Scary For Kids


  • Hey! scaryforkids…i’m new to this site….but here’s my story to share with you…it’s not very scary but i hope you will like it….i’m not expecting you to post it on your website…i just hope you will like it….thanks! and here it is!

    There was once a beautiful girl named Alexa. She is in between of age seventeen and nineteen. She has a very long gray hair that almost reached her hips. All the men are falling in love with her but Alexa ignore’s all her suitors. She keeps on telling them that they are not worth for her beauty. And so, all the men bow their heads and leave unsuccessful. However, there was one men wouldn’t gave up. When the other leaves, he stayed behind. He would do anything for Alexa. His name is Rolan. he is twice older than Alexa. He is a fine man and all the girls will fall in love to a handsome young man like him. But not Alexa. He gave Alexa a winked but she ignore him. Rolan is very pleased to win the Alexa’s heart, but whatever he do Alexa will always says “no”.

    One night, Rolan visits Alexa to her house, he brings flowers and chocolates to her. But Alexa refuse to take his gifts. Rolan is very confused why Alexa refuse to take his gifts. Alexa did not say a word. Rolan leave with confusion. That same night, Rolan didn’t actually leave the house of Alexa. He hide behind a big tree to see if Alexa is seeing another man. Hours of waiting, Rolan saw Alexa sneaking to the house. He secretly followed her into the woods. After a while of walking they reached to an abandoned warehouse. Alexa unlock the door and went inside. Rolan waited Alexa to go inside and after a while he goes in. The smell of the warehouse is very filthy like a rat or something is been dead for weeks. “Didn’t she smell the bad odor? I can’t take this anymore” he thinks. He hide behind the bars, when Alexa switched on the lights he was terrified to see Alexa’s been doing. He saw the scattered dead bodies on the floor and Alexa is eating them like a hungry gruesome bear. The flesh blood is all over her face and her teeth is sharp and big like a shark. Her long gray hair turned into red. He couldn’t believe on what he is seeing, he wants to scream but no words would came out of his mouth. He waited Alexa to finish. And after a while, Alexa turned again into a beautiful girl. As soon as the girl leave the warehouse the man began to appear behind the bars.

    “What are you doing in here?” Alexa asked.
    “I-I was terrified on what I just saw” Rolan said.
    “Now you saw everything! Are you going to kill me? Then be it!” she yelled.
    “O-one question, where that bodies came from?” he asked.
    “I buy them in the hospital. I have a friend working in there. Don’t worry those bodies don’t have a family to cry on. Besides there are tasty” she said.

    The man gulp.

    “Are you going to eat me too?” he asked.
    “I don’t eat live meat you know” she replied.
    “That’s a relief” he whispered.
    “What did you said?” she asked.
    “O-oh! nothing…” he said.
    “Now you know my secret! Do you still love me?” she asked.

    The man just stared at her clueless.

    “That’s what I’m expecting! Just leave me! And don’t come back again! Don’t tell anyone! ” she yelled and her tears are flowing in her eyes.

    But when she started to run, Rolan stopped her.

    “Alexa! Wait!” he yelled.
    “What?!” she asked.
    “I know this sounds weird, but my feelings for you won’t change. I don’t know what are you or who are you but I love you Alexa. I was just shocked when I saw you like that. I love you on who you are. And besides you don’t eat live meat don’t you! So, I’m not scared of you” he replied.
    “You are?!” she said.
    “Yes, Alexa….please love me!” he said.
    “Oh! I do Rolan..I do love you….thank you for accepting me” she said.
    “But there’s one thing I have to tell you too….” he said.
    “What is it?” she asked.
    “You’re not the only one…….” he said.

    thank you for reading my story….more power and God Bless! :D

  • Soul Serenade
    Her parents were dead, murdered rather. Their house burnt down. Just because of the war.The only thing she had left was her little sister Siren. They used to live in an orphanage, but now that she’s an adult, she lives in a little apartment with her sister. It was rare for her to find a job, and she usually got fired or quit every time because the place got robbed or something bad happened, the trauma she had made her life difficult. She would wake up in the middle of the night screaming. but Siren, who had gotten used to her sister waking up and screaming almost every night, would walk to her bedroom and convince Nina that it was only a dream. One day, Nina was looking for a job and eventually found an ad:
    Store Clerk Wanted
    250$ per week
    It wasn’t much but she needed the money,so she took the job. The store was a pleasant little place, it was small and comfortable, she quickly became friends with all the customers. While she was working,a new customer walked in. Her mouth dropped open and she thought, Oh.My.God. He is so handsome! And he was. He obviously wasn’t from around there, because as soon as he came in, he went straight to Nina and asked where the beverages were. They quickly became friends. On their 3rd month of “friendship”, he asked her if she wanted to be his girlfriend, she said yes, after all. She’s stopped having nightmares since he appeared into her life, and he was very good with Siren too. Since that day, he would go underneath her window and would sing sweet songs to her. And every time he did, she felt lighter, as if a great weight was lifted from her shoulders. Until one day, she fainted during work, and woke up feeling dizzy, so she decided to go home. And she left a note for her boss. When she arrived home, she decided to sleep and wait for Siren so they could go to the hospital together. She awoke to hear her sister crying. She saw a man next to her trying to console her, and he led her out of the house. Nina got up and ran after the man, shouting at him to stop and asking what he was doing. But she stopped. Siren had left the TV on. The news were talking about a young woman named Nina McCoy who died
    of a mystery illness…
    She was crying now. It can’t be true, it can’t be true, she kept repeating to herself. She tried to grab the remote, but her hand went through. She ran to the mirror but saw nothing at all. She stared at her feet, they were slightly off the ground. She heard the apartment door open, it was her “boyfriend”, or rather ex boyfriend, and someone was with him.
    “Come on Manny, don’t be a wuss.” Said the man.
    “No, i feel uncomfortable.”
    “Listen, just because you killed her doesn’t mean you can’t rob her house.” Nina gasped. No,no,she thought, it can’t be. So she decided, i’m gonna find out how he killed me, then i’ll kill him…
    She went straight to Claire, a psychic girl that lived right next door. Nina was just about to knock when she remembered that she was a ghost, she could just pass through the door. Once inside, Claire was waiting for her.
    “Hi Claire, i need-”
    “Yes. About how i-”
    “Very well, your boyfriend had a habit of singing to you underneath your window at night, am i right?”
    “Did you feel lighter every time he sang to you?”
    “How did-” Oh wait, she thought, she’s psychic.
    “Well that’s it, the words he sang to you were spells, to take away your soul.” Nina was shocked, but angry now.
    “Is there anyway i can kill him?” She asked
    “Darling, Ghosts can hold any thing as long as they have the desire to kill.” Nina looked around and saw that there was vase right next to her, she touched it, and then she held it and threw it at the wall. She laughed, she can kill him now.
    She caught him leaving her apartment. Now’s my chance, she was holding some barbed wire.
    The next day, the police were all around the apartment, and the news were talking about how a young man named Manny Armstrong was hanged with barbed wire…

