Scary For Kids


  • There was once a young girl of the age 8. Her name was Raven. She was wandering the streets with her older brother, Nick and sister, Rose and little sister, Sarah. They were passing a shop when Raven squealed “Oh my!” she said. “What a beautiful dolly!”, she continued while pointing a little doll, who was holding up 6 fingers. 5 on her right hand and 1 on her left. Nick looked at it and walked into the shop. After a few minutes he came out with a bag and said “Lets go home”

    When they got home their mother was making lunch and their father was in the lounge-room reading a book. Nick told Raven to go sit on the chair in the lounge-room, which she did. Sarah and Rose followed. “What are you doing, Nick?” the mother asked. “Oh, just giving Raven a present” he replied. The mother walked in and watched to see what it was. Nick then put his hand in the bag and pulled out a little doll, the one Raven wanted so much. Raven thanked Nick a thousand times then ran up to her bedroom.

    “That was so nice of you Nick, but why is the doll holding up 6 fingers?” The dad asked. “I don’t know, guess it’s just the design right?” He turned to Rose and she shrugged, “I guess….” Sarah ran to Raven’s room and asked if they could play dollies together. “That would be lovely Sarah” said Raven and hugged her little 6 year old sister. They began playing, Sarah with her dolls and Raven with her dolls but she favoured one..Her new one. The one she called Lucy, ‘Little Lucy’.

    After a few weeks Raven got bored of her doll, it was just like any other doll now. It sat on her shelf and she barely touched it. To Nick, this was ok. He was only glad that it gave her so much joy before. In his mind, the doll was now a lovely memory of him. But that was not what Little Lucy was thinking.

    One night Raven had a nightmare of Little Lucy coming to life and cutting her up. Lucy tore off her head and removed all the hair, making Raven’s hair her own. Lucy then tore out her eyes and put them in the little holes where Lucy’s eyes should have been. Lucy then cut little bits from her clothes and made them so she could wear them. Lucy grew bigger and bigger, while Raven grew smaller and smaller. Lucy was now Raven. And Raven…was Lucy.

    Raven woke up crying. Her mother and father ran inside her room. Rose following and Nick calmed down Sarah, who was crying about her sister crying. The mother asked Raven what was wrong and Raven told them. The parents were horrified when their daughter and told them such things, and in detail as well. Rose was shocked, “I think it would be best if I stay with Raven for the rest of the night, mother”
    “Well…Okay I guess it will be fine and tomorrow we will take her to a therapist”
    “Okay, goodnight mother and father. Goodnight little Sarah” Rose said, Nick stared at her. “Oh right, Night Nick” She said while laughing. He rolled his eyes and walked out, saying goodnight. Sarah was taken to bed by her mother and everyone soon fell back asleep, everyone but Rose.

    Rose was strangely scared by the doll. She never felt like this is Raven’s room. She always felt happy. She’s slept in Raven’s room before when they had guests over. She didn’t feel like this last time. It was something about how Lucy’s glassy eyes stared at her. How her fingers looked like they were twitching in the dark. Something about the doll did not seem normal.

    Rose ran out of the room as soon as it was morning, she carried Raven along with her. They both stayed on the couch till their parents woke up. “What…What’s going on?” asked the mother as she walked out of the hallway, startling Rose as she did not see her walk out of her room. “We, uh, we decided to sit out here for a while but Raven fell asleep” Rose told her. “Oh well, go get dressed we’re going to leave soon” her mother said then walked into the kitchen. Rose walked off into her room and got dressed. Then she took Raven into her room and picked out a pretty dress for her to wear then helped her get into it. She then brushed Raven’s hair and her own and walked out. The family had breakfast then left.

    By the time they got back it was at least 7pm. They had dinner and got ready for bed. By now it was 9. Raven was playing with Lucy and talking to her like she was real. “So how are you Lucy? Oh that’s good. Hm, he’s not nice. Oh really?” She was talking to herself. Her mother walked over to her and shook her head. “Remember what Mr. Jackson said? Give up the dolls.” She took Lucy and all the other dolls away and locked them in the basement. “Come on everyone, bedtime” they all got up and went to bed.

    That night the mother couldn’t sleep so she decided to get up and get a drink. As she was walking to the stairs she slipped on something. But what? It was a doll. She looked at it. Lucy. But how did she get out? She picked up Lucy and put her back in the basement. She then proceeded to go into the kitchen. She was pouring some cold water into a glass when something struck her eye. She turned around and stared in horror.

    There sitting on the table was Lucy. The mother tried to scream but she couldn’t, she was absolutely frozen in fear. She couldn’t move because in Lucy’s left hand, was a knife. “Don’t you dare…ever put me in that retched basement again” And with that, Lucy jumped up and slit the mothers neck. She then slowly sliced from her neck down her arms, down her sides and finished by dragging the knife down each leg. She peeled off the skin and slowly took out every vein. She cut out the heart and cut it into pieces. She then cut off the mothers head and put it in the oven. She just left the body as it was to heavy for her to carry. She walked downstairs into the basement, as much as she hated it, and sat down.

    The father woke up in the morning about 10 am. “Hmm, what’s that smell?” he asked himself and looked at the side for his wife. She wasn’t there. He assumed she was in the kitchen making breakfast. He got up and took a shower then got dressed and walked outside like usual. He opened the door, got the paper and put it on the table. He suddenly felt weird. Like something wasn’t right. He opened the kitchen door and there it was. Surrounded by blood was his wife, his headless wife. And that’s when he saw the smoke.

    He reluctantly opened the oven door just to see his wife’s head being cooked. He gaped in horror and screamed. Nick came running down. When he saw it he just stood there. Not knowing what to do. The father pushed him out of the room, not wanting his son to see the horror of it all. Nick called the police and within an hour they arrived. Rose was distressed. She couldn’t stop crying. Sarah and Raven didn’t know what was wrong as they weren’t even allowed downstairs in case the slight opening of a door and the peek inside were to occur.

    The police took the mothers body and within 4 hours of them being there, they left. The family were to remain as they always were. Though everyone knows, when someone you love dies no one can ever be the same. The father sat down with his youngest daughters. “Look…I uh…Your, no…Um….Mummy…went on a holiday. She won’t be coming back for a while” He explained. The two daughters were confused. Then Raven said the thing…the thing that scared the father ever so slightly.

