Scary For Kids

Sorry Mom

“I’m Sorry Mom” is a creepy but sad story about a woman whose son is always misbehaving at school. This story is based on a Spanish legend.

Sorry Mom

There was a woman who lived in a small town in Spain with her husband. The couple had a ​​young son named Federico who was always causing mischief. The parents were at their wits end because the boy was constantly getting into trouble at school.

One morning, the mother woke her son as usual and got him dressed for school. While he brushed his teeth, she prepared his breakfast. After he finished eating, she sent him out to catch the school bus.

She spent the next few hours cleaning the house. It was around lunchtime, when she happened to go into the living room. To her surprise, she saw her son sitting by the window, staring outside.

“Federico!” she yelled angrily. “What are you doing home at this time? Why aren’t you at school?”

The boy was silent and turned to look at his mother. She noticed that there was blood on his forehead.

“Federico, why do you have blood on your head?” she asked.

“Mom, I’m sorry…” replied the little boy.

“Have you been fighting again?” she asked. “Did the teacher send you home?”

“I’m sorry, Mom…” Federico said quietly.

“I don’t want to hear your excuses,” said the exasperated mother. “Go to your room! When your father gets home, he will decide your punishment.”

The boy hung his head in shame and went upstairs to his bedroom. His mother just sighed and shook her head.

Just then, the phone started ringing. The mother rushed into the hallway to answer it.

“Hello,” said the voice on the other end. “Can I talk to the mother of Federico.”

“Who is speaking?” asked the mother.

“This is the school principal.”

“Oh no,” she sighed. “What did that little devil do now?”

“I don’t know how to explain,” began the school principal. “This morning, Federico climbed onto the roof of the school…”

“I’ve had it up to here with his behavior,” interrupted the mother. “I can assure you that when his father gets home, Federico will get the punishment he deserves.”

“No, you don’t understand,” said the school principal. “Federico fell off the roof and hit his head… I’m so sorry… He died instantly…”

The mother dropped the phone. Tears began to well up in her eyes. She ran up the stairs and burst into her son’s bedroom.

It was empty.

scary for kids


  • Hey I’m a new user so here’s my story
    Facebook Addiction
    Once there was a man named Dave. He was 36 but he wasn’t married or had any children. He lived alone in a very tiny appartment in New York. He didn’t play any sports or did any hobbies. All he ever did all day was go on Facebook. He would update his status every single hour and change his profile picture everyday. He would play Farmville and Cityville 24/7. He was fat because he never worked out in a gym. He was very pale because the last time he went outside was when he was 30. One day Dave’s mother came over to visit her son. She was disgraced when she found out that her son had no job, no wife, no family, and no money. She said that Dave was addicted to Facebook and she immediately took her son to a mental hospital. Dave was not happy on his first day at the mental hospital. He kicked every doctor or nurse that tried to talk or touch him. The week after that, Dave started losing his mind. He decided that he was done with this place and he grabbed a razor. He cut every doctor and nurse into pieces. The next morning, a pedestrian was walking and he noticed blood near the mental hospital. The pedestrian walked into the mental hospital. What he saw was a very horrific scene. He saw blood everywhere (walls, ceiling, floor, etc…) He saw arms, legs, and severed heads of the nurses and doctors. He called the police but Dave couldn’t be traced. So be careful not to get too addicted to Facebook or you can end up like Dave……

