Scary For Kids


  • Master of Puppets

    I can’t believe this is real. It’s just a matter of time until I get killed or turned into one of those… things. Everything because of him. The one that brought darkness in my life.
    I’ve always been a pretty shy boy and my shyness only made me stay away from my crushes. Of course, I have never been at least a bit successful with girls.
    But he is. Bob isn’t your typical freak, the one bullies always pick on. No. He is weird in a mesmerizing way, and the prettiest girls come to him all the time. Although he never seems to actually care. Although he rarely speaks.
    This classmate of mine has even got Maya’s attention. I’ve been liking Maya for a year now. She’s extremely beautiful and easy-going, so it wasn’t a surprise that she wouldn’t even notice me.
    But soon, she seemed a lot into Bob. Always following him, always doing his homework… And that kid would only sigh with a bored look. What the hell does he want?
    Soon, I could see the changes within Maya’s behavior. She would always walk like a robot, without a single sparkle in her big brown eyes. She would only sit next to Bob and watch him all the time, even during lessons.
    After a week, I gathered all my courage and told her:
    ” Hey, Maya, you’ve been acting weird lately. What’s wrong?”
    She just stared through me with her lifeless look. Then, she started walking towards Bob desk.
    ” Hey, wait!” I stopped her, grabing her shoulder. She wanted to keep on walking, but I jumped in front of her and shouted out loud:
    ” Maya! Wake up, this isn’t you!”
    For just a bare second, I saw a light in her eyes. Then, her glare became as cold as usual.
    What I haven’t noticed from the very beginning was that she wasn’t the only one like that. No. All my girl classmates were like this. More than that, the entire school seemed to have gotten this Bob obsession. Filled with anger, I ran towards Bob and grabbed him by the collar.
    ” You son of a bitch! Tell me what you had done to Maya and the other girls!”
    He just grinned. Then, all the girl jumped on me and started punching my face. There was no way I could escape. Suddenly, Maya and other girl took me and pushed me out the window, making me fall from the third floor.

    I woke up in a hospital with a broken arm. A cop kept on asking me why did I try to commit suicide. He didn’t believe me when I told him that I had been thrown out, and announced me that I would soon meet a psychologist. The man left, and in just an hour the sun set.
    While I was trying to sleep, I heard somebody open the door. Then, a strange noise came up to my ears. There were footsteps. Somebody locked the door and turned the lights on. It was Bob, along with Maya and other three classmates of mine. The four girls looked like they were made of wood, and their eyes were even more lifeless, like the eyes of a doll. I noticed something strange coming from their backs. There were wires! Bob was controlling Maya, who who was holding a knife in her left hand. I tried to scream, but there was no sound coming from my throat. It was like some invisible beings were controlling the other three girls.
    ” You were so close to finding my secret, little John” said the boy. ” Just as close as the ghosts of the other boys.”
    ” What are you?” I dared to ask.
    ” I’m a teenager, just like you. But I can turn people into puppets, ready to submit to my will. I really wanted to have Maya here, always ready to do anything I wanted. My ghost friends…Well, they are forced to help me do my… job. You were a nice boy, John, but now you have to die.”
    I threw a vase to the puppet Maya, and jumped out the window, from the first floor. The four dolls jumped after me, and with knives in their hands, started chasing me.
    I had to find some help. All of a sudden, I felt a terrible pain in my back. Somebody had stabbed me. Now I am to the ground, and I can see them approaching, fixing me with their dead eyes…

  • Ok guys this is a TRUE STORY it really happened to me!
    The Window
    A couple months ago, I had these blue curtains. They opened in the middle, like usual living room curtains. The window is right in front of my bed, because I sleep at the bottom. So like I said, a couple months ago, I started seeing things out of that window. There are two big trees out there, and I started seeing a small lump behind the tree. The next day, I got my brother outside with me and we went around behind the tree to see what was going on. There was nothing there. That night, the small lump got closer. It looked like it was a small human body folded up. My eyes went wide with fright. I covered my eyes with the blanket and went to sleep. The lump continued to get closer. Every night I could see something new. Like hands, a head, and ears. One night, I was awakened by scratching on the window. Outside there was somone’s head, smiling at me with razor-sharp teeth. It had red eyes and its hair covered one of them. I was too shocked to scream. The window slowly opened, but I pushed it back down hard on the creatures fingers. I closed the curtains and never opened them again. Now I have a big purple curtain that blocks my view from my window, but every night I hear scratching.

    Guys, I hope you liked it. This really happened to me. I was scared to death!

  • This is new but here it is

    Mirror Demon…

    Do you ever get the feeling you are being watched, well that is how i felt last month. I was sitting at my desk doing homework when my radio flipped on. And the system went haywire it crackled and creaked and moaned and groaned, and yes i did just say moaned and groaned. I jumped out of my chair and ran to my door. One thought pounding through my mind ‘GET OUT NOW!’. As i reached out to grasp the handle it turned and the door slammed shut in my face. I turned around slowly from hearing the stereo stop suddenly and as i did i heard a blood curdling scream. And it wasn’t mine.