  • facebook
    -year ago,there was a girl named Kathy…she loved doing facebook.she used to sleep very late at night because of facebook,her parents don’t know what she really doing,all they know that at 2:00 on the morning their daughter was sleep…
    one morning,Kathy opened her facebook and saw a friend request.the name of it was “facebookuser” and dont have a profile picture or any information about him.he only shows he’s gender.he had a lot of friends.but Kathy paid no attention to this guy.she didn’t confirm this facebookuser.later on her mother called her for she quickly go downstairs and let the computer turned on.
    when she came back on her bedroom,she looked at the computer and saw that she had already a friend named “facebookuser”.she began to think
    “what’s up with my facebook?”
    then,she just ignore it and said
    “hmm…nevermind!it’s only a facebookuser”
    when the night came,it’s already 12:00 on the evening and she opened her facebook again.she saw that the facebookuser write on her wall
    “nowhere nowhere nowhere nowhere”
    she was very curious.again,she ignored it.the next day came and saw that the facebookuser write again on her wall the same.she ignored again but very curious.she tried to block the facebookuser,but the facebook didn’t let her.she was scared now.she don’t know what to do.then she saw something on the window.she saw a shadow.she told herself maybe it’s a cat.but then the shadow showed up again.she look at the window but her hair on her arms were standing straight and she felt an air crossed on her.she looked at the window,she saw something outside,a man figure,but red.she saw around the man a red color.she go out their house and go near the man.but then.the man was gone.she saw a man crossing the road.she saw on the man’s t-shirt,written”facebook-nowhere”
    she was scared now.then she go back on her bedroom,she saw on her wall on facebook,all the words were written nowhere,even her name!she don’t know what to do,she felt like going crazy.she called her mother and told about her facebook.but then,instead of her facebook,a red appeared on the computer screen,everything was gone,but red.she unplug it.but the red was still there.then a word “nowhere” popped up on the screen.she was now running around her room like a fool.her mother told
    “what’s going here?”
    then Kathy saw again a man figured outside.colored red.she freaked out when she saw that the man was smiling creepy on her.and he’s teeth were very sharp and full of blood.she saw that the man was going straight their door.she quickly go downstairs but her father was now laying on floor full of blood and on the wall written by blood,saying “he had no where to escape!”


  • paper boats
    -it was raining heavy outside.but Jenny wants to play.she didn’t try to convince her mother because she knew that her mother won’t let her.she thought of a plan to go outside.she waited for her mother to finish making their lunch.she climbed their window at the kitchen and brought her coat.she thought that her playmates were there.when she’s about to go home,she saw colorful paper boats.they were enjoyable to watch.she quickly go near the paper boats and grab the violet her surprise,she saw a boy with a worn out clothes and shoes.
    “young beggar!” Jenny shouted.
    but the boy didn’t pay attention and didn’t even look at her.he still continued making paper Jenny let the boy to do it.
    then she heard her mother calling her.
    “but Mom i’m still playing!” exclaimed Jenny.
    “I said go back here!” said her mother in angry voice.
    she secretly took all the paper boats and brought them home.
    “why Mom?” asked Jenny.
    “that young beggar is honestly not a beggar.he’s a killer.” her mother replied.Jenny shocked with fear and accidentally loosed all the paper boats.
    “I saw him a while walking around.I saw he’s face,he is an old man in real but with a small body.he’s holding a knife.he used those colorful paper boats to catch every one’s attention!” her mother told gasping.

    then suddenly,they heard a loud knock at the door.


  • Blue Doll
    (True Story)

    One day, actually it was very recently, a young girl in albania was staying at her grandma’s for the night. Her name was Juannivi (joo-ann-ivi). That night, little 7-year old Juannivi was sitting with her 64-year-old grandma, Jepsek. They were both talking about new toys and old toys. “But, you should never buy a little blue dolly. She has the evil-kaneevils! If you ever buy her, you would lose your life! She will kill you! I order you not to buy her.” Juannivi’s grandma exclaimed. “And isn’t it time you were in bed?” Said her grandma, and Juannivi went and climbed into her bed,where her grandma tucked her in.
    The next day, when Juannivi had arrived back home to her parents, she waltzed into her room like the princess her daddy keeps calling her, and find the she had a rather small package sitting on her bed. It was rapped in a shiny blue wrapping paper, with a tiny baby-blue bow and a little blue tag with little blue letters saying,
    “To our little princess, Juannivi,
    I know that blue does not suit you,
    and i know how much dolls mean to you,
    Blue and yellow, colours all around,
    happiness is bound to be found!
    I find its a pleasure to say “I love you so!”
    but happy-land is where your about to go!”

