Scary For Kids


  • My siste Sarah, and I were at the park and it was a lovely day. Our town was a great place to grow up. Crime hardly ever happened there. Everyone knew everyone else and were friends. The park was crowded with families and I recognized everyone, well almost everyone.

    There was a strange woman sitting on the bench on the other side of the park but she seemed harmless. Just sitting there reading a book, minding her own business, so I didn’t think twice about it. My sister and I loved to play a game called “don’t open”. What you do is one person closes their eyes and the other tries to trick you in to opening them. You usually try to scare them.

    We sat under a tree. It was my turn to get my sister to open her eyes. I tried tickling her but it only made her laugh so I pretended to leave. I made the fake walking away sound with my feet and slowly lowering my voice to make it sound like I was farther away. She fell for it. Sarah opened her eyes and when she saw me she was relieved.

    It was now her turn now. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Sarah laughed and I couldn’t help but laugh too. Suddenly her laughter stopped and so did the sounds all around me, as if everyone in the park had left. “Sarah, are you there?” I wanted to open my eyes so bad but something in my head said don’t.

    “Becca help, please help me.” Now I really wanted to open my eyes but Sarah usually used this scare strategy to win. So I just sat there as she yelled. My stomach started to turn and I didn’t think I could take any more. The screaming stopped and a whisper said “don’t open your eyes”. I opened my eyes despite what I heard only to see every one gone but my sister hanging from a tree, dead.

    I called 911 and sat there stunned. I looked across to the bench were the lady was sitting and saw her book. I walked over to it. There was a note in the book. I pulled it out. It said written in dark red ink “don’t you wish you opened your eyes.”

  • Ehhh, arrgh,irgh,beep,ergh. The computer roared as Sally connected to AOL to IM (instant message) her friends as they had planned that day at school. “Weclome” Her computer greeted her. She was home alone because her parents were out at dinner. Almost right away, she found a chat room full of her friends. They greeted each other and began to chat. They talked for hours and Sally’s eyes were getting tired. Then, someone else joined. They claimed to be a friend of one of the girls who was not in the chatroom. They all assumed that it was true and continued. The new person constantly made rude or just plain mean and hurtful remarks about the other people in the chatroom, but never about Sally. Some of the remarks made her feel better and put her above the other people. The person constantly singled out Sally and commented about her and flattered her. She began to like this person, but everyone else hated the new person. Sally wanted to know where this person lived so they could get together sometime. When she asked, the response was that he or she didn’t want all these other people to know, only Sally, so he would send an email to her inbox telling her. He asked her for her email address and so she gave it. A few seconnds later, her computer told her “You’ve got mail”, so she minimized the IM box and opened her email. There was an email titled “where i live” so she opened it, and read it, at first not understanding it’s meaning, and then in horror, as she understand what the email meant all that was typed was “Behind the Couch”.

    Her parents came home to find their daughter dead, stabbed to death sitting in her own blood. They read what was on the computer, and when they searched behind the couch, they found a sheath for a knife, and a laptop, displaying the exact same email and chatroom that was on the computer.So the lesson here is never talk to strangers,especially online

  • I remember when I was eleven I had just fallen asleep to have a very strange dream…
    My mom was walking down Aisle 8 in Wal-Mart, talking on her cell phone. I was watching her from the end of the aisle. Suddenly, a man was heard running down the store. His shoes could be heard screeching to a stop at the end of the aisle mom was walking down. He looked terrifying, like a nervous psycho, running from the police. He took out a pistol and pointed it at my mom, then yelled, “If you take one step closer, I shoot!”

    They couldn’t see her, and thought he was just bluffing. But to be sure, they called backup to go to the end and check the aisle. Mom was crying so hard. The burglar thought they called the police, and shot her. From the cell phone she had, I could hear crying and yelling.

    I woke up crying and sweating. It was extremely late, as I went to bed at about 3:00 am. I looked at the clock and it was 1:00. I ran downstairs and called Mom right away. Thank God that she picked up.

    “Mom?! Are you okay?!” I quickly blurt out.
    “Of course, sweetie. Is something wrong?” my mom replied.
    I smiled and calmed down, “Yeah. I’m fine. Just a bad dream.”
    “Ok, honey.” She responded cheerfully.
    I was about to say ‘bye’ and hang up, when a thought suddenly occurred to me.
    “Mom, where are you?” I asked.
    “I’m at Wal-Mart.” She replied.
    There was a silence. “What aisle?” I quickly questioned.
    “Hun, is something wrong? I’m in the CD aisle, Aisle 8.” She stated.
    “Are you walking by an 80’s CD?” I remembered.
    Another silence, “How did you know that?”
    A strike of panic hit me quickly, “Mom, get out of the store. Now.” I demanded.
    “Honey, what’s this about?” she questioned.
    “GO!!!” I yelled.
    I could hear the faint noise of a man running. “Hurry up!” I yelled.Right when I said that I heard a gun shoot and then dead silence.