    “Little Lucy killed mummy. Mummy didn’t like Lucy…Lucy didn’t like that.” Raven whispered. The father was horrified his daughter would say such things. “Look, if you want proof that Lucy didn’t do it come with me. No one has been into the basement and nothing has come out.” He opened the many locks on the basement door and began walking down slowly. He found the doll. “Look, Look!” Raven chanted. She pointed to the dolls fingers. It only held up 5.

    The father threw the doll down. “Nonsense! It was not the doll now go upstairs!” He shouted. He followed Raven upstairs and locked the door. He made some cereal for them then walked outside.
    “It wasn’t the doll” He kept telling himself this.

    That night as he slept he heard something. He walked out into the lounge-room and picked up a recorder. He played it. It was his wife.

    “There’s something weird going on. I can’t sleep at all and I’m going to get a drink but the weird thing is….I found Lucy on the stairs, well not found I tripped over her! How did she get out of the- wait what was that? Do you hear it?! If anyone finds this message and I’m dead…I think the person who is going to kill me is -”

    It cut out. Then from the recorder a scream. The father took it upstairs and replayed the message while recording it to his laptop. He then edited the sound so it was clear. He then removed his wife’s voice and played it. He was horrified. It said in the background…

    “Little Lucy’s in the basement….
    Little Lucy’s climbing the stairs.
    Little Lucy’s coming to get you.
    Little Lucy’s number is 6.
    Little Lucy says…”

    A pause then in the most horrific, demonic voice ever…


    The husband stared at the laptop. He just didn’t know how to respond. Until he heard it.

    “Little Lucy’s in the basement…
    Little Lucy’s climbing the stairs..
    Little Lucy’s coming to get you..
    Little Lucy’s in the hallway…
    Little Lucy’s at your door…
    Little Lucy’s number is 5…


    The father tried to run but was frozen in spot when the door creaked open. And there at the bottom of the door was Little Lucy…and all her rage. He jumped off his bed and yelled “Get out of my room!” to the little doll. She took no notice. She jumped up and struck his head with a little axe. He screamed in pain. She got a little knife and stabbed him..twice in the arms. Once in each leg and five times in the heart. She tied his wrists down and his ankles and dug her knife in his chest and dragged it down. He screamed and screamed but it wasn’t loud enough. She slit his throat and walked out. She walked into the basement and sat on a box. She now held up 4 fingers.

    The next morning the kids got up. They looked around for their daddy. Rose found him. She screamed and broke down crying. Nick rung up the police and they took the body to a morgue and examined it for any clues or who or what did this.

    Rose…Nick…Raven…and Sarah…no parents…just them. Nick was old enough to take care of everyone. But they couldn’t take care of their hearts. They lost both parents and deep, deep in their minds….they knew someone was next.
    Raven went to the basement and got a few dolls…and teddies…and other toys like unicorns and horses, cats, dogs you name it she had it. She was playing with them…but never once touched Lucy. This…it angered Lucy….but no..she wasn’t going to murder Raven…yet..she was last…Lucy was thrown back into the basement by Nick and Rose. Rose couldn’t and wouldn’t stop crying. Rose asked Nick if he could sleep in her room to protect her from anything that might come in to hurt her. He agreed and got his stuff.

    The kids went to bed. Nick and Rose in one room. And in another was Raven and Sarah. Little Lucy came upstairs. Rose woke to stuff being knocked over. She woke Nick. “Did….did you hear that?” she asked. He listened. A thud. Shuffling of little feet. Ca-reeeeeek of the basement door. More shuffling. Humming. No…singing.

    “Little Lucy’s coming for you.
    Little Lucy’s coming for two.
    Little Lucy’s in the hallway.
    Little Lucy’s at a door.
    Little Lucy murders two more.

    The door came smashing open. Rose almost fainted when the doll walked in with a little chainsaw. Nick got up but his foot got cut with the chainsaw. “Uh uh uhhhh” she hummed and began chopping Nick up. She turned to Rose. Rose went pale. “No…no please…no no no not me! Please I’ll….I’ll do anything!!!” she pleaded and pleaded. “Hmmmm….let’s see…uhh..NO!” Lucy laughed and struck Rose with the chainsaw. It hit her arm. She dragged Rose next to Nick. “I’m gonna make salad out of both of you!” she screamed and hacked them into little, tiny bits. She threw those bits away so no one would call the police, and the police wouldn’t take the girls away. She went to the basement. “Actually…I have work to do” with that she went into Raven’s room.

    She held a pocket knife in her little hand that held up two fingers. She grabbed and doll and ripped it, shredded it, did everything she could do to it. Then did it to the rest. Till there was no more…little dolls, teddies, unicorns or any stuffed toy…left for Raven and Sarah to play with…she locked every door, window and blocked every way to escape. Then hid the keys.

    In the morning Raven and Sarah got up and tried to get out of their room. But they couldn’t. They both got worried…but then the door open…Raven ran out and it shut and locked. “Raven open the door….Raven? RAVEN HELP ME!!” screams from Sarah came from inside. Raven struggled to get the door open. She pulled, tugged and yelled and screamed at it but nothing would work…Then…it just opened up.

    She walked inside and fell to her knees crying. He sister had been mangled, not completely but her arms were torn off and her legs were torn off, her stomach was slashed at and her throat sliced so many times..and the blood…oh so much blood. Raven ran right out of the room and hid in the spare room. She didn’t come out. She just hid, hoping that Lucy wouldn’t come after her. She finally went to sleep and woke up. Nothing…nothing had happened to her…what a relief.

    She slowly walked out of the room and saw Lucy sitting at the end of the hallway. She gasped. She was holding one finger up. Raven ran to Lucy and picked her up. She picked up a stone that she once found outside. It was a shiny stone that she loved so much. She threw it to a window and it smashed. She got a chair and put it to the window then another chair and positioned it outside and she jumped out the window and landed on the chair. She ran all the way down to the cemetery and threw the doll in an open grave. “Little Lucy, your were my friend! But you killed my family! I hate you!!!” Raven ran to her home and into the spare room and hid again. She knew it was the last she had seen of this doll..she didn’t want to leave the house because whenever the family in movies went missing after the evil mastermind was destroyed they would come back. Raven hoped with all her heart this would happen…

    She fell asleep and dreamt of her family…but was awoken to this little rhyme…

    “Raven..raven…little birdy…listen to me now….

