Scary For Kids


  • This is a little sad and spooky story i just thought of ^.^ sorry about the spelling and such…
    The Prophesier
    My son was a bit not right in the head. He had problems. He never spoke. So, they sent him to live in the ward. And each time i visited him, I became more selfish and i could read my son’s thoughts. You see, he could… prophesize things that came his way. And most of those things were good, I kid you not.But it was the one summer of the early 1944. On the 13th of june, I came to see him in the ward. He had started predicting things on the 13th of every month and on that fateful day, i came to see him… I hadn’t seen him lately, and it was when he was about 20 years old. The nurses sent me a call saying he was acting up. He was silent for his whole life, a brain disorder probably. My husband forsake me shortly after he was born though, a sad way to start… Anyway,it was odd because all he did was sit around the ward all day in his wheelchair…and to suddenly start acting strangely boggled my mind… I arrived at the hospital shortly and went to my son’s room. He was alone and staring out the window. I tried to communicate with him, but he just turned around and stared at me. His limbs were bony and his skin was pale… He stared at me with those slate-gray eyes and never blinked. I was about to leave when spotted a note on the table. I picked it up and read it. In neat ink there was the word, ‘War’. I kept the paper and drove home. the next year, the world war ended… I came to see him often, meaning every month, not because i loved him, but because i was addicted to those little papers written by him often saying things like poverty, darkness, and greed. Of course, those things ended by me getting selected for a lottery and winning the prize, the dark clouds that brought the endless hurricanes and storms to our area disappeared… and even the mayor agreeing to lower the taxes. As I said, I became more selfish every time and only visiting to grab the paper and leave. The last paper that i grabbed, i looked over at my son, his eyes were watering and full of tears and his face was so full of hate for me because i had been the one shouting at him and grabbing the paper with out even saying hello… yes, my son did have feelings, and he was growing sicklier each month…. at that moment i felt true guilt but i went out into the hallway out of my son’s view, shook it off and opened the slip of paper. in neat pencil it said, ‘My life’. I felt guilty but quickly drove home, throwing the paper away. i went to bed and the next morning received a call that my son had died. All of the prophesies came true… war ended, poverty ended for me, darkness ended, and even greed… even my son’s life ended. Then i felt true guilt again and wept, it was my choice to act that way… i mean, i had chose to be selfish to my son’s benefit and now he was gone because i had treated him harshly and neglected him and his doings… So, later that day, i drove to the hospital and packed up my son’s things. I was about to leave when out of the corner of my eye, i found a slip of paper that i could’ve sworn wasn’t there when i was straightening up. I opened it and couldn’t believe the words on the paper. It was the note i receive yesterday, the one that told me that my son’s life was gonna end… instead, the ‘my’ was erased and replaced… the words on the paper said, ‘YOUR life’…

  • Hey, this is my first time writing a ghost story in English. I usually wrote them in Malay language in my blog. So I want to share one of my ghost stories to the readers of this website.

    -Did you just realized?-
    This is a true story, many students had experienced this when they enter a boarding school during high school year.

    There was a boarding school located in a village area. The dorm of the female students located far away from their classes. Here, the dorm usually turned off all the lights at 10pm every night, so all the students must sleep at 10pm. If the students want to do some revision, they need to go to the prep room nearby their dorm. At the prep room, there were many tables and chairs for the students who wants to do revisions there at night.

    One night, a girl wants to do some revision for the upcoming examination. She asked her friends to accompany her, but all of them decline her offer because everyone was too tired studying during the day. Moreover, they heard that there was a girl who was killed in an accident before and her body was cut into half. But she doesn’t believe the story because it was just a rumor. So, the girl ended up going alone to the prep room.

    When she arrived there, she saw another girl studying at a table nearby a window. The girl in the prep room offers her to do some revisions together. She accepted the girl’s offer and sit in front of her. The girl in the prep room is very friendly and clever. They enjoyed themselves by studying and share their problems about their studies together. After 2 hours studying in the prep room, she’s feeling a bit sleepy and accidently dropped her pen below the table. When she’s bending to reach her pen, she saw that the girl whom she’s studying with that sit in front of her doesn’t have half of her body. She was stumbling shocked upon what she was looking at. She was panicked and in the same time she was thinking to leave the room safely as soon as she can. She doesn’t want to stay there any longer and didn’t want to look at the girl’s face at all.
    So she told the girl that she wants to go back to her dorm because she felt sleepy. She packed her things hurriedly and walked fast to the door.

