Scary For Kids


  • Mama’s Boy
    One day, there was a boy named Juan, Juan was a boy, a boy who depended on his mother a lot.
    One day, his mother went out to go to work, together with his father.
    He was too lazy to do his chores, he didn’t even water their single rose bush. Juan just watched Television, leaving one of their maids, cleaning their house.
    Later, he waited for his parents, it was already 11PM, and they’re still not there.
    Juan called his mother and father, but they didn’t answer.
    A news flash on the TV said, a man and woman had been victims of a car accident. Juan saw it was his parents, luckily, his mother was still alive, with minor wounds.
    Juan mourned for the loss of his father.
    The next day, Saturday, Juan left all the chores to his mom. Even she hasn’t recovered from her wounds.
    “Juan, can you prepare the table for lunch?”
    “Uh… I’m busy.”
    “What are you doing?”
    “Mom, can you leave me alone?”
    The mother was sad, she didn’t reply.
    One day, his mother had a stroke, his mother had collapsed. She was sick.
    A maid couldn’t have handled all the work. But Juan was too lazy and didn’t have knowledge to do any chores.
    His mother’s illness continued to get worse and worse, until she died.
    One night later. Juan was sleeping.
    He heard a sound.
    “Juan! Juan! Clean our house now Juan!” A screaming whisper came from nowhere.
    Juan was scared. He called out his maid, but there was no response, he went down the stairs, where his maid sleeps.
    There was scratches in the floor, leading to her bedroom.
    The knob was bloody. He opened it, he saw his mother, and that was also the last thing he saw.
    Next morning, the police investigated the house.
    Juan and the maid disappeared.
    But there was blood on the mirror, “Could you help me?”

  • This is my story its is called The Sitter:
    “Ok miss Parker ill be there soon”. Kayla hung up the phone and gathered her things “mom I’m babysitting tonight” before her mother could say anything she left out the door.As she got into her car and pulled of the driveway Kayla thought about how the children would be cause she loved children. As she pulled up miss Parker greeted her “hi I’m so glad your here come in” Kayla stepped inside the house “Ok the kids like to play an hour before bedtime and make sure they don’t do in the corn fields”. “Ok” Kayla replied as miss Parker rushed to her car “bye now”, “bye” as Kayla waved she entered the house where two children were waited a boy and a girl. The girls name was Torii and the boys name was Alex “hi Torii and Alex” ,”hi they both said together” Kayla felt kinda odd cause she was new to this family but she didn’t show it and it was getting kinda late.”Well are you guys ready to go out side” “yeah” the sang happily Kayla followed them through the house to the back.The only thing between the fields and their yard was a fence, but the kids didn’t seem to mind but they seemed to barely play.Just then Kayla noticed a man standing there just barely hidden by the corn stalks he must have been the farmer he seemed to watch the childrens every move then before she knew it the kids ran around the side of the house and then the farmers eyes got wide as he slowly backed away. Kayla called for the children then she heard the front door close and she went to check it out no one was there so she went back to the back yard and the little girl came running around the house and soon after the little boy.So Kayla decided she would put them to bed.After she did the phone rang and the kids jumped up along with Kayla to see who it was when she answered all she heard was long breathing then she slammed the phone down and put the kids back to bed. Then phone rang again when she answered it this time a low voice seemed to be whispering something but she didn’t know what so the hung up she could tell that they were out of bed again she put them to bed for the last time and the phone was just about to ring when she picked it up and yelled “stop calling here!” it was the farmer and he said in a low urgent tone “You need to get out of there the two kids aren’t kids they are evil blood thirsty shape shifters who disguised themselves as those children when i was watching earlier they went around the side of the house and they appeared right behind you.Then Kayla dropped the phone as she turned around and there were the children grinning each with a set of razor sharp teeth.
    (i haven’t done this before but it just kinda popped into my head)

  • This is my first story, so soz if its not that scary

    Facebook is murder

    I was browsing facebook about 2 years ago, when i came across somthing i would regret.
    A luny sent me this,
    Hi I know you’ve got this, how do I know dont ask me.
    I can see you. Try running, it won’t do a thing. Your home alone. I can see your face, but you can’t see mine.

    I replied with,
    Who the heck are you, anyway your not in my garden cause i’m out there now.

    He came back with,
    yeah I know i’m behind you…

    (hope you like it!!!!!)

  • well havent posted nut one story so heres number 2 title watching you one day a boy and his mom had a fight. his mom said he wasnt allowed to play a new video game so he said ” unless you let me play im going to stand in your room all night watching you”. she said i really dont care at 10.00 the boy stood watching his mom she fell asleep at 11.00 she woke up at 2.00he was still there wow she thought he must really want it she felt bad she said that he could have it no reply he must have fell asleep she went back to bed in the morning he was gone she went down stairs her son was eating breakfest how long did you watch me oh he said i left at midnight

  • hi there!
    my cuz wanted me to write a story called~
    Bill Jenkins was walking down the street quite cautiously,because of a murder that happened on that very road a few days ago. Apparently, the murderer beat down a young girl with a bat and in her dying few moments, he ferociously ripped out her jaw. Bill had his mind set on a new video game and needed the money badly. He was still young and had some of his baby teeth in. He thought that if he knocked one of his teeth out, he would get some cash from the ‘tooth fairy’ but he didn’t really want to do that because none of them were wiggling and he didn’t want it to hurt!

    He was stuck on the idea, hurrying down the sidewalk when he saw a bloody tooth (someone must have lost it) in the sidewalk crack and had an ingenious idea! He would pretend that this tooth was his and gain some green! All he had to do was clean it off!

    When he arrived at his house, he tried to wash it with water and soap at his sink and he tried really hard, and the blood seemed fairly fresh but it wouldn’t come off! So, he just decided to put it under his pillow anyway. He woke up in the middle of the night to his jaw aching. “Could a tooth really be loose?” he thought. “Oh, sweet! More cash!”

    He looked under his pillow expecting to see money, but he saw something more horrendous… The tooth was gushing and squirting out blood all over the place! He gasped and almost screamed, but he just rubbed his eyes and when he opened them, the tooth was back to normal. He went back to sleep now and the next day he woke up to a splitting jaw ache.

