Scary For Kids
Strange Photos

Strange Photos

Strange Photos is a scary story about a boy who is terrified of a picture he finds in an old book.

Strange Photos

Charles found the old book when he was 12 years old. It was stuck in behind an old bookcase in the attic of his house. The cover of the book was missing and so were some of the pages inside. It was a book of frightening ghost stories but without the cover, Charles could never been sure if the stories were real or just made up.

Lying in bed at night, Charles would read the stories quietly to himself. They terrified him, but for some reason, he couldn’t stop himself from reading each one again and again. His heart would be pounding and his breath would catch in his throat, yet he still felt unable to put the book down.

There was only one illustration in the book, a solitary strange photograph in the middle pages. Charles could never bear to look at it. Something about the photo unnerved him but he found himself string at it for hours. He never understood why the photograph held such a strange fascination for him.

There was nothing in the picture that should cause him such fear and dread. It merely showed an empty metal staircase leading down into darkness. Could it be the fear of something or someone lurking in the darkness? Perhaps it was the fact that the rusty metal steps looked as if they were covered in blood.

For some reason, the photo terrified him so much that he finally reached breaking point. He ripped it out of the book and threw it in the trash. Charles thought that would be the end of it, but he found that he was unable to get the picture out of his mind.

When he fell asleep at night, he would see the empty metal staircase in his nightmares and he always woke up drenched in a cold sweat. The strange photo haunted him for years. As he got older, he would often be reminded of the photo and then the nightmares would start again. It was as if what he had seen in the photo could never be unseen.

Walking home from college one night, Charles took a shortcut through a dark alleyway and came upon a scene that seemed all too familiar to him. Up ahead, he could see the same rusty metal staircase that had haunted his dreams for so many years.

Charles felt a chill go up his spine and he had the sudden urge to flee. But his curiosity got the better of him. He had to find out why the staircase had disturbed him so much.

Charles approached the staircase cautiously, staring down into the darkness that lay below. In his terror, his mind began to recognize strange shapes in the pitch black. He could hear odd sounds and moans coming from underground.

As Charles stood at the top ofmthe stairs, he began shaking with fear. He was about to turn and leave when he heard something strange. A whisper or a low groan. He looked down and started screaming.

Strange Photos

scary for kids


  • my gooseflesh wont go away!!! it kinda reminds me of gothika where the girl is stuck n the stair case O.O

  • the picture isn’t gory or anything, but the thing that really messes with your mind is the fact that it looks so normal, like something you see everyday, but then you just see a pair of EYES. Whoever invented it is pure genius

  • At first I was confused. But then I looked carefully at the picture and saw those eyes…….


  • !!!EYYYYYYYYYYYEZZZZZ!!!. the eyes actually look cartoonish.

  • My pants feel gushy and damp….Oh…..That’s why…..MOMMY I NEED MY BROWN PANTS!!! I seen this on [another website] and I noticed the eyes, and it never scared me. The story is what makes it scarier. Put yourself in his shoes, how would you feel if when you are looking down some metal, rusted, bloodstained steps and you look straight down and see a pair of eyes, nothing else, staring at you? I know I would scream. I already did. So did my mind. I’m sleeping in my parents’ room for tonight….And the rest of the month.

  • Did anyone else notice that the gleam at the bottom of the stairs looks like light shining on what looks like water, so it almost seems like bodies were dispensed into the water under the stairs? Or that the ‘rust’ might actually be dried blood on the stairs from the bodies that were dragged down them & then dumped into the water? The eyes may be the body of someone who is still partially alive.

  • Holy shizz, i didnt notice the eyes at first, but then when i looked close i did :O

  • omg i know this is inopropret but wat if a woman found that place and she had a loose dress on O_O

  • I read this before, and when I saw those eyes, they freaked the hell outta me!

  • GODDAMMIT!!! I found the eyes, and I am now officially scared of stairs…😭

  • the first thing i saw in the picture were the eyes,
    i spent ages looking for this pic to show my little sis…..

  • When I saw the picture I thought ” what’s so interesting about some old stairs?” then I scrolled down and I saw the eyes and I was like “ahhhhhhh!”

  • OMG i didn’t even notice that. I was already creeped out by the first picture, and now i see why! Holy crap!

  • They terrified him, but for some reason, he couldn’t stop himself from reading each one again and again. His heart would be pounding and his breath would catch in his throat, yet he still felt unable to put the book down.
    sounds like the me and the stories on this website XD

  • Right, so he first saw the picture when he was twelve, and now he’s in college. So the thing’s been under the stairs for 8 years? Not cool, bro. o_o

  • This pic is CURSED! idk if it’s just the scariness or if it’s always supposed to cause bad dreams cause that’s what iv been having!

  • HOLY CRAP! When I saw those eyes I almost crapped my pants! OMG OMG this one no doubt was the scariest thing I’ve ever read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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