    Juannivi’s parents stood at her bedroom door as they wathed her reading the tag and opening the parcel to reveal a little blue doll. Juannivi stood, staring at this doll. A tear streamed down her face.”How could this beautiful, beautiful,BEUTIFUL doll possibly be evil-kanevil?” she asked herself. She continued staring at the doll. She then started laughing and she cuddled the doll very, very tightly and she never let go of her! She fed the doll at breakfast, lunch and dinner. She wiped her mouth and bathed her. She brushed the dolls hair and read stories to her. She brushhed the dolls hidden teeth and wiped her mouth and face again. Then she put the doll in her baby crib and tucked her into her blanket and handed her a small stuffed teddy-bear. As Juannivi slept, the doll came tolife and got out of the small, pretend baby crib. She pulled a chair from under Juannivi’s small pretend LaLa HetsyBetsy Dining table, and pulled it up to the foot of Juannivi’s bed, where she just sat, staring at Juannivi. When the morning came, Juannivi found the doll sitting at the end of her bed, staring into space. She instantly thought that her parents had put her there. Sitting at the breakfast table,she asked her parents if they had moved the doll. The parents looked at eachother, as if the had both seen a ghost. They had both turned pale and their spines started tingling. “Princess, we didnt get up last night. Maybe you put her there when you went to bed?” Her mother said, sheepily. “But I’m sure I put her in the baby crib with a blanket and teddy, unless i moved her and forgot about it?”Juannivi replied, holding her hand to her chin while staring into space, thinking.She finished her breakfast and went upstairs to play happy families. When the next night came, Juannivi was awaken by rustling and scraping on the floor. She sat up and saw the little blue doll fall to the floor.She got out of bed and picked up the doll. she put her back on the chair and was once awaken again by creaking on the stairs.She instantly thought it was her mother going downstairs for some water as she had always done, and she fell back to sleep. A little while after, the doll came back to life and started prancing around the house. “Juannivi, I’m in your parents room. Juannivi, im next to your parents bed. Juannivi im on your parents bed. Juannivi, where are your parents?” The doll sang, only Juannivi didn’t know it was her doll and she didnt know what the voice meant about “where are your parents?”. She heard the voice again but this time the voice was saying her name, instead. “Juannivi, im outside your room. Juannivi, im inside your room. Juannivi, im next to your bed.”At that moment Juannivi got scared. She had only just opened her eyes as soon as the doll said, “Juannivi, im on your bed.” Juannivi saw the doll holding a meat cleaver. “Juannivi, where…are…YOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She screamed in Juannivi’s face and stabbed her 14 times with the meat clever, pulling her body parts out of her body and scattering them around the room. Juannivi and her family were never heard, seen or ever thought of again. Think twice about a doll that people say are evil,unless you want to lose your life. Have a nice night HAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Random Words

    There was a couple named Madison and Stephen who lived with their teenage daughter Irene next to a tall hill. One day, Stephen was found at the bottom of the ditch. He was dead, and grasping a piece of paper. There was writing on it that he appeareared to have written in his last moments on Earth. The writing went as follows:
    “To my dearest Madison: Ink reel electric notwithstanding ebony pudding usher scissors head eel deed mirror egoistically. Yak optical undulate rearrange edge nickel exo-skeleton xylophone tendu. Reality Ursala Narcissus.”
    Neither Madison or her daughter understood what it meant, so they tacked it up on the fridge. They got dressed to go to Stephen’s funeral which was on the same hill he died on.
    Now you must figure out what will happen next. Read over the story with a careful eye and you may find out.

  • and SFK, I would be ever so appreciative if you posted my story “The Doll prank” i worked very hard on it and would be honored to see it on the website.

  • The Doll Prank
    There was a trio of best friends named Ellyn, Rosalia, and Charline. They had a relatively normal friendship; going to the mall, seeing movies, and of course having sleepovers.
    Every time they went to Charline’s house for a sleepover, she would pull some sort of prank on the other girls in their sleep. Some of her past achievements were covering Rosalia’s sleeping bag with fake blood, pouring Tabasco sauce down Ellyn’s throat while she was snoring, and calling their phones at 1 a.m. The pranking victims were getting really fed up, but they didn’t want to tell Charline to stop because she was really sensitive. They didn’t want their friend to take it the wrong way, so they let the pranking continue.
    Recently, Charline had inherited an antique doll from her grandmother. It had blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. The doll was dressed in a lovely satin evening gown. After waking up with the doll on her face, Ellyn ran screaming from the house and dashed all the way home. When her mother dropped by to pick up her terrified daughter’s things, she called Rosalia over.
    “Sweetie,” she whispered, “don’t tell Charline, but Ellyn isn’t going to be spending the night here anymore.”
    “But why not?” asked Rosalia.
    “When my daughter woke up earlier and saw that wretched thing on her head, she said she didn’t feel right. It REALLY scared her. She came home sobbing, saying the pranks had been pushed too far.”
    The next time Rosalia slept over, she felt like she was being watched by the grinning piece of porcelain on the shelf. Charline seemed fine, discussing magazines and clothes and what not. But Rosalia was always looking over her shoulder, scared for night to come. when it finally was time to fall asleep, Charline had managed to convince her that it was a lifeless object, just a dusty old thing taking up space on the shelf. Rosalia had actually began to feel batter as she drifted off to sleep…
    Then, she was once again awake, staring into the glass eyes of the terrible satin-clad plaything. In terror, the poor girl snatched the thing from her face, but as she held the doll in her hand, she noticed something strange. The doll now had hazel eyes and red hair. It looked a lot like Charline, she thought.
    That turned out to be the last thing Rosalia thought, because as she turned around, she saw a blonde-haired blue-eyed girl with a malicious smile plastered across her ivory complexion.
    (Let me know what you think of the story!)

  • Cool! I want to try! If it’s good can you post it?

    The Girl Outside The Window.
    There was this girl who had long black hair. She was pretty but she was only 4 years old so she couldn’t flirt. Her name was Hani. But, her friend, Sofia, was jealous of Hani’s beauty so much until she planned to drown her. One day, she did drown her. 4 years have passed and Sofia has got really pretty. One night, her parents were going out to watch a movie. Before they went, they hired a babysitter named Jenny. They played and played and played until Sofia wanted ice cream. So Jenny went down to get some ice cream for Sofia. When she was going up, she saw a girl who was wet from head to toe. Jenny got scared and ran up as fast as she could. When Sofia got her ice cream, she wanted STRAWBERRY ice cream, not vanilla. So Jenny had to go downstairs again. She poured out the vanilla ice cream and poured in some strawberry ice cream. She looked out the window again. She saw the girl but this time she was close. Jenny got really scared and ran up. This time, Sofia want sprinkles on her ice cream. Jenny went down again and sprayed some sprinkles on the ice cream. Jenny started to think if the girl was still outside. She was, now holding a bloody knife. Jenny knew that she was in grave danger and ran up to give the ice cream to Sofia. She was praying that she wouldn’t have to go down again. Too bad for her that Sofia wanted nuts now. She ran down and took some nuts at Sofia’s ice cream. When she looked out rhe window, there was no girl now. Jenny sighed in relief. But when she came up, she was so scared that she never came back into the house. When Sofia’s parents came home, they found Sofia dead. Her head was sliced off. Jenny was called by Sofia’s
    parents to tell about the death of Sofia. ” I really don’t know what happened and there was this weird girl outside the window! ” said Jenny. The parents told her that their house has no windows, only mirrors. jenny eventually got crazy and was sent to an insane hospital.

