Scary For Kids

Stupid Stories

Some short stupid stories to make you say “Whaaaa?” These tepid tales of terrible terror are meant to be scary, but fail so miserably that they end up just being funny.

Stupid Stories

Stupid Story 1 – The Mystery Of The Yellow Spot

Two brothers were sitting in their bedroom one evening. Suddenly, they looked up at the ceiling and saw a small yellow spot appear in the middle. The boys watched in horror as the yellow spot grew larger and larger. The boys ran up to the attic and opened the door. When they turned on the lights, they screamed. There, in the corner, stood their father and he was peeing on the floor.

Stupid Story 2 – Dawn Of The Bears

Once upon a time, a brother and sister went camping. They didn’t have any parents so they went camping alone. In the middle of the night, they heard some strange noises outside their tent. They thought it was bears, so they fired shots from inside the tent. Then they heard some noises that sounded like two bears dying from gunshot wounds. At dawn, the next morning, they went outside and discovered that it wasn’t bears at all. It was actually their parents who had tracked them down because they loved them so much.

Stupid Story 3 – Return Of The Frozen Baby

In summer 1971 a girl had just turned 16 and found out she was pregnant. After the baby was born, she realized she was too young to be a mother, so she decided to put her baby in the freezer. A few years later, she met a nice man, got married and felt that she was ready to have a child. She took the baby out of the freezer and tried to heat it up in the microwave, but it was already dead.

Stupid Story 4 – Something Caught His Eye

One night, a man was walking down the street, when something caught his eye. There was a trail of blood leading into a dark alley. He followed the trail and found a bloody doll with blond hair lying on the ground. He picked it up, but immediately slipped and fell over, narrowly missing impaling himself on a nail by an inch. He knew the doll had dark powers, so he selfishly thrust it into the hands of a young girl who was passing by.

The next day, he heard on the news that a young girl had been mugged in a dark alley the night before. Her eyes had been gouged out so that she couldn’t identify the criminals. He felt guilty because it had been his fault that the girl was mugged. The man immediately ran to the hospital and volunteered to donate his eye to her.

When he woke up after the surgery, the man was shocked. He couldn’t see a thing. “What did you do to me?” he asked the doctor. “I only wanted to donate one eye!”

“But you only had one eye to begin with,” replied the doctor.

Stupid Story 5 – Attack Of The Tree

Two kids were walking through the woods. Suddenly, a tree fell on them both and squished them to death. But the kids didn’t die instantly. They lived for several painful hours. Then they died. In the morning, the neighbours called the police because they had heard some screams. Once the police got to the scene of the accident, they realized that the tree was actually the kids’ father and they arrested him for murder.

Stupid Story 6 – The Cursed Sweater

One cloudy autumn afternoon, a guy was driving down a deserted country road. He stopped to pick up a hitchhiker. She was a pretty girl and she seemed really nice. He dropped her off in front of her house. The next day, he realized that she had left her sweater in his car. He tried it on and although it was warm, it had horses on the front so he decided he didn’t want it. But then, to his horror, he couldn’t take it off. That night, as he slept, he was sure that he could hear the horses saying “om nom nom nom.” And then, no matter how much food he ate, he kept losing weight, but the horses kept getting fatter and fatter. Eventually, he happened to look down and screamed when he noticed the horses had human faces. Then the guy died.

Stupid Story 7 – Glass Elevator Of Evil

One time, a guy got onto a glass elevator. He pushed the button for the tenth floor. The doors closed and the elevator went up. The indicator light climbed higher. 8… 9… 10… 11. The elevator didn’t stop on the correct floor. Nor did it stop at all… ever. But, when it did stop, the man was a skeleton.

scary for kids


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