Scary For Kids


  • Hi guys~. This story is not copied. It’s kind of a twist on Security Camera story if that’s okay. Here it goes.

    Title: Security Camera

    There were two teenage girls who worked at a gas station. They worked weekend nights, and were working the graveyard shift.

    They were only getting paid two dollars an hour, but they decided to but a $300 dollar make-up kit with their money combined.

    As one of the girls, Bonnie, was reading a People magazine behind the checkout counter, Wilma was eating some of the candy displayed.

    “Wilma, you’re going to get fat eating ten candy bars in just two days.” Bonnie warned, putting the magazine down. Her leaf green eyes were dull today, but only because she was very tired. She had been studying for final term, and hadn’t got any sleep.

    “Bonnie, chill out! I’m not near getting fat.” Wilma replied, munching on a Hershey’s. She was starting to get a little chubby, but you could barely notice.

    “Look on the Security Camera. We final have a freakin’ customer!” Bonnie said. She tucked her velvet cake red hair behind her white ear and pointed to a girl in white clothing who was outside.

    “She isn’t pumping gas… and she isn’t coming inside… what do you think she’s doing? And, her car looks like she was in an accident.” Wilma said and patted down her jet-black hair that cut to her hips. Her sea blue eyes were dull like Bonnie’s except Wilma wasn’t studying. She was partying until four a.m.

    Bonnie’s eyes were wide. “She’s—pointing at us. And I can see a huge red stain on her shirt. Also her pants are soaked with red stuff.”

    Wilma sat on the counter and swung her legs over it. She stood up and walked over to the door.

    “Will, what are you doing?” Bonnie asked. She held out a hand to stop Wilma, but knew she couldn’t stop the girl.

    “I’m going to talk to her.” Wilma replied, her hands on the door, itching to open the plastic door.

    “Will! She’s got a knife and chanting your name!” Bonnie exclaimed. Wilma rushed to the monitor, and screamed.

    “Lock the doors!” Wilma yelled.

    “Wait!” Bonnie said. They both watched the woman cut her own throat, and amazingly she was still alive, just staring at the camera.

    A few seconds later, Wilma couldn’t breathe. She felt something like liquid run down her shirt. She started gasping for air, loosely clutching her throat. Blood was soaking her clothes.

    “Wilma!” Bonnie sobbed. Soon after a few minutes, her best friend was dead.

    She looked on the monitor. She woman was gone, but her truck still remained parked. Bonnie was confused, but quickly ran to her car.

    “Bonnie, Bonnie,” Someone started to chant. It was a female voice.

    Bonnie’s car wouldn’t start. She was crying and screaming loudly, but the car wouldn’t start no matter what she tried.

    She decided to go back in the gas station and look at the monitor.

    The woman was back. She was standing at a pump, acting like she was pumping gas, just then, a van came speeding by and hit her. Blood splattered on the camera lens.

    Bonnie was horrified. She wanted to get out of the gas station, but her car wouldn’t start.

    “Bonnie, Bonnie,”

    The girl ran across the street, but only to get hit by a speeding van.

  • When Mr. and Mrs. Parker moved into the abandoned farm-house near Hampton Hill, they decided to have a change in their lives and adopted a child.

    Her name was Rose but the Parkers tried desperately to call her a different name. They had some sort of complicated hatred for flowers and Rose wasn’t an appropriate name for the adopted daughter of two people who are against flowers.

    When the couple finally decided they would start to call her Danielle, they tried it the next morning when Rose was milking the cows.

    “Danielle, dear, you can come in now!” called Mrs. Parker. Rose (whom I forgot to mention had hardly spoken a word to the Parkers since she got here so they simply assumed it as ‘silence’) turned round. Her face was motionless but her emerald eyes seemed to gleam. There was a sharp blow of the wind. Her blonde hair flew behind her as if she was running and she kept her eyes fixed on Mrs. Parker.

    “My name is Rose.”

    She said it with no expression – as if she was a robot.

    “Yes, sorry, Rose, dear, you can come inside now,” said Mrs Parker quickly. They didn’t try calling her anything else after that.

    The Parkers had never noticed before but Rose seemed somewhat … strange. When she whistled a long rhythm less tune a cat came running up to her – a black cat. When she looked up on a nice day the sun went behind the clouds. On a bad day – a storm started.

    When she was set to scare the crows off, the crops didn’t grow for six months and Mrs. Parker had to drive three miles in their car – not a very good car at that – to buy food from the supermarket.

    Eventually, the Parkers sent Rose to school.

    That’s where I met her. I’m brianna by the way. All my friends thought her weird when she first came – but I felt somewhat sorry for her. I had been new at this school and they’d all made fun of me. I managed to fit in by bringing special hair stuff to school. Rose clearly didn’t care about her hair, it was often messy when she came to school. But her green eyes seemed to glow every day. “The Cat-Eyed Rose” they called her.

    Speaking of cats, she always came to school with one. It was strange because it even came into lessons with her. Miss Barker had told her off for it but she gave her The Stare. It creeps me out.

    Rose took a shine to me. She didn’t speak to me of course, Rose doesn’t speak to ANYONE. But then one day she did.

    She took me to the corner of the playground and said, “Do I look normal to you?” Her eyes made me speak the truth – somehow.

    “No, Rose.”

    She smiled, licked her lips with her pink cat tongue and strutted off as the bell rang, her head in the air.

    Rose wasn’t at school the next day.

    That night I sat in my room and a white thing drifted across my room, holding a flower – a withered rose.

  • This is a story I like to call “Camping Season”, and it is a dream I had when I was younger; when I went through different phases and I loved werewolves.

    I moved here when I was sixteen; this quiet town under the name of Foot Hill. I lived on the edge of a cul-de-sac with the eye of the woods facing towards me. This pair of woods went on for miles, and no other outlets were available except for the entrance. My friends Billy and David loved the outdoors as much as I did, and we played there all the time. The neighborhood warned no one to go into the woods at night; for anyone who went in there after dark would never come out alive. Billy and David wanted me to go camping with them in the woods, only half a mile in. I never really hung out with them at night because their parents didn’t like people staying the night at their houses.

    We planned for Friday before dusk to set out into the woods. I told my parents that I was staying at Billy’s house, so they let me go. The three of us met up at the wood entrance at 5pm, about 2 hours before it became dare. We walked until we reached our destination when I stopped and stared. This site that Billy and David told me about was much too muddy and we could not sit down here. “I guess we’ll have to move a little farther out” said Billy; grinning at David and then back at me. They chuckled and I laughed, but I laughed nervously more to myself. I mean, these guys were my friends, but I felt I knew nothing about them.