    His mother examined him and diagnosed it as a cavity or a tooth ache. Later that day when it got even worse, they took him to a dental surgeon. The doctor couldn’t find a cause, but he just said some medicine and rest should do the trick. Bill went to sleep early moaning and groaning me moaned and groaned all night until about midnight when he fell silent.

    The next day, the parents of Bill noticed he haven’t seen him all day and they went up to his room to check on him. What they saw was horrible! Bill was beaten and bruised and his jaw was brutally wrenched out! In his hand was a note written in blood: GIVE ME BACK MY TOOTH!

    Hope you liked it! I made it literally right on the spot…! XD ;)

  • Here’s My edited story, I messed uP so I had to redo it here you god:

    It wasn’t long for me to notice that she was acting weird. She babbled on longer than she needed to and kept looking over her shoulder. Peering deeply into the pathered crowd, eying everyone and everything. She stepped in closer, and breathed in deeply exhaling almost all the air that she had taken into her lungs. She seemed uncomfortable and irriatable. When I worked up the courage to ask her, “Are you okay?” She broke down, tears streaming down her face and frightfully hanging on my waist. She wheezed and hugged tighter.

    ” They have come to my family, I know too much.” She backed away slowly. “They know, they know I know too much and they are coming for me.”
    I must have looked confused because she squinted her eyes and sighed, inhaling to begin a long story that would explain everything.

    I watched her die, I watched her get abused under the hands of the people whom she was to trust, to love and to treasure, but they broke the promise. I couldn’t do anything but watch in terror, expecting for them to see me and kill me next. They did it without hesitation, putting the gun to her head and pulled the trigger. So simpily and easily without one lick of sympathy. They held their masks on to their face and finally dropping their masks. I squealed, I couldn’t hold in the fright and now I was caught, I ran until I couldn’t run for long finding a place where they couldn’t find me, some where people were, to hide me from the destiny of death that was held to my face. I cried, hugging my sides with fear for my life an the danger i was to be in within a couple of minutes. A group of men in suits walked towards me holding what I saw was a envelope, and they dropped it, square in my face.

    YOu SaW EVeRyTHinG AnD wE Kn0w EverYThinG AbOUt YoU, SeE YoU SOoN.
    – The UnDeAd

    When I looked up to face the mysterious men they disappeared, no sight of foot prints in the dirt and mud. I was alone in the ally. No one in sight. When I got home I found my Mother on the couch crying, sobbing violently. I walked closer, and what I saw scared me, almost stopping in my tracks. My mothers mouth was stapled shut, she tried to open it but it was no use every jerk she made she gave a loud cry and the staples teared at her mouth. Blood ran down her chin to her chest and she yelped loudly, trying to pick out each staple, but without hesitation, her eyes widen and she tried opening her mouth to scream but the staples remained still. She ran, not making it far before a knife was thrown, pierced into the back of her head. I turned, startled by the men in the suits, they took off the masks and what was under would startle you the most. One of the man was dark and severly burned, his eyes bulging out of his skull, the other was pale, I saw nothing wrong with him until he turned, half his face was missing, almost gone, the next was mind blowing, deformed. His face was scarred deaply, the cuts still oozing blood, the last was the most disgusting. He was missing his eyes and nose, but somehow he still looked straight towards me, with every move i made.

    I screamed loudly, but with all my efforts to leave they all tackled me to the ground, holding me against my will until i kicked one running. I ran, even faster than before until i ran to a subway. I took a sub, anywhere, any place away from them. That’s when I called you for help but I noticed i was being watched. In the last cart the men stood staring at me through the door that blocked us. I got a message, from someone named The UnDeAd. I don’t have anyone in my contacts list named that. I opened the text message.

    YoUVe SeEn OuR FaCeS, YoUvE SeEN WhAt We’VE DoNE, wE KnOW YoUr THouGhts, DoN’T RUn BecAUsE We WiLl FinD YoU.
    -The UnDeAd

    The train stopped finally and i was let out, and here I am telling you what happened.

    She looked around frantically, staring at the warehouse window. Backing away frightfully, and bumping into me. I saw nothing how ever, but she looked crazy, but what got me the most about her story is she told me,

    NoW ThAt YoU KnOw, We Are ComInG FoR YoU NeXT.
    -The UnDeAd

    She looked me deep into the eyes and said.
    “I’m Sorry, you may not see them but they see you, they know where you are. When they are done with me, they will find you.”

    Im sorry too, because now that they are done with Samantha, they are coming after me, and you are next. I’m sorry I put your life into danger, but why should I sit in my bedroom scared for my life when I know you are so vulnerable to read this, but hdsufh ene0einvncie

    wE Are CoMinG FoR YoU NeXt.
    Sincerly -The Undead

  • Broken Family
    One day, there was a fight between a woman named Marrisa and her husband, Joe.
    “No, you’re the lazy one here, I clean the whole house, play with our kids, Jay and Jackson, cook for breakfast lunch and dinner, drive them to school, wash the clothes and everything! Am I lazy?”
    “Hey hey hey!, I work for 12 hours straight! I am the reason you can buy all the food, YOU can cook! I work I get stressed alot! And you say I’m lazy?!!?”
    “Yes you are! Why don’t you help me at night, wash the dishes and glasses then?!”
    “NO! Your-”
    “NO! Your the one who’s lazy!”
    “NO!!!!!! You are!”
    “No you are!”
    The two slept in different beds, crying.
    Next morning, the man was gone, and the mother saw a note.
    “I’m leaving you…”
    The mother felt like her heart was torn, Jay and Jackson felt the same.
    “Who’s gonna do all the work? me?”
    She began to text her husband
    “I’m sorry baby, please come home, I can’t live the kids without you.”
    “Mommy, where’s daddy?” Jackson cried.
    “Daddy is just at work honey, don’t worry, he’ll come home.”
    The dad was in a bar, making out with other ladies…
    She knew he wasn’t going home, so he called him.
    “Come on, pickup, pickup”
    The dad declined her call, she was depressed, she couldn’t cook because of her sadness.
    “Mom, I’m so hungry!” Jay cried.
    The mom didn’t answer, Jay woke her up, she was terrified when she looked, her wrists were slashed, and she was dead.
    Calling out his 7 year old brother, they didn’t know what to do, 3 days later, they also died of starvation.
    The dad was already married to someone else.
    “Honey, I’m home!” He happily screamed to their new apartment.
    “Welcome back honey!” said someone.
    The voice came from the kitchen, he was shocked to see, nobody was there, he was scared to death.
    He remembered, her other wife, Alice, was on holiday with her friends.
    He began to cook for himself, a sandwich.
    He was finished with his dinner, he began to watch TV, when he heard two kids.
    “I’m hungry! Daddy!”
    He got a gun, and then he began to walk towards the dining
    room…. he saw two bloody children.
    “Jay? and….Jackson?”
    “Why are you here? where’s your mother?”

