Scary For Kids


  • okay well i know there is a lot but i have 2 1 hope you post it hide and seek one night on October 31 a boy named Alexander and his 2 friends hunter and Justin were home alone and having a sleepover and Alexanders parents were at a Halloween party they would be back soon well they were sitting there eating candy and playing video games when a man with a black robe and hood wearing a bandage on his face said death now or hide and seek the kids screamed and said who are you the man said the finder death now or hide and seek h hide aaannd seek they said he said good now if i find you i kill you if you hide till your parents get home you win now HIDE!!!!!!!! they ran and hid hunter hid in the curtains behind the couch 1.. 2.. said the finder Justin hid in the bathroom under the sink 3.. 4.. said the finder Alexander hid in the attic in a old chest now funny thing about the attic you can yell and nobody will know where you are …5! READY OR NOT HERE I COME he looked for Hunter first Huuuunnnttter were home he said in is parents voice hunter ran out from behind the curtains and couch he screamed as the finder ate his face off Justin were home Justin did not move no really Justin he heard hunter say there home Justin came out and did not see hunter or the finder he walked out of the bathroom and the finder ripped out his throat Alexander hes said its okay your the last one left i can not kill you NEVER Alexander screamed but the finder could not well find him for it seemed to come from the whole house come out Alexander COME OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER he yelled but the finder knew now i came from the attic he went up to the attic and said i know your here i will find YOU he said has he kicked over a chair and he heard a gasp from the chest and well he said i will find you hiding behind the chair or up the stair or in the attic but do not scream he flung open the chest Alexander yelled but his parents unlocked the door and yelled ALEXANDER in a happy voice the finder started to vanish but before he did he said you cheated i found you cheater CHEATER!!! i will find you again we moved after that and well he still has not found me but any one who reads this has a chance to meet the finder

  • Magic Gum
    Once upon a time in a rural village,
    I went to visit, for their famous and many flavored gum.
    I roamed the city searching for the store that sells “Magic Gum”
    The next day, I went into the lobby, asking the hotel manager if they know any stores that sell magic gum.

    He replied “At that street, turn left and straight, but be warned, it isn’t a store you can find a good gum” With a very low voice.
    A bit freaked out, I didn’t bother to reply.

    I went in the taxi cab, saying the direction to the store.
    The driver asked, “Are you sure?”
    I replied, “Yes please.”
    He replied “Okay.”

    As soon as I got in front of the store, I thought it was a “Beautiful store” because it was full of merry lights.
    As soon as I got in front of the store, I was freaked to see the walls are vandalized.
    I saw that there were many flavoured gum.
    Some cola, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, apple, orange, and plum.
    I began to saw the “Original Gum”
    The cashier is an old unusually pale man.

    I said, “I would like to buy one of all flavors please?”
    He didn’t even say a word.

    I began to chew the gum, blow it. I made a very giant bubble that I was surprised that how could a single stick of bubblegum could make an enormous bubble.
    I popped it and I suffocated to death.

    The store turned out to be an old ‘beat up’ store which has been abandoned for many years.

  • My Imaginary Friend
    One day I was playing with my Imaginary Friend.
    Ok one, two, three, go!
    Our racing cars raced and I won.
    “Mike Bathy time!” My mom said.
    Ok Tim, wait here ok? As I finished bathing, I can hear someone whispering-In my room.
    I went there and I began to saw my bed disarranged.
    I asked my mom if someone went in my room.
    She simply said “No”
    I was frightened.
    Everyday, Tim disarranged the bedsheets I decided to become mature. I guess he was bugging me to play with him. But I had no time to play.

    After 7 years, I had completely forgotten about Tim, I already had real friends and I can play with my iPad everytime I get bored.
    One day, I got to the mall with my awesome friends when suddenly I thought someone had whispered
    “Forgotten, Betrayed” There was no one. I felt like there was someone holding my hand.
    When we got into a Taxi, my friend went to the bathroom.
    Then, Polices began to surround the bathroom stall.

    They found her body and her chest had been carved with a knife saying “Play with me”

  • story i came up with c: oh and venom i liked your story !
    Best Friends
    Marry and Hannah were both best friends.
    They loved One Direction, Fashion, Scary movies, and shoes. They were both very beautiful. Marry had blonde hair with dark green eyes. Hannah had brown hair and light blue eyes. They both met each other in the 3rd grade. Marry always thought Hannah was more beautiful than her. When they started the 7th grade. They both tried out for cheerleading, they made it. Hannah always dated more guys than Marry did. At this point Marry was tried of Hannah being more popular than her. MArry told Hannah that she would’nt be her friend anymore. Hannah became even more popular than she was before. Marry became very jealous. She called Hannah and told her she was sorry and that she wanted to be friends again. Hannah accepted her apolgoy, Marry also invited her to her house one night. When Hannah went to her house Marry planned a surpise for Hannah. She told Hannah to put on her bathing suite so they could go swimming in her pool. Hannah went outside and she was waiting for Marry to come outside. When suddenly, Marry pushed Hannah in her pool. Hannah wasn’t a very good swimmer she could swim in 5-6 feet. Marry had a underground pool 10-12 feet. Marry jumped in the pool and started to drown Hannah. A couple of minutes later Hannah was dead. Marry buried her in the forrest. The next day her mom was worried so she called the police, they were sreaching for her body. But they couldn’t find it. They asked Marry some questions and she smiply lied, she said she stayed at her house for a couple of hours then she left. Marry got what she wanted. She became popular. A couple of days later she heard a voice in her house saying ” what did I ever do to you ? ” She became frighten, she went and dug up the place she burried Hannah her body was gone. Months later she lost her mind. She escaped the asylum she was put into. The cops found her her body the place where Hannah was buried.
    Hope you guys like it. Sorry if it was too long or boring or whatever >.<

  • You axed for it –

    Mitch was an extremely nasty piece of work. He always bullied those different or weaker than himself. He was quite tall and bulky, often using this to his advantage to intimidate others.

