Scary For Kids


  • Hi guys! This is a story called ‘Rock-a-die-baby’

    Sophia had a poor family, but loved them with all her heart! There was her Father and Mother. But she mostly loved her little baby brother ‘Jason’. In her house there was only 2 room. A bedroom and living room (They had a stove there to cook their food!) Sophia and Jason shared a bed, while her mother and father slept on the scabby couch. Little did Sophia know but once, her family was rich and lived in a mansion! But after her Father lost his job, it all went downhill from there.

    Jason was sleeping, and Sophia was taking care of him when she heard her mother and father argue! She didn’t catch much, but she heard her Father say ‘We can’t afford to keep 2 children! We need to get rid of one!’. ‘No! There isn’t any care home near by!’ Said her Mother. Sophia was horrified at this, and lay down in the bed and was cuddling in with Jason, wondering who will go. Her father always won arguments so she was sure one of them had to leave…forever.

    The next morning it was pretty sunny and there seemed to be no clouds in the sky! ‘its going to be a lovely day!’ Sophia thought, forgetting about last night. She could see the bright sun, pounding the heat through the hole in her ceiling. After a long day of heat and sun bathing, she went to check on Jason. Knowing her Mother would have fed him she wasn’t that worried. ‘Still sleeping?’ Sophia said quietly, and kissed him goodnight.

    The next morning was another sunny day! This time she wanted Jason to feel the heat, rather than being cooped up in a tiny room all day. When she went to wake him up, she noticed he wasn’t breathing! ‘Mum! Dad!’ She called. They came running in. ‘Whats the matter, deary?’ said her Mother. She told them what’s wrong with Jason. They just stood there with a grin on their faces. ‘Well, he was wasting most of our money so we…’ Her Father stopped.
    ‘Choked him in his sleep’ Said her Mother, delightfully.

    After a week of tears. Sophia finally decided it was best for the family. And that night, she fell asleep. She had a strange dream. Sophia, her Mother and Father were at the graveyard, burying Jason! Placing down that coffin, it moved slightly. Jason came out and said in his childish voice ‘I will be with you forever!’ And flew towards her. Sophia awoke, with a fright.

    She noticed a brand new doll sitting at the bottom of her bed. It looked like a wealthy baby boy. She loved it and thanked her parents, yet they don’t know what she was talking about. Playing with her doll all day, she grew bored. Left it by the river and went home. It fell in…

    That night Sophia had another dream. It was Jacob, all soaked, angry…and rich… ‘You left me there to drown NOW I WILL DROWN YOU!’

    A news reporter says ‘The local river grew larger last nights rain and a flood was formed. It wiped out an old shack, and its family living in it…’

  • Bloody Camping
    Sam,Sarah,Alex and Tom Went out Camping They Built Up The Camp Fire Sat Around It And Started Telling Ghost Stories Then Sam Wanted To Go To Bathroom But He was In The Wildness so he had to do it behind the trees so he went deep in to the forest after 5 minutes his friends started to hear some footsteps they thought it was Sam They Could make out a dark figure moving towards there camp he was holding something in his hand when he got closer they could see him clearly he wasn’t Sam he was a tall man holding a knife Sarah let out a loud scream but it was too late the man already stabbed the knife in her chest Tom ran but the man got him and stabbed him in his back Alex ran too fast that the man couldn’t catch him but after 1 km of running Alex fell and broke his leg Sam finished and returned to the camp a few steps away he could see the man holding Alex head in his hand Sam Backed Up slowly so the man couldn’t hear him when he got so far he ran to the hill he could see his camp but the man wasn’t there suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his back he fell don from the hill he broke his two legs and he could see the man up on the hill he was bleeding so hard after 5 minutes he died after 3 days the police got that man he escaped from the insane asylum and hid in the forest and was killing anyone who steps in the forest the police found 8 bodys in the forest all of them were killed by him
    (Another Version)
    Sam,Sarah,Alex and Tom Went out Camping They Built Up The Camp Fire Sat Around It And Started Telling Ghost Stories Then Sam Wanted To Go To Bathroom But He was In The Wildness so he had to do it behind the trees so he went deep in to the forest after 5 minutes he finished and returned to the camp he saw his friends lying in a pool of blood he fell down to his knees and started crying whe he got up he looked back and the last thing he saw was a man holding a bloody knife in his hand
    (hey scary for kids plz post this story i want my story to be posted on this cool website you can post one of the versions or you can post twice of them plz)

  • Little princess
    Sleep well tonight
    Lets walk upstairs
    Let me tuck you in tight

    You seem to be cold
    I can help with that
    Let me tie you with this rope
    Let me lay you on the matt

    Don’t try to scream
    Struggling won’t help
    I will make you dream
    I will make you yelp

    This knife on your neck
    Your blood on the floor
    I now must get going
    Don’t worry,I’ll remember to lock the door

    From the woods I watch
    Under my umbrella I smirk
    Hearing your parents scream
    Makes me love my work

    Oh my next victim
    Who could it be?
    Maybe you,your children?
    My work is so fun
    Wouldn’t you agree?