    “I’m here baby…”

  • Okay guys, i know I posted this on Small Stories but I want more people to see it :

    Rock Song

    Dylan Frost looked around the old abandoned Karaoke club, shining light onto various walls with her flashlight. She had not found the precious artifacts she had been looking for—the sheets of AC/DC rock lyrics. She sighed and turned around, when a gust of wind picked up. She was grateful that happened, or else she wouldn’t have heard the sound of paper’s rustling. But once again, she was disappointed. The papers were burnt, the odor still there. Dylan plugged her nose with her fingers and got out of the horrible wreckage. The club had been burned after some drunken college kid set fire to the place, furious at the owner for not letting him sing another song. It was quite hilarious to Dylan, although no one else agreed with her.

    She climbed into his platinum silver Porsche, and drove off. Her parents were very rich, the best real estate sellers in upper state New York. They never really paid attention to their miracle daughter, even though inside Dylan knew they loved her. They weren’t as cold-blooded as she thought. But her emotions did not get in the way of Dylan. She was the “tom boy” of the school, and managed to still be popular and girly at the same time. Talk about best of both worlds. It was quite exhausting really. She put in a old rock and roll CD in the CD part of the car and immediately guessed the song. “Carry On My Wayward Son” by Kansas. She had chosen it at random out of her CD box hidden under her dashboard.

    She turned left onto 10th Street and rode up the steep hill to her porcelain mansion sitting at the top of the hill. Her parents had bought it for her, tired of her begging them for one. Money can really change a girl’s life, Dylan thought, switching into girly mode. She entered the house, and greeted her two dogs, Raina and Bailey. She picked up the two outfitted chihuahuas and kissed them on the head. She kicked off her shoes and sat on the hot pink leather coach.

    Dylan watched a few episodes of “Gossip Girl” and decided to practice singing “Highway to Hell”. She was entering the Dawson High talent show, planning to upstage a few girls in her posse. Just because she was rich didn’t mean she didn’t like to compete roughly.

    After what seemed like hours, she finally got the hole song down. Dylan climbed down the stairs and called her friend, Alisa, on her iPhone 5. It hadn’t got out yet but since her parents had “connections” (as she called them) she had gotten one earlier. Alisa didn’t pick up, so she went back to watching “Gossip Girl”. She became sickeningly bored, and turned on some rock music on her Dell laptop. She was more into 1970s rock than present rock. Screaming was not music, she thought as she listened to “Dust in the Wind”, also by Kansas. After repeating the same song over and over again—she had a tendency to do that, after becoming insanely addicted with the song—nothing would cure the bored inside her. She stretched, jump-roped, did jumping jacks, but nothing worked. She was almost near tearing her hair out.

    Dylan’s answering machine beeped, and Alisa’s voice rang through the almost empty mansion. “Hey, um, sorry I missed your call. How did the ‘mission’ go? Were you successful? Anyway, I have these papers for you. Rock of course! Kind of screaming, but really good lyrics. So come over to my house ASAP and get the papers! Bye,”

    She grabbed her ’60s Mustang keys and headed out the door, her chihuahuas in her big, sequined tote bag. She finally had something to do.

    ~~ ~~

    After reviewing the lyrics with Alisa, they seemed pretty dark. They were still good, so she decided to keep them with her. Alisa had told her she had gotten them from an old homeless lady on the street, selling it for ten dollars. Alisa always had a good heart and bought it.

    Dylan got into the house, only to find out a blackout had happened. She lit some candles and turned on her computer. She looked up the lyrics, but in black uppercase letters read the words NO RESULTS FOUND.

    She sighed and put the computer away, and begin to sing the song. Suddenly, the lights started to flicker uncontrollably. The TV screen was turning off and on. It was really scaring her, but there was nothing she could do. She sang the song over and over again.

    In the dusk, in the dawn,
    I play in a game where I am a pawn
    But my soul is trapped in Hell,
    And I will never get out
    ‘Cause I am evil and crazy,
    And nothing else can change me!

    Dylan felt like her soul was being lifted from her very body. It was quite a dream feeling, like it wasn’t happening. But it was, and soon, Dylan was dead, her eyes staring at the white boring ceiling. A solo tear escaped, and fell onto her torso.

    ~~ ~~

    There was a newsflash on TV that night.

    “Police have found the daughter of Mrs. and Mr. Frost, Dylan Frost, dead inside her mansion. She had been reportedly dead for hours, but police aren’t sure. They suspect foul play here, especially when this sheet of paper was found covering her eyes.” The anchor held up the sheet of weird lyrics, and the camera zoomed in on it. “No suspects have been charged yet. We all grieve the loss of Dylan Frost. A memorial is being held at the New York Church, so please come, her parents say.”

    Alisa dropped her bowl of hot porridge. She started to feel her soul being lifted from her body . . . .

    ~~Hope you liked it.~~

  • People of Illness
    One day, my friend and I got an idea to bike in a deserted town, so there is much space for us to feel free.
    We rode our bikes across our town, until we finally got there.
    We entered the deserted place, it was creepy, our hairs began to got up, to feel something isn’t right in this town.
    We entered a house, but this house was fine, and we think it is a lovely place, It seems colorful, and we thought someone was living there. We entered.
    “I’m so thirsty…”
    “Me too…”
    We entered the house, before we could knock, an old lady came straight to the door.
    “Go away.”
    The lady whispered.
    “Could we have some water? My friend and I are lost and tired…”
    Hurriedly, she gave us a bottle of water, she told us to never come back to this town.
    “Wait!.. where did you get this water?”
    “In the lake…at the middle of this town.”
    As soon as we got home, we said our goodbyes.
    “Mom, what happened to the town next to ours?”
    “They said it was believed to be cursed. People there got mysteriously ill, all of them were sick, so no one had the strength to cook, and give medicine.
    “I met an old and odd lady in the town, also Cassie.”
    “……Why did you go there….”
    “There was open space.”
    “Honey, there are no people there today…”
    “But she gave us-”
    I felt weak, I collapsed to the floor…
    I woke up feeling vomiting.
    “She gave you what sweetie?”
    “Ariel, where did she get it.”
    “At the lake”
    My mom and dad looked creeped out…
    I realized….
    I am infected of the disease. That lake was full of hundreds of people who died, of the sickness.