  • Here’s my FIRST story, hope it’s any good…:)
    …I must die…
    I woke up in front of my house. I looked around myself. It was getting dark, I felt the
    autumn breeze on my neck. Apparently I had been sleepwalking again, at daytime though.
    The door of my house was unlocked and I stepped in. Everything was arranged the same, but
    somehow it was all different. I felt uneasy, like something was watching me.
    I walked into the living room and to my horror, I saw my beloved dog, strangled with an
    electricity cord. I collapsed cyring, when I heard a noise coming from my bedroom. I quickly
    grabbed a knife from the kitchen and slowly went towards the room. I opened the door
    carefully and nothing could prepare me for what I saw. My boyfriend was hanging from the
    ceiling, with a horrific expression on his face, and the wall behind him read “You’re the
    last one…” in blood. I just stood there, with a blank face for a few moments…
    someone’s in my house…they killed my dog and boyfriend…I’m the last one
    to go…I ran into the bathroom, looked at the mirror, seeing my pale face and
    bloody hands… I suddenly felt sick to my stomach and threw up..
    I understand what’s happening now…I killed them…I’m the last one…I must die…i must
    die…those were my last thoughts before I drifted off to sleep…and never woke up…

  • This is my first story hope you like it, and can be post on this website, okay.. It’s rain very hard since this morning, a girl name Cassie was having a home alone. Her parents were out for their bussiness. Her sisters were at school. Cassie spent her time with playing piano and colouring some pictures.

    At 3 pm, her phone rang, the number was blocked. She answer the phone. She heared a strange eerie sound and then a familliar scream. Cassie was confused. So, she disconnected the call.

    She thought about that call. Finnaly she noticed the scream was her older sister named Maya. She was on her school right now.

    She was terrified. She ran to Maya’s school after she locked the front door.

    Cassie arrived to her older sister’s school. Many people surrounded the school gate.
    Cassie look a high school girl laying on a pool of blood. Cassie knew his face. It’s Maya.

    Maya was buried at the next day. After Maya was buried, Cassie receive a phone call. The number was blocked. She answer it.

    She could hear a high pitched sound and a man speak,” Call me if you can and I will stop the cursed” then the call end.

    Cassie thought. ” What cursed?” Then she tried to call that strange man again. It won’t worked. She tried and tried , over and over, it won’t worked. Cassie was very worried about her family.

    That night, Cassie was having a dinner with her parents and younger sister named Vica. Her father finished the dinner first and want to checked the mailbox at the garden. He walk to the garden alone.

    5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, her father didn’t came back to their home. Her mother decided to checked her husband. She went out. After a few seconds, she scream in horror. Cassie and Vica ran to her mother. Cassie scream, Vica cried. Her father collapsed with a scratch on his body . He was dead.

    The next day her father buried next to Maya. “Is this the cursed?” said Cassie with tears.

    After her father buried, they got home. She found a newspaper on the mailbox. She read the first page. ” A murder with blocked number” . She read it. “To end the cursed you must call him and said, Cursed be gone forever! Don’t come back to me.

    That night she tried to call that murder. And it worked. She call and the murder answer it. She scream, CURSED BE GONE !!! DON’T COME BACK!!! Then the man scream and close the call. Cassie sighed. “The cursed end now.. I must go to sleep for tommorrow.”

    At 2 am, she hear a voice on her bedroom door. She awoke with fear.

    “Who’s there?” asked Cassie

    No answer.

    “Who’s there?” asked Cassie.

    The door opened slowly and there was nobody on there.

    Maybe I just sleepy. I’m tired.
    Cassie went back to slept again. But, she felt something on her feet. Like someone sit on there and stare at her.

    She opened her eyes and looked. A man with black cloth was sitting on her knees and stare at her.

    “I will give you a curse for a second time” said the man

    “Why?! But, I already said it..?! ask Cassie.

    The man smile and giggles. And raise a butcher knife.

    “You forgot to said FOREVER!”

    (What do you think about my story? I forgot the title, the title is “cursed call” )

  • Bloody pie

    Cupcake a strange girl from Swift Town but loves baking pie’s, every week she would give Hero his favorite raspberry pie. Hero loves her raspberry pie esp. the juicy red syrup that always comes out.
    Hero is a journalist at their school and loves reading the news, One day he saw a front page of a newspaper that says “HS Student Blood Sucked” hero was confused and tried to read at the end it says ” this is a total of 7 victims almost every week the killer roams around the town and find a victim stabbs him/her and suck the blood out. So be careful esp. at night” hero was shocked he looked at the victims he was now horrified all the victims was his friends and the last victim was his girlfriend cheyenne those victims was dearly to him and all connected to him, tears was in his eyes. He attended the funeral of his girlfriend, he went home late at night but their was a box at his front porch ,he opened it and it was a heart shaped raspberry pie …he knew it was from cupcake so he ate with delight. Hero had never seen cupcake before and he wanted to thank her for her hospitality ,he went to her house the door was strangely opened,he came in, he saw the rug and walls was full of red paint which leads through a dark room he came in he knew it was the basement he tried to found the light switch as soon as it turned on ,Hero’s nightmare began he saw his parent dead their chest was cut blood was dripping down into a pail his parents face was taped their eyes was bloody tears and they were lying on a baking table. The light was flickering on and on he now know the killer but what does she do with all the blood ,He suddenly vomits he was crying he heard screams the door was closing he heard a laugh the light still flickering and a scratch was being heard from behind he stood up and tried to speak “WHY?” she answered back “I LOVE YOU”. The next day the family was seen dead at their own home their blood was sucked all the police found was a heart shaped raspberry pie and a note that says “i made this from everyone you love,CCake”

