Scary For Kids


  • The bus stop

    There was a man driving home from work till he sees a beautiful lady waiting by herself at the bus stop her name was Esther. The man asked her if she wanted a ride home and she said yes.

    While they were in the car the man and the beautiful women kept talking about random things and stuff they had in common. The man parked to drop her off and he asked ” would you like to go get a coffee sometime?” and Esther said in joy ” i would love to, meet me at the bus stop tomorrow at 3:00.”

    The man was excited to go on a “date” with Esther she was the most beautiful girl he has ever seen she had long black hair, big brown eyes, and very nice personality. She was everything he imagined his dream girl would be.

    The man was getting ready. He was driving to the bus stop where she told him to pick her up and she wasnt there. The man was confused he figured she was still getting ready so he went to her house and see if she would be there. He knocked on the door and a old lady answered which happend to be Esthers mother. The man said “Hi is Esther there?” The lady looked suprised she said “Oh please come in”

    The man walks in the house and theres so many pictures of Esther. The lady sits down with a sad look and says ” Esther died 4 years ago. She got hit by a bus at the bus stop.

  • One night a girl and her four friends were reading a book titled true monsters. the girls names were Jenny Abby Jessica Katie and Lisa. they were reading a scary story about smiles the clown. his story was he his face was all deformed at the circus he was the funniest clown of all but there were racist and they saw his face. after the show they followed him around back and beat him and beat him. he died he died as they beat him. and if you dare say i smile about smiles at midnight he will come. so Lisa said lets do it no said Abby oh come on said Katie no said Jenny. but at midnight lisa with all of them there yelled I SMILE ABOUT SMILES. WWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAT they heard someone scream you all die. a clown was there he slit her throat that was not a SHARP thing to do AH hahahahah. they ran he let them go past but then he chased. Katie tried to run but he stabed her in the back come on lets get to the point haahah. they all hid abby ran out of her hideing place right in to his knife. ooops he said i happenstanced there hahahahahhaahhaghahahah.Jessica was about to jump out a window but smiles yelled stop wha why asked Jessica. becuase i have to kill you he yelled and stabed her in the eye. i bet she didnt SEE that one comeing ahahahahah. Jenny however was reading a the book it said the only way to win was to laugh at his jokes. she yelled smiles tell me a joke he said really you want to hear one ok two cannibals are eating a clown one says to the other does this taste funny to you. Jenny laughed he was vanishing hhaahaha. but Jenny didntwhole thing she would forever be insane. the end who liked it

  • @NomNomerzz. The story was pretty good, but you might be able to add on it. It just seems like you were missing something…

  • Cilah’s POV.
    I silently ate my burger, watching the other kids my age play outside. I wish I had the courage to go play with them on the street, but I come from a family of devil-worshippers so they stay way out of my way. I have killed many children, but there is one boy that everyone loves. Worships even. He has a pearly smile and sand coloured hair. I wondered what the newspapers would make up about his death. “Bradley Sheers, killed in a tragic car accident” or “Boy Bradley Sheers murdered by heart of stone” I don’t really have a heart, but if I did have one, It would certainly be made of stone.

    So I set out that night to Brad’s house, a wicked grin on my face, raring to kill.

    His house is a great big Victorian Villa on the end of Albert Street. Pretty neat. I pick the lock with one of the girls at school’s pink paperclip While placing the machete between my teeth.

    Brad’s POV.
    I heard a creak from downstairs. I just assumed it my pet cat moggy looking for mice. I then fell asleep again. I then heard a gigantic CRASH! So I slipped my feet into my tartan slippers and still half asleep, wandered downstairs.I flipped the switch in the kitchen and yelled. My four goldfish, Yoshi, Bubba, Macho and Pikachu were stuck to the wall with pins and below them, sat a tape recorder. A note taped to the recorder said, “PLAY THE TAPE” In blood. So, with a trembling finger, I pressed the PLAY button. The tinkling of a nursery rhyme played then a blood-curdling scream. Then, In a familiar voice, It said, “I come from the family of Devil-Worshippers” I could only whisper one word. Cilah. The girl who never said anything, The girl who always was sitting by the window at the Burger Barn, watching me under her long black fringe kicking the odd coke can in the street with my mates. I suddenly fell to my knees.