  • This is a true story. NO JOKE!!!! I am a former student at central elementary. It is a smal school in graves county ,kentucky. The last black slave in graves county is buryed on the hill right next to our playground. The story goes is that Mr.carmen was a slave, who eventually became free, became a brick layer. He marrd and had a child, well one night, while mr carmen was away, his child became sick, and she died in his wifes arms. a few hours later, his wife died as well. when he returned, he was devistated by their deaths. he made them a coffin made out of bricks and they were layed at the top of the hill. he made himself a coffin attached to theirs so that when he died, he would be next to them.well year s later he died, and was layed next to them. the coffins are not buried, they rest at the top of the hill above the ground with gates surounding them. The story goes is that when you are at the play ground or near the grave yard, you can accually see mr carmen looking at you. This is real!!! i have seen him 6 times before!!! Many of my friends have seen him before as well!!!! i accually had to help rebuild the graves when i was in girls gone green. This is a true story! and it is an experience that i will never forget. please SFK, this is a place that is haunted and it is true. i am lot lying . post this story. i Also forgot to mention that you can only see him out of the corner of ur eye. u cant look directly at him.

  • Security Camera.
    One day, in my boring job as a security guard, I am very bored out of my life.
    Suddenly some action came I saw a man with a gun. I went out, to arrest the guy….
    I went there but nobody was around, I thought he could’ve escaped.
    I went to the other parts of the building. I couldn’t see him anywhere, I began to continue my job.
    Then I get to playback. The man showed his face…
    I paused it first. Then I began to go outside. I saw him, he ran and I never saw him again.
    I reported it to my fellow workers, and showed the picture that I paused earlier.
    I was surprised to hear that it was a man who committed suicide in jail after he was caught as a fugitive.

  • Pretty Girl
    “Pretty Mirror look at Me, See how pretty I can be!”
    One day, A girl named Suzie was sitting in the couch, watching TV,
    Her sister, Stephanie, asked her if she was pretty…
    “Yes. Your pretty, how many times do I have to tell you?”
    “I’m so pretty, everyone likes me!” She joyfully said.
    “Am I also pretty?”
    “Of course, baby sister.”
    She knows that she didn’t really mean it.

    After school, supper was ready.
    They went to the dining room, and ate.
    “Mom, Dad, Am I pretty?”
    “Yes Stephanie.”
    “Every time.” She said with an annoyed face.
    “You’re just annoyed that I’m prettier than you! Duck face!”
    “Stephanie!” their Mom and dad said.
    “What? Its true!”
    “Ok, she’s also pretty”
    “Yeah right, like you mean it!” She said.
    “What!? YOU LOSER!”
    “That’s it, your both grounded! UPSTAIRS!” Their Dad angrily said.
    “Its your fault.”
    “Oh, now its my fault?” They fought while taking the stairs.
    “Oh, and Suzie, honey, get ready for tomorrow, tomorrow night’s your prom nights. We’ll go to the mall and buy whatever gowns you like.”
    “Kay mom.” We said.
    At the mall, Suzie bought a blue dress, and a blue bag, while Stephanie picked a pink dress, and red bag.
    “I’m more prettier than you, you know it.” Stephanie whispered.
    “Oh yeah, Let’s see.”

    It was finally their night, when they decorated there selves, Finally they came out, aiming to be prom queen.
    Stephanie was stunning, but Suzie was more stunning.
    On their school, Suzie got asked many times, But she agreed to the boy of her dreams, and also the boy of Stephanie’s dreams.
    Stephanie got insanely jealous of her beautiful Sister.
    Finally they were announcing the prom queen,
    “And the prom queen is……………”
    “I know its me.” She confidently whispered.
    “And its…..Suzie Heathers!!”
    Suzie was crying with joy, Stephanie cried of sadness, and
    her eyeliner faded, making her look scary.
    On that night, she planned revenge at her, pretending to be happy for her sister, she got a knife while her sister was sleeping, she sneaked to her bedroom quietly, put tape on her mouth,
    She awakened, she tried to scream but she couldn’t because of the tape to her mouth.
    “Give the crown to me.”
    She nodded.
    “Where is it?!”
    Suzie pointed at her wardrobe.
    “Where?! She removed the tape,”
    “Aghhhhhh!!!!!! She screamed for her life, but Stephanie slashed her wrists, she died. She saw the crown and took it.
    In the morning, she pretended she didn’t know anything.
    “O my god Fred, our daughter!” Her mom cried.
    Stephanie covered her hands with her mouth, pretending to be worried.
    “While the police took her body, she saw the blanket that was covering her dead body, moved. She didn’t mind it.
    Then getting ready for bed, she went to her mirror and wore the crown.
    “She shouldn’t have screamed, Now I’m the prettiest of them all.”
    Her door slowly opened….
    Stephanie screamed to see her sister in the door.
    “Pretty mirror, look at me see how pretty I can be?”

  • Won’t You Stay?

    “Emilee, we’ll be back by twelve A.M. No friends, and don’t answer the door. We love you!” The answering machine said, telling me my parent’s message. I sighed and turned off the machine, and got out a bag of pop up popcorn. I put it in the microwave and wait for the beeping to come.

    I throw it in the garbage, disgusted. It has burnt completely, the odor throwing me off guard. I walk back to the living room and sit on the black, plush, leather couch. I pop in the movie Halloween and silently watch it. All went peaceful until the scratching came.

    I opened the wooden door—I was at my family’s wooden cabin for the night, while my parents were out dancing with my mother’s friend—and was stunned. EMILEE was carved onto it. I dismissed it as my friends playing a joke, but no one came forward and laughed at me.

