Scary For Kids


  • the snacher
    people call me snacher.i am a groaning ghoul.currently ive been stalking a boy
    named jon mule.jon wasnt the brightest but he called me the most frightest.
    “mommy,mommy”,he would sigh,”some one in my bed room has been making
    me cry”.his mother would just,”oh brother”.one night something scared the day
    light out of eerie voice from his hall made jon said,”i am going to
    eat you,you see.some people say i wouldnt hurt a flea.well,they were wrong
    and i was right,so i ate them all up,giving them a fright”.the snacher tried to bite
    and jon rushed out into the night.he was the only one who out smarted me.well,
    il be back as the groaning ghoul,while tring to find jn mule.

    hope you like it!can you please help me with this poem s.f.k?

  •                Therapy
       Jason lied on the couch, eyes wide open. “OK, Jason. Now, do you remember what happened?” Dr.Stokkz asked.

        Jason’s heart stopped as he remembered the incident. He was leaving the local deli. He walked past an alley. Jason heard something snarling in the alley. Curiosity got the best of him and he looked back.

         He saw a man in a blood stained suit. He had ripped the heart out of a poor man’s chest. The physcotic man scarfed down the man’s heart. Jason stood in shock at what he was seeing.

         The inhumane thing looked up. His eyes locked with Jason’s. He stared at him, making a mental note of Jason’s appearance. He pointed at Jason, then greedily gobbled up the rest of the man’s internal organs. 

          Jason ran away as fast as he could. He ran into the police station, panting and crying. “Son, what’s wrong!?”, the deputy grabbed Jason’s shoulder. Jason told him all about the incident. The cops didn’t believe him.

          Jason walked out. He was so frustrated. Why wouldn’t anyone believe him? He headed home, muttering to himself. 

          He got home and went to sleep. Jason heard chewing. He assumed it was just his dog. “Marbles,” he whispered.

          Jason looked down, looking for his dog. “Marbles,” he whispered again. He got up to look for her.

          Jason turned on the light. He started walking out of his room. He walked down the hall. As he got farther down the hall, he saw drops of blood.

            Jason started nearing the kitchen. He heard growling and slurping. He hesitantly walked in. To his horror, he saw his dog’s dead body on the floor. 

         If that wasn’t enough, the man was there, too. He was slurping up  Marbles’ blood. He locked eyes with Jason again. He had a devilish grin. The man then got up and walked out of the house. 

       Jason locked all the doors and windows. He closed the chimney. He turned on all the lights in the house and all the TVs. Jason stayed up all night, terrified.

        When Jason left for work in the morning, he walked past the same alley. He heard muffled growls. He tried not to, but he felt compelled to look. Jason was even more disturbed than before. He looked at the man’s victim. He looked just like Jason. 

          The cannibalistic man looked up at Jason and whispered in a distorted voice,”You’re next,” Jason was forced to move out of the town.

           “But I guess I’m safe now,” Jason said with a smile. Dr. Stokkz smiled, showing a set of blood covered, pointed teeth, as he approached Jason. “No, not yet,”

    Hope you guys like my stories!!!! You can email me to give feedback please or just comment!!! :) SFK please post one of these please!!!

  • The Warning
        You need to help me. He’s right next to me. He’s waiting for me to fall asleep so he can kill me. I can’t move or else he’ll sink his knife-like nails into my throat. I called the cops, but they still aren’t here.

         Are they even coming? It’s been 2 hours. Maybe I should just let him kill me. Maybe that would be better than me sitting here, suffering. So, you’re probably wondering how this happened. Well, I was 14. We had just moved here and I had trouble making friends. It was as if I was invisible. So, I went to a witch to see if she could help. She showed me a spell, but she said it might not be what I expected. She said it was dangerous, but I was desperate. Now they’re going to get me and make me just like them. 

         Next time, I’ll be more careful. He’s tapping his nails on my neck. I can’t fall asleep. His glowing red eyes are the only things lighting the room. I can’t tell you any more, but you should probably read the first word of every paragraph now.



  • Black Eyes

          Sarah just turned 17. Her parents were out of town and she was home alone. She just  moved into a new house and it was kind of creeping her out. People said someone died there.  She thought it was just a rumor.

        There was storm warning for the past couple of days, and it was raining on and off, so she was not surprised when the telephone stopped working. But it was getting kind of dark, and her parents still weren’t home. She had been watching TV for a couple of hours now. 

         Someone was at the door. She hesitated to answer, but did anyways. She was relieved to see it was just an old woman. That was, until she looked into her eyes. They were pure black. 

      Sarah had been warned about older men and women with black eyes. They would try to get into your house. After that, no one knew.

        The shaking woman asked to come in for a glass of water. Sarah lied through her teeth, “My parents are discussing some serious issues and wouldn’t enjoy being interrupted,” with that she slammed the door. 
        The woman stood at the door, still. A storm was blowing in. She still stood there shaking. She looked so weak and frail. Sarah finally let her in.

        It was getting pretty late. Sarah was heading off to bed. It was still raining. She went to say good night to the woman. The woman smiled revealing a row of perfectly pointed teeth. She had Sarah cornered. Sarah tried to scream, but she couldn’t. She shouldn’t have let the woman in.