    It was now dark outside and the only light available was from our flashlights and the moon which gave off a feverishly yellow glare. “I’m glad it’s a full moon out tonight, just in case the lights go out” David yelled back; he and Billy grinned again looking at me. Why were they grinning at me? Was the whole point to drag me out here for 2 miles just to scare me? “Looks like we’re here!” Billy said, as we put down our stuff. I noticed that they barely brought anything out here. “I thought we were camping out here tonight?” I said, a little drawn back. “Well yeah, we’ll be out here all night.” Billy said, giving a sinister smile. “Billy, why did we really have to go all the way out, and why didn’t you guys bring anything?” I asked. “We already did, You!” David said; just as the moon shined down on he and Billy. They started to crouch down and their clothes began to rip. I couldn’t believe my eyes; they were werewolves! I saw how it happened in the movies, so I knew to run for my life. I ran about half a mile as quick as I could before I heard the howling and branches being torn down behind me.

    As I narrowed towards the cul-de-sac, I was nearly there when I fell and heard a snarl in my ear. I dashed up from my slumber; only to realize that I was dreaming. “Wow, what a stupid dream. How could I have even thought that werewolves were real?” I said looking around, only to see two shapes against the back wall in front of the bed; not able to tell the faces. I heard them snickering and talking to each other, and I yelled to them. “David? Billy? What are you guys doing here, and what do you want?” I asked. They continued snickering and I was furious. “That wasn’t a funny joke trying to scare me guys, will you quit laughing and come over here.” They started to approach me from across the room; their faces were still hidden by the darkness of the room. A wave of light shined into my room from the full moon. “David and I were just laughing at the joke you said earlier” Billy said, as he and David stopped just before reaching the light to show themselves. “What joke?” I asked. “How werewolves aren’t real” Billy said; as he and David appeared into the light as two wolf creatures.

  • Scary Mary, Scary Mary

    It was Mary’s wedding day. Everything had been perfect. Even her 7 week old daughter had participated in the event. Mary was very tired. She was just nodding off when the limo skidded off the busy highway, crashing headlong into the ditch. Mary clutched her baby tighter to her chest and clasped her husband’s strong, sure hand. At the moment of impact, she felt her baby go limp in her arms and the blood stopped flowing to her husband’s wrist. Everything she had ever lived for was gone. Mary remembered her favorite wedding present was a mirror. She picked up a shard of mirror glass and stabbed her heart. When that wasn’t enough, she took the chaffuer’s pocket knife and stabbed herself, not noticing she was on death’s door anyway. She died a slow and painful death. And as the story goes, if you stand in front of a mirror alone at midnight, by the light of a red candle and chant “Scary Mary, I’m not scared!” Three times, your soul will be captured. You will not die, but you will become one of the immortal, always searching for your ‘stolen’ soul.

  • I bet a lot of people have ever wondered whether you can sell a person on eBay. Well as an inquisitive child, I decided to search this up on a boring rainy day. I found a product called, ‘You’. I started laughing and was sure this was a prank.
    Over the next few weeks, I really wanted to annoy the prankster by buying ‘you’. I saved up all my pocket money until I had the £20 needed. Without my parents knowing, I bought it and waited for the parcel to arrive in the post. It arrived at 7pm. I crept to the door and dragged the parcel to the garage. I cried myself to sleep that night, terrified of the parcel.
    I vowed never to open it, but to burn it as soon as I turned 16. No one ever found it until that fatal day.
    I was 12 and my sister Rose-May was 9. I was out at the park when she was playing with our dart board in the garage. She tripped over and smacked into the parcel. It had been there for around 4 years. Once I got back it was all over.
    I try and speak to them but they never hear. I wave in their faces but they never see.
    She took my place, she pretends to be me! The girl in the parcel was a clone of me, and now she has stolen my life. I see the evil grins she gives me and the glint in her eyes.
    I’m warning you, never be stupid. Now I realise that the eBay seller wasn’t joking. Help me.
    (How was this one? Sorry, I’m a determined writer!♥)

  • As an unhappy, self-conscious child, I was rarely seen in photos. But the other day, as a mother of 2, I was digging out the family photos from my attic. I saw a really nice one of me and an unknown girl. Something about her face snagged at my memory but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I kept the photo by my side, forever wondering about this mysterious girl. One morning, I finally remembered. Her name was Macie Jones.
    I decided to type her name on Facebook to see if we could get back in touch. I found nothing, so I typed her name on Google. This time something came up. A newspaper article. Macie was dead. She had been murdered down a country lane but the thing which made me gag was that her face was cut off and had never been found. How awful!
    Day to day life went on and the thought of Macie was always at the back of my mind. I visited her grave one evening and had a sickening thought. But I can’t tell you. Well it was only that she was murdered at the age of 10. When we were still friends. But how could I have forgotten about her or not even known she was dead!?!
    Soon after I discovered this photo, I was caught. Turns out that I hated my face so much that I became a killer.

    (How was it? Please comment!)

  • Reynako

    Reynako was a 9-year old.She just finished third and gone to fourth grade. When she entered the classroom, everyone was amazed.On the end of 3rd grade, she was fat, and now she was perfect. She had around 30 kilos. Two girls, her enemies, were mad about it. They were fat and had 50 kilos. One day, thy decided to do something. They were bullying her before, and just one thing was enough. They pushed her and she fallen. Her arm and knee were bleeding. Then they hit her with a rock straight in the right leg. ”Do not tell anybody, or stuff’s gonna happen!” one of them yelled. Reynako ran with her bag on other side of the school. But she wasn’t crying. ”Hey. I’ve seen all of this. Do you want to beat them?” a black haired,pale girl appeared. ”Yes, but who are you?” Reynako asked. ”I’m Myra, your imaginary friend!” the girl answered. ”There’s an spell. We can go to your friends if they want the power too!” two girls ran to the building where her friend lived. She asked do they want the power and shown them the picture of the final look. They all agreed. They chanted the spell. ”If you want to be normal aain, here’s the spell!” Myra disappeared. ”Now, let’s creep the heck out of the bullies!” Reynako and her friends runned back to the school. Happily, the bully girls were still here. ”Oh, hello.” Reynako said.Two girls looked back and saw three deformed faces. Reynako was now completely deformed. She had huge eyes, mouth from ear to ear, knife-sharp claws, brown fur all over her body and black hair. She was terrifying. Two girls tried to run, but they couldn’t move. Two friends were kicking the first girl, the smallest, and Reynako strangled the second. Due to her sharp claws, she ripped the second girl’s neck. Then, third girl appeared. Reynako’s worst enemy. ”W-who and what are you?” Reynako pointed at her knee, her leg, and then raised her arm. ”M-Mina?” the girl asked. ”What have you become?” she asked. ”I AM REYNAKO!” Reynako yelled. ”We had good times… ” The girl repeated. ”Like, bullying me. The best part of my life. Now,i’ll show you my feelings when you bullied me!You were my best friend once! And now!” Her friends looked at her. Now the other two girls were DEAD. The girl tried to run, but Reynako was faster than her. Reynako grabbed her by the arm. She stabbed her in the heart. Now, they were gone. And guess what? I AM REYNAKO!