    THE END.

  • Sleepwalking
    As she shuffled her cold, weary feet across the bleak checkered tile, she saw a shadow from the corner of her eye. Figuring that it was just the new medication, Kyouko shook the feeling and kept walking. Two wardens were grasping her arms on both sides as they guided her to her room.
    “Here you are, miss.” one of the wardens said as he opened Kyouko’s cell. “If you have any problems, ring the bell.”
    The wardens locked the cell and Kyouko wearily collapsed onto the bed. Within minutes, she was fast asleep. Hours passed, and Kyouko was awakened by a tapping sound. Her eyes jolted opened, only to see that a young girl had broken out of her cell and was standing outside of Kyouko’s.
    “H-How did you escape?” Kyouko asked groggily.
    “Shh! You must be quiet. My name is Miyu; I am in the cell across from yours. I stole the key from a warden’s pocket. There is something urgent I need to speak to you about- it has to do with what you witnessed earlier.” She replied.
    “What I witnessed? What are you talking about Miyu?”
    “Kyouko, I know you saw that shadow. But it was not a trick of the light. The shadow, he is the king of the wardens here, for they are all demons, waiting to steal the souls of patients here. They are all bad, very bad people!”
    “I don’t believe anything you are saying.”
    “Do you want to live?” By now, the look on the girl’s face expressed pure truth and Kyouko could tell that she wasn’t lying.
    The young girl unlocked her cell and they quietly tiptoed down the hallway as Miyu told Kyouko the plan. They were to flee down 4 flights of stairs and down a corridor to the main office, where they would then slaughter the shadow king, and steal the key to the entrance gate.
    It was easy enough escaping using the stairs until they reached the second floor. It was crawling with demons, which had soul-thirsty looks on their faces. When the coast was clear, the two girls started tiptoeing alongside the wall. Unfortunately, Miyu bumped into a medicine cart, which sent a few bottles of pills to rattle as they crashed to the ground. As Miyu had feeble instincts, she froze in terror at the sound, while Kyouko rushed around the corner to hide. She was signaling for the other girl to hide quickly, but it was too late. Three demons rushed toward the girl and grabbed her. She thrashed and kicked while in hiding, Kyouko watched in horror as one of the demons took something sharp and jabbed it into Miyu’s neck. Her body went limp and they dragged her away.
    Tears were running down Kyouko’s cheeks as she ran across the hallway speedily, her blood full of adrenaline and fear. But then something snapped inside her, something that made her crave revenge. There as a mirror nearby her, and seeing that it was the perfect distraction, she grabbed it and smashed it to the ground. It shattered into a thousand pieces. The sound grabbed the attention of the demons, and they started appearing in the hallway, arms outstretched.
    Not fearing anything, Kyouko picked up a large blade of broken glass, flailed her arms wildly, and began to swing at the demons. One by one, they fell dead to the floor, from feeling the wrath of Kyouko.
    It wasn’t long before her nightgown became bloodstained and tattered.
    Finally, she had reached the main warden- or shadow king’s office. He was just a regular looking man, but when he felt the presence of Kyouko, he turned into a ghastly, horrific-looking demon. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she lunged at the shadow king. She had stabbed him at least thirty times before he collapsed onto the floor. After Kyouko snatched the gate key, deciding to burn all of the grotesque truth about the warden’s secrets, she pushed over a row of candles, setting the room ablaze.
    More demons reacted as the fire alarm sounded and they chased her out of the building, but she kept attacking. Just as she started to tire, police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances screeched to a stop. All Kyouko could see were dozens and dozens of demons rushing toward her. They kept grabbing her, and after much fighting, she had to submit. Then, she felt a sharp jab in her neck, and her vision began to change. All of the demons faces were human. The bodies sprawled across the ground were humans too. As realization stuck, everything went black.
    – – – – –
    Kyouko blinked her eyes open, as everything was blurry. She could make out the sound of two voices.
    “What happened here, Dr. Sen?” A nurse asked.
    “Kyouko Marin, age 15, a former patient at Stevenson Mental Institution. They found her sleepwalking and covered in blood. She killed at least 34 wardens, the head warden, and the paramedics say she was mumbling about a girl named ‘Miyu’. Not to mention she burned half of the place down.”
    “Wow, Dr.! That sounds really severe.” The nurse replied.
    “It is. And that’s not all. This is the 5th institution that she has attended where this same incident has occurred.”
    Kyouko faintly lifted her head up, only to see Miyu covered in blood and smiling with an evil grin from ear to ear.

  • One eyed girl

    Once there was a little girl named Bell She was 7 years old And she was in First grade. She was bullied a lot 8 days later they blind hold her and dragged her to a manhole they opened it up threw her in and there was a pointy rock where her eye was going to stab her and then STAB! the rock went right through her eye. 2 days later The girls watched the news and they were reporting about Bell’s death. Then it gets darker and darker and darker And then the mom says Bedtime girls! And the girls say Ok mom. And they get into bed and they have a thunder storm BOOM! lighting flashes and they see Bell’s ghost with one eye holding a pointy rock The girls scream MOM!!!!!!! The mom didn’t hear them Thud… Thud… Thud… The ghost gets closer and closer Stab Stab Stab! The ghost stabs there left eye out. Next morning the mother goes into the room and screams in horror.

  • So i just comment my story on here and you see it and if you like it you post it?

    Hide in seek:
    There once was a family of five. Three children and two parents, who loved their kids with all their hearts. This family lived in a nice home in a quaint little town called Bakerston. Their lives were simple and pleasant, and Bakerston was an unusually peaceful town that had little to no crime.

    One of their children, the eldest daughter, was named Felicity, and she was very good at watching her little brothers, Raymon and Rory. So, occasionally their parents would go out for the night and have Felicity watch her brothers until they got back. Felicity was very good at this. She would always play a game similar to hide and seek. She’d stand in the living room with her hands over her eyes and say, “Children, Children, All around, run before you can be found. For I am on the loose today, hide before I can say….” Then she’d wait, listening to their rustling feet as they would hide. She’d search the house looking for them, and when she got close, she’d wait right outside the place she knew they were hiding and she’d say “Boo!”

    When they heard this sound, they would know that she was close, so if she was correct they would have to reply with the words, “Hello Felicity!” and she’d scoop them up and hug them. If the other child was close enough that they heard these words, they were allowed additional time to find a new spot, and then Felicity and the found child would look for them together.