    One day, he was preoccupied, bullying a timid class member named, Jeff. This was nothing new, he was always shoving him, stealing his books, verbally insulting him, much like the bully’s other victims. This time, he’d tripped Jeff up as he was walking by, yelling “Have a nice trip?!” But then he was interrupted “Leave him alone.” Said a voice sharply. Suprised, he slowly cranned his neck, and took a few seconds to speak. Jeff hurried off. Standing before Mitch was a new kid, tallish, and a but not as tall as Mitch. Mitch glared at him angrily, his face forming into a scowl. “You talkin’ to me? Huh?! “Yes I’m talking to you.” Said the new Kid abruptly. “I said; leave him alone.” The bully stammered foward briefly mumbling “Oh, ya’ dead kid!” But the would-be showdown was intecepted by a passing teacher who appeared from a classroom. “You got lucky this time… I’ll beat the freakin’ life outta’ you tommrow, kid!” “Why not, tonight?” Suggested the Kid. “Tonight?” asked Mitch in curriously. “Yes. Just you and I, one on one at the old abandoned Cabin on the moors”. He paused. “You crazy…” The new kid conitinued. “…But if you are too afrade…” He was interruptted. “I ain’t afrade of a little punk like you. I’ll be there, and i’m gonna bury you… You hear me, twerp!” The kid didn’t reply, but just smiled wickedly.

    Mitch arrived at said location. He could see a half damaged cabin. Boards had/were fallen off the sides, all windows had been smashed and the door lay submerged on its side in the hallway. Mitch went inside. There was much graffiti and broken items and many broken and unbroken beer bottles, and litter cluttered the place. There was also a stale rotting smell. He searched through the few rooms and paced back and forth impatiantly. The cabin was very dark, and they seem to stretch out at him, like claws. He became slightly nervious but more angry and annoyed. “Where the hell is he?! Bet that loser chickened out. I’ll kill him!” “Not before I kill you…” He turns suddenly to see someone emerge from the shadows. It was the kid. He had apparently been there the whole time, in his hands he was holding something. It was a fire axe. He smiled maniacally, then he sliced through the flesh of his stomach. Mitch collapsed to the dingy floor in great agony as his guts spilled over the ground. He whined in serious pain, clutching at his wound. “Just like all the other bullies… Gutless!” He spat. The new kid hovers over the (now) defenseless bully, waving the axe slightly. “You axed for this. Always picking on the defenseless. Now, I shall kill you… like all the others.” His grin turns into a more monsterous scowl and he slams the fire axe into Mitch’s head.

    Two years later, police made a very gruesome discovery after the wrecked old cabin was demolished. They found three semi-decayed magott infested corpses, which had been stashed under the floor boards, all former bullies, Mitch being one of the bodies.

    (Predictable, true, but hopefully you still enjoyed the story. :) Took me awhile to come up with this one.

  • heres my story its called birthday girl! ellen woke up too the smell of her favorite bluberry birthday waffles so she quickly headed down the stairs and she saw a plate with blubbery waffles and sausage this was diffrent her mother usually never cooked sausage because she believed it was too unhealthy but as she ate her food she noticed her mother wouldnt even face her as she washed the dishes not even glance back to say goodmorning or happy birthday so after ellen at her food she went back up to her room upset that her own mother wouldnt even say happy birthday she continued watching tv until she got a phone call when she awnsered it she was surprised to hear her mom on the phone her mom said happy birthday and told her she was sorry she couldnt be with her n her birthday but had to go to work early and that she would be home later she also told her to be sure her brother wasnt late for his soccer practice after her mom said goodbye ellen just sat there speechless she got up and tip toed down the stairs and peeked around the doorway she saw what looked still like her mother washing the dishes so she then raced to her brothers room to get her brother but when she walked in she was horrified to see blood everywhere then she ran back to her room and locked the door and called the police when the police finally arrived they came in and arrested the man in her kitchen disguised as her mom washing a bloody butcher knife he was a escaped mental paitent it turns out the sausage was human meat that belonged to samuel her brother ellen fell to the ground and began to cry uncontrolably she had ate her own brother!so please comment and tell me what you think

  • “The Necklace”
    One night a girl Alice nearly 17 years old was coming back from the library.When she saw some thing shinning like a diamond near a bench she went near to see what it was.It was a cute necklace .She picked it.She took it home with her.At night she heard a noise in her bed room it said “Why did you bring it”.She woke up thinking that it was a dream.But it was not one.The next morning she woke up and was getting ready for school and was brushing her hair then she saw some one standing behind her she was a girl who was ready for a party or dinner and was pointing at the necklace then suddeny