  • Here’s another story:
    When I was younger, I had a best
    friend named Talina. One night I went over to her house for a sleepover on a Friday night. I was very excited. My father took me to her house at 8pm. I was a bit freaked out because the house was old and it looked scary. I knocked on the door, I was greeted by Talina’s mother, she was a very nice lady. She called Talina and told her that I had arrived. Talina came running down stairs to meet me. She then accompanied me to her
    room. There was a bunk bed which was against a grey wall
    , and a television set which rested on a shelf and there was a window behind the TV. Talina was sitting on the lower bunk while I was lying down on the
    top bunk. We were watching a funny movie and the curtain was still open because it was very hot that night. From
    the window I could see an old large tree, with thick branches. It was now 9 pm and
    a bit dark. I then
    peered through the window once again and stared
    at the tree, I felt like I was being watched
    . Suddenly…
    I saw a thin, tall man, with his mouth opened wide and blood dripping from his mouth, his white clothing was stained red from the blood which soaked his body, he was hanging from
    a branch of the tree, with a thick rope around his scrawny neck. I was terrified, I told Talina what I saw but, when she looked
    out the window there was nothing there. She told me that I’m probably just seeing things. I didn’t want to fight with her. So I told her that she’s right. She then closed the curtains and killed the light. By now it was 12pm. We said goodnight and fell off to sleep. I woke up the next morning and left her house early. I never slept over at her house again. Whenever I visited her again, I always had a strange feeling when I went near the old giant tree, on closer inspection I noticed that the tree seemed to have blood stains on it…

  • Here’s a weird Urban Legend: The people in Malaysia call her The Hantu
    Tetek which means ‘Breast Ghost’
    in English. The
    ghost is of a female, she wears no clothing, has long dark hair and she is known for having
    really huge breasts. She uses her large breasts to
    attack her victims by suffocating them
    to death. It is said that most of her victims are young children and unweary men, locals claim that the ghost woman captures her victims and squeezes the life out of them with her giant breasts. When a child goes missing, some parents believe that the Hantu
    Tetek is hiding their child under her breasts. Some say that the Hantu
    Tetek’s breasts are at the back of her body.
    Some people say that she is
    really a witch who died and turned into a ghost woman.

  • Thank you Dead Girl XXx, mel_gibson_fan (I am his fan too! Yay!) and xX TO LIVE IS TO DIE Xx! I love writing stories and soon I will post more stories if you want!
    And also I have read all the stories you have posted and I just love them! They are so original!

  • Hi, I have another story I just made!

    In the mirror
    A young man named Nigel had just arrived in London and was looking for a place with a low rent to stay. He couldn’t find anything suitable and he was a bit tired as he entered the last room available. It was small and cold and looked old, but he was too tired to think of this. He found the rent logical so he decided to stay.
    He was feeling his eyes closing so he headed to the bed. He lied in his bed but he found out that he couldn’t sleep. He ended up starring at the big vintage mirror that was across the wall. For a strange reason, he couldn’t take his eyes of the mirror until he felt his eyes closing.
    “Let me out”.
    He immediately opened his eyes.
    “Let me out, let me out…”… It whispered again.
    Nigel felt cold… “Hello, who’s there?”
    The whisper continued saying the same thing over and over. He thought it was just his imagination, so he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But it was like the whisper was in his head.
    “Let me out; let me out, LET ME OUT!” The whisper had become a desperate scream.
    By that time, Nigel was in cold sweat. He was trying to make himself think that was just a dream. But it was screaming in his head.
    “Let me out, LET ME OUT! Break the mirror, LET ME OUT, set me free” anything it was, it was scaring Nigel to death.
    “BREAK THE MIRROR, BREAK THE MIRROR NOW” it said, and that was it. Nigel went to see what was in there. He had his face very close to the mirror, when with a glance of the moon, he saw in bloody letters: LET ME OUT.
    He got so scared that he fell on the mirror and the mirror fell down and broke. A horrific scream was the last think Nigel heard before it all went black.
    When he woke up he got off the floor and thought to himself “Just a dream”. He started walking towards the bed when he suddenly bumped into something. He tried again, but he fell. He was hitting on a glass wall! He went insane, he wanted to get out! He started hitting the glass, and the only thing in his head was:

  • @DeathIsForever. I wasnt mad, but I found it funny because I had read it before. LMFAO XD

  • I love the stories that you guys posted. Keep it up. I’m sure they’ll be added to the site soon :D

  • THIS IS MY FIRST STORY. Wahahaha! XD Its just a try out. so sorry if this story sucks :))

    Blood was everywhere. Rick stared blankly at his Mom’s head, staring in front of him. It was cut on loose by an insane, madmen using a chainsaw. Its face could not be drawn, Its lips and eyes are wide open as if shouting for help.