  • This is an urban legend in the philippines


    This is a famous story of the Robinson’s shopping mall way back in the 1980s. The legend tells us the owners of the mall have a half-human half-snake offspring that craves for pretty girls for its meal. This mysterious rumor since 90’s that this particular mall, Robinsons Galleria, hides a mysterious creature behind its dressing rooms. That creature was said to be a half snake, half human. And is the twin brother of Robina Gokongwei, daughter of Robinsons’ founder, John Gokongwei Jr.
    There are claims that every time that half man, half snake is hungry, he will pick one unlucky, beautiful girl that is using the mall’s dressing room. And the floor is said to open, sending the unlucky girl to a series of pipes and slides her into the human-snake’s chamber. And the human-snake will eat her. Some says that the human-snake would even rape the girl before eating it.
    Other versions of the story said that there are no series of pipes; the floor will just go wide open, dropping the girl into a deep, dark place. Into the basement, where the human-snake dwells, and will eat her.
    Another story says that the mirrors in the dressing room serves as trap doors that opens when the human-snake picked someone and will send the girl to the human-snake’s chamber. The mirrors are the hidden way to the human-snake’s chamber.
    An Actress Alice Dixson even once claimed that she survived the human-snake once when she went to a Robinsons Mall. In which Robinsons Mall, I don’t know. Further, according to stories, the human-snake fell in love with her. Decided not to kill her. And Alice escaped.
    However, Alice said that it didn’t really happen in her later interviews. Some people say Alice changed her statements because she was paid by the Gokongweis. There are also gossips that even Rita Avila became a victim of this human-snake. However, there are no more stories about Avila’s encounter with this human-snake creature.
    But the stories don’t end there. In the opening day of Robinsons Dumaguete in November 23, 2009, a mysterious black out occurred. And when the lights are back, reports say that a saleslady and a girl customer were missing. No more reports after the incident
    They even say that half human, half snake, twin brother of Robina Gokongwei, is said to be named as ‘Robinson’. . Some people say that the story is just an exaggeration of ‘Robinson’s’ abnormal condition.

    But how about you? Did you believe this Or not? Would you go to the Robinson’s mall dressing room?

  • The ghost sisters. Two sisters where playing in the park when suddenly they heard a voice…come here come here darling. They thought it was their mom so they rushed over to see her but to their horror their mom was hanged on strings blood dripping down. She opened a red glaring that stared at them for ages then grabbed the little sister ripped her eyes out stabbed her and. Cut off her head!!!the big sis was next.she ripped her flesh and bones and left her. If you go to any park sit on the swing at midnight then say come here come here darling the little sister will come and say please don’t die I love you and then the ghost mum will come and kill you like the big sis only if u say big sis after come here if you say little sis u will die like her so beware your next!!!!!!!

  • hi my name is johnnie im 11 and this is my 1rst story and hopefully you enjoy

    me hannah and ashely are on a video chat room. they video chat and a blank screen appears threatening us. i didnt think anything and just kept chatting. he was still blabbing about me clicking the link. then the computer blacked out and went back on and horrificly hannah was mutilated and decapitated horribly.the voice says how about now. im to stoned to speak staring at hannah. the screen blacks out and boom ashley suffers the same fate. then i break down and click the link. but not good enough it was to late i find myself in a pool of blood. 1 week later… i commit suicide because i dread the haunting of hannah and ashley. the end

  • hye i’m hajar and i like writing and reading scary stories so i hope you like this one
    Revange :
    Once upon a time, a long time in the past, a guy called Elliot.He was working in a mine of gold, he was so rich.One day, on his way to work he met a woman called Elisabeth .They fell in love and got married. Just after the wedding they got 5 kids: Edward, Stephan, Isabella, Lusinda, Samara.They lived in happiness for 10 years, until one day, they became so poor. The kids were so hungry and cold. After that, Elliot died .But he always thought that his family was the reason of his poorness .One evening, Samara, Lusinda and Isabella went to the woods to get some flowers and herbs it was dark and they started hearing some very scary and stressing voices telling them: “my dear delicious creatures I’m sorry”
    The girls wondered and the voice replied again: “I’m sorry”
    It was repeted again and again until the girls asked it why it was sorry so a very strange shape appeared and told them: “I’m sorry for this………………….”
    Their mother got worried and worried about her girls so she followed them to the woods and she was so horrified when she saw her girls with no heads or arms or legs. But there was a message on their bodies there was written:
    “My very beloved wife revenge is a hot plate that should be eaten cold so you’re next. Beware: DON’T LOOK BEHIND YOU “
    But the wife was so curious so she turned around and saw a ghostly shape that was smiling while looking at the poor woman. The next day the boys found parts of the mother’s body cut and put in the fridge with other foods. They were so scared that they tried to escape from the house but unfortunately all the doors and windows were closed. Suddenly, they heard a demoniac laugh upstairs then footsteps getting closer and closer until it got behind them. A very inhuman strange voice told them: “resolve this: 6-4 equals …………………… 2 now it’s your turn ……………….” After that they found the two boys with no eyeballs no ears no teeth and no noses.
    Nobody knows about this story just me so guess who am I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (i’m morrocan so excuse my bad english and i hope you all like my story)