    My sliding wardrobes had mirrors on the front and i could see myself reflected in them….only it wasn’t me exactly. The girl looked like me but she was wearing black and her hair was on fire! I let out a scream identical to her’s and i heard my parents trying to get through my door. It was locked.

    I ran to the mirror for some reason, and as i did so the girl locked up and her eyes… her eyes, they were as black as the devils soul and that was where she came from. She smiled at me, and as you can guess it wasn’t friendly.

    I stared at her and after about a minute of this i felt her in my head and her thoughts where whirling in my mind. The pain was unbearable like a fire in my head, i could feel my eyes going black. My body was burning and aching as if i were being jabbed thousands of times over.

    I collapsed to the floor oblivious to my parents distant screams, i writhed in pain, crying in agony and i felt half dead by the time she started to speak through me. A haunting song started blaring in my ears and she was whispering to me telling me not to turn around.

    And all of a sudden as quickly as it had started, the pain and the voice along with the music stopped. I scrambled to my feet and being the stupid girl i was i turned around. She stood there, the mirror girl and staring at me with her eyes, and her hair was licking at my walls.

    I glanced at her and suddenly she began to laugh, i gasped and to my horror all around me the room exploded into a raging blaze of fire and evil. She continued to laugh and as i backed away she pulled a sharp edged knife from behind her.

    I backed away some more begging to hyperventilate, my breath catching in my thought, she approached me still laughing.She grabbed my shoulder and whispered in my ear.
    ”Lily, why did you turn around” and without warning, she plunged the knife into my beating heart.

    If you have mirrors, never be fooled by your reflection. It could be nothing but it might be a demon. And never ever turn around…

  • It was your fault…
    I am terrified. I don’t know what to do. She is standing in front of me, pointing and repeating over and over again in a raspy voice
    “It was your fault”

    Three days ago, Katie and I had an arguement. And it was huge. Our school was about 50 yards away from a huge cliff with jagged rocks below. I have always thought that it was a pretty dumb place to put a school. But it was there and we had to live with it.
    Someone said to me that Katie wanted to finish this once and for all and that I was to meet her behind the school when everyone went home.
    she came to meet me as I walked along the courtyard to meet her. she was standing about 10 metres away from the edge of the cliff. She started to push me , so I pushed back. But I didn’t stop until it was too late. I pushed Katie of the edge down to the rocks below. I watched her plummet to her death and stared at her mangled body for what seemed like forever.
    I left the horrific scene and went home.
    The next day my best friend, Jennifer, and I took a picture of each other. When I looked through my photos later that day, there was a dark smudge in the top right hand corner.
    It was human shaped and it was covered in scratches. The face was unrecognisable . I just asumed that it was someone playing a practical joke.
    The day after that was the day my school photo came and there was someone in the picture with me. The figure was wering a black skirt and denim jacket, ut the face was still masked for the head was bowed and the long dark hair fell limply over it like a sheet.
    On the third day, I felt like I was being watched where ever I went. It was cold and dark when it was supossed to be 19 degrees and the sun shining. It was that night that it came.
    At midnight exactly, the thing grew from the shadows. It stood in the corner of my bedroom.
    I heard bones crack as it moved a limb to point at me.
    It said in a raspy voice,

    “It was your fault”

    As it said that, the head looked up and i had to bite hard on my lip to stop me screaming.
    It was Katie. The torn, mangled face of Katie.
    She started repeating ‘It was your fault’ and with every time she said it, she moved a step closer.
    Before long she was standing in front of me. I was terrified. She lowered her accusing finger and breathed new words,

    “It was your fault that I
    died. Now you’ll die too!”

    The last thing I felt was the undead strength of a ghost of the girl I murdered clenched around my throat.

    Sorry if its a bit too long first story hope you like it!!!!!! :D

  • Hi everyone, I barely got this account and this is my first story. Hope you like it.