    I’m in the graveyard
    I’m coming out of the grave
    I’m walking the streets.
    I’m at your house.
    I’m in your non-living room
    I’m climbing up the stairs.
    I’m outside the bedroom.
    I’m coming inside now….”

    Silence….Raven sighed, “It was all just a dream” she mumbled. Then the door swung open. Lucy was now angry. She spoke in the most demonic voice ever… “LAST…ONE…DIES!!!” Lucy struck Raven with her hands. She basically demolished Raven with every weapon she had cause when the police came they only found blood and dust of the bones laying around with organs. Little Lucy sat in the blood with no hands up. The police stared at the doll and walked out.

    During the night the doll walked back to the store it was sold at. “Ah my little doll, another family gone” said the shopkeeper, placing Lucy back on the stands in the window. The next day and family was walking past. Lucy quickly held up 3 fingers. The little girl stared. “Mummy, mummy look! That doll is so cute and it has 3 fingers up! That’s how many people there is in our family”

  • Mom? Is that you?

    Eve was a 18 year old girl. She was very smart and wise. One day, Eve’s mom was leaving to dinner with a man she met. Before Eve’s mom left, she said “do not open the door to anyone. Not even me. I’ll be back at 11, my little angel ” Eve obeyed the orders. So Eve locked all doors and windows. At 11, Eve went to sleep because she knew her mom had the keys to the house. When Eve fell asleep she had a dream of her mom’s head being cut off. Then Eve Immediatly woke up because of her phone ringing. But it was 1am.

    Eve: Mom??
    Unknown: Hi daughter open the door for you mommy.
    Eve: Why is your voice low?
    Unknown: I don’t want to wake up the neighbors. Now open the door.
    Eve: But you said to not open the door even for you. Don’t u have a key??
    Unknown: Oh no. I forgot my key inside the knife cabinet.

    Eve went to check. No key.

    Eve: there isn’t a single key in there!!
    Unknown: Oh my. I have a bad memory. Open the door my little princess.
    Eve: You never called me a princess, I was your angel. Mom never forgets her keys or my true name. What’s my name, if your my real mom???
    Unknown: Uhhhhh…… I forgot??
    Eve: I’m hanging up you freakin stranger


    It was morning by the time she woke up. Then she decided to call 911 before she left the house. The police came and investagated the crime, Eve came outside with the police. A murder killed Eve’s mom and pretended to be the mom. The police also found the head of Eve’s mom, a note was attached to her for head saying: I’ll get you, once you leave the house. Then Eve saw that all the police men were killed, right then Even felt a knife behind her back. The murder said “Told ya”

  • You’ll see……

    August 1st
    One day Kim Simp (yes Simp is a silly last name) was texting on her phone, Lily, Kim’s little sister came in.
    Lily: Hi Kim, do you want to play with me?
    Kim: No. I’m way too old to play with little babies like you
    Lily: Please!
    Kim: No! Get your own friends to play with.
    Lily: Fine! I will!!! * walks out the door*

    August 2nd
    Kim was just talking on the phone until Lily just burst in
    Lily: Kim, Kim!!!!! I found a new friend
    Kim: Cool. What’s her name? *angry for being interrupted*
    Lily: You’ll see! *happy and leaves*
    Kim is just confused and continues talking on the phone.

    August 3rd
    Kim was playing on her IPod until Lily burst in.
    Lily: I’m so excited Kim!!! My friend is coming in 2 days!
    Kim: Whats her name?!!!!
    Lily: its a surprise. She says that she is excited to see what’s really inside you. Like your heart and your blood! *happy* You’ll see how she looks like.

    August 4th
    Kim was now creeped out, she was thinking about what Lily had said. Lily now came in.
    Lily: Kim. Kim. My friend that were going to play surgery! I’m so excited. She says that she is going to have a real dead body from our house! I guess there is a dead body in the basement or something. Can’t wait!!!! *excited*
    Kim: What is her name?
    Lily: Fine. I’ll tell you….. She told me to call her Death. Pretty funny isnt it?? *happy and leaves*
    Kim decided to go tell her mom about what Lily said.
    Kim: Mom, Lily said that her friend is going to play surgery and her name is Death.
    Mom: Lily is just joking!! Besides Lily has never ever heard what Death mean. So take it as a joke Kim
    Kim: yeah, your right!!! Just a small joke! Hahahah

    August 5th
    Kim’s mom left to work
    Lily: Kim, Death is coming!!
    Lily: She’s here!!!!! *happy*
    Kim decides to answer it. She knows it’s just a little prank “Death” and Lily have planed.
    Kim: Yes???
    Death: I’m here to see Lily.
    Death was a tall person in a hood with boney finger.
    Kim: Nice costume “Death”. Hahahaha
    Lily: Hi Death your finally here!!!!!!!
    Death: Let’s get started! Kim can you show the basement to me. So that we can find the dead body.
    Kim: okay, follow me
    Death and Kim went to the basement. When Kim was in the basement with Death, she was confused about something.
    Kim: Love that costume! But how did you know there was a dead body here???
    Death: There is no dead body. You are the dead body.
    Kim: wait….. what???
    Immediatly the lights turned off. Kim a sharp pain all over the body. Then her heart stopped. She was killed.
    Death: Lily I’m coming up with the body.
    Death was going to see Lily in her room
    Lily: Thanks. I love that outfit your wearing. Where’s Kim???
    Death: She’s playing hiding from us. Now shhh shhh. Let’s get started.
    Lily: But who’s the dead person???
    Death: Lily, I’ve come here to play surgery *smiles*. You’ll see who body it is.

    So Lily and Death took out the heart and guts of Kim (which Lily didn’t know off) But when Lily’s mom got home, she went up to Lily’s room.

