Scary For Kids


  • One Missed Call

    The alarm clock goes off. Tim grunts and feels around the nightstand trying to turn it. He looks over at his wife, Susan. “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty”, he says as he nudges her awake, “Rise and shine.” Susan pulls the covers over her head. “Can’t you give me just five more minutes, darling?” Tim chuckles under his breath. “If you don’t start getting ready then you’ll be late.”, he tells her, “And you don’t want to upset your boss and lose that big promotion, do you?” Susan rolls out of bed and drags herself to the bathroom to get in the shower. “Aren’t you just the best motivator.”, she said with a sleepy smile. Susan gets in the shower and Tim goes down to the kitchen to make breakfast. Susan comes down and the two share breakfast and Tim gives her a kiss before she walks out the door. “Promise you won’t work too hard?”, Tim says before she leaves. “I promise, babe!”, Susan replies. He watches her get in her car and drive off.

    Tim then rushes upstairs to get ready. He takes a shower, shaves, get dressed, and pulls out of his driveway with only minutes to spare. He goes to work at a local shipping company. The day was long as usual and when his day finaly ended he was utterly exhausted. On his way home he wanted to surprise Susan when she got home from her job as a nurse at a local hospital. He stops and buys flowers and champagne for a little romantic evening. He gets home and is reliefed to see that Susan isn’t home and sets everything up. He lights candles, sets the table, and waits for his wife return. She usually comes home around 10:30PM and it’s 10:55PM. “She’s probably working a little late”, Tim says to himself, “She’ll be home soon.” Fifteen minutes passed and Tim decided to call her just to check up on her. He calls her and it goes straight to voicemail. “She’s probably just busy and she just turned her phone off.”, Tim said to himself trying to stay calm. The minutes faded to hours and Tim kept calling and calling. When 12:30 rolled around, he started to get a little worried. He was pacing around the kitchen when his phone rang. He looked down at it and saw it was his wife.

    He quickly picked it up. “Susan, are you alright?”, he blurted out, “I’ve been getting a little worried.” Tim waited for an answer but only heard static. “Susan?”, he said, “Are you there?” He was answered only by static and then the phone hangs up. Time didn’t know what to think. “She probably lost service somwhere.”, Tim said to himself, “I’m sure she is alright.” Tim tried to stay calm but he couldn’t help but feel a little more worried with each minute that passed. He stared out the window and hoped to see her car turn into the driveway. He was startled when he phone began to ring. He saw that it was his wife. He answered it in a heartbeat. “Susan, where are you?”, he blurted out, “I’m really starting to get worried.” He was again answered by the sound of static. He was about to hang up when a noise came out of the static. It was soft and high pitched. It sounded like a woman’s voice. It sounded like Susan’s voice. “Tim….”, it said, “Tim…” Tim became frantic when he heard it. “Susan, are you alright?”, he said almost in a desperate yell, “Are you hurt?” Before Tim could say anything else, the line went dead. Tim knew something was wrong and immediatly picked up the phone and called the police.

    “911, What is your emergency?”, asked the woman on the other end. “My wife hasn’t come home and she tried to call me and she sounds like she may be in trouble.” Tim was talking fast and the operator tried to calm him down. “Do you have any idea as do where she may be?”, the operator asked. “She always takes I-95 heading east home.”, Tim said, “Have there been any reports of an accident in that area.” The operator paused to check. “Not any that I can see”, she told him, “But I’ll get the Highway Patrol to check it out.” Tim thanked the operator and hung up. He tried to think about where she may be. He knew the route she took every day to and from work and pondered whether or not he should start his own search. He thought it might help and ran to his car. He drove the route to and from multiple times and didn’t see a sign of Susan. He pulled over and pondered what to do next. The silence was broken by the sound of his phone ringing. He quickly answered it. ‘Susan, can you please tell me where you?”, he said in a panic, “I called the police and we’re trying to find you.” He was answered by static and he heard the voice he heard earlier again. “Tim…”, it said, “Lake…View..” The line went dead and silence was returned. Tim thought about what the voice had said. He shot up when it came to him. Lake View drive was an old back road that cut through the woods and went past a lake. Tim started his car and rushed over there as fast as his car could go. He feared the worst.

    He cursed at every red light and speed through every green light. He turned onto Lake View Drive and kept his eyes peeled for a sign. A thunderstorm had moved in and the forest was occasionally lit up by the lightning. The woods seemed to close in on him and he thought about what he might find. He called his wife back and it went straight to voicemail every time. He threw his phone down in frustration and kept on looking. Something drew him to a dirt road that branched off of Lake View. The storm grew worse and the wind began to howl and the thunder crashed. Tim felt like he was in a horror film. He came to a dead end and the sight made his heart sink. He saw tire tracks in the mud and the guard rail was broken. Just as he got to the edge of the ravine his phone rang. It was his wife again. “Hello”, Tim yelled, “I’m here now, you’re going to be alright.” Tim was ansered by static and then the voice of his wife. “Tim…”, she said, “I’m so sorry…” He looked down into the ravine. He could make out what looked to be a car, The lightning flashed and he immediatly recognized it as Susan’s. He called the police and requested an ambulance. . Tim rushed down to see if his wife alright. He struggled to make out the figure of his wife and was surprised to see the figure of what appeared to be a large man. The lightning flashed and light up the face of his wife. She was badly bruised and there were multiple cuts on Susan’s face. When the police arrived with the ambulance, they pull the car up and open it. They pull Susan and the mysterious man out of the vehicle.

    Paramedics try to find a pulse. Tim falls in the mud when they tell him Susan can’t be saved. The police search the vehicle and find a coiled up piece of rope and the autopsy reveals she had been strangled. Further investigation reveals that the man was a jealous ex-boyfriend who wanted revenge. He had slipped into the back of the car and had taken her hostage when she got in. He told her to drive to the spot on Lake View. When they got there, she panicked and slammed on the accelerator and plummited the car into the ravine. It killed them both on impact. The coroner placed the time of death around 11:00PM. Tim looked at his phone and was puzzled. “But she called me at 12:30”, he told police, “And then throughout the night.” The investigators were shocked to hear about it. “Her phone had fallen out of the car and got soaked by the rain.” they told him, “There’s no way anyone could have made a call from that phone.” Tim was in disbelief. “I thought she was calling for help.”, he said. He broke down right then and there.

    When her funeral came, he sobbed intensly as her casket was lowered into the ground. The preacher said a few words and so did he. As he got into his car to leave, his phone rang. He turned white as snow when he looked at the caller ID. He slowly put the phone to his ear.

    “Hello”, he said in a weak whisper. “Tim…”, he heard the voice say, “Thank…you….Love….you.” The phone line went dead.

  • Panting, I turned around. I stepped backwards, my spine against the wall.
    “No, don’t hurt me!” I screamed.
    “It’s time for my revenge!” she roared. “Prepare to say goodbye!”
    “Girls, will you stop it! Someone will get hurt,” Mum sighed, opening my bedroom door.
    “It’s so unfair, she started it!” I, as I snatched a book from the bookcase.
    “Well, Angie is the one who asked to play this stupid game. What a baby!” Holly sneered, raising her eyebrows at me.
    I threw the book at my younger sister, Holly. Panicking, she ducked. The book fell to the mint coloured carpet. Holly sniffed, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.
    “Ewww!” I giggled, laughing at Holly’s wet hand.
    From out of nowhere, a book hit me and I stumbled into a box.
    I had been breaking a lot of things recently.
    “One day, you girls will be the death of each other,” mum groaned, picking up my dirty washing from the floor.