    A poem of a babysitter who travels around,killing the children that are left to her care

  • Fast footsteps (based on a true story of me)

    It was night, well like 5 am. I woke up because I heard a noise. It was fast footsteps. It sounded more like running but those footsteps where faster than a human can run. My heart was beating like crazy. So i told myself “maybe its just my cat.” but then i found out that my cat was sleeping by my foot. I had to go to sleep but it was too loud. The fast footsteps were running down the stairs then back up like 5 seconds! I was freaked out. No one on Earth can run that fast! Then, the footsteps were coming to the same room I was sleeping in. (The room had no door because it was the family room). Slowly, slowly, then really fast back to the stairs. I could tell my cat heard it because his ears were twitching and he would look to the sound of it. Then, my cat got up and left. I was worried but i knew he was okay. I was just alone in he room, next, I heard like a doorknob turning and letting go. Like if someone were trying to unlock a locked door. It sounded like my brother’s room it was coming from. Finally, like a few hours later, I was still awake. I heard my dad waking up! It was like a miracle because all of the noises stopped!!
    I told my dad about it but he called me crazy. Everyone in my family except for my cousins. So the next day, I had to have prove, I brought my recorder on my phone ready to take action! But I never heard a single sound. To that day forward I didnt hear a single noise. Until I was sleeping in my aunt’s house……


  • The Doll
    One day, a girl named Akira was shopping with her mother. They were at a thrift store, when Akira spotted a life sized doll with glass blue eyes and fake blonde hair. It had an upturned nose and pale plastic skin. She immediately wanted it. “No, Akira,” Her mother said, “remember we aren’t buying anything?” Akira nodded glumly and had her head down the rest of the time. The next day, they stopped by there again. Akira begged her mother and finally, she got the doll. They bought the doll and left.
    When Akira got home, she started to play with the doll. She dressed it up in her outfits and talked to it. She played with the doll constantly. She had named the doll “Aki”. Soon, she began to get bored with Aki. Her mother had bought her a new doll, “Emiko” for her recent 7th birthday.
    For a year, Aki was consumed in the darkness of Akira’s spare bedroom. It got coated with a thick layer of dust, and when Akira finally brought Aki out, Aki was covered in cobwebs.
    “Are you keeping it, Akira?” Her mother asked Akira. Akira shook her head and tossed the doll in the dumpster, for the next few days, she did everything with Emiko until one day, she found Emiko missing.
    She had put on a sad face for most of the day, and then returned to her happy, cheery self. While she was sleeping, she was awoken with a loud THUMP! Her eyes opened, and she heard a high, Barbie like voice whisper, “I’m on the twelfth step,”
    Akira was scared. She knew this person was talking about the twelve stairs leading up to her room. She wondered if her mother was playing a trick on her. But no, her mother could never imitate that kind of voice she heard.
    Thirty minutes passed and Akira heard another thump and someone whisper, “I’m on the eleventh step,” The voice had grown just a bit deeper, and had a madness to it of some sort. Akira hid under her covers until another whisper rang out.
    “I’m on the ninth step,” said the voice. It sounded closer than it did before. Fear swept over Akira and she shrieked softly. Another thump.
    “Eight, seven, six, five steps, now I’m on the fourth step,” Another whisper said thirty minutes later. Akira gulped out got out from under her covers and hid under the bed.
    “Four, three, two, ONE!” A voice whispered after another thirty minutes, and the door burst open. Akira held back tears, wondering if the person would find her. Small footsteps walked closer to her bed. Now, Akira was shaking.
    “FOUND YOU!” A maniac voice said, and pulled her out from under the bed. Akira turned around and saw Aki, with a bloody knife in her hand.
    “Mommy, why did you stop dressing me up? Mommy, I loved you but you stopped loving me.” Aki said, her plastic hand tightly clutching onto the knife. Akira whimpered, now wide eyed.
    “No, no, Aki, I never stopped loving you,” Akira began. “I—I love you, very, very, much!” She said and stood up. She was so fear stricken she didn’t know what to do.
    “No you don’t Mommy, and now you’re going to pay. I love you!” The doll shrieked with such madness, it scared Akira even more. Aki struck the knife deep into Akira chest and smiled a sinister smile.
    Akira’s brown eyes stared up at the ceiling, lifeless.
    Her mother was also found dead, her throat slashed. Police looked at Akira’s diary, and found one chilling entry:
    “I love Aki but Emiko threatened to kill me if I didn’t get rid of Aki.”

  • Hide and Seek
    One night, a girl named Lauren was babysitting her two brothers, Rory and Austin. It was 9:00 P.M, so she sent them off to their bedroom upstairs. As she waited for her parents to return, she soon got bored watching TV. She walked up the stairs and knocked on Rory’s and Austin’s bedroom door. “Let’s play Hide and Seek,” Lauren suggested to them both. They nodded and ran off to hide.
    She closed her eyes and counted to fifteen, then began searching. In the middle of finding the two boys, the power went out, pitching her into darkness. She was now worried because something bad could happen to her brothers. She frantically ran around the huge house calling out their names. “Rory, Austin!”
    There was no answer, and Lauren let out a shriek. She felt someone was choking her. She pried the fingers off her neck and set into a sprint up the stairs. She opened a door and recognized it as the bathroom. She entered it and locked the door. She hugged her knees to her chest in the corner. She could hear loud footsteps out the door, then came a loud BANG! Someone was banging on the door. “Go away!” She screamed.
    She wondered what happened to her brothers. She felt mixed emotions flow through her. She stood up one the banging stop and walked to the door and unlocked it. She opened the door, and waited for nothing in particular. Then someone punched her and she blacked out and fell to the floor.
    When she woke up, the lights were on again. She got up and ran to her brother’s room. She opened the door and found them under the covers on their beds. They came out from under them and hugged Lauren. Then, once again, the power went out. She felt a searing pain in her chest. Something warm oozed down her shirt.
    “This is the best Hide and Seek game ever!” Austin said a sinister smile across his face. In his hand was a knife.