  • Wedding Veil

    There once was a boy named Jake, who was constantly bullied by 3 boys, Mike, Bob and Jason. They would always ask his lunch money or beat him up. One day while walking home, he stopped because there were two paths. The first path was full of houses and the other path leads to an old church and a shortcut home. While taking a shortcut home, the 3 bullies blocked his way when he’s beside the old church. They pushed him in the church and locked the door. He screamed “let me out! while they laughed. Then, Jake heard a woman humming. He looked back and finds a woman in a wedding dress and veil at the altar. Then the woman walks towards him and brings out an axe. Then suddenly she kills him as he was screaming. The 3 bullies decide to check it out but when they opened the door, they found the corpse of Jake on the floor. The only thing they found is a wedding veil. They realized then a bride commited suicide in the church when her husband skipped the wedding. Her ghost still haunts the church and kills the people who entered the church. Just before leaving, the ghost pulls them in and kills them.

  • “Dan, sweety, be careful”
    “Sure I will Penny”
    “Take care of the baby well, OK”
    “OK sweety”

    And she left the door with that.
    Dan says to the crying baby:

    “Mummy said to give you your medicine now”
    He fed the baby with some Calpol and then lulled him to sleep.
    “There, your finally asleep”
    Dan went upstairs. He was extremely tired because all the packing he did with his wife, since she was going to New Zealand.
    He went to sleep as soon as he pulled the covers…

    WAHHHHHH! Wailing came from the babies room… WAHHHHHH!

    “What the heck is wrong with that baby” Dan walked into the room and stared at the baby. He put the baby to sleep and went back to his own room.

    “OK, that does it!” He went into the kitchen got a plate and something else and ran to the baby’s room.

    “SHUT UP;RIGHT NOW” Silence…

    Morning Struck. Dan yawned. “Boy I’m hungry” Dan opened the fridge ate and burped. Deeelicious. Dan walked to the baby’s room!
    Silence again…

    “You didn’t stop crying…”
    “And there was nothing to eat…”

    The baby was lying in his cot, still, blood dripping from it’s decapitated neck…

    This story is by MEEE (DeathBlasted). No copyright intended (if any). Thanks for reading. ScaryforKids, please post this by the name of: You wouldn’t stop crying…

  • Yeah I know…..another one…it’s a poem

    Deep in the woods the monster sleeps
    Using bones to pick at his teeth
    Sun doesn’t shine where he dwells
    Some people say it resembles hell
    The children leave one by one
    He eats them and throws them when he is done
    Children don’t smile
    Hush and don’t cry
    If he finds you, you will die
    No one has ever dared to ask why
    No one has eer ventured there from last year to tonight.
    If youre adventurous I’d advise you to go
    But remember he kills you slow

    It sucks….I know…….. :$

  • This is called ‘Secrets’

    You had just met her, she just transferred to your school, and already she was following you around without your consent. A young girl with quite a…Colorful fashion sense, her name is Kathy, and apparently she thought she was your friend now. Turns out she also lived next door. Oh joy. Everyday she accompanied you on your walk to school, chatting happily despite you not even acknowledging her, sitting by you in class and the lunchroom.

    One Day, she came over to your house without asking, and you found her in the kitchen, drinking lemonade and talking excitably with your mother. “W-what is she doing here?” You asked, trying not to show your anger. How dare she just waltz in without warning?! “Dear, she said you told her to come over. Oh, she is just the sweetest thing! I’m glad you’re friends.” You shook your head and sighed, you couldn’t just tell her to get out with your mom standing there, you’d get in trouble. “Alright…C’mon Kathy…” You figured you might as well take her to your room and only then can you tell her to get lost, you should also ask her what she’s doing there.

    Kathy skipped behind you into your bedroom and looked around, plopping her little butt down on your bed. “Pretty room, kinda plain though. Oughta hang some paintings on the wall or something…Maybe a little different furnishing, too. Oh, and-!” “Hey!” You cut her off. “Why are you here?” She blinked and tilted her head, before realization crossed her face. “Oh! Right, I have something to tell you.” Your eye twitched. “…What is it?” “It’s a secret, you have to promise not to tell.” Oh, this is just ridiculous! “Just tell me!” “No! It’s a secret! You have to swear on your life not to tell!” “Fine, I swear.” “On your life!” “I swear on my life, geez!” She perked up. “Alright, c’mere.” She gestured for you to come closer and you sighed, walking over to her and bending down so she could whisper in your ear.

    Your eyes widened at her words and you stumbled back in horror. “You swore not to tell, keep that promise.” She got up and headed for the door. “And you know how that song goes. By the Pierces. Two can keep a secret…If one of them is dead. Remember that.” With that said, she was gone, leaving you to think over what had just happened.