    Death: Oh why hello Ms. Simp , Lily and Kim are hiding.
    Ms. Simp: Why are there 2 bodies on the floor.
    Death: Lily wanted to play surgery. So I got 2 bodies from the basement.
    Ms. Simp: Where is Lily and Kim
    Death: You’ll see……. Once you go to heaven…….
    Then there was a sharp pain in Ms. Simp’s back. Then her heart stopped

  • im srry i was typing really faast but im going to re write me story cuz i made alot of mistakes

  • :email from a stranger:
    as soon as amy got home she plopped down in her favorite chair in her bedroom she grabbed her backpack and got out her laptop and started checking her email when she came across a weird message there was a photo it was kinda blurry but it made her unneasy she looked but it was just a photo she tried to tell herself so she tried to ignore she had forgotten completly about it until an hour later she got another email thinking it was her freind she quickly awnsered it only to see it was just another weird photo it was also blurry but she could slightly see a figure in the photo it looked like a person she was frightened all over again she shut her laptop and went downstairs to watch tv to take her mind off of things after a couple of shows she slowly fell asleep when she woke up it was eleven oclock so she got up walked up to her room and changed into some of her pajamas and fell asleep on her cozy bed when she heard her cell phone so she unwantingly got out of bed and checked her phone she got a message from an unknown number the message said check your email so she got up and checked her email three new messages when she opeaned the first message it was a dark in the photo but she could make out something orange so she quickly opeaned the next message with curiosity she saw something orange with blue neon stripes she quickly fille with fear she looked down at what she was wearing she was wearing her favorite orange pajamas with blue neon stripes she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end she checked the last message it was her checking her email then she got a text message it said turn around so she turned around and before she could scream her neck got sliced opean with a switch blade then brother woke up that morning he saw his computer was on so he got up and checked his laptop he got an email but it was too blury to see

  • There once was a house a very small wooden house and in the house was a mother a father a young boy and girl. The girl was very good polite and well behaved were as the boy… the complete opposite. The family were very poor but had 1 treasure to sell if it was a matter of life or death. The object was a huge golden harp hidden under a brown sheet. One day the mother and father went out to try and find jobs and the children were told NOT to touch the harp. They both nodded and the mother and father left. As soon as they did the girl began to play with one of her only dolls were as her brother admired the harp. He stood up and his younger sister watched him. “dont touch it” said the girl “shut up!” demanded the boy. The girl began to cry and curl up into a ball. The boy played a note on the harp and the beatuful sound made him happy inside until… he heard a bloodcurldling scream. He looked back and saw blood coming out of his sisters stomach. When his pearents came back they carried the body into the garden and buried it then they cut off the string that the boy played and buried it with her. The next day the father needed to go the market and left the boy and his mother at home. The boy looked at the harp again and his mother gave him an evil glare. “dont you dare touch that young boy!” demanded the mother “ill do what I want” exclaimed the boy. He played a note and his mother stared then the boy said “see nothing happened!” he turned back to look at the harp and saw an evil face peek out between the strings before vanishing. He suddenly felt a hand on his back he looked round to see his mother gasping for breath hand on her throat. It had been slit. He tried to help but she died. Later on when his father returned they peformed the same ritual. The next day the boy and father sat in. The boy didnt want to pluk a string but as he brused past it he did… he knew what would happen and when he looked around he saw his father hang from a rope around his neck. He got the father down and buried him with the string. Once again he plucked a string then an evil face appeared. “any last wishes son?” said the person. “bury me next to my family. and throw the hole harp on top of my body”. “granted replied the person”. The boy was murdered and his last wishes were granted. If you ever find that house and pluck a note on the harp a family member will die…

  • I just wrote this a few minutes ago its called:
    Marissa’s Address.

    There was a young girl, about the age of 15, and she was babysitting some young kids for the night to make some extra money. She was babysitting a 5, 7, and 10 year old girl. They had to get up early for church the next morning, so they had to go to bed at 8:30.
    The 15 year old, called Jade, put the kids to bed and went to watch her favorite TV show.
    A few minutes later her phone buzzed. She had a text from an unknown number saying “Why are you babysitting when you could be at a party? It’s Saturday night!”
    Jade read the text and replied, “Who are you?”
    She got an answer saying “That doesn’t matter. Tell me all about your self.
    Jade figured this “unknown number” was actually her best friend, Marissa. To fool and confuse Marissa, she decided to tell the “unknown number” all about Marissa instead of herself. See Marissa was always pulling pranks like this and Jade thought it would be funny to confuse her.
    “I’ll tell you all about myself!” she texted back. “My name is Marissa, I’m sixteen, my hair’s brown and curly and goes down to my shoulders.”
    The anonymous texter replied “Maybe we could hang out some time. What’s your address?”
    Jade replied back with Marissa’s address, which was, “5012 Sycamore Street New York, New York.”
    Just then the parents of the kids she had been watching got home. Jade got her check for 50 bucks, went home and went to bed.

    The next morning, Jade went downstairs to find her parents sitting in the kitchen reading the paper and looking worried. Jade decided to ignore it and said, “I made 50 bucks last night.”
    “Honey, have something to tell you.” her mom said. “Sit down.” Jade sat down and her mom said, “Honey, we just read the paper and it says that some serial killer somehow got Marissa’s information and broke into her house. Jade, Marissa was killed last night. They’re still trying to figure out to gave the psycho who killed her the info or how he got it. I’m so sorry honey.”
    With that Jade’s mom gave her a hug and both of her parents left the kitchen.
    Jade realized the anonymous texter hadn’t been Marissa. It was a real creeper and she had just gotten her best friend in the world killed.

  • I have a great story
    The twisted boy
    Way back there was a sheperd.He was young about eighteen.One day he was looking at one of his sheep when some thing pushed him.The boy didn’t get hurt but got worried.He should have known that he was standing on an ancient burial ground.The next day while he was watching his sheep something hit him.He fell down.Something got hold of him and started killing him.The next day when his body was found his head was twisted.His arms and leg badly injured and his body twisted.Now if someone goes there and says “twist me” three times they will have the same fate.