    Their nipa hut was attacked by 3 murderers in the middle of the night while they we’re all asleep. He just don’t know why they attacked their peaceful home, they’re not rich nor have any valuable belongings so he don’t know their motives for breaking in their hut. He’s sister was already dead, she was harassed by the man who belonged to
    the group then shot her in the head and in on its vagina, as well as his Mom whose head has been cut through a chainsaw brought by the murderers, all that was left was he and his father whose still fighting back at the trespassers. “RICK! Son! Woke up! I need your help! Go get the BOLO (a long knife) at the kitchen!” yelled his father, there then, he came back to his senses and rushed to their dirty kitchen and came back with the BOLO. He’s already insane and couldn’t take the wrath and anger and the want to kill the burglars. He swayed the weapon to the 1st burglar and it hit and slit its mouth and died. He help his father and swayed again the weapon and cut the head of the other burglar. He rejoiced in thinking he killed all of them, but he didn’t notice the third one armed with a knife standing at the back of his father then suddenly stabbed him and rushed out of the house, escaped. “Papaaaaa!!!!” Rick shouted.
    “Don’t worry my son, I’ll seek revenge for you and and for your Mama and Sister. I will never be in peace until that day comes!”

    After the bloody incident. Rick decided to move into a small town and started working in a construction site for a living.

    As he was roaming around the market area of the town. He unexpectedly seen a person whom he never thought he would meet on a unusual place. “Pfttt.. so you are a fish merchant huh?”

    The next day, Rick decided to shop some fish at the dirty market for dinner.

    “How much does this fish costs?” he asked the fish seller. Just then, the merchant’s face draw a shocked look in his face. He looked like he had seen a walking dead risen from the depths of hell.
    “WHY ARE YOU HERE? HOW ON EARTH ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!? I ALREADY KILLED YOU!?”, the fish merchant said with a trembling look on its eyes as it obviously wanted to run away.
    “OW, SO YOU STILL REMEMBER ME?” Rick answered.

    As he said those words, the fish merchant run as fast as he could down the streets when he unexpectedly got run over by a truck in a high speed. Thus make him shattered into pieces. He died staring at the face of his unknown costumer… a man with a smile on his face whom he knew 4 years ago..

    I know its not that creepy :) I’m a newbie btw! haha!

  • and i got a story.
    The Big Toe
    A boy was digging at the edge of the garden when he saw a big toe. He tried to pick it up, but it was stuck to something. So he gave it a good hard jerk, and it came off in his hand. Then he heard something groan and scamper away. The boy took the toe into the kitchen and showed it to his mother. It looks nice and plump, she said. I’ll put it into the soup, and we’ll have it for supper. That night his father carved the tow into three pieces, and they each had a piece. Then they did the dishes, and when it got dark they went to bed. They boy feel asleep almost at once.

    But in the middle of the night, A sound awakened him. It was something out in the street. It was a voice, and it was calling to him. Where is my to-o-o-o-o-e? it groaned. When the boy heard that, he got very scared. But he thought, It doesn’t know where I am. It never will find me. Then he hard the voice once more. Only now it was closer. Where is my to-o-o-o-o-e? it groaned. The boy pulled the blankets over his head and closed his eyes. I’ll got to sleep, he thought. When I wake up it will be gone. But soon he heard the back door open, and again he heard the voice. Where is my to-o-o-o-o-e? it groaned. Then the boy heard footsteps move through the kitchen into the dining room, into the living room, into the front hall. Then slowly they climbed the stairs. Closer and closer they came. Soon they were in the upstairs hall. Now they were outside his door. Where is my to-o-o-o-o-e? the voice groaned. His door opened. Shaking with fear, he listened as the foot steps slowly moved through the dark toward his bed. Then they stopped. Where is my to-o-o-o-o-e? the voice groaned. The boy answered “I ate i-i-it.” “Well i’m going to have to get it somehow” groaned the voice. The boy saw a dark figure walking up to him with a large butcher knife. The figure choped to boy in half and found only a quarter of his toe in the tummy. He took it and left. The next morning, when the boy’s mother came to wake him up, She screamed at the sight of her chopped son on his bed. She looked at the wall and there was a note written in blood that read: I know you have the other 3 quarters of my toe. I’m coming for my toe tonight. The woman screamed and went to the bathroom and pooped. The man didn’t come for her. But she heard footsteps going to the bathroom and a noise as if someone had jumped into the toilet.