    There was once a girl named Sarah. She had brown hair and black eyes and many people thought she was weird. She was a very kind girl and those who knew her knew she was also very sweet. On the other hand, those who didn’t thought she was weird and odd. The only friend she had was an other peculiar girl named Carrie. Carrie always stood up for Sarah when the others bullied her. Carrie was a girl with a lot of muscle so people were always scared, but when Carrie wasn’t around they thought it was the perfect opportunity to bully her. One day, Carrie was absent and that day was awful. Now, everyone bullied her emotionally, but there was this group that physically bullied her. In the “group” there were 2 girls and 1 boy, Christina, Alexis, and John. On her way to class that day , Alexis bumped into her and made her drop her books, as Sarah was picking her books up Alexis kneeled down and whispered in her ear, ” you knew that Carrie wouldn’t be here forever. I’m sure you didn’t hear because no one talks to you but, she moved. Anyways, good luck. You’re gonna need it.” With that she got back up, gave Sarah a gentle kick, and walked away.
    At the end of the day Sarah overheard two guys talking about how someone spread a rumor about Christina, Alexis, and John. It was something about how they were selfish, spoiled, stupid brats who didn’t care about anyone but themselves and about how whoever started it will be sorry. Sarah knew that They loved to start, spread, and hear rumors about others, but never about themselves. After school Sarah was walking home and she saw the group following her. She started running because she knew they would seriously hurt her if they wanted to. She started running, hoping that they didn’t notice she was trying to get away. After she started running they started running, but actually it was only Alexis running after her. The only place she could go was this long alleyway. She ran down the alley and at the end there were two ways to go, left and right. Her house was to the right but Christina was there which forced her to go left. At the very end she saw light so she began to run faster. Then she heard Christina say something about a van so she looked back at them while she was still running, they smiled as she ran into the door of their van. Just as they planned.
    Christina and Alexis got in the van too and hit poor Sarah in the head with a rock which made her pass out. Sarah woke up in a room, it actually looked like a large shed. When she
    finally realized that they were going to do something awful to her Christina and Alexis came in the room. Sarah saw that they were talking and quickly got up and tried to run out but John was in the van and it was blocking the door. Christina and Alexis saw that she was trying to escape and brutally threw her on the ground. Then Alexis said, ” you think you can spread rumors like that huh? Well you humiliated us and now we will humiliate you. We hate you, freak!” they used rocks, bats, and anything else they could find to hit her with. They stopped when they knew Sarah didn’t have a bit of life in her. And that was all for just a rumor and because she was different.
    The next few day Sarah was absent and no one knew why. But the group did, after they killed her they dumped her body in the nearby lake where no one could find her. They didn’t even have guilt about what they had done. They weren’t even worried if someone found her body because John

  • Under the drain.

    A young woman was in a very big hurry. You see,tonight she had a very important date with a man she had been admiring for avery long time. In her rush,she had realized she had forgotten to shave her legs. She decided she would just roll up her pants and sit on the side of the bathtub,because taking a shower would mess up her hair and makeup that she had worked so hard on.

    In her ush to fininsh in time,she had managed to cut herself with the razzor. To looked at her leg in disgust as the blood ozzed down her leg,she moved closer to the darin,fearing that he blood would stain the porcelin tub. She let the blood run down a little bit,before she reached for a near by washcloth,but something horrifying made the young woman stop in mid-movement. “Tfffft…..thffft…thffft.”,she looked down with a horrified expression. SHe couldn’t believe what she was seeing,a long snake-like tounge came from beneath the drain,the disghusting thing was lapping up her blood like was a declious treat. She cringed away from the disghusting thing,so much that she fell off of the ledge. A small giggle came from the drain. “Thank you…hehe..I’ll be waiting for you.” a high pitched voice whispered.

  • Goooooooood Morning!!!!!! [It’s around 7:00 A.M. Here in the Philippines, anyway your ratings peep’z: [means people]
    @GhostGirl666: :O don’t get it much. I don’t get this grammar-sentence: He was drowning FOR her?! Maybe there’s no “FOR”. So the… Fathee of the Christine-something got into him? :/
    @NightmareIn108op: Kuh-Ray-Zee :))))))))) Gully!!
    @xXDeadForeverXx:! That damn killer :|||||||||
    @DEAD scary: I-I-I-I-I-Is this a t-t-tr-uu-ue st-sto-to-o-or-ry???
    @autumnisscary: Dude/tte I don’t even know the difference of ghost and ghoul -.- [me an idiot, fine!]. But whatever.. Anyway pls. pls. pls. pls. don’t get angry with this ok? But Autumn is probably scarier than your story JK
    @Kanamashi Kuno: Good Story and…. No girl! No way! Never! =P LOL. I swer it’s VERY awesome yo!!
    So okay i’m getting lazy and yeah.. Umm… Bye!! And it’s ariund [8:00 A.M.] now.. ‘cuz I ate breakfast

  • Madeline was a nice, quiet girl. She rarely talked, and when she did, it was strange. She hardly showed any sign of emotion. She never spoke her opinion. She always agreed with people. She never disliked anything. Rumors went around her middle school saying Madeline was an orphan. She was indeed weird.

    September 6th, 2017
    Dear Diary,
    Going to gymnastics today. I’ve got to practice my frontflip. I like them, but I’m bad at them. Anyway, my neighbor Madeline is acting weirder than usual. She was just rocking back and forth on the grass of her lawn. Then her eyes turned pure white. I’m creeped out. Bye.

    September 7th, 2017
    Dear Diary,
    Oh god save me. The world is on fire. My family is dead. People I don’t even know are dead, splattered on the street. Kids are crying, adults are screaming. Water is scarce. Every building in Springfield is flaming. I hear footsteps behind me.