  • Okay, Carcass is the one who came up with the story. I’m just editing it 

    Title: Counting

    Maggie Greene was a real estate fraud. She sold homes to elderly people for a large amount of prices, and a few weeks later, told them that they had to move because of some random problem that wasn’t true. She kept the large amount of money and did this to a lot of people.

    Of course, the elderly people couldn’t do anything because they didn’t know what was really happening.

    One day, Maggie had sold a home to a very, nice and loving couple. They weren’t elderly, but were very close to hitting that point.

    After collecting the money, she told the couple to stay at a nice hotel and every piece of furniture would be brought to the house.

    The couple was very tired and left. Maggie smiled and grabbed her purse and left the house, trying to decide on what the problem should be. Infestation or flood?

    The drive was very long, and soon Maggie realized she left her phone at the house. She cursed under her breath and made a sharp U-turn.

    Once she arrived to the house to retrieve her phone, it was night time. The house looked creepy now, and when she stepped inside, a shiver went down her spine.

    The fraud retrieved her phone and decided to get out of the house, quick.

    When she turned around, she saw a little girl. Her clothes torn and dirty and her fingernails were sharp. She was growling and baring her teeth like a dog, and her hair had leaves in it.

    Her eyes were missing. In her hands were her eyeballs.

    Maggie screamed and tried to run, but was stuck in place. The little girl kept crawling towards the fraud, and there was nothing Maggie could do.

    The girl begin to count. “Forty two. Forty-two.”

    Soon, the little girl was face to face with Maggie. Maggie screamed.

    “Forty-three.” The girl whispered and with her long fingernails, slit Maggie’s throat. Blood gushed through the deep cut.

    Amazingly, Maggie was alive, clinging to her life. The girl was angry that she was still alive.

    The last thing Maggie heard was, “Forty-three.” Before the little girl plucked her eye balls out.

  • (Sorry if it’s too long but hope you like♥)

    Marrisa Williams was a spoilt little girl, she got everything she wanted and if she didn’t, she was a nightmare. She was an only child, and often quite lonely so she made it up with an endless array of toys.
    One day, during a temper tantrum, she smashed a wonderful china doll, given to her by her grandmother. Her parents took no notice and simply told her that they would buy her a new toy. However, leading a busy life, they soon forgot, so Marrisa took it into her own hands. Whilst at her grandmothers, the little girl stole one hundred pounds from her grannies purse and went to the local market. She saw a lovely antique shop and paraded inside. She was only a girl of five, so the shopkeeper was a little surprised. Nevertheless, the old woman still showed Marrisa all around the shop until she gave up. But the little girl wouldn’t take no for an answer and refused to leave the shop when asked.
    “I want to buy that doll’s house!” she demanded, throwing all her bags on the floor.
    “Okay, okay! I guess I could do you a little deal then. How about seventy quid?” the scruffy lady muttered, staring at her shoes. She obviously felt superior to do anything.
    “I’ll have it!” Marrisa sniffed, turning up her nose at the embarrassed lady. The little girl had astounding strength as she ambled out of the shop with the large dolls house in her arms. What she didn’t know was that just as she turned her back, the shopkeeper gave her a look of pure evil.
    Once she got home, it was around ten o’clock. Her grandma had been pacing outside the house, even in the pouring rain, desperate for her return. But the little girl had no empathy for others, and when the grandma burst into tears asking where she had been, she just told her to shut up.
    Full of venom, Marrisa began to play with the doll’s house. She named all of the 4 dolls, Marrisa, Grannie, Mummy and Daddy. Because of her love of murder mysteries, she pretended that her grandma had been stabbed in the bath. After a long time of playing, she called for her grandma to come. No answer. She strutted down the stairs and searched the house. Being such a vile child, she didn’t care for her nans welfare at all, she just wanted food. She stuffed her face with cakes, crisps, caviar, anything she could find. Obviously, being greedy, she soon felt sick afterwards. After being violently sick in the toilet, she looked up and saw a disgusting sight in the bath. Her grandmother’s mangled body, stabbed with a kitchen knife.
    The police arrived a few minutes later. Marrisa was taken home along with the doll’s house and just before she went to bed she began to play. This time she made sure all the curtains were shut so the stalker who had killed her Nan couldn’t see her playing. This time, she pretended there had been a fire and the only survivor was herself. Soon after, she fell asleep. She awoke to piercing screams coming from the kitchen and the smell of smoke.
    Her parent’s charred bodies were buried a few days later. Marrisa was taken into care and she hated it. Over time, her games became more and more violent. One morning, she pretended the character she was playing had committed suicide in front of the mirror. It was just a game to be honest and she was sure she would fight off any unwelcome visitors. But soon after she stopped playing, Marrisa passed out. She woke up in the bathroom staring at the mirror with a knife in her hand.

    She just couldn’t stop herself.

  • Text
    One day, there was a cellphone stall in the middle of the street, It is only worth 15 dollars. One girl named Tiffany was thinking of a gift for her 11 year old little sister. She decided to buy one, but the cashier said to take care of it or else. She said that it was a secondhand cellphone with a QWERTY Keypad. She said it belonged to someone name Alicia, she died a year ago. She said that she LOVED to text all kinds of weird stuff.

    She quickly ran to her house and wrapped it with a Colorful wrapper. She hid it under her bed.
    Finally the big day came. She looked under her bed…
    But it was nowhere to be found. She began to look for it everywhere until there was only a minute till the beginning of blowing the cake. She heard a fall then she saw it on the top of her bed. Her sister began to open gifts and she loved the cellphone the most.

    One day Tiffany was texting her BFFs when she saw a text message from a random number saying “I love your cellphone! I love that glitter protector and that pink colour!. Soo Glam” She began to wonder how did she know the features of her phone.
    It texted again saying “Hey! why aren’t you replying?!”
    She began to get a little scared….

    She texted again saying “Give me my cellphone back now!”
    She replied “Why? Its a gift from my beloved sister!”

    She texted again saying “Goodbye, it was nice chatting you but I love my phone.” Her sister then called her “Dinnertime!!!!” Then she went upstairs. She was horrified to see her bloody neck, and blood saying “She stole my phone”.

    (Hope you liked it thanks!!!)