    The children absolutely loved this game, and they insisted that she play it with them every time they were together. One night, recently after their parents left, Felicity and the boys were relaxing in their home. The boys were in their rooms, off of the living room, and Felicity was in the living room reading. Suddenly, there was a loud knocking at the door. Felicity, thinking it might be her parents and that they would be upset that the boys weren’t asleep, she rushed to the intercom system that allowed anyone in the living room to speak to all the rooms in the house. The boys had one in their room too. This made it so that no one had to yell fromm room to room in the house.

    She pressed the button and said quietly, “Open your door and get underneath your covers. I think it’s mom and dad. Pretend to be asleep.” Then she went to answer the door.

    The boys did as they were told and got beneath their covers. They heard the door open, but no other sounds. It was quiet. Then, the intercom beeped which meant someone was on the other side. A voice said, “Children children, all around….” The little boys shivered. It was Felicity, and she sounded scared. She had spoken at a whisper and they became frightened. They stayed in their beds, still scared. Then, “Run before you can be found..” They glanced at each other in horror. “For he is on the loose today….hide before…I can say…”
    “She wants to play the game…” Rory whispered to Raymon.
    The waited a few seconds. Then, it came on again.
    “Children Children All Around.”
    “Run Before you can be found.”
    “For it is on the loose today. Hide before I can say….”
    The boys quickly decided that they needed to hide. They crawled to their favorite place, which was a broom closet in the hallway that Felicity claimed was too small to fit in. But the boys knew it wasn’t. She never found them there. She always called quits if either of them chose that spot.

    They quieted their breathing and listened for sounds. They heard a soft shuffling of feet, but that was all.
    They stayed in the closet a long time.
    Suddenly though, another sound filled their ears.
    THUD. *shuffle shuffle shuffle* THUD. *shuffle shuffle shuffle* THUD. THUD THUD.
    The sound got closer and closer and closer and closer.
    They heard Felicity’s voice whisper, but it seemed to come from throughout the house. “Children Children all around, run before you can be found. For I am on the loose today, hide before I can say……” Silence.
    Then, in the softest whisper of all, right outside the closet they heard, “Boo?”
    Rory opened his mouth to say ‘hello Felicity’ but Raymon closed his hand over Rory’s mouth. It was silent for a long time. Then, from Raymon and Rory’s right, inside the closet, a voice was heard.
    “Hello Felicity.”
    Rory and Raymon turned ice cold. But they didn’t move.
    Outside the closet Felicity started to cry. Then, in tears she said, “New game. Rory is it.”

    That same night the parents of Rory Raymon and Felicity game home to a devastating sight. On the table was a letter that had apparently been opened by Felicity that said, “I want to play your game. I’m in the children’s room. We’ll all play together.”

    They proceeded to look throughout the house for their children. They couldn’t find them that night. The next night they found Rory. His eyes were sewn shut and he was jammed underneath the kitchen sink covered in blood.

    The day after that they found Raymon. His eyes were sewn shut and he was shoved underneath his bed covered in blood. The day after that they found Felicity. Her eyes were sewn shut and she was squished inside a cupboard. The deaths were mourned and they bodies were buried.

    A week later another body was discovered. A missing mortician was found crammed inside the hallway closet with his sewing kit clutched between his cold dead fingers.

    The THUD THUd *shuffle shuffle shuffle* the children had heard had been the sound of Felicity bumping into walls. She had been looking for them and she couldn’t see, because her eyes had been sewn shut.

    Years later it was said that the soft calling of Felicity’s voice could be heard, calling the word to the children’s hide-and seek rhyme.
    Children children all around
    Run before you can be found
    For I am on the loose today
    Run before I can say….

  • I just made this short story up one night I know its not that good.

    2 Children.

    There was once a beautiful woman who had 2 children. She and her husband split up a few years ago and she was always hoping to marry again.
    She started to meet a handsome man and they would go on regular dates every week.

    But the woman didn’t worry about finding a babysitter to look after her kids. The oldest was an 11 year old girl and she always looked after her younger brother. All they did was sit on the sofa all day.

    A few days later, the woman invited her date over to her house. The fact that the 2 children were sitting on the sofa – not talking or moving. Then, whilst they were having dinner, he leaned over to the woman and whispered:
    “I don’t mean any disrespect but your children are scaring me. They are sitting very still.”

    The woman just laughed.
    “Oh its ok! They’ve been like that ever since I left prison for the murder of 2 people!”

    Then the man became very frightened.

  • “Scat, Cat” (This story is based off of the classic urban legend, Humans Can Lick Too. It is also inspired by one of my cat’s annoying habits. Enjoy!)
    There was a young boy who had a beautiful (and very spoiled) Norwegian Forest cat. He named her Paige and he loved her very much. Paige was extremely overweight and slept in a luxurious purple velvet bed, and she ate from a marble tray. The boy loved everything about her, except for her one annoying habit: Paige would always jump up onto the table and meow when she wished to be fed.
    Her young owner thought that it was very gross having his cats filthy paws on his eating surface, so had a method of discouraging this behavior. He would squirt his pet with a spray bottle and say “Scat, cat!” to scare her away. What especially bothered the boy is that Paige always did this at night.
    One evening, the boy was reading upstairs when he heard the telltale caterwauling from the kitchen. With a groan, he pulled on his dressing robe and trudged to the table.
    “Scat, cat,” he said as he misted Paige with the spray bottle. She ran from the kitchen, and the boy went to finish his book. Later that same night, he heard the caterwauling again, but much louder and longer than usual. He went to the kitchen, sprayed the cat and told her to scat. She didn’t move. He tried several more times, but Paige wouldn’t budge. “Come on,” said the boy. “There must be some way to get you off.” He picked her up (finding that her fur was softer than usual) and locked her in the laundry room with her food and litterbox. Was it just him, or did her eyes look almost…human? He shrugged it off, thinking it was a trick of the light.
    The next morning, the boy went downstairs and was met with a horrifying sight. His beloved cat had been killed in the night, and her long fur was matted with dried blood. But what scared him most is how precisely Paige’s throat had been slit.
    All of a sudden, the laundry room door creaked open…