    THE END.

  • -The picture
    I was almost dancing in the car in joy as our car came closer to our holiday house. I was waiting my whole life for this day and it had finally come. I ran out of the car, like, before my dad stopped it and got a scolding too. I was the first one to rush in, and decided which room i would stay in. It was an awesome room. It had a big window and the things were arranged beautifully. I kept my backpack and sank on the bed. Sigh, i felt so relaxed.
    When i was observing the room, i saw a picture kept near the window, so i stood up and went over to take it. It was a picture of a family of 4 members. I think they were preparing a meal when the picture was taken because there was a knife and a piece of meat in the father’s hands. What a nice idea to take lots of family photos on my trip here! But anyway, i was too tired to even go out of my room. I jumped onto my bed again and fell asleep.
    I felt a hand on my leg, the fingers running up and down. I slowly opened my eyes, and jumped up in fear. “Wh..who..” was all that came out from my mouth. My heart was racing like it might shatter into pieces. Right in front of me, sitting on the bed with a kind little smile, was the woman in the picture which i thought was the mother. She was wearing the same dress she wore in it. However, A stream of blood had run down her mouth and there was a red mark like a line on her neck. I didn’t know what to do. Should i scream? Or should i talk to her? No. I was too scared. Too scared to do anything, so i sat on my bed with my eyes wide as coconuts and my heart going “thud thud thud…”
    Erm… make it the first part :) You people might not like it if it becomes too long so i have divided it into 2 parts :D I’ll write the next part VERY soon so please stand by, and i really hope u all like it so far, if u read it ^.^

  • Guys i love allllll your stories!!! :D Reading them took so much time cuz there are so many! :D Makes me want to write one as well…. but im not so good at it x)

  • Be My Mommy

    Once, there was a girl, Alice, who loved her mom. Her dad was all the way in china for 2 years.
    One day, she came home and there was a little girl on her bed. It was obvious she was a ghost. She asked Alice, ” Will you be my mommy?” Alice felt so heatbroken so she said, “Of course.” Over the months she took care of the girl, until she was going on a 10-day trip to new york. Alice forgot all about the little girl, until she found her mom had died. Her dad had came home early. When Alice went to her room, she saw the little girl. The little girl said ” You dont deserve to have a mommy” she dragged Alice into a dark room, and kept her there until she died.

    5 months later

    A young girl moved in. She saw the little gir. The little girl said… ” Would you be my mommy?”…

  • I’ve got another story. I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I got ready for school and left my house. The night before I had a dream but I couldn’t remember what it was about. The radio was on in my classroom and the music was inturupted. “There is a crazed man on the loose. He is armed and dangerous.” Just then the power went out. One light came on. Deja vu! A strange man tied me to a chair, taped my mouth shut and sliced off my eye lids. He made me watch him murder everyone in the room. Right before he killed me, the police came in and captured him. I had to get surgery and fake eye lids. When I close my eyes, it never feels the same again……

  • This is my 1st time having an account on this site, but I’ve been reading stories with my family since I was 10. I have a story I would like to tell and it’s true. It happened to my grandma when she was 6. It starts off from my grandma’s POV. I forgot to say, she didn’t have a house, but lived in the swamps and lived in a hut called a “Chickee”. Just ask questions if you get confused.