  • (Hey This My First Story It’s Called The Creaking Door)
    The Creaking Door
    Tom is a teenage boy who is left alone in his house all the night his mother worked hard and she usually returns at 11:00 PM his father went insane after the horrible death of thier first daughter and tried to kill him when he was 1 year old but his mom stopped him and killed him one night Tom was watching TV and wanted to eat some food so he decided to make some salad before he entered the kitchen he heard his room door creaking upstairs he thought it was just the wind but that was strange cause he left his room window closed Tom grabbed a knife and chopped the tomatoe but while chopping it he cut off his finger Tom finger was bleeding so hard Tom grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around his finger after that he went to the phone to call his mother so she can take him to the hospital but before he could grab the phone he heard his room door creaking again after that by 1 second the electricity went down Tom was in panic if he couldn’t get to the hospital he will lose his finger after 1 hour he heard his mom car so he went out of the hoose to see her but before he could reach the house door knob he heard the door creaking again he was scared to death but he got out to serch for his mom but when he found her he fell down to his knees and started crying his mom laying down in a pool of blood with a knife stabbed in her heart when he got up he could see that the house electricity returned he looked at his bedroom window he could see a little girl standing at the window smiling and then she disappeard he went back to the house ran to his room upstairs but in the way to his room he could hear the door cracking again when he reached his room the door was opened and there he could see the ghost of his dad holding a bloody knife the same knife stabbed in the heart of his mom and beside him he could see the little girl smiling in a develish way the last thing Tom remebered is the knife being stabbed in his heart
    (this is my first story i hope it get posted and i like my idea about every time the door creacks something bad happens i hope you like it sorry if it was too long)

  • ~Theresa~
    I would watch her from two blocks away. Her smile could light up the universe. Her long golden brown hair with that cute pink bow embedded upon it. Her name was Theresa she was the most popular girl at school and I knew I had zero chance with her I was very chubby and stout and hadn’t even grew any hair on my chin. Everyday I would sit alone at the “NERD” table and stare into her beautiful, sparkling eyes. I sent her notes in her locker everyday saying about how beautiful she was. Im sure that they all ended up in the trash. One day she came over to me and said quietly “I really like your letters” My spirit was filled with joy as she gave me her address and told me “Come over later” I quickly scrambled home and got ready. I put on my best suit and shoes and oiled my hair back. I told my parents I was off to the library and started walking to Theresa’s house. I made a sudden halt at a huge black mansion. The grass was black as if there had been some kind of fire there. The door was filled with termites and some kind of rotting wood. I tried not to mind it and knocked on the door. Theresa came to answer it but this was not the Theresa I fell in love with. Her hair was now black and her eyes were light red. She quickly snarled “Come Inside” I went in and my eyes grew wide with horror. Inside her house was filled with nothing but bodies. I didnt know whether or not they were dead but I knew I wanted to go home. I turned to leave and she whispered in my ear “Baby you’re not going anywhere” She laughed. She outstretched her hand and the door slammed shut. ” You stay here I’m gonna go get something” As soon as she turned her back to go in the kitchen, I ran upstairs. I found a small room and locked myself in it. Then I heard a soft voice “Im not gonna hurt you dear I just wanna give you something” Then I heard the sound of heels coming up the stairs. I quickly glanced around hoping to find a mean of escape , but before I knew it there was a knock on the door “Let me in baby cakes” I quickly hid under the bed while she walked in. “O my I wonder where he is!” she said. “Maybe he’s under the bed.” My heart started to flutter as she stooped down. Soon we were face to face. She grabbed me by my hair and said “You’ve been a bad bad boy” while sharpening her knife. She displayed a small grin and said don’t worry you’ll see me in hell !
    ~The End SFK i’ve been writing lots of stories simply because I love to write and it would make my day if you would just use one of them! Thanks ~Scary-Samii5

  • The Haunted Night
    My job sucked. I was being paid on minimum wage and my job was the smelliest, and the nastiest. I worked as a janitor in a public hospital. Every night was the same I was treated with disrespect by almost every co-worker because I didn’t get the highest grades in college. Every time I tried to stand up for myself it was the same thing “Shut up janitor boy” I wanted to quit so bad but which business company would want to take me? I had dyslexia and I had Parkinson’s disease. So for my own good I would just stay quiet and do my job. One night an unexpected job popped up for Dr. Ligion in another state. She said she would have to start driving now to reach by six am. So it was me all alone in the dark hospital. Truly I was very much afraid but I tried not to panic as it would only make matters worse. Suddenly there was a deafening shatter. My hands began to tremble as I remembered I was the only one here.
    Finally my shift was over I quickly gathered my things and left. As I approached the subway I noticed that it was empty and there were neither any people nor trains so I had to walk. From I had left the hospital I had an eerie feeling that there was another presence behind me.
    But every time I turned around there was nothing there.
    Suddenly I heard a rough, scary voice saying “Come,Come”
    Trepidation slowly elevated up my spine as I saw a black figure in the distance. It slowly started moving towards me. My feet suddenly felt like cement bricks as terror overcame me. It was almost face to face with me when my legs decided to accelerate. The figure said “STOP” and almost immediately I came to a sudden halt. I could not help the tears that had began to drip down my face. The person was tall and had a somewhat crooked back and he had a prickly goatee and bright yellow teeth. “Hi” I said as he stared into my eyes. I tried to scream but my voice had suddenly disappeared. The man laughed and his breath seemed to had knocked me out. I woke up in a coffin beside the man. He looked different his skin had rotted and he had no teeth at all. His hair had disappeared and his face was as smooth as a button. I tried to conserve air but within two hours I had died of suffocation.
    :) its ur girl Scary-Samii 5 again! plz read SFK nd btw ii am 11