  • The Mad Clown
    Hey, my name is Ruby. I am 12 years old & I’m currently living with my nice, kind, devoting family. I love them loads but I can’t stop thinking of that Clown… I just can’t get it out my head. You don’t know what I’m going on about? Well let me tell you…

    Since the age of 4 I was scared of clowns. When I went to “ToysRus” I passed an aisle with lots of nice dolls which I really wanted to buy. But on one shelf, on it’s own was a scary looking, massive, clown. It’s freaky red eyes glared at me and it felt like it was watching me. I got so frightened I never when on that aisle again…

    It was my 8th birthday & my friends came over. My best friend Kim bought me a wonderful make-up box I still have, and my other friends just bought me things like dolls & stuff. But my parent’s gift… I’ll never forget. My parent’s bought me a clown. As soon as I opened it I froze.
    “Mum, Dad, why did you buy me this? I told you I hate clowns, and its as big as you Dad!”
    “Well, we thought we should buy you this so you could over come your fears, but I admit, it is pretty large. But pleaseeee have it, Please, for my sake?”
    I sighed.
    At 10;00 it was my bed time and put the clown by my foot. I couldn’t stop staring at its red eyes that seemed to be stuck to mine. Finally I let my eye lids drop and fell fast asleep..

    An ear piercing scream woke me up. I checked the time, 12;00pm. I ran downstairs but as soon as I landed on the 5th step (I have 13 steps) I saw something gruesome. My clown was ripping my parents insides out with a knife and started feasting on their flesh and organs. He was munching on my fathers intestines as I slowly crept downstairs. I needed to get out, maybe by phone? But he would hear it and eat me. I was on a frantic search for the key. Finally, I found it in my parent’s bedroom. I tip-toed downstairs as the clown feasted on my parents (in the kitchen) I raced downstairs and that’s when it saw me. Its red eyes danced like fire. It ran after me as I raced to the door, Mind whizzing, Heart pounding, Thoughts bubbling I went through the door (not our main one) and locked it. The clown pounded on it as I quickly found the key to the main door and unlocked it. But the clown bashed the door and ran after me. But its hand reached out to me…

    I locked the door & because it’s metal, he couldn’t open it and ran as fast as my legs could carry me to Kims house.
    As soon as they opened the door I told them the tale. I was clutching my make up box all the way. (I forgot 2 tell u) And told them what happened, that my parents died because something ate them.

    Now I’m adopted by my best friend’s parents & they are amazing. But I’ll never forget those red eyes, which glared at me.

  • Here’s my story, well, i didnt make it up, it’s a true story that happened when i was in elemtary school :)

    One night around 2:30 or 3:00 AM, my friend Beth and I snuck out of my house to go swinging at the elementary school a few blocks away from my house, it was Highview, one of the other elementary schools in my district. While we were swinging I noticed something in the window. I didn’t pay much attention to it because I was too into listening to my music and swinging.

    Then I noticed it move. So I dug my heels into the dirt to top myself to get a better look at the moving figure in the window. After i stopped i grabbed my friends chain, stopping her as well, and told Beth to look where I was to see if she saw it too. She didn’t at first but it moved again so she saw it and we both got a little freaked out.

    The next day I told my two sisters who went to that school at the time about seeing the shadow in the window. They told me about how their school is haunted by some little girl. They didn’t know the full story but they knew she died in the second floor bathroom.

    That was a few years ago. A week or so ago I was on MySpace and noticed a bulletin somebody posted about Highview being on a website and being haunted. So I went to the website and saw that the elementary school my sisters went to and where my friend and I saw the shadow was really haunted. They told a story of how a girl got really upset because her teacher screamed at her so she ran to the bathroom which was on the second floor and tried to climb out the vent. She didn’t know that the vent was an air conditioner that turned on automatically. So she got killed in the air vent.

    So I went to my house to visit and I told my sisters about the website and told them the story. Around 9:30 we decided to go up to the school to see if we could see her. We got there and started swinging and I saw her. I pointed her out to my sisters and they actually started crying they were so scared. We went back home and I told my mom and she didn’t believe us. So I took her up to the park and she got to see it for herself. She actually got pretty scared to.

    While we were leaving the little girl ghost waved. That freaked me out the most. I really wasn’t expecting that. But this is true.

  • My story:
    China Doll
    There was a 5 year old girl who loved dolls. She went into the toy shop with her mother, and was about to buy a doll. The man at the till told her not to drop it three times or she would witness bad luck. She said to him that she would be careful. As the young girl and her mother left the shop, the young girl dropped her doll. “Whoopsie” she told herself, and picked the doll up. Once they got home, she dropped the doll on the stairs. It was now her bedtime. She threw the doll under the bed and that was it. The doll said to her “I will kill your dog” and did so. “I will kill your mother” and did so. “Now I will kill you” and did so.