  • The Vent
    once there was a young couple who wanted to start a family but the man didn’t believe in sex before marriage so they got married and had twins to they’re suprise 2 years they had another child. 3 girls altogether. one girl liked ballet(sarah). the second (mara) was a tom boy. the third (kairah)liked to paint. one day the girls were playing dolls (mara was a guy barbie) by a vent all of the sudden they hear roaring and growling and get scared so they go find theyre parents to tell them what happend and the parents the parents told them there was nothing to worry about so the girls went back playing. 25 minutes into the game and the cover to the vent got unscrewed and flew off. mara went inside of the vent curious about what was in there. she crawled in and saw something fuzzy. it was growling at her. she said ‘its ok little guy. there’s no need to worry’ but the fuzzy creature just jumped at her sunk its teeth into her and mara died instantly. the next day was the funeral and everyone was crying but not the fuzzy creature he was laughing. so they went back home and the girls were playing by the vent agian the noise started happening again and the cap was never put back on so kairah went in this time but totally unaware of how mara died. she sees the fuzzy thing! this time its laughing though kairah says “whats so funny little guy?” the fuzzy creature jumps at her and bites her in the neck like a vampire. she dies instantly too. at the funeral everyone thinks sarah killed the girls. no one knows how the girls died so she was easy to blame. the next couple months later sarah decided she wanted to play so she went to the vent and the fuzzy thing was waiting as soon as the girl sat down it pounced and tried to bite her but it couldnt. some how the girls greif made her a shield from the thing.
    she killed the thing and took it to the vet to find out what it was. she found out that the creature was a ferret.
    years later the family moved from the house the mother was pregnant with twins.

  • DARKEST FEARS Once there was a free house for sale, so a family bought it. The previous owners only knew about the house, It was very dangerous. The family got in the new house they bought and right at the first two steps they saw a fridge with left over food, it was never eaten before. The man picked up an apple he ate it, but he didn’t notice the microscopic bugs inside, while he was eating he felt something eating of a tooth in his mouth. There was another one eating of his tongue, he screamed louder than he ever screamed in his whole life. he spitted out the bugs and his wife came in and asked whats going on, and notice a little bite mark in the corner of his tongue. The wife worried. The two kids, girl and boy, where playing on their new bunk bed when they notice a locked door with someone banging on it. Then a bite marked a huge hole in it and walked through the door. There they saw, a doll. The two kids ran from the doll and tolled their parents about it, the parents checked, but then it was to late when they got by the staircase. They saw a doll sliding down the stairs on it’s stomach. The doll had brown hair, blue eyes, green shirt ,and cacky pants. The doll jumped on the man’s face and bit his left cheek. He threw the doll at the fridge. The doll got up and roundhouse kicked the man in the toilet. The bathroom was near the kitchen, so that’s how he did the roundhouse kick in the toilet. The man died and suffered too much water in his lungs. The woman threw the doll out the window. The last three people spotted a coffin, so they opened it and a zombie reached his hand out and choked the girl. Now only two were left. There was knock on the door, the wife opened it and saw the doll, so the doll got thrown in the fireplace. So the child and the woman saw a demon and the doll walk out the fireplace. The doll had ate the wife’s head off. Then only the boy was left, so the demon moved him by thinking and put him in the fireplace, the boy died.

  • I hope you like this story
    Death Sitting

    There once was a 10 year old girl named Jamie. She was baby sitting her 3 year old brother. Her parents weren’t due home intil late that evening. Her brother was playing and she was reading.”RIIIIIIIIIIING RIIIIIIIIIING” went the phone. Jamie had caller ID, so she looked and the number was labed privet, the numbers were all zeros. She picked up the reciver.”Hello.” “One Two Were Comin For U Three Four Better Lock Your Door.” Jamie hung up and then called her friends who were having a party. “Hey Jinny speeking how may I help you?”
    “Why did you just prank call me?!”
    “What are you talking about, no one called you.” Then the phone went dead. She didnt think much of it, intil half an hour later, when the dead phone rang. “RIIIIIIIIIIIIING” “RIIIIIIIING”. She answered again. “Hello.”
    “Five Six Get A Crusifix, Seven Eight Stay.” She hung up.When Jamie hung up, the DVD player turned on on so did the TV. The screen turned dark like the night outside. Yellow words popped up and the voise on the phone talked , it said ” Up Late Nine Ten..” The in a scary deep voise it screamed “NEVER SLEEP AGAIN!!!!!!!!!” Jamie then heard a knock at the door. The knock got louder and louder, it sounded like more and more things were coming.The knock turnred into banging. Then she rememered her window was open and the screen had a HUGE hole. She grabbed her brother and ran she got to the end of the hall then……….Jamie screamed .

    The parents came home to a grusome sight. Jamie was scratched up. She had a lot of broken bones, and a big chunk of her hair was torn out. As for her brother he was unharmed, all he had was one scratch on his check. The girl was sent to he hospital and the next night the hospital DVD player and the TV turned on. “One Two Were Comin For U.”

    In the morning the nurse came to check on Jamie. When she walked in, she saw a grusome sight. Blood was all over everything, the windows were smashed, and Jamie was gone.

