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • i didnt really get scared at ANY of these. how much do they post in a week? these were so BORE-ING but Xx Death Bolt xX i <3 ur stories! now THAT is some scary/fun to read stuff

  • @horrorgirl- xD. Thanks, and yeah, i swear, true story and agreed on the licking part xD

  • @Kish
    I love your comments…. huh…. so glad we stopped talking about feet licking, it was getting out of control… O.O

  • @Zz You Wish you didnt exist Zz

  • Heres a story I would like to share… Its not scary, but its true…
    A 16 year old teenage boy lived a normal life of growing up, partying with friends, going to school, etc. But what he loved best was his faithful dog who he called Rocky. One day, in the year 2010, the boy just got home from a friend’s party. It was 11:30am, and feeling tired and sleepy, the boy decided to go to bed right away…
    Suddenly, the boy is awaken by the howling of a dog. Looking at the time, the boy saw that it was 12 midnight. He looked out of his window, thinking that Rocky may have hurt himself. But Rocky was asleep in his kennel not far from the window. He was about to go to bed again, when suddenly a movement caught his eye…
    The movement came from the garage, which the boy could see quite clearly. Struggling to figure out what caused the movement, the boy heard the nearby dogs howling again. When he looked at the garage alittle harder, he could just make out the shape of a person. A shadow perharps. Thinking it was a thief, the boy prepared to go outside, he grabbed a nearby hockey stick which would come in use incase of violence…
    For the last time, the boy looked out of the window again. He saw the shadow move alittle, then it slowly began to glide above the ground. Yes, it glided! The figure was black, a horrible black color unlike he had ever seen before. It wore a hood over its face such that you couldn’t see any part of the face. It seemed to be wearing a long black cloak because its hands and legs were not visible either…
    As the dark figure passed the kennel, Rocky wimpered and didn’t come out. This was rather strange because the dog was an extremely vicious and most feared dog in the neighbourhood. The boy just stood there shocked, not daring to move least the figure saw him.
    The dark figure passed the room window, and the boy felt a rush of wierd feelings such as scared, excited and cold. Rocky remained in its kennel and the dark figure moved around the house 3 times, gliding because the footsteps were not heard. After that it disappeared and was never seen again…
    What the boy saw that day is truly a mystery. The possible solution is that it was a Ghost. An extremely unearthly black Ghost. Nobody would believe the boy if he told anyone so he kept everything to himself.
    The boy will never forget that night, the time a dog and a boy were the only witnesses to see a Black Ghost…
    That boy is me…

  • The highschool one and the one with the married couple and the angry ghost boy were my favourites n_n The rest were…just meh to me.

  • Holy severed head, that looks so real! I hope you are positive that, thats fake…
    The story where the girl posts her scary story and it comes real kinda scares you, doesn’t it?(@the sight owner). Watch out buddy, now you don’t want any of these stories coming true, do you? XD.
    The story of the couple made me lol… I love these…
    By the way, you sure the head is a fake? I had a friend who looked like that went missing a few years ago.,. XD. Jokes, jokes…

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