    Thank you

  • i don’t really know what to call this… but i guess
    Hush Little Baby:
    It is Midnight. Of that I was sure. I don’t know what is happening, but I am sure I am about to die. Before i do die, let me fill you in.
    My name is Jack I am always the odd man out. I never get to be involved in anything. My mom died when i was 8, I am now 14, But i’m wasting valuable time, let me tell you the story. It was Tuesday, the dark, rainy, cloudy weather we get down in Seattle. I was walking home from my Junior High School, my best friend had walked me halfway home then broke off to her house like a normal day. But after she left I started to get really scared, for no reason at all. I could feel my skin rising into goosebumps, I thought it could be from the cold until I remembered I had on a heavy coat and I was burning up. I was shocked at how scared I was getting, i couldn’t quite make it out, but something was off. I decided to rummage around in my brain for old memories that I could conjure up. I remembered me and my best friend went to a Black Veil Brides concert a couple years ago. She got drunk, It was strange, She never drank. I also remembered that, before my mom died, she always sang me the Hush Little Baby song. I shuddered at the thought, I never thought of my mom unless i was talking about her to my friends. I then conjured up another thought. The last thing i told her before she died was that i NEVER wanted to see her again, you see, she was a cruel woman, she always made me do all the chores in the house, just to survive. She wouldn’t feed me unless i did them all. Wash the dishes, fold the laundry, sweep, go cut wood for winter, make sure the house is spotless, wash the dishes again. It was a never ending loop. I never got to do anything on my own, When she died it was like a miracle. I’m sidetracking again, i’m running out of time, ill finish quickly. I got to my house soon after that, mostly because I full on sprinted home after the thought. I got inside, yelled that i was home, then heard a deep voice. It couldn’t belong to my father. It repeated the same sentence. “Hush Little Baby, don’t say a word, for you ill kill the whole Damn world.” I didn’t understand. i went to the place where i thought it was coming from and it instantly stopped. i heard scurrying. I didn’t think much about it. I figured that a rat was in the walls. I called that i was home again, and my dad came down the stairs. he didn’t seem to notice the song that started up again. “Whats for dinner?” I asked.
    “uhhhh, looks like left overs, Jack.” my dad said. We ate, and sat down on the couch to watch a movie. The song had ended when we were eating. I couldn’t really pay attention to the movie because i was wondering about the singing. I finally noticed what the new movie was, and almost bounced up and down in excitement. It was my favorite movie. Urban Legends *not the TV show, the movie* had just started. I was completely wrapped in the movie and didn’t notice anything else. about halfway through when Lindsay died, I heard the lullaby start up again. But it changed, Mutated if you prefer. it was longer.
    “Hush Little Baby, don’t say a word, for you i will kill the whole damn world, if the world wont die, ill get closer to where you close your eyes.” I started to freak out. I told my dad i was just completely scared from the movie, and he told me to sit down and shut up.
    After the movie, i decided to get a snack. The lullaby started, changed again.
    “Hush Little Baby, don’t say a word, for you ill kill the whole damn town. And if that town wont die, ill get closer to where you close your eyes.”
    I quickly ran up to my bedroom and laid in my bed, unmoving. I don’t know when i fell asleep, but i did. I heard the Lullaby again, but this time it was lighter, ALMOST like a mother cooing it to her newborn baby but it was still too deep.
    “Hush Little Baby, don’t say a word, for you ill kill the whole damn street, and if that street won’t die, ill get closer to where you close your eyes.” I suddenly saw a cars headlights beam through my window, a shadow of a woman was there. A memory flashed through my mind, my mother died from a car crash. Her back was broken in many different places and they told us, if she did survive she wouldn’t have been able to walk. I was suddenly about to scream. But then I thought
    “your crazy Jack! SHES DEAD! get over it!! even if it was her, HOW COULD SHE WALK?!” I sighed in relief as I thought this. And i turned on the TV. What i saw next should have given me a heart attack.
    news-lady: “Today, GRAVE-ROBBERS have vandalized Seattle Cemetar-”
    I turned off the TV and quickly locked all the doors. I heard the lullaby again, this time the voice sounded like a mother cooing her child to sleep. “Hush Little Baby don’t say a word. For you ill kill the whole damn world-”
    it then sighed then said, “don’t worry, shh shh, mommy’s here” I then proceeded to hide under my bed. I heard something scratching at my door. I heard some deep voice, cracking left and right, it kept breaking *not high, i mean like he-llo ge-or-gie.* It said 1 sentence, It was what I heard before I told you this.
    “oh yes, MOMMY’S HERE!” I then heard the front door break down into splinters. I don’t have any time left now, my door just broke down, I just want to say this, DON’T GET INTO FI- mommy’s here………….. shh shh…….. don’t make another noise.. its only going to hurt for a little while…mmmm.. yes, you feel the darkness taking over now… mm that’s right, shh, mommy’s here………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. shes got you……….its ok… *the rest of the paper is splattered in blood*

    WELL that took a while, i hope you guys loved reading this as much as i loved writing this. If i get picked thanks a lot, umm well that’s it…………… i guess……. umm……bye?

  • Here’s my story:
    The Porclein Doll
    Jessica loved dolls and for her birthday she wanted one. There was a beautiful porclien doll with golden hair that held up 3 fingers at the local antique shop which cost 400$. Though this was alot of money but her parents brought it anyway because of the precious smile their daughter had when she saw it.
    That night her parents put her to bed with the doll on a little stool next to her bed. At midnight, the girl awoke hearing a creepy voice singing “i going down the stairs, im going down the stairs” which was followed by the sound of feet, thudding down the stairs. “im going to the kitchen, im going to the kitchen” came the eerie singing again. “im getting out a knife, im getting out a knife” jessica heard rustling from down stairs and hid under her blanket covers. “im climbing up the stairs, im climbing up the stairs” followed by the sounds of feet thudding up the stairs. “im going in in your room, im going in your room” jessica took a quik peek to see if there was anyone by the door but saw no one. There was silence now and Jessica had thought that maybe it was all in her head. She took the blanket of her head and to her horror, the porclein doll was stairing back at her singing “its too late to scream, its too late to scream”
    The next morning the parents went to her room to wake up their daughter, only to find a pool of blood with their daughters body but no head instead sitting on the stump of were her head used to be was the little doll holding a knife in one hand and holding up 4 fingers on the other.

    Thanks for reading :) i know its kinda short but i tried my bet :)

  • Riddle answers
    1. when he woke up. All the lights where turned. As, if someone was living in the house.
    2. He’s a zombie writing a status on facebook
    3. The book she was writing was a suicide note and she hanged herself
    4. They are planning to eat him

  • Ithink I came up with a few riddles. find whats scary
    riddle 1
    It was a stormy night and my car just broke down. I had to walk up like half a mile to an abandoned house. The power was out because I would try to turn on a lamp. I’ll sleep on the couch. I was awoken at 3 a.m and was terrified. I ran out of the house as fast as I can.

    riddle 2
    People just don’t know how to drive. I was walking on the street and I was hit. The guys who hit me had to put me in the trunk and they put me in a hole. How RUDE!!!

    riddle 3
    My daughter looked at me while playing with her dolls. I asked, “honey, do you know where mommy is?”
    “yes, she’s upstairs writing a book and hang out with her friend”
    I froze for a few seconds and went upstairs
    riddle 4
    “you are what you eat, suzy”
    “oh, If I eat a chicken than I’m a chiken”
    “Haha, I guess so”, said the teacher
    “oh, I wanna be teacher when I grow up”
    “great”, the teacher smiled
    “so, how is your mother doing?”
    “she wants to invite you to dinner!”
    Than suzy exclaimed, “I want to be a teacher!”

  • The ghost girl is about a girl who finds a dead girl that thinks she is alive.
    There was girl who was 17 years old . At school , she went to her class . She saw a girl walk in the door . The girl walk up to her . ” you must be the new student ” . The girl said.

    “I guess I am . My name is Sally Finst , Sally said .