    I carried the dusty box into the living room. Rummaging around inside, I pulled out a glossy, white mirror. Serena was engraved around the glass. Which I had now cracked.
    My eyes were transfixed on the mirror, it was a masterpiece. I knew Holly would want it if she saw it, so I slipped it into my pocket and went into the garden. I ran around with Holly, smirking if she tripped.
    I reached into my pocket to text my friend. It was freezing. The mirror was like a block of ice. A giant rumble shook us. Heavy, black clouds smothered the sky. It was a blanket of grey. Suddenly the clouds burst, rain began to pelt down. It hit us hard.
    “Hurry up!” Holly screamed, rain streaming down her cheeks.
    I ran as fast as I could across the patio. But just as I reached the door, an unknown force pushed me across the grass and slammed me into a wall. My mum dismissed it as gale force winds but I knew it was something worse. Much, much worse.
    Lots of similar events occurred over the next few weeks. Rani, my four year old cousin went missing, a few days later Toto, the family dog, disappeared too whilst playing in the garden. Lockley Hill, our school, caught on fire in the middle of the night. Everything special to me had gone, my cousin was my friend and I loved my dog. The heart breaking thing was that I didn’t know what monster was doing this. And that I was in the midst of danger.
    I woke up. My palms were sweating, my head was spinning. I had dreamt about Holly, she was in danger. I slipped out of my bedroom and into Holly’s room. Scanning the room, I saw that she wasn’t there. What would she be doing at this time of night? I searched in every room to see where she was. That was before I went to the kitchen.
    I was sat down on a chair when I realised that my mirror was not in my pocket. I must have left it on top of the microwave. Shutting the door behind me, I walked in. I screamed, stepping backwards. Holly was lying face down on the floor, drowned, in a pool of her own blood.
    I went to her funeral but deep down I could not face death again. My chest pounded when I heard noises behind me. I heard whispers at night. I felt sure my turn was next.
    Holly’s funeral had been yesterday. I was the most distressed and had to leave early. I slumped into my hotel room and curled up into a ball on the bed. It wasn’t long before I heard a scratching sound. It was like someone dragging their nails across a blackboard. I couldn’t bear it. I looked up as the door slammed shut behind me. My eyes wide with horror, I read the message. The line carved deep into the wall. She said her name was Serena.

    Since there is no escape, I must confess,
    Your time is up.
    Once the sun burns red hot in the sky,
    My vengeance will be as sweet as ever.

    While I was reading the message, I did not realise a figure was standing in the room. When I sensed breathing behind me, I turned around. There she was. Serena, a statue. Her once pretty face was carved in stone. Even so, I could see her eyes were full of longing and hope. Her hand was reaching out. Reaching out to me. My heart was no longer beating as my soul was dragged away. Before I knew it I was trapped. Trapped in a body which was not mine. My features were carved in stone. Looking down at the mirror, I saw that Serena’s name was not there.

    It was mine.

  • First time writing a story, here goes nothing. Hope you like it
    Don’t let her in
    In the middle of a rain a storm a girl was staring in front of the widow until she saw a lady. The girl told her mother but her told her if she knocks don’t let her in. 5 minutes later the girl heard the knock she wanted to tell her mother but she was asleep. The storm was worsening until the girl just opened the door and let the woman in. The girl gave her tea and asked if she can take her coat for her but the old woman just sat. Time passed by and the girl’s mother woke up and saw the woman. The mother made a shocked expression and called out her daughter. The girl came in the room and told her mother she had no choice but to let her in. The mother was still shocked and told her it was time for bed. But the old woman stayed where she was. The little girl was woken in the middle of the night from a soft scary singing. “mother is that you”? No answer was called but the singing went on. “mother is that you please tell me”? But the singing went on. The singing started to grow louder and the singing became more into a moan than a song. As the moan grew louder the girl felt holes in her body and liquid. She looked in the mirror and saw holes on her face and blood was coming out of it. As the moan grew louder until the moan was in front of her bedroom door the girl body had holes and it was leaking blood. The girl wanted to scream but no sound came out except blood. The door opened and the woman came in and watched the girl bleed to death and said “well little girl you shouldn’t have let me in now your blood is mine”. In the morning the mother came in the girl’s room and saw the bones of the girl, and a blood letter on the wall which said, I DRANK HER BLOOD SHE HAD HOLES IN HER BUT KNOW SHE IS BONES. The mother sang the song and buried her daughter’s bones.

  • Rocking chair

    One day a girl named Elizabeth was walking on the sidewalk when she spotted a furniture shop. she wanted her own chair so she walked in there but found no chairs. But she went in a dark room and found a rocking chair. She came out with the chair and said “How much for this rocking chair?”. “It’s free.” the shop owner said. “Really? thanks!” Elizabeth said as she walked out with the chair. She put the rocking chair in her room. She told her parents that she got a rocking chair to put in her room so that they would know. At 1:00 in the morning, she heard strange noises. Then she saw the chair rocking back and forth on its own. She thought it was the wind, but the window was closed. She was getting scared now as the chair kept rocking back and forth. At 9:00 in the morning she told her mother that she had a spooky experience with the rocking chair. “You were probably dreaming last night” her mother said. The other night the chair was rocking back and forth again, and this time she saw a woman with a creepy face. She was really scared when she saw the woman. She screamed and ran in the bathroom. She saw the creepy woman in the mirror and tried to get out of the bathroom. But the door was locked by the ghost. She kept screaming louder and louder until the glass of the mirror broke. The door unlocked so she quickly got out of the bathroom, but she was standing face to face with the ghost. “GIVE ME BACK MY ROCKING CHAIR!” the woman said loudly. Elizabeth was standing there scared that she couldn’t move. After ten seconds the woman grabbed Elizabeth, and pulled her in the mirror as it fixed itself. The next morning her mom was going in the bathroom, but she saw the frighting words on the mirror written in blood that said:SHE DIDN’T GIVE BACK MY ROCKING CHAIR.

  • This is my first time writing a scary story so just try to go along with it.

    The Window

    The year is 1935,in griffan, Georgia a family moved into a house that had been destroyed by a horrible house fire,then it had a greusomedeath to it but then built again over time.The family that moved in were the Bramelets. It consisted of a mom, a dad, and a seven year old girl named alice.when they moved in everything wwas perfect until they had finished moving everything in.In alice’s room each night at around two o’clock she would hear a little tap on her window. at first she dismissed it as a twig in the yard hitting the window when the wind blew. “mom” asked alice “there is a branch or something in front of my window and i would like for dad to get it down.”The mom went outside to check it out and came back and said “there is no twig in front of the window alice.”That scared alice.Maybe it`s the wind she thought.Later that night she again hears the same tapping noise in the window, but this time she hears a whisper saying “help me,the window is stuck.” Alice got up and opened the window and looked out but saw nothing.The next morning she told her dad all about it. he was wide eyed for the whole story asking question,after question.when the story was over he grabbed his daughter by the arms and said firmly,”If you hear that call again don`t open the window and look down”After that he went to the town to see if he could find another house to move into.That night though, at three o` clock Alice heard that same crie for help.she pulled the covers over head tried to ignore it but it got sadder and sadder over time.One hour later she couldn`t take she opened the window and looked down to see what was calling her and met a horrifull sight.The next morning the dad whent to Alice`s room to check on her and screamed.His daughter was trown out of the window,caught on it`s handle, and was burned to the bone.And at the bottom of the window sill written in blood was a crued message.”looks like your daughter didint listen!”

  • Here’s a new story  Hope u like~! Not true BTW.

    My sister, Sarah, and I were at the park and it was a lovely day. Our town was a great place to grow up. Crime hardly ever happened there. Everyone knew everyone else and were friends. The park was crowded with families and I recognized everyone, well almost everyone.

    There was a strange woman sitting on the bench on the other side of the park but she seemed harmless. Just sitting there reading a book, minding her own business, so I didn’t think twice about it. My sister and I loved to play a game called “don’t open”. What you do is one person closes their eyes and the other tries to trick you in to opening them. You usually try to scare them.

    We sat under a tree. It was my turn to get my sister to open her eyes. I tried tickling her but it only made her laugh so I pretended to leave. I made the fake walking away sound with my feet and slowly lowering my voice to make it sound like I was farther away. She fell for it. Sarah opened her eyes and when she saw me she was relieved.