    Cilah’s POV.
    I had him under my spell. He had fallen to his knees, And his eyes had rolled right back so I could only see the whites of his eyes. I then whispered in a hynotising voie into his ear, “Your mine.” He then got up from his knees and wrapped his arms around my waist.I licked him up the cheek and we started kissing. I always snog male victims to lower them into my trap better. I then slipped my hand into my back pocket and whipped out the machete. I slit his throat he instantly fell to the ground, dead.I then kneeled down and swiped a bit of blood with my finger, and licked it off. I then stole into the night.
    The next day, nobody noticed Brad’s empty seat.
    You better watch out, she might be out to get you, too.
    Hope U guys liked it. It is my first story as this is a new account x

  • Mommy’s Operation
    Once, there was a woman named Cassie, she was always Active when she was eating, she had a daughter, named Kathy, Kathy was an obedient child. One day, her mother, Cassie, got appendicitis, she needed operation, she was
    sent to the hospital.
    She needed operation, but the father was abroad, so they didn’t have money.
    Kathy begged, but they refused.
    One night, Kathy came to her mom’s bedroom.
    “Mommy, you need operation now…”
    The next day, the dad came in, he went to their room, and ready to unpack his luggage when he was horrified for what he saw. His wife was dead, and Kathy was holding a knife, with splattered blood on the floor and walls.
    “Daddy, Mommy needed operation, so I gave her one.”

  • @MegIz you should definitely continue your story, I really want to hear the rest.
    @NomNomerzz you were NOT the first comment. Clearly. Maybe you meant that day, but MegIz wrote her story and it is before yours. And, why would you do that? God. (Rolls eyes and looks at ceiling)

  • First story, and first comment :)
    This story is called ‘Freddy the neighbor downstairs’
    There was a girl who lived in Tokyo,Japan. Her name was Makato. She lived with here mother and father in a small apartment at the top of a tall apartment building. Her family was friendly with all the neighbors, all but one. He was originally from America but moved to Japan because his girlfriend wanted to move. But she died 8 years ago of a heart attack. The neighbors name was Freddy. No one got on with him since what happened 8 years ago, he just seems ‘down’ all the time. Never leaves his apartment. Never answers his phone (Well, hardly anyway) Will try his best to avoid everyone he is about to come into contact with! No one knows why.

    One day, after lunch. Makato wanted to have an ordinary conversation with Freddy. So Makato and her parents went down one floor to Freddy’ apartment. ‘Hey!’ Said Makato as Freddy slowly opened the door. ‘GO AWAY!’ He shouted, slamming the door! All three of them went home wondering why he was so mean. Until her father went down to have a chat with him…Do you really want to know what happened next?

    Makato’s Father was allowed in, and was actually chatting with Freddy! Nothing abnormal, until the talk was done. And Makato’s father knew so much about Freddy, but wanted to keep it a secret, but not all of it. ‘It turns out Freddy is scared to talk to girls’ Said her father, to Makato. Not too soon, Makato’s mother went down to see if he was ok. She never came back up… So they called the police and they went home with no proof Freddy did anything! But Makato’s mother never came home that night. Or any other night.

    Makato’s father was ready to open up to Makato. ‘So, what is up?’ She said. He started explaining ‘Freddy’s wife new some kind of voodoo. And before she dies, she was scared that he would find another women, so she planted a curse on him. If he was to make contact with any women, his wife would…’ He struggled to continue ‘She would’ He coughed again. ‘Infact, you should just go to bed…Ill tell you in the morning’ He said, struggling to breathe.

    Later that day, Makato went into her fathers room and found and found him dead. Blood all over his bed, his throat had been ripped open! The police came quickly, and when they arrived the body had vanished.

    Makato went to Freddy and screamed at him for answers! After this talk, she felt a rumble in her stomache, but she was not hungry. Police had arrived and took her away for murder. She died in a childrens home, when on footage, a women, Japanese, busrt out of her stomache, and crawled away…

    Hope you guys liked :)

  • This story is a true story. This is a story about something which happened to me, of course it won’t have a name. So scaryforkids if u select this story feel free to give a name you like. This happened to me when i was 8 years old. I was in grade two and our class was presenting a play to the school, so the children participating had to wait after school. I waited after school with some of my friends and my class teacher. After long hours of practice we lined up to go down. Before going i asked my teacher whether i could go and wash my hands. So she sent me and waited with the kids in front of the class. When i went to the toilet it was very dark. The lights were off and all the toilet doors were slightly opened. While washing my hands i felt a sudden chill climbing up my spine. i took a look in the mirror in front of me. I was frightened from what i saw. I saw a women dressed in white, her hair covered her face. Without hesitating i ran out of the girls toilet. My teacher asked me what happened when she saw how scared. I told her everything and she said it was just my imagination. And a my home one of my family member said that it was a sign that something lucky is gonna happen. But i think she just said that to make me feel better. There are lots of scary things that happened to me and i love sharing it with people. It makes me feel better.