  • Special Delivery –
    Jenny and her boyfriend Paul decided to spend some time together. She had invited him round to hangout, since she was missing him such. They decided to order some food from the local pizza place, whilst they watched TV patiantly. But both began to grow impatiant as the delivery was 15 minutes delayed. “This is redicious” sighed Paul. “We better get a hefty discount for this!” He continued. Then, the Doorbell chimed and Paul marched abruptly to the door, opening it. “It’s about t…” He trails of at the sight of the deliveryman’s grubby,unpleasant menacing face. His yellow teeth grinned, sending a shiver down paul’s spine. “Sorry. A slight delay.” Said the grubby man, in a hoarse voice. “But don’t worry, I’ll cut you a deal to die for…” From out of nowhere the Delivery guy sliced Paul’s throat with a meat cleaver, painting the walls red. Jenny didn’t like the sudden silence and went to check on things. Horror corced through her body like a tide, and she instictively gasped in repulsion, throwing her hands over her mouth. The door was wide open, and Paul lay against the wall twiching and blood gushed out of neck like a broken pipe. She backed away as she erupted into a flurry of uncontrollable tears, backing into something huge and rough. Jenny flinched as she heard and felt the hot breath on her shoulder. She turned, but was beheaded by the tall broad-shouldered psychopath.Polce Found three bodies; Paul, Jenny, and the mutilated body of the identified pizza delivery man, that had been stuffed in the hedge, his clothes had been stolen… (Had an idea and just had to share it with you folks. I hope you all enjoy the story. :)

  • Here’s my scary story.

    “Hide and Seek”

    In a small town called Hankinson, Nevada, a little girl named Lily wanted to play hide and seek with her older brother, Peter. Peter wasn’t in the mood to play hide and seek so he just said he would.

    “Okay Lily, I’m going to count to ten. When I’m done, I’ll come and find you, okay?” Peter said. Lily nodded her head. She turned and ran for a hiding place. Peter sat on the couch and watched TV. He counted loud enough for her to hear. But what he didn’t know was that Lily hide in the kitchen, under the sink. Their parents keep the cleaning items under the sink. Even the toxic ones.

    Eventually, an hour passed by as Peter was watching TV. Their parents came home from shopping and asked Peter to help him put away the items.

    “Where’s Lily?” Peter’s dad asked. Peter then remembered that he was playing hide and seek with her.

    “Uh… I was playing hide and seek with her. I don’t where she is.” He said. Both parents gave him wide eyes and demanded him to find her. Peter checked all the places that Lily would hide.

    “Hey Peter! While you’re looking for Lily, I’m just going to clean the floor, okay?” His mom asked.

    “Okay!” Peter replied. Then there was a scream. Peter ran to his mother.

    “What happened?” His father asked as he entered the kitchen. Peter’s mom was too shocked to answer. So she pointed to the sink. Right under it. Peter opened the cabinet and gasped.

    “Lily!?” He exclaimed. He saw that one of the toxic bottles were opened. He made an assumption that she died from being poisoned.

    The family moved out of that house. But now, they say that when you enter, you can hear Lily’s voice saying, “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ready or not, here I come!”

  • I’m new here and decided to post this here. :3

    The Flesh Feeders.

    Them, the Flesh Feeders. They watch and they stare. Savouring the look and texture of your skin. All they want is to strip it from your muscles and devour you. They can’t be stopped. I killed one, and two took the fallen ones place. Running is the only way to survive. I’m sickened with what I did. I shot my friend in the knee. He became an all you can eat buffet to them. They lurk in the shadows, where the light falls short. His screams, they torture me. I’m sitting in my room. The gun in my hand. The tears that fall from my eyes are from what I must do. All I want is to bite down on the muzzle and end the curse. I can’t, I can hear the scratching at my door. Their pitter patter of their feet. Theyre outside my bedroom door. The lock will not hold If anyone reads this, I’m sorry, so sorry. For everything. 

    Fifteen minutes later, a pair of police arrived at the small house. They slowly went inside, waving their flashlights about. Neither registered the small smear of blood or the long scratch in the wall. They came to an open door. Opening it, they saw a gun, and a small, tattered, blood smeared note. They took both, leaving the house. They didn’t see the trail. Scratched into the wood. It led into the basement…..

    A week later, a young boy was cycling down the fated road. He saw that house. The house that had sat empty and dead for days. It had a sign out the front. It read, SOLD. 

  • Old School
    Our school is very old. It was built when my 95 year old grandma was in preschool. When my grandma was in 3rd grade the school caught on fire, she was one of the only servivors. When she was in 5th grade, it caught on fire again, she got away with only small burns.
    My grandma then went to middle school. In 8th grade, grandma’s school exploded! she was the only servivor.
    Then in high school, grandma almost died again! She and three other students she knew lived.
    When she graduated, she refused to go to collage, she knew it would happen again.
    She also old me everynight before one of the fires or explostions, she would have a very scary dream. A lady, with no eyes, covered in blood and burns,would come out of her closet and telling her she was going to die at school. She also told me that since she lived, the lady would come out of the closet and tell grandma that she had to die, no matter what!
    The lady also told grandma that her most loved grandchild would be killed. And that her grandchild would be killed in 3rd grade
    I’m her only grandchild! And Now I’m in 3rd grade.
    Last night the lady came out of my closet and told me that I was going to die.
    This is all I think about as I’m lying in the old burning school, dying. But I’m not alone.
    A girl is there she is laying beside me, she asked me if i knew her. I told her I have never seen her. She said she was the lady in the closet, and she know had a friend, me. She also told me how when she was in 3rd grade when the school was being being built. She ran into the construction site, as she was playing she found a lighter. She started to play with it and she caught fire to her dress. She ran around intil she tripped and fell. Her eyes were stabbed out by two nails. She was loney but know she had a friend, me!
    Just as she finished her story a firefighter found me and saved my life.
    But in 5th grade it happened again but in the classroom I was in there was an explosition. Me and my classmates were killed on impact. Now the lady has friends.
    You can never have to much friends, thats what the lady says. So lets be friends!

