Scary For Kids


  • Death…

    The moon, which was the only source of light, rose high into the night sky and the wind howled menacingly. The fog clouded the the gusty trees until all you could see were the points of their heads. Footsteps pounded on the pavement. Thump. Thump. Thump. They stopped abruptly only to be followed by a high pitched shriek,”AAH!”…
    I screamed and rubbed my eyes, for there, in front of me, was a giant rabbit. It had ruby red eyes the size of saucers and two hairy caterpillars were perched on top. His nose twitched and it hopped a step forward. I slowly backed away… There was something odd about the rabbit, more odd then the fact that it was giant, 2 bright gold wings sprouted out of its shoulder blades, flapping frantically.
    “Don’t be afraid!” It cried in an inhuman disembodied voice. Its voice seemed distant and far away. My heart beat quickened rapidly. Boom boom. Boom boom. Boom boom. I took a step back and tripped over the cracked pavement. BAM! Skull clashed with stone and a piercing pain traveled through my brain.
    Head throbbing madly, I asked, “What are you?”
    The reply chilled my very bones as I fainted.
    “Your Death…!”

    Yesterday night, a young woman was found on the pavement, her body mutilated. The picture cannot be shown because it is too horrific. The police advise you to stay indoors, death could be around the corner.

    (It is a fictional story)


    Last 1964 the Dover family moved to Virginia from Massachusetts. They moved to Virginia because there was an unemployment in Massachusetts. They moved to a hilly town of Dominion heights. It was really far from Virginia beach but it was close to Richmond. A large colonial house was sold to them for just $50,000. The neighborhood and surroundings was very peaceful. The couples were Richard and Monica. They had 4 children who were Andrew (16), Emily (14), Anthony (12), and Jane (9). The house has 4 bedrooms, 3 was used and the 1 was used as a guest room, living room, loft/attic, dining room, kitchen, laundry room, basement and a spacious yard. They said that the house was haunted but the family won’t believe it. On their first 3 months of living it was very comfortable but after they encountered some unusual events. At a Friday night, the children were left there, Andrew and Emily were downstairs watching TV while Anthony and Jane were doing their homework upstairs. Minutes later they heard a scream of Jane and Anthony upstairs, The 2 older were rushing upstairs and went to their room immediately their scream stopped and ask them if what happened and they said that they saw a reflection of children playing on their bed. For them not to be scared they were convinced that to stay downstairs to stay together. After Anthony and Jane did their homework they did a little dancing and singing just to have some fun. 3 minutes later, they heard some audible footsteps upstairs. They paused and they stick together. They went upstairs slowly and passed every room until they reached at the end of the hallway. They saw nothing, they decided to go downstairs again but Emily screamed. She saw a headless woman when she passed by in their parents room and they rushed together downstairs. They called their parents and told them that they encountered some paranormal things. The parents said that they will be in a minute. A minute later, they heard a knock and they were relieved because it was their parents. The younger children (Anthony and Jane) explained their encounter while Emily explained it too. Robert said that they will settle it tomorrow morning. By the following morning the siblings rushed together downstairs and ate their breakfast. They took a bath and Andrew was the first one, A couple of minutes later the 3 other siblings heard Andrew screaming and opened the door immediately he was very pale like snow. They asked him that what happened and he said that when he opened the shower curtain he saw a dead corpse. They told it to their parents they want to talk to their old neighbor who is Ellie. Ellie was a 70 year-old woman who was an old citizen of Dominion Heights. She explained it to the Dovers and she said that all of the family commited suicide due to family problems. She said that Anthony and Jane’s room was once the children’s room and the name of the children was Margaret and Francis. She said that they were being murdered by their father. Margaret was 6 and Francis was 9 that time when they were killed. The headless woman in Richard and Monica’s room was the mother of Margaret and Francis. Her name was Amelie. Amelie commited suicide by cutting her head with a sharp slaying knife. She was just 35 that time when she commited suicide. And lastly, the corpse in the bathroom was Amelie’s wife who is William. William was the one who killed Margaret and Francis. He was the Major person in the family who has the most problems. So he decided to kill the 2 children. He convinced his wife, Amelie to kill herself. William was 40 that time. He committed suicide in the tub. The house was built in 1933. They quickly moved to another which is Colonial heights.


  • Red Roses In The Snow
    One day Elizabeth was picking roses in her garden, they had just started to bloom and she wanted to pick as many as possible. When she came back inside she took off her coat and greeted her mother in the dining room, she was preparing dinner for her, her 3 brothers, and her parents. Elizabeth grabbed a vase and filled it with water, while doing this she pricked her finger on one of the thorns but to her suprise, nothing happened but the stem of the rose began to turn red…She blinked and realized that her mother was calling her name so she could set the table, “Elizabeth! Elizabeth! Snap out of it!” Elizabeth helped set the table without a word. Weeks later, winter began and the roses looked beautiful in the winter snow each one of them as red as blood Elizabeth looked at them closely, she realized that there was a problem with the flowers…the thorns where growing sharper and sharper each second! She reached out to grab one and show the abnormally large thorns to her mom, but she cut her wrist on one of the other thorns…the pain was so bad she passed out in the winter snow slowly, the petals began to fall the flowers and fell around her pale corpse that was stained with blood, she layed there… she looked like she was sleeping she was so peaceful. The police never found her body but some say the roses growing was due to a ghost and the ghost dragged her away.
    (Sorry if it is too long but i hope you liked it!)