    I reluctantly closed the door and sat back down. I shouldn’t get all worked up. I mean, it was night and only woods surrounded me. Plus, I was watching a very famous horror movie.

    Five minutes later, I felt someone tapping my petite right shoulder. I turned around, only to face the small kitchen. This is getting ridiculous, I thought.

    “Emilee, won’t you stay?” A soothing, warm, sugary voice whispered. I gulped and grabbed my phone and purse. I turned off the TV, pitching me in darkness. I fumbled for the door knob, and opened it. I ran outside, trying to make out things in the dark. I could only see a lake and trees. I heard footsteps approaching me, so I ran as fast as I could.
    I jumped into the lake, and swam. I soon saw a country house in the distance. I kicked and kicked, and finally climbed onto the boardwalk. It was very vulnerable, and could break if I ran. I quietly tip-toed over the broken pieces, and ran to the country house.

    “Why, I never knew I had neighbors! Come in, darling.” The old lady said, opening the door wide for me. I entered, and looked around. It was a cozy space, with furs around everywhere.

    She offered me hot chocolate. I accepted. As I sipped the beverage, the woman questioned me.

    “What brings you here?”

    I waited to think of an answer. “I—I uh, got nervous alone in my cabin and saw this house and now I’m here,”

    “Oh…well, help yourself to anything in the fridge. But, don’t look in the freezer. I have some…things in there I don’t want you to see.” She smiled and left the living room. I removed the blanket around me, and I looked in the freezer. I was very curious.

    I was horrified. Inside were the disembodied heads of my parents. Their faces were frozen with a fearful, terrorized look. My breathing became shallow. I ran to the couch when the old woman came back.

    “I see you were in my freezer…” She trailed off, a wicked smile playing at the tips of her lips. She removed an axe hidden behind her back. I tried to make a run for it, but the door my locked, I hurriedly unlocked it, but it wouldn’t budge.

    “Won’t you stay? Won’t you stay?” The woman repeated, trying to swing at me. I kept dodging. I could tell she was beginning to get annoyed.

    I was trapped. I caught the axe, and grabbed it out of her hands. I gulped and swung it down on her hard. I split her upper half in two. I started to hack at the dead body. I became crazily obsessed with killing.

    Now, as I tell this story, I’m watching you. I’m hiding underneath your bed, with the bloody axe I used to kill that old woman. Sweet dreams.

    (Please tell me your opinion! SFK I really hope you can publish another one of my stories! Thank you for reading~!)

  • Doppelganger
    One day, roughly 10 years ago, I was maybe 13 or 14; I got off the school bus (which stopped directly in front of my house). It was around 3:00 in the afternoon. As I was walking down the steps off the bus, in front of my driveway, my garage door was open and my older sister was in the garage taking out the trash. She suddenly stared at me and her face turned white and she dropped the garbage bag and froze. I vividly remember the look of terror on her face. She just stared at me as I got off the bus and I stood in the bottom of my driveway puzzled as to why she was looking at me like that.

    I slowly started toward the garage; afraid that maybe she had some bad news to tell me, maybe about a family member or something… I walked up to her and asked her what was wrong. For about two minutes she didn’t speak and just looked pale, looking at me then looking confused. Finally we went inside and she sat down and kind of stammered.

    “You were… Wait you were at school?”

    I said “Yeah…?”

    She told me what had happened just minutes before I got home.

    She said she was upstairs in her bedroom, doing homework on her bed. She had her radio on the floor, near her door. She told me that I, clear as day, opened her bedroom door and told her the music was a little loud and asked if I could turn it down. She said I could, and I turned her music down. Then I left the room and shut the door.

    Now, we had other siblings, but we all have different fathers, and are mixed with other races, and each are about 4 years apart in age. I am the only white girl, so there was no way she could have confused me with my other two sisters. She said this happened about 15 minutes before the school bus came and I got off. Sure enough, after we went upstairs and into her bedroom, her volume on the radio was down quite low, and 2 weeks later, I got the flu.

    To this day we still have no explanation as to what happened.

  • Bad Odor
    One day, It was my First day of school, I waked up 5 AM in the morning, showered, ate, brushed, and dressed up.
    It was exactly 6 AM,
    “School doesn’t start until 7 AM…I’ll go watch TV”
    After 10 Minutes, I decided to take off, When I realized the clock I looked was broken and it was already 7:13.
    “Damn! I hate that clock!”
    I ran with my backpack strap on one shoulder, Luckily, it was just a few blocks away.
    I got to my classroom and greeted my teacher, when I saw that only one seat hasn’t been taken.
    “Why does it has to be beside that fat boy with odor? Eeewww” I thought.
    She said “Let’s be friends”
    “No way! I’m not even going to talk to you!”
    After that,I met this nice girl, Katie, we became friends.
    At the end of school, the fat girl got up, we all covered our noses, when flies surrounded her. She cried thinking no one likes her…
    “Doesn’t she bathe?” I said.
    “I don’t think so..” Katie replied.
    “If I wouldn’t move seats, I think I would die!” I said.
    “Hehe” She replied.
    The next day, She even got stinkier.
    Then it was recess… She hid her lunch to us… We began to think, what it was….
    She hid it everyday. For 10 months, we were finally asking.
    “Why do you hide your lunch? Come on lets all eat lunch together!” Me and Katie said.
    “Its none of your business” She replied.
    “Ugh! Give it! Just let us see it!” We told her.
    We began taking it from her….
    It dropped, I finally discovered it, We were all surprised to see it was a hand of a human!” That’s why she is so stinky….
    I will never go to that school again.

  • Facebook Comment
    One Saturday, I was there at the computer waiting for dinner. I was using my Facebook account when I had a plan to create another Facebook, so my classmates would think I have a Friend that likes my pictures, status, game photos etc.

    I’m thinking of a new name, maybe Jessica Antonio or Ashley Foxer. I was finished making a Facebook account and I logged in to my real account. At first I think it was a
    good idea. I started picturing myself in my cellphone then I uploaded it in my FB account.
    Then I logged in to my other Profile, then I started liking it. All of it. And I started commenting,
    “How pretty you are!!”

    The next day, I started doing it again. I was surprised to see my other profile is online. I started chatting it to see if anyone was there,
    “Hey! who are you!”
    “Hey!! Log out now!”
    “WHO ARE YOU!!?!?!”
    “…..its a secret”
    “What are you doing to my account?!?!?!”