  • The Clown
    Part 1

    Laurie Quim put on a bluish-green old vintage Rolling Stone shirt. It matched her turquoise eyes. Her dark coffee colored skin blended in with her brown pants, which was a coincidence. A smile played at the tip of her silky red lips and she swung her sequined tote bag over her right shoulder. She walked out of her boring white room decorated with old rock bands’ posters, and shut the door behind her. She locked it with a special key that hung around her neck with a chain. She climbed down the stairs, kissed her mother and father goodbye and left for the old Circus two blocks away. Her best friend, Brittany, had told Miles, her and Garrett to meet at the demolished place that used to be fun. The Circus had burned down mysteriously, with no explanation for it. It was convenient that she lived so close to it, or else she would’ve had to take her mom’s blue minivan since her silver Porsche was at the car repair shop on 10th street, being fixed since she had run into the Shimmy Spa just down the street after barely getting her driver’s license. She had been so embarrassed. She remembered the moment freshly as if it hadn’t been months since the accident. Laurie thought more about her life on the way there. Her real parents had abandoned her at doorstep, and of course, the people who had found her gave her up for adoption. Now she lived in an admirable happy family with a baby sister and a Great Dane named Bookie. So she did have a happy ending after all.

    She climbed over the iron fence, and fell. She landed on her back. She moaned but got back on her feet and ran to the fields were the Circus took place in her Converse purple sneakers. They were dirty with dried mud and blood, the blood from a previous nose bleed from getting punched on accident after getting in-between a fight concerning Brittany and Mila. She had had a black nose for a while and a throbbing upper lip.

    Fifty feet away in the distance, she saw her three best friends talking to each other. They looked at her a smiled, though Laurie could barely see them. She was panting heavily from running, but didn’t stop. She was a pro at soccer and could run three miles without stopping. Once she reached the group, they discussed with Brittany what they would do at the creepy Circus.

    “Well, I’d thought we’d go ghost hunting,” Brittany smiled with a dazzling front row of pure white, straight teeth. She had said ghost hunting in a sing song voice. Her voice was as beautiful as the lake that Laurie’s family owned. They named it QuimLaur Lake, in memory of Laurie.

    “Oh come on, Brittany. Get real!” Garrett said. Him and Brittany had dated for a year then split up over the way Garrett treated her—which was not very bad. Laurie was up on all gossip that coursed through Greenwich High. It came to her as fast as five seconds after the person of the rumor said it.

    “I brought my camera!” Miles blurted out randomly, and then snorted. He was the official Nerd of the school, but that’s what Laurie liked most about him. They had been best friends since first grade when their class was having an ice cream party when Miles dropped his cone and Laurie had nicely given him her ice cream.

    Brittany’s curly blonde hair moved slightly due to the mild wind. Her dark chocolate eyes glared at Garrett, sending a silent threat to him: Don’t push me. “That’s great Miles! Ghosts on camera . . . leads to big bucks, am I right?” She said excitedly.

    Miles uncomfortably shifted his weight to his left foot and blew his red-orange shaggy bands out of his face. He looked like the young version of Rupert Grint. Laurie had found him super cute.

    “Let’s go before midnight comes. It’s ten ‘till. At midnight, police search the grounds for any teenager. That rat, Mila Joni, tells them that we hang out here every night so they look. Hurry!” Brittney yelled, already standing in the ashes of the destruction. They ran to her and began their adventure of hunting ghosts. Laurie laughed in her mind at the thought.


    “Get the camera out of my face, Miles!” Garrett said, shielding his gorgeously glossy spiky brown hair and hazel colored eyes. He had been irritated the whole time, but no one in the group knew why.

    “Sh!t. We need to leave, like, now!” Laurie exclaimed. She looked around and saw a few beams of light coming from flashlights. “They’re coming!”

    They ran away quickly, but not quietly. Autumn leaves that had fallen off and shriveled up crunched beneath their feet, and their panting all together was as loud as can be. They heard dogs barking in the distance, so they ran even quicker. But something caught Laurie’s eye—bright colors. She stopped and turned to look. There was a clown, watching them. A frown had been painted on his face, and he gave them Get-out-before-I-come-and-get-you look. She grabbed Miles’ camera and took a quick snap of the guy and they sped off, soon meeting at Laurie’s house.


    Saturday Morning:

    Laurie woke up with a pounding headache. She was sprawled on the leather sofa, and the TV was on full blast. It was a news report about a murder.

    “Miles Gellar’s body has been found at the infamous burned down Circus, stabbed multiple times. He had a camera in his hand, which held a special videotape. Please watch closely . . .” But Laurie didn’t watch. The only thing that crossed her mind was: I need that tape.