    The next day, you were sitting at lunch, the events of the day before still churning in your head. Kathy hadn’t come to school that day, which worried you more. “Hey, why do you look so worried?” You glanced up, one of your friends, Jenny, was staring at you with a raised eyebrow. “I..I…” You had to tell, it’ll bug you for the rest of your life if you didn’t. So you told her everything.

    That night, as you were getting ready for bed, you heard your mother call you from downstairs and hurried to the kitchen where you heard her voice. You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw Kathy there and your mother nowhere in sight. Kathy sat in a chair pushed up to the counter, playing with a large knife, cake ingredients sitting in front of her. “K-kathy…?” You felt fear engulf you when she looked at you, no emotion in her eyes. “You swore you wouldn’t tell.” She said simply, and you felt tears well up in your eyes. “K-kathy, I-i’m sorry..I-i…” “No…Too late now…You broke your promise.” “No..N-no…P-please…NO!”

    A few days later the news reported; ’15 year old girl found dead in basement, chunks cut out of her and baked into a cake while her mother had been drowned in a blood filled bathtub; two victims of Kathy Balarm, a 15 year old cannibal still on the run who bakes young victims into desserts and used to sell them in her shop if they told someone a secret she tells them. No one knows what this secret is, because she kills anyone who finds out. It has been said she moves from town to town after each crime, keep an eye out for a girl with long brown hair, green eyes, who wears very colorful clothing. Police are still looking for the body of Jenny Kellar, having gone missing just days ago and believed to be another victim of Kathy.’

  • Phyllis

    Sierra and Nathan were best friends since sixth grade. Now being in tenth, they were pretty much inseparable. When they weren’t hanging out, they were texting or emailing each other. Then one day, they had an argument. That kind of thing never happened. Sierra was so upset, she ran off, away from the houses, as far away as possible. Running so long that when she looked up, the sky was dark and the moon shined in the sky. She was admiring the stars (through tears, of course), when she hit something. It fell back and so did she. When Sierra looked up, she saw that she had knocked down a little girl. She almost forgot her worries.
    “Sorry,” she sniffled. “Are you okay?” The girl nodded, and sat up. “I’m Phyllis,” she said, unhurt. “What’s wrong?” Sierra answered the little girl: “My best friend, Nathan, had an argument with me today. We’ve been friends for four years.” She then lost all composure, and spilled out the story of their argument, crying through the whole thing, as Phyllis patted her back. “And then,” she finished tearfully, “He said that we can’t be friends again.” Phyllis stayed unusually calm. Then, she replied: “Oh, Sierra, do you think he should learn a lesson?” Without thinking, Sierra said, “Yes!” Phyllis nodded. “He’ll miss you and come back to you,” she said cheerfully. “Go home.” Sierra didn’t know why, but she obeyed the girl’s command.
    Sierra walked into her room and looked in the mirror. “He will come back to you.” “Yes,” said a voice from behind her, “He will.” She looked in the mirror. Having a room on the second floor, it was a surprise that Phyllis was outside of her window. “Oh, Phyllis!” Sierra gasped. Phyllis spoke in a very warm tone. “Good day, Sierra. Sorry to scare you like that. I just came to… help.” And then, in a not-so-warm tone, Phyllis laughed.
    When Nathan heard that Sierra was missing, he ran. He ran all the way to the woods, past the houses, through the trees. He was so sad, he cried all the way. Looking up, he admired the stars, when he hit something. Both he and it fell back. He sat up, to see a little girl. “I’m sorry!” he sniffled, barely able to talk through his tears. “My name is Phyllis,” the girl said. “What’s wrong?” Nathan spilled out the story, finishing with: “I need her now!” Phyllis nodded. Warm and understanding, she seemed. Then, she said, “I know a girl named Sierra, and I know where she is. She wanted you.” Nathan gasped. “Where?” Phyllis smiled at his excitement, and then replied, “Follow me.” She lead Nathan to, of all places, a graveyard. “Here?” he asked, upset. “She is hiding in there,” said the girl, pointing to some dirt. “She’s dead?” “No! Of course not. Does that say ‘Sierra’ on it?” Phyllis pointed to the headstone. “No, it says — Phyllis Mercant!” He turned to her, and she grabbed him as she fell through the dirt, dragging him into a coffin, where Sierra panicked to get out for so many hours, on top of Phyllis’s dead body.
    As the light from Sierra’s eyes faded, she heard a young girl’s voice saying, “Why not thank me… I gave you what you wanted…”

  • Hagg’s Facility

    John was finally twelve, old enough to enter the Park Ranger Training Group. He loved nature, and wanted the opportunity to be with it as long as he lived. Perhaps his love of the wild came from his hate of the indoors. Not just the indoors. Offices.

    He didn’t like offices at all. Perhaps it was his dream, the dream that he had so long ago, the dream he was sure he would never forget.

    In this dream, he is operating a computer, typing with adult’s hands. Looking with adult’s eyes. Standing on an adult’s feet.