    Suddenly, the girl who stays in the prep room ask a scary question for her that makes her fainted. She asked her ‘Are you sure that you feeling sleepy, or.. Did you just realize my secret??’.

  • (the whole story of “Twin Cats”)
    Twin cats
    My name is John. One day,I was in a mall, buying some groceries.Then I saw two kittens both beautiful. They were giving them away. So I took them. I gave them all my love and attention. I was living alone so I probably needed a companion. They were good kittens- I thought.
    When I was home from work, I lay down to the couch and watch television. There was a news flash. “A couple found dead at lakestar street, bitten and clawed. I was in terror for a minute, then I noticed it was quiet. No meowing no clawing, no anything just the tv. I looked for them, they were missing. I looked for them outside, they were under a car. I immediately ran and got them. I noticed something in their bellies, it was blood. You two must have gotten to a fight. I thought.
    I cleaned them up and fed them. The next day, I was home from work again. Again, like everyday, I sit and watch tv. There was another news flash. “Martha Ellingswelth of Tankyard street, found dead, again, clawed and bitten, what could this creature be?”
    I saw them lying in there beds, sleeping, again their bellies were full of blood.
    I took a sample of the blood, I trimmed the belly fur, and put it in a plastic.
    The next day I took the sample, and decided to DNA test it. I forgot to feed them, i was in a hurry.
    Then the results were super shocking that I couldn’t move of horror. The DNA was from Martha Ellingswelth. I took off, went to my house, and unlocked the door. The cats were very hungry, do they clawed and bit me.
    “John Stewarts from Elderspring Street, found dead 3 hours ago. Clawed and Bitten.”

  • Sleepwalker..
    this story is set in the united states of america, i heard it from my sister … there was this man called charie times and ever since he was little he had sleepwalked. in his sleepwalking episodes he would walk around picking things up and smashing them against walls and floors and every morning his parents would wake up to a terrible mess and it got so bad that they has to put alarms as well as locks on his door to restain him from doing it. but when he got older he moved on and the sleepwalking faded away and when he moved out and got a girlfriend the sleeping slowly came back. his girlfriend eve was terrified when she woke up night after night hearing crashes as he demolished their home. but one night she had, had enough. she didnt know of the consequences of waking a sleepwalker… charlie reacted badly and beat up eva without even knowing. once charlie was finished he went back to bed. their neighbours joe and tina had heard eva’s scream and came rushing over and joe knew where the spare key was so he opened the door… and there in front of them,in the halway was eva’s body,
    bloody and lifeless. tina shouted out charlies name and he came running towards them covered in eva’s blood and there in the moonlight he flashed a kitchen knife at them and it appeared to joe that charlie was still asleep. the couple tryed to get away but couldnt, they were stabbed to death … to this day this legend still circles around america…
    (hiya SFK id really appreciate if youd comment or post this on your website thank you xx)

  • The Man In Black
    Danny Is 16 years old boy who loves his uncle so much when he was little his uncle used to tell him a story about a man dressed in black who kills children Danny used to make fun of the story one day Danny’s parents where out to watch a movie and his uncle was in vacation in England so he couldn’t come and sit with Danny Danny was sitting alone watching a movie when his phone rang it was a message he thought it was another silly offer so he didn’t see it about 5 minutes later the power was off so he was alone in the dark suddenly he felt some sharp pain in his stomach he fell off the couch and all he could see is a bloody knife on someone’s hand he closed his eyes and breathed his last breathe An hour later his parents returned when they entered the house they where horrified the carpet was covered with blood a bloody knife was stabbed in the table and there son Danny was lying dead in a pool of blood his mother fell down crying his father tried to clam her down when his mother opened her eyes she saw Danny’s mobile phone in his hand covered with blood she went to check it the inbox was opened and there was one message that he didn’t open it was from his uncle the mother opened it in it was the words DANNY RUN HE IS COMING FOR YOU
    (Hey SFK if my story is good enough plz post plz comment and tell me if you liked my story it means a lot XD)A

  • I hope you guys like this story. It’s the first one I’ve ever wrote. Please, don’t be rude. I’m a new user although i have been going on this website for years.