    The police questioned her friends about the murder.
    When they talked to Jinny, Jinny told them about the legend and how Jamie had become cursed.
    It was said that if you when into the graveyard at 11:50
    and found the unmarked grave and stood on it by 12:00, good luck would fall apon you.If you got there even a minute later, you would die the following week. It was also said you could only see the grave at night.
    Jamie was dared to try the legend. She went to the graveward at 11:50. She tryed to find the grave but it was hard. finally she found it. When she did she heard evil laughter. Jamie looked at her watch to find it was 12:05. She ran out of the graveward.
    A week after it happened Jamie had to babysit her brother.
    Jinny smiled all the time after Jamie told Jinny she was going to die. Jinny even told people she killed Jamie with some friends.
    Jinny was then put in a mental institution. A week after a nurse went to check on Jinny, She found Jinny hanging from the celing. There were rotted corpes all around her. Jinny to was a rotted corpse. Jinny looked down at the nurse and said, ” They helped me kill her.”
    It turns out Jinny was already dead along with her friends. Jinny’s grave was the unmarked grave.

  • My First story here. I don’t think it’s been done before since this is a story I’ve just thought of so if it has I’m mega sorry, but I don’t think it has. “Two faced”

    At Every school there is just that one girl who always pretends to be nice to you, gains your trust then completely turns evil on you when she talks to her other friends. Telling every secret you ever told her then acting as sweet as she was before as if nothing happened. Trust me there is it’s just you never suspect them. These girls will also cause schoolyard fights for there own amusement by saying that one girl said this to another and by the end two or more girls are hurt while those girls sit back and laugh at how dumb they acted.

    I had one of those girls at school. Her name was Elanor Wean. She had the most gorgues Jade green eyes, the most smoothest tan skin and the most silkest brown hair. She was the 3 P’s Prim, Pretty, Popular. but as they say buetty is useless if it’s only skin deep and that was the case with Elanor. She wispered things around. Made friends with almost everyone in the school and backstabbed them all and no’óne saw through her little game exept me. I personly hated her, girls like her never tasted any good, there souls were just too sour. So I watched with my little group of friends as she played her game and her soul grew more sour.

    One term she had befriended my friend Danni. Danni was a nice girl with a passion for witchcraft a secret she would only tell trusted friends like me. I knew this wouldn’t end well and i was right when Danni ran to me crying one day as I left the girls room.

    “Sarah, Sarah!” She called me. Sarah was my fake name. No’one -Even Danni- Was to know it unless a client. Those were the rules.

    “Yeah Danni?” I asked her as she glomped me crying.

    “Everyone knows I prctice witchcraft. Their all laughing at me. How did they know?” She asked me through teary eyes.

    “Elanor.” I said simply.

    “But she said she was my friend.” Danni said wiping tears from her eyes and cheeks.

    “Ï know but shes two faced, She needs a leason. You should summon Bloody Beth.” I sugested.

    “Bloody Beth?” Danni asked confused.

    “Uh-ha Bloody Beth is a spirit that will get revenge on those who you desire for a price of course.” I said and she looked up at me.

    “And what is this price?” She asked.

    Ï shrugged. “All I know is that you need 3 black candles to be lit in frount of the mirror at night with the lights off and chant the words ‘Bloody Beth, Bloody Beth help me with my revenge, Bloody Beth, Bloody Beth I don’t care if you use a siringe. Bloody Beth, Bloody Beth I will pay the price, Bloody Beth, Bloody Beth if you stab her with a knife. Bloody Beth, Bloody Beth Let me take control, Bloody Beth, Bloody Beth then you can have their soul.’ 3 times when you cut yourself and letting the blood drip down the sink.” I explaned.

    “Ï-I’ll do it.” She said and ran off.

    Later that night as I was disscussing this one girl I ate in the spirit world with some of my other friends I felt myself pulled into Danni’s mirror. She did it, she really did it chant and all.

    “I knew it Sarah Lied.” Danni sighed.

    “Oh I did, did I?” I laughed coming from the mirror.

    “Ahh Sarah!” She yelled cluching her chest.

    “Please Danni call me Beth.” I grinned at her.

    “Your Bloody Beth! No way.” She said in disbelief.

    “Way Danni and I shall get revenge on Elanor for you, What do you want me to do?” I asked.

    “I don’t Know, what you think will work best.” She said and my Grin turned into that of a evil one.

    “As you wish master.” I said and telaported -or as you humans will say Disapeared- to Elanors room. She was sound asleep in bed. I walked forward My teeth turning to sharp points and nails growing long and razor sharp.

    “Poor little Elanor asleep in bed not realising she’s about to lose her head.” I chanted menicingly as I walked foward to the edge of her bed hidden in the darkness.

    That woke her up. “W-Who’s there?” She asked in a frigtand voice.

    My eyes glowed red as I leeped on her. Chopping her head off in a single swipe with my nails before she could even scream. Her soul floated out in a white mist heading for the sky but my tounge shot out of my moth like a frogs and wrapped aroud the solad mist pulling it in my mouth as I ate it. I was right her soul was sour. I scrunched up my nose at the taste as I carfully cut off the skin of her face frozen in a permant scream forever and pulled it off leaving only the mussle. I turnned her head around cutting off the hair at the back only on the top and licked the skin leaving my veniom on it to make it sticky and stuck it on the back of her head, pulling up the skin so it looked like she was smiling and placed it on her body. Then I dipped my hand in her blood and wrote on the wall: “Now Elanor really is two faced.”