  • The Tailor Murderer

    There once was a tailor who makes lots of very beautiful dresses in a city near San Francisco.
    Her name was Irina Jones. She had hair that reached her waist, skin fair and white and a
    beautiful face. Irina had many customers in her shop. Everyday, 24 more people would go in
    her big shop full of dresses and buy her dresses. But the actual reason was she wore a dress
    with roses decorating here dress which attracted more people to her shop. One day, another
    tailor opened another shop beside Irina’s shop. She had blonde hair that reached her shoulders
    and she has a happy and cute face. The other tailor’s name was Emma. Soon after, more people
    would rather buy Emma’s dresses than Irina’s. But the main reason was, Emma wore a red dress
    which attracted people to go to her shop. Ah, so that’s why people don’t come to my shop, Irina
    thought. “But I have to concentrate on my work, with scissors in my left hand and needle on my
    right hand. My mother once told me that she used the same scissors I am using when she was at
    my age. The more you sharpen it, the better it cuts”, Irina sang while making more dresses. The
    next day, a murder has been commited in Emma’s shop. Her red dress was taken and she was
    stabbed in the stomach. Irina was concerned about the murder. Who would dare to murder a
    very happy tailor? After they couldn’t find the murder, they assumed it was suicide and that she
    removed her dress before killing herself. 4 hours later, another tailor came, her name was Alice.
    She had waist length blonde hair and a face of a French doll. She had a green ribbon on her
    waist to match her dress which attracted more customers to her shop. Ah, so that’s why people
    didn’t go to my shop, Irina thought. “But I have to concentrate on my work, with scissors in my
    left hand and needle on my right hand. My mother once told me that she used the same scissors
    I am using when she was at my age. The more you sharpen it, the better it cuts”, Irina sang while
    making more dresses. The next day, another murder has been commited. Alice was found hanging
    on the ceiling on her shop like a marionette puppet. Her green ribbon which has supposed to be
    on her waist, has been stolen. Irina became more concerened than yesterday. Why do they have to
    kill a girl with the face of a French Doll? Still, the police assumed that it was a suicide and that,
    she removed her green ribbon before her suicide. After 4 hours, this time, a girl who makes headbands
    opened a shop beside Emma’s shop. Her name was Ali. She had brown hair chin-length and a
    yellow headband which attracted people to her shop. Ah, so that’s why people don’t come in my
    shop, Irina thought. “But I have to concentrate on my work, with scissors in my left hand and needle on my
    right hand. My mother once told me that she used the same scissors I am using when she was at
    my age. The more you sharpen it, the better it cuts”, Irina sang while making more dresses. I’ve finally
    finished my work. The next day, Ali was found beheaded in front of her shop. Her head was near
    her body but her yellow headband was gone. This time, the people believe that there is a Tailor Murderer
    in town. The next day, people continued going to Irina’s shop. But they were suspicious that Irina
    was wearing a red dress, green ribbon and yellow headband. They asked where she got those but
    Irina looked at them with a creepy and malicious smile. The customers attemp to run for the exit but
    the doors were locked. And with one flash, everyone was murdered by Irina. It then reveals that Irina
    was the Tailor Murderer and that, she killed Emma, Alice and Ali. And she may be disguising herself
    as another tailor in your city and wait for the right time to kill you.

    The End.

  • The shadow
    Jessica was so excited for her 12th birthday, she could hardley contain her excitement. In the morning her parents made her pancakes and bacon while she was getting dressed. That day Jessica ate cake and opened up her presents. One was so big, all her relatives had to carry it from the porch! While they were on the porch, the phone rang, and Jessica thought it would be her bf, so she answered it. But all she could hear was a bonechilling scream. She thought that someone was behind her, so she turned around, and she thought she saw a shadow. But the screaming on the phone was creeping Jessica out, so she turned around and hung up the phone. After that, She thanked everybody for coming and emailed her bestfriend, beki, about the phone call. Beki just shrugged it off and said it was just a prank call. So Jessica went to bed. At about 11:30 pm, she woke up with a cold sweat. something was watching her. She slowly turned around and saw a terrifying sight. It was a shadow. The shadow of Beki. But the shadow looked like it was screaming, and it had horns too. The shadow suddenly stopped screaming and walked toward’s Jessica’s bed. Then it crouched down beside Jessica and whispered “your next”. Jessica screamed and ran into her parents room, waking them up and trying to tell them what happened. But her parents didn’t beleive her, so Jessica’s dad walked her back to her room and said ” it was your imagination. Forget about it. And Jessica believed him, so she went back to bed. But she couldn’t sleep. The more she thought about the shadow, the more she believed it was real. At 11:59 pm, she got that feeling again. She sat up and looked at her closet. The door as open. Jessica always closed her closet door. The same shadow came out of the closet, but this time, it’s eyes were glowing red and it had something in it’s hand. Jessica realized what was happening. She started to scream as the shadow ran across the room and pierced her heart.
    The next day, Jessica’s parents came downstairs to eat breakfast and on the wall it said “Your daughter is no more” written in blood. They called the police and they came over right away. But they never found Jessica. At Jessica’s funeral, Beki swore she saw a shadow. But then her cell phone rang and she looked away…

  • VENOM 2-Dog Lover

    “Look Brad! For your safety, I’ll stay with you tonight! Is that okay?” asked Connors, the chief inspector.

    Brad hesitated but recalled of what had just happened to Ives, his colleague. The latter had been killed by a presumed ‘psychopath’ in the Venom nightclub. His life now could be in danger and thus, Brad accepted his superior’s proposal.

    When he finally reached at his apartment, it was at about 3 in the morning. As soon as Connors stepped in, he saw a huge dog which pounced on him. The dog started licking his face and the man could feel the snuffling of a snout pressed on his chest. Luckily Brad came and caught his ‘Rex’ by its collar and said, “Sorry Sir, I forgot to tell you that I had a dog! Don’t worry, he only wants to play!”

    “Oh don’t be,” said the man while dusting his shirt, “I love dogs!”

    The young man laughed and said, “Sir, your room is upstairs! If you need me, I’m in my room!” Brad entered in his room, exhausted and threw himself into his bed. He gave a sigh, feeling drowsy and gradually felt his eye lids becoming heavier until he dozed off.

    After a while he woke up with a dry throat and quite thirsty. He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, thinking of what had happened a few hours back. Ives was like a father to him. “Why would someone kill Ives?” he thought to himself. Just then, he heard a strange ‘panting sound’ coming from the next room.

    He slowly pulled off his blankets and without wearing his slippers he stepped on the cold linoleum floor. The latter turned the handle as softly as he could, pushing the door open just enough to slip in the kitchen. The lights were dim in the room and the panting sound became more distinct.

    The man tried to locate from where it came and he assumed that it was from the living room. As he made a few steps towards the living room, his left foot came into contact with a humid surface. As he looked down, he gawked in horror at the sight; there were bloodstains all over the floor. He felt a cold sweat dripping from his forehead. He moved towards a cupboard and drew from a drawer, his gun. Brad was practically swallowing his heart every other beat and tiptoed into the living room.

    He could notice a man kneeling down and who was doing a constant spiral movement with his hand. As Brad advanced, he saw bloodstains everywhere and his dog’s head decapitated. He wanted to scream and just at that moment, there was a beeping sound. It came from the kitchen; it was the answering machine. “BRAD! IT’S SHANE!!!! GET OUT OF THERE!!! THE PSYCHOPATH IS INSPECTOR CONNORS!!!”

    The kneeling man suddenly turned back and saw Brad having a gun pointed towards him. Brad was all in a sweat and pulled the trigger. To his amazement, all he heard was a ‘click’ sound; the gun was unloaded.