  • hey, i sort of have a story.
    1st-3rd grade i lived in this really old lookin house and i always had weird things happen to me. i think the most active part of that house was my room.(sucks right) i had a friend over and we were just talkin when out of the blue there was a loud SHHH. later we asked my mom if she ever went up stairs(where we were, which was my room) and she said no. we asked if everyone else did and again “no.”
    one time i was playin on the stairs(so again close to my room) when i looked up and saw a man dressed in all black and WITHOUT A HEAD walk into my room! and after i got my courage i went in my room and it was empty.
    i had the toy known as ferbies(don’t know if that is spelled right) and i was playing with it when out of nowhere it said “monsters” in a deep voice and that scared me to death and i ran out of the room. it took me awhile to go back to get it.
    i had a glass doll in my room up against the wall. one day as i left for school i looked at it and it was facing off to the right and when i came back home it was looking left(where my door was)i asked my mom if she or anyone else went into my room and she told me no, and plus everyone was gone all day.
    i hope you enjoyed my story and if you’d like to hear more just say so in the comments. THANKS

  • So, we moved into this house in Bartlett, Tennessee about five years ago, and the one area of the house that has always bothered me is the hallway on the north end of the house that leads to the guest bedroom, my bathroom, my mom’s room, and ends in the stairs that go up to my room. Whenever I go up the stairs it’s always felt like I’m being watched, and it’s more than a little creepy.

    One night, at about 2 in the morning, I’d gone downstairs on one of my frequent fueled trips to the kitchen, and, finding nothing good to eat, I was going back up the stairs to my room. As usual, I had the unpleasant sensation of being watched, but it had been three years since we moved in and I was getting to the point where I could ignore it, so I didn’t think too much of it.

    As I opened the door to my room, I glanced behind me, back down the stairs, and saw a large black shape resembling a dog in the doorway that led to the kitchen. It was a little bigger than a German Shepard, with pale yellow eyes and pointed ears, and was crouched in the doorway, looking up the stairs at me.

    Panicking, I ran into my room and locked the door behind me. I went and sat on the floor next to my couch, which is in the farthest corner of my room. Once I’d calmed down a bit, I noticed that my two pet rats, who’s cage was next to where I was sitting, were cowering in their little house instead of climbing the bars to sniff at me as was their usual form of greeting.

    Nothing else happened that night, but I still get the feeling of being watched in the hallway, and I’ve been terrified of the hallway ever since. Shortly after the experience, the younger of my two rats developed blood-filled tumors and died, the older one following soon after, though neither of them was very old and both had been healthy until that point. I now have a cat who lives in my room, and she sometimes seems to watch something travel across the room at night, or jumps and runs across the room as if something has scared her, and these things always happen at the end of the room where the door to the hallway is.the name of the story is “the black thing in the hallway”

  • Of course I don’t believe in the “the innocent” or whatever! I returned to my room and continued watching TV, when the showed stopped for some breaking news. “The victim has been identifying as Alex carter……..” the reporter was announcing. “….. Because of viewer’s discretion his body cannot be shown……”I couldn’t believe my ears!!! Alex!? Alex Carter!?!?!!?!?! That’s impossible it can’t be him he can’t be dead!!!!!!! Ring-ring, my house phone was ringing. I slowly got up and made my way to the kitchen counter where I had the phone. You will receive 3 calls and then you’ll die. As I remembered what Yvette’s warning a chill ran down my spine? I answered the phone and with a weak voice I said “Hello?’ on the other end of the line I heard a muffle voice “did you hear?” it took me sometime to realize it was Yvette. “About what happened to Alex?” I began to cry when I said it. “Snif-snif the innocent is coming for me now!!!” she said. I could hear her crying as well. I actually began to believe that legend! Melanie stop being so paranoid! Is just a coincidence! I thought. “Umm…. Well I have to go bye.” Yvette said softly. I could hear her blowing her nose. “Bye, Yvette.” I said as I hanged up the phone. I was walking back into the room, when……. Ring-ring. “Ugh…… can they give me a break? “ I complained. “Hello?” I answer irritably. No one answered. I pressed the off button hard. I stood there and blanked everything and everybody out. Until, ring-ring! I answered the phone this time I heard something, I heard like someone talking in a car while it raced. “Hello?” I asked. “The innocent, the innocent, found out what state you’re in looking for your neighborhood!” it sounded like a little girl. “Who is this?” I asked desperately. Whoever it was hanged up the phone. I froze I couldn’t feel my feet or hands. I’m 2 calls away from been dead. I thought. God Yvette was right!!! “Can this be true?” I asked surprised out loud. I decided I had to go to Yvette’s house, maybe she knew how to take this curse or whatever off me. Man I can’t even think right all this stuff going on. I was in my room putting on my brown boots. I was (am) wearing a peach baggy tank top with blue jeans and my black hair tied up in a bow. I was about to walk out when two horrible things happened. First, I could hear cops cars pull up and ambulance sirens. Second my effing phone curiosity got the best of me. I ran to my phone “Yeah?” I answered. It was the same background noises, a lot of air been struck to the phone. “The innocent, the innocent found you neighborhood looking for your house.” This time the little girl giggled. I was so furious I just hanged up. God it seems so much like a prank you know? I thought. I hurried outside. Yvette pulled up in front of her house. “Umm….. Hello?” I’m Melanie Gemi, I live sight in front. What happened o Yvette Lonstain? “The police officer or officer Quainstan (I saw it on his badge). He looked so sad, and then he finally said, “You knew her?” I knew her???? What does he mean if I knew her???? I though. TO BE CONTINUED ………………