    That night two deaths happened. One was said to be a sick murder of an angry school mate -never solved. The other was said to be suicide. I caused them both. Poor Elanor and Danni. I never really wanted to eat Danni’s soul but it looked so good -It tasted like a choc chip cookie- and I couldn’t resist. Oh well at least I’m full… For now.

  • Crimson

    ~~ ~~

    Crimson Rose woke with a silent yawn. She blinked a couple of times and rubbed her eyes. She looked at her digital alarm clock that sat next to her on the wooden nightstand. In red numbers, it read 12:00 A.M.

    Midnight. Her mother was probably back from the dinner party in Iowa, but she wasn’t sure. She looked out the window—her room was right next to the parking lot—but found no Mercedes. She sighed and got back in bed.

    A few minutes later, Crimson felt parched. She got up and walked down the hallway, leading to the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and grabbed a Great Value water bottle. She gulped it down in ten seconds.

    Crimson walked back to her bedroom. She laid down on her bed and closed her eyes. Her eyelids weren’t heavy anymore, and she was barely tired. She opened her eyes and turned on her flat screen TV. She grabbed the DirecTV remote and put on the Adam Sandler movie, Life As We Know It.

    She watched ten minutes of the comedy, then the door bell rang. Assuming it was her parents, she opened the front door. Crimson found a large package, and looked to who it was addressed to. It was for her.

    She took it inside, locked the door, and sat in the living room. She opened the box with her Ferrari car keys. Inside, was a small sticky note. In very bad handwriting, were the words:

    Hello Crimson. I watched you today. You were very pretty.

    Crimson was creeped out. She threw the sticky note away and shuddered. She had the feeling someone was watching her. Crimson simply shook it off.

    She got back to bed and fell asleep quickly.

    ~~ ~~

    The water was icy cold. Crimson looked at the shower knobs. The knob for hot was turned halfway—the water shoud’ve been warm. She wondered where the hot water went.

    She climbed out of the shower and wrapped a cozy purple towel around her nude body. She wiped the steam away from the mirror and looked at herself. Her eyes were dark and tired, haunting. Her olive colored skin was now pale as paper.

    Crimson wondered how she had gotten to looking this bad. She had been having nightmares about the person who had given her the note—they were terrifying.

    She sniffed and quickly rubbed lotion all over her body. She put on some grey daisy dukes and a white T-shirt with a stunning V-neck line.

    She turned off the bathroom light, pitching her into darkness. She tried to open the tall white door but it wouldn’t budge open. It was jammed.

    She turned the lights on. They quickly shorted out, pitching her into darkness again. Crimson sighed in frustration and tried to open the door again—it opened. She was wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Someone was in the house.

    Her heart pounding, Crimson walked outside to the cable box. She opened it up, and saw all the switches were off. Water, light—everything. She then noticed a note on top of the box. She read it:

    Hey, BooBoo!

    Meet me @ School 2nite.

    See ya ther,


    Crimson smiled and held the note in her hand. She turned all the switches on and went back inside. She started getting ready for whatever Dean had in store for them—she could barely contain her excitement.

    After she was done getting ready—her platinum blonde hair was curled in tiny curls, her make-up done pefectly right, her mascara bringing out her icy blue eyes—she flattened down her short-cut dazzling red dress, checked her white teeth for any leftover food—she had eaten a hamburger—and finallt when she was convinced she was perfect, she left her house and headed to school.

    ~~ ~~

    When she arrived, candles illuminated the outside of the school and the inside. The lights—inside and out—had been turned off. How romantic.

    Rose petals led to the door, in her favorite color, crimson. She smiled and got out of her car. When she reached the door, she realized her favorite book, Battleship Down, was duct taped to the glass door.

    Crimson laughed and opened the door. She noticed a red liquid on the floor. Assuming it was nothing, she followed the red liquid. It led her to English class. She opened the door.

    Inside, all was quiet. She knew Dean was hiding in the closet. She quietly tip-toed to the closet, and quickly opened it. Inside, to her horror, was Dean’s body. In his hands were crimson colored roses. He was beheaded.

    She heard laughter behind her. She slowly turned around and saw a large, burly man holding a large kitchen knife. He had a big, black bushy beard and broad features. His long hair was tangled in knots, and his nose was crooked a slight bit. He had nasty yellow teeth and foul breath.

    Crimson immediately reconized the man.

    “D-Daddy?” Crimson whispered. She managed to get the words off her tounge. She had always seen pictures of him around the house. He had left Crimson’s mother when Crimson was three.

    Her mother told tales of him as a lumberjack—he had left one night and never came back. But now he was here, standing before Crimson.

    The man smiled evilly, and low laughter left his mouth. “Crimson, you’re right. Look at you, baby girl. You’re so… pretty.”

    Crimson was terrified. Her father was about to kill her!

    “Please, stop! Dad, please…” Crimson begged. She had tears in her pleading eyes.

    “I’m sorry.” Her father chuckled, wiping away her tears. “But it has to be this way.”

    He raised his knife and plunged it deep into her chest. A faint gurgle escaped her lips before she fell to the ground, the knife still stuck in her chest.

    Crimson colored blood trickled down her chin. It looked beautiful against her pale skin.

    The man received the large knife and licked the blood off of it and left.

    ~~ ~~

    Later that night, there was a newsflash on TV.