    (Okay, so tell me if you think I should continue the other part. I really hope SFK can post this two-part story. Thank you, MegIz )

  • The Jelous twin
    Ashley and Brittany were both heding to the bus Brittany went to go sit alone and Scott Ashley’s crush walked to Brittany and whistled he said babe can i sit with you and she said sure not knowing ashley had a crush on him he put his arm around her and she smiled he asked her if she wanted to go out so she said yes they stared to hold hands and ashley got even madder her face was getting red and she was ploting revange so one day brittany went to the mall with a couple of her friends and ashley went too scott’s house and pretended to be brittany she went to him and kissed him on the lips for 5 secs and then he said baby i thought you were going to the mall and she said nah and at 11pm she told scott she would be back she called brittanys cell and said a lie she said she was hurt her sister rushed there and then ashley slit brittany’s neck and she stared crying and asked what she had done and she stared to cry and then cut her head scott rushed out and said SOMEONE CALLL 911 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i loved her she just didnt notice THE END

  • Um, this story is based on happenstance’s story, but I added and edited it.
    Watching you one day
    A boy and his mom had a fight. His mom said he wasn’t allowed to play a new video game. So he said, “Unless you let me play, I’m going to stand in your room all night watching you.”
    She said, “I really don’t care.”
    At 10:00, the boy stood watching his mom. She fell asleep at 11:00, she woke up at 2:00. He was still there. Wow, she thought, he must really want it. She felt bad. She said that he could have it. No reply. He must have fell asleep, she went back to bed. In the morning, he was gone. She went down stairs, her son was eating breakfast. “How long did you watch me?”
    “Oh,” he said, “I left at midnight.”
    The boy kept showing up on that exact day every year, until it is the last day of her life. Right before she dies, she sees the kid for the last time and he finally speaks, “Every time I saw you, I was reminded of how much my mother loved me. Well, before she…went crazy…and…killed me.” The last thing the woman saw was the child crying one single tear sliding down his face.

  • @happenstance, it was creepy, but it probably won’t get posted unless you add a little. Use periods and capital letters. You should add some more. Like maybe the boy keeps showing up on that exact day, until it is the last day of her life and right before she dies, she sees the kid for the last and he finally speaks, “Every time I saw you, I was reminded of how much my mother loved me. Well, before she…went crazy…and killed me.” The last thing the woman saw was the child crying one single tear sliding down his face.

  • well its a creepy ending but the babysitter a MORON i mean like hum i can see myself and her BUT ITS A WIDOW DOY i mean good story but like how could she have killed the kid if she was OUTSIDE doy but really good story

  • Here Is a story i wrote it By myself..
    Good Morning :)
    In One Dark night,At 3:27 am There was A teenager Girl who was sitting on the bed with her laptop..If you went outside
    You will see everything Quiet..No Moves, No Sounds, No light
    This Girl was the only Girl That was Awake..So while she was
    Reading & Watching a movie,A message appeared for her..It said : “Good Morning” The Girl Thought That everyone is sleeping ..How anyone can send me this message.. i don’t even Know who it is..So she just ignored it..After 7 Min
    Another message Came for her It said : “So,You don’t want to answer..Well then You will die”
    The girl Was about to scream but if she did..Her parents will wake up and they will know that she is sitting on the laptop..So she did not, 2 min Later , another message came for her ..It said : ” I am Behind You ”
    The girl looked behind her..Nothing was there..The girl was too scared,After 3 sec She heard a voice it said : ” I am Behind You.. The Girl knew someone was watching her..
    But she did not see him (Behind her was a window and in front of the bed was a mirror) She looked out of the window..No one..Then she saw A man holding a knife standing outside the window but it wasn’t clear..Then its came closer and closer,Then The voice Said “Look behind you” The girl sreamed and she said : ” what do you want from me ? LEAVE ME ALONE ”
    In those sec She Realize That the man wasn’t outside the window , He was right Behind her ,She couldn’t do anything To do. He Killed her..In the morning ..The teenage girl always wake up the first one but this time she wasn’t awake ..Her parents entered her Room ..And The Voice Said : “Hello” The parents Said ” Why aren’t you awake Yet? ”
    They saw the same man outside the window..Then The man killed them and the poor family died at that time..
    You should answer Because if you don’t ..This man will appear For You..
    Now Look Behind You And scream :p
    (It Is silly But this is the first Time for me and i want just to Type )

  • *The Little Girl in the Red Cape*
    A little girl’s parents went out for a business dinner so they hired a babysitter to watch her.

    “Can I have some ice cream?” the little girl, Holly asked after supper.
    “Sure” the babysitter, Beatrice said. “Where’s the freezer?”
    “In the basement, so are the nuts, cherries and candy and stuff.”