  • You’re Special
    Hello. I’ve been watching you for a while now. I watch you as you stare up at the ceiling at night when your not able to sleep. When you were little when you used to go to your parents room saying “mommy there’s a monster under my bed!” you should know I’m no monster. You see me in the corner of your eye. Oh you look so cute when I see you hiding under the covers thinking that would help. You want to know a little secret? I want to eat you up! A mere morsel is what you are. I could chew on your flesh all day long. I could gnaw on your bones like a dog. Til that day comes I’ll stay hiding,waiting for just the right moment. And next thing you know SNAP! You’re in my belly. With satisfaction I will continue my rant. But alas that day hasn’t come. So goodbye.

  • My title for my story is Never Trust Lovely Ladies
    One late cold night, an lonely innkeeper was sweeping the floor in his inn when a beautiful woman came in the inn.
    She had a blood red silk dress, with white lace all over, she was simply beautiful in it, her black hair done up in a civilized way, the innkeeper also noticed her beautiful blood red laced ribbon with a pendent on it which made her twice as marvelous, he thought they complemented her pale skin and her white clear looking eyes were so magnificent that he got lost in them, her red lips looked so nice he wanted to have her in his arms and kiss her til the end of time, he was simply hypnotized in her looks.

    “Hello fine Sir, I was driving back from a dinner party that was many miles away from here, when my horse began to dehydrate, I thought I’d stop for the night to give it some rest but I’m afraid that I didn’t bring money to pay for a room but if you let me stay for the night i promise ill pay you back.” she said, but to the innkeeper her voice sanged like an angel while she was talking.

    “But a fine lady like you should have the very best,” the innkeeper started to say, “I shall give you my best room for free if you let me have one date with you, it would be such a pleasure if you accepted, because Ive been feeling quite lonely…” The innkeeper said in a quite upset tone.

    “Of course, id love to go on a date with you” the woman said happily.

    “Perfect!” the man said in a happy tone. He then escorted her to the best room he had, after he did that he then cleaned the rest of the inn lobby and went off to bed.

    He could not sleep so he thought about how he would have a magical date with the mysterious woman, he couldn’t wait to embrace her in his arms and kiss her lovely lips. The man even thought of a future for them, they would have 4 kids, 1 girl and 3 boys, they would make the inn bigger so they could live more stylish. As he thought about their possible happy life together, it became morning, he rushed to the woman’s room when he saw a note next to her door,

    Dear my fine gentleman caller, I was so exited for our wonderful day together I left early, ill be waiting in the woods, Ill have a picnic set for us both when you come. Love, Sophia

    Without any thoughts of how the woman got to the woods and how she had food when she had no money and was not carrying any food when she arrived he only thought, So the lovely maidens name was Sophia! Such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman! He then went and closed his inn for the day and then hopped on his horse and road to the woods. When he arrived he saw his lovely date, sitting on a large rock, facing away from him, singing , as he came up quietly to surprise his date she then said,

    “Hello my gentleman caller, I’m so happy your here now, I thought you didn’t see my note”

    The man was surprised, he thought, How did she know I was behind her?

    “Well,” said Sophia, “would you like to sit next to me?”

    “Yes,” said the man, “but can i have one kiss from you?” he then said with passion.

    “Of course, but…” Sophia hesitated, “May i ask a question?”

    “Of course my lovely lady” he then cooed.

    “Do you think I’m beautiful?” she questioned.

    “You are the most beautiful woman in the world, of course!” the man insisted.

    “Really?” she questioned, smiling a creepy grin that the man had not noticed.

    “Yes!” the man yelled, insisting.

    After he said that a dark fog started to come, the man could not see, as he looked for anything, he saw Sophia, Grinning the creepy smile he had not noticed til now. Her eyes, which were clear, turned icy cold then, turned into dark holes, Her light pale flawless skin, turning even more pale and started rotting. Her black hair, suddenly having white hairs. The elegant hairstyle she had unfolded, growing long, uneven and tangled. Her red lips, were in a evil grin, her teeth showing, now revealing her sharp black teeth.

    She laughed evilly as she said “Am I beautiful now?” her laugh started turning hysterical, as the man was screaming with pure terror, unable to move at all.
    She then tore out his still beating heart with her sharper then knives nails, blood splattering every were. She then ate his heart whole, she was now satisfied that she claimed another victim.
    She then disappeared leaving the body in the woods.

    A few days later the innkeeper was found by a hunter who was wandering by, the hunter was puzzled when he saw that he had a hole in his chest with his heart missing, he was even more puzzled when he saw that on his arm was written “Victim 358 ~lovely lady’s should never be trusted” as he read that he heard an evil laugh, he then ran into the village and got the town authorities to show them what found, after that on his way home he saw a lovely lady, but too bad he forgot about the warning…….

    -My first story I wrote in english class, Its not very discripive or good but dont judge because I dont have much intelligence for my age, I hope I get picked if I do, Thanks!

  • Oh I have another one owo

    Title : The Everlasting Closet
    This diary was found in the closet of Maria Stone
    July 13th Thursday
    I really hate Vivan Portman. She always makes fun of my clothes . Sometimes I wish she would die. I am not poor or low class. I wonder how she would like it if she was constantly picked on.
    July 14th Friday
    Well today my father brought me a shiny new closet he bought from an antique store and it’s so pretty. It seems Victorian themed. It’s blue and has shiny gold brass knobs. Wait til I tell Vivan about this.
    July 16th Monday
    When I told Vivan about my closet she said she couldn’t care less because she has a big barbie fashioned closet. I screamed in her face . What a lump of plastic. She pushed me and so I punched her little plastic stomach. She’s spitting blood but I couldn’t care less. Next time she shouldnt say anything if she doesn’t have something nice to say. I need to go it seems I’ve formed a crowd and attention from the teachers. Goodbye for now.
    July 18th Wednesday
    Sorry I didn’t write yesterday my stupid mummy toke you away and she hit me with a wooden spoon. Stupid mummy. But on the other hand,daddy bought me some clothes that are the same thing as Vivan. Oh he’s such a nice daddy I’ll thank him tomorrow. Vivan didn’t come home yesterday and they think it’s my fault. It’s bad enough I’m hated everywhere.
    July 20th Friday
    A hollow realization occurred to me . When I went to thank daddy for the clothes he said he didn’t know what I was talking about. Funny daddy. He must have gotten it used because someone must have spilled red juice over it. The more people I hate the more they leave . Oh this system is working out perfectly ! I hate Christa Watson …. Trying to replace Vivan … She suspects I’m the one that made Vivan disappear . I feel terrible because I have her clothes. Her smell is on them.
    July 21st Saturday
    I’m innocent … I swear… It’s the closet… All their bodies are strewn on there.. I didn’t do it… They hang and decompose.
    July 31st
    These corpses make great clothe hangers. The closet seems magical. All I have is the closet. It makes a great friend ya know? It gives you whatever you please. I need to go Christa woke up. Hush my little darling.. Scream all you want .. No one will ever find us my dear… You look lovely, your damp hair suits your bloodstained stubs that were once legs. Your shaking.. You want to go home ? Too bad.. Now come my little clothe hanger.
    August 1st
    I’m sorry to say this diary. But the blood has covered your pages. And your all soggy . My closet needs more space. But daddy is long gone. Farewell I’ll go get another one….