    Thanks for reading my story:) :)

  • The wind rustled the trees as Emily tip-toed from her wooden cabin to the crystal clear lake. She made sure to be light on her feet so that none of the annoying counselors would hear her as she broke one of the strictest rules: don’t leave the cabin after lights-out.
    Wearing nothing but a black bikini and SPF 30, the moon guided her to her destination. She was excited to swim with her friends, and the rebelliousness of it all made it even more exhilarating.
    She quickly braided her golden hair as she ran and dove smoothly into the water. Bobbing her head above water, she saw her best friends, Amanda and Lily.
    “Hey,” she said in an aloof manner, trying to seem cool. They jumped in at the same time and waded over to Emily.
    “Sorry we’re late. Our counselor wasn’t falling asleep,” Amanda sighed.
    “Good think I have my sleeping pills,” Lily said mischievously, her eyes shimmering. “She had no idea I slipped it into her water.”
    Emily snickered and dipped her head under water. The three girls were the troublemakers of the camp they attended, Camp High Grass.
    They snuck laxatives into girls’ food, set swarms of mosquitoes on counselors, and left dead mice in the nurse’s desk. They were ruthless.
    They swam for a while, and were about ready to leave when Emily felt an icy cold hand brush against her foot. A shiver rippled up her spine, and she quickly touched her foot to add some warmth to it.
    “God, Amanda. Your hand is like ice.”
    “What?” Amanda cocked her head to one side, genuinely confused. “I didn’t touch your foot.”
    “Yeah, right.” she snapped, stepping out of the lake. Amanda shrugged and rolled her eyes. Lily, who was still in the water, suddenly gasped.
    “I feel a hand on my foot too.”
    Suddenly, an ivory pale face was visible above water. It was a girl’s face, with slightly blue lips and striking green eyes. Her orange hair floated around her lifelessly.
    “Oh my god…” Lily ran out of the water, ignoring the forcefully rippling water around her ankles.
    “That’s a dead body,” stammered Amanda. Emily was so stunned, she couldn’t bring herself to utter a single sound.
    Lily and Amanda hoisted the dead body onto the shore for a better look, cringing the entire time. It was a regular-looking girl, with pale skin and bright hair. The only difference was that instead of two legs was one long, sleek fin.
    “What’s going on…?” Emily was afraid to look closer. Suddenly, the mermaid’s eyes opened. All three girls gasped in unison.
    She opened her mouth, revealing rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth. She had no voice, but the girls heard a smooth, melodious voice in their heads.
    “Come closer, I need to tell you something important. I will not hurt you.”
    They glanced at each other nervously, but took a few steps closer. The mermaid grabbed their legs with her long, sharp nails and dug them in, blood cascading onto the sandy ground.
    All three were paralyzed with fear as the mermaid opened her mouth and bit each girl one by one. Immediately, they all dropped to the ground, not a drop of life left in their bodies.
    The mermaid slid back into the water and made her way to the deep, Her mouth covered in blood and her head filled with satisfaction.
    The next morning, the police were examining the dead bodies of Lily, Emily, and Amanda. Each girl was dead from drowning, not a scratch on their bodies. When tested, they found traces of a dangerous hallucination-inducing drug in their bloodstream. They soon found the same drug inside of the water.
    The hallucination drug had seeped into their skin while swimming and they had drowned right after.

  • Okay, here’s a story. I’m such a bad story writer ._.
    Where Is She?
    There was a very handsome young man named Anthony. He liked school and always got good grades and had a lot of friends. He was nice to people and never a bully. One day he met a beautiful girl at school who had sparkling blue eyes and long blonde hair. He was too shy to talk to her, and he kept his distance from her every day until a few weeks later he got the courage to talk to her. She told him her name was Sammy and she lived a few blocks away from him. Anthony talked to her each day and they finally decided to go out. Anthony’s friends always thought he was crazy. They told him that he wasn’t even talking to anybody. But Anthony didn’t believe them, and soon enough fell deeply in love with Sammy. After Anthony and Sammy finished college and were still dating, they decided to get married. When the big day came, Anthony watched her walk down the aisle and said, “Here she is!” The priest asked, “Where is she?”
    (Yes, I know this stinks, and it’s short, but I don’t care XD)

