Scary For Kids

Slasher Game

Slasher The Game is a scary activity to play at a Halloween party. You need at least eight players to form two teams, the Slashers and the Campers.

Slasher The Game

Slasher The Game needs at least 8 people to play. It is much better with as many players as possible. The game requires one person to act as the host. The host oversees the game but soes not take part.

Slasher The Game takes place at an imaginary Summer Camp. Every person in the game plays the part of either a Slasher or a Camper. Slashers are twisted murderers who masquerade as Campers during the day, but at night, they murder Campers. Campers are innocent people who are just trying to live through the summer. Each day Campers try to uncover the Slashers and eliminate them.

Step 1: You have to assign a role to each player. Take a piece of paper for each player and write either Slasher or Camper on each one. Hand out the pieces of paper to the players. You should try to have one slasher for every four campers.

The Host tells everyone to close their eyes. Then he tells ONLY the Slashers to open their eyes and look around. This way, the Slashers will know who their fellow Slashers are.

The game takes place in rounds of Nights and Days. At night, the Slashers decide who to kill. During the day, the Campers try to figure out which of them is secretly a slasher and decide to kill that person.

Step 2: During the Night round, each player takes a piece of paper. They write their role at the top of the note (Slasher or Camper) and write the name of the person they want to kill at the bottom. This is their vote. The host collects the votes from each player.

Slashers have to try to kill people thay think are Campers. They should avoid killing someone they think is a fellow Slasher.

During the Night round, the host disregards votes from Campers and only calculates votes that come from Slashers. The Camper that gets the most votes is killed. The host announces their murder and they lie on the floor for the rest of the game.

Step 3: During the Day round, each player takes a piece of paper. They write their role at the top of the note (Slasher or Camper) and write the name of the person they want to kill at the bottom. This is their vote. The host collects the votes from each player.

Slashers have to try and vote for Campers, in order to make the Campers mistakenly kill one of their own instead of a Slasher.

During the Day round, the host calculates all the votes from both Campers and Slashers. The person with the most votes is killed. If the Campers choose a Slasher, the host congratulates them on successfully indentifying a dangerous murderer. If the Campers mistakenly choose a fellow Camper to be killed, the host tells them they have made a mistake and are now guilty of cold-clooded murder.

Whenever someone is killed, their role is revealed to the other players.

The Slashers win when there all of the Campers have been murdered. The Campers win when all the Slashers have been eliminated.

To make the game more interesting (or complicated) the host can add extra roles for the campers. These roles are assigned at the start of the game.

The Cop: This is a Camper who is secretly an off-duty policeman or policewoman. Their role is secret and known only to the host. During the Night round, they vote for a person they want to protect. If the Slashers try to kill the protected person, the host tells them their attempt at murder has failed and nobody is killed that Night. If the Cop mistakenly chooses to protect a Slasher, then that Slasher’s vote is disregarded for that round (because if the Cop is watching over them, they can’t kill anybody).

The Psychic: This is a Camper who secretly has psychic powers. Their role is secret and known only to the host. During the Night round, they can ask the host one question about the identity of one player. The host has to tell them the truth. For example, Psychic: “What is David?” Host: “David is a Slasher”. The Psychic can’t share this information with anyone else, but they can use it when casting their vote. Obviously, the Slashers should try to kill the Psychic as soon as possible during the game.

The Sicko: This is a Slasher who is so mentally deranged that they are trying to kill their fellow Slashers. The Sicko must also try to let the Campers know that they are a Slasher. The Object of the game for the Sicko is to get killed.

The Final Girl: This is a Camper who cannot be killed. However, if the Slashers vote to kill her, she avoids death, but loses her ability to vote for the rest of the game.

The Ghost: The Host can choose one dead Camper to return as a ghost. The Host tells the Ghost the identity of all the Slashers. The Ghost can then choose one Camper to share this information with. Each Night round, the Ghost can tell the chosen Camper the identity of only one Slasher. The Camper cannot share this information with anyone else, but can use it when voting during the Day.

The Nurse: This is a Camper who has medical expertise. Every Night, the Nurse can choose one Camper to protect. If that Camper is chosen to be killed, the Nurse saves their life and nobody is killed that Night. However, if she mistakenly chooses to protect a Slasher, then the Nurse is automatically killed.

The Rookie: This is a Camper who is secretly an off-duty cop. This role functions just like the Cop. The Rookie can choose a Camper to protect. However, if the Slashers choose to kill the Rookie, he dies and the Camper he was protecting dies along with him. Also, if he mistakenly chooses to protect a Slasher, the Rookie is killed automatically.

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