    When she went down to get the ice cream, she looked out the window to see a little girl standing outside. This didn’t strike her as too suspicious and she simply brushed it off.

    After she had given Holly her ice cream, Holly asked, “Can I have some hot fudge on this, please?”
    “Course,” was the quick reply.

    After Beatrice went back down into the basement to retrieve the hot fudge, she looked back out the window to see the same little girl, only wearing a red cape. She absentmindedly wondered if the girl was playing dress-up as she trudged back upstairs.

    “Got it,” she deadpanned after setting the hot fudge in the microwave and putting the thick chocolate goop on the ice cream.
    “Can I please have some nuts on this please…?”
    “Fine…” she sighed already heading back down the stairs. As she got the nuts out of a small cabinet in the wall she looked back out the window to see the same little girl in the red cape, holding a knife.

    As she ran upstairs she decided she was calling the police.
    “Ooh Thank you!” Holly squealed happily from her perch on her pink Disney Princess booster seat.
    “Uh-I-I yeah. Hey, Holly, I need you to-“
    “Oh no! Can I have a cherry on top, please?”

    Not wanting to alarm Holly, she decided that she would go get the cherries, then call the police after locking herself and Holly in the bathroom. There’s no way the little girl could get inside if the windows and doors were all locked.

    After slowly descending down the stairs, she opened the freezer with shaky arms.
    Daring to peek out of the window, she closed her eyes before staring out it.
    The same little girl, in the same red cape, holding the same knife was there. Only the knife now had blood on it.

    Running up the stairs, scared of what might await, she checked on Holly.
    Holly was dead, a small pool of blood forming on the floor under her.
    She ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind her before dialing 911.

    When the police arrived, the tearful mother and father were with them. The mother approached Beatrice, sobbing uncontrollably. “What happened?”

    “Oh God- I’m sorry oh God! I-I saw this little girl with this red cape and a knife outside your basement window!”

    The mother said, “We-we don’t have any basement windows, only mirrors…”

  • The previous story was not all that good. I am sorry, but I had to be truthful.

  • This story is called The 4th of Killers. It was The 4th of July when a series of murders happened. Witnesses say that these murders are lead to a gang of escaped convicts. The witnesses say they are a mixed group of people, probably aging from 21 to 85. They also say that the way they kill someone is brutal, they tie the poor soul on a chair. Then they grab a firework/missile and aim it at the person in the chair. Then, with a knife, they write “God bless America.” on the persons stomach. That’s not even the worse part! They then send the persons body parts to their family with a note attached that says “He/She is American!” Story: Sara had celebrated the 4th with her brother this year, they went to a beach that anyone rarely goes to. After celebrating with some fireworks, they packed up. Sara thought that it would be fun to go swimming for a bit. So they did. After losing her brother in the water, she decided that he probably just went back to the car to dry off, so she went to shore. When she got there, she saw that her brother was tied up in a chair with his head clean off right behind him and writing on his chest that said “God bless America.” She then felt a hand grab her mouth. Next a young guy who looked about 20 grabbed her legs. They tied her onto a chair and aimed a firework at her head. They wrote the saying of the 4th of July and cut off her foot and shipped it to her parents. (This story is not true. Just something a girl alone in an apartment came up with.)

  • Autopsy Room 4:

    I woke up not able to see anything, I could hear, smell but I couldn’t move, a flock of questions hit my head-what are they going to be doing to me? Then I heard, in a low voice
    “he’s dead”, I could hear running, screaming,crying, was I dead? Is this what it feels like to die? I tried to do everything, I tried to scream, kick, then I realized I could hum quietly..a sigh of relief hit me, I wasn’t dead thank God but then I heard “we need to get him to autopsy”, they’re going to cut me open, then I realized I had to give them a sign that I was alive, I hummed as loud as I could but it didn’t work, I was going to die in the worst way possible…
    I woke up not being able to see anything, I couldn’t hear, move or smell. This is what it feels like to die.

  • The Mistake.

    I was awoken by a low thumping sound. Startled, I sat up in bed but I could see nothing in the darkness of my room. No odd shapes. Thinking it was my imagination, I went back to sleep. But a few minutes later, the low thumping happened again. I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock next to my nightstand, it read 12:00 am.

    Midnight, the witching hour. I snorted at the silly saying. I didn’t believe in such nonsense. I believed the thumping was probably an animal on the roof, all sorts of night animals tend to get up there. Especially at this hour. The sound had to be coming from above, and just sounds like it’s in my room.

    I was about to close my eyes again, but suddenly the thumping happened again. Louder.

    Ok, so now I’m a little creeped out. I never heard something so loud before. I shut my eyes tight and tried to fall back asleep. I wish my parents were home, they left earlier today to visit my sick grandma. And my older brother is spending the night with his girlfriend.