    What John was typing, he did not understand. He could not remember it. Then, as he pressed “Enter” to admire his work, and heard a snap. A small sound, but it meant a lot. Slowly he turned his desk chair, and then saw the blue door… It meant something. He heard screams, glass breaking, and total chaos. Too scared to move, he told himself, “Whatever’s happening in there, I don’t want to be a part of it.” But he couldn’t move. He was too scared. “Move,” He told himself. “MOVE!” Eventually he managed to run. His legs would not carry him fast enough. He heard slobbering. Turning to see what it was, he lost his chance to escape. It had jumped at him, but he could not see it. Whatever it was, it was large. He cried out as it killed him. He woke in a cold sweat.

    This may have triggered his love of the outdoors. Of course, he never told anyone about the dream. He didn’t want to end up in an insane asylum.

    He ran down the path to the meeting place, where the boys and girls had gathered. Everyone was there. Jenna and Mark where his first friends, and he made many more, but they where the unlucky ones who went for a nature walk one afternoon.

    They were talking and chatting, when suddenly, Mark said, “Where are we?” The others looked around. The were so caught up in their conversation that they didn’t watch where they were going. Nervous, they wandered around. “Let me see,” said Jenna, pulling out a map. She stared at it, puzzled. Then her eyes widened. “We’re not on this map!” John began to panic. “No, no, we must be! Let me see it!” He found the same result. Scared, Mark pulled out his mobile phone, dismayed to see he had no signal. They were lost, and not in a national park. They had somehow wandered out of the park. Unable to restrain themselves, the children screamed, but nobody heard their panicked cries. Eventually, after a few deep breaths, Jenna said, “We’ll find our way back.” The sun was starting to set, so the children were nervous. The boys nodded, and followed her, as she tried to search for signs of civilization.

    “Look!” exclaimed Jenna, seeing a white shirt snagged on a branch. As she picked it up, she started to cry. The boys asked why, and she showed the front of the shirt to them. They gasped. It was stained red.

    The children managed, eventually, to calm down, thinking there must be a perfectly logical explanation. Or at least, saying that to each other in an attempt to keep calm.

    As they came across more blood-soaked clothing, they grew more terrified. They even broke down a few times. Eventually, they saw a building. The sun was quite low by now, so there was little light to see by, but they saw it. Old and rotted, the door hung on it’s hinges, the windows stained red and broken. Chewed bones were scattered on the ground unceremoniously. Jenna, with tear-soaked eyes, surveyed the building. There was no sign, or any evidence that one had been there. Biting her lip, the walked towards the building. The others took a step forward, then hesitated.

    “Come on! I am NOT going alone!” Jenna choked. Mark looked at the bones on the ground, disgusted and scared. “I’m not going.” John took a step back. It was all the answer Jenna needed.

    “There might be someone who can help us!” Jenna yelled back to them. “We’re going to die anyway!”

    Jenna eventually said, “Fine, I’m going alone.” She was terrified out of her wits, and maybe insanity caused it, but she walked forward carefully. She peeked through the door, then, with a sudden rush of sanity, glanced over her shoulder. The boys stood there staring at her. “If I find anyone,” she grumbled, “I won’t tell you.” Then, she stepped inside.

    It was dark, and hard to see. She looked around the room. There was a broken blue door, and a computer room beyond. The computers looked old. She looked around the room she was in. A laboratory. Potions and strange mixing bottles littered the floor, and some stood on rotting shelves. To her left was a door that read “KEEP OUT”. It was completely broken, lying on the floor. She glanced into the room. It was covered in huge cages. For one, the cage had entirely snapped. Jenna ran outside and announced to the others, very pleased with herself, “We have shelter!” In her terrified insanity, she was almost giddy, singing and dancing, laughing crazily. Then she ran into the building with open arms. “Hello, my friend!” She ran in laughing. Her laugh was cut short, and the boy’s eyes widened. She chuckled a little, then screamed. The boys were now, more than ever, not wanting to go into that building. But they would never sleep again unless their minds were at ease about what had happened to Jenna… They had to know.

    The both ran through the door. There was a heavy metallic smell. “Blood!” screamed Mark, and his breaths became very heavy. Mark fell to the ground in fear. John looked around the laboratory, knowing it was useless to try to awaken Mark. He walked into the room full of cages. Then, walking into the laboratory, he noticed the blue door. His dream. Now he knew he had to open the door. And he did.

    Computers lined the room, just like in his dream. Shaking, he looked to the floor. A trail of dark red blood, thicker than he had ever seen, lead behind a computer. He stared at it hard, as if that would change things. He was breathing heavily. Now, more than ever, he wanted to shrink and hide, so that it couldn’t see him. It was all he could do to hang on to sanity. He couldn’t move. He heard a rip, and a little laugh. If Jenna was still alive…

    John had to see. He walked up to the computer, and glanced behind it. In the last glint of sunlight, he saw Jenna’s crazed features twisted as she died from blood loss. She was terribly mauled. But that was not what scared him. It was the crazy creature behind her. Then it jumped at him at ripped at his chest, legs, arms; whatever it could get a hold of, it shredded to pieces. In his last moment before the pain reached him and turned him insane, he remembered what he was typing, in his dream, in this very room:
    “The Hagg’s Secret Animal Test Facility.
    Because of animal testing laws, we have to keep our testing secret. We have bred strange animals, in attempt to create the perfect predator. We would use it in wars against other countries, creating victory for the government and money for us. However, people would disagree with us, and get rid of us, surely, if any of our perfect predators escaped. That probably won’t happen. Though this is dangerous business, it will be worth the reward.”