  • Ok… My dad’s watching news!! Wew!!
    @SethShow11:S-so.. He’s just pr-ret-t-t-t-tend-i-i-ing??
    @tick tock goes the clock: Ummm… Hey you NEED.. as in NEED to tell me.. Is this true?? Y-you Y-you did this to yourself?! Joke or not.. Pls.. Answer….
    @coolvampire: Pls. don’t get mad or be offended but it’s quite typical.. Yes scary if it’s in true life but ehh… Maybe if your better writer than me [Damn, my stories must be horrible ‘cuz SFK aren’t posting them but.. ANYWAY] you can –yeah. Improve. Just enhance your skills =) Like.. Going on summer class or something. <3
    @sparklepencil: Hey!! Ehh.. Just passed by to say: Nice One!! <3 ^0^ Whee! [claps]

  • Oh yeaahhh!! Not yet time to sleep. (Here in the Philippines it’s like around 11:00 PMSo quicckk!! My dad might be there soon.. Anyway:
    @HelleitsElle: Ehhhh.. So… The man is under the bed?! If he is Quinn could’ve told her right. Confused, creeped out though. =>

  • Hey continuation!!
    @dolly_pete:That crazy Zachary o’ meany!! Effing creepy… Yaaaaaaahhh!!
    @OrangeAcid: Eh-Eh-Eh-Eeeeeehhh… O my golly!!!! Crazy Jaycee can also be it’s title. XD Wadda you think?
    @HelleitsElle: WHOAAAAAAAAHHHH!! I think that’s the only entry story I read that truly happened to the user anyway (Yeah, all my stories are FAKKKKKE!!). Cool! Very cool story! But the thungy that happned to you ummm… Maybe if it makes you feel sick remembering this thing you couldn’t have posted it but THANKS for letting us know :)
    @Leatherboots: Um Eh Ooh Eh.. Ehh.. Ahhh… Smart Nerd, huh?? :?
    @jikram: It’s the girl’z fault :D
    Ok.. That’s it!! <3 Maybe more soon

  • Whhhhiiiiieeeeee!!! Thanks to all who complimented or reacted or something to my quite of odd [or is it nice anyway?] STORIES,. BTW, Well.. I guess I might as well rate that SPG/PG ^_^ i’m totally trying to think of a story… and… I can’t think XD so… hmmm… um.. People, let me read your stories, and I am your judge… JOKE!! Anyway I’ll try to read and compliment or react so here are they: P.S. i’m reading from bottom to top LOL
    @xFenrirWolfsbanePotterx: Uh yeah.. Short but… Yeah… Umm… Nice, ehehehehhhh…O:)
    @DEAD scary: Ehhh.. I don’t get it so much but nice attempt anyway.. BTW, So is she like dead and now she’s like ummmm…. Following you as a ghost? Is that what you meant?
    @OrangeAcid: Omygosh Omygosh Omygosh Omygosh Omygosh Omygosh…. [1 million years later] … {screams to death}. Nice one. I think SFK will post it as soon as they see it.. Why won’t such cool story not be posted so early, huh??
    @japanesehorrorfan99: RAWR!!!!! Yeah.. Rose, do it!!!! XD
    This is all for now ~Hanasaki~

  • Hi Scary For Kids! Hope you like my story!

    Title: Babysitting
    By xFenrirWolfsbanePotterx

    It seems just hours ago, Alec and Greg were running around the house with their Tonka toys. I will never see their cheerful faces again. Here I am, weak, trembling, scared, in this hall closet, hearing his awful voice outside of my hiding place. “Cerena….Cereeeeeeenaaa….” My teeth are digging into my bottom lip. I’m horrified, of what that awful guy did to poor Alec and Greg, innocent toddlers. He ripped them apart, limb by limb. I feel like a terrible babysitter. “Cerena.” I try to push myself deeper into the clutter, but a broom falls, cracks me across the head, and make a loud clang. I gritted my teeth. He knows where I am. I hear his shoes padding down the hall. I see the shadows of his feet beneath the crack underneath the door. “No. No no no.” I whispered to myself. Alec and Greg’s parents came home a few minutes ago. How do I know? I heard their screams of pain. This maniac has found me.
    To my surprise, he walks straight passed my door. “Cerena…Cereeeenaaaaa..” I keep hearing his shrill voice. I want to wake up from this nightmare. Oh dear God, no, this can’t happen. I sneezed. A loud sneeze. He heard me for sure this time. I heard the door fly open, and that’s all I recall.

    I woke up in a bed that next day. That bed wasn’t mine.
    An oxygen tank was hooked to me. The nurses had just left me alone. I felt relaxed. I didn’t die last night. They had arrested the murderer. I felt relaxed.
    That is, until I heard that familiar rasp of a voice:
    In the corner stood a man with a cleaver, beady eyes set on me, his shiny shoes tapping the ground.
    Take my advice: Babysitting isn’t the job for you. Trust me. You’ll die trying. Not from the children, either.