  • The Ghost That Roamed Belmont Ave. (The event “Burger Fest” and the street Bemont are real. I decided to make a story about Burger Fest because it is coming in two weeks. This isn’t true.) “Yes!” I said. I just looked out my apartment window and saw that they were building the stage and tents for Burger Fest today! It was sort of my own little tradition to look out the window to spy on it. I look at the clock on the microwave in the kitchen. It reads 10:00 am. Only two hours till it opens! I run to the bathroom and grab my comb, I easily brush the knots out of my hair. I then brush my teeth. Next, I run into my room and see my pet cat, Kitty lying on my spot on my bed. I roll my eyes and look into my mirror closet door, I look great! I then grab my cutest top and nicest jeans and put them on. I then go to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast while watching tv. I watch the news and then a soap opera. I check the clock again and realize its already 12:00 pm. I quickly wake my parents up and ask them if i can go to burger Fest now. They say yes and I zip out the door. I signed up for who knows how many contests and win nothing. I then go buy a burger at my favorite tent. I spend the rest of my day there. At around 10:00 I look around and see that the whole place is deserted. While I’m walking to my house, it starts getting chilly. And I mean a winter in Chicago chilly! The next thing I see is a old woman standing in front of me. ” Why are you alone? Don’t you know it’s unsafe to be all alone in a public event?” ” Do I know you?” I said. “Oh you Chicagoans are so rude! I’m your great great grandmother!” ” I thought you were dead”. I said. “I was, but then I realized, I never got to experience burger Fest from my own body. So I said to myself, that doesn’t mean I can’t experience it from someone else’s body!” She then pulled a gun from her coat and shot her own blood. ” Goodbye! Say hi to your grandma for me!”

  • New story~! :D I really want to get another one of my stories on here so…ya xD Here it goes~!

    Title: New Camera

    “Bye Toni!” I yell and unlock my bike form the bike rack. The baby blue paint is chipped, and one wheel is almost near flat. The basket I had attached to it is rotting and one of the nails holding it is missing, making it hang on by only one nail.

    I climb onto the horrible bike and ride across the street, greeting the crossing guard while riding across.

    I pedal harder on the sidewalk. Mom is probably waiting for me. She gets mad easily, and is very abusive. My mother grew more aggressive over the years. She had become that way when my father was killed.

    Lost in thought, I run over a bird. Blood splatters on my white tire. I look back and see the corpse of the mutilated bird. I gag and almost throw up.

    “Look where you’re going, Carson.” I tell myself and continue to ride.


    “Stupid piece of crap,” I say and kick the flat tire. The blood had dried, and now I won’t be able to scrub it off.

    I remember I packed a backpack sized pump. I look in my backpack but find nothing there. Knowing my bag is huge, I dig some more. No luck.

    I curse under my breath. I don’t want to leave the bike here. It cost a lot, even though it was in bad condition when I got it.

    I hear honking. I quickly turn my head and see a big truck speeding down the road. I panic, not thinking fast like I usually did. I struggle to think of a solution. I couldn’t leave the bike here. I would get my a** kicked.

    The truck is inches away from me. At the last minute, I jump from the bike and land on the sidewalk. I get the air knocked out of me. I feel like my lungs are tied together in a huge knot.

    I have landed on something. I take it out from under me and discover it one of those old cameras that immediately print out the photo.

    I take an interest in it. Not caring about the bike, I take the camera home instead.


    “You let your bike get run over?” My mother says angrily, She puffs in the cigarette smoke.

    “It’s not my fault…”

    “Carson, what’s that in your hand?” My mother points to the camera.

    “A camera.” I reply.

    “Go take it to your room and play with it.” My mother orders. She is still angry, and I know she will soon be drinking and will get drunk. If I lock myself in my room she can’t beat me.
    I obey.


    I took a bunch of pictures. Now, I look them over.

    I laugh at one. Then, I see a white figure in the background. She looks like she’s far away from me.

    She is staring at the lens. Her eyes are wide like the Grudge’s, and her skin is rotting. Blood covers her body head to toe. She is disgusting to look out.

    I throw the picture on the floor and scribble the lady out with a pencil.

    The rest of the week, pictures have been set on my bed. They show the same lady getting closer and closer to me.

    I come home from school and find a picture lying on my perfectly made bed. I am cautious, even though I don’t know why.

    I recoil in fear. There, in the girl right behind me, hands wrapped around the giraffe-like neck.

    I then feel hard pressure around my neck.

  • It
    It is following me. I know it. It has a big oozing face and crumpled toes. It has already killed my parents and made it look like I did it. There is nowhere to go. The only place left to hide is my closet. I only have an apple to eat and a small cup of water to sip on until I run out of supplies and have to get more from the kitchen. But that would be a huge risk on my life. At the moment it doesn’t sound like it is in my room but just to be sure I have to look through the closet door. Phew!!! My room is exactly how I left it before I came into the closet and It is not in my bedroom. Finally I can sleep in my own bedroom without worrying that someone is watching me. But I will still lock my bedroom door.

    What is that? It has propped my dead parents up on my wall .i have to pretend I am asleep .next to my parents are some words but i don’t dare to take a look. I can’t take it anymore! Slightly shifting the covers i can just see the words they read:
    I know you are awake!!!
    I am scared out of my shorts. It knows that I am awake. What am i going to do? Wait a second! I locked the door before I fell asleep. How did It get in here without making a noise? (keeping in mind that I am a light sleeper)Everywhere i go even if I build millions of steal layers and weld them together to protect me It still follows me.