    A notification has been received….
    Jessica Antonio commented on your link “Delete this…”
    I started looking in the link I posted yesterday.
    “Delete this account now in 30 seconds or die”
    At first I think it was a joke… I heard someone running up the stairs,
    Luckily, the door to my bedroom was locked.
    Someone started knocking loud. It became louder and louder.
    Until I heard it stop.
    It then slowly opened, I jumped into bed and I shrouded my self with the bedsheets.
    Then I began to see a girl, whom is dressed in white and her hair covering her face.
    She revealed her face. She had a mouth, nose, but no eyes.
    “Who are you!!!?!?” I screamed.
    “Jessica Antonio” She hissed.
    “What do you want?!” I screamed
    “Times up!” She hissed.

  • Here is a story that I wrote a long time ago so I’m not sure if it’s scary or not.

    I had a nice life, I was a good student, a nice family, and great friends but because of her, my life went down the drain.
    My friends and I knew each other since we were in fourth grade. Their names were Jake Turner and Tad Rivers, we had great time together but the day she came to school changed my life.
    I saw her alone the first day she came, it was raining and cold, I went up to her and I told her I was in her class and asked her name, I wish I could forget that name, “Emily Scarlet” she said and she asked my name “Lucy Trancy” I said with a smile. I invited her to hang out with me and the others, she happily accepted. I regret so much ever having talked to her, ever being friendly, if I just knew then.
    The time passed very fast, a month turned into a year but in that time I started to hate her, I felt like I was losing my friends and being replaced by her. I remember the day when I hated her the most, I was going to the cafeteria and saw her talking to the other kids in our class so I decided to hide and hear their conversation, the words I heard her say just wanted me to smack her in the face with all my strength, she said “Those guys are such nerds, all they talk about is anime, comics, parodies and memes. I just make fun of them when I’m home. I’m only with them because every time I forget a home work, they let me borrow theirs. Ha ha ha ha. ” I hated her so much since that moment, I even told Tad and Jake what I heard but they thought I was just joking around.
    The next few months I stopped talking to Emily in hope that she would get bored and leave but she just stayed there, acting as if I didn’t exist, and one day when I was going to ask out the guy I liked in my class and I saw her making out with him, she opened her eyes and saw me, she just looked at me with an mocking stare as I watched with tears streaming down my face and I ran away as far as I could from that place. That’s when I started to regret ever talking to her, when I started to plan my devious plan against her.
    The day that I had decided to execute my plan had come and I was so excited and nervous about it that I couldn’t help but smile all day long. I waited for the day to end and for night fall to come. At exactly midnight, I snuck into her house and went up the stairs. I remember the adrenaline pumping through my body as I opened her bedroom door and walked across the room to where she was sleeping. As I lifted the knife that I hold in my hand to kill her, she woke up and saw me with the knife and smiled and said “I dare you to do it” I said “I’ll count to three so you can run away”. She just stayed there like nothing would happen so I said “Eins, zwei, drei, now you’re dead.” She asked “Ha, are you trying to scare me with that? Ha ha h-“her eyes widened up in shock from the knife piercing her body. I watched how her life left her eyes. I snapped out of it and saw what I had done. I ran away from that house and never looked back.
    The days, months passed and everyone in the school asked themselves “Who killed Emily?” I hadn’t taken interest in the matter but each day I started to feel more and more paranoid that someone would find out that it was me. One day Jake asked me why I didn’t go to Emily’s funeral, I said that I was very sick that day but he saw right through my lie and asked me again. I couldn’t stand the guilt anymore and confessed that I was the one who had killed Emily, he asked me why and I said that I couldn’t stand her anymore, I hated everything about her. I expected him to go to the principal but he didn’t, he just said that he was disappointed in me; he never thought that it could have been me.
    That whole month, Jake and Tad stopped talking to me and I had become an anti-social; I didn’t go out of my house anymore until I finally had gone crazy because of the guilt I had been holding on to and went to the police to turn myself in. And now here I am in prison, writing down the last thing I will ever write, since today is the day I’m going to be executed, so this is my farewell to this life. I’m going to miss everything and everyone I knew. None of this would have ever happened if I never saw her all alone.

  • Happy Birthday
    Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! My daughter Sophie singed out. As the visitors were adoring her,
    I began offering them to eat. They were starving.
    So I prepared the table for all of us to eat. I had a wonderful child.
    We were in the middle of a conversation when Sophie went out to play in our playground in the yard. She broke her neck when she fell in the slide.
    10 years later we began to adopt a daughter named Lily. She was like Sophie, but she’s not our real daughter. We were very close about forgetting Sophie, but She looked like her. It was August, we planned to have a birthday party for her fourth birthday.
    Now, tomorrow is her Birthday, and we decided to buy a present. The night before her birthday, she said there was a scary girl on her room and wanted to sleep here with us.
    We happily said “Of course”.
    I heard someone sing…
    Happy Birthday to me, Happy birthday to me…

  • My drawing
    One day in my room, I was drawing.
    Then I felt the urge to pee, I left for a minute then I came back. I was shocked to see that the paper turned upside down.
    “It could have been the wind.” I said.
    I continued drawing a picture of myself. I was done, and proud of my work. When I heard someone in the house,
    “That’s strange..” I muttered, Mom and Dad are too early to leave their jobs.
    I went down to the living room, Then I felt suddenly thirsty. I opened the fridge to get some water.
    Then I saw a man in the Kitchen, I quickly got out of the house and went to the police station. They said that the man could have been all in my mind or you just want to prank. I left with an angry reply of, “Why couldn’t you believe me? Would I make it up if I sound serious?. Later on, I texted my friend Josh to play video games with me. He agreed and we beginned playing Tekken 6.
    I saw a man in My drawing This time, I felt the urge to vomit. I went to the Kitchen Sink to do it. Then I screamed and cried to see my friend’s body frozen and the look of his terrified face made me more Horrified.
    I began to call my mom, She said “What’s the matter honey?” Mom! call 911 quick!!!!!
    “Why is something wrong?”
    “Yes! Josh has been murdered! Quick I ne-
    Then silence came to me when I saw my drawing.
    My face was covered with blood.
    Suddenly I said to my mom “Mom! He’s coming its coming for me! Please please call 911!!! No time for que-
    “Hello! Hello! son? Are you still there?”