    It was now her turn now. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Sarah laughed and I couldn’t help but laugh too. Suddenly her laughter stopped and so did the sounds all around me, as if everyone in the park had left. “Sarah, are you there?” I wanted to open my eyes so bad but something in my head said don’t.

    “Becca help, please help me.” Now I really wanted to open my eyes but Sarah usually used this scare strategy to win. So I just sat there as she yelled. My stomach started to turn and I didn’t think I could take any more. The screaming stopped and a whisper said “Don’t open your eyes.” I opened my eyes despite what I heard only to see every one gone but my sister hanging from a tree, dead.

    I called 911 and sat there stunned. I looked across to the bench were the lady was sitting and saw her book. I walked over to it. There was a note in the book. I pulled it out. It said written in dark red ink: “Don’t you wish you opened your eyes?”

  • Surprise guest (a true story)

    I know a true story, this happened to me when I was around 10 years old.
    Me and my family moved to a new house. the house had a peculiar design you see it was very open. In the middle of the house there was a living room with a small step leading to a place that would later become the dining room. Next to the living room there was a hallway, in the left there was the master bedroom and to the right three more bedrooms, two of them shared a bathroom. at the other side of the living room there was the kitchen and a TV room.
    A few weeks after we moved in things started to get creepy. Once I reached to my bed to grab the remote and when it was barely inches of my hand the TV turned on. two weeks later my brother was watching TV in his room when the bathroom door opened then closed and then opened again this time the lights where on. Things passed from that to whispers,footsteps, things appearing and disapearing randomly. It was getting freaky!

    One day after taking a shower I opened the curtain and for a second I saw a white figure. I jumped back and I got mad “get out!” I then realized that both doors (my bathroom door and my room door) where both open I quickly changed and went outside but there was nothing there. I was freaked out but decided that I was freaking out so I went to the kitchen to get something to drink. I was alone in the house except for one of the maids who was doing laundry outside. I forgot to explain why I was mad instead of scared, you see my mom thought me that if a spirit is in another person’s property (whether it is a room or a house) Only the owner can kick him out. I instinctively did as my mother taught me and ordered him to get out.

    My dad placed crosses outside our doors for protection but I knew better and placed two outside my door. That night I think it was around five in the morning when I was awakened by a deep laugh. I was still confused and half asleep but then a tremor shook the house. I was after that wide awake and definitely freaked out. later that day after I got home from school I sat in the kitchen counter and started talking to the maids, They told me that they where in their bedroom when They heard the blender turn on. Then they told me that the too had heard whispers and voices in the hall ways near my room.

    I was getting freaked out so I told them what had happened that morning.
    “Do you guys think that there is something in this house?” I asked them
    “I am sure of it but I don’t think we should pay him to much attention we should just continue to live our lives and ignore him that way he will probably go away”
    We then heard a loud bam at one side of the counter. One of the maids jumped
    “OH MY GOODNESS! t-the phone it lifted itself then clashed back again!!!!”
    When I turned to look the phone was side ways. I then felt a soft cold breeze hit me in the face.
    This ghost was not going to be ignored.

    Later that night a black out occurred in the whole neighborhood. I was scared so I just stayed in my bed. Then I got the weirdest feeling and I stood up and looked out the window. I remember I felt as if I was happy, calm and then I felt as if the same wind in the afternoon hit me but in the back. I had that feeling for around ten minutes when one of the maids came running in, it was still dark. She then told me a hell of a story.

    She said she was in the living room when a green light she said floated at around 3 meters from where she was then it floated up to the ceiling and disappeared. She said the light came from my room. I then joined her and we hurried outside until the power came back.I knew what it was that she had seen, it was the soul of the ghost that had been caring the living day lights out of us since we moved in. Since that day on we never had anything weird happen to us at that house.
    My uncle, who had worked in the neighborhood before, told me that alot of people died in the area in the early 1900’s. I always thought the ghost was a teenager because of how he acted but I never found out. We moved out a couple months later and we never heard of the house again. Although I doubt the new owners had to deal with a “guest”

  • Raggedy Ann
    Raggedy Ann is a scary story about a girl who destroys a doll and strange things start occurring.

    A girl was walking in a doll store, looking for a doll. She was very spoiled and rich, quite rude, and: Loves dolls. But there was one thing her mother wanted.  The thing was, 
    She HATED that doll.
    “Honey, That doll is perfect! It is beautiful!” Her mother said. The doll had black sewn on eyes, a stitched up smile, and ugly, stringy hair (Or that’s what she thought.). “I Hate that doll! The hair is ugly, she IS ugly! I hate it!” She grabbed the doll, Smashed her on the table, and Ripped open the doll. She removed her stuffing, took the doll home, and burned it limb from Limb. She hated it THAT much. She put the fire out, picked up the ashes from the doll, and threw them out.

    During the night, she woke up and heard a voice. “Raggedy Ann,Raggedy Ann, Lend your ears. I killed your mom. Your death is near. She couldn’t sleep for the entire night.
    The next morning, she woke up to find her mothers corpse in bed, spewed with blood. Her father, was weeping and so was she. But the girl went on with her life, as cruel and rich as she is. As she was yelling at her teddy bear, she heard a voice: “Raggedy Ann, Raggedy Ann, can’t you see? Oh right. I filled up your father’s stomach with bees.” She was struck with fear. She ran outside to find her father okay, with him gardening. “Something wrong, sweetie?” He asked. “No daddy.” The girl said. She didnt want him to worry. 
    An hour later, she heard a yelp. She ran outside to find her father dead, with his stomach ripped open and bees swarming inside it. She screamed and cried for her sister. She came out and took her father’s body out to the graveyard, and her mother. The girl stayed behind. The voice again cackled: “Raggedy Ann, Raggedy Ann, You look like stones. I took your sister’s body and also removed her bones.” She wailed and screamed and went to her bedroom.There her neighbor called. “Honey, I’m so sorry.” She said. Your sister was in the graveyard, and she was attacked by a red headed girl. The red removed your sister’s body and took her bones. I’m so sorry.” 
    The girl was devastated. She was so sad. She never had a sibling or parent die. She now slept in the closet as her days went by, in fear the voice would speak. When she was an adult, she forgot about it. She got engaged, married, and had kids. She forgot about the voice when she was 38.  When she was at her furnace, lighting her fire, the voice returned. “Raggedy Ann, Raggedy Ann, we’ve had lots of fun, but I have no choice, my work here is done.” She felt a foot kick her from the back. She fell into the fire-and burned. Burned like the doll. Raggedy Ann stepped out. She picked the girl’s ashes, and said, “Raggedy Ann, Raggedy Ann, why can’t you see? When it comes to dolls, don’t mess with me.” and threw her ashes out.
    (SFK Readers, Could you give me feedback? This is my second story, and I need to see if it was bad or good. Thanks! ;) )

  • My story is called “Lonesome”. Dale was a very busy man. He worked for a shipping company in Brooklyn and found his job incredibly tiring. One day, a friend of his approached him with an offer he couldn’t refuse. “Hey, Dale”, he said, “You’ve been looking a bit overwhelmed lately and I thought that you might be interested in renting my cabin up in Washington for a week or two.” Dale was estatic when he heard it. “That sounds great.”, Dale said, “I can hunt, go hiking, and just enjoy some peace and quiet for a little while.” Dale left that weekend and followed his friends directions to the cabin. It was pretty small with one bedroom and bathroom and could only house two people comfortably. “No work, no interuptions, no one but me.”, Dale said to himself as he lit a fire in the fireplace and kicked back and relax.

    The next day he hiked, hunted, and enjoyed a little peace and quiet. Dale was making supper one night when he heard a knock on the door. He answered it and saw an old sickly woman standing in the doorway. “Hello”, she said with a slight smile, “I noticed you’ve moved in and I just thought I’d say hello.” Dale was a tad annoyed by her presence since he was looking for some time to himself. “Hello”, he said, “It’s nice to meet you, my name is Dale Johnson.” Dale extended his hand. The old woman grabbed it and shook it. He noticed that her hands were as cold as ice. “You must be lonely being all the way out here by yourself”, she said with her slight smile, “Would you mind if I stay a while and have supper with you?” Dale didn’t want to have any company but that of his mountain of Nancy Drew novels. “Um, sorry”, he said, “But I’ve only enough food for me and I’m not very much in the mood for company tonight.” The old woman’s slight smile sank into a deep frown. “Oh, I understand.”, she said in a faint whisper, “But please, if you get loney I-” Dale slammed the door in her face.