    What am I going to do? I am doomed. My neighbours, friends and family have turned against me. I really don’t know why my own family would believe that i would kill my own parents.
    The police are trying to catch me and take me to the mental asylum. Maybe i should just turn myself in. It can’t kill me there. I think I have decided to turn myself in.
    ‘Bring-bring bring-bring’
    ‘Hello! Welcome to the Blackboosha mental asylum. How can i help you?’
    ‘Hi? Ummm… my name is Lauren Black and i am calling to say i am ready to turn myself in.’
    ‘Sure! Come over at 1pm tomorrow and you can book yourself in.’
    ‘beeeeeeep beeeeeeep beeeeeeeep’
    I did it. I turned myself in. I think I am finally free from it. I think i should get some sleep for my big day tomorrow.
    ‘ding dong’
    What is someone doing at the door now?
    ‘Hi my name is Talya. I have no one to play with so maybe you would like to play with me’
    ‘sure! Come inside and sit down while i get us some drinks’
    ‘here is your lemona….. WHAT ARE YOU DOING???’
    ‘oh nothing…just making DINNER!!!’
    ‘i thought you wanted to play?’
    ‘i do!! With a KNIFE!!!’

    Dear Scary for kids
    i REALLY hope you post this i spent a lot of time on it

  • Scary for kids I have an excellent idea for what you should do to the site I really think you should infest this site with pop ups so say somebody was reading a story you could do a pop up on them and they will get extremely freaked out that will give the site some more terror! hope you listen to my comment Banana phone out

  • 3 times – my name is alice. i am 13 years old. this summer me and my parents went to florida to visit my grandma and grandpa. they own an old victorian house a few blocks from the beach. when we where there, a few kids from their neihgborhood came over and we told each other scary of them, named lisa, told me that the house my gradparents lived in was haunted by a woman who died by drowning in the bath tub and now haunts the houe. especialy the first i didnt beleive her so i went up to my room to email my friends. after awhile, my told me that i had to go take a bath so i did. i turned on the faucets and sat in the tub. when the water got high enough, i turned off the faucets and lay in the tub. when i opened my eyes, i thouht i saw something iclosed my eyes and opened them again to see if it would happen again and it did.only this time it was clearer and i could see the shpe clearer.the shape looked like a human in a dress. then i remembered part of the story that lisa told me .she had said that if you go into the bath tub and lay down in the water with the faucets off,and open and close your eyes 3 times you would see her and she would wait 3 days then kill you. we left my gradma and grandpas house 2 days if the legend is true she is supposed to kill me tonight.

  • Statues – 5 kids were coming home from the movie theatre. They had gone to the late show, and it was very dark. They couldn’t see a thing. They were passing the graveyard when one of the boys turned on his flashlight app on his phone. “Hey,” he said to one of the girls “I’ll give you five bucks if you tap that angel statue over there” He shone his flashlight on the white marble statue in the center of the tombstone clusters. ” No way.” The girl said. “You can do it yourself, but I ain’t doing it.” She shuddered and walked ahead of the group, to get away from the cemetery. “I’ll do it.” One of the younger boys said. He walked over to the graveyard and approached the brooding angel. “Where do I tap it?” He asked. “Anywhere.” The other boy said. “Just don’t tap the stand.” The younger boy reached up and tapped the angel’s hip. Once, twice, three times. Nothing happened. He tapped again, three times. This time, a low moan escaped the boy’s throat. “I think I broke my knuckle.” He said He lifted his other fist to tap. “If this doesn’t work, I’m going home and you have to wear my sister’s tutu for a week. He said. Than tapped the statue. “He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket to check the time. It slipped out of his sweaty hand into the wet grass. “Damn and damn again.” He said. He bent over searching for his phone. Than, a white ghostly shape flew out from behind the angel statue. The boy looked up and yelped in fear as the shape slowly morphed into a young boy. “You have awakened me.” It said. “Now it is your turn to be silenced, so I can roam this earth once again.” The boy screamed, than the ghost slit his throat. “There’s the end of that boy.” The ghost said. ” Time to destroy another.” Than he became a solid figure, and killed the boy’s friends. Nobody knew of their death, and the ghost lived in secrecy forever. Never tap an angel statue. For the ghost still awaits the people who dare to awaken this evil soul.

  • Here is a little story I made up

    Maggie was 16, as most people know this is the age the hormones start to kick in on teenagers but something wasn’t right about Maggie.
    She was chubbier than most tenth grade girls. She had ordinary dark brown hair which she tried to make prettier with excessive amounts of hairsprays and products. Her face was covered by a thick layer of makeup and jewelry. She wore expensive clothing from the finest brands and still didn’t look pretty.Around strangers she was snobby and a show off, around people she knew she was demanding and mean. She wasn’t popular (not that she knew it) and was disliked by everybody in her class but in her mind she thought they loved her. When people ignored her she thought it was because they where jealous when people gossiped about her she thought they where talking wonders about her.
    At home She was to say the least a spoiled brat. Her parents gave her everything she wanted.As a child she was given beautiful dolls and stuffed bears bigger than she was. She was fed cakes and chocolates. Since her father traveled so much for work he brought her sweets from all over the world.
    The only person who treated Mandy as she should have been treated was her aunt Tracy. This didn’t last long because at the age of seven she ordered her parents to never have to see her again. Her mother protested but Maggie did such a tantrum that they had no other choice. After all they couldn’t say no to their little angel.