    (Thank you for reading! This is my first story, so I expect I’ve made mistakes. Please tell me what I did wrong so I can avoid any mistakes in the future. I hope I gave you goosebumps.)

  • The Lover

    The people said it was boldness that made a happy man do such a horrid thing. Yet the locals know different, they know what had happened.

    For those who read the story on the paper about the husband who brutally killed his wife, there is a story to it.

    Barry Smith was someone who never did wrong, the best man you could think of. He had a well paying job, a nice house, two beautiful children and a nice wife.

    He lived a dream.

    While at work, Barry had his eyes on a new employee, her name is Adella. She had no interest in him, and all she really enjoyed was his money.

    They began to see each other, and hook up.

    Finally the man wanted more, he wanted to start a family with the young girl and ditch his perfect life.

    Adella had only pleaded no, and how she never meant for it to go as that.

    Angered, the man had throw her in the alley and did what he pleased leaving her there.

    She was scared now. She had turned that calm man violent.

    The next day of work he did it again.

    Once he got tired of who she was, he simply threw her down, but she didn’t want to let go. sh feet she had to stay with him because he took something so dear from her.

    When she wouldn’t leave Barry got frustrated to the brink of beating her.
    Then, as he finished he realized she had no pulse, she was dead.

    Barry panicked and thought of ways to plan it, he decided to out the body in a trash bag and bring it home.

    His wife had bought a gun due to the fact of the killings going on.

    The man just nodded and dragged the bag over, she didn’t even ask what it contained.

    In the night, he heard strange voices.

    “Die….die….you took all I had, you made me a fool….die you must…”

    The next night the same, and it continued the whole week

    The man was paranoid and began to wonder, everyone was confused by his safe of mind.

    On the night of the killing, he awoke to a cold touch to the back of his neck, thinking it was his wife he turned around and kissed her.

    It was his wife, but it had something,

    Then in a flash, He saw the face of Adella, who began to bite at his flesh, tearing it apart.

    He grabbed the gun his wife kept and shot at his “wife”. TE mashed the head in with a vase and mutilated the corpse.

    Then as he whirled around he noticed his wife was beside him, screaming.

    Turns out he had killed the killer who came around (purpose of wife buying the gun).

    Angered by what he had become he aimed the gun at himself, but his loyal wife wouldn’t let him and grabbed at it, Barry had accidentally pulled the trigger.

    He is now at a mental hospital.

    The end :$

  • I have a story… It’s not very long… Or scary.

    Graveyard Church

    This story is true.. It happened to me and my BFF Emily about a month back. She lives right beside of a graveyard. There’s a tiny church in the graveyard. When I come up 2 her house, we always got to her papaw’s grave. After that, we stop down by the church. One day we looked inside the church.. EVERYTHING was flipped over and there was a face staring at us from inside.. It was a black woman’s face, one red eye, one yellow eye.. No body, no neck, just a head. No hair or eyebrows either… I hope you like it…

  • Luv ur stories guys. I have one, it’s called “It’s all your fault”

    She swiftly turned around. “eeeek!” she screamed. But then in disappeared. What could’ve been? She thought. She had been seeing these green faces ever since she moved into this new house. She walked very stiffly, every step she took slow and cautiously. then suddenly she felt a grasp at her leg. She leaped forward, but the hand still held. She turned around to see what was there, but saw nothing but thin air. She ran quickly to her room. She thought about the faces she had seen, she recognized them, but couldn’t recall who’s face it was.

    She was all by herself. Her parents were out shopping. She didn’t have any siblings, except for one younger brother, who got kidnapped and murdered a couple years ago.

    She sat in her bed under her quilt, shivering in fright. She didn’t want to see those faces again. As she lay terrified, she remembered the expression of the faces. They looked, angry, and sad at the same time. She tried to wipe the memory of the faces clean from her brain. But she couldn’t forget it. There was something about it…something..oddly familiar. She walked around dazed and bored, waiting for her parents to come back, until she glanced upon a bloody message on the floor. It said, “It’s all your fault Tori! It’s all your fault!” she gasped. She remembered something. But then it went away! It was as if some one was pulling the memory from her brain! But she remembered one bit. Tori came out of the bathroom. She was in her house alone with her little brother, Alv. “Alv, where are you?!” She said, shocked, when she came out of the bathroom, but he was no where to be found.

    When she looked at the message, the blood looked fresh from wound, as if the message was written in present. She screamed, and a familiar voice whispered, “It’s your fault Tori! YOUR FAULT” The voice got deeper and deeper. “I HATE YOU TORI!” She ran downstairs and peered the the hallway. She saw the green face again. She took another turn. There the face was again. She turned into the kitchen. Again. She ran down the hallway to the front door. Again. But this time, the face was right in front of her, staring right at her. Not only did she see the face, but she saw the body. It was the body of her little brother, Alv.