    The next day Dale hiked another trail and fished the river for a few hours. He took in nature and he went home. He was making supper again when he heard another knock on the door. “I hope it’s not that annoying old hag”, he muttered to himself. He hesitated to open the door for a second. He opened it and saw the old woman again standing in the doorway. This time she was holding a cup. “I’m terribly sorry to disturb you again”, she said in her sickly voice, “But I was just wondering if I could borrow a cup of sugar for my coffee?” Dale was really not in the mood to be talking to anyone. “I must apologize”, Dale said with a bit of frustration in his voice, “But I don’t have any sugar to lend to you.” The old woman’s slight smile faded to a deep frown once more,. “Oh, that is quite alright.” Dale wanted to make sure that she never came back to bother him for the rest of the night. “I’m sure you have some kind neighbors that would gladly give you some sugar”, Dale said hoping she would go away. “All my neighbors live too far away for me to walk to.”, she said, “You are the closest.” Dale didn’t know what else to say. “Well, I guess you’ll have to make do without sugar.” Dale slammed the door in her face once again

    The next day Dale hiked another trail and hunted and fish for an even longer period of time and then he went back home to his cabin. He passed a strange set of stones along the way that looked like that of the foundation of a house. He thought nothing of it and continued on his way home. He was making supper again that night when another knock came on the door. He decided not to answer it and ignored it. It got louder and louder until it became frantic pounding. He opened the door wit haste and saw the old woman again in the doorway holding an empty glass in her hand. “What is it this time?”, Dale asked her with malice in his voice, “Hurry up and tell me so you can go on your way and leave me alone.” She looked worse then ever. Her skin was pale and she was shaking a little. “I’ve run out of water”, she said, “And I was just wondering if perhaps you could give me just a glass to get me throught the night.” Dale looked at her for a few seconds and didn’t say anything. “Is that all you want?”, he asked, ‘Then you’ll finally leave me alone?” The old woman shook her head. “Please, my mouth is so dry.”, she said. Dale swiped the glass from her hand, filled it, and returned it to her. “Here is your water.”, he said, “Will there be anything else?” The woman shook her head no. “Thank you”, she whispered as she turned and left.

    Dale never saw the old woman again. He packed up and left when his vacation ended. Before he left, he stopped at a local diner to get lunch. “So where are you from?”, the waiter behind the counter asked him. “Brooklynn”, Dale replied, “I came here to escape and I did for the most part.” The waiter knodded his head. “So what did you do?”, the waiter asked. “A friend if mine let me borrow a cabin in the forest for a few weeks.”, Dale said, “I hiked, hunted, and fished to my heart’s desire.” The waiter smiled. “A lot of people come to those cabins when they need a little space.”, he said, “It really is beautiful up there.” Dale sipped his cola. “But there was this old woman up there who kept bothering me for a few days.”, he said, “I finally just told her off.” Dale desribed the old woman to the waiter and he froze. “Are you sure that’s what she looked like?”, the waiter asked. “I’m absolutly certain.”, Dale replied. The waiter told Dale about how she lived with her husband until he died and she became incredibly lonely and her gradually declined until she died alone and was burried along with her name. All she ever wanted was a little company.

  • This is a story I wrote in English class during our fairy/folktale unit. It’s a spin off to Little Red Riding Hood.

    Bad Apple
    By PeanutBrittle

    There I was, in the center of the woods. My eyes were glued to a basket that lay in the center of the clearing. It was my basket.
    The moon the full and it washed a pale silvery glow over the forest. The light helped me make out a pair of red eyes- the wolf’s eyes.
    Everything had to be timed perfectly, or else I would be mincemeat. The moment I saw the red eyes fade away; I darted out, snatched my basket, and took off running. Moments after, I could hear the growls of the wolf. He was gaining on me. If I didn’t hide somewhere to catch my breath, he’d catch me.
    I swerved around many thick, tall oaks until I saw one that I could climb. Hoisting myself up, I clung to the tree and crouched on a branch that camouflaged me in the leaves.
    With a smile, I lifted the flap of the basket and peered inside. There lay a large, shiny red apple, wrapped in ivory colored cloth. It was the kind of apple rumored to bring everlasting happiness to any family. I set the basket on my lap and slowly my eyes began to shut. That is, until I heard a low growl and a scratching sound coming from the base of the tree. It was the wolf again. He must have smelled me. I quickly snatched my basket and jumped, landing on top of the wolf’s back. He whimpered and collapsed to the ground.
    I took off running, not stopping to see if the wolf was at my heels. But I could still hear his cries and howls. He knew that whatever was in my basket, he could make use of.
    It seemed like an eternity, but I finally reached the front door of my cottage. Then it all happened in a blur. I could see the wolf’s blurry silhouette from the corner of my eye as I picked up my husband’s ax. It was stuck in a stump of wood, but I managed to dislodge it.
    With all of my might, I swung the ax at the wolf, creating a deep gash across his chest. He yelped and fell back. I kept chopping at him until I knew he was dead. Blood was splattered all or my clothes and face.
    I opened the door and smiled at my wide eyed husband, who was sitting at the table. He tried to mutter out words, but all he could do was stutter in disbelief.
    I hung up my cape and carefully plucked the apple out of my basket. As I held it out for my husband to see, he was able to speak.
    “W-where did you get that?” He asked his voice low.
    “I found it in the forest, in my basket. I stole it from the wolf. He has no use for it.” I replied.
    “You have to return it, honey. I- I know that you are still upset about your miscarriage, but you have to return that baby back to its mother.”
    With every word he spoke, the apple began to feel heavier and I noticed that red apple bundled in the blankets was really a baby. My mind was swirling, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t process anything.
    Slowly, I inched the front door open. Outside on the ground laid the dead body of the mother who was trying to retrieve her child.

  • This is a true story.i was told this by my grandfather.belive me its real.One day my grandfather and his stepbrother attended a wedding as children.the groom seemed to have left the wedding.the bride was devastated.the guests left the grandfather and his brother left and went to a tree that was beside a cemetery.the graveyard was very poor looking and you could easily step on someones grandfather saw the bride and groom both hanging from the tree.they had killed themselves. true story my grandpa has pictures it was in the news.

  • Hi guys  New story. Hope you like it.

    Title: Call You Later

    One snowy, bitterly cold December night, a woman was driving home alone from a Christmas party. She had not had that much to drink, but she was very tired.

    The old road she was driving on was very dark and lonely, and it was surrounded by a forest.

    The woman groaned as she realized she was almost out of gas. She pulled over into a gas station a couple miles down the road. When she went in to pay, the clerk was acting very weird. He filled her tank, then grabbed her and pulled her off to the side. “There is a problem with your car, and you need to come in so we can figure it out.”

    The lady was scared now, and it didn’t help when, after dragging her inside, he pulled out a knife. The lady didn’t stick around to find out why. She rushed to her car and sped off.

    In her rear view mirror, she saw him get into his pickup truck and follow her. She was very scared now.

    Every few minutes, he turned on his high beams, and her car was flooded with light. Eventually, in a last, desperate attempt to lose him, she veered left and then quickly made a screeching turn right, onto the private road that led to her house. It worked.

    Now that she could relax, she listened to the radio. The announcer informed the audience that there was an escaped convict, who was in for a mass murder he had committed. He was missing his right hand, and in its place, he wore a hook. She was already scared enough, so tried to ignore this, although she thought in the back of her mind that it may be the gas station guy. Then she remembered: She had to baby sit that night!

    She hurried home, and when she got out, she stared in horror at a hook hanging from her door. Now she knew it was the gas station guy. She was glad she escaped that guy.