    As Maggie began the eleventh grade so did Julie, a new girl who came from New York. Julie was pretty,she was nice and friendly but she hated hypocrites, show offs and people who did things just to impress others. Now in the small town where Julie moved most people where born there and rarely did anybody come from somewhere else. When Maggie came to her first day of school she was shocked to see a large group of class mates crowded in front of a new girl.Because she was more important she had to see what was going on.
    There was some sort of electric current when both girls’s eyes met. Maggie was shocked, this girl had pretty curly red hair and bright blue eyes, she had a nice smile with a row of perfect teeth. She was barely wearing a simple set of earrings and no makeup her hair was tied up with a hairband and she was wearing clothing she could have found in a super market. These although cheap where worn in such a way that they looked as if the best fashion designers could not have done the same even if given all products from Gucci.
    Soon she was popular, she had many friends and started dating the cutest boy in the class, a boy named Chad. As you have imagined Maggie was shocked. She started demanding more attention from her class mates. One day she pretended to faint, nobody believed her and after lying in the floor for a few minutes she stood up and screamed at the top of her lungs
    “SHE IS JUST A GIRL FROM BROOKLYN! I AM BETTER STOP LOOKING AT HER!CHAD SHOULD BE WITH ME! i AM MORE POPULAR THAN ALL OF YOU!!” All the heads in the cafeteria turned to where she was. A few girls stood up and the boys had angry looks in their faces.
    There is no need to explain what happened next with much detail but a group of girls led by Julie stood up and walked up to where Maggie was sitting. No teachers where looking (don’t ask why) and Julie threw her fist at Maggie’s face. The rest followed and soon Maggie looked like a walking pile of meat wearing Loui Vuitton.

    Maggie came home and threw a huge tantrum. Amazing for a 16 year old girl. When her parents saw her like that and she told them what happened both of them frowned.
    “It was just a matter of time,” said her mother
    “Tracy said this would happen, and she was right we have spoiled you too much, as a punishment because of your attitude we will not do anything about this and you will have to deal with it yourself. No more expensive clothing,No more make up and” she gulped “you are grounded for the day”

    Maggie sat in her bed, how could this be happening to her? She is the prettiest girl in the school. She should be respected. It was all her fault, that little New Yorker. She had ruined her life. She had gone out with Chad. She had to leave.

    Maggie sneaked to the kitchen, she took a knife and a garbage bag and headed out the door. Earlier today she heard her saying something about a sleep over with her friend Ashlee.
    She was going to deal with it. just like mom said.

    Julie was lying on top of her sleeping bag laughing about something Lauren had said. When she heard the scream coming from the kitchen. She rushed to the kitchen followed by Lauren and Jamie. It was the most horrible sight she had seen. Ashlee was lying in a pool of blood. Standing next to her was Maggie.
    She had tried to cover the scars and black eye that they had done to her with make up. but no matter how much base she used those where not going away.
    “Hello Brooklyn girl.” Maggie said coldly she had a scary smile in her face. In her left arm was a large butchers knife smeared with blood.
    Lauren screamed and Jamie seemed to turn three shades paler but Julie stood her guard. “Get out Maggie. Get out before you get really hurt.”
    “Im not scared of a little nobody like you.”
    Julie smiled. “a nobody you say?” behind her both girls where shocked and scared out of their minds.
    “is Ashlee-”
    “dead?” said Maggie coldly “not yet but soon”
    ‘you shouldn’t be here Maggie’ giggled a voice next to the cold girl. ‘you shouldn’t have hurt her friend’ Maggie gasped “what was that?!”
    ‘poor Maggie’
    “Leave me alone!What are you!”
    ‘silly girl’
    Jamie and Lauren watched as Julie walked up to her she looked different. Her eyes had lost their vibrant blue color and turned deep white.and her hair turn brighter and redder than ever.

    Maggie screamed and stabbed Julie right in the stomach.

    Julie smiled, she then began to laugh. “Poor little Maggie I told you I don’t like hypocrites.” Julie placed her hand in Maggie’s heart. “I should teach you a lesson called humbleness.”
    ‘humble little Maggie, poor little Maggie’
    Lauren and Jamie where crying scrunched up in a corner of the room holding to each other for dear life.
    What happened next is unsure. the reason for this is that Lauren said the room was then covered in a thick fog. When the fog cleared Maggie was lying in the floor her eyes where wide open and the look on her face suggested she hadn’t slept in the past few years. Julie was nowhere insight and the only trace she left behind was a writing on the floor written in blood.

  • Hi guys  New story. Please comment if you like it~!

    Title: Red

    Celeste “Red” Redding smiled her dazzling smile that made the boys swoon. She looked to the right of her, and said to her best friend, Marie, “All you need in high school are looks and popularity. Then, babe, you go far.”

    Marie raised her eyebrows. “Maybe in your world, but not mine.”

    They were like twins, except they didn’t look alike. Marie had dark, caramel colored hair and chocolate brown eyes that twinkled when she was happy. Her skin was a light olive color, and her teeth were a glowing, straight white.

    On the other hand, Red was the opposite. She had bright blonde hair and sparkling hazel eyes that made the boys melt. Her skin was much tanned, and her teeth were a tiny bit yellow, but mostly white

    “Those words are in everyone who goes here, heads’.” Red said and did her locker combination. She got out a history book and then closed her locker. She tucked her hair behind her ear and strutted off, leaving Marie isolated in the deserted hall.

    The rest of the day came by in a blur for Red. Her vision was not very keen, and it usually was. She had to have Marie help her get to classroom to classroom.

    The next day, she was still in that position. She had trouble getting dressed, walking down the stairs, and driving her car.

    Red blinked a couple of times and her vision still wasn’t clear. She decided to have Marie give her contacts since her father was an eye doctor.