    My name is lily and my Sweet Sixteen Birthday is tomorrow. Since my family is comfortable financially, my mom and dad decided to hire a big stretch limo for all 84 other kids going to my Sweet 16, which took place in New York City. I was extremely excited for my Sweet 16. I’ve been looking forward to it for my whole entire life. Before I knew it, it was time to go to bed. My mom called up to me.
    “Lily, you have to get a lot of sleep. It’s a busy day tomorrow! Happy Sweet Sixteen, honey!”
    “OK, mom! Thanks! G’night!” I yelled back down to my mom.
    I got into her pajamas and then tucked myself into bed.

    Light streamed onto the floor of my bedroom, making my room very bright without any lights on. I woke up to the blinding golden sunlight shining on my face. I smiled to myself. ‘Today is going to be amazing.’ I thought. I showered, got into my best dress, curled my hair after drying it, and put on makeup. I slipped on her heels which matched with my dress and stepped downstairs to where mom was preparing a special Sweet 16 breakfast for me.
    “Here you go, honey!” my mom said. “Oh, don’t you look amazing!”
    “Thanks mom!” I said, already eating.
    I soon heard the car arrive, filled with the other 84 girls. My mom had planned it so that the limo picked up all the girls and then me, making me sort of like the grand finale.
    I hopped onto the stretch limo, while everyone crowded around me, wishing me a Happy Sweet Sixteen. The limo glided down the New Jersey streets, soon arriving on the highway. The stretch limo was particularly fancy. One kid stood up on his seat and clicked the button to open the sunroof. He invited two other kids to stick their heads out of the roof. They gladly went. I watched with a smile on my face, happy to see people even enjoying just the RIDE to my party. Suddenly, I hear cries and screams of pain, followed by a splatter of a thick, dark red liquid. Blood.
    All three kids fall out of the sunroof. They are dyed red with blood. They are obviously dead on the ground, but worst of all, they are headless. I happen to glance at the limo driver. He is staring back at the bodies with a deranged, twisted smile. By now, we are parked at the side of the highway. I stumble out the door and start to cry. I glance up, and notice that we are parked beneath an underpass.

    For those who do not get my story, theres a girl who is having a sweet 16 and on the way, three kids stick their head out the sunroof. the limo driver purposely drives under a low underpass while the kids are sticking their head out the roof, chopping their heads off, therefore making the driver a murderer.

  • Be careful what you wish for!
    Sammy was going through her VERY messy things in her room. As Sammy carefully went through her stuff, she found a genie lamp. A small paper was attached to the tip of the lamp and in big letters it said “BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR!” Sammy just through it to the side and studied the genie lamp. She opened the top of the lamp and a human came out. The man had blue skin, a small little tail on the back of his head, and baggy purple pants. Sammy gasped and said “Who are you?!” The genie replied “I am your genie! I can grant you as many wishes as you’d like. Have this blue neck lace, it’ll grant the wishes and protect you. My name is Adian, at your service!” Aidan bowed and gave her a shiny blue necklace. Sammy was a very greedy girl. Sammy said “First, I want to be rich and popular!” The next minute her room was full of money and she heard the door ring lots of times but, Sammy didnt care. “I wish I had the most beautiful face in the world with the worlds cutest clothes” At that moment Sammy looked inside her closet and had VERY cute dresses. “I wish people saw me as there leader” Immediatly the FBI burst in and made her sign lots of things. “I wish i was in the beach with no humans except for me and Adian” Adian and Sammy were at the beach, the waves were smooth and the sun was setting. “Adian! I feel someone following me, who is following me?” Adian replied “Other things are following you, you wouldnt understand” Sammy was furious “Stop lieing, I wish you went somewhere else” Immediatly Adian disappered. Sammy yawned “Im getting so tired. “I wish i was in my own palace!” Sammy was now standing on a golden floor with a soft bed. “Finally time to sleep!” But Sammy looked at the windows and saw people staring at her and shouting “Sammy is here! Lets get inside!” Sammy said “No, dont get in. Just because I’m popluar doesnt mean you have to stare at me” Sammy soon fell asleep, but she woke up at 3am, by the heat. She looked out the window and people were still staring at her. “STOP STARING AT ME, I WISH YOU WOULD GO AWAY” All disappered, but at that time she heard footsteps comming toward her. She looked up and saw strange thing staring at her. Sammy remembered that at about 12am she took of her blue necklace. One of the strange things that looked at her said “Hi Sammy, your not wearing your necklace now right?” Sammy said “So, that doesnt mean anything!” The strange monster said “You werent suppoesed to be greedy, and you sont have your necklace” The monster took out a knife “You look so good with those cute clothes and with your beatiful face. Come on boys, TIME TO EAT!” The next morning, all that was left were bones and blood dripping from the bed. No one didnt care because they all hated Sammy. Aidan got on Sammy’s grave and spit on it, he said on top of her grave “You shouldve listened to me!”