    She walked inside. At least he didn’t follow me, she thought. She could finally relax. She would put the kids to bed, then call the police and tell them what happened. It wasn’t urgent, or so she thought, because she didn’t know where he was anyways.

    When she put the children to bed, she didn’t bother to turn on the lights, but she noticed a creepy clown statue. How could you like that? She thought. She sighed and whispered, “It’s their house, not mine.”

    When she went downstairs to watch some T.V, she thought she saw footprints besides hers leading away from her car. She was tired, so she ignored it. She forgot all about her little run-in at the gas station. She was just drifting to sleep when the phone rang.

    Maybe it’s the parents, she thought.

    It wasn’t the parents. An unfamiliar voice spoke to her. “I’m coming to kill you soon.” Heavy breathing, then a dial tone. She thought nothing of it, just a prank call.

    When it happened again, and he replaced “soon” with “in a few minutes” she got scared. “If it’s my friends, I’ll kill them.” She said to herself.

    A little while later, just when she was getting into the television program, she thought she saw a clown standing just outside her window. She called a neighbor, but they didn’t see anything outside the house.

    “I’m so tired I’m hallucinating,” She yawned. Not even ten seconds after she hung up, the phone rang again. It was the stranger. “I’m almost there” he said.

    Now the girl was scared. This wasn’t one of her friends. They wouldn’t go this far with it. She called the police, and informed them of what had happened. The policeman on the other end told her that they would call back after they traced his next call.

    The girl went to the kitchen and grabbed a butcher knife. She was freaked out. She sat huddled in the corner, and completely forgot about the kids. Her stomach churned. The phone began to ring. Out of fear, she dropped it on the kitchen tile.

    She sat there, staring at it, not wanting to answer it. But she had to, so the police could trace it.

    “Hello?” She said feebly.

    “It won’t be long now.” The mysterious man said. The girl was scared to tears.

    The police called. “Get out of the house! Those calls are coming from a cell phone upstairs!”

    The girl screamed when she heard a door open upstairs, and saw a bloody clown walking down the stairs. She ran out, and down the road, she ran into the police cars.

    They found the killer, and confirmed that the killer was the escaped one they were looking for. They found a grocery bag with a knife, clown wig, and cell phone upstairs.

    The kids were dead, with blood splattered all over the walls. The girl realized that the killer was in her car, and that was the reason for the gas station clerk’s odd behavior. Those were the killer’s footprints, and he was standing right behind her, not outside the window.

    When they loaded him into the police car, he said, “Call you later,” And laughed a short, evil laugh.

    That night, at her home, of course the girl was so scared she could not sleep. Then, as she was watching the news, a breaking story came in.

    “The policemen who found the escaped convict have been found dead, and the killer in nowhere in sight. Look out tonight citizens. He might get you!” The news anchor laughed.

    The girl started to cry. “Oh no!”

    She ran downstairs, only to find the door slightly open, and big, clown shoe sized bloody, snowy footprints on the wooden floor. She turned around, and the phone rang…

  • The Face Of A Killer

    It couldn’t be true, just a trick of the mind. But why do I believe it? Why can’t I let it all go? Let me begin, I recently started becoming a fan of horror movies, scary stories and everything utterly freaky! I loved the excitement it gave me when I’m on the edge of my seat, I loved the excitement when the expected crazed maniac kills the unsuspecting victims, I loved the excitement of it all!

    It became a tradition, first it was every weekend, it has now become something more, my obsession for horror as made me crazy.

    The night was closing in, the perfect time for scares, I orderd The Ring, I’m sure everyone knows that movie. I huddled at the corner of the couch wrapped in my favourite blanket, a bowel of popcorn resting on my knee, my heart was pounding as the trailers began.

    I began to drift off, I woke with a start something must have disturbed me. It would be different if I lived with family, but I’m alone, poor me. I stared at the television, I must have slept through the whole movie because the credits were already running. The faint sound of static made me jump, then I realised it was just the TV.

    That’s weird I thought, why would they put static at the end of the movie? Words rushed across the screen, to fast for the human mind to read, but somehow I could understand it all. The words spelt YOU WILL BE MINE!

    Who could it be? I’m sitting here, rocking back and forth to the ticking of the grandfather clock. What is happening? This used to be fun, exciting but it is something more, I’m in my own horror movie now.

    The sound of footsteps awoke me from my wondering mind. I stood at the foot of the stairs. My mind was telling me to run but my instinct was telling me to climb. I have seen enough horror movies to know what is going to happen but this horror movie is different because this is life and life always keeps you on the edge of your seats.

    I take my first steps on the staircase, complete silence, this is the way I like it, this “thing” won’t know I’m coming, right now I have the advantage. I begin to notice bloody footprints leading to the top of the staircase. I need to get away, but I can’t, this thing has it’s hands upon my head, left an imprint in my mind.

    I climb faster, the loud creaking of the stairs stops my in my tracks, the “thing” knows I’m coming now, good, it’s better off that way. I make noise, no point in being quie, no point in being reasonable. I am at the top of the stairs now staring at the things below me. I wince at the thought of dying. “No not today” I think to myself, I can’t die today.

    I make my way to my bedroom as fast as possible, the door has been ripped from its hinges. The sight is beyond imaginal, my walls are dyed the colour red from the blood that has been thrown around the room. Upon my chandelier is the carcass of a large dog, it’s flesh ripped from it’s body. The dog is not the only thing I notice, my complete attention is drawn to the centre of my bed, my pillows are replaced by the heads of my family, the family I haven’t seen in years. By bed covers are now replaced my the skin of tortured men and women, and a hole in the middle of my bed is filled with blood and the bodies of small children. I need to hold my mouth to stop myself from throwing up. I am bubbling with hatred what maniac could do these sorts of things.

    I know, I know this is the part where I turn around and the killer is behind me yada yada. But your wrong! This is life the horror movie has just begun.

    I’m spinning now, my room is just a faint blur against the bright light. I need to get out of here, the thing will surley find me if I don’t. But it’s too late I feel my knee’s buckle and my head hit the blood stained floor, then all is black.

    I must have been out for a while because I have been dragged into the kitchen. The kitchen which I made popcorn in just a few hours ago. The footsteps are coming closer now. I close my eyes, lay stiff as a board, hoping maybe just maybe it was all a bad dream, or atleast let it believe I’m still unconcious.

    The footsteps have stopped, I know it is in the kitchen. It avoids my body walking around in circles. It thinks I’m still out cold, well I hope. The sound of breathing in my ear makes my heart skip a beat, “I know your awake” It whispers. By the sounds of the voice the killer is a that of a womans. I am dragged up from the back of my hair, I yelp in pain. Why is this happening to me?

    He sits my on the table, I hear the rustling of metal. The thought makes me sick. I see the shimmering of a blade in the pale moonlight. The blade is sliced across my neck, the blood draining from my body. I turn on the light and look in the mirror, the face of the killer is caked in dried blood, eyes open wide and blood shot, hair sticking in the weirdest places. The face of the killer is mine, my face.

    The last thing I feel is the pain of a thousand knives slicing through the middle of my body.

    Is that really me? Am I the killer? Did I do this? Who knows, the horror movie of life always has another chapter.

  • 13th Grave

    One silent night A girl named Sarah was looking down the window when she saw a little girl in her porch with her same age, she was waving her hands at her, Sarah went out to let her in, but there was no one there. The day after that, she went to the mall with her parents when she saw the cute girl again in the cemetery dressed in white. She was waving her hand at her again, when they got home she decided to go to the 13th grave where she appeared, She saw the name “Mariah Lilies” she was shocked Lilies is her last name. She went to visit the grave everyday to see her, but there was always no one. One night, she invited her friends to dig the grave. But her parents caught her, she was grounded for 2 days. She went to the window again and saw her, she said to herself “Maybe its just my imagination” She later went to the 13th grave again this time, she saw her, she talked to her and said “Hello, who are you” The girl replied “I’m your sister, do you remember me?” Curiously, she asked “Sister?, what sister?” She vanished and Sarah ran as fast as she could to her house, unluckily she was bumped by a car, she had internal bleeding and a minute later she was dying, she needed operation and cannot stand up, a stranger rushed her to the hospital by the time she went to the hospital the last thing she saw is the spirit of a girl who looks like her, she then mysteriously vanished and no one saw her again until three years later, her body was found in the 13th grave of the cemetery, the police asked her parents if they knew the little girl next beside her. Her mom said “She is my daughter, she died in a car accident, and Sarah had Amnesia.”