    “Marie. Can you get me some contacts from your father?” Red asked, struggling to get out her chemistry book. Marie had to hand the book to her.

    “I thought you had contacts.” Marie replied, sighing.

    “No. I had perfect eyes but now for some reason I can’t see.” Red complained, pushing her bangs out of her face.

    “Alright. Come by tomorrow after school. I’ll get you some contacts.” Marie said and waved goodbye.

    “Wait Marie, where are you going?” Red yelled, and then the bell rang.

    Red arrived at Mr. Smith’s office. Marie was her father’s assistant, so she showed Red around the twenty story building.

    “Okay. Here’s your client, Mr. Smith.” Marie said with a professional voice, and smiled. Red nervously walked into the room, scared of falling out the window because of the height.

    “Oh, thank you dear. Her profile?” Mr. Smith said, and Marie handed him a booklet filled with at least five pages.

    Marie waved at Red and politely closed the door.

    “Celeste, could you tell me about your problem?” Mr. Smith asked. Red seated herself in a chair, farthest away from the windows.

    “Um, call me Red.” Red said and folded her hands in her lap.

    “Problem?” Mr. Smith patiently asked.

    “Oh, uh, I haven’t been able to see anything. I don’t know what this office looks like.” Red replied.

    “I have just the trick!” Mr. Smith said, and handed her some contacts.

    She put them in and nothing happened.

    “I still can’t see anything,” Red said. She took the contacts out.

    “I’ll have to run some tests. Just sit and relax.” Mr. Smith said.

    “What do you have to do?” Red said nervously, and then she felt a needle in her skin. Everything went black.

    When she woke up, she could see perfectly. Marie was smiling and waving, and Mr. Smith had a proud look on his face.

    “There you go, Red.” Marie said and took Red’s hand. They walked out of the building, laughing about something oblivious.

    Red, the next day, hadn’t shown up for school. Marie was worried, because Red never liked to miss school.

    After school, Marie went to Red’s house and was greeted by Red’s mother, Denise.

    “Hi darling. What a surprise!” Denise said and welcomed Marie into her home.

    “Hi. I was looking for Red?” Marie said and looked around the living room.

    “Oh well, she is actually waiting for you.” Denise said.

    “Where is she?”

    “In the kitchen. In fact, we’re having dinner right now. Would you like to join us?”

    Marie thought it was weird that they were having dinner so early, but accepted only to see Red.

    When Marie walked into the kitchen, a big chicken that was shaped like a head was on the table. She saw no Red.

    “You said Red was here!” Marie yelled.

    “Oh honey, she is.” Red’s father, Chandler, said pointing to the chicken.

    “She said her contacts were hurting her so we put her out of her misery.” Denise said. “Ready to eat?”

    Scaryforkids says: MegIz, this story had potential, but the ending was …. weird. It didn’t make sense. Maybe you could try working on this one a bit more?

  • Halloween

    One Halloween night, when a full moon was glowing in the dark sky, 5 teenaged girls were sitting around a campfire, when 3 of them heard a noise. They screamed in terror, and started running. When they saw a dark shadow in the woods, they ran back to their friends.

    About three minutes later the dark shape said “4 more steps…” The girls scuttled over into their tent and huddled under the covers. There was a thudding sound than the statue growled “2 more steps.” The girls shook and shivered. Then the shadow said “One more step.” One of the girls shrieked.

    The shadow stepped out in to the light and said ” Hi, I’m tired and I can’t go anymore steps. I need a place to crash for the night. I brought marshmallows. Wanna roast some?” They giggled and went outside to roast some marshmallows. They all died unhappily never after.

  • Two stories I have stuck in my mind and I can’t wait to tell you.One is creepy and disturbing, and one is dark scary.Enjoy!
    Guess What
    “Hey,hey,hey!Guess what?Your face!”Tommy said.His little brother, Sam,ignored him.This is what Tommy always does this when he’s bored in 500-mile roadtrips.”Hey,Sam,guess wha-”
    “You know what!”
    “Your face?”
    “No, this!”
    As Tommy was about to joke around,Sam had delivered a fearless punch into Tommy’s forehead and knocked him unconscious.When Tommy woke up,he was in the hospital,he was confused for a moment,but he realized what he has done.When a young nurse told him a car crash happened and that they haven’t known how,he was just about to tell her what happened,when he knew it wasn’t a good idea.In further notice, the accident happened when the argument between Tommy and Sam distracted their dad and he lost control of the wheel.Forgetting the fact that it was his fault,he went to sleep.But until then,he had a terrible dream. Sam came in and slit Tommy’s throat, so he couldn’t talk and bother Sam. When he woke up,he was in the car with his family.Tommy prayed that all that happened was a dream and that what was happening was real.He couldn’t even bare to see his brother, but Sam creepily spoke like Tommy.”Gueeeess what?”Sam croaked.”You’re DEAD!!!”
    (I’m so sorry, I always don’t have time to do this but I really didn’t mean to put the two stories together so…. at least I have I story and if you select this, don’t add this part in and I’ll get the second story.Talk to me in the comments if you want to edit something or add anything, I would be happy to talk and receive advice,I would be happy to get advice from masters yourselves, and…..bye! Enjoy my next story!)

  • @masterofscare
    i think you should change the detail about her running into the bathroom to her running to her room. it seems most logical since diaries are usually kept there. i don’t know, to me it just seems odd that in a situation where you are being chased that you would go and grab your diary first. overall the story was pretty interesting though.