    “Dean Haddonfield and Crimson Rose have been found dead in a Northwest high school. Dean was beheaded and Crimson was stabbed. They were both pronounced dead at the scene. A message was left on the wall in blood: READ THIS BEFORE SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS. Officials don’t know what this means—” Just then, the disembodied head of Dean dropped down on the news anchor.

    (Okay, I rlly hope u guys like this one. Please comment, it means a lot)

  • My Friendly Picture

    One day, my school was ready for our graduation.
    My teacher said that there is gonna be a picture with your special friends, So I asked mine. She didn’t reply.

    Sad and confused, I sat down to cry.
    The next day my teacher asked us if you already have a friend to take. I said no. But one of my classmates whom I’ve never seen before asked me If I could be her Friend in the pic. She also Introduced hersellf her name is Alison.
    I happily walked home, thinking I will have a nice pic.

    On my graduation day. I dress myself up, and went to school.
    All of my friends were there, except Alison. As I searched for her, I finally saw her.
    Soon we were on stage. Then we posed like Best Friends.

    The next day, my classmates began to avoid me. Why would they avoid me? I asked myself.
    On my school yearbook I realized that I was the only one in the Picture.

  • Once a man who know as Jake.He had 3 sons.The eldest was Drake who was 6 years old the second one was Jacob who was 4 years old and the youngest was Peter who was 1 year old.They shifted to a new hose which was beautiful it had 3 room and the got it on a pretty cheap price.So they shifted there to elder sons were big enough to sleep alone but the youngest was to small so they cleaned 2 rooms one for them and one for there sons.At night the wife Lisa was in the kitchen while every one was sleeping she come back and the youngest son Peter was not no the bed she got worried and woke her husband and both her sons.The started to find Peter.At last they heard some noises for the 3rd room which was the store room.The went in to check and Peter was there lying on the floor and the walls were bleeding and their son was crying the picked him up and went out.The next day their father went to the church he told a priest all about it the priest went to his house and he checked the room he started to read some thing and after 5 hours he came out and told Jake to take his kids and wife away from the house.And so he did it.When he come back the priest called some people from the church they all stared reading some thing and all of a sudden the door got shut and all the candled in the room blew all by a sudden and then the candles started to light all by them selves and they saw a girl nearly 20-22 she was angry and asked the priest “why did you call me”.The priest told her that she should not stay at this house and disturb the people he had some holy water and some other holy stuff.He told she once to leave the house she got angry and then suddenly the was knife in her hand and a nun disappeared from near the priest and was standing near the girl.Every one was shocked and then she stabbed the nun on the floor was blood and the body on the nun.The girl said she wanted the baby boy peter cause she had a baby boy when she was alive whose name was peter and was 1 year old.The priest read something holy and threw the holy water on her and stared to read some thing the girl was screaming like she was being burnt and suddenly she disappeared and the house stared to move like there was an earth quake was coming every one ran out and the house started to fall.then the man took his family and shifted to a new home which was not haunted.”The Missing Kid” is the tittle

  • The Market Lady
    Gustav unlocked the door to the abandoned market,he wondered why he still had this place opened. He pulled out his laptop and began to work on a project he had. Suddenly the sound of the rusty bell broke the silence. “A customer?” Gustav said to himself,looking up.  It was a young woman with dark red hair that reached to her waist,piercing green eyes,and wore a black shoulder dress. She humbled over to the meat aisle and grabbed a few pounds of ribs. Gustav’s eyes never moved an inch away from her. Once she reached the check out counter, Gustav attempted to strike up a conversation.  “So what’s your name?” Gustav asked in a gentle voice. The young woman looked up “My name is Ophelia. I’m new around here.” Ophelia thanked Gustav for the ribs  and with that, she had left. Within days, Ophelia’s visits became regular. The young boy didn’t care anymore that nobody came,he was more focused on the woman.  One day Gustav ran up to Ophelia and asked her where she lived so that they could see each other more often,considering they had formed a relationship. The young woman looked up with frantic eyes “Gustav… I can’t tell you..And I don’t think my family will approve of you.” Gustav didn’t take no for an answer. He insisted and begged her. Ophelia dropped everything and left. Disappointed, he  made his way to the counter. The next day Ophelia didn’t show up.  He predicted that he had annoyed the girl so much she didn’t want to come. 
    “Probably found another market…” Gustav sighed,flicking away some green bug he found on the register. The day was boring and slow to Gustav. He pulled out his iPhone and began playing an endless game of Angry Birds. 
    The next day,Ophelia entered the market. Gustav burst with happiness “Hey! I’m really sorry about what happened I never meant to anger you .. Please can you forgive me?” Ophelia stared for a while and looked back to the aisle. Walking back to the register,he grabbed the tv remote. Gustav figured if nobody showed up he had to entertain himself with something.  He began to watch a popular German sitcom. Somewhere in the middle of the show,a news update interrupted . 
    “Attention! The body of a young woman was found in Descender,Germany under a local bridge. The murderer has not been found. Everyone is to take precaution. Thank you for your time.” Gustav gazed over to the picture of the woman. A horrified look formed on his face. It was Ophelia.
    Her hair 
    I’m so sick of hearing about my sister. It’s always  “Esther this” and “Esther that” . We’re practically twins! She has the looks….. Blonde hair that descends down to her knees,majestic blue eyes,and a magical smile that made the boys melt. How I hate her. Being the social bird that she is,her boyfriend is quarterback of the football team,she’s the captain of the cheer leading team,and has befriended half the school. Having 841 Facebook friends and the glamorous lifestyle, every girl craved to be her. People would use me just to get close to her. She would smirk at me and say “You’re never going to go anywhere looking like that Adele!” Esther your going to get it …. 
    Well today I did it. Like all the sister hatred stories you read, I killed her and I do not regret it. 
    I’m taking over her life now. It’s perfect. I feel powerful. I can do whatever I want. Nobody even asked about Esther. I took everything from her. Except her flowing hair. But who cares? Her boyfriend, Aaron is dumb enough to think I’m Esther. Friends? All you need to do is giggle and play with your hair. Stupid inconvenient plastics. But it’s better than being the outcast. Oh I forgot to mention how I had finished that thing of a sister… It was simple during school,I came to her with a worried look  “Esther! Aaron’s with another girl on the roof! I seen them!” Esther threw her books into her locker with fury “That jerk! I’ll go show him who’s boss!” I tried not to laugh. “I should come along! Ya know as a witness!” she agreed and requested the elevator. Once we were there she began to search for Aaron. “I don’t see him. Any-” I simply pushed. My plan succeeded. I rushed to the ground floor and grabbed her body and stuffed it inside a trash bag before anyone could notice. Her hair dangled out of the bag but I didn’t think anyone would be suspicious. Throwing her corpse in the trash,I felt more confident. That was that. 
    I went home today and decided I need to take a shower. Cheer leading practice was hard today. I have to get my name on the ballet for prom queen,I need to sign up for dance classes with Aaron,and I need to finish this nerdy math club. Sigh,being popular is very hard nowadays. I prepared my clothes and stepped into the shower. My hair was so annoying it was endless! Suddenly I had realized something….
    I cut my hair. 
    Did anyone like any of these stories x3?