  • i worked really hard on this .is long but is really really good.hope yall like it.
    Let me begin by saying I’m sorry. I’m only telling you this because I have to. You can’t stop reading now. You know too much already. I’m here, sitting on my couch staring at the clock on the wall. Its tick-tock booms in my ears. I think about those who love me, my boyfriend Ricky, Kayla my mother, Oscar my dad, ha-ha I was always his little girl, anyways my brother Robert, and all my friends. A tear ran down my cheek. I wish I could take back anything and everything I did to them wrong. I don’t have much time; I’ll be dead within an hour or so. Why am I going to die? It all started when Yvette came knocking on my door like she was being chased by a zombie. Bang-bang, she pounded on my door she kept hitting it and ringing the doorbell. I was in my room watching TV, but I quickly got to my feet and ran as fast as my feet could carry me. “What’s wrong with you?!?!?!?!?!?!?” I asked desperately. Her icy blue eyes shinned with the sun light. But her face was red, and she kept crying. Her black hair was tied all the way back. “Help me!” she said with a hoarse voice. “Come in.” I said. She sat on my leather couch and I offered her some water. “What happened?” I asked sympathetically. “I’m going to die!!!” she said as she gulped water down. “No you’re not, boo’ why would u even say that??” I said padding her shoulder. “Y-y-yo-you don’t understand! “She stammered, and then continued. “La inocente…………” she said softly I gave her a confused look. “It means the innocent in Spanish.” She said. You could see the fear in her eyes. “Well what about it?” I continued, she took deep breaths, and then said. “Ok hmm ……… I guess it’s silly for me to believe that, but I know you won’t. So here it goes, somebody, well not somebody, Alex told me about the innocent. It’s this girl, who was a smart, beautiful, 9 year old girl. But her dad always acted strange he barely ever talked to either of them. When he did speak to the girl or the girl’s mom (his girlfriend) he talked about a secret, he would laugh sometimes and say if you all knew what I did, or I live for this (secret). But he would never reveal it to nobody. He couldn’t tell anyone, and that drove him crazy. According to the legend one night the whole family went out camping were there was a lake. And he stabbed his girlfriend 32 times in front of the daughter, and then he dumped his girlfriend’s remaining in the lake. When it was morning he cut his daughter eye lids off, tied her to a tree. And put dead fish on her face. Bird came and ate her eyes.” Yvette paused, and took a zip of water. Then cleared her throat, and said. “Her dad tried to kill himself but didn’t get through it. The girl’s spirit and soul who once was happy and full of joy, was now an angered evil spirit and full of vengeance. They say you get 3 calls then you die. Everybody who knows of her existence has died. She and her mother were innocent, so were all those people who died.” I looked at her in astonishment. I clapped. “Wow, Yvette that was the greatest story you have told me! “She put the cup on the glass table, and then says “I knew it!!!! I knew you wouldn’t believe me Melanie!!!! Suit yourself!!! But I’m telling you this is real, I got the first call already!” her facial expression changed from worry and sad to mad and desperate. “Yvette, I bet Alex was just pulling a prank on you, ok? Trust me is going to be alright.” I hugged her, and then she left.

  • Me and My family had just moved into our new apartment in Upstate New York. We have two cats,both of them were black domestic shorthair. The first night we were on our computers in the den. We were relaxing listening to some new age piano music, all of a sudden we heard the door open and shut. When that happened the cats were frightened so they ran and hid under the bed. We looked up and saw a full bodied apparition coming in from the entrance of our apartment. She was wearing a long victorian black dress, she had long black hair and as she was floating across the floor she smiled and waved to us, after she left a beautiful perfume permeated the house.

    We also had other encounters with the Lady In Black. I remember getting woke up one night with my father screaming and saying that a woman was sitting on his bed talking to him. He could not see her but he did say he smelled the same perfume we smelled on the night we saw the apparition.

    I have had my cover’s pulled off of me while I slept and my head lifted up and my pillows taken out from under me. I have heard a woman’s voice whisper in my ear and say “Its okay I am here, I will protect you”.

    When me and my father are in the cellar we can hear footsteps walking across the floor of my aunts house when she is not home. I have told her about the footsteps and she said to me that she thinks it might be her dead husband or her son walking around in her house.The title is”Lady In Black”

  • This has been the most dreadful experience in my life. I had never imagined I would see such a day. Me and one of my friends used to go to private tuition in a quite remote place. I have always heard of black magic stories but always took them for a joke. My grandmother and my mum always said that many people practiced black magic in my locality.

    On that particular day, we saw some ten rupees coins in the middle of a crossroad. At that time we of course didn’t bother about silly superstitions. We both picked them up, and nothing strange happened to us on our way. But I didn’t know what was waiting for me in my room. At night, around 9:30, I was combing my hair when I felt someone playing with my hair. I didn’t bother about that and thought that I was imagining things. But then I saw a white woman looking dreamingly in the mirror!

    When I talked about it to my mother she immediately called the priest who did many rituals with a yellow lemon which significantly turned in a reddish type of colour. Then he asked me whether my hair was loose or not. And effectively it was. He said that it followed me by holding my hair. Then I realized that the stories about roaming spirits that my grandparents and parents used to narrate were in fact true.The title of the story is “The coin”

  • Hello everyone! Just to start off, I’m going to be submitting a story that isn’t an original from me. I hope you enjoy it.

    “Blue Eyes”

    Anna and Jennifer were sisters.

    Jennifer had beautiful, long blonde hair and the biggest, brightest blue eyes. She was tall and athletic and very outgoing. Because Jennifer was so polite and outgoing, she was very popular.

    Anna was a plain Jane with straight black hair and dull brown eyes. Anna was very shy and tended to close off most people. She was also a bit cruel, snapping crude remarks at anyone who tried to get close to her.

    Anna hated her sister, Jennifer. She hated her for her hair, for her body, for her personality, but the one reason Anna despised Jennifer was because of her eyes. She felt as though Jennifer’s beautiful, blue eyes were somehow mocking her, reminding her that she’d never be as good as her sister.

    Anna swore every night before she went to bed, that one day, somehow, she’d make Jennifer pay.


    “Anna, I’m home.” Jennifer called, closing the door softly behind her. She had just come back from a party at her friend’s house and was feeling exhausted.

    “Anna?” she called out again. There came no answer.

    Jennifer figured her sister was probably asleep or cooped up in her room, reading a novel or something.

    Careful not to disturb her sister, Jennifer tiptoed upstairs and to her own bedroom. She slipped underneath her covers and fell swiftly asleep.

    The next morning, Jennifer awoke to the dawn’s first rays of sunshine. She once again, tiptoed downstairs, just in case Anna was still sleeping. She wanted to surprise her sister by making breakfast for her.

    A couple hours later, Anna had still not come down. This puzzled Jennifer. Anna had never been the type to sleep in.

    Jennifer went back upstairs and knocked gently on Anna’s bedroom door. There came no reply. “Anna? Wake up.” Jennifer called. There came no reply.

    “Anna? Anna, open this door right now!” Jennifer called, quite agitated. It was quite obvious her sister was ignoring her.

    Finally, after several minutes of no reply, Jennifer turned the doorknob and burst into Anna’s room.

    What she saw, horrified her.

    Then was Anna, hung by the neck. Her intestines strung out of her stomach and laid on the ground in a bloody pool. Her arms and legs were twisted in a terrible way, bending all the way around her body in an inhuman way. Worst of all, Anna’s dull brown eyes were focused on Jennifer, almost as if they were accusing her.

    Jennifer screamed and screamed until her throat went dry. Tears flowed down her face, refusing to stop.