  • .:Seven Knives:.
    Once there was a girl named Skyler. She was very pretty, with long blonde hair, beautiful long eyelashes, and bright blue eyes. One Friday night she asked her friends to come over to her house to watch a new scary movie that had recently come out. The movie was called Seven Knives. Skyler was going to have six friends over. The girls arrived at her house after school, set up sleeping bags and flicked the lights off. Then they started to watch the movie. It was about a mysterious killer who kills the last person who saw him. Then a group of seven friends saw him. They died one by one, each dying by a separate knife. The rest of the movie was boring, and the girls fell asleep easily. On Monday morning, one of the friends wasn’t at school. That was strange, since on the news report there was a killer near her area. Skyler hoped she wasn’t a victim. But the next day, another friend died. It continued until Friday, when Skyler was left. She was sitting on the couch at home, alone since her parents had gone out to get something to eat. There was a mysterious knock on the door. It was seven, slow knocks. Knock…knock…knock…knock…knock…knock…knock.
    The girl was busy, and she ignored the knocking. She knew her parents would use the key, and her friends were busy on Friday.
    Skyler ignored it again, watching the news about the strange killer.
    Skyler was getting very annoyed now, and wished the person would go away and come back later.
    Skyler was about to get up, but then the news got her attention.
    The knocks were getting louder, but her eyes were drawn to the TV. “The mysterious murderer around town is now known as ‘Knock Out’, due to his knocking on your door before he kills you.” Skyler gasped, but she knew the person at her door couldn’t be the killer.
    Skyler got off the couch quickly, and began to run up the stairs.
    Now there was a single, loud knock on the door.
    Skyler was halfway up the stairs when…
    The door burst open. There was a crazy man standing there, with six knives attached to his belt. Each one was bloody, and there was an empty slot where another knife went. He was holding that one, it was clean and sparkly, but not for long. He chased up after Skyler, and now, let’s just say that knife isn’t so clean anymore.
    Skyler’s parents returned home, but no trace of her daughter was found downstairs. Her mother went upstairs to see her lying in a pool of blood, stabbed and decapitated. They found a note next to her body, written in blood,

    (Yes, I know, I stink at writing. XD I couldn’t really think of an ending, and I got lazy. SFK, I really hope this gets posted, although I know it won’t.)

  • (I’d be so grateful if you posted any of my stories, SFK! :3)
    By PeanutBrittle

    “Oh!” Shiro exclaimed, purposely bumping into her crush.
    The items he clutched fumbled in his arms and fell to the ground. “I’m so sorry! Let me help you with that.”
    Gin gave her a grateful smile and nodded his head in thanks.
    Shiro flirtatiously flipped her long, auburn hair behind her back and knelt over. Her icy blue gaze met with his hazel eyes for a moment, and she blushed madly.
    “Hey, what happened here, Gin?” A woman’s voice asked.
    They both looked up from the floor, only to see Gin’s girlfriend, Allaura. Shiro’s smile instantly faded.
    “I’m just clumsy, that’s all.” He replied, instantly standing up to give his girlfriend a peck on the cheek. “And this is Shiro, she lives in the apartment across from mine. She was just helping me pick up my things.”
    The two girls exchanged welcoming glances, but inside, Shiro was fuming. She quickly said goodbye and scrambled inside her apartment. Letting out a disappointed sigh, she walked over to the couch and angrily spoke to herself.
    “How is this possible?! I’m his only girl, she can’t replace me! I have to get rid of her.”


    A few nights later, Allaura was walking down a deserted road, when she heard a few faint cries coming from an alley. It distinctly sounded like a baby. She turned the corner and pulled out a pocket flashlight, sweeping it around the area. Right next to a dumpster lay a small bundle of baby blankets. Allaura approached the bundle and peeled back the blankets. It was just a tape recorder, replaying the sounds of a baby’s cries.
    “Hmph,” she huffed, “whoever is doing this needs to stop.”
    “I’ll stop,” a voice sneered, “when you’re dead!”
    Just as Allaura turned around, she could see Shiro darting at her, with a crazy look in her eyes and an ax wielded in her hands. With a swift motion, she chopped of Allaura’s head. After discarding of the body, Shiro took her victim’s head, wrapped it in the baby blankets, and took it back to her apartment.


    Gin paced his apartment. It had been 3 days since he had seen Allaura. She hadn’t returned his calls or messages. He was beginning to worry. Suddenly, he heard a few light knocks on his door. It was a package addressed to him, but with no return address. He could hear the muffled cries of a baby. He immediately grabbed a pair of scissors and ripped the box open. To his horror, he found his girlfriend’s severed head lying next to a tape recorder replaying the cries of a baby. He yelled, jumping back.
    From her peephole, Shiro had watched her entire plan unravel. She threw her head back and laughed gleefully.
    “Now, he’s all mine!”
    That night, the police came to examine the situation and Gin’s apartment, but found no other evidence. They didn’t even find fingerprints on the tape recorder that was carefully swabbed clean before the delivery.
    After the police left, Shiro heard a knock at her door. It was Gin. He looked like a mess. His short, brunette hair was sticking out on all sides, and dried tear trails streaked his red face.
    “Something awful happened today,” he choked, “do you mind if I talk to you? I’m still shaken up.”
    “You look awful! Here, come in, I’ll make you some tea.” She replied.
    They sat at the kitchen table sipping tea while Gin relived his traumatic day. Shiro pretended to act sorrowful, even though she was glad.
    “Do you mind if I use your restroom?” He asked.
    “Sure, down the hall to the left.” Shiro said.
    As Gin turned the corner, he noticed some dark smudges against one of the doors in the hallway. It almost looked like blood, but he wasn’t sure. Curiosity got the better of him and he peeked inside. Fumbling, he flipped the light switch and gasped. There lay a bloody ax, shoved into the corner of the closet. Gin walked over to the ax, realizing that Shiro had to be the murderer of his girlfriend. He nervously picked it up and started towards the kitchen.
    Soon, he was right behind Shiro. She turned around just as he was thrusting the ax towards her. There was a scream as a bloody head tumbled to the ground.

    “Silly boy! You can’t fool me.” Shiro giggled, stroking the hair of Gin’s severed head.

    (Sorry, this is probably REALLY long)