  • It Always,ALWAYS finds you
    Its their.Always.Lurking around the corner,hiding from me.It all started about, when i was 4,5? Anyways, my dad before he died had a buddy and one time he got drunk stole his car.Afterwards Jake(that was his name)wouldn’t speak to him.When he met my mum it was like a fairytale, they had me and my two brothers. Four years ago, my dad died of a heartattack. But I didnt belive it. My dad didnt smoke. He was a pretty fit guy. The police tried to cover it up. Pfft that failed.

    Two years later, my brother died in his home. Like my dad, nothing was wrong with him. The week after that my mum died.She was a dancer. Always tayed fit. Ran marathons, stuff like that. And she died off a heartattack,apprantly.Its me and my brother now. One by one were going slowly. Im all alone.Scared.None else is here its my birthday,Toby went out to get cake. 5minutes he said. He’s gone.I know it.

    Im panicing nones here to help me,in my hands my brothers gladiator he got from Rome. Im crying.I cant stop.Im so scared. Everysound I here I twitch.It could be anything.A Car driving past.Even a bird.

    Tv just went. No pigeon on the satilite. Hes coming. I HATE MY DAD. Why did have to get drunk?! Now my whole lifes going. ALL BECAUSE OFF HIM!!

    Forget. Im going to face it. I’ve written a note it reads: Police or whoever reads this, my soul will never rest untill Jake Castellan is caught. My whole family is gone.He’s the one you want.

    His here.

    And in the corner of the room is a long,black caped man.I cant see his face.He’s holding a scythe.

    Death will always find you. You can never hide. You just have to face the facts. All he wants is your soul.

    May you rest in peace unlike me.

  • here is a story i MADE UP!!!

    The brown dog

    A young girl name Alice was walking down to school. Alice was very careful not to run into trouble. She would always go straight to school and not stop to do anything. One morning she passed by the same alley she went past and didn’t look into. When she looked in, she saw a brown dog whimpering. Since Alice was a helpful person, she decided to help the dog because she thought her parents would understand. So when she got home, she said to her mom “Mommy I found this dog whimpering! Can we help it? PLEASE??” Her mom thought for a minute and said “Sure..Only until it’s back to health. Then, we will put up found posters. Got it?” Alice nodded, let the dog lay down, and went straight to school. When she got home, she did her homework, and watched TV for an hour and a half. She remember the dog and went to check on it. When she did, she saw her mom lying on the floor, with blood all over her. She looked up at the dog and the dog barked at her. Then, the dog ran into the other room where her dad was. She saw him hanging from the ceiling, with his eyes eaten out and his guts were hanging out of his stomach. Alice knew she was next. Alice didn’t notice the dog’s eyes, which were blood red. The dog barked and ran towards her. Two seconds later, Alice was dead. She had her guts pulled out and her heart eaten. The last thing she heard from the dog was “The devil wants you…”

  • A woman had a four-year-old daughter named Jaime who you would not exactly call…normal. Jaime’s classmates teased her for that. One day, Jaime came home crying, so the woman decided to buy her daughter a gift. She drove down to the dollar store, and looked around. She found a doll with four fingers, and she knew that Jaime would love it. She went to the cash register to pay for it. “Sorry, ma’am, but I can’t sell you this doll,” the cashier said. “Oh, please, my daughter will love it!” “Nope, sorry.” “What if I pay you ten dollars?” the lady asked. “No.” “One hundred dollars?” “Sorry.” “A million?” “Well, okay. But you have to promise me one thing.” “What?” she asked. “Don’t leave your daughter alone with the doll at night.” “Okay,” the woman agreed, not planning to actually listen–what would be so bad about leaving her daughter alone with a doll? That night, the woman tucked Jaime into bed, and left the doll with four fingers on the dresser on the other side of the room. She left the room and turned off the light. Suddenly, Jaime heard a small voice from across the room singing, “Jaime, I’m taking one step!” Then she heard a thump on the floor. “Jaime, I’m taking a second step!” the voice sang, again. “Jaime, I’m taking a third step! Jaime, I’m climbing,” the voice sang, sounding a lot closer to her, and Jaime heard some scratching on wood. “Jaime, I’m going to kill you.” The next morning, the woman went into Jaime’s room to find her daughter dead with the four fingered doll sitting on the bed with a knife in her hand.

  • Ok iam kinda new on this and iam sorry if this is not scary but can you post it anyway? thank

    This is called:Bad things

    Hey my name is Rose,and i have nightmares every night,i wishy they would stop they never do and i stay up every night in my bed,just because i see things things you would not normally see.Last night i had a dream, i will tell you.I was at this place,called Woodrow and it was a activity center,There was a ghost a ghost called Katamoshso,she had a black face and lost red eyes and she haunted every inch of the house the house belonged to her Grandfather and she died suddenly on a tree,while she was climbing it and she fell and broke her neck,and now pushes everyone off the tree.That’s my dream,I woke up just now and i heard a loud bang but i am too scared to get up,but for the sake of the morning i will.

    That’s all i have srry! I will post another part of it later and plus this is real this is what really happened to me….

  • Sorry if this is more strange or stupid than scary and my language isn’t really perfect. English isn’t my native language.

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