    As he pulled the trigger several times, Connors stood up. The latter gave a hair raising laugh and made Brad notice the huge blood tainted hatchet in his hand…

    well that was my story Venom 2, i have a venom 1 in store…

  • “the bloody love triangle”
    there where two best friends named Emerald and Joy.Emerald was extremely rich while Joy was poor.They met on the first day of school,Emerald was the first one to approach.Days passed and they became best friends.Joy started to have a crush on their handsome but stubborn classmate John,Emerald thought that he was ugly.but Joy liked him anyway.A month passed and Joy’s crush for John has already faded away,rumors started to spread that John had a crush on Emerald,Emerald was so delighted that she actually thought that John was very attractive,she fell for him very quickly but then she found out the rumor wasn’t true but still her love for John didn’t fade and it started to become an obsession.Months passed and Emerald was still crazy for John,constantly making a move on him which made everyday a fairy tale.Their class adviser switched the siting arrangements and Emerald ended up sitting next to John while Joy remained where she was.A month passed and Joy fell for John again,Emerald was so mad at Joy but it didn’t matter because she and John were already together,like “together” together.Emerald and Joy’s friendship was no more.After the school year John and Emerald were still together,when they came to school Joy wasn’t there,Emerald thought that she transferred schools but the real reason was terrible.The class adviser said to the class “Hello children,I know you are all wondering why one of your old classmates Joy is not here,well..during the summer Joy….(silence grew louder)…Joy killed herself!”Emerald,John and the rest of the class were shocked that one of their dear classmates took their own life.Out of curiosity,Emerald asked what happened.The teacher said that Joy slight her wrist in her bathroom but before she died she used her blood to write “I’ll be back” on the mirror with a picture of Emerald and John siting on a bench together stuck to the side.Emerald and John were so terrified that they were the reason why Joy killed herself.After school John and Emerald went to Joy’s house.Emerald knocked on the door and when it opened Joy’s mother opened it and “who is i–.you,you killed my daughter!!!You killed her!You killed her!!!”Joy’s older sister Jean pulled her mother away from them and went outside to talk to Emerald and John in private.”You must be Emerald and John,I’m Joy’s older sister Jean.I’m sorry for my mother’s actions,she just misses Joy so much.” said Jean.”Well she’s probably right though.” said Emerald.Jean told Emerald not to blame herself because it turns out Joy was abnormally impulsive.They chatted about Joy after awhile then at night they went home.Emerald couldn’t sleep because of Joy,she still blamed herself for her death then suddenly she heard a tapping on her window,when she looked she screamed!She saw Joy!staring at her by her window with eyes crying blood,Joy yelled “John is mine!He’s mine!” Joy screamed and broke the window and got in the house,she corned Emerald and tried to reach in her and rip her heart out but before she could she burst into flames as if she was being sent to hell.


    This is a true story.

    I live in the Philippines– a country where ghosts, spirits and elementals are so common almost every Filipino has a story to share. Well, this is one of mine.

    It was way way back. Back when there were no streetlights in our village and the roads weren’t cement yet, just dirt and stone. Back when all the giant mango trees which according to the elderly, were the dwelling places of the earth’s evil spirits, that lined the roads still stood there…challenging the bravery of those foolish enough to wander alone.
    It was an exhausting day and my neighbor’s father (let’s call him Lolo Martinez) was very tired from work. After hours of backbreaking labor under the Philippine sun, he decided to go home early. His good friend offered to accompany him, because he was a little too old and people make fun of him because he’s a faith healer (or witch doctor) and they think he’s crazy.
    Cars weren’t popular back then and their only means of transportation were their legs. It was late afternoon and it was still a little bright enough for them to see without using lanterns. The friend led the way as he guided Lolo Martinez along the main road. He decided to use a shortcut as he could sense Lolo Martinez was having a hard time walking, and the main road was really long.
    But then as they approached the shortcut, Lolo Martinez froze. He recognized the shortcut as the road he believed to be plagued by spirits. He started to retreat, but his friend didn’t believe in all that superstitious crap. He urged Lolo Martinez that it will be alright. He convinced him that going back to the main road would be too much for him to handle. Lolo Martinez said, “Fine. But on one condition. You will do everything I say until we reach the end of the road.” His friend agreed.
    As they were walking, the friend noticed that it was unusually quiet. There were no people around, and he could hear no other sound but the flip flop of their slippers. He was about to start a conversation but Lolo Martinez stopped him. He looked behind them.“Be quiet!”. “What is it?”, his friend asked. Lolo Martinez took a deep breath. “A spirit has sensed us approaching”.
    Of course he didn’t believe him but the friend kept silent. He started feeling jumpy. He felt as if they were being watched. He saw that Lolo Martinez became more and more unlike himself, always tilting his head from left to right and constantly looking behind them, like he was expecting someone to start walking beside them. The friend started moving his eyes towards the trees. There were birds perched on the branches, which he didn’t notice about ten seconds ago. They seem to follow the two men with their piercing black eyes as they walked past. It was getting dark, and the road seemed endless. He started hearing something heavy, like a man dragging his boot on wet sand. It got closer and closer. As they were nearing the end, a thick, sticky liquid fell on the friend’s s head. Lolo Martinez glanced quickly over his shoulder.
    Then the sound suddenly disappeared. Lolo Martinez grabbed his arm. “Whatever you do, DON’T LOOK BEHIND YOU! RUN!”, he whispered. The nervous friend wiped the stuff off his shirt and started to run.
    When they finally reached the end of the road the friend quickly asked him, “Why didn’t you want me to turn around? And why did you keep looking left and right?” Lolo Martinez replied, “There was a giant white bird slowly following us with its wings fully outstretched, mimicking us as we walked. It cannot fly or run and it was taller than both of us. It got closer every time I checked. “But that’s impossible! The sound disappeared didn’t it?”, the friend asked. “Yes. That was when it was right behind us. It wanted to eat both of us. It’s wings are so wide I can easily see the feathers on either side!”
    A chill ran up his spine.The friend thanked Lolo Martinez for helping and vowed never to walk that road again.

  • The Bloody Arm
    I used to have a friend named Terry. He really hated this man who we called O.D. I thought O.D. was ok, but Terry, well saying that Terry though O.D. was the worst person on earth is an understatement. We were walking to school when Terry noticed that O.D. was walking across some railroad tracks. Terry picked up a rock and threw it at O.D. It hit him directly on the head. O.D. was unconscious, and his arm was sprawled across the tracks. I slapped Terry then started running. As I was running away, I heard a train coming.
    When I got home, I turned on the TV. The news was on. The news anchor said that a man’s arm was sliced off by a train, but they couldn’t find the arm.
    That night my parents and I were outside looking at the stars. I heard a rustling sound, and a bloody arm emerged from a bush! It grabbed my ankle, but my dad managed to pull it off me. That night we packed our bags and moved out.
    There were still some reported sightings of a bloody arm in the area.