  • My title was: What the Crap?!?!?!
    I was being watched. I knew it. Every time I try to tell someone about it, they just say I’m imagining it. I don’t mean right now. I mean ALL the time. On my way to school. At the mall. In my room. Using the toilet. Taking a shower. Wherever I am. Though especially when I change my clothes. Now, isn’t that disgusting?
    A couple friends of mine can see ghosts. So next time I go over their house I ask them about it. “Hey, Claire. I always feel like I’m being watched. Do you see anything behind me or something?” I say. Though, she was too busy forming a look of horror on her face to answer.
    “Don’t move,” she whispers.
    “Huh?” I say.
    “Slowly. Turn. Around. Do. Not. Speak.” I do what she says. I don’t see anything. But, all of a sudden, an empty cup falls down and rolls over the side of the coffe table. I was creeped out.
    “What do you want with her?” She says over my shoulder. She continues, “She hasn’t done anything. Wait, what the heck was that?!?! No! No! That is just plain wrong! Pervert!”
    I say, “What?!?! What?!?! What did it say?!?!?!”
    She says slowly, as if it was hard to say, “It said, ‘Hey, little girls, why don’t you take off your pretty little clothes? Your bodies are very pretty at this young age. I like them.’ ”
    “Holy shipwreck!”
    Claire gets scared and stiff again. It was clear she was listening hard. “No! I refuse! She does, too!” Looking at me she whispers, so quietly I could barely hear her, “C’mon, we HAVE to get out of here or we die.”
    I don’t question her. I just run out of the house with her. As you would guess, I scream, “Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!”
    We are almost out of the house. Then I remember that we weren’t home alone. Her aunt was in there, probably taking a nice, big dump on the toilet judging by how long she was in there. “Oh, no.” I say. “Your aunt is in there. It’s gonna do some bad stuff to her.”
    “I don’t care.” Claire says. We eventually borrow one of her neighbor’s phone after hearing some excruciating screams come from her house and call the police. We go in the house with them to investigate. In the hallway, the path to a bedroom from the bathroom was covered with clothes. We shield our eyes as the police officers kick down the door. They come out looking pretty horrorified. They say her aunt was hanging, decapitated and, this was clear, naked. The weird thing was that there was a bunch of handprints on her. Then, as we watched, the female officer started getting dragged toward the bedroom. Clothes getting unbuttoned, belts getting unbuckled. And we run out as she start to gets cuts on her, and soon her head rolls off her shoulders without anything happening. We are now being shipped to The Michigan Mental Hospital.

  • Hi guys :D New story~I made it up

    Title: Scary Movie

    Vivian Caruthers was a very sophisticated young girl and was very beautiful. She liked to watch horror movies, and often watched them a lot.

    Her mother was very concerned for her daughter, but could do nothing about it. Her religion believed that every child should do what they want, whenever, wherever. It was a very strict religion. If you broke the rules they established, you would be sent to Hell, or so they thought.

    Vivian was one day home alone, looking at the movie guide on the TV. She saw a title that struck her unique: “Death Is Very Near To You.”

    Being a very curious girl, Vivian decided to watch the movie.

    By the middle of the movie, Vivian was filled with unsatisfactory. The movie was not scary, and the actors were horrible. She also took note that the main character looked exactly like her.

    As the film progressed, all the actors looked like her family. The father had just been brutally murdered, getting a meat cleaver to the head. Just then, Vivian’s phone rang.

    It was her mother. She calmly answered the phone, not knowing what was to come.

    “Vivian, your father was just murdered,” Her mother said through sobs. “A meat cleaver was in his head when police found him!”

    Vivian was horrified. As she looked at the TV, there was the mother talking to her daughter. She was sobbing uncontrollably.

    Wide-eyed, open mouthed, Vivian replied, “Mom, you’re on the TV.”

    “Wha—?” Her mother was cut off. The phone signal was lost.

    The mother on the TV had just been murdered. She was cut in half, and her guts were spelling something: VIVIAN YOUR NEXT.

    The young girl screamed and panicked. She dialed 911 but found out the phone lines had been disconnected.

    “Vivian…” Someone whispered. The man/woman kept repeating her name.

    Someone chimed in with him/her.

    Vivian just wanted it to stop. She grabbed a large steak knife and sat on the couch in fear, waiting for the killer to attack her.

    Soon, she had to use the bathroom. She reluctantly stood up and walked to the bathroom. When she was done, she stood up and turned to leave. She felt a sharp pain in her head, for only a second, then dropped to the floor, dead. A knife was in her head.

    When police found her dead body, she was bare naked with the words, I TOLD HER I WAS COMING, scratched in her belly with a knife.

  • This story is called “The ghost in the bathroom”. It was a rumor in my elelmentary school that there was a ghostly girl spooking other girl’s who try to provoke her spirit.

    Many, many, many, MANY decades ago, there was a girl named Mary who was bullied. She didn’t know what she did for all of her classmates to hate her, they just simply had hatred towrads her for no reason.

    One of the girls who constantly bullied Mary turned her classmates against her. Mary still didn’t tell anyone about it. Her bullies said that if she ever told the teachers, or her parents, she would be sorry. So Mary never told anyone about the torture that she was going through.

    Mary went to the bathroom one day. She heard someone go in and go back out again. When she went to wash her hands, a blaze started in the garbage. She had no way out of there. She was trapped. Someone smelled burning smoke and reported to the office about the smell of smoke coming from the girl’s bathroom. The fire drill went off in the school and all students rushed outside. All except Mary.

    By the time the firefighters put out the blaze, they were horrified to see the burnt body of 11 year old Mary. She died almost instantly. Ever since then, her spirit has haunted that bathroom. Nobody saw her arsonist.

    In 1990, a girl in the fourth grade went in the bathroom to wash her hands. She was in school at 6:00 p.m. for a concert down in the school gym. When she washed her hands, she saw what appeared to be an orange flash. She looked and there was nothing there.

    In 2001, another girl was going into the gym washrooms and in one of the showers, she thought she saw a girl’s head peeping out. She looked in that shower and no one was there.

    In 2007, in the last stall, a group of fifth grade girls saw very tiny writing that said something like this “I am dead. You will see me when you get the chance.”

    In 2008, a second grade girl who was not afraid of the dark and didn’t beleive in ghosts turned off the light for fun. One minute later, she saw a vision of a girl’s burnt body and turned back on the lights and ran out screaming.

    Creepy, isn’t it?

  • Here’s My Story…
    No Vacancy
    A young man fresh out of college decided he’d take a vacation. He was interested in going to the beach.
    He loved the beach when he was little and wanted to know what the benefits were of being an adult.
    He finally set his mind on a beach about 12 hours away.
    The next evening, he packed his things and left.
    Later, about halfway through the trip, he got tired and decided to stay at a hotel.
    There was a nice one called the Hartmond Inn about 5 miles away, so he drove there.
    When he arrived, he parked his car and went inside.
    There was a man in an old uniform behind the counter.
    “I’d like to rent a room for the night.” said the man.
    “Sorry,” the man behind the counter said “No Vacancy!”
    Upset, the man walked back to his car, just before a pregnant lady walked inside.
    She was dress in old fashion clothes as well.
    He watched her walk in. She didn’t come back out.
    The man was mad. He walked in and complained to the man in the suit.
    “Sorry,” he said “No Vacancy!”
    The young man stormed out of the inn.
    Just then, another car pulled in.
    This time, it was a man in a black suit.
    He watched as he walked inside, and just as before, he didn’t come back out.
    The man was furious.
    He stormed back inside and cursed at the man behind the desk
    “Sorry,” he once again said “No Vacancy!”
    The young man dashed outside to his car.
    He opened the door and was about to get in when another man walked int the parking lot.
    This man was wearing a black and white lined suit.
    He had a crazy grimace in his face and he was muscular.There were also small red blotches all over his clothes.
    He too walked inside.
    The young man wasn’t going to take a risk of this man hurting, or even worse, killing him.
    He left without complaining again and went to a new hotel.
    The next day, he arrived at the beach.
    He got out of his car only to run into his friend who lived nearby.
    He told him the story and the friend looked at him in confusion.
    “But the Hartford Inn was burned down in the 1800s by some lunatic who escaped from the nearby prison. The person at the desk was his friend, and you resemble the cop who was their guard.”

    Tell me what you think!!!

