Scary For Kids

Small Stories

Small stories for kids to read. Tall tales of ghosts, spooks and creepy situations.

Small Story

2. A Rainy Day

One day, I was on my way home from work. I stepped out of the subway and found that it had started raining heavily outside. Luckily, I had an umbrella with me, so I opened it and started walking. After a few minutes, I got the strangest feeling that something was wrong.

The atmosphere was very eerie and strange. As I walked down the darkened street in the pouring rain, I realized that every single person I passed by was standing perfectly still. None of them even had an umbrella over them. They were all completely silent and stood with their backs to me, all facing the same direction. I had to zig zag back and forth as I was walking to avoid bumping into them.

All of a sudden, a taxi pulled up right beside me and the driver rolled down the window. He put out his hand and urgently motioned for me to come over. I told him I didn’t need a taxi, but he kept saying, “Quick, get in! No charge! No charge!”

The taxi driver was so insistent that I decided to take him up on his offer of a free ride. Besides, the people on the street were beginning to give me the creeps. I got into the back of the taxi and with a screech of wheels, we drove off. The driver looked back over his shoulder at me. His face was deathly pale.

“I thought I should help you,” he said, “I saw you walking down an empty street as if you were trying to avoid bumping into people.”

4. The Taxi Driver

This story comes from the Philippines. There was a girl who was attending university. One night, she was out late with her friends. When it was time to go home, she hailed a taxi and got in. She told the taxi driver to take her back to her dorm on the university campus.

As they drove through the city streets, the driver was silent. The girl noticed him staring at her in his rearview mirror. The route he took was not one that she recognized. Afraid for her safety, she was wary throughout the ride, until the taxi made a right turn and she found herself just across the street from her dormitory.

Mildly shaken, she hurried to get out of the taxi, but the driver stopped her. In an urgent voice, he told her that as soon as she got home, she should take off her clothes and burn them. He explained that there was an evil spirit following her. He took a detour to try and ward off the demon. “When I looked at you in the mirror earlier,” he said, his voice shaking, “You didn’t have a head.”

5. The Father-in-law

There was a Japanese woman who fell in love with a young man. He still lived with his parents, so after they got married, she moved in with them.

The young man’s mother was very friendly to her and always treated her with kindness and generosity. However, the man’s father was a nasty individual and was extremely rude to her. He was stubborn and selfish and made everyone’s life miserable.

He was in a wheelchair and the mother had to take care of all of his needs. The old man was incredibly demanding and sat in his chair issuing orders. Every day, he demanded a bowl of Oxtail Soup.

A few months later, the mother passed away. The young woman was forced to take over the duties of caring for her father-in-law. Before long, the old man began to complain about her. He said his wife was much better at taking care of him than the young woman could ever hope to be.

Every day, when she served him a bowl of Oxtail Soup, he would take one mouthful and then spit it in her face. Then he would throw the bowl on the floor and scream, “That’s not what Oxtail Soup is supposed to taste like! Can’t you do anything right?”

The young woman had to endure his criticism every day and eventually it began to take its toll on her. One morning, while she was cleaning out a cupboard, she found a jar of poison. At lunchtime, she was so fed up with the old man’s behavior that she secretly sprinkled the poison into his bowl of Oxtail Soup. With a devilish smile on her face, she served the poisoned soup to her father-in-law.

She watched as the father-in-law started greedily wolfed down the entire bowl of soup. Licking his lips, her father-in-law said, “Ah, now that’s how Oxtail Soup is supposed to taste. Just like my wife used to make it!”

6. The Baby’s Crib

A few years ago, a married couple moved into a new house with their newborn son. One night, the mother heard the baby crying, so she got out of bed and went to see what was wrong. Suddenly, the baby stopped crying. The woman thought that he must have just fallen asleep again, so she went back to bed.

A few hours later, she was awoken by the sound of the baby crying again. The woman got up and went to check on him. As she opened the door to her baby’s bedroom, the crying stopped. She was shocked to see a young boy, around 6 or 7 years of age, standing beside the baby’s crib. He seemed to be stroking the baby’s head and calming him down.

Just then, he turned to look at the woman and suddenly disappeared into thin air. The woman screamed and ran to tell her husband. He got up and searched the entire house, but there was no sign of the mysterious young boy.

A few days later, the mother was talking to one of her neighbours and happened to mention the strange incident that had happened that night. The neighbour already knew all about it. She said that there were rumors that the house was haunted by the ghost of a young boy. He had died of an illness about 80 years before and his body was buried under the house.