    Scaryforkids says: I have read about 60-70% of them so far… Sorry, I am working on it, but it will take time to post them. I am also writing my own stories and some of these user stories need to be edited etc… Also, I wasn’t expecting people to submit so many stories. BTW if anyone sees a story here they think should be on the site, leave a comment and tell me (but u cant nominate ur own story)

  • A Mirror
    As many of you, probably, know that bloody Mary is supposed to be a way of calling forth a demon from your bathroom mirror. In which you close the doors, eyes closed, standing in front of mirror, chant s-l-o-w-l-y ‘Bloody Mary’ three times while turning in circle. If you open your eyes between the chanting you are, well, dead. Painful death.
    If you do it properly the outcome possibilities are, not one, but two. If you see a black girl disappearing in front of you it means that one of your relatives or friend will die pretty soon. The other possibility is that a black witch will come in front of you which mean (you surely won’t like) that you are going to die.
    Tim was a naughty boy. He would always do all the stuffs he was told not to. One day he heard about bloody Mary, from one of his friend. It aroused his curiosity. Then one day a thought slipped his mental barriers, which was to try it himself.
    As mid-night slowly descended on the world, Tim slipped out of his bed. He then, slowly, crept toward the cupboard. Where he had kept his candles (which he had bought by his pocket money) for he had planned already.
    He tiptoed toward the bathroom which wasn’t far. Slowly opened the door and sneaked inside.
    ‘I mustn’t be doing this. Oh! God. Help me.’ He thought, closing the door behind him.
    Then he switched off the light. Lit the candles. Stood facing the mirror and slowly began to chant ‘Blooooodiiiiiii Mariiiiiiiii’. A cold breeze whistled by his hair. His hair stood up all over his body.
    ‘Blooooodiiiiiii Mariiiiiiiii’ he chanted again. Fear enveloped him. His palms were wet by now. A strong urge to open his eyes swallowed him, but he fuelled his will power to resist.
    ‘Blooooodiiiiiii Mariiiiiiiii’ he chanted for the last time. A dreadful terror on his mind, he slowly opened his eyes.
    He saw nothing. No black girl. No nothing. Just…darkness. Then he heaved a sigh of relief.
    Silly. I was scared of this rubbish. He thought.
    Then something in the mirror caught his attention. He looked closely. Carefully. It was a long black hair. It felt strange. No one in his house had black hair.
    Then, to Tim’s utter horror, the hair grew longer and longer. Then suddenly a head of woman popped out of the mirror. The face was simply…horrible. Her skin carried many dark patches. Her mouth seemed to be just a straight line drawn with a knife. Her eyes-blood hungry eyes-were just a dark hole.
    Tim screamed but his mouth ignored his command. No words came out of him. At just stood rooted at his place. Then the next moment he saw that he had been enveloped by darkness from which no mortal had survived.
    The next morning Tim’s father walked toward the bathroom, unaware of what had happened to Tim. When he opened the door he immediately wished he hadn’t, because what he saw was beyond his reach of expectation. His son, his-only-naughty-but-kind-son, was lying like a stone on the cold floor. Bloodied. Murdered.
    He immediately ran toward his son. Or what was left of his son. His limbs had been torn. His heart was lying, burnt, on the sink. His whole body had been mutilated. His eyes showed a terrible horror. Grotesque.
    His father fainted, seeing his son in such a state, from which he never recovered. So both father and son lay dead, stone dead, next to each other.

  • (This is my best story yet i hope it get posted)
    Diary notes is a scary story about a kid who was murdered mysteriously when the police came investigating the crime scene they found a diary with the following notes:
    4th September
    Today i had a strange dream i was walking in my house hallway there was a man in the end of it i couldn’t stop walking like i lost control of my body i stopped at the edge of his body standing there staring at his face he let out a terrible laugh then he put his hands on my neck and chocked me suddenly i woke up i was sweating my heart was pounding so hard i couldn’t sleep that night.
    5th September
    Today i returned from school so late it was 6pm i kept hearing footsteps behind me but when i turn back nobody is there.
    Tonight i heard whispers in my ear i couldn’t recognize the words i was scared to death but i manged to fall back asleep
    6th September
    my parents where out for dinner i was walking in my house hallway suddenly i had the feeling that someone was watching me i ran to my room locked the door hid under the cover until my parent returned
    Tonight i heard the whispers again they were clear this time the words were YOU WILL DIE.
    7th September
    I Think tomorrow will be the last day of my life…..
    Damn I saw his face in the mirror behind me.
    (Hey sfk i think this story is great if you find it good enough plz post it XD

  • this is called ‘facebook’

    i coulldnnt figure out what happened to my friend on her profile picture it was almost like something was behind her something… EVIL! when i came overto my friend’s house i told her about the picture she simply replied “i didnt do it.” suddenly we heard a little keyboard tapping in the attic when we were up there it was a laptop and a note on the note it said ” peekaboo you put a ugly picture on your profile so i changed it….” then we want straight on the laptop and as her profile picture it was …. the thing i have seen on her last one BUT EVEN CREEPIER! as soon as that she deleted her account and never went to website like facebook ever again!

    ( i hope you like it)

  • look i got another even though i dont think she reads them some day is the titl.e oh mister some day where can you be in my basment behind the tree. one day three boys decided to play a game like blody mary or baby blue they wanted less generic ones. so they went on a guys website three of them the finder no to freaky. says jeff. smiles i get freaked out about clowns. and some day it goes some day i will see you some day where are you someday i will find you and some day is today. hello little children he said murrdering one. the others ran downstairs and turned off all the lights and hid whhhhhheeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrreeeee are you. he flung open closet and killed another and jeff ran to the computer and it said to defeat him say some day i will…. if you liked tell me and i will post the rest