    Besides the diary the police have found the identified bodies of Vivan Portman,Robert Stone,Amelia Stone, Christa Watson and her family, along with all of the East Oakland High School. They haven’t found any traces of Maria yet. All people are advised to take precaution.

  • Some of these stories are copied off of creepypasta and some other sites not saying who though.
    @scaryforkidsusers all of your stories are so forkin awesome :D
    Here’s my story xO:
    Catherine was your average 25 year old real estate fraud. Always selling small houses at big prices simply to earn a few hundreds. She was planning to sell a tiny house with very small rooms for a sum of £700. 
     While she was driving home,Catherine realized that she had forgotten her phone at the musty old home. Making a quick U-turn she got to the house in no time. She put the key in the rusty hinges and turned. Nothing had changed,the poor condition of the house was usual. The wallpaper peeling off,the smell of rotten food combined with garbage,every light in the house seemed to flicker. As she got her phone voices filled the room , frightening Catherine . “42! 42! 42! 42! 42!” Checking her pulse,the sound beckoned throughout the house. “That’s weird.” Catherine said to herself, “I thought the damn turds already left this joint.” searching the house she was surprised to find a door in the hallway. Anxious,the fraud continued to make her way into the hidden room within minutes the sound grew louder than ever then a horrid smell filled the  room yet it wasn’t like the usual smell. No. It reeked of death. Suddenly Catherine tripped over g.
    She looked down to find an eyeless torso. Screaming the woman turned to run yet her path was blocked by little children with raggedy nails and  ripped  clothes. Each of them were swinging something in their tiny little hands,they were eyeballs. “42! 42! 42!” they screamed from the top of their lungs. Other mangled corpses surrounded them.  Getting closer.
    The last thing  Catherine heard was “43! 43! ” before her eyes were ripped from their sockets.

  • Buckle My Shoe
    It is currently 1754, I have just came from England to the New World. My daddy has a plantation with over 500 hundred slaves. All of my clothes are beautiful. My name is Crystal. My mother and father would do anything for me and love me more than all of our good fortune. Now, let’s start my story from the beginning.
    It was the day of my 13th birthday. My party was approaching. My mother and I were adding the finishing touches to the dining room. Our family was already starting to arrive. Father was entertaining them in the family room.
    Today was the day I would finally show all my manners and would be considered a young lady.
    I heard a knocking at the door. Since it was my 13th birthday I opened the door. The young man was about 14 and looked completely terrified. He shakily said, “Are you Crystal?”
    I said, “Yes, I am. May I please have my message?”
    “Yes, yes. Here you are.” He runs to his horse and gets off the property as fast as he could.
    “What does it say, Crystal?” My father said. Your grandfather isn’t here. Is it from him?”
    I open the letter. I read it aloud, “I have killed your grandfather. Such a sweet old man. I am still here. But, now I’m oh your house. Actually, I’m watching you.”
    My father started speaking to us, “One, two, buckle your shoes. Three, four, lock the doors. Five, six, pick up the gun sticks. Seven, eight, close the gate. Nine, ten, don’t let the murdering begin again.”
    I go outside to lock the gate. A man grabs me. Before I know it, my mouth has been sewn shut. “Nine, ten, let the quiet murdering begin.” And after he slit my neck I was dead. That is how I died. Not a lot of people visit me a lot these days. So thank you for listening.

  • As Emilee Daniels searched the web, she came across a video on YouTube. The video was titled ‘For you.’ Bored out of her mind, she clicked play and sat back in her seat.
    The video was really strange. It started off with a young girl playing tag with her friends. Then in the background, a sweet, sorrowful voice echoed through the rustle of trees. It was hard to catch what the voice was saying but she was singing a song. ‘Uoy gnihctaw mi eelime, uoy gnihctaw mi eelime, the tender voice sang. Emilee frowned as the song grew louder and louder and her eyes were transfixed on the screen. Through the madness, Emilee scribbled down the song on a piece of paper.
    The screen went black. The video had finished and Emilee sat down on her bed. She looked at the paper for a long time, trying to see what it meant. She looked at it upside down, tried to look for a hidden message, but to no avail. She was perplexed. In the end she gave up. Tossing the piece of paper in the bin, the young girl fell asleep.
    If only Emilee had been more careful, that would have saved her. If only she had read the message backwards.
    (Hope you like it!♥)

  • unknown caller
    there was once a person named doug.doug was a normal day when he was
    alone in the house,he got a phone said, “unknown caller”.doug ignored it.the
    message sang in an eerie voice ,”i”m on your porch,i’m on your porch now get ready
    to have a scorch.”doug called the police.the police assumed it was a prankster.the next
    day,he was alone in his house again.he got another said “unknown caller”.he
    didn’t answer the sang,”i’m in your hall way,hall way and when i’m in your
    hall way say good bye to the light of day.”doug spine was tingling.he looked at
    his hall way.


    doug’s parents were horrified when they saw him with a knife in his head.later that
    day,a teenager named norm got a call on his said,”unknown caller”.he
    ignored it.the message sang,”i’m on your porch,i’m on your porch and when i’m
    on your porch get ready to have a scorch.”it was doug’s voice.