  • Leave Now
    The day finally came when my husband and I finally had earned enough money to move into a new house. I’ve been itching to leave this old dump of an apartment and move into a proper house. The next morning i sprang out of bed as I heard the “Pro-Anthonies” moving truck parked outside our apartment. Finally me and my husband could now work towards building our family. The drive was about two and a half hours and my jaw yielded to the force of gravity as i saw a large 3 storey house in the distance. Almost immediately I asked my husband how we afforded it? With an unsure look he said it was surprisingly very cheap. Thinking that it was some kind of discount I brushed it off very quickly. But as their new neighbors saw them they quickly made a sudden halt to what they were doing and hurried inside. Wondering what this was all about I went next door and rang the doorbell. The woman cautiously opened her door. Forcing a smile she said “Hi I am Maggie and have you read the history about that house?” “History?” was my question. She quickly responded “My dear friend for your own good Leave now!” and then i was standing in front of a wooden door. The only thing I could think about was The so called “history” That night i booted up my laptop and quickly started researching. My eyes grew bright when I read that ” This house was the house where Mistress Julia and her husband died. Rumour has it that at exactly 12:00 they kill any victims that are in their house” I quickly ran upstairs and told my husband I begged him to come before it was too late but he was in a very deep sleep. Before I could even blink I heard “Ding Dong!” and looked at my watch. My heart began to beat as if it were a hungry gorilla locked in a cage.
    Then I heard laughter and “Leave Now”. I quickly made my way downstairs and bolted to the door but it was too late the door was sealed shut. I then heard an ear piercing scream. “Johnny! NOOO!” was all I could say before my husband was killed. Then I realised it was now my turn I tried to scream but a cold hand covered my mouth I was dragged into the bedroom and put beside my husband where I was stabbed to death !
    How do you like it ITS REALLY LONG but I love writing stories and if you like it and use it this will not be the last of Scary-Samii5

  • Computer Kid
    P.J dumped his back pack on to the floor. It was friday, and his school didn’t give his class any work on the weekends. He ran up the stairs to his room, and sat down in front of his computer. P.J played on it for hours. Everyday; after school. He had bloodshot eyes from looking at the screen for so long, and pale skin. He didn’t care how much his Mom told him to get off his laptop. That night, he had a strange dream: He was playing on his laptop and then a massed man cam trough the door with a big gun. The he shot him. When P.J woke up, he was in a room with letters, and data (computer stuff; internet etc.) But now P.h is stuck on the internet watching you typing, or anything your’e doing on the web…………………..

  • hi, sfk… im rewriting THE BLOODY TOOTH or whatever u want me too call it lol (pleez tell me if its better
    Bill Jenkins was walking down the road, the sun shining, the birds singing softly into his small ears. But he wasn’t calm at all. he was scared and nervous. he walked swiftly and nervously down the sidewalk because of a horrific event that happened only days before… on that very road… A young woman had been captured, and killed by a serial killer. The serial killer only wanted the young girl’s teeth and one by one, yanked out her teeth and then left her bleeding and stabbed with a knife, to die on the street…
    the serial killer had been al over Bill’s city and had been killing people in this way. Bill was worried very much, but now he was more than frantic now that the killer was last spotted in his very neighborhood! Now, Bill was trying to fill his head with happy thoughts, but the shadows seemed to snap at him and threaten him with certain death. As he speed-walked down the pavement, he spotted something glistening in the autumn, early afternoon sun. A tooth? odd. He bent down to examine it.

    Just then, something grabbed his backpack and pulled him into the alley. He screamed and something punched him in the mouth. He tasted blood and felt his baby teeth knocked out. The person was grabbing for his mouth! He had a deep voice, a dirty, gritty face, untrimmed face and had evil eyes. Bill screamed for help again and, on impulse, grabbed his house keys in his pocket and jabbed the man in the arm with them. The man howled and let go. Bill ran as fast as he could back to his house. As he ran, the man shouted something after him….. something about revenge…

    Bill found his babysitter at home, because his parents were at a conference. The baby-sitter asked why his mouth was all bloody. Bill had to lie. “The bullies again…” he told her “They ALWAYS beat me up like this.” The baby-sitter, Clara, was an expert in first aid, and fixed him up real nice so that you couldn’t tell he was bruised and battered. He went to bed early and tried to practice hiding his lost teeth when his parents came.

    The next day,Clara sent him off. Bill didn’t talk much that day, and spent his time avoiding people and standing alone, like he usually did. And when Bill came back from school, he tried not to talk so much either, for his parents were back, and he didn’t want to cause trouble. Besides, it wasn’t that bad… if the man would have hurt him more, then it would be necessary to tell his parents. Or that’s what Bill thought…

    Bill was only in 3rd grade then, and he still had some of his baby teeth in. He greeted his mom and dad and ate dinner with them. “How was your day at school, Bill?”Asked his dad. Bill nodded which meant, ‘Yes, it was ok” and he bit into his steak and yelped. “Congrats!” Said his mother. “You lost another tooth.”

    That night, after they cleaned him up, his parents examined his mouth, and, not much to his surprise, Bill’s parents freaked out and Bill had to lie again about the bullies at school. His parents scheduled an appointment with the dentist immediately, the next morning. Bill woke up the next morning uneasily because of lack of sleep. He had been tossing and turning all night because of a jaw-ache.

    His parents drove him to the dentist. “You’ll be seeing a different dentist today, and he will tell you about those baby teeth you suddenly lost and how were going to fix you up.” His mother said as they pulled into the lot.