  • step
    I was shaking my socks off. It was freezing. I was hugging some girl I barely even knew. But, I want to tell you what JUST happened. Me and my friends were walking home from a club when I saw some girl getting beat up in the park. I saw a group of kids, i dont know, maybe in middle school, and they was kicking her punching her, pushing her and stamping on her feet, and pulling on her hair and jumper. I roared at them and the freakiest thing was, they slowly faded like powder and the floor opened and the girl feel in. Before it shut I ran in after her, when I saw there was steps. I ran down them, as quickly as I could and when i got to the bottom, I grabbed the girls hand and we started running up the steps. The floor was closing in on us so we had to jump. We leaped out the hole. I picked up the girl and hugged her. Her clothes in shreds. Her hair a mess. Her face covered in blood. Her shoes covered in mud. I think her arm is broken. I lifted her off the floor and hugged her. That leaves us here right now. My friends ran away in terror. Everyone, if you know MOLLY RAINFIELD she’s the girl who’s with me now. If you know her, i need her address, phone number and her parents names. THANK YOU!

    Add it please, the molly rainfield part was also made up!

  • Oh my gosh I copied the wrong story :( that is the one that I had to write for a contest with my friends to see who could write the longest story (it was long on paper) and here is the real one:
    Ring Ring
    Ever since I was twelve, I have always had this fear of being home alone. My parents always said that it is just because I am not used to it, but I think it is something much more. I sit on the couch when mother comes into the living room. “Honey, your father and I are going out for dinner tonight. You have some spaghetti in the refrigerator. Be in bed by nine.” I nod, barely listening to what she says. They walk out the door, locking it behind them. I stay on the couch and watch a horror movie about terrifying phone calls. When the movie is over, I keep reminding myself it isn’t real. Then the phone rings. I walk over and pick it up. Blocked number. I answer it anyways, thinking my mother ran out of service and called me from somewhere else. “Hello?” “Ring ring, watch and see.” a raspy voice says. I hang up quickly, thinking it was someone prank calling me. Watch and see? See what? Just as I say that, the lights go out. The phone rings again. The same person. “Ring ring, shh! Its the good part now.” The phone cuts off. I am terrified. I stand in shock as I hear footsteps upstairs. A few minutes later, the phone rings again. “Ring ring, turn around.” I slowly turn on my heels. I see a small child, holdding something to her ear. Her face is terribly deformed, which is why her voice is so raspy. “Ring ring, hit the ground.” she says before she stabs a knife right into my heart. As everything goes black, I hear her say “Ring ring, you’re mine now.”



    There once was a girl named Rose who was a high school student. She was always bullied by four boys named Jason, Martin, Derek and Brian. She has only two friends named Bethany and Katie. One day at the canteen, Rose was eating her lunch until Jason started to throw pudding on her. Everybody was laughing, while she goes out crying. The next day, she dresses up for school and walks to school. At the gate, she finds the 4 bullies calling her ugly and ew. She tells them to leave her alone but instead they kicked her and beat her up. She goes back home and decides to have her revenge. She writes a note saying ” You… better watch out and puts them on their beds. As the boys arrive home, they spot the note and the nex day, they gather up about the note. Thinking Rose is pulling a prank on them but the principal announce that Rose commited suicide by hanging. Her class cries for they are sorry for hurting her except the 4 boys. Jason then is about to go to sleep until he hears cackling laughter. In front of him is the ghost of Rose with a knife. Jason tries to apologize but it’s too late. Her ghost stabs him and kills the other 3 bullies. Rose wakes up and realizes that she’s dreaming and proceeds to go to school in her best outfit. Outside the gates, the 4 bullies call her ugly and ew. She says “leave me” then she whispers I can’t wait for the revenge part.

  • Here is a little story I wrote in class, sorry if it is too long:

    I walk outside into the cool air. There she is. I turn my head, trying to hide from her. She doesn’t notice me. I turn around and take off running towards the school building. She is following me. “Hurry up, Jade!” Marcus calls. “You are going to be late!” I catch up to him quickly. “Marcus, she is following me. She has been for the past week.” I say quietly so she doesn’t hear. Marcus shrugs. “You know how people are. Don’t let it get to you.” One week ago, this girl moved in to the house across the street. I don’t know her name, but rumour has it that her name is Jaycee. She keeps looking through her window into mine, and only stops to write in a small notepad. She follows me everywhere. Marcus and I hurry up the steps to the old brick school house. Pine City High. We split up at the lockers. “See ya at lunch.” he says. Marcus James is my best friend. We have been best friends since pre-school. I grab my books and start first period. She sits across from me in the other aisle, the girl. Jaycee, I guess. She doesn’t have any friends, but still she has a binder full of pictures of people that are smiling, so they look like her friends from another place. She twirls a pencil with her fingers as she focuses on a math problem. I peek across the aisle to see her. She was looking at me. I quickly turn around to finish math. English and Science go by fast enough, so in the blink of an eye its lunch. I run out of the classroom to put books up. “Jade! No running!” Mr. Kaymil calls. I nod quickly and sprint to the cafeteria. Marcus sits at a table in the corner. I grab my tray and sit next to him. “She is still following me, Marcus.” I say. “Jade, I think you are overreacting. She just wants a friend.” he says, pity in his voice. “Go talk to her.” He nods over towards a table where she sits alone. I get up slowly and walk to her table. I sit down next to her. “Hi, my name is Jade. What’s yours?” Her head snaps up. “You scared me. My name is Jaycee.” she says. So they were right. Its Jaycee. “I am sorry if I scare you, by watching you.” she says. “I just want to see where you got your clothes, they are beautiful.” “Oh, thank you. I love yours, too.” I say. She is wearing a white vest over a bright red top. She smiles. We continue our conversation until lunch is over. Marcus and I have art together. “So how did it go?” he asks. “Good.” “Thats good.” I nod. School ends and we go home. Jaycee isn’t in her window. I hear my phone ding. Its a text, from Jaycee. How did she get my number? The text reads: So Jade, remember how you said you liked my clothed today? Want to have some of your own? It only comes in red.~ Jaycee. I write a reply saying that I would love some. I just don’t want them so sweaty, like yours, I say to myself. Just then I hear a scream. Its my mother. I peek outside into the hall. “Mom?” I ask. Then something falls from a string in the ceiling. My mother’s dead body. She has been skinned alive, making it look like she is wearing a red shirt. Then she has some of her skin left at the top of her head and on her arms. It is snow white. Red shirt, white jacket. Just like Jaycee. I hear someone coming up the steps. I dart back into my room. “Jade, its me. Jaycee. I got your mother some clothes, too. And I gave Marcus a red shirt so he can fit in.” she says in such an innocent tone. She jumps in front of me. “So. Red shirt, white jacket. Red shirt white jacket.” she mumbles. She grabs a knife. The last thing I hear is, “I hope you enjoy the clothes.”