  • Scissors Woman
    (I made the story with the idea of the song “Tailor Shop on Enbizaka” by Luka Megurine)
    One evening, there was a baby named Luka, who was born in Japan. She was raised in a poor family. At the age 16, She was already working at a Tailor Shop with her mom who was suddenly ill. On her way home, she bought some tuna and vegetables. When she went to the doorstep of their small house, she saw her mom not breathing, she passed away. She mourned for weeks, after that, she began to work in the Tailor shop again. She found a pair of scissors at her house, lying on the ground. With a note attached to it.
    “My dear daughter, I have something to give you before I go, a pair of scissors. My time has been long now, and I think the Megurine family’s culture will be passed to you, here is the scissors your ancestors used. The more you sharpen it, the better it cuts.”
    She used it for knitting sashes and fixing kimonos. But one day, she fell in love with a handsome man walking with a girl with a red kimono. She quickly got jealous and beared a grudge. On that night, she took the lady and killed her with the pair of scissors.
    The people started to get worried.
    Luka also got worried, because she thought that people would know, that she killed the innocent woman.
    She pretended like nothing happened. She went to the street. She saw that man again, but with another girl, a girl with a green sash and tortoise hair. She got jealous and again, she killed her, without knowing it was his daughter. The man greived.
    People were restless, they were close to finding the killer, Luka. Luka did everything for his attention, but she failed. She got tired and finally went to him.
    “Hello..” she said.
    “Hello” he replied.
    “I like you alot. I have been trying to get attention from you. Do you like me?” she said
    “I am sorry my lady, but no.” he faintly replied.
    She was devestated that the man didn’t even care, that night, she took him and kill him with the scissors.
    She was caught and finally killed. But her scissors still remains.
    “The more you sharpen it, the better it cuts.”

  • There once lived a charming business man called James. He was a rich man and rather handsome. Now, as you may have already guessed, he was a hit with the ladies. At the age of 20, he married to a gorgeous model named Louella. She was Russian and so alluring with her deep, brown eyes, pale skin and curvaceous figure. They were deeply in love.
    On Louella’s 27th birthday, James bought a flight to Moscow as a surprise. He blindfolded her as they boarded the plane and when she finally was allowed to take it off, she gasped in delight. They shared a passionate kiss and all the other fliers smiled.
    On the birthday trip, James dedicated the holiday for Louella. They would do what she wanted, whenever she wanted. He’d spent thousands of pounds on this trip, and he wasn’t prepared to leave disappointed. They dined at the finest restaurants, swam in the purest oceans, slept in the softest beds and shopped at the most luxurious shops. But James grew tired of this lifestyle. He didn’t know it yet, but he was slowly drifting away from his adoring wife.
    One brisk morning, they walked to the nearest lake to admire the view. The lake was frozen, and a beautiful sight, glistening and shimmering in the pale morning sun. They fed the ravenous swans and marvelled at their feathers. On the long walk back home, James dreamed about his life back home. He was getting rather homesick, but Louella was just too demanding for him to leave. So he stayed.
    However, he started to avoid Louella. He booked her long facials and back massages so he could spend some time on his own. Soon, James realised that he had missed out on a lot with Louella. He began to take nature walks, go fishing, bird-watching, anything he could fit into his precious 2 hours alone.
    One bitterly cold afternoon, he went out to track some deer. They were common in the dense forests which surrounded James’s chalet. He packed his lunch and left early in the morning, avoiding his wife. He soon spotted a group of deer heading to the east so he ran, hurrying to keep up. In his haste, he tripped and with a thump, fell to the ground.
    When he awoke, he was not in the forest anymore. He was in some sort of back alley, covered in cardboard. He gasped and jumped up, ready to run away, when he caught sight of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She had silky auburn hair snaking down her back. Her eyes were so blue and piercing, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. “Hello,” she said, smiling.
    “H-h-hi,” he stumbled, blushing shyly.
    “I see you had a nasty fall. Luckily I was out in the forest, and managed to care for you until you woke. I brought you here, you see, you could’ve been easily trampled. Deer are not as delicate as they look,” she smiled, linking arms with James. “I’m Natasha.”
    They walked around the plaza many times, James too awe-struck to speak.
    “What’s wrong eh? Cat got your tongue?” she laughed.
    “Er, no, sorry. You are just so, so, beautiful. Run away with me Natasha?”
    The girl gasped. But slowly nodded her head, tears dripping down her face.
    This probably sounds a ludicrous idea to you, but to James, it was everything he could have dreamed of.
    “Pack your things then, we will leave soon. Where do you live?” James asked.
    “I have no things, just nature. I do not have a home, I travel with the wind,” she replied, staring at James.
    “So you are homeless?”
    “Yes, I have no home. Is there a problem?” she asked, frowning.
    With that one word, everything changed. James dropped Natasha’s hand and stepped backward. He wiped his hands on his shirt, looking disgusted.
    Natasha’s face dropped. The shine in her eyes went. She took a deep breath. Turning around, she picked up a blue satchel from behind her. She looked around. The small woman made a motion for James to wait.
    “I feel a bad presence, stay here please. It is not safe around here. Stay.”
    James obeyed, sensing a strange feeling in the girl’s voice. She stepped forward and opened her mouth to speak. But no words came out.
    Instead, she plunged a knife into James’s torso, twisting it as she pulled it out. In an instant, James fell to the ground, his vision going black.
    During the last few minutes of his life James heard her singing. A sweet pure voice she had.
    ♫As long as you love me, we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke.♫
    And then James was gone.

    So was Natasha, riding with the wind.