    I almost wished Ashley was here. She’s this annoying airhead from my school, can’t stand her snobby attitude and it sucked she lived next door. At the moment though, I started wishing even she was here with me.


    Oh god. I pulled the covers over my head and tried to ignore the sound. It has to be my imagination. Yep, just imagining it.

    I shouldn’t have read so many creepypasta stories before falling asleep. Creepy stories from the site always give me nightmares.

    An hour passed.

    No more thumping. Good, starting to feel sleepy again. As I start to doze off, I hear the whisper.

    “I have come for you…..”

    My eyes shot open.

    “I will feast on your soft flesh…”

    I started to cry, that voice was real. There was something in the room with me.

    “I will enjoy the sounds of your screams while I slowly peel off your skin…”

    I didn’t want to look, but I felt like I had too.

    My eyes tried to locate the smooth deep voice, the voice that was threatening horrid things.

    I quickly spotted it.

    He was at the foot of my bed. Even in the darkness, I could see how tall he was. And very pale. His large black eyes glared down at me with such intense hatred. Why was he angry at me? I don’t understand, but did I even want to?

    “Tonight, Ashley, you will die…” He whispered angrily.

    I was about to scream, but then I realized something….did he just say Ashley?!

    “I…I’m not Ashley!” I managed to shout at the pale man.

    “…..You’re not?” Asked the pale man, with a puzzled expression.

    “Um, no. My name’s Erika, Ashley lives in the house next door.” I explained nervously.

    The pale man stared at me for a moment, and then he pulled out a piece of paper from a pocket and studied it. With a look of annoyance, he stuffed the paper back in his pocket and smiled at me. Oh god, his smile. His mouth was too wide, and his teeth were sharp. Maybe even razor sharp.

    “My deepest apologies. I was given the wrong information. Sorry to have disturbed your rest.” He said politely, and then I watched stunned, as he crawled out my bedroom window.

    “Oh!” He popped his head back inside and grinned at me with that large scary grin. “I know this is rather strange, coming from me, but…would you like to maybe…catch a movie one of these days…or dinner perhaps?”

    “…..I’m kind of already seeing someone…” I said.

    “Oh, pity. Well have a good night!” He said as his head pocked back out.

    I stood frozen for a bit. I couldn’t believe what just happened. Nobody would believe me!

    Well it was gone now, whatever the hell he was. I finally breathed a sigh of relief, I was brave enough to finally move and went to close my window and lock it securely.

    As I settled in to sleep, I realized something.

    It was going to get airhead Ashley!

    I was about to dart out of bed, but stopped.
    Eh, she was pretty nasty to everybody. Not like she was somebody I cared for too.

    Oh well, I thought, as I snuggled back into my warm blankets and went back to sleep.

  • Sometimes we wonder if anything can go your way. well in this story, 2 girls learn their lesson on getting their way. Hope you like it SFK!!!

    ” Hey jenny! What’s up?” said Bobbi. ” The sky!” said jenny. “Lol” Bobbi said dryly. It was a cool and clear October morning. They were heading to Clear Lake High. Jenny and Bobbi were, like, best buddy’s. They always sat together at lunch and never fought. Today was the first day back from break. The walked in and had no idea what horrible things were going to happen.

    ” Bobbi! wait up” jenny yelled. It was already lunchtime and Jenny was having a bad morning. She fluncked 2 tests and got detention. “BOBBI!!!” Jenny yelled. at lunch Bobbi explained why she was so mad. ” I was sitting down and Mr. ronald HAD to go embaress me in front of like, EVERYONE!!!! And then I got detention for # days! 3 DAYS!!!! And then I, like, FAILED 3 TESTS!!!” Bobbi yelled. ” I wish things would just go our way!” Bobbi thought.

    That night bobbi went to go take a shower. As she was showering, she herd a girls voice saying “I’m in the neiborhood!” She fell asleep at 9:00pm. At 12:00 she herd the same girly voice saying ” I’m at your house!!”
    The next morning, she told jenny about the voice. ” Wow! Mabey you should call the police.” Jenny said. At lunch, Bobbi was mad again!!! ” I just want to DIE!!” Bobbi screamed. That night Bobbi fell asleep again by 10:00. At 12:00 she heard the girls voice cry out ” I’m inside the house!! In the morning, Bobbi’s parents told Bobbi that they weren’t going to home till late.
    The day zoomed on by. That nigh as she was lying in bed, reading, she heard the girl’s voice saying ” Picaboo! I see you and you see me. So bye Bobbi!” Bobbi put up a big fight with the little girl. The girl pinned Bobbi down, ready to kill. ” why? Why do you want to kill me???!??!!?” Bobbi screamed. ” Because you didn’t listen to my warning about getting your way!!!” the little girl screamed. Then Bobbi remembered. Before school started, she got a text saying ” If things go wrong, stick with it. Because if you get your way, you will regret it like I did when I was alive!” Bobbi thought it was a joke, a prank. The last thing Bobbi heard before she was dead was ” I told you so!”