  • It was a cold night in the middle of January. Fara had been watching criminal minds for 3 hours now. She decided to go to sleep. Just as she stood up, she felt a sack being thrown on her. She then was dragged out her door and into the back of a truck. After what felt about an hour of driving, the truck stopped. Then the guy who kidnapped her picked her sack up. He flung her over his shoulders and entered a strange room, it had kids along the sides in chains and a single laptop in the middle. He threw her sack on the floor next to the laptop. He then opened the sack and held her arms behind her. He then opened up a video maker app on the laptop and told her to say “Help! Someone kidnapped me! He says to bring $10,000 behind the dumpster at the back of Dominick’s on Clark St.. He says not to bring any police or he’ll kill me!!!” so I did as told. He then chained me to the wall next to a girl who looked my age. “So you got kidnapped too?” she said. “Yes, we’ve got to get out of here!” ” It’s no use, the chains won’t budge I tried.” “If you don’t mind me asking, how long were you here?” “Not long. if your parents don’t come to the dumpster, he kills you. So you’ve got 2 days. Let’s hope you’re parents come.” 2 days later. The guy who kidnapped Fara left. When he comes back he says to Fara, “You’re parents didn’t come, so you’re useless!” he then pulled out a gun. “Goodbye Fara!” Before he shot, the door opened and in came the police! They arrested the guy and took me home. But the strange thing was, they never even noticed the other kids. Kidnapped is the title.

  • ok A scary Story Called Check on The children

    poor Megan and her sisters i should have checked on them when they called me and told me to check on them and i just cannot belive they just let someone murder them silently and they did not scream just sat there in pain and agony letting him murder them i feel like a horrible cousin right now i escaped him and igot stabbed once but i just cannot belive atthe did not scream i amso dissapointed and now as im telling her parents they are sobbing and they OH NO OH NO ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    they murdered me. the end. scary for kids it is okay if you dont publish this but if you do then ok

  • heres my story it called midnight. Emma awoke in the middle of the night because of a strange sound she heard coming from her living room so she quitly slipped out of bed and tip toed down the hall and peered cautiously around the doorway of the living room what she saw filled her with fear there was a tall dark figure standing there staring straight into her eyes as much as she wanted to run she couldnt she felt a strange force keeping her there in a flash the dark figure was inches from her face she wanted to scream but couldnt it whispered into her ear a command that she unwantingly obeyed she tilted her head slightly so that her bare neck showed then the blood thirsty figure pierced her delacate flesh with his razor sharp fangs when she was on the verge of death he pulled away one fang still slightly protruded his lip the unconsious girl lay passed out on the floor he gently picked her up and laid her on her bed then he turned and strode away erasing all existence of him ever being there the next moring she awoke with a slight headache feeling a little dizzy but she asumed the entire night before was all a nightmare but just to be sure she got up walked to the mirror and examined her neck but it was still the same as ever so she went about her daily activities until she got a strange phone call from her freind telling her she needed her to come over amediatly so emma quickly tied on her purple sneakers and headed for the dor but thaught about it for a moment it was 10:00p.m and she wasnt sure she wanted to walk through a dark ally at night but then she was overcome by worry about her freind and pushed away all her fears and quickly walked to her freinds finally she arrived at the door but when her freind awnsered the door she was still in her pajamas and looked alittle confused.emma quicky said i came as fast as i could after i got your call her freind still looked confused and said i never called you,well if you didnt call then who did emma said? well i dont know said her freind jaymie well i need to get home its getting really late she checked her watch it was already 11:47p.m so emma said goodbye and started walking back home as she was walking home she was thinking about the phone call maybe she imagined it she thoug she turned around lookig around she could have sworn she heard a branch snap and foosteps but when she looked nobody was there so she began to quicken her pace when all a sudden the creature who attacked her the first time stood before her gazing into her eyes he said do you still think im a dream now and he pierced her neck but this time completely draining her of life then he dropped her life less body to the ground looked around and flew away into the night.