    I was having my 6th birthday party and all my friends were there. My family and friends seem to be having a great time. Only one thing was wrong, my childhood friend, Joe, wasn’t here. He ALWAYS comes to our parties! Holiday, birthdays, or just a dinner. I thought it was strange, so I walked to my mom. She was over at the cooking chickee, making the food for the guests. “Mommy? Have you seen Joe? I can’t seem to find him anywhere.” I asked as I approached her. “Joe? I don’t believe I’ve met a friend of your’s named Joe. Can you describe him to me?” She asked in confusion. “He’s my age with shaggy hair, a long and patterned shirt, and he walks around bare foot.” I said. She looked as if she was in deep thought. “Never seen a boy like that around. Are you sure he’s apart of the tribe? Nevermind, ask your dad.” She said as she shooed me away to finish cooking. I walked over to our sleeping chickee and saw dad with his friends. They were joking around, laughing, and just having fun. I approached my dad and tugged on his shirt. “Daddy? Have you seen my friend, Joe? I asked mommy and she said she has never seen him before.” I continued to question daddy and described Joe to him like with mommy. He said he’s seen a boy like Joe walk around the woods, and go further in. I thanked him and trotted away as he continued with their jokes. I walked into the woods and searched frantically for Joe. It’s not like him to not come over and play with me. I kept on walking and walking until I found this stone. It seemed to have words carved into it with a lot of dust and mold covering it. I dusted the stone and gasped at what I found. I was shivering with fear and wanted to get as far away as possible. HEAR LIES JOE BILLIE 1962-1969. “What’s wrong, Yvonne? Don’t you want to play with me?” That voice. I recognize that voice anywhere. I just chills me right to the bone. I slowly turn around, trembling. I didn’t want to see him, ever. But I couldn’t bear with the fact that I had to lose my friend. The tribal laws can’t let children befriend ghosts, no matter how friendly they are. What I saw sent the air full of shrieks. Joe didn’t look like Joe anymore. Now, he was this, this MONSTER! This THING! His fierce eyes seemed to glare at my soul, his mouth agape showing rows of rotted teeth, and his flesh, his flesh that seemed if I touched him, he would fall apart, his skin would fall of what was left of his bones. I shrieked and blacked out. The only thing I remember from then on is that I was back at my camp. Mommy was questioning me of what I saw, and daddy seemed to be holding me tight saying things like “It’s okay Yvonne” and “I’ll take care of the scary monster”. I never saw Joe after that ordeal, and never wanted to.
    The End

  • Mirrors

    One day, a girl, Marissa, was walking home from school. She was the popular preppy girl at her school. She walked into her home. She was about to look in a mirror but someone said “Dont look in the mirror” it repeated over and over again. She just ignored it. She was standing by her mirror, which was taller then her! She was moving it in differnt ways, getting more point of views. The window was open, and she forgot to close it. She turned and started walking. WHOOSH, a gust of wind came flying through, the mirror fell, and squashed Marissa flat. Thats when the voice said “Told you”. Now, if anyone leaves their window open and has a mirror in their room, they will hear the voice….

  • boy. i’m writing a lot of comments.
    well I’ve got another story and it’s true it actually happened to my friend’s uncle.

    One night, 3 men went out to a club far from their village. On their way back, they started crossing an old bridge. They stopped at a red light and wondered why it was there because no one was crossing the road. Just then they saw a pale white woman in a long white flowy dress cross the road in front of them. After the woman crossed, one of the 3 men said “FINALLY!”, because she took 5 minutes to cross the road. They looked around and the woman was gone. As they drove on, the man who was driving looked in his side-mirror and saw that the woman was following them. “OH MY GOD!!!” he yelled and he stepped on the pedal to go faster. “Hey, it looks as if she’s floating. WAIT. SHE IS. GO FASTER!!!!” said the man beside the driver. They were going at 150 m/h and the woman was going just as fast as them. They saw the fury on her face and started to go faster. The woman went faster too. Soon, she over took them and went in front of the car. The driver closed his eyes and stepped on the brakes as fast as he could. When he opened his eyes, she was no longer there. After they reached home, they immediately went on the internet and researched if there was any tragedies on the bridge. They foun out that that woman was hit and run over by a car. The driver was getting impatient and just hit the pedal and ran over her.




    Three boys went to an old house, woke up the spirits in it and got killed by them.

    Hold your applause. It was my pleasure. You’re too kind.

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