    THey walked in and there was no lady at the front desk, like there usually was, but they waited for a while until Bill’s mother was sure no one was there. “Hello?” She called impatiently. A male voice answered, finally. “Come on down, Bill. Room 13, Examination…” It called. His mother ushered him to the hallway. “Go on, Bill. I’m going to be waiting in the car in the lot. I’ll come get you when it’s time, ok?” She said.

    Bill walked down to the room 13. He walked stiffly because he was sure he’s heard that voice before… He was nervous. What if that man did do bad damage to his mouth… He was also sure that there was no one here. No receptionist, no patients in the waiting room, no dentists walking the halls… He got there. The dentist walked in. He had a dirty, gritty face, an untrimmed complexion and glaring eyes.

    “Hello, Bill.” He said, staring at Bill, putting on his gloves and not moving. He had a deep voice. “Well, how… nice… to see you again.” He chuckled. “Open your mouth.” He ordered. Bill was frozen n fear, but did as he was told as he sat helplessly in the dentist’s chair. The doctor walked over to him and looked inside his mouth. “Ah,” he observed. He sighed and grinned slightly. “Just like the young lady that I fixed a few days ago…” He shook his head. “Well, her teeth were oh so damaged and beyond repair…” He looked straight at Bill. “Good thing I took care of her…” Now he held out his hand for a handshake. His arm had a stitched, grotesque cut on it. Fairly fresh. Bill shook his head and squeaked.

    The dentist took bak at his hand.He strapped bill’s hands to the chair. “Why are you doing this?” He asked. “Who are you?” “Well, Bill, ” the dentist said. “I have a thing for people who mess with me.” He looked at his hideous cut on his arm. “Now, stay still, Bill.” he ordered him as he fished for something in the dental tool drawer. He finally pulled out a long knife covered in dried blood. “This is going to hurt a little…”

    The last thing Bill heard was the strange man whispering something… something about… revenge.

    Whoo! hope you like it, guys! You too SFK. ;)

  • ~*Something in the wall*~

    A family of three moved into a modern,beautiful house. It was spacy,the couple was more than happy,especially after buying it for just a low price. Their little girl,Delilah,explored the house up and down. She was filled with glee and couldn’t wait to start living in her new home. For months the family lived happy. The parents had good jobs,and their beautiful daughter had all she could ever want,including a beautiful room with a fantastic view of the woods.

    One night,the family as asleep. Delilah slept in her bed peacefully when she was awokenn by a sudden noise.


    Delilah woke up and thought nothing for it. So she went back to sleep. A few minutes later. The noise started again.


    Delilah woke up again and looked around her room. The only light was the moonlight coming through the window,and the sea-shell shaped nightlight that was plugged in. Delilah stared into her room for a few minutes when she heard it again.


    Delilah got off her bed and walked around her room. She followed the noise,it seemed to be coming from the wall. She got her ear up to the wall and decided to repeat the sound she had just heard by tapping it on the wall.

    “Tap,tap,tap,tap,tap.” Delilah tapped.

    There was silence. Suddenly after a few minutes. Delilah was responded with a big ‘THUD’ against the wall,as if someone,or something,had punched or slammed its head against it. Delilah fell back and screamed. She ran into her parents room and woke them up. She yelled at them that there was something in the wall. Her parents looked at eachother and explained that it just must be some insects that crawled in and were walking around within the isolation. Delilah was to scared to go back alone,so she slept with them that night.

    The next day the family spent it as if nothing had happened. When night came Delilah didn’t wanted to go to sleep in her room. Her dad walked in the room with her and tapped the wall himself. Getting no response he convinced her that it was probably just ants. With that he walked back to his room,and Delilah fell asleep in hers. A few hours later,it came back again.


    Delilah woke up and looked around her. She shook in her bed,staring at all sides. She heard it again.


    This time it started to echo in different parts of the room,as if it was tapping on all the walls around her. Delilah was shaking in fear. Somehow,she managed to bring up courage to speak.

    “…Hello? Who’s there…?”

    Suddenly all of the noises stopped all at once. This made Delilah’s heart sink in fear. Maybe she had made a grave mistake? There was silence for a few minutes. Suddenly,her nightlight flew from the wall and fell on the floor. Delilah’s eyes quickly turned to the plug,only to see a dark like,thing,claw looking,retreating from the holes of the plug. Delilah was shaking in fear when she screamed for her parents. Her parents walked in,tired. She insisted again that there was something on the wall.

    Her dad simply yelled at her,telling her to stop dreaming of crazy things,and to go back to bed. With that,the parents walked away. The girl satted there in her room,shaking in fear. The noises started again,but more violently.


    It echoed all over the room. Delilah was scared,but also angry and frustruated. She builded up the courage to stand from her bed and walk over to one of the walls. She slowly got her ear to it,and shaking,tapped the rythm back.

    “Tap,tap,tap,tap.” Delilah tapped.

    She prepared herself for another ‘thud’,like the other night. But instead was greeted by something more terrifying,a voice spoke.

    “Little Delilah,Little Delilah,you have found the rythm I like. You will now stay with me forever,within the halls of the walls.”A raspy whisper answered. Delilah froze in fear as the closet door behind her slowly opened. Delilah’s screams echoed through the house before dying out.

    Her parents quickly jumped from their bed and ran to their daughter’s bedroom. They turned on the lights and screamed to their horror. Their daughter was nowhere in her room,as blood covered spots of the carpet,seemingly to drag into the closet. Their parents called 911. The police came and searched everywhere,inside and outside. Delilah was nowhere to be found. The trail of blood leaded into the closet,into a wall. There were no hidden doors,no passages,nothing. The trail simply ended infront of a solid wall.

    Delilah’s parents were filled with grief. They lived inside the house for years to come. They have reported numerous times to have heard their daughter’s voice,echoing within the walls of the house. But after much investigation,nothing came up. So Delilah’s case went cold,and forgotten,never to be revealed in public.