  • Goodnight …forever!
    There once was a girl named Rachel. Her friend, Lilliana, asked her to play on the lake with her. She accepted. They changed and then went on their way. They were swimming, and Rachel decided to go on their water trampoline. They were bouncing and laughing. Just then, Rachel fell down and got pulled into the water. Rachel came back up and her throat was slit open. A Very ugly man with a deformed face came behind Rachel and said,”Goodnight…forever!” The man stared chasing her. Fortunately, Lilliana was able to run into the house, get her diary, rush into the bathroom and lock the door.
    She was writing and then she saw the knob twist. It opened, and she saw the same man, this time with a butcher knife. She started to scream, but the man whispered in her ear,”No one can hear you. Your parents are out to dinner, it’s just you and me. It’s getting a little late, you should get to sleep. Goodnight…forever!” The man slit Lilliana’s throat.
    Once Lilliana’s parents came home from dinner, her mom found Lilliana in the bathroom, throat slit. Her mom fell on the floor crying and she saw her diary on the floor.she picked it up, and started reading it:
    Jan.18 I know he is coming for me. He killed Rachel already, I am the only one left. Oh god I can hear his footsteps coming towards me. I hope he-
    Then in a totally different handwriting, it said GOODNIGHT…FOREVER!, and there were blood splatters all over the page. Just then, Lilliana’s mother saw a manly figure running toward the bathroom. It was screaming something so hard, it rang her ears. It sounded something like BOODGIGHT…. BOGEVER!
    That was the last thing she heard. Who knows, maybe he is coming for yo- GOODNIGHT…FOREVER!
    ( I would love to get some feedback on this story. I just want to see if it is good!)

  • I’m so sad right now my friend drowned last week and I wasn’t able to go to his funeral! R.I.P West

  • Baby Don’t Hurt Me no More

    There once was a sixth grader. Her looks weren’t very good, and people would always call her “nerd”. She barely had any friends, so no one was there to give her a helping hand, to help her manage to stay strong.
    Just like any teenager, the girl fell in love with an eighth grader, the type of boy always surrounded by ladies.
    It didn’t take long and he found out about her feelings. This marked the beginning of her nightmare.
    Every single day, along with his classmates, the boy would pull pranks of her, humilate her in front of the whole school and even hit her.
    Lacking any kind of moral support, she gradually grew insane and depressed.
    One day, he, along with his friends, decided to beat her up badly, just for the sake of it. The boy convinced them easily that she was some sort of stalker, and a good beating would make her stay away.
    Of course this happened. Bleeding and full of bruises, she knew she had to do something to finish the never ending pain. While the boy was heading home, talking on the phone with his girlfriend, he felt something hit him in the head. In just a second he passed out.
    The merciless bully woke up in a garage which was dim lit. His hands were tied up, and so were his feet. With a knife, the girl carved an eternal smile in his white cheeks. Seeing that he was losing blood, she cauterized the dark red wound, making him scream in despair. Then, she slit his belly open, grabbing his intestines out of his body. The boy’s view became blurry, and he knew his life was coming to an end. Before passing away, he heard the deranged girl whisper in his ear: “Baby don’t hurt me no more”.
    Days later, his mutilated body was found. Nobody could find the culprit, and they marked the case as closed. The girl’s classmates noticed a slight change in her behavior. She became a straight jolly, friendly person, and soon her days of painful loneliness were forgotten.She had become a popular, pretty person, the one everybody was longing to hang out with. But her happiness didn’t last long.
    After the bully’s body was found, she started getting creepy messages. At night, she would hear whispering and moaning. One day she found a skull in front of her apartment door, and at school she discovered a collection of photos with the boy’s rotting corpse. She was again losing her mind, hearing the boy’s voice every single day. Her friends didn’t know what was going on with her, but tried to cheer her up as much as they could.
    Soon it came the day when she couldn’t take it anymore. She climbed the roof of the school and jumped. Hundreds of people watched her smashing to the ground. All of them were shocked, except for one very person.
    The boy’s girlfriend.

  • xO I’m going to post three stories today :D
    @anyone xD Please I’d really be grateful if anyone could give me suggestions on my stories owo
    My friend was an eye doctor’s assistant. I got tired of being made fun because I had thick black rimmed glasses. “Four Eyes” was my nickname. So I asked my friend if she could tell the doctor to prescribe me some contacts. Yet instead, she booked me an appointment. The appointment went very smoothly,but the weirdest thing was the doctor didn’t even test me. “Meet Dr.Isaac! He’s one of the best doctors on the business.” My friend exclaimed. He stared at me for a while,then he gave me a white box with the logo of a bleeding eye. “SECOND SIGHT. OPEN YOUR EYES TO A WHOLE NEW WORLD.” It really creeped me out how he never blinked. “G-Gi-Give them a try.” He stammered,nodding he walked away shaking. I heard him mumbling about something yet couldn’t get what he was saying.
    These contacts are so cool! I could see in the dark, spot anything from a mile away,and I could sleep with them on. I felt better somehow.  Yet sometimes I see these dreadful things,like people. Not normal people .  Horribly disfigured people . Yesterday I had seen a girl with ripped clothes,damp hair ,her arms were torn off,and her mouth had been stitched. What could this possibly be? Who is doing this? Maybe I should just take them off..
    Should I continue or not?

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