    Bobbi’s parents came home to see the house a mess. They ran upstairs to a horrible scene. Beside Bobbi was a note that said ” I WARNED HER!!!!”

    The End.

    (I hope SFK puts it on the website. I also hope you enjoy!!! <3)

  • The Girl in the Attic
    Once there was a girl named Ana. Ana lived in a huge house, with the finest furniture. She was just 7.
    All the rooms were very pretty and finely decorated-Except the Attic, the attic door to the attic was rarely opened, and it had a hole, a huge one.
    One night, Ana was getting ready for bed. She went to the hallway.
    One the was to her bedroom, she saw a girl in the hole.
    “Help! I’m stuck! here’s the key! Unlock me!” she said.
    “Who are you?” Ana said.
    “I’m Isabella, and I live here.”
    “How come I have never seen you before, Isabella? Ana whispered.
    “Questions later, just unlock me.”
    Ana unlocked the door. She was scared to death.
    No one was there.
    “Mommy!” Ana said.
    “What is it darling?” the mother replied.
    “There was a girl here!” Ana screamed.
    “What?” The mother came upstairs.
    “Ana, there is only you, me, and daddy. There is no girl here.”
    “But mommy, She talked to me, She said she was Isabella!”
    The mother was horrified. She called her husband, and told him everything.
    “Ana, we didn’t want you to tell this till you were old enough to handle it but…. you have another sister, her name is Isabella, she died here, before you were even born.”

  • not my but friend’s story heheheheheheheh !—she Moaned this happened on November 2nd 2011. I had been displaced by a fire at my apartment complex, so I was given temporary housing at another complex until repairs were completed. The apartment was small, dark, and run-down, but it was my only option at the time.

    From the moment I arrived there, I felt as if I was being watched. I looked in the kitchen and I could sense a presence, but I shrugged it off. I was stressed from the fire, and I only had the bare necessities with me. I figured that was why I felt that way.

    At first, everything was ok, except for that unnerving feeling of being watched. My cats hung out in the hallway just outside the bedroom, which was where I was hanging out while I was there. I thought they were just wigging out from being in an unfamiliar place.

    After about a month, I started hearing noises in the kitchen at night after I went to bed. It sounded like cups being set down on the counter, and like the cabinet doors were being opened and closed. I ignored it.

    Then, about 3 months in, it started getting really active. One day, I was going from the bedroom to the bathroom (it was about 25 feet between the two), there were 3 knocks that followed me there. They were right behind me as I walked. The last one happened just as I sat down on the toilet. It scared the crap out of me, which was convenient considering where I was sitting. I was afraid to come out of there. Just for the record, there was no one living in the apartment next door, and the knocks came from MY side of the wall. I was on edge the rest of the day, and I slept with the blanket over my head after that.

    So, it was the day after Halloween (November 1st) when I told my best friend about the noises. I was done trying to explain it away, and I was getting scared. She said to just calm down, and it was ok. Whatever.

    That night, thing went crazy. It was as if the ghost or whatever was listening to me talk about all the stuff happening, and was putting on a show for me! First, there were the cabinet doors banging. Then, the toilet tank cover was smashed around in the bathroom. By now, I am under the blanket shaking. I peeked out and saw my cat sitting there staring into the hallway. Then, I heard a female moan. It was kind of breathless sounding. At the same time, I saw in my mind’s eye (I don’t know how else to explain it) I saw a needle, rubber tubing, and a spoon – works for shooting up. Then, the image of a young girl (young to me!), about 25, pressing herself against the hallway wall. This all happened in a split second.

    I snaked my hand out and got my cell phone, and called my best friend. THE CALL WOULD NOT GO THROUGH! There was just crazy static. She tried to call me back, but again all I heard was that same static. Just as I was getting ready to say “Leave me alone!”, she called back again. By now, I was in a panic. I was whispering “There’s a ghost in here!” She got me to turn on the tv and lights. Then, she instructed me to get the candle from Halloween (my pumpkin candle), and tell her to go to the light of God. Well, I told her to go there, that there was no more sadness, no more loneliness. As soon as I said the word ‘loneliness’, I felt a fluttering in my stomach. I knew she was gone. It was unreal.