    So now that you know Delilah’s story,what about you? Do you hear taps or clacks in the night? Are plugs unplugged from time to time,even though you swear they were plugged? You better keep a look out whenever you move into a new house. Who knows,there might be something in the wall…

  • hey sfk please read my story is called the innocent i possed it like a week ago. i worked so hard on it is really good just please read it im finishing the secong half but just please read it and everyone else too i know yall enjoy it

  • Rose loved scary stories. She usually spent hours everyday trawling the internet, desperate to find a new story. When she did, she read through it hungrily but was mostly disappointed to find the story didn’t fulfil her needs. Then she came across a new website. It was called ScaryForKids. Now, this website, she had never come across before, so in a rush of happiness, she devoured every story on the website. All except one.
    It was called Button eyes. Every day, with tears welling up in her eyes, she desperately tried to click on the link but nothing came up. She clicked until her hand was literally blistered but still, nothing happened. Rose spent every day on the website, and her parents even called a counsellor because they were so frightened of Rose’s condition. But no counselling could help her.
    The little girl usually left her laptop on all night, after she succumbed to sleep at around 11. But tonight, she stayed up later.
    Rose lay down on her bed and sighed. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was a few minutes before midnight. She had a strange superstition that the story may appear at the stroke of midnight. A few minutes passed. Then, all around, clocks chimed in chorus to announce the morning had arrived. Rose closed her eyes, clicked the link and wished with all her heart that the story would appear. And it did.
    She sobbed tears of joy as she read the story. Exhausted from all of the worrying and staying up late, she fell asleep as soon as she read the last word.
    The next day a new story came up on the website. It was called button eyes; it was about a little girl called Rose, who wouldn’t listen to her parents. She spent too much time on the computer, so, in her sleep, she was murdered and had her eyes replaced with buttons. Let this be a warning.

  • Jordynn
    I was an ordinary girl, im tall, i have long black hair and green eyes, i have pale skin and blood red lips. I had a good life until the trip. 2 weeks ago, i went on a camping trip with my best friends lesli, jamie , mark, and with my crush, adrian. Lesly has mahogany hair with blue eyes, Jamie has munti colored hair and brown eyes, mark has blond hair with hazel eyes, and adrian has light brown hair with grey eyes. We went camping at lake dusk. which is suppost to be haunted. 8 years before, 6 teenagers were murdered by lisa beck. she had long brown hair and forest green eyes. she stabbed everybody to death then went missing. Ever since then there has been 3 killings there. of course we didnt pay attention, we told the story of lisa beck and how she will get you. We just laughed it off of course. ” i heard that she chamged her name to lily anderson and then got a hair cut.” chipped jamie. “i thought she hung herself deep in the woods.” laughed lesly. “what do you think jordynn?” asked mark and adrian at the same time. “I think she was plain out crazy.” i giggled. “i agree.” said adrian. Later that night we all went to sleep. me and jamie shared a tent and mark and adrian shared the other tent. Lesly wanted to brought her own tent to sleep in. I heard a noise like scratching. “jamie do you hear that?” i whimpered. “Yeah. ill go check it out. Stay here.” when she went out there, she screamed then yelled. “DAMN IT MARK!!!’ YOU SCARED THE LIVING HELL OUT OF ME!” “GOT YOU BABE!”laughed mark. ” have i told you how much i hate you?” His face paled out. “Whats wrong? Is this another prank-AGHHH!!” she screamed. i waited a few minutes then wen out side. Jamie was ripped in half. her intestines were hanging on the bushes like christmas decorations and her hair was streaked with only one color:red. blood was pouring from her lifeless body. Mark was litearly EVERYWHEE. his head was in a chair with his entrails surounding it. his limbs were burning in the fire and his torsoe was strung up in a tree. “OH MY GOD! ADRAIN! LESLY!” i screamed out into the eeire scilent night. “what is it-DAMN!” he just avoided stepping on some of marks intestines.”i thought mark was pranking jamie, thats why i stayed in the tent.” ” WHere is lesly?” i dont know is she in the tent?”he whispered. “no i just checked.” We went and started searching for lesly. they found her 30 minutes later swimming butt naked. ” hey guys, wait, whats wrong?”she said. “mark and jamie are dead.” i whispered. she got out of the klake and got dressed. ” what were you doing swimming this late?” i said. “oh nothing….” a knike slid out of her sleee and she snaked it into adrians stomach. “just going for a late night swim.” “AGHHHH YOU BITCH!!!!” screamed adrian in pain. “Im really lisa beck, and i have am going to kil you now.” said lisa sweetly. she twisted the knife and pulled it out with the rest of adrians guts. ” Your next jordynn.” I took off into the woods with hot tears streaming down my face. Adrian, mark, and jamie were dead. and if i didnt hurry i was going to be next to die a grusome death. i took out my butterfly knife i always use for protection and waited scilently for lisa to come along. 10 minutes later i hearl soft foot steps that belonged to lisa. “JO my sweetness please come out.” that is when i made my move. i jumped out fropm behind the tree and puncher her in the eye. the i took my knife and plunged into her sholder. she managed to stab me in the leg but i had my knife out of her arm and into her throat.”DIE BITCH” i yelled as i flicked my wrist and slit her throat.

    Now you know what really happened. im currently livibng at bloody oaks insaine asylum in a padded room. It turns out that all of my friends are alive. I know its a lie, they want me to feel better about lisa murdering them. Really they think i done the killings myself. They think i am lisa beck but i am jordynn grey. or am i? I just hope that you can believe that i am jordynn not lisa. you know my story. That i am a survivor of the lake dust murders. that my love is dead, that my best friend was a psycho killer…….. Or am i wrong. am i lisa beck? or am i jordynn grey? That i will never know.