    Jennifer willed herself to stop looking, to pull her eyes away from the horrific sight, but she just couldn’t. Her eyes refused to pull away.

    Finally, in complete anguish, Jennifer reached up to her beautiful, blue eyes and ripped them right out of their sockets, ending all her misery.

  • “Nightmare Spray” ( this is based off of something my parents did at night to calm me down when i was five)

    Marie and James were at their wit’s end. Their daughter, Ella, had just woken them up because she had a nightmare. Again. “Mama, it was the monster! He wanted to eat me!” They would hear it every night, and they had missed lots of sleep because of it. Ella had been having nightmares ever since James had told her a story about the monster that lives under the bed. It had been almost a year since she had heard the story, but it still made her have a horrible time sleeping.
    That day, Marie took Ella to the supermarket. As they rolled their cart past the aerosol cans of air freshener, a light bulb went on in her head. Marie took a can off the shelf and showed it to her daughter. “It smells nice, so it will keep the nightmares and monsters away. You can choose any scent you like.” Ella was delighted and picked out a scent called Orchid Dawn. That night, Ella sprayed the can around her room saying “Nightmare Spray, Nightmare Spray, monsters monsters GO AWAY!” Ella slept peacefully, as did her parents. Everyone was happy and energized in the morning. This continued on for about two weeks. One night, Ella was spraying the air freshener as usual. “Nightmare Spray, Nightmare Spray, monsters monsters GO AWAY!” She was displeased to find that she was almost out of the spray, but they were going to the store the next day, so she figured she could just buy more there. Earlier the next day, Marie was making pancakes for her husband and daughter. Ella had not yet come downstairs. James decided to go to her room and wake her up. When he got to the room, he didnt find his daughter, but instead a crushed can of “Nightmare Spray” A sly smile spread over James’ face as he placed five dollars on the pillow, along with a note that said “It was only air freshener, you know. Next time, et the job done faster.”

  • The tower
    There was once a nice girl named Rapunzel she had very long hair and she was very nice.Her mom loved her daughter very much.One day the mother went on vacation and told her daughter she’d be back in two days.The daughter was a bit scared but she didn’t say anything.The tower they lived in was on top of an old burial ground and one of the rooms was very haunted.The mother told Rapunzel not to open the room on the forth floor.When Rapunzel asked why but all her mother said was that there was pure evil in that room.A few hours after her mom left she was really bored.She though about the room on the forth floor and decided to check it out.She thought her mom was just kidding about it being evil.When she opened the door she felt wrong like a wave of sadness and despair had hit her.She heard foot steps and ran back to her room.She peeked out her bedroom door and saw a bloodied pale man carrying a huge butcher knife.She had let look an phsycotic serial murderer.Rapunzel cried not knowing what to do she sat in her room crying not knowing what to do.There was a window in her room but she was too far up and would die if she jumped.She waited a few hours and heard nothing.She looked out the door and no one was there she ran all the way downstairs and almost ran out the door when her hair was caught on something.The killer then popped out of his hiding spot.He was missing an eye and had a scary smile.Rapunzel was horrified.The killer whispered in her ear”Good-night!”He laughed like a manied and killed her.When her mother came back she found a pool of blood on the ground and Rapunzel was no were to be seen.

  • It’s October 31st, 2012 also known as Halloween, but its also a teenage girl named Rhiannon’s 13th birthday. This is her favorite day of the year, not because it is her birthday, but because Halloween is the one night she isn’t made fun of for being on the darker side. Rhiannon is a Wiccan, she dresses all in black, tends to keep to her self, and the day she found out vampires weren’t real was like when most children find out Santa Clause isn’t real. She was a loner and by her schools hierarchy was a freak, but she didn’t mind, not one bit. Not the mocking not the fact every one was to worried about their own social status to talk to her, not even the vicious rumors about her putting curses on people and drinking a pigs blood on the full moon. She was happy with herself and didn’t need others approval, yet it was a bit relaxing to not be the but of every ones jokes for at least one day. Except for this one fateful night, it all started after school, finally a Halloween on a Friday so she could stay out till midnight if she really wanted to. She arrived home at last where she dressed up in her black cloak that draped around her lean body, black mask that contrasted with her very pale skin, and a black velvet witches hat that covered her long raven black hair. She grabbed her witches broom and headed down stairs of her house when she was stopped by her parents. They asked whom she was going with and she replied with a simple and comfortable answer of “now who would go with the school freak?” and tried to walk out the door and into the twilight that was soon fading into black when her mother reached for her shoulder. Rhiannon turned around to face her mothers face that was riddled with worry. “hunny shouldn’t you be trying to make some friends? You must get lonely all by your self all the time” her mother said. I’m not mom, really im fine. Rhiannon said with a tight smile. An awkward few seconds of silence passed and she hugged her beloved and only daughter and let her walk out into the night. She trick or treated a little bit but she was mostly out their just to see the costumes and enjoy All Hallows Eve. She reached about a mile from her house, into the labyrinth that is her neighborhood, when she ran into a group of kids from her school- Sarah, Kelsey, and Rider- and her eyes hit the floor and attempted to weave my way around them. Sarah stopped her and said “Hey Rhiannon right?” she replied with a quiet “yes” “well we need your help with something, we heard your into like that ghost stuff and stuff like that” Kelsey said. “Really? Im not falling for it! You guys spread all these rumors about me then want me to help you
    ?! Besides all you guys want to do it to humiliate me, its not going to work.” I started to walk away when Rider shouted after me “Please! We messed with a
    Ouija board! We messed up and now there is something after us!! We really need your help PLEASE!” he really seemed sincere so she asked what the problem was and they told Rhiannon to follow them. Rhiannon did as she was told and followed with a quick pace when they came upon a well, it matched their story, a Ouija board and a feeling of something not being right. They told her it was in the well, a demon of a sort. So she walked over to the stone well and peeked over the brim their was a mist, and she thought she saw something, when a black figure screamed and jumped out at Rhiannon this thing jumped out of the well and she screamed in terror and started to recite a spell when the thing and the three class mates stated busting out in laughter, the demon looking thing took off his mask to reveal another fellow student walking over to the other three. She realized what was really going on and anger clouded her vision she walked over to the group and screamed at them, calling them a series of horrible names and threatening to curse them when Kelsey said “Calm down freak it was just a joke.” she planted her feat clenched her jaw and made a fist, she threw it at Kelsey and punched her to the ground. Rhiannon stepped back in a raged daze and was about a foot from the well when Sarah ran up and shoved her, Rhiannon stumbled back even further and fell down the shallow well. Given it was shallow she landed strait on her head and broke her neck, she struggled to breath for about 10 seconds and as she took her last breath she looked up and saw the horrified faced of the people that lead her to her demise, she tried to whisper help but in that instant her life slipped from her grasp. Her mangled body in the bottom well. The Teenagers panicked and ran for it vowing never to speak of it again, later that night Guilt was riddling Kelsey, she laid down trying to sleep it away but her dreams were filled to the brim with the image of Rhiannon’s mangled body. One nightmare was to horrific she woke up with a jolt, she rubbed her eyes and looked at the foot of her bed and saw Rhiannon and her mangled neck and she jumped up-tears running down her cheeks, she whispered ‘oh my god are you alive?’ Rhiannon simply smiled her crooked smile, walked over to Kelsey, snapped her neck and said their now your just like me as Kelsey took her last breath. Next Rider, he watched television trying to get the horrific scene out his mind. But just like Kelsey their was no luck. He closed is eyes trying so desperately to put Rhiannon in the past, when he swore he heard a voice, her voice, Rhiannon’s voice. “Rhiannon im so sorry please tell me that’s you, that your alive!” he said desperately. She appeared right next to him, gave him a crooked smile, snapped his neck, and with his last dying breath she said “I don’t care how sorry you are, you are just like me now!” and floated out of the room. Next was demon boy, he didn’t feel guilty and would out right admit it so he slept like a baby not worrying about a thing, when he woke with a louse CRACK! And pain shooting up and down his spine. Rhiannon appeared right in his face and said “3 down 1 to go” and as he took his last dying breath she stood with her crooked smile and walked away. Finally Sarah, she sat on her bed, brushing her golden hair when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. She said “Come in!” and the door swung open with a thud and standing in the door frame was Rhiannon. She walked closer saying “I have killed off your little friends and want to save you for last. She tried to scream but Rhiannon had come over their and covered her mouth. She started to speak again “I swear I will make your death the most painful!!!” and broke each vertebra on her spine. And with her last dying breath she looked up at Rhiannon and Rhiannon said “Shhhh don’t worry you will be dead in a matter of seconds” shot her another crooked smile and watched the air leave her body. It is said that she haunts that old well and any one that tries to play a prank with that old well will be tripped and break their neck just like the poor soul of Rhiannon.