    News announcer: This just in, lock all your doors and windows. There is a small girl that poses as a regular teenager. She has brown hair and black eyes. They are stained with blood. She drains the blood out of her victims bodys, making them white. Then she sins them. It gives them a red shirt and a white jacket. Nobody can touch her. One girl that escaped claimed she was a ghost. Keep all your doors locked and keep your children home from school.

    I hope you liked it, I wrote it in class so it was rushed. But remember, if you meet a new girl with brown hair nd black eyes with a white jacket and a red top, you shouldn’t go to school the enxt day. Maybe Jaycee is hunting you right now :) BTW, my story is called New Clothes

  • Ghost couple…
    I never used to believe in spirits, I thought it was all a joke, something people said to scare others. That changed the day before Halloween when I was sixteen.
    I’ve always loved Halloween and that year I was going to a house party that my friend from school had organised, we all dressed up as different ghouls and creatures (I was a ghost bride) and there was alcohol.
    At about 12am, when a lot of people had left the party, me, my friend and four others sat in her bedroom telling spooky stories. We’d been up for a while when my friend said she had an awesome idea, she left the room and was back a while later with a Ouji board. She placed it on the floor and we all sat around it. We decided we’d start by asking it questions about each of us in turn, we started with Zak, then Claire, then Lara, then the host Rachelle and now it was my turn. However when we asked it my name the pointer spelt out “My love.” We asked it again and it repeated “My love.” We asked why I was “My love.” and it merely replied “My bride, my love.” We knew we had a spirit, the pointer was going crazy and we could feel the energy, we asked it who my groom was and it said “I am your groom.” I was freaked out by now, and seriously regretting my costume choice but still we played. My friends decided to let me control the pointer by myself and they formed a protective circle around me, I asked it what year it was and it replied “1939.” I asked what the ghost’s name was and it replied “How can you not know what your love’s name is?” The pointer was vibrating now and my friends started chanting the protective spells the hosts mother had taught her. It was then I felt breath on the back of my neck, I felt the tickle of fingertips brushing my cheek and then very distinctly a pair of icy lips pressing against my own. After that I blacked out but according to my friends I closed my eyes for no more than a second and when I opened them again I spoke in a voice that was not my own, they asked me who I was and I said “My name is Agatha.” when they asked me the year I said “1939.” they asked me where I was and I said “London.” they asked me what I was doing and I replied “I am waiting to marry Arthur, my love, but he has not turned up. I am stood at the alter, in my wedding gown, I don’t think he’s coming.” And then all the candles were blown out and everyone felt a force pushing them and the circle was broken.
    To this day my friend mantains that there are too ghosts haunting her house, that one is Agatha and the other is Arthur. We never truly learnt what had happened but we did some research and found a newspaper cut-out from 18th of April 1939 about a woman named Agatha Robinson who was found hanging from the ceiling of her London home in her wedding gown. Another print we found about an Arthur Smith who went missing and left his bride-to-be at the alter. I did further research into the bizzarre case and found out that Arthur Smith was found buried in a shallow grave some twenty years later by two men who were digging some land in a field so they could bury a timme capsule, his cause of death was found to be a blunt force to the head. But no one could think why that would have happened or why anyone would want to kill Mr. Smith.
    I can’t bring myself to stay in my friends house too long anymore, the restless spirits of Agatha and Arthur make my spine tingle.
    By Elle Mayhew.