    My first long story. how is it? please tell me!!!!

  • Jack and Jill-

    Just moved into a new house. My things come tomorrow. I find it very unsettling in this house. It’s dark and cold everywhere except for under the covers on the couch watching T.V., which is all I brought. Time for sleep now. Tomorrow starts a new life in a new location.


    Awoke to strange noises in the other room. I shook it off, seeing as how it is an old house after all. I will get used to it in time. My things arrived today. It took three hours to get it all unpacked and organized. I didn’t realize how much I missed my bed until I laid down. I still hear the strange noises occasionally. It sounds like whispers. Sometimes i can swear I see shadows out of the corner of my eye. I shake it off and tell myself, “It’s just your nerves.” Finally time to sleep in my bed once again.

    June/17/2009, 12:00 AM

    Woke to the sounds of a woman screaming, as if she was being murdered. It sounded so close. Like it was inside the house. As I lie there I heard footsteps outside of my doorway. I grabbed my gun and swung open my door with my gun at arms length. I searched the entire house. There was nothing. Not one thing out of place. I stayed up for the rest of the night with my gun by my side, listening to the footsteps.


    Tried to leave the home to go buy groceries among other things. It seemed I misplaced my keys. I kept looking for about ten minutes and they were back in the first place I looked. As I got home I noticed my room light was on. I ran upstairs and to my surprise it was off. I still hear the whispers. It almost as if they are talking to me.


    The day started off as usual, but the voices are getting clearer. I decided to try and record what they are saying. I went through a few old boxes of mine and found my old tape recorder. Went to the store and bought some tapes for it. Time to see what has been lurking in my new home.


    Reviewed the tapes last night. It sounds like a little girl repeating the same sounds over and over. Its the Jack and Jill nursery rhyme. Any person who knows a bit about history could tell you that the Jack and Jill nursery rhyme was about a beheading way back when so that was a bit creepy. I kept listening and found yet another voice. It was a mans voice. It sounded very distressed and angry, but more like mumbling. I gave it a rest and decided to lurk the internet. While lurking I couldn’t shake off the feeling someone was standing over me. I got the idea to look up the houses history. Apparently an eight year old girl was brutally murdered, dismembered,then raped by her father. The father took his own life shortly afterward. Needless to say I spent the rest of the night in the living room.


    I had one of the worst nightmares I could ever imagine. It felt almost real. All I can remember is laying in bed, then a man standing over me, whispering a nursery rhyme, and then swinging an axe at me. After that my spirit stood over my body but there was one problem: it wasn’t my body. It was the eight year old girl’s. I could do nothing but stand there and watch him mutilate that child’s body. I could feel the pain with each and every swing he took. The whispers keep getting louder. I’m thinking of going to a psychologist. I’m also going to try to sleep in my room again tonight. The couch makes me too sore.


    Awoke to more screaming. Saw a figure standing over me when i woke up. It didn’t move. It was just standing there. I freaked out and tried to make a run for it. The door was locked. It wouldn’t open either. Something-whatever it is-doesn’t want me to leave this place. I can still hear the screaming. The whispers. I tried taking a shower despite the fact i was still scared. When I got out, I saw his face in the mirror. Not going to take another shower unless that mirror is gone. I don’t care how nasty it is. The shadows and whispers still keep me up anyway.


    As the hours pass, I can still feel the presence following me as I move around the house. Watching me. Always behind me. It never leaves. The whispers. They are all the same. Jack and Jill. I’ve actually grown to like the melody. I sing along occasionally, but when I do they stop. I cant leave. My internet is gone. The phone wont work. I have no contact to the outside world. Someone….help me.


    She has revealed her face to me now.



    She said I will suffer the same fate she has.

    She’s watching me as I write this.

    Her father is watching as well.

    He has the axe.

    They are singing together, too.

    Jack and Jill went up the hill…

    Please tell me if it’s ok

  • :email from a stranger:
    as soon as madison got home from school she plopped down in her favorite chair in her bedroom and grabbed her laptop to check her email when she came across a strange email it was just a picture but it was way too blurry for her too see what it was it made her feel uneasy but she put it out of her mind and went downstairs to watch tv after an hour she fell asleep but when she woke up it was already eleven so she headed upstairs to her room changed into her pajamas and fell asleep in her cozy bed thirty minutes later she heard the familiar ring of her cell phone so she got up to awnser it all she heard was a raspy voice that said “check your email” and then they hung up she cautiosly got up and got her laptop and sat in her favorite chair again she got three more pictures the fist one was something orange but too blurry too see
    she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end she opeaned the next message with curiosity but she found that it was another picture it was orange with blue stripes still very blurry she suddenly filled with fear as she looked down at her pajamas they were orange with blue stripes she felt her heart beat faster as she openened the next message it was her sitting in her room looking at her laptop she gasped and looked around her room her body stiffened up as she felt a blade of a knife across her neck she whimpered as she felt warm blood ooze down her neck her vision blurred as she slid to the ground dying silently the next morning her brother woke up surprised to see his laptop opean so he got up and checked it he got three new emails he opeaned the first one it was a picture but it was to blury to see what it was

  • Hi I love adventures, I only have one thing I need to tell you. You messed up your grammar. “Murder” is supposed to be “Murderer”