  • THE ANGEL ( TRUE )!!!!

    my 6th grade teacher told us a story and lately i found out the maening. but first the story: (pretending to be him) at one of my old jobs one day a man that looked homeless walked in. i asked him if i could help him. he nodded. i asked if he was hungry. again he nodded.(after getting food and a drink) the man didn’t eat his food and drink. i ask if he needs some money or a place to stay. he nodded. ( leaves to go talk it over with another worker) when i came back he was gone and the whole time i was outside the door with no other exit in the room.

    meaning: it was a angel. i read that God sends angels to earth to test humans. my teacher was one of those people!

    please tell others this story!!!! blessed be!

  • The Sunday Demon.

    She comes when you don’t know
    And if you don’t do as she wants
    She’ll steal your soul and make it a show!
    Have you ever wondered why you’ve feeled like you’re being watched?
    Well you see…
    She was once a woman in a cell, with a big problem in her way a latch
    She was so upset so she promised that she’ll kill anyone who doesnt believe
    (Oh by the way, you’re next!). I’m not really good at poetry as you can tell. Lol. I hope you guys enjoy it!

  • The Inn

    I take out my cell phone and text my friend, Nancy. “r u sure this is where the haunted inn is?” She quickly replies.
    “that dark tall building at the end of the road is the inn”
    I put the cell phone away. My friend had told me about this place. She said that it once was an old inn that was very popular. According to her, one day a person was killed there and so they shut it down, but that the killer might still be inside. I was bored, and being kind of stupid, so I accepted and followed her directions via text. “So this is it…” I said to myself. “Looks like a mansion.” I walk up to the door and see a note pinned to the door. -DON’T COME IN- I text Nancy about the note, but she didn’t reply. I turn back and start to head home, but it starts raining. I pull my hood up. Lightning. I get scared and run into inn. The second I walk inside I regret my decision. But that’s when I hear a voice. “Help…help…help…” It sounds like it’s coming from upstairs. The creaky steps, the musty smell… I don’t know why I walk towards the voice. I just do. “Help…Help…HELP” The voice is getting more and more anxious. I come up to a door. The voice sounds loud and it is very clear. I slowly open the door, scared out of my mind, wanting to scream but I feel like my vocal cords are gone, I can’t make a sound. “HELP ME NOW!!!” I look around the room. I look everywhere. I hear breathing. It’s behind me… I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look. The face of an old, crazed woman, face mangled, blood dripping from her body, with a knife raised.

  • The Girl that Never slept
    A long time ago there was a girl named Helen. Now her family was very rich. One day Helen was taking a walk into the town with her father. They stopped at a gypsy cart. Her father wanted to ask her a question. “Madame Lianda” said her father. “What is my future like”? “Your future is dark” she said. “One of your children will be cursed”, she said. Helen had two other siblings Jane and Faris. “One of your children will do something bad to upset someone. They are going to place a curse”, she said.Helen and her father rushed out of there and went back to their mansion. “Honey”, Helens father said to her mother. “The gypsy said a curse is going to be placed on one of our children”, Helen’s mother’s jaw dropped. The next day Helen was walking home from her friend, Kasira’s house. She came upon a feild of flowers. Sadly she didn’t know a woman who knows black magic owned the field. When she started picking them the woman came out she was angry . She told Helen to stop but, she didn’t listen. So the woman said some words and then she yelled “GET OUT OF MY FIELD”! Helen looked up and left taking the flowers with her. That night Helen was very tired but, she couldn’t sleep. Her eyes didn’t want to close.She stayed up the whole night. The next night she ws visited by a demon. The demon of no sleep. The demon had long black hair and she was bloody. Helen was terrified she was upset because she couldn’t sleep. the demon spoke “Helen… you have a curse on you..” . Helen didn’t want to beleive but, she remembered what the gypsy said. The next day the demon visited her again “Helen..I have to take your soul…” and so the demon did. Helen was forced to stay awake for an eternity.