  • @unicorn5 sorry it was based on what happened to my friend. she woke up and saw a dead clown hanging out the window. i just changed the story ending

  • The House on Halloween Hill:
    All of the trick or treaters avoided the house on halloween hill. The owners were really scary and only ever came out at night. It started when a boy called Josh and his girlfriend were ghostbusting. Josh’s girlfriend dared him to go up to the house. So off he went up the hill. The owners had gone out for their midnight shopping. He went down the stairs to the basement and just as he got to the bottom, he heard the front door open. He hid in one of the boxes. He heard footsteps on the stairs. He opened the lid slightly and saw the woman open a fridge and take out a bottle of blood. She then went up the stairs and closed the door. He got out of the box he was hiding in and turned to look at it. To his horror there infront of him were two coffins. Before long he heard them again. Josh froze in shock. He had to hide but could not move. The door opened and in walked the owners. They saw Josh straight away. They grabbed him. He screamed. Josh was never seen again.

  • Beneath your bed – By Elle
    It was 12pm, the kids were asleep, the babysitter (Janey) sat watching cable. Her boyfriend had called twice asking if he could come stay, but she knew the Tomkins wouldn’t like it if she had him round. They didn’t approve. So here she was, watching their large television with some popcorn. The house phone rang and thinking it was just her boyfriend again she picked up, “Grant, I swear, if you phone here again I’m breaking up with you.” There was a laugh on the other end, “Who’s Grant?” She sighed, it must be someone calling for Mr. or Mrs. Tomkins, “Oh, I’m sorry, who’s calling?” The line went dead, she shook her head and placed the phone back in the cradle, upstairs she heard a slight thump. One of the children must have been woken by the phone, she decided to go check on them. She checked on Kyle first, he was a five year old and still scared by monsters under his bed, he was fast asleep. Next she went to Quin’s room, she was nine and although she didn’t like to admit it she was scared of the dark and sometimes still made her parents check beneath her bed for monsters. Quin was sitting up in her princess bed, her eyes wide, the teddy bear night light glowed but it didn’t give out a lot of light. To the left of the bed, directly beside the window, sat a large gilt-frame mirror. Janey was always creeped out by mirrors, especially mirrors in the dark. Depite this she sat down on the left hand side of the bed and stroked Quin’s hair, “What’s the matter sweetie?” Quin bit her bottom lip, “There’s a monster under my bed, I can’t sleep.” Janey still stroked Quin’s hair, “There’s not a monster, don’t worry.” She soothed Quin back to sleep and then sat in the room a while. She looked into the mirror, shivering because the dark shapes playing in the reflection creeped her out, she felt like she could see a face beneath the bed, she ignored it. The wind was howlinng against the window, the curtains were moving slightly, she moved to the window and noticed it was open slightly. She pulled it closed and went back down stairs to watch the tv again. The phone rang while she was walking down the stairs, she picked it up straight away, “Hello, Tomkins residence. Who’s calling?” There was a laugh, like the one she’d heard earlier, though it was slightly muffled, “Why don’t you go and check on the children again.” Janey was annoyed now, she thought Grant was trying to scare her, “Grant if that’s you, I’m going to break up with you.” Again there was that muffled laugh, “Who’s Grant, you should really go and check on the children.” Janey hung up, shaking slightly, she dialled the police and told them someone kept calling her, they said they’d trace the call next time he phoned and have a word with whoever it was. Reassured, she sat down on the couch and started watching the tv again only to be interrupted by the phone, she picked it up and straight away that same voice said “You should really go and check on the children.” Janey was creeped out but she knew she had to keep the guy on the line long enough for the police to trace the call, “Who is this?” The guy laughed, “That’s not important Janey.” She hung up, shaking, the phone rang again almost instantly, she picked it up, “Hello.” an urgent voice said, “You need to get out of the house right now, we’ve traced the call and it’s coming from inside. A car will be there shortly. Don’t worry about the children, get yourself of that house. I’ll stay on the line with you until the officers get there.” Janey stood out of the porch as the police got there, they ran inside and came out a while later with both Kyle and Quin along with a note. They handed it to Janey, it was written in red pen: “Next time you won’t be so lucky.”

  • Hanging by the window sill

    My name is Brandon, and it still haunts me. What does? It happened a week ago. I was walking home down my street, and I caught up with my younger brother crying onto a paper. He is really babyish and annoying, but I love him anyway. His friend told him, “Hey, Carter, your mom is gonna kill you when she sees that grade.” He sped down the street. When I reached the house about ten minutes later, I walked past his room to hear faint singing. “Hanging, hanging, and it’s by my windowsill, blood trickling down, to the ground, hanging, hanging, hanging by my windowsill.” I stopped dead in my tracks. I slowly pushed open his door, and there were the curtains, blood pouring down the front, and bravely, I opened them. There was my brother’s corpse, on a noose of rope, dead. I yelled, “MOO-OOm!!” She ran in, and I got choked up sort of, and I said, “L-l-ook behind the the curtains.” She opened them, screamed and called 911. When the cops arrived, they witnessed something strange. My brother’s dead, glassy eyes flew open, and he said, “Brandon, thank you.” he said. “No problem.” I said, with a malicious wink.