  • Potato Girl

    There was once a very beautiful little girl named Annie.She had a long,wavy,black shiny hair and a tan skin.She was about seven years old,and was sent to a very good school.For a few weeks she had studied there,but made no friends.The popular kids ignored her,and she didn’t have people to talk to.This was until one day,when she saw a small girl that looked about her age,sitting outside the school,carefully peeling a potato with a knife.She was rather unattractive,and had a skin with the colour of a potato.She asked the first kid she saw coming about her.He answered that she’s popular as the “Potato Skin Girl”,because of her potato-like skin & habit to peel them.Annie felt bad for her and decided to try and make friends with her.She walked up to her,and spoke:
    -Hello!Why aren’t you going to the classes?
    The girl shrugged and replied:
    -People think I’m creepy because I peel the potatoes.
    -I don’t think peeling them is creepy.-Annie said,smiling.-I’m Annie,by the way.
    -I’m Laurie.-the girl said happily.-And I’m glad you think that.I think you’re the prettiest girl of all.
    Annie was delighted by this compliment,and she knew they’d make good friends.
    -Here,have this potato.-Laurie said,handing her the carefully peeled potato.
    -Thank you!-Annie said to her,smiling widely.She had to go,so she said bye to the girl and went home.Her mom cooked the potato and made some dinner.
    As Annie was expecting,they were good friends.Every day,they chatted and played after school,sharing secrets like real friends would.And in the end of the day,Laurie would give her a potato,preciously peeled.
    But with the time,the other kids started to notice Annie.The popular girls invited her to play with them and she said yes.With the time,she spent less and less time with Laurie,and eventually even stopped spending any time with her.Soon enough,she and her new friends would mock her,call her names & insult her in every way.
    As Annie was walking out of the school one evening,she peered at Laurie,who was sitting on her usual place.Again,she was peeling potatoes,but this time,she did it roughly,and full of anger.Annie was puzzled,but shrugged & walked to the popular girls.Unfortunately,she tripped and skinned her knee badly.
    -It must be a coincidence-She said to herself,while looking at the way Laurie was peeling her potato.
    The next day,she looked at her again.This time she wasn’t peeling.Laurie just cut the potato in two.In the evening,Annie had an accident and broke her leg.
    She was scared.She knew it had to do something with Laurie.The next day,when she tried walking up to her,she saw that she was now chopping the potato in many pieces.Annie began to walk away as fast as she could with her broken leg.But on her way home,she got hit by a car.
    She barely escaped with her life.She had to be put in a wheelchair,had broken her hands,and her brain injury caused her to lose her voice.A person was hired to push the wheelchair to school and back every day.
    Her “friends” started mocking her,throwing rocks at her,call her names,taking advance of the fact that she couldn’t talk.She would just cry,soundlessly.One day,while the girls were insulting & hurting her,to their surprize,Laurie walked up to them with a cold chilling stare.She took an unpeeled potato,and smashed it into pieces with her own hands.That moment,the girls literary exploded,dripping blood everywhere.Annie looked at her with fright.She couldn’t scream or run anywhere.After that,Laurie spoke to her:
    -They won’t bother you anymore.
    Annie was relieved.She thought she had forgiven her.
    -No one will ever dare to bother you anymore.-with a sinister smile,she walked away.As horrified teachers walked up to the bloody place,they quickly came to the conclusion that she had killed them.Annie would shake her head,but they wouldn’t notice.The parents would defend her and say:
    -Our daughter isn’t capable of that!She can’t even lift her hands!
    -Oh really?Well,who else could it be?Ah..the “potato skin girl” that everyone is talking about.I don’t understand these kids.It’s just a legend,after all!
    After that day,the potato girl was nowhere to be seen.Annie couldn’t get what happened out of her head.Other words were also stuck in her head.”It’s just a legend..”
    (Well that was the scariest thing I could think of.Enjoy? ._.)

  • “The Cyclist” – You know how scary the legend of the cyclist is? It always sends a chill down my spine. Wait don’t tell me you haven’t heard of the legend! Well what you waiting for turn the lights on sit comfortably next to a window (I suggest sitting downstairs) are u sitting comfortably? Well let me begin. Long ago in the city of Birmingham there lived Robert Peterson. He was a young old chap! He was play full and always up to mischief with his friends! But most of all he loved tripping cyclists up! He always loved to hear the screaming of boys and girls falling of their bikes. But one day that all changed after the accident he was shifted into a mental hospital he was never allowed out, he was cooped up inside. U want to know what happened that day? Well here it is. Robert was up to his normal mischievous Day his friends came over to his house to play they turned on the radio and started to dance. Suddenly an important news bulletin interrupted them. ATTENTION!!! A CRIMINAL HAS ESCAPED FROM JAIL! SHES A LADY WITH LONG BLONDE HAIR SHE ADRESSES HERSELF AS KATELIN AND SHES ALWAYS DRESSED AS A CYCLIST PLEASE BEWARE!!! Everyone started panicking and screaming but then Robert said relax we don’t live near the jail do we? Plus I live in an apartment on the last floor and the doorman won’t let in a killer right? Some people calmed down but others remained tense. Each and every one of them wanted to go home but Robert wouldn’t listen so they carried on dancing after a while another news bulletin was heard. THE CRIMINAL IS NOW ON CHERRY LANE HEADING UP TO THE SUNNY MEADOWS APARTMENTSYOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS MUST BE LOCKED STAY CALM!! Robert and his friends where now panicking sunny meadows were where they lived! Suddenly they heard a loud ear piercing scream which was coming from their apartment floor right next door! Then their door creaked open and in cam a pretty woman with long blonde hair dressed as a cyclist. Robert asked her name and the girl replied katelin. All of Roberts friends went pale they whispered to Robert that the criminal was dressed as a cyclist she was long blonde and her name was katelin! Robert and his friends screamed! Katelin chopped off half of jack’s body! The girl looked up with a cunning smile on her face then she stabbed Lewis in the heart 10 times and sliced open his belly and ate his internal organs! Jake and Robert almost puked at the site but before they could stutter a word katelin cut off jacks head! Robert screamed and jumped out of the window and only then did he realize he was on the top window but before he could shout for help he hit the ground! He was taken to hospital and he was alive but very badly hurt. His heart was weak his organs were tangled and his belly was very thin and weak. He was taken to a mental hospital because of his behaviour. He tried to explain what happened but no one would believe him and finally after a year he went insane and killed everyone in the hospital! And finally killed him! Now I’m sorry but I had to pass this on if u do not send this to at least one person you will suffer the same now Roberts not that cruel he will let you choose who u want to be murdered like. Jake, jack or Lewis u decide! And die……. (how is my story sfk plz post it it took me ages to write it i wrote it on microsoft cpied it and pasted it took me a month to write it doesnt look long but on microsoft it did!)

  • ok here i dont own the rights to this story samurai One day a samurai was walking in a small japanesse village. he was looking for a place to stay. he knocked on a door the man anwsered and said he could stay. that night they were eating dinner when the mans daughter came and served tea. unlike most girls she did not look away from him he thought she was buetiful can i marry your daughter said the samurai yes but i warn you for some reason every man who falls inlove with her runs away screaming in the night im not afraid he said. lateer that night the daughter told him to meet her outside at midnight but not to tell her parents he had to swear and he did at midnight she said follow me he did and she lead him to the grave yard there she dug up a coffen and pulled out the corpse and then ripped off an arm and threw it to him if we are going to get married you must eat what i eat he took a big bite and was surprised it was candy hahah she burst out laughing you are the first man brave enough to be my housband but the samurai didnt laugh he looked angry CANDY i thought you were giveing me much more and grabed the shovel and started digging himself this time the daughter ran off screaming

  • New Story Posted By Me
    Lizard Man
    There Was Family Of A Mother A Father And 2 Children both of them boys there names were tom and max one night there mom and dad went on a trip so they were home alone there grand ma was there the kids played games then there was a black out the tv turned on then tom was already hiding under the couch a news bulletin came reports of a walking creature have been reported he is 5 feet tall and looks like a lizard then moments later max ran and got……… a stick and said that i will save you then the lights came back on tom came out and then a man appeared the grand ma died of fright (more like sleep)
    tom was turned into stone after looking at the creature eyes mox nearly killed the creature but it said “eta vor burros” and after that the whole city vanished into another realm full of monsters

  • Nurse Joy’s secret is a scary story written by bunny tsukino

    Title:Nurse Joy’s secret
    Summary:Well, where did you think all those Chanseys in the Pokemon Centers came from?

