Scary For Kids

Short Tales

Very scary short tales for kids and adults to read online. These quick samples of horror should be taken just before bedtime to ensure pleasant nightmares.

Short Tales

1. My daughter cries and screams at night. Every time I visit her grave, I ask her to stop, but she won’t listen.

2. Lying in bed, unable to sleep, I blinked my eyes and noticed a message written on the bedroom door. It read “I know you’re awake.”

3. I grabbed my husband’s arm tightly as we walked through the haunted house. By the time we got out, he was nowhere to be found but I was still holding his arm.

4. “Would you like some milk in your coffee?” asked the old woman. As she opened the fridge I caught a glimpse of something that looked like a human head.

5. I awoke to my Grandmother gently caressing my hair. It was nice until I remembered she died when I was nine.

6. “Eat your cookie!” screamed the old man at the little boy. “Eat your cookie or I’ll kill you!” The boy’s puppy’s name was Cookie.

7. Sometimes, when people come home, they feel a little paranoid and check every room just to make sure that they’re the only ones in the house. I’ve seen you do this. Luckily for me, you never check behind the curtains.

8. A man was shaving in front of a mirror. When he bent over to rinse his face in the sink, his reflection didn’t move.

9. They opened his grave but all they found was the head of the poor man whose body he had stolen.

10. All night, you keep hearing a faint creaking noise. You keep looking behind you, but there’s nothing there. Why don’t you look above you?

11. Last night, I heard laughter coming from the basement. My house doesn’t have a basement.

12. You hear a knock on the door of your hotel room and a voice shouts “Room service!” “I don’t remember ordering room service”, you reply. “Ok then I’m the maid”, says the voice.

13. While I was away, someone broke into my home. Nothing was stolen, but they left a dusty old coffin in the middle of my living room.

14. My neighbour has been screaming at me for days now. Maybe I should have buried her head with rest of her.

15. The darkness swallowed her. Then it spit her out.

16. You are on the toilet, taking a poop. You go to wipe, when you feel something grab your wrist and start pulling your hand into the bowl. You struggle and manage to free yourself. Jumping off the toilet, you turn to look, but there is nothing there. Now your hand is covered in poop.

17. Last night, as I was sleeping alone in my room, I smelled a fart that wasn’t mine!

scary for kids


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  • @duality
    actually, some of us are (no, not me. im eleven) but yh, thats just dumb… lololololololololige! lolige….

  • i love the first ones but the last two……hands covered with poop are you guys for real?i will agree with @duality grow up!!!

  • My hamster was called cookie. But he is already dead. He was on this mat on the floor. I was playing with him. When I went to the toilet, my baby sister fell over and sat on him. :-I

  • last two is ewww but 10 freak the hell of me cos and i look up see nothing but saw stain!!! arghhhhhh eekkkkk (SQUEAK)

  • Sometimes, when people come home, they feel a little paranoid and check every room just to make sure that they’re the only ones in the house. I’ve seen you do this. Luckily for me, you never check behind the curtains.
    Haha I liked that one.

  • I wouldn’t have even said I was room service. Most people don’t order room service.

  • The last two were gross! And if somone came to my door saying “room service” and i didnt order any then they say “ok then i am the maid”I would say “ok,and I am the girl with a phone to call 9-1-1 and a shotgun!”Here is a 3 step plan to survival in a scary movie…1.get a gun 9-1-1 3.RUN!!!!

  • hmm..first their room service then they say their the maid?I would have a baseball bat then open the door…just as a percaution.

  • I LIKE THIS ONE “All night, you keep hearing a faint creaking noise. You keep looking behind you, but there’s nothing there. Why don’t you look above you?”

  • Frickin’ grandma from beyond the grave! Creepy – someone working at our house saw her recently! Eek!

    But seriously? “your hand is covered in poop” – what are we, eight?! Grow up!

  • “You hear a knock on the door of your hotel room and a voice shouts “Room service!” “I don’t remember ordering room service”, you reply. “Ok then I’m the maid”, says the voice.”

    This seems legit!

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