  • I want to be pretty
    -once there was a girl named Bea.She’s always getting bullied by her classmates on school because of her appearance,she’s a kind of a person that we usually called ’emo’.She’s always all alone.Bea tried to make friends with her classmates but then,they always say that she’s ugly that’s why she’s that kind of emo now.They can’t accept her for what she was.
    One day,she’s eating her lunch alone.
    “Hey emo girl!There’s no place for ugly people here!” one of her classmates named Annie told her.
    Bea didn’t answered.She just keep quiet.This is what she usually do when one of her classmates bullied her.
    “I said there’s no place for ugly here!So get away!” then Annie pushed her as she fell down from the chair she’s sitting.Bea’s tears fell down as her classmates leave her.She quickly go to the bathroom and cried.Bea looked at the mirror,she slapped her face many times.Until it leave’s bruises on her face.
    “Why are they doing this to me?It’s not my fault if i’m ugly.” Bea shouted because she know she’s all alone.But then,she realized that Annie was there and her friends.
    “Let’s grab her!” Annie told her friends.They pull Bea’s arm and locked her on a room.
    “Why are you doing this to me?I did nothing to all of you!” Bea shouted.But there was no response.She cried a lot.After that,she found a blade.Bea slashed her arm.And as the blood flows,she wrote on the wall “I want to be pretty” with her blood.After that,she slashed her left wrist.
    Bea had never been found for weeks.And her parents were crying.Finally,the police checked all the rooms on the bathroom.Then they saw Bea’s body,lying on the floor.Annie and her friends heard about what happened to Bea.They were all shocked and scared.Because they were really the reason why Bea is now dead.
    Annie invited her friends to their house to have sleep over.As they were sleeping,Annie heard a loud footsteps coming to her room.She thought maybe it’s just her Mom.But she realized that the steps were too loud.Her spine were chilling and her heart is beating very fast.
    “Girls,let’s hide on my big closet!” Annie told her friends.
    “But why?” asked her friends.
    “Just do what I said!Okay!?”
    so they hid on her big closet.The footsteps were now inside her room.
    “How can that person easily open the door?I’m sure I locked it.” Annie thought.
    Suddenly,the closet open widely.
    Then they saw Bea.Sitting on Annie’s bed.
    “Wha-what are you do-doing here?Yo-your dead right?” Annie asked as her whole body was shaking.
    “I want to be pretty.” said Bea as she turned on them.Her face had a lot of bruises and her wrist’s blood was still flowing.She walked slowly to them.Then she peeled Annie’s face.Her friends were shaking at what they saw.Again,Bea did the same thing to them.She peeled their faces and placed them on the walls.
    The next morning,Annie’s Mom called the police to investigate what happened.As the police is inside the room to investigate,he heard a voice saying
    “I want to be pretty.”


    again,is this good!?i wish it’s not lame >:|

  • flashlight
    -Jenny was lost after a long road trip.She just found herself lying on a bushy forest.She didn’t even know what happened and where she was.Even her family was missing.Jenny was the only one left.
    While Jenny was walking hoping to find her family,she found a flashlight.It’s light is good enough for a forest.She felt very dizzy like she’s going to lose her consciousness again.A strong wind blew on her,chilling her body.Her steps were heavy like she’s carrying a rock on her feet.Jenny didn’t feel normal at all.Then suddenly,she heard footsteps after her.She turned back but nobody was there.Again,she heard footsteps,and again,nobody was there.The footsteps were now getting even louder.She ran as fast as she could.Then,while her flashlight is waving,it points an old house.Jenny sighed with relief.She knocked at the door,then an old woman opened it.
    “Come in,come in beautiful lady.” the old woman told Jenny as she welcomed her.
    “I-I lost my consciousness then I just found myself lying on a bushy forest.Then,as I’m walking,I heard footsteps and it’s getting louder.Can I stay here just one night and I will leave.” Jenny answered as she was gasping.
    “There is no problem with that,actually,you can stay here forever.”
    “Ah,I mean you can stay here as long as you want.”
    Then,Jenny sat on a couch for a while.She felt uneasy in this house and felt like she was in danger.But she told herself to calm down.
    “Here is your room,beautiful lady.” The old woman called her.
    Jenny thanked the old woman,But still,she’s carrying the flashlight with her.After that,she lie down on the bed.It was very cold.She covered herself with blanket.This room is very dark.No signs of light.She waved her flashlight around.Jenny freaked out in what she saw.A blood was flowing on the wall.She couldn’t find the door,because it was too dark.She waved the flashlight again.At this time,Jenny saw a lady,no eyes,bleeding mouth,scratches on her face,and a peel off part of the lady’s skin on her head.The lady’s face was exactly on her front.
    While screaming with fear,she heard the voice of the old woman.
    “Are you ready to get into my stomach beautiful lady?I’m so hungry.”
    Jenny made a plan.She escaped through a small window.Because her body is too small for her age.As she was screaming and the old woman tried to catch her,a hand pulled her arm.
    “Let me go!Let me go!” Jenny shouted.
    “Don’t be scared,it’s me,your mom.”
    After that,they ran as fast as they could.The old woman is too fast.
    “Come back here!”
    They made a plan.Jenny and her mother made a trap for the old woman.Finally,they made the old woman lost,they found their car.
    While inside the car, “Mom,where is my brother and where is Dad too?” asked Jenny.
    “Don’t mind them,we don’t need them.” answered her mom.
    Then Jenny shocked with fear when her mother’s head turned.She was not Jenny’s mother.She’s the lady Jenny saw on the room.
    “Thank you my dear,you set me free from that crazy old woman.”
    Jenny couldn’t shout this time because of too much fright.


    im sorry I had to do it again,because on my first comment,it had so many errors!

  • this story is called phone call… based on a true story keep that in your head ;)

    one day i was spending the night over at my bffs house in a basment all alone. it was about 10:00 and i wanted to change into my pjs. so i went to the very back room (which takes like 5 min. to get back there)and there was no light switch and i brought my phone with me just in case. when i came out i lost my phone… but i swore i brought it back with me, so i get my bffs phone and i call my number on her phone. so i end up with this guy named james(he had creepy voice and it sounded like he was yelling)so i talk to him and i go ‘ello’? he goes why are u calling me? i go well this might sound crazy but this is my number… i hear a short scream and he hung up.
    soo i look every where and i mostly looked in my bag. i couldnt find it. so i just fell asleep thinking it will turn up tomorrow. when i woke up the next morning i go to my bag to get my clothes and then, my phone slid out.. so i have a crack in it but it still works so i get curious and i look at my phones history and i have some history of carlis phone calling but it didnt say it was a missed call…… but like a month later i gave my friend my phone number and she started to text me…. but on her phone she says shes getting texts from me but i wasnt texting we suposed james was doing it because i wasnt texting!! so she got a call from my phone but i wasnt calling her soo she answered it and after 10 seconds she heard a scream! and then it hung up so i checked my history and it said that somebody has called her on my phone… but later that night she got a text from my phone saying…. ‘see u toinght’ so she showed me and i was creeped out. the next day she had some sickness of some type not even the doctors knew what it was………..

    it still haunts me today
    she still gets texts often but not very much anymore…..

  • Riko

    Yumi runned to her apartment, it was raining. Her roommate Saki was watching the news. ”Look at this, quick!” Saki yelled. ”Serial killer? It surely won’t come here…” she said. ”Won’t? Watch and look who is it.” Saki repeated. The information read: ” Serial killer is female, about 15. She has Brown hair and green ayes. She is tanned and her hair is a bob covering her eyes.” Saki was trembling with fear.Yumi lookad at the flashing text: ”She calls herself Riko or Ri. Her real name is Jasmine.She left a note on every victim’s corpse:’I am still looking for you, Saki.’Do not get out of the house.” She looked at Saki who was now pale. ”It’s her!” Saki yelled. That was a mistake, because Riko heard her. ”Why are you scared?” Yumi asked. ”I-i gave her a scar with a knife. She was the one we bullied!” Saki yelled again. ”I am going to the bathroom.” Yumi said. After she entered,flashing text came up. ”DO NOT GO TO THE BATHROOM OR ANYWHERE ELSE ALONE!” but it was too late. Saki runned around as the high pitched scream was heard out of the bathroom. She runned at the neighbours,but they locked the door.She runned to Riko’s boyfriend’s house. He opened the door, and Saki ran inside.He locked the door. ”Atleast,if i die, he’l love me.” she thinked. But when she looked at the other side, there was Riko.Riko’s boyfriend Kyou didn’t help Saki. Instead, he taped her to the wall. She let out an scream. The next morning, they found Yumi and Saki murdered. Riko hugged Kyou.Then she runned off to Saki’s apartment and took a cd. It was the ”News” cd. Yumi died because Riko spilled acid in the bathroom while she was gone, then while Saki was running she had just the time to go to Kyou’s house.

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