    Once in Shimla, a small hill town in India, there was a great need of connecting bridges during rainy seasons. Many companies came in and tried but nobody stayed there for a long time. But one such company supervised by an old retired Indian army engineer, General .Singh, stayed there and did his work of development. He was the supervisory head of the construction team and was a very strict. He served at many places during his army regimen and has seen a lot of world which made him a non believer in ghosts and spirits.
    The construction was going fine but there was rumor that there is haunted route near the forest which is inhabited by a spirit of a woman who was rapped and killed by robbers while she was going to his husbands home for the first time. Workers complain that they hear blood curdling screams from the forest at nights like a woman is crying in pain and sometimes loud laughs of a mad woman. Cases like seeing an apparition of a woman dressed nicely in a red sari (a traditional outfit worn in India by ladies) and jewelry but hair all loose over the face covering it completely sliding yes not walking but sliding from one place to another I that area with twisted feet. Workers whenever go for a pee feel that they are constantly being watched by someone and some also hear growling voices from the bushes of a dog which can not be true because in so much height there was no dog in Shimla. Workers started to flee the construction site and the left one decided to call out for a strike unless until there is a puja (Hindu purification ritual) being done on the construction site for the purification purpose. B y seeing this administration got pulled back as a lot of man and money has been already invested in the construction so the puja was done but the General. Singh was not happy and cursed the workers for being coward and lazy. Soon things where fine but still workers used to hear screams and cries from the forest and not only the workers but the general also used to hear that.
    One rainy night General .Singh was in a real hurry to reach his lodge as his 10 years old grandson Rahul was coming to celebrate his birthday with his granddad and family. He ordered his subordinates to handle the left over work of the day as he didn’t want to waste a single minute there. He went to his jeep and sat there when suddenly came to his side his sub officer stating that today Bhola (The Driver) wont be coming as he has gotten very ill. The incharge said he can arrange somebody for the driving but being an army man he was self dependent and didn’t needed any favour,so the general didn’t liked the idea as he wasn’t sure how the person will drive(he had habit of not believing people). As he was in a hurry he opted for the haunted shortcut through the forest that lonely lost forgot road deep through the forest.
    Things where fine for a time then suddenly his jeep broke down…it made the general go mad …cursing to the company for the damn jeep he went out and checked the engine and other, with his torch light but found no trouble which made him a bit confused. He was getting late and the rain had also started to speed up which made the case more worse. He took out his rain coat, went for his gumbo boots and yes took his favorite Magnum 2.5 caliber pistol, fully loaded (as he also was a human who gets scared). He wasn’t afraid with the situation but somewhere back in his mind all the scary stories and incidents stared to come up and started playing with his mind but being a strong minded person he brushed all these thought and decide to walk to the lodge as it was merely 4-5 km .Before moving out of the jeep General .Singh shouting (pointing to the woods and to the rain)-So now you guys happy I dared to take the short cut and to frighten me you did this losers..Damn you (CURSING) I aint stopping here to join you for one new story of Mr. Singh!!!…….meet me at my lodge…huunh..!
    Now it has been an hour as it was really though to walk in those heavy boots and those muddy roads. There were only sounds of general’s boots, insects and the rain shower… .When he realized that his torch’s battery was getting discharge, suddenly he heard a growling sound of a dog, for the first time in the moment he got a bit scared, but being a stable person he pulled out his Magnum and fired in the air. Sound dismounted after the firing but the general was confused that in this high land of Shimla there are no dogs and dogs generally don’t roam in this kind of rain. General shouted again-“com on u bastard show me your face or this will be last time of yours in the forest….”and again fired a round in the air.
    Next few minutes were silent but things worsened now as the sounds where now coming form the old mans back like he is being followed he started hearing mourning of a woman deep in sorrow…others sounds of forest made him more nervous and he started to get cold sweats and again his mind started playing tricks on him remembering all the stories but he was sure someone was behind him .Torch lights went off but he was still able to walk but this time as fast as he can because the severity of voices was constantly increasing and they were over taking his rational thinking. So he made sure that he reaches his home safe and alive which he did. Something was really strange, he was just thinking about the incidents that how he got scared??? But then became busy in meeting his family and his grandson Rahul. But things started to change a bit after that night…….there was no sign of the spirit near the forest, no more stories and no sounds, no nothing now general got a bit amazed because it happened just after his jeep incident. Things were fine but not for the general ,he constantly felt that he wasn’t alone while sleeping while moving or while doing anything….he became more and more mad at his workers and started yelling…which made up more stories.
    One day while working on the site he got a news that his grandchild has a high fever and is acting in a strange manner he laughs and cries at the same time like a grown up woman and is abusing badly to all the people who come near the room which is very unusual for a 10 years old kid. He stared to speak in the local language and recite prayers in the reverse orders .By seeing this general really got scared and called out for a doctor but weeks went by using sleeping injections nothing happened. The general and the family really got scared….the room where the child was kept always gave bad odor of rotten flesh and cold waves .Every night the screaming of the child in a womanly manner had become a routine .
    One day the neighbor of the general saw through his window that the child was totally naked and was behaving like a woman like covering his body and screaming in pain when suddenly he saw an actual woman in red sari sat with twisted feet over the window and silently kept staring at the kid. The neighbor understood the whole incident and immediately went to the general…he explained all the things and the woman he saw was not a woman but the ghost of the girl people used to see but didn’t understand how did she came in your lodge? The family of the general decided to get away from that lodge and as they were getting out of he house the kid shouted-“I am not going to leave you Rahul where ever you go….heeeh heeeeh………”And started to spit all over the ground over and over… a dog. It was enough to tolerate the general went to the neighbor for a escape, the neighbor told to contact a tantarik (Indian black magician who worship evil and dead) who is known to control the spirits. That very night the tantarik was called and was taken to the child’s room it was awful rotten flesh smell and blood spit and hairs of head where fallen which the kid took by himself. He started to talk to the possessed kid and demanded to go or he will unbless the soul and it will be trapped in this earth for ever ,the soul got mad and started to recite prayers in backward. Suddenly the spirit started to narrate her whole story how she died and how much pain was given to her while was being killed!! Then the tantarik asked the ghost that what will she take to leave this poor kid?
    First she ordered for meat as she was very much hungry for a long time.
    Then the people to not to disturb the site where she resides.
    Tell her parents that she loved them so much.
    Things were accepted and the tantarik was left alone with the kid in that room, after hours of talking and eating suddenly the boy felt down and next morning got to his normal world .But before going to leave the tantarik to the village General. Singh while driving the jeep asked him why did she came to his house and attacked Rahul.
    He didn’t say a word but suddenly told to stop the jeep, they both got out of it .Then he asked him have you been ever stuck here sometime before. To his surprise the general said -‘’yes ’’
    Then having faint smile over his face the tantarik said”Have you shouted at the woods and told them to come with you to join in?”
    General. Singh-“Yes”
    Tantarik-“you should have not asked that to the spirit”(a faint smile)
    General. Singh signs in horror.

  • Callum Kingston
    Everyone knows that Callum Kingston is one of the greatest footballers of the modern day. And he is so talented, just at the tender age of 12. Almost every weekend, he went to matches, and today was no exception. His team was playing the London Rovers and as the lead striker, he was the one to watch out for.