  • It was a typical Thursday night. I logged onto my Facebook and started IMing my best friend Heather.

    Heather: Hey Brookie
    Brooke: Hey
    Heather: Did you hear that someone was murdered in our area last night?
    Brooke: Yeah. Don’t remind me.

    I look at my clock. 8:45. I should probably go to bed soon…

    Heather: Brookie, it wasn’t anyone we know.
    Brooke: Thank God.

    I cannot believe I said that. ‘Thank God.’? What’s wrong with me?

    Heather: OMG! Somebody just pulled up in my driveway.
    Brooke: Heather stop.
    Heather: No joke! Oh sorry it’s just my uncle. Hold on, I gotta say hi.

    About ten minutes later, I get an IM from someone named ‘random’.

    Random: Hello.
    Brooke: Is this Seth?
    Random: You tell me.
    Brooke: Wow, Seth, this is a low. Even for you.
    Random: What would you say if I said it wasn’t Heather’s uncle that pulled into her driveway.

    I stare at the last message and look out my window cautiously.

    Random: Because it wasn’t.
    Brooke: I’d say how the hell did you know anything from our IM?
    Random: It’s a new hack. Click on this link:

    My hand trembles as I move my mouse to the link. I stop. “Think
    about this, Brookie”, I tell myself.

    Heather: I’m coming over (FIVE MINUTES AGO)

    “Huh? Ten minutes ago? Why didn’t I get it five minutes ago?”, I
    ask myself.

    Random: Why didn’t you click the link? It could save Heather’s life, you know.
    Brooke: How do you know that I didn’t click the link? And save
    Heather’s life? Huh?
    Random: Click the link:

    I click it in almost a heartbeat. My heart sinks as I stare at the
    picture of ten murdered children. I notice the girl in the background, hanging from her own intestines. You can see everything about her clearly.

    Random: Thanks for clicking the link.
    Brooke: Why is Heather hanging in the background?

    I look at the picture again. Familiar. The place the children are at…so familiar. I run down the hall and bound down the steps. I gasp at the sight of ten murdered children…
    And my best friend.

  • ~~Guardian Angel~~

    ~~ ~~

    Whitney Sullen smiled and waved her friends good-bye. She departed from Club Pluto in her ’90s Mustang, with the top down and the wind flowing through her long, straight jet-black hair. Her icy, kind blue eyes looked outstanding compared to the black of the night. Her pale skin also stood out. Her Russian cheekbones were high, past her nose.

    She soon got home, and greeted her parents with a roll of the eyes when they yelled at her for breaking her 1:00 A.M curfew. She ran up the stairs to her room, and jumped onto her water bed. It came close to getting a hole in it, but Whitney never noticed.

    She rolled on her flat stomach and grabbed a magazine from under her bed. She rested her feet on the lagoon blue wall. She opened the magazine and began to read. In the middle of reading an article about a shooting, she heard someone whispering her name.

    “Cameron, it isn’t working! Just stop now,” Whitney called out. She rolled her eyes once more then returned to People magazine. As soon as she found her place again, her named was called out again. Fed up, she hurried down the stairs to complain.

    “Mom, Dad,” Whitney said, confronting them. “Can you tell Cameron to stop bothering me?” She waited for their reply. They both gave each other a terror filled look and that’s when her father turned to her.

    “Honey, Cameron’s not home.”

    ~~ ~~

    Her heart was pounding in her ears. She could feel the beat enter her very soul. The neon lights bounced off the walls, and they all found their way to her. Whitney danced to the music, never wanting the day to stop.

    She checked her pink diamond encrusted watch. It was 12:34. Thirty minutes till curfew. But being the rule-breaker she was, she would stay until the club closed.

    Ten minutes later, a slow song came on. She wondered why they changed the music. She looked at the DJ section and saw her ex, Mark. He made a heart out of his hands, directly at Whitney. She gulped and made a bee-line to the bathroom through the dancing couples. Mark caught up to her.

    “Uh, uh, uh. You ain’t going nowhere,” Mark said, resting an iron grip on her skinny arm. He gave her an icy glare.

    Whitney pulled her arm away (just because she was skinny didn’t mean she didn’t know how to fight) and ran to the bathroom. She saw someone following her, and it wasn’t Mark. The dumb boy didn’t even manage to follow.

    She soon entered the girls’ bathroom. She slipped on some water and hit her head on the metal sink. You could hear her head make contact with the sink. It was a sickening thud.

    A boy entered the room, but she couldn’t make out who it was. Whitney was about ready to pass out. And when she did, the boy whispered, “I’m your guardian angel.”

    ~~ ~~

    Whitney woke up in her room with a horrible headache. She rubbed her eyes and stretched. She saw a boy sitting at the foot of her bed. She then remembered the boy telling her about him being a guardian angel.

    Her breathing began to get shallow. She was having a panic attack!

    “You see, Whitney, I am controlling you right now. Just like every angel, we all have our dark side,” The boy said, showing the horrified Whitney big, sharp teeth.

  • Fallen Princess
    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful and kind princess.
    She was generous to people and gave gifts to children who are ill. She would also feed the hungry and nurse her people to health.
    Suddenly a witch came by, she saw how the princess helped people. She was also jealous of her pretty face and her kindness.
    One day she decided to curse her, the princess fell into illness and the villagers panicked. They took care of her, but the illness just wouldn’t go away. The witch sneaked to the castle and killed her. She took some of her blood before she killed her.
    Then she drank the blood. So she became beautiful, but her attitude became more cruel.
    She was cruel to others and she had a comfortable life.
    The Villagers formed a mob on her, but the guards killed the villagers who would tresspass.
    Soon the villagers had a plan to kill the guards. And so they did.
    They went to the Witches lair, and executed her. The last thing the witch saw was the Princess smiling at her burning body. She seemed very happy.