    My bestie then told me I might need to do it again if the noises continue. Which they did. I heard a couple of little noises the next night, and I left my camera running to capture it. I won’t go into that, but I was able to catch some stuff – noises. Anyway, I did the candle thing again, and after that I never felt anything else. It worked.

    When I turned in my key to go back home, I asked the girl in the office if there had been a death in that apartment. She didn’t want to tell me at first. Then, she said yes a young girl had died of an overdose and they had to kick the door in to get to her. The door was repaired, but she was still there, or until I helped her. At least I hope I did.

  • This is based on a true story, but just in my own summary. I wasnt the victim.

    One day I was just watching tv in my house and I got a weird message.

    Message: I c u

    No one was outside because it was a cold day. And btw my shades were drawn.

    Me: who is this
    Message: just a friend, someone who watches ur every move, ur guardian angle.
    Me: ur no friend of mine, u cant even spell angel.
    Message: doesn’t matter. Having fun watching tv?

    How did that stranger know I was watching tv? So I checked the whole house and windows. And I found out that I was the only in the house.

    Me: if u don’t tell me who u r…… I’m calling 911
    Message: Good luck with that. I’m standing next 2 u, nobody will find u.

    Stupidly, I turned around and of course no one was there. So I grabbed the home phone and dialed the number of the person who was texting me. I was freaked out because the home phone said “sorry this number is out of service”. Maybe the person has no minutes or just a sick prank. But there has to be a logical explanation for this strange text.

    Message: I love ur new blond hair.

    I got my blond hair on my 28th birthday, I didn’t even update my profile picture on Facebook. Right now I was pretty scared and about to break into tears. So I dialed 911 and the operator tried to calm me down. Then he/she told me that they r going to call an investigator. Later I got a message.

    Message: y did u have to do that?
    Me: do what?
    Message: u know way u did
    Me: no I’m sorry but I don’t know what this is referenced to.
    Message: nobody’s going to help u. Nobody is going to believed u.
    Me: Why wouldn’t they?
    Message: I cannot be found, u will only disappoint yourself, like u always do.
    Now he was getting more personal and upsetting me more
    Me: who r u, u physco stalker!!!!!!!!
    Message: aww that wasn’t nice to say
    Me: WHO ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Message: I will see u some day

    Knock, knock, knock!!!!!!!!!!

    I jumped high! But it was actually the investigator sent by the operator. I told him about the strange text. He told me to turn my phone off while they figured out who was sending the texts to me. The investager checked my house but no one was in my house. A few months later I haven’t go any strange texts. Maybe the paranormal things can text with a phone to scare u.

    This is based on a TRUE story. Please no bad comments. Okay i got 2 things to say: 1 I always wanted to have an adventure in my life. 2 MegIZ has one of the best stories i’ve ever read, MegIZ IS NOT AN annoying writer. I hope one of ur stories can be posted! (No offense to other writers) If u liked any of my stories, email me at

    Dear scaryforkids, I thank u sooooo much. If ur website wasnt here would have been reading scary books, but most books aren’t scary. Plz email me or write back to me if u like any of my stories. Or to fix my stories. Reading is my favorite subject and now I can read online!!! PLZ email me!!!!!!!!!!! :) Thx!!! Sincerely. The stories i wrote were: The message, Strangers in the house, and Mommy. Please let them be posted on I LOVE THIS SITE. Thank u for making this site!!!

  • Hi SFK! Here’s my story. Hope y’all like. :) – 3 Broken Hearts ♥♥♥
    Trever Jones was a sweet good looking guy seeking a girlfriend.
    One night at a nightclub, he met a beautiful woman named Felisha Anderson Little did he know Felisha had the gift to see the future. Soon the two of em’ marrie. Felisha constantly had visions of the two of them happily living their lives with each other. Until one day she had a vision about Trever meeting another woman and falling deeply in love with that woman. Soon that vision came alive.
    Felisha soon found out the woman’s name was Emma Dwight. Dying of jealousy she told herself she had to do something to prevent it. One night while Trever was walking home from Emma’s house, Felisha jumped out of the bushes and quickly pinned Trever down. Trever said,” Honey what’s wrong?” “Don’t you honey me!!’ Felisha snapped. She took out a knife from her back pocket and slashed Trever’s chest open,ripped his heart out,and cut it in half. Immidietly she cut Trever’s heart in half and placed it Trever’s parents’ doorstep next to a note that said ” He broke my heart so I broke his” Love, Anonymous. She did the same thing to Emma. After that Felisha burst out laughing as she transformed into her real self, a hideous,disgusting,gross wich. Then she decided she was having too much fun and cut in half Mr.Jones’ heart. After that she gathered all the hearts,put them in a circle,and ate them.

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