    Just before the match, Callum stepped outside of the hall where all the players were gathered. Struggling with pre-show nerves, he took a stroll down a country path. As he felt his body calm, he turned back to the hall. Just as he was about to turn left and cross the road, he was approached by a spluttering woman. She had a dog on a lead and looked close to tears. “Please little boy, help me please! My son is playing in the match around here but I don’t know where to go!” Callum sighed, and said kindly to the woman, “Of course, but the field is a long way away, and we will be late. You see, I’m playing in the match too!” The woman smiled a gracious grin.
    “Oh don’t worry, darling, I’ve got my car! Come on let’s go!”
    The next morning, Callum was famous. He didn’t have his own TV show, or his own WAG. He was on the front page of the Daily Mail, though. It said;


  • In 1912,the tragic sinking of the Titanic upset the nation,everyone except Tiana,her boyfriend was on the titanic,It is now 1915,3 years after the sinking her boyfriend,Jack Dawson,Died and she was full of hate and anger,because she heard that he cheated on her with Rose,She started going crazy,talking to her cat,strangling herself and talking to his picture.One day the village decided that enough was enough and they set for her house,it was big and had only one window,right at the top,she was looking from that window watching,singing Jack’s favourite song,”Come Josephine in my flying machine
    Going up she goes
    Up she goes
    Balance yourself like a bird on a beam
    In the air she goes
    There she goes
    Up, up, a little bit higher
    Oh, my, the moon is on fire
    Come Josephine in my flying machine
    Going up
    All on
    She started to cry her blue tears coming down her red cheeks,she was angry,she got her pitch fork and stood outside,she lifted the pitchfork and stabbed a little girl,not knowing that the little girl was hers.There was not a mob,she thought of Jack and the little girl and in sorrow she killed herself…Years later,Rose died no one knows how but she only knows in her memory.

  • Homeless Man
    As the Homeless man was walking by, He always went to Elmers Street to Beg for staying for the night. He really isn’t a Man but a murderer.

    House Number 1- Family with 4 children. He killed them all by suffocating them. Their bodies were never found.
    House # 2- Family with single mom and 2 children. He killed them silently by suffocating them and burying them in their backyard. Their bodies were found a month later.
    House number 3- Family with 1 child. They say this family was very annoying and gleeful. Always greeting neighbors everytime and the child was always screaming. He killed them by eating them!.
    As he stole all the money. That street became Very Quiet and they say it was a very dangerous place.
    One day he was now Rich because of all the money he had stolen. He had a Wife and 2 children. As their 14 year old daughter Haley and their 16 year old son named Billy were taking the bus to school they began to saw many children screaming and disappearing. As Haley was in the Bathroom she began to heard a little girl saying “Why did you did this to us?” Then it sounded like it was coming from the 1st Bathroom stall, she opened the door but no one was there, she began to think that it was just in her mind. But when she opened a little girl with a ribbon was standing in front of her She said “Why did you did this to us?” The teachers heard a scream from the girl’s bathroom when they came in, Haley disappeared. Her body was never found. Then Billy began hearing 4 Children singing a song that was for funerals. He had also heard screams saying “Hello!!” As it was now Bedtime, he saw 4 children standing in front of him, they killed him by suffocating him. His body was found, in their backyard.
    And his wife died with the same case. Now they say he haunts Elmer’s Street. Watch out for him.

  • The Ragdoll

    “Mommy,mommy!” The young Jenna said”I want that doll!”

    Jenna’s mom looked at the doll

    “Are you sure you want that doll it looks disgusting!”
    Jenna’s mom asked
    “yes mommy!” Jenna answered “I promise I’ll take good care of it!”

    Jenna’s mom bought the doll.

    “Wait in the car Jen! I’ll buy more stuff.” Jenna’s requested.

    Jenna waited in the car and played with her nice doll.
    “Oh dolly!” Jenna said putting the doll behind her”I’ll find a nice place where you can sleep while waiting for mom”:
    “Hurry Jenna!” a voice said
    “Who are you” Jenna asked shivering with fear.
    “Look behind you.”
    Jenna looks behind her.


    Jenna’s mom went out of the shop. She opened the car door and drove. While driving she saw daughter’s reflection at the mirror. Her daughter was stabbed at the neck. This made her nervous. She looked at the mirror again. She saw Jenna’s doll bringing a knife saying “You’re my Next Victim!!!”

  • Sally

    There once was a young girl who was very creative. She was always making up clever little stories to tell people, and everyone thought she was the brightest little girl they’d ever met and wished that their child was as smart and witty as her. The girl was a blessing to her parents, who never had any trouble out of her.

    One day, the little girl happily informed her parents during dinner that she had made a new friend, pointing to the empty seat at the dinner table. This was not exactly unusual for the little girl, who had as many imaginary friends as a person could count. The girl had no real friends since most children her age tended not to like her because of all the attention she got from adults.

    The girl’s mother indulgently set a place at the table for the “guest,” whose name was apparently Sally.

    It wasn’t long before Sally became a prominent fixture in the little girl’s life, and by default, her parents’. Sally went everywhere with them- the playground, the movies, the ice cream shop. And everywhere they went, the little girl insisted on treating Sally like a real person. Sally got her own swing, was bought her own popcorn and soft drink, and was given her own ice cream cone.

    Eventually, the girl’s parents realized that their daughter had stopped talking about her many other imaginary friends and seemed to be obsessed with Sally. The little girl adored Sally during the daytime.

    However, the night was a whole different story.

    Even though she would smile and giggle during the day, every night the little girl would run to her parents’ bedroom in fear. Assuming that their daughter was having nightmares, they would send the girl back to her room. One night, the girl confessed that she wasn’t having night terrors after all.

    “It’s Sally,” the girl said reluctantly. “She scares me at night.”

    “Why would she scare you?” her father asked.

    “We thought you loved Sally,” her mother said.

    “I do,” the girl said. “But at night she’s different.”

    “Well honey, you know what you can do if she scares you again?” her mother asked. “You can just put her in the closet, and I’m sure she won’t bother you anymore. Then when you wake up in the morning, you can take her out and you can play together.”

    The little girl agreed, and for a while, there were no more late night excursions into her parents’ bedroom. But another night, the little girl came into their bedroom, looking frightened.

    “She crawled out of the closet and sat in the middle of the floor and stared at me. I tried to tell her to go back in the closet, but she wouldn’t!”

    Her mother said, “This time, try locking the door. That way, Sally can’t get out and scare you.”

    The girl did as she said, and a few weeks passed without the girl being scared at night. But the mother and father of the girl grew increasingly worried about their daughter, and they arranged for the girl to see a psychiatrist weekly.

    The first week, there was nothing to report to the shrink. The girl and the shrink talked pleasantly about their favorite foods, and there was no mention of Sally. In the daylight, Sally didn’t seem to scare the little girl as much, and it seemed the nightly episodes were over.

    But the second week, the little girl confided in the psychiatrist that Sally was evil.

    “But only at night,” the girl insisted. “When it’s day time she’s very nice.”

    “And what does Sally look like?” the psychiatrist asked.

    “What do you mean?”

    “Well, what color hair does she have?”