  • Boyfriend

    One day I found a boyfriend, his name was Ashton. I loved him a lot. Ashton has blue eyes, dirty blond hair and, a smokin’ hot face. We loved eachother a lot, we would NEVER let go of hands. Ashton told me “i WILL love you forever my angel, I will never let you go”. I found that precious! The next day Ashton asked me “Would you like to go to the prom with me?” I said “Yes, YES, I WILL GO TO THE PROM WITH YOU!!!!!”. So, I dressed in red with red high heels. Ashton was waiting at the door, with a black suit. We danced ate, drank, and played some games. When Ashton and I got back from the Prom we both fell asleep. When I woke up, it was still dark. I tried to get out of bed but a body was on top of me. It was my mom. Her eyes were plucked out, then next to me was my dad, his throat was slit. Both were dead. I was too sad to scream until Ashton came in, holding something behind his back. I told Ashton “Oh Ashton. Help me up” Ashton said back “Okay, grab my hand. We have to hurry a murder is trying to kill you!” So, i quickly got up and ran with Ashton to the car. Ashton told me “We need to go some where in the forest where no one can see you, even the murder.” Ashton drove really fast, obviously he cared about me. As we were in the forest, we found a cabin. Ashton told me “Get in the cabin so no one or the muder can hear you!” I ran inside the cabin. When we got in Ashton said “I’ll lock the doors and you cover up the windows and chimney, so no one or the murder can see you.” I quickly got some blankets from the beds and covered up the window. Once we were finished I told Ashton “Were now safe…… and sound!” Then Ashton told me “No your not” The thing behind Ashton was a knife. I told Ashton “I thought you loved me!!” Ashton replied “I say that to all girls, dont worry it’ll be over with in no time!” Then, i felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Ashton said “See you in hell!!”

    Plz no bad commments!!!

  • Another story from “TheTeller”

    I bring you here today “One last laugh”
    Oscar! “Get down here and finish your breakfast!” “I’m coming mom.” Excited for school honey? “No, not really…” “Sweetie, why not?” “Because mom, the kids there treat kids like us, I don’t know?” “Different” “Well you never know how they’re lives are at home.” Horrible or not, that doesn’t even give them a reason to treat us like dirt. “I know sweetie I went through the same thing when i was little.” I might need a ride home from school. “Why not ride the bus?” I don’t know. “And sweetie what do you mean, kids like us?” Everyone is different, but a “good” kind of different. “Look ma i gotta get to school, love you. “Love you to!”

    “Oh look who it is guys! barf boy!” “Hah” Funny oh my belly hurts. -sarcasticly- “Look kid all you have to do is give us your bling.” Wha? “You know… OMG! YOUR LUNCH MONEY IDIOT!” Well sorry “Fran” but my ma didnt give me any “Bling” today, sucks for you. “No, it sucks for YOU.” -throws in trash can- “Need a hand? I’m Kyle the new kid.” No thanks, but thanks for the offer. Dont sweat it kid. Hey do you wanna come over sometime, my mom makes sick nachos! Ugh-h ok? Okay, see you later trash boy. U-mm okay?

    Sooo what do you do around here? “Nothin really.” So, where you move from? Alabama. Oh nice country. “Yeah…” Not the BEST country but its ighte. “ighte?” Yea mean alright, just a little shorter, well its getting latre you oughta get home, bye.


    “RING!” “Hello?” “Oscar is this you!?!” “Um yes, who is this?” “No time for that!!!! where is Kyle?!” “I don’t know?” But he is acting a little weird. “Make sure you lock all openings to outside! We adopted Kyle and I saw the warning on the ne -static- -screaming- -phone goes dead- “Hello, saw the warning wher? ugh hello can you here me?” -knocks on door- Hello, Oscar are you there its, Kyle. HELLO?! LOOK I THINK THAT KILLER ON THE NEWS IS COMING AFTER ME I NEED TO COME IN PLEASE!!!
    10 minutes later
    -scream, manly scream- Kyle are you ok? -opens door- OH MY GOD! There was laying the dead body of kyle.
    Minutes after police showed up
    Um kid, we got some disturbing news, the killer wasnt kyle but we traced the call that his mom made it was coming um from inside the house, but the thing we dont understand is she died minutes after the call was made.

    But if she died and the call came from inside the house and kyle died wouldnt the killer be still in the house if she died in the house, just then someone behind him had to have one last laugh…

    Hope you enjoyed answer to who the killer was will be commented soon but first i would like to hear your thoughts!

  • Hullo im TheTeller and today ill be telling you a story i made up :)

    They are here:
    One day there was a girl named cassandra, she was a brunette with bright blue eyes she was well known for them, but she always wished she didnt have them, sometimes she went into her parents bedroom crying about how there were people in her room staring at her and clawing outside her window, she had begged her mom to get her contacts, but her mom said contacts wouldnt do any good, cassandra has a friend who is blind, jony a boy that is only 3 years younger than cassandra he is 8, cassandra told jony about the add in the paper about a eye transplant, she didnt know about if it would change the images she sees but she wanted to take the chance, the next day after the surgery cassandra hadnt seen the images in almost a year jony had been in the hospital but cassandra didnt know why, the next day jonys mom had called cassandra and told her that jony was going to get a eye transplant, but sadly they didnt have any eyes so they were wating to give jony the eyes of the patient they were working on, cassandra was happy for jony, the next couple days jony had came back his eyes bright blue, cassandra had told him about the images she saw and that was why she got the transplant, while they were talking this is what was said “hey jony, i was worried about you how was the transplant?” “It was awesome!, I can see perfectly now!” “Yea i had to get a transplant for my eyes because i was seeing these ugly ugly peopl.. then all the sudden jony put his hand over her mouth, “shhhhh theyre here”.

    Hope you enjoyed!

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