    There is something Nurse Joy does not want you to know. When a trainer stays at night, she takes he/she into a dark basement. In clear canopic jars are severed Pokemon parts. Joy will slowly walk up to you, with a demonic smile on her face.

    She will bring a knife out and sever your fingers. She will get a Chansey arm, out of a canopic jar, and than sever your whole arm, putting the fingers and the skin into the jar in which the Egg Pokemon’s arm was inside. She will get medical sewing equipment out of a plastic bag, and sew the new arm onto the bloody stump where your human arm once was.
    Shortly after, your new flipper-like arms will be controllable by your brain. Joy will gouge out your eyes, cut off your legs, and shove your head into a machine. That machine will deform your face to look like a Chansey’s. She will take Chansey eyes out of another jar, and place them into your empty eye sockets. She will do the same for your other body parts.

    You will wake up, and Nurse Joy will be cutting off the top of your new head. She will carefully take out your brain and place it in a canopic jar. She will take out a well-preserved Chansey’s brain and put it in your head. She will slowly sew the top of your head back on.

    You will wake up in a Pokeball, and will obey Nurse Joys every word. You will be a Chansey. Her Chansey.

    One sunny day, four friends were coming home from school. They were walking down an emptied street, playing and joking with each other. When suddenly, a note came flying on one boy’s face, Danny, covering his eyes. Not knowing, he bumped into his own friend. “Hey watch it!” The boy said, pushing him away. He fell to the ground, sending the note lying on the floor. Everyone laughed and joked about him. “Very funny” he said, rolling his eyes. He picked up the note lying on the floor. His friends went on; when he took some time to read the note. It was written in red ink, or blood… “See you tonight, signed: Dora”. Who the hell was Dora? He thought. He just shoved it off and got up on his feet. He ran to his friends who were almost on the other site of the street. “What took you so long?” A boy asked. “Nothing, I was just reading the note… It said, see you tonight… Someone named Dora wrote it…” He said, shivering. The note really touched him. “Ha! So scared! He is just scared of a note!” A boy made fun of him. Everyone started laughing. He lowered his eyes to the ground. He was the only coward boy in his friends. He looked at them and said in a strong tone, “I am not scared. I know some people love pranks…” He forced his lips to make a little grin. In real, he wanted to cry. He wanted to cry why he was scared of everything. Everyone went to their houses, and the day passed, until night came. Tonight his parents were going somewhere, so he called all three of them to his house. When they came, they all bought some special items with them. Like, Doritos, Lays, some bottles of Coke and some cookies. He appreciated it, and took the items from them. He went to the kitchen to put the items, when his friends started the TV and lied on the couch. He was really happy today. Bad for him, everything from his mind had flown away. He did not remember anything of the note. After putting the items on the kitchen counter, he went back to the living room to meet his friends. He was just sitting on the couch next to his friends that the doorbell rang. “Now who is it now?” He said. “Maybe it is Dora…” A boy joked. Danny was confused now, who was Dora? Then suddenly he remembered. “Oh, that Dora! Well there is no such thing!” He said, remembering. But, a strange sensation of a muffed up situation produced in his heart. And a shiver ran down his spine. He was scared now. He got up from the couch, and slowly stepped to the doorway. The doorbell rang once more, and he shivered. He slowly adjusted his eyes to the peep hole. Someone was standing at the doorway, a guy in a white shirt…And then he knew what was going on. He ordered some pizza and this was the pizza guy. “How stupid of me!” He joked to himself. He opened the door, and there he was the pizza guy. He reached into his pocket and took out the money to give them to him. And he fetched the pizza from his hand. He closed the door and ran to the living room. “Pizza’s here!” He shouted. Everyone grinned and they all ate pizza with cokes that night. They ate Doritos and Lays and some cookies to get their stomach full. After that, it was time to leave. It was 11:30, and his parents had to come at 12. After his friends left, he sat on the couch and watched TV. An hour passed, and his parents did not come. Now he was worried. He got his cell phone and phoned his dad. When his dad picked up the phone, he said, “Hey Danny, we were just calling you. I am sorry but there is bad news for you…” He said. “What bad news?” Danny asked. His father told him sadly, “I am afraid but a bushfire produced in the forest, blocking the road to come back. I am sorry but you will have to spend the night alone.” Now Danny was scared. He wanted to cry, but he said to his father, “Uhhh… Ok, I will, but please try to come home early…” “We will Danny, now talk to your mother.” His father gave the phone to her mother. She said, “Danny, please try to comfort yourself, and lock the front door and close all the windows that are open, and if someone comes and knocks the door, first call us and then we will tell you to open it or not. But please, take care of yourself.” He said ok and bye and hung up the phone. Now he was really scared. Scared, he went up to his room, making sure the front door and the windows were locked. He brushed his teeth, changed his dress, and went to bed. Not very long after that, he was awoken by a bump in the night. He opened his eyes and looked at the time, 2:45. He was a little scared because it was so dark. A shiver ran down his spine, something wasn’t right. He got up from his bed to have some water. He slowly made his way to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator, and was shocked. The light from the refrigerator showed a shadow leaning on the kitchen doorway. He looked at the kitchen door, but nothing was there. He got the water bottle and poured it in the glass. As he was starting to drink, He heard a knock on the kitchen window. Now he was creeped out, he drank the water quickly, and ran up to his room. He locked his room door and got into bed, pulling his covers up to his face. And then, he got it. The room lights. He did not turn them off before going to sleep, he never turned them off. But who turned them off? Before Danny could think of anything, a hand snatched him, pulling him into total darkness.

    (I know the story was bad. Add and remove things if you want scaryforkids, but please, try to post it. This is the second story I am posting here… I am from Pakistan so my English is would be bad, if there are any mistakes in the story, please remove them.)