    “Red. To match her eyes.”

    The shrink told the girl’s parents of the unusual color scheme of the imaginary friend, and the girl’s parents became worried.

    “Most likely it’s only a phase,” the shrink reassured them. “All she needs is to be indulged. You know, for someone to play along with her.”

    One night shortly after, the little girl again came into their bedroom crying.

    “What’s wrong, darling?” her mother asked, trying to calm her hysterical daughter.

    “It didn’t work tonight!” the girl wailed.

    “What do you mean?” her father asked, rubbing her back soothingly as the girl hiccupped.

    “I locked the closet door before I got in bed so Sally couldn‘t get out, just like you told me. But she unlocked the door and sat in the middle of the floor again, only this time she said to be quiet or she would hurt me!”

    Her father mock-frowned, thinking back to when the psychiatrist had said that all his daughter needed was someone to play along with her. “Well, let me see if I can get her to behave,” he said, walking his daughter back into her own bedroom.

    “She’s right there,” the little girl said, pointing at a dark spot on the rug.

    The father pinned a stern stare at the spot. “Now Sally, you know that we all have to get some sleep. If you don’t go back into the closet and go to sleep, you’ll be in time out.”

    The little girl didn’t seem very reassured at his mock-seriousness, but reluctantly got in bed. “She thinks you’re making fun of her. She‘s gonna be mad at you now.”

    “Well she’ll just have to get over it,” her father said.

    The next week, the psychiatrist asked the little girl if she had gone into her parents’ bedroom at night recently.

    The girl shifted in her seat. “I don’t really like to go in there at all anymore. It stinks in there.”

    The psychiatrist paused for a moment at the odd wording, but nodded, idly flipping through the pages of her newspaper, hoping to make the girl more comfortable by not focusing on her.

    She glanced at an article on page five. “And does Sally bother you anymore?”

    “Not really.”

    “Oh?” The shrink looked at the article. “She doesn’t stare at you anymore?”

    “No,” the girl said. “Now she sits on my parents’ bedroom floor and stares at them instead.”

    The psychiatrist felt herself pale as she finally focused in on the article.

    “Family of three slaughtered in Richmond, IN– Police look for leads on phantom murderer”

    Next to the article were three small pictures- a man, a woman, and a girl. It was the little girl and her parents.

    The psychiatrist looked up from the article, gasping at the empty chair in front of her.

    The girl had disappeared.

    (I know imaginary friend stories are way overrated, but oh well XD Hope you like it!)

  • Hi guys :D New story~! Hope SFK posts any of my new stories! Fingers crossed XD Here it goes~!

    Title: Sleepover

    Dalia Bolt is a normal girl. She is the most popular girl in school because of her beauty and meanness. She has long, curly, golden hair and bright blue eyes, and her skin is a light olive, and her complexion is perfect. Her cheekbones rest high on her face, and her teeth are white and straight. Her lips are big and glossy, and all the boys fall for her.

    She decides to have a sleepover with her four best friends, Aimee, Bailey, Christie, and Ellie. Dalia’s family owned a cabin in the woods, so her Dalia also decides that that will be the place the sleepover will be at.

    Ellie is the first to arrive. She had brought her sleeping bag, candy, and beer. She has shoulder-length, straight, velvet cake red hair and tree leaf green eyes. She is very quiet, but outrageous in a silent way, bringing things normal seniors wouldn’t bring to sleepovers. She’s not very popular, but is part of Dalia’s posse.

    “Ellie, I see you brought some beer! How many packs?” Dalia asks in her high pitched, squeaky voice.

    “Only three packs of six cans. Idiotic Benny couldn’t score us anymore packs.” Ellie says in a low, quiet voice. It’s hard to understand her because she’s so quiet.

    After Ellie, Bailey came. She didn’t bring anything, except for a stuffed teddy bear, although it isn’t really stuffed. A hole is in it. Her dog has made the hole.

    Bailey has jet-black hair that cuts off to her big breasts. She has the same bright blue eyes as Dalia, but hers are prettier because they match her black hair. She also has puffy cheeks and puffy lips to match her cheeks. She is the second most popular in the school.

    “Ah, Bailey. My favorite.” Dalia smiles. She hates Bailey on the inside. Bailey has knowledge of it.

    “Oh, don’t sleep on it. By the way, here’s a stuffed animal. Inside of it’s a horror movie. I stuck it in there because you might get scared and want to hold on to the teddy bear.” Bailey smiled back, evilly.

    Only Aimee needs to show up. And she does. Aimee is really Dalia’s favorite.

    Aimee has brought her make-up bag and magazines. She is the most beautiful of them all. She has hair like Bailey’s except its brown and has red highlights. Her eyes are big and sparkly brown, and her smile is dazzling and leaves the boys stunned.

    Dalia is jealous of Aimee. But she doesn’t show it. They have been best friends since Pre-K.

    “Okay, let’s watch the horror movie Bailey brought.” Dalia says once everyone is seated on the large cloth couch in front of the TV. “Then we’ll do make-up and read magazines. And, we’ll all drink the beer Ellie brought!”

    “Nice idea, Party Planner.” Bailey says.

    Dalia scowls at Bailey and rips the head off the teddy bear. She grabs the disc and reads the title out loud.

    “Final Destination 5?”

    After they watch the movie, they become frighten about Death itself, except Aimee and Bailey. Those two become best friends.

    “Now m-make u-up and magazines.” Dalia says shakily.

    After that, they all have a couple cans of beer. It is now 3:30 a.m.

    The receive a phone call. “You have ten minutes to leave. Good night.”

    The mysterious caller hangs up. They are clueless about who it is.

    They become scared even more. The power shuts off.

    They hold hands and they talk to each other.

    “We’ll be okay. Everyone, are you with me?” Dalia asks.

    Everyone replies, “Yes.”

    But they don’t know I’m here. Behind the TV. Watching them.

    (Sorry if it’s too long!)

  • One day there was a little girl whit her older brother where playing and they asked if they could go to the lake there mom said “its ok only you come home befor dark” they ran to the lake the older brother thought he heard his sisther drowning she was on the shore tanning he ran to her and said “rin get your stuff and lets go ” and she said “why len?” he said “just get your stuff” they walked to there house len heard someone walking behind them he turned there was a lady who was hiding her face from them he said “who are you and why are you following us?” she said nothing so they fasted walked . Later the sky got dark rin got scared and grabbed ahold of len as she thought she looked up it was the woman she took off her red hood off.The woman had her face cut up and beat looking len was up ahead she ran as fast as she could len looked back nd saw her he ran whit her they where to late the lady got both of them and took them back to the lake and she clawed them and hit them then finally drowned them. A couple of days later there mother went to look for them she saw them and they look like the women.

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