The couple dug up the crawlspace under their house and unearthed a pile of old bones. The spot where they were located was directly under her baby’s crib.

scary for kids


  • glad everythings better :) and my bro…..HE IS PAYING….with his play station….which is currently in hiding :D
    and thanks guys for ur comments on my story if u hav any constructive criticism lemme know :)

  • @scary lady
    Nice story :D ugh, brothers can be douchebags – I could tell it wasn’t your comment as it was a different style :/

  • @brony4life ya sorry about all that! :) we cool?
    oh and guys I wrote a story! it’s kind of sad! @SFK I hope you like it! :)
                Friends Forever
       Maddie was three years old. She was a very creative little girl and was always getting into trouble. 

       Her mother, Nicole, was a troubled 19 year old girl. She had gotten pregnant at the age of 15 and gave birth at 16. She was abused as a child, and she was currently battling through a drug addiction.

         Nicole always neglected Maddie. Maddie would ask,”Mommy, will you play with me?” everyday. Nicole would just spit at her and called her names. Maddie started to make imaginary friends.

          “Mommy, Fredrick made tea!” Maddie said excitedly one day, holding a tea cup in one hand, and  Fredrick’s hand in the other. “Ugh,grow up already! Fredrick’s not real!” Nicole said, showing no interest in Maddie or her friends.

        Every day was the same thing, just a different friend. There was Amber, Mickayla, Samantha, Quince,Fredrick, and others she can’t even remember. Nicole became use to this, eventually.

        “Mommy,come play with me and Alani!” Maddie shouted one day joyfully. “No!” Nicole quickly screamed back. “Mommy!” Maddie was persistent. Nicole got up and grabbed her by the hair. She threw her into a chair.

        “There is no Alani! I’m not gonna play with you!” Nicole threw her back on the ground. Maddie was very upset. She had tears streaming down her face. She had cuts and bruises all over her face and arms.

        “It’s ok, Maddie.” said a comforting voice. “I’ll take care of it,” 

        Maddie smiled, and hugged Alani. “Thank you,”

        She walked into the living room where Nicole was watching TV. “Go away, brat!” Nicole screamed.

      “Alani doesn’t like how you treat me.” Maddie said. Nicole started floating, her face turned blue. “Alani, stop!” Maddie screamed. Nicole instantly fell to the ground. Nicole ran to the phone and called a priest to bless the house.

       “Alani, they’re gonna get rid of you,” Maddie cried. “We have to stay together!” 

       “I have an idea,” Alani whispered. The ghost took a knife and carved a message into Maddie’s arms. She bled to death. “Now we can be friends forever,”
    lesson learned: DON’T NEGLECT YOUR CHILDREN!

  • My favorite is ”The Baby’s Crib”.
    Its not creepy-but kinda sweet.c:

  • Here is a story that is true. My great grandmother told me it. I will be telling it in thrid person though . And i’ll chnage some names so I don’t give out my identy ;)
    The Ghost
    I was in the room with my mom. I was staring at the hall. It wasn’t something that I usally, did but I was just staring. Then I a lady came out of the restroom. She looked like my sister Anna. Long black hair , short . But I couldn’t really see her face.
    ” Hey Anna ! ” I said
    But she didn’t reply.
    ” Anna ? ” I yelled
    This time the lady walked into the living room.
    ” who were you talking to you honey ? ” my mother asked
    ” I saw Anna come out of the restroom, didn’t you see her ? I replied
    ” Anna is in her room sweetheart. ” my mother said
    Anna’s room was next to mine. I went next door and Anna was there.
    ” Hey Jenna ! ” she said
    ” Did you go to the restroom then walk into the living room ? ” I told her
    ” No I just woke up about a hour ago . ” she said
    ” Why do you want to know ? ” she asked
    ” Oh no reason bye .” i said
    I cloesd the door and thats when I realized I saw a ghost.
    Sorry if it was boring it’s not all true just the part of seeing the ghost haha. Sorry if it was short boring or whatever c:

  • Ohhh, great stories! The picture is so creepy, weird and funny…. I was sitting there thinking about the picture. Lol’ Trying to make since of it.

  • @Joslynviscious At first I didn’t get it but I realized that the taxi driver said she was wondering the EMPTY streets when the girl clearly stated that there were People on The streets

  • the taxi driver story made me so scared because i’m actually half Filippino :) and my grandmother said there were a lot of ghosts in the Philippines! :O

  • I need to live in that house…. It’s a six year old kid…. What harm could it do…?

  • I like it when SFK posts a bunch of short stories together. The fifth was my favorite. Dis the father in law get immune to poison or something?

  • The picture is weird, but the stories were awesome! However, when I read the one about the Father in Law:

    Me: *finished reading story and quietly slides the bowl of soup I was eating across the table*

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