  • Shadows~ Shadows, they dance around in the dark hiding their evil desires. They prey on fear and insanity. It’s funny since they are usually the cause of every fear and fear leads to insanity. They have no problems in their life as they hide in corners or behind people and objects, striking fear into the bravest of hearts. You can never run, never hide, because they will always be there, looming and waiting until they see a weak spot to strike. They will slowly drive you insane as you mumble as you hit your head against the wall and bite your nails ‘Go away, Go away, Go away’ over and over as a chant until you finaly grab a knife and slash at your wrists, alowing the red liquid knowen as blood give you freedom from the shadows in the form of death. The shadows will only feel annoyance at this and move on to another victum, to touture and torment for the rest of their misirible life. The immortal shadows only bring death.

  • Haunted Costume
    Lily was preparing for a big play that was coming up in a couple of weeks. When she got her costume she was really happy it was pretty. She stared at it for a moment just to make sure there were no rips or anything. Then she tried it on.As soon as she slipped it on she had this weird feeling. She began to float in the air and then she crawled up the wall. Her mother walked in to see her daughter up on the ceiling staring at her with her head turned all the way around.Her mother was terrified and she called a priest. When he got there Lily was now sitting on the floor in the corner speaking latin and she was still wearing the costume. The priest began to recite words from the bible.Lily spoke and said “You can’t save her!! Now shes wearing the costume!!!” The priest went down the stairs and told the mother something. “Look that costume shes wearing is possesed. A long time ago a woman named Kathy had died in that costume now she possesses it. We must get it off of her before Kathy claims your daughter”. That night Lily’s mother was able to get the costume off of her but, then the demon of Kathy appeared. He face was clawed up and she had an evil grin. Kathy came closer and closer to Lily’s mother and said “Since I can’t have her. I will take you”!! The next day Lily woke and couldn’t find her mother.

  • Lady Killer 2
    One day Amanda was going to visit Liam. He and her have been dating for three months. Liam of course cleared his basement of the dead bodies. When she got to his house he was sitting on the couch staring at the t.v.Amanda sat next to him and kissed him. Liam had recently killed a girl named Jenna but, of course Amanda didn’t know. So that night Amanda decided to sleep over.While she was sleeping Liam brought a girl in the her house her name was Emma. He of course had his way with her and killed her silently. That morning Amanda woke up and found the blood stain on the floor at the end of the stairs. “Liam what is this doing here?” asked Amanda worried. “Oh, I spilled some paint”, Liam said nervously. Liam knew this was the first girl that he didn’t want to kill. “Oh well can you clean it up”? asked Amanda. Liam nodded his head and started cleaning it up, he smiled at Amanda. Later that night him and Amanda had you know what. “Liam I love you” Amanda said. “I love you too”, said Liam. While Amanda was sleeping Liam knew what he had to do kill her.So he but something on the stairs so she would trip. That morning Amanda got up and walked down the stairs then she tripped. She called for Liam. He came and looked at her tears in his eyes and said “Im sorry love but, I must move on to another girl”. He stabbed her in the back and she slowly died. “I love you” she said as her last breath slipped.

  • Andy, I will do the challenge. It might not make you shake or anything like that, but I’ll do it 

  • Lady Killer
    There was a 17 year old girl named Hailey she had tan skin hazel eyes and long brown hair. Of course it was around prom time every boy wanted to go with her but, there was one in paticular that caught her eye. His name was Liamhe had brown hair and blue eyes. Hailey would look at him every day. “Do you want to go to prom with me”? Liam asked Smiling. “Yes, Yes” Hailey said happily.So the night of the prom Hailey had on a white dress. Liam was wearing a suit of course. They both went to prom and happily danced with each other. Hailey thought she loved Liam. Well..a little while later she wanted to go home but, she knew her parents left so she asked Liam if she could go to his house. Of course he said yes. When they got to his she Kissed Liam happily but, Liam wanted to do a lot more then kiss. “No Liam”, Hailey said. ” Come one man,please”. “No I said No”, said Hailey. Liam was a little mad. What Hailey didn’t know was he had a special charm that makes girls do whatever she wants. So that night they did what he wanted. That morning she woke up she was completely naked. She put on Liam’s shirt and ran down the stairs. But, sadly she tripped on one of the steps and twisted her ankle she couldn’t get up. She called for Liam. He came but, he had a knife. He whispered in her ear and said ” Sorry Hailey but, you gotta go. Ill see you soon”. She felt the blade of the knife cut her throat . She died. Liam stared at her body. He drug her body down to the basement with all the other ones of the girls who fell for him.