  • This is another story that I made up. My username is the title:

    “Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock”

    I hate that noise, I can’t stand it. Ever since the death of my parents I hated that noise.
    18 years ago when I was only 5 years old my father was diagnosed with cancer. After 4 years of treatment and waiting for him to get better, he died when I was 9 years old. Then a few years after, my mom was also diagnosed with cancer. I remember her saying that she would be fine, that all I had to do was to wait. Sadly she died 2 years after that.
    I lived with my only aunt until just recently. Right now I live alone in a small apartment.
    One night, I remembered all the things that happened and I remember hearing my mother say “Don’t worry love, someday you’ll see me and your father again, you just have to wait…” and I woke up. Since that moment I started hearing that everywhere “Just wait a little bit longer.” Every day I would constantly glance at my clock to know just how much longer I would have to wait, every hour of every single day.
    It was my obsession just to know the time; to be sure it wasn’t my time to go. I had bought many clocks and put them everywhere but I started to get annoyed by the sound of the clocks and couldn’t sleep well because of all the noise but the people who would visit my home would be like “Noise? I don’t hear anything.”
    Eventually I threw out all my clocks, even my wristwatches because every second of each day I could hear that horrible little noise. I still do even if I play music so loud I could go deaf or put in ear plugs.
    I couldn’t stand the noise and nothing that I did worked so I went to my kitchen, grabbed my butcher knife and destroyed my ears completely. I was stupid yes, but fortunately I could get out of my house before I collapsed outside. I woke up in the hospital and I couldn’t hear absolutely anything. I was so happy that I wouldn’t have to hear that horrible sound in my life.
    I wish I could say it was a happily forever after but it isn’t. Last night I dreamt with my mom again and she said “Honey, I’m so sad, why did you do this to yourself?” I thought and asked “Wait, how the hell can I hear you?” and the sound of clocks started again. I woke up today and now I can’t hear anything, only the clocks. Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock…
    Thanks for reading. =)

  • hope u like this.
    The clown.
    last summer I went on holiday in Wales.We were staying in the usual caravan so I instantly noticed that something was different but I didn’t know what. At night i’d feel like someone was watching me but nothing really happened. 2 days before we were due to leave there was a circus on the beach. As we were walking I thought someone was following me so i turned around only to see a depressed-looking clown behind me. I ignored it and carried on walking. when we got to the caravan that night i went straight to bed. At 11:55 i woke up and needed the bathroom so i walked across the camp-site. As I pushed the door open i let out a blood curling scream. hanging from the oak tree out side was the decomposing body of the depressed clown. It looked like it had been there for months. thats when i saw the message scratched into the tree.”YOU’RE NEXT!” it said. suddenly high pitched screams came from the caravans. i raced back to my family only to find them strung up by there insides i screamed and ran to the car. the next day i was at home collecting my things when i heard the bathroom window open. i peeked aound the door to see the clown carrying a girls body. she looked exactly like me but she didn’t have eyes. then her head turned to look at me and said “give me your eyes.” the clown pulled a long knife out of his coat. “goodnight, em” he said as he walked towards me.

  • Hello scary for kids. I love your website, and I think your stories are amazing! You’ve inspired me to write this horror story, so I hope you like it.

    The Secret Room
    In a peaceful little town, there lived a little girl, named Raven. She wasn’t like the other girls at school. While the other girls would talk about boys, or how there parents could buy them whatever they wanted, Raven sat in the corner. She had no father. He had been murdered by his own brother. He was murdered because of his wife, Violet. His brother was jealous that he was marrying the beautiful Violet. When the baby came, the news made the brother (who was overcome with jealousy), chop his brother right in half. Her mother went missing, but she was convinced that the uncle had taken her hostage. Anyway, after school was over, she walked to her house. It was really an old beaten up farmhouse, but she called it home. She walked inside, and noticed something strange. There wasa gigantic curtain of ivory hanging by the roof. She had to use her knife to cut through. When she got through, a note was on a strange table. She picked it up, and her eyes grew wide. The note had stated that her mother was brutally murdered, under her jealous uncles order. It also said NOT to open the door. What door? Raven wondered. She placed the note down, and walked a little farther. When she got to the end of the hallway, a large wooden door painted black stood against the wall. It had a disturbing picture of a skeleton. Raven was very curious. She slowly walked towards the door. Her hand went on the doorknob, and slowly turned it. When the door was opened, a cold wind suddenly blew on her. There was a terrible stench in the air. Raven curiously opened a closet door. Her uncle was standing there, with bloodshot eyes and blood on his face. He was holding a chainsaw. The dead bodies of her parents had a huge puddle of blood around them. The last words Raven heard were “TOLD YOU NOT TO OPEN THE DOOR!” before her head came tumbling off.

    I will be fine if you don’t posts this. This is my first story I have ever written on this website. Thank you for taking your time to read it!

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