  • Midnight

    ~~ ~~

    A.J Brookes looked over the books on the fifth shelf. She ran her fingers across the brims’ of the books, looking for an outstanding title. After a few seconds, she came up with nothing. A.J became annoyed, still finding nothing when she reached the bottom shelf. Horror stories were very hard to pick, especially for A.J.

    She decided she needed help. The Information Station was the first thing she saw, so she immediately walked over to it. But she stopped dead in her tracks. Hanna Wilden, the most popular girl at school, was working a shift at Hastings! A.J thought and tried to bite back laughter.

    She proudly walked over to Hanna, ready to taunt her. When Hanna saw A.J, she rolled her eyes and grunted. She chewed her gum loudly, and smiled when A.J got to Information Station.

    “How nice to see you!” A.J said with sarcasm. She had a smirk on her face, a big one.

    “Oh shut up. Whatcha need?” Hanna said, hands on the table. Her huge wad of gum she was chewing affected her speech and controlled where her spit went.

    A.J flicked spit off her face and said, “A good horror story. Got one? Oh, and I never thought I’d never see you in khakis! You need to let me get a picture!” She laughed and pulled out her iPhone. She took a quick picture.

    Hanna gave her a stern look. “You know what? Send that picture to everyone. And here, we just got this in.”

    A.J took the book in Hanna’s hand. The book title sounded stupid, but she was in desperate need of a book.

    “Thank you,” A.J whispered and walked away, ready to buy the book.

    ~~ ~~

    When the girl got home, she greeted her mother with a unhappy “Hello.” A.J hated her mother.

    Celeste, her mother, was worried about her daughter. The beautiful, smart, popular girl was into horror, and she worried A.J would turn into a goth or worse, an emo.

    A.J walked down the hall, into her room. She decided to read the horror book at midnight, to get the scary factor out of it.

    At 11:30, A.J changed into her pajamas and got in bed. Her mother was at work, working what A.J called “the graveyard shift”.

    Fifteen minutes later, she was itching to start reading the book. Her fingers longed for the touch of the rickety yellow-stained pages, her eyes wanting to read the fine print.

    She decided to read the book. She got up and grabbed the book and began reading.

    ~~ ~~

    A half an hour later, A.J had read two chapters. The book was warming up to the good part, so A.J kept on reading. The character had just gotten some hot chocolate, and while looking for sugar, she looked in the cupboard and found her mother’s dead body, squished inside.

    Suddenly, A.J had a sudden urge to make some hot chocolate. She was so parched, she couldn’t restrain herself—she got up and quickly made herself some hot chocolate.

    She looked in the cupboard. A.J screamed.

    Her mother’s dead body was squished inside, just like the character’s mother. She then realized that her life was playing out like the book. Eager to learn what would happen, she ran to her bedroom.

    The book talked about a killer, hiding in the bedroom closet, smiling evilly with two knives. Just then, someone stepped out of her closet, smiling evilly with two knives.

  • Let’s talk about embarrassing moments o.o 
    One time I woke up really late for school and when I was done i rushed to the door and my mum screamed “Katrin! Katrin!” I thought she had realized that I was late so I ignored her and continued everyone I saw kept staring at me I found that rude xD so I arrive at school and go into the office to get my tardy slip when the principal yells at me, “Katrin! You should know that coming to school without pants is strictly forbidden!” XD I had to go home and put on pants and at my school they hit us with rulers so I got like three hits to my hands XD 
    I wonder what’s going to happen to the 666th commenter.. O.o

  • Yeah ^.^ I mean, u don’t just get into high school just because you have 1 little talent!! Come on people!!
    Same with shake it up, and jessie, and austin ad ally and all the others! AND they have to put at least one stupid, clueless person in each of these shows Plus, they are too cheap to go to a real place to film so they just use plastic props… yay!!! does anyone else feel this way?!?

  • Hi, i’m Camille :) and 11 so hope u don’t mind i’m 3 yrs younger than u! XD JK
    I’m pretty mature though! … wait… why are we having a conversation in a place were u submit stories?!? ;)

  • I’m Katrin :D (German chick) and I’m 14 n it’s okay if you spelled my username wrong xD you reminded me of a German myth teachers told us about when we spelled things wrong. Its called the grammar monster xD Austin and ally? I’ve seen that show with my little cuz. The themesong sounds like a spoon stuck inside a motorcycles engine @-@

  • @peanutBrittle.
    IKR!!! Ally’s voice is so high-pitched and annoying that she was in one of my nightmares, once! Have u noticed how Disney just keeps spitting out new and stupid shows almost every day?! PS Austin’s blonde TOTALLY is not real. No matchee eyebrowa!
    I’m sorry, my sister is so random!! :) thats her!
    how old r u and/or carcass? just wondering… ;)

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