  • The Haunted chat room
    A boy named 14 year old boy named Jacob gotten home from school and logged on to a chatroom. His username was Jakeisgreat. He talked to different people for hours and hours when then finally he met someone interesting. Her username was Alliewillgetyou. Hey and this girl talked every day of the week tehn one day Jake asked a question. Maybe do you want to met me someday? he asked her.She typed back “Sure at your house tomorrow night. Jake was confused because this girl didn’t know where he lived so he put I live at 54123 Makin Street. The next day Jacob got all dressed up and when his parents left for work he messaged her. Are you almost here. She anwered yeah. A few minutes later. There was a girl with blonde hair standing outside he knew that was her. “Hi im Jacob” He said kindly. “Im allison and I am so happy to finally meet you”, sahe said exitidly. Too bad what Jacob didnt know was Allison was a demon that eats BOYS. As soon as Allison persuaded him to kiss her she kiled him. And she ate him. When his parents got home they discovered blood every wehre but, no Jacob. They did find a note He liked me and I liked him so I decided to eat him signed, Allison. ( For entertainment and its not my best work.)

  • The Cursed Clock
    One day a boy named Nate who was walking back from school. When he spotted a clock lying the grass. On the back there was a note taped to it it said Whoever holds the clock will get the curse of Marolyn Fock. Nate didn’t really care about the note he ripped it off .Nate showed his mother the clock she thought it was cute so she nailed it on a wall in the living room. That night they all went to sleep. At 3:00 A.m Nate woke up. He heard a low moaning saying “You have my clock now you are cursed.Nate became scared but, he was able to fall back asleep. He woke up in the morning and heard his parents fighting, he hated it when they fought. Nate threw on his clothes and shoes and headed for the bus stop he prayed his parents would stop. As he was standing waiting for the bus a few older kids were bothering them “Hey twerp” said th one named Jared give us yourlunch money. Nate knew he didn’t have a choice so he handed it over. Then when Nate got to school his teacher Mrs. Tardon yelled at him. But, then something fell and hit her in her head. She lay on the floor bleeding. All of the sudden a white board marker floated in the air and it started writing something it said Nate you must go. Nate got up and left the school quikly. But, when he got home he discovered police there. “What happened” asked Nate as tears rolled down his face. “Theres been a terrible crime here. The two people inside were killed”, said the officer. “Those two people were y parents”< said Nate. A few months passed and nate forgot about the whole thing. But, then he again discovered the clock. He knew it was fimiliar. So he brought it home and asked his grandmother about it. His grandmother was shocked to see the clock. "Nate where did you find that"? asked His Grandmother. "Outside", he answered. "Nate, that clock belonged to a gypsy.She set a curse on that clock. You must throw it back outside", siad His Grandmother. Thats when Nate knew that the clock caused his parents and his teacher to die. (This isn't my best work. And its not really scary. I made it for entertainment not critisism)

  • here is my “story” i am a critic of horror i have looked through your stuff and even thoug there were good ones i think you can do better i am challenging to post something that will truly shake me i want it to be posted in Tell Me Your Story i want it to be called “the decider” i dont want something cheesy like a werewolf or a monster but something that is real surprise me if you are willing to step up to the challenge i am giving you 2 weeks

  • Joint twins

    There was once a pair of joint twins who lived in a small town in England. They were 2 girls and they were born in America but their parents decided they should move due to bullying.

    The girls names were Amanda and Grace. Amanda didnt mind being joined with her sister. It wasnt the best thing ever but it wasnt the worst was her point of veiw. However, her sister Grace hated being joined to her sister and begged her mom and dad for an operation to seperate them.

    “Please can we get the operation!” She often said
    “Its way to pricey!” Her mother often replied

    Grace hated Amanda and as the girls got older her hatrid got worse and worse…

    As Grace and Amanda`s 14th birthday approached Grace dicided she had enough.