  • happenstance i like your storys there really good but you need puctuation and quoatations

  • I’ve always been like this.

    My story begins at the age of five.I was a child from a happy family. But I wasn’t happy. I used to have these images, ones which were hidden in the back of my mind.
    I imagined falling and breaking my neck when I climbed trees. Pretty normal right? Well, I pictured them in horrific, sickening detail.
    The images grew nastier and nastier each day, and soon, everything I did was based around my disgusting thoughts.
    But it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t satisfied.
    So I turned on my friends. I imagined them, being hit down as they crossed the road, or drowned in the bath. It had taken over my life, but I just couldn’t stop.
    My grades slipped, I became shy and withdrawn. And then I became isolated. Completely. I was alone. And then I snapped.
    These pictures were just illustrations, like the ones in a biography. But I had no action. So I was the one who ran down my friends and pushed them under. Soon, my actions became words. The ones I’m writing down. You see, I’m writing my autobiography. Right now.
    I’m sorry. You’re next. I’m almost done.

    But I haven’t finished the final chapter.

  • Statues

    There was an 18 year old girl named Sally. Sally lived with her best friend, Rose. They lived in a small town with low population in Ireland. They were very poor and lived in a small shrubby cottage gathered with wildflowers. One day, Rose and Sally went to a small Church not far away from the cottage. On exiting the Church, Sally saw a statue of an angel on one of the balconies. The angel is covering her eyes with both her hands, as if she were crying. She was quite beautiful. She glanced one more time at the balcony. But the angel had disappeared. Sally decided she must have been imagining things. They both left the church and walked slowly to their cottage.
    The next day, Sally woke up to a loud banging at the door.
    Feeling rather annoyed at the constant banging, she opened the door. Standing on the front porch, was the statue she saw a day earlier at the balconies of the Church.

    (A short story, a bit boring.)
    I hope you like it.. If you ever read.

  • This is called Ashley. Hope you like it.
    One day a boy named Tyler was riding his skateboard down his neighborhood when he saw a beautiful girl walking down the street. She had short brown hair that turned gold in the sunlight, big hazel brown eyes that twinkled like Christmas tree ornaments. She was also tall and lean. He walked over and asked her what her name was. She had said her name was Ashley and she had just moved into the neighborhood.”So, do you wanna hang out sometime?”,he said. He was so excited and what seemed like 2 seconds for her to answer,to him, seemed like 2 days.”Sure, meet me same place,here,tomorrow at 6:00. He ran to his house screaming “Hooray”! he felt like the luckiest person in the world.
    the next day, it seemed to finally drag on until 6:00 for Tyler. He ran to the same place that they met yesterday. She saw Ashley walking over with her history book. “Hey Tyler,where is your book, we do have that big history test tomorrow.”,she said. He was shocked. His jaw dropped.”What?”,Ashley asked,”I thought we were going to study.”,Ashley said. Tyler thought for a moment.”This just isnt gonna work out.”,he said. And with that, he ran away. Ashley was mad.”I was just being me, and now, its time for payback for what he has done. He thinks its over, but heck no it isnt!”,she mumbled. She then ran back to her house, waiting for night to come.
    The clock struck 12:00 midnight. Ashley walked out of her house with a big butcher knife and quietly walked up the stairs of Tylers big house. His house was the oldest on the street,so his stairs were crickety. Just before she got to the top,the stair collasped and she fell. she stabbed herself during the fall and she died.
    Tyler found her body the next morning at the bottom of the stairs and he called the police. The police assumed that Ashley was out to kill Tyler, since they were the same age, and what had happened to them. They took the body, but Tyler knew that her spirit was still there, waiting for the right moment.
    The next morning, Tyler was found dead. He had a big butchers knife in his torso. he was found by the neighbors house. That was where Tyler and Ashley first met.
    (Thanks for reading everyone!)

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