  • (Hey Guys! This is a riddle I wrote! :D See if you can figure it out ^w^)
    The Flower Girl
    When I was a little girl I loved to play in Aunt Wendy’s garden. Many kinds of flowers flourished the room. Like roses,lilies,and my favorite jasmines. Yet Aunt Wendy never told anyone about the garden. I think it’s because people might think she has an addiction. But she inspired me to have my very own garden! Oh dear.. One of my jasmines have wilted. I think I’ll go get more…
    Seems easy xD I know here’s a story /)(\ I’ve been working on it as a novel but I’ve paraphrased A LOT xD enjoy ~
    “Oh look at this one!” Arisma said , snapping another picture. Me and Arisma have been discovery partners for a while now, and I fell in love with her from the start.
    I was prepared to tell her on our last trip before vacation.  We were going to collect artifacts from the “haunted” Bayside Mental Asylum. It’s history is quite interesting. 
     Many years ago Bayside Mental Asylum was built and as soon as it opened many applications were sent in. The head of Bayside was a strict Russian woman named Sasha Dervetska. She would lock them up in small cages and whip them. One patient in particular nicknamed “Krash” (no one knew her real name),her appearence was always the same a raggedy ballerina dress,black converse that reached to her knees,and black hair that cascaded down to the floor. She refused to be put in cages and claimed “Just because we’re mental doesn’t mean we can’t roam freely you old lady!” Sasha always gave her a beating yet eventually she would agree. After a few days,Krash decided to escape. . The only reason Krash was there is because Krash acted weirdly, she ate dead worms with pink lotion,sometimes she would occasionally talk to herself at parties,and pick her scabs and eat them. Many agreed on behalf of the escape. Krash devised a plan “Okay we’ll wake up around 12:00am,I’ll pick the locks with a paper clip I found,and go to Sasha’s office and get the keys to the exit and bam! We’re out. “ 
    Everything went smoothly until Sasha woke up and found them unlocking the door. Sasha was enraged and grabbed a machete. Within minutes every patient lie dead and skinned. The Russian woman stared at the bodies strewn before her. Sasha escaped knowing the consequences she would pay. The bodies were discovered by a janitor and reported it to the police. Sasha was never found.
    They say that the spirits of Bayside never rested in peace. Yet me and Arisma got permission to enter,even though the place got closed down.
    We found a few good things like clothes,toys,some diaries,and the plan that Krash made. After a while Arisma whispered in my ear “We need to leave.. Now…” I decided to say my true feelings for her “Ok.. Before we do I need to tell you something.. Arisma I lo-” I was interrupted by a door slam. I looked over and found a girl.. It was Krash,behind her were several little kids in torn up clothing. Arisma gasped and ran towards the exit,leaving me behind. “Come back here Sasha!” Krash hissed. I was so confused… What was happening. Once Arisma reached the doors she screamed. She looked behind her and founds Krash’s  fingernails embedded in her skin. The children jumped on her and began biting,hitting,and scratching her. I stood there, only  inches away from the crazed mob. One girl came up to me wearing a straight jacket. “She’s not ‘Arisma’ she’s Sasha. You’re brainwashed mister.” 
    Once the children were finished they cleared the exit. Krash gave me a slight smile and disappeared along with the rest of the children. I would never forget that moment. To this day,where ever I go I always see a raggedy ballerina dress in the back.
    (Yeah pretty long XD but to those who read it.. Did you like it ? :D ) 

  • The Heat of Love
    One day, a woman named Ivy was driving in the Pitch black dark in a Rural area. As she drived to my house she began to bump a man carrying match sticks, she didn’t recognize his face, so she pretended that nothing happened.
    She got back home, tired and starving.
    She was surprised to see a note that was covered with blood and half burnt.
    The only word that was readable was “Goodbye…”
    A little freaked out, I burst open and cooked dinner.
    After dinner Ivy lay down in the couch and watch TV,
    When suddenly she smelled something burning in my room.
    She went in, but She saw no fire.
    An hour had passed She can still smell something burning.
    She began to get fed up of the singed smell.
    She saw a small match stick with smoke on the bed.
    She threw it in the trash and began to get ready for bed.
    Ivy was brushing her hair when she saw a fire in the mirror.
    She quickly looked but saw nothing, she began to get annoyed and scared.
    When Ivy was sleeping, she began to hear a match stick being burnt, she began to ignore it and continue sleeping.
    She waked up at 3 AM. Shocked she saw her whole room on fire. With a note attached to her feet saying “Why did you leave me in the dark road? I still love you, we’ll be together soon. Love, Jeremy.”

  • well i guess my first story had a few misspellings so once again oh and scary for kids please post it i like your stories they do not cuss like creepy pasta sometimes does any way its called hide and seek on Halloween a boy named Alexander and his to friends Hunter and Justin were home alone having a sleepover Alexanders parents were at a Halloween party and they were eating candy and playing video games when a man with a black robe and hood appeared behind them he said death now or hide and seek we screamed he yelled BE QUIET NOW we were quiet who who are you the kids asked i am the FINDER now death now or hide and seek hide and seek we we said well said the finder HIDE they ran Hunter hid behind the curtains which are behind the couch 1… 2… said the finder Justin hid in the bathroom sink 3…4… said the finder and i Alexander hid in my attic and the funny thing about my attic is if you yell or talk it seems as if it comes from the whole house ..5 said the finder here i come he said in a sing song voice hunter heard heard his parents say hunter they were at the party with Alexanders parents there here he ran out from behind the couch and the finder ate his face now for Justin he thought Justin he heard Alexanders parents call but Justin was smart he stayed and waited Justin its okay really said Alexander it was my older brother(Justin has not seen hunters body) okay he came out from under the sink and out of the bathroom and the finder ripped out his throat Alexander Alexander you won come out for your prize said the finder NEVER said Alexander COME OUT COME OUT SCREAMED the finder NO! yelled Alexander but now the finder knew it was from the attic behind the chair up the stair in the sink it does not matter when i think said the finder in a singsong voice he had reached the attic now i am here he said where are you i will find you HA! he said as he kicked a chair but i gasped for i thought he had found me he said oh that was not smart boy he was at the chest as his parents unlocked the door and he flung it open but Alexanders parents came in and yelled ALEX were home the finder started to vanish NO YOU CHEATED NO CHEATER CHEATER I WILL FIND YOU AGAIN that night i showed my parents they saw the bodies they knew it was not me they called the police they all think it was a murderer but i know the finder was much much worse the end please post it if you like it scary for kids plus i have 2 more post to the story and reply even if you do not like it

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