    At lunch , they sat next to each other . A security dog named Berry walked in with a security guard. He barked and barked at Sally . ” why is Berry barking at you? He is very friendly and always gets along with you the first time he sees you .

    ” Maybe he thinks I’m dangerous , Sally said.

    ” why? , the girl said.

    Sally didn’t reply. At recess , bullies walked up to them .

    ” hey, I thought you promised me lunch money yesterday , one bully said.

    When he was halfway punching the girl , he fell in a mud puddle . He ran away crying .

    “how did you do that ? The girl asked .

    ” It was just a coincidence , Sally said.

    As they walked home down the streets , they talked .

    “Here ‘s my address . You can play but not today “, Sally said.

    A few months later, the girl didn’t see Sally ever. Not even in class . At home, the girl remembered the address Sally gave her . She lived at 204 burwood rd. When she saw house 203, she went to the next house . It said 205 burwood rd. She went to the the man who lived at house 205 .

    ” Excuse me , I’m looking for sally Finst “, the girl said .

    ” That’s Impossible. Sally Finst died in 1901 in a car accident . Her parents died when she was three. So she was sent to the orphanage . She wanted somebody to play but she had no friends . One night , she snuck out and got hit by a car . They destroyed the house and sold it to a company. She is really dangerous . Don’ t ever talk to her, the man said.

    ” ok” ,the girl said .

    That night , she drove in her car to pick up some dinner. When she looked at the mirror, Sally sat at the back seat looking deadly. The girl looked back and she wasn’t there. Then she hit another car and died all because of the ghost girl .

  • Im new here and id like to submit my story
    It was a cold and stormy night in Stuttgrat. Best friends Henreich, Erich, Eva and Gustav were chatting. They told eacother spooky stories and decided after the storm ends they would go somewhere dark and creepy. Eva suggested the cemetery. Everyone liked that idea. A hew days later they sneaked out of their houses and met eacother near the cemetery. They had fun telling scary stories until Erich suggested to take a walk around the cemetery. They walked and looked at the gravestones. They saw one that a nazi christ on it. It said “A HERO WHO DIED IN BERLIN 1945. HE SHALL NOT BE FORGOTTEN”. Kids were surpised to see that grave, beacuse graves of the nazis were already destroyed. And then Gustav said “Hey guys! Lets finish with this grave and go to my place. My parents are out of the town”.
    Everyone replied positively except for Heinrich.
    “It should be here for a reason” Heinrich said.
    “I agree.” said Gustav.
    Right when they were about to live Gustav smashed the grave into pieces. Eva and Erich kicked the gravestones pieces. And old man appeared and yelled “STOP!!”. Everyone fleed to Gustav s house. They had a great time at Gustavs house until Eva got a little scared that they will be sued beacuse of the vandalism they did. Eva said the she will go upstairs to the toilet. She didnt return. After 20 minutes Erich went up to check. They heard a scream
    Every one went upstairs. Eva was shot to death. But it seemed wierd. There were now gun sounds. Erich picked one bullet from Evas head and said
    “These are MP40 bullets”
    Every one was feared, beacuse MP 40 was the main submachine gun that nazis used. Erich stared yelling at Gustav: “This is your fault. Now a Nazi zombie is after us”
    The yelling stopped. Erich backed up in fear. He silently said: “Behind you”
    Gustavs gust flew around the room beacuse of MP 40 shots in hes back. Erich was shot aswell. Heinrich quickly jumped out of the window and ran to the cemetery. He met the old man who shouted at them.
    Old man told him: “You fools! Now the ghost of the trooper is upon you. The trooper is my father. Hes grave was destroyed many times but in one day it was fixed and fixed and fixed”
    as the old man continued the Nazis shot both of the men dead. None of the bodies were found.

  • New story! No co-writer yet :) might close it down if no one will apply. Here it goes :) Title: Perfect Family

    The Evans family were a usually quiet family. They were loving in a silent way, always smiling and handing out snicker doodles. They also shook hands politely, listened to problems, and did everything else nice people would do. But they barely spoke and no one knew why. As Marianne flashed her winning smile and handed out snicker doodles, she looked over her broad shoulder and saw her husband, Palmer, talking to a new family who had just moved right across from them. The old residents had moved into an elderly home, for they could not take care of themselves.

    “Palmer,” Marianne spoke for the first time that day outside of the house. She smiled to the new family but secretly despised them. Marianne was cold hearted, but was raised to be a happy house wife.

    “Yes dear?” Palmer said, turning his gaze to his wife.

    “Can you hand out the snicker doodles?” Marianne asked, and held out the plate almost empty of cookies. She tucked her brown hair behind her ear.

    “Why not,” Palmer replied and took the plate. He walked off.

    Marianne gave the new family a cold stare and walked off. The family was very puzzled, for they had thought Marianne was nice. Marianne got her family together and they headed home. Once they got to their house, Marianne sighed and replaced her smile with a hard line. She got out her phone and called her book publisher, Meggie. She talked loudly, and it annoyed Palmer very much. He sighed and looked in the direction of his daughter, Celeste. She was chewing gum loudly and grunting while pushing buttons on her phone. “Betty is such a loser!” she muttered to herself and shook her head. Palmer wanted quiet, so he went into his bedroom. His son, Dallas, was playing video games on the sixty inch plasma screen TV. Gun shots were booming loudly, and Palmer was at his breaking point.

    Something in Palmer snapped. Suddenly, he felt something… Rational. Something he really wanted to do.

    “Get out!” He yelled loudly at Dallas. His son quietly cried while walking out of the room.

    Palmer called for Marianne who was done talking to Meggie.

    “Yes babe?” Marianne said, sighing.

    “I set up a bath for you,” Palmer said under his breath.

    His wife eyed him suspiciously. “Alright.”

    She walked into the bathroom, stripped, and climbed in the bubbly bathtub. It felt relaxing, then she felt a burning sensation. Palmer looked down at her, a crazy smile reaching his ears. Her flesh was bubbling, neck and down. It was peeling off, and it hurt like crazy. She was about to scream when Palmer panicked and grabbed his pocket knife. He slit his wife’s throat, making the acid water filled with blood. He plucked the floating flesh out of the bathtub and eat it. It was hot but delicious. He walked out, leaving the lifeless body in the blood filled tub. Dallas closed his eyes and wiped tears away. His father had yelled at him harshly, and his dad has never……..

    Ugh! Stupid phone. Ill start over when its early.

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