    “What do you want for your birthday Amanda?” Asked her mom

    “Drawing pens and some other drawing stuff please!” said Amanda

    Before her mom or dad could even ask Grace said…


    “Its to pricey…” Said her dad

    That night when eveyone was asleep Grace woke up and dragged her sister out of bed. She tied her sisters arms tightly to the bed with a skipping rope. Then she made sure her sister was sleeping and pulled. She was pulling in the oposite direction and could feel her flesh stretching. The pain was getting unbearable. Just then her sister woke.

    “Ow! What are you doing?” She moaned

    “Giving us our freedom…” Grace replied

    Amanda turned her head and saw blood oozing from her side. Amanda screamed and her mom and dad woke. They rushed into the room and saw a gigantic pool of blood guts veins and chunks of skin on the floor.

    “GRACE STOP!” said their father

    “FREEDOM HERE I COME!” Screamed Grace with one last tug

    Grace fell to the floor wailing in pain. She was free from her sister. It hurt but she was so happy. She turned to see Amanda and when she did she was so frightened…

    Amanda`s skin had been ripped off she was just muscle and bone. Grace pulled so hard that she pulled her own sisters skin off.

    Amanda did not survive but Grace did. The rest of Grace`s life was spent in an insane isylum.

  • i have a story dont know why i bother no one likes them
    here its called gamer. in the middle of the night your playing a brand new game ands it late on a school night but you dont care only one person is on xbox live with you and a new person comes the old one leaves you wonder whats his deal so on your mic you say whats up he says i want it i want i need it i need need what you freak he said easily beating him you i need you your life i need it he said well he said get better at video games your awful and turned off the the xbox and went to bed in the middle of the night he heard stuff on his tv and it was off it said i want want i want i want it I WILL TAKE IT his bedroom door opened and silence was all he wanted …. and antoher even though no one likes them name chatroom well heres a story of mine i hope you like it wont matter in a second i was up late one night chatrooming with 3 friends but it was late so they left i was about to leave when someone new came on i never met him and his user name was blank like nothing there and i was like who are you and hes like i see you and i was like no sheet sherlock im on face time and hes like clever smart @$$ but i mean i see you in your family room on your laptop talking im about thirty minutes from your house and i say yeah right rick that you no reply ten minutes he said yeah right he said here let me show you my face it poped up it was a trap i ripped my own eyes out you may say yeah sure but even when i cant see i will never forget the horror i will never see again kind of like how you dint see when i walked in the room your in and well dont utrn around

  • The Ride In A Train

    One day there was this girl named Jessica. She was looking at the train arrival time-table, and found that her train was about to leave. So she ran to the ticket order counter, and quickly bought a ticket. She ran straight to the train. She is meant to catch and made it. When she got onto the train she saw that the only people on the train were these 3 girls. The 3 girls were all sitting on one seat. So Jessica decided to sit on the seat that was across them.

    On her way down the aisle she saw that the middle girl was staring at the seat she was going to sit on and the girls that were beside her on either side were staring straight ahead. When Jessica sat down she started to get freaked out coz the girl in the middle was staring at her. Then the ticket-collector came to the girl and said, Excuse me ma’m can i see your ticket?

    Jessica replied, Yeah sure.

    When the ticket collecter looked at the ticket he said to Jessica, Sorry ma’am, but you have to come with me your ticket is fake.

    Jessica said WHAT!? No that can’t be! I just bought it 2 minutes ago.

    He said Ma’am, come with me, otherwise I will call the police.

    So she got up and went with the man and went into his office.

    He stared at her and said Look, your ticket wasn’t fake. i did that because the two girl that are beside the middle, strangled her to death before you even got on the train!

  • Dead people cant talk even if they are ghosts.
    Hi my name Nicole and this is MY story to tell, not anyone else if you quit reading good for you, your smart and will not know what is in store, if you continue, you better bring a extra pair of pants. It was a sunny day and i decided to go for a walk in the field in the middle of a desert well all most deserted town. I had a feeling someone was watching me but no one was to be seen and then NICOLE!! OVER HERE! was my neighbor Alfred it was weird that he was out here, no one likes him, he is in the 50’s. He does not talk much but if he wants to talk to me i better go see what it is. Hey there kido! Hi Alfred. Look i made a new hideout wanna check it out, youll be the first one! Okay! he led me in, i was so stupid to trust him! last thing i remembered was a bag being wrapped around my head but now im not alone now abunch of kids are here from the town so i got nothing to worry about. But remember DEAD PEOPLE DONT TELL STORIES! remember that kidos! :)

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