  • Tell me what you guys think of ” Dream Fariy”… One day I fell asleep and I didn’t wake up. In my dream, I saw a fariy and she was holding a bunny. I thought she was so pretty with her large, ocean blue eyes and wavy brown hair. Then, she extended her mouth and dislocated her jaw like a snake eating a rat, and stuffed the bunny in her mouth. I screamed in horror as the fariy grew larger and uglier. Her fingernails turned into talons, her ocean blue eyes went blank, and she grew a tail. I ran. I didn’t know where I was going, but if I didn’t leave soon, I was sure I was going to die. I ran, and ran, and ran, until I ended up in the middle of the woods. The sun started setting. I was alone, not a creature stiring. But i knew, the fariy-beast was looking for me. She would rip me to shreads with her fangs. I screamed, and screamed until my voice went hoarse. The last thing I remember before waking up was the blank eyes and talons shooting at me in attack. ( A short story called the dream fariy. Its simmaler to the video on youtube called ” Never woke up” its a creepy animated video that inspired this.)

  • Snow Angel

    Once upon a time,there was a girl named Rose.According to her,she had a perfect life-Two best friends,Anne and Star,and two loving parents.There was something special about her-she really,really loved snow.
    One day,an illness brought her mother down.Rose would read stories and prayers to her when she wasn’t asleep or didn’t have a headache.But soon enough,her mother passed away.Rose cried alot.
    Her father would do everything to try and cheer her up-spend more time with her,icecream,stories at night,vacations.She eventually would smile more and more,and be less and less sad about her mother’s death.
    That lasted only a few years,and while he was driving Rose to school,they got in a car accident.Rose woke up in the hospital,and asked where her father is.The nurse told her he had donated his heart to her,because she was badly injured.After that,she would not smile at all.She was an orphan.
    Having her two best friends,she wondered if they would die too,so she did her best to stay away from them.
    As the time passed,she went crazy.She felt the need for revenge.Trying to find out who was the one that killed her father,she came to a conclusion that it was Anne’s father.
    She murdered him one night,but wasn’t sent to jail because of her condition.Anne was so mad at her when she found out,and ended their friendship.As she walked away,Rose repeated “I’m sorry” in tears,even after she could not hear her.
    Winter came along with alot of snow.One morning,Rose looked out the window and smiled a little as she watched the snow.She remembered how she used to make a snow angel,and believed that if you do it long enough,you will become one.She cherished the moments she had with her best friends in the young years.Feeling lonely,she ringed Star and begged her to come over and talk to her.Star was sweet and forgiving,and told her she would come right away.Her house wasn’t far away from Rose’s.But hours passed,and she did not come.She felt sad and went back to her warm bed.She hadn’t been coming to school since that day.
    The next morning she found out that Star was murdered while on her way to the house.After that,she cried for hours.When she finally stopped,she went out the house.She was wearing only a thin night gown and underwear,and not much else.As she stared at the snowflakes,her body felt numb,but she didn’t care.She spinned around,catching the snowflakes,and after that,she finally lied down and felt the embrace of the snow around her body.
    The next day,at Star’s funeral,Anne wondered why Rose wouldn’t come.She thought it’s disrespect,and went to her house right after it ended.She saw a pale figure dancing in the snow and knew it’s her.She shouted at her:
    -Why didn’t you come,huh?!I actually thought you cared for us!What a best friend you are!
    The pale figure didn’t seem to notice.Full with anger,Anne continued to shout.
    -Miss,please calm down.-Someone approached her.She stopped shouting and went home,angry.
    While she was laying on the bed at night,she noticed someone come in.
    -Must be mom-she told herself.After a few minutes,she heard the footsteps come closer.The next second she was staring at the same figure she had seen dancing in the snow.
    -What are you doing here?!Get out,you’re not welcome here!
    -Come with me!-The figure reached out her hand to her.
    -I’m not going anywhere!
    -Come with me!Come with me!-she repeated.
    After that,she dissapeared in the thin air.A few minutes later,she heard footsteps again.She went out of her room and saw two people come in,recognizing one of them as her mother.
    -Honey-She spoke-Your father is alive.The one that was murdered was his twin.
    -I’m sorry for the confusion,dear.-He reached out his hand to the surprized Anne.-I was in another city.
    Anne sighed with relief.
    -Where were you today,by the way?
    -At your friend’s funeral.
    -But it was held in the morning.
    -Your other friend’s funeral.
    Anne just stared at them like it was a joke.
    -But I just saw her!She was in my room!
    -I know you miss her,honey,but she died yesterday.She’s now the snow angel she used to want to be.-her mom replied.
    She couldn’t believe it.She went in her room again and called out for Rose.
    -Rose!I know you were her a few minutes ago!Please,come back!I’ll go anywhere with you!
    Nobody came,and she could do nothing but cry.But when she looked up,she saw Rose staring at her.
    -I want to be a snow angel too.Take me with you!-she cried out.Her friend gave her an innocent smile,then took her hand,and they both got two beautiful,white wings,and both dissapeared from thin air.
    Anne’s body was found the next day,cold as ice,but with a smile on her face.
    THE END.
    (Lol.I think it’s more sad than scary,but,eh.As Jessie J says,Nobody is perfect :P )

  • This is a story I came up with at the last moment, I hope you enjoy! The story is called ” Use your manners.”
    A while back in 2007 a girl named Isabelle was trying out for tennis class. Her mother thought it would be a wonderful opportunity To make new friends and mingle with others interested in tennis. Truth is, isabelle wasn’t interested In tennis, her mother MADE her attend. When she arrived of course she didn’t know anyone or anything there. “Always be polite and listen carefully to the instructor, don’t forget to use your manners, darling.” Said her mother. “Ok sure.” Said isabelle. About an hour later isabelle had tube idea and knew the basics and rules about tennis. She thought everything was fine. A while later a new girl arrived to the group. Everyone fancied her. She had long orange curls in her hair with a green studded bow to match her tennis uniform. Her eyes sparkled blue and shehad perfect clear skin. She had perfect clear skin. She was the perfect package.. isabelle did t like that. She was envious, jealous, jealous because she couldn’t be like her, she had thought that if she approaches her and says something rude and nasty she’d feel bad. So as if nothing was wrong, Isabelle got up and approached the new girl. “Your hair is ugly and so is you’re face.” Said isabelle. She trolled asnif the new girl had done something wrong. She made rude remarks and the most childish comments ever. The girl simply it bored her and went on. Suddenly isabelle remembered her mothers chilling words “Use your manners. ” isabelle suddenly ran home. At night she awoke and saw the girl. She looked different now. Her hair was messed up, her face was covered in blood and suddenly had the figure of her mothers face. She stared for a moment the the Gil spoke “Did you forget to use your manners?” She said. Suddenly she Yanked out her arms from in her jackket and choked isabelle “Don’t forget to say please and thank you.” She mumbled Suddenly isabelle died.

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