Scary For Kids


  • Heres another one of my stories.


    There was a 6 year old girl who has blonde hair. The girls name was Clair. Her parents were very mean, the meanest thing they ever done was to break her arm when she was 4 years old. She likes to draw stuff, like cars, animals, and her friends She also likes music. She likes songs like deep in the meadow, that was her favorite song. She first heard it when it was playing on the movie The hunger games.

    One night, she accidentally broke the lamp in the living room that costs over 500 dollars. When her father came in he was so mad at Clair that he slammed her to the ground. He suffocated her so hard that he killed her on accident. She died on 12:32 He didn’t notice that she was dead, but when he saw the blank eyes and that she wasn’t breathing, he didn’t care. Her mom didn’t even care either, because she saw Clair as a brat and a stuck up girl.

    When the parents were sitting on the couch, the lights were all blacking out. They thought it was just the power. But they heard strange noises and the lights were fully out. As they were getting freaked out, they heard their daughters voice. Clair was singing deep in the meadow slowly as she got closer and closer to her parents. When she got to her parents, the lights were back on.

    They saw Clair. She had no eyes so her eye holes were showing. She had gray skin, and she said “I hate you mommy and daddy.” and she killed them at 12:32, the same time she died. Now if you go to your bathroom at 12:32 or earlier, and sing deep in the meadow, you will see Clair in the mirror. If shes in a bad mood, she will kill you just like she killed her parents. If shes in a good mood, she will leave you alone unharmed

  • I have this story that I was doing for mt 8th grade English class. I wasn’t done, but she told me that I could finish it at home.. This is the one I’m turning to her when I’m finish writing.. So enjoy it c:. I ain’t good at titles though ;_;

    The haunted house

    I remembered I was skeptic about ghosts. I always thought they were a bunch of foolishness. But, this one thing that changed my opinions about ghosts. That place I’m never going back again. Not even for millions and billions of dollars, I’m still never going back. So, if you are too scared to read this, stop. But if you dare, keep on reading my tale…

    One day, I was a young teenager, no older than 15 years old, I would always make jokes about how ghosts were a bunch of craziness. And I would think that ghosts were pretty dumb and stupid to talk about and believe in. I would say that they were making things up. I would also make jokes about people that says that how I should believe them and all that crap. But, I never do listen.

    So, me and my older brother, Vlad, short for the most known vampire in the ancient times or something, he was around 18 or so, I keep forgetting, and his friend, that believes in ghosts and all, Mike were talking about ghosts, which I didn’t really care for anyways. I told Mike that I don’t believe in ghosts. I could tell that his face was more of the I-can’t-believe-that-you-said-or-did-that face than the surprised face. I laughed at the reaction he was making as Vlad sighed and rubbed his pale-ish forehead. “Mike… Please let him have his own opinions..” He said to Mike as he looked at him and to me. Yeah, Vlad is the laid back person, he never does yell, unless he has to though, but that is rare. “Alright then…” Mike said. “Well, how about Kiron going into the haunted house at the end of the neighborhood where your dad is buried at?””Mike, don’t, please.” Vlad looked over at Mike as he gave a wink to Vlad. I looked at the two, with the confused face, then smiled. “Alright, since you want to make me believe in ghosts… What time?” I said, looking at Mike. “In about 30 minutes, when it gets dark.” Mike said with an evil smile. I was confused for a moment, but then shook his hand as the agreement. Vlad shaking his head and sighed. “What am I going to do with you guys?” He said. A minute before I went in there, all I had was a flashlight, my hoodie, and my cellphone with headphones in them, so I can listen to some of the voices in the house, Mike told me I should bring it so he can hear the spirits. Mike looked at his watch and it changed to 8:30 P.M.. He smiled and patted my back as like a ‘good luck’ thing. Vlad walked over and gave me his good luck necklace, a dragon, wrapping around an ocean blue crystal ball, I always wanted that necklace. Our dad gave it to him as a good-bye present when he was dying, and that was when I was with our mom. Vlad always says that our dad put good luck in it before he moved on. I don’t know why or how, but he would always say that. “Wishing you good luck.” He smiled and hugged me and walked off with Mike.”We’ll wait for you out here in the morning!” Mike yelled out and faded into the cold, foggy night. I shivered and hold on to my hoodie and turned my flashlight and stepped inside. It was pretty eerie, but not so scary that I cold run out within a second. I walked around the room, more of a living room. There were some pictures of a young man with his black trench coat. And I noticed a mirror also. It was all dirty and thousands of dust was covering everything up. I walked around some more, and I noticed there were some stairs leading up, looking like a hallway to me.

    I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to go up there, since the wooden stairs looked old and molding, and kind of unstabalized, but the other side of me told me to go up and check it out and looked around the place. I could have swore I heard something. Something like, footsteps, coming down the staircase. I backed away from it, hoping it was just me. I felt goosebumps traveling up and down my skin. I shook off the feeling I had and went upstairs. Halfway up there, the old wood started to break, but I grabbed on to the wooden stairs. I clenched onto the necklace from my brother for dear life.I tried to pull myself up, but then the stairs broke and I fell into the black pit. I felt something cool on my back, I must have landed on concrete. I looked up before the flashlight hit me in the forehead real hard, I notice a black shadow looking down where I fell. Then I heard something laughing. Laughing at me getting hurt, it was like. A demon’s laugh. The flashlight hit my forehead, and everything went black. Hours have passed, and I woke up. I tried to get up off of my back, grunting from the pain on my back. It felt like, thousands of knives stabbed my back. And I looked around, I couldn’t see anything from all of the darkness around me. I was trying to find my flashlight in the dark.As I was looking for it, I felt like someone was watching me. It sent me chills through my pain back, and giving me goosebumps. I felt something and tried to find it. Thank you, it was my flashlight. I checked in my hoodie to see if my phone is still there. It was there. And I looked to see if the necklace was still there. It was still there, all in one piece. I sighed as a relief and looked up at the hole. It was pretty far from me. I knew I couldn’t jump up there. So, I looked around to see if there is anywhere I could find some way out.I noticed that I brought my pocket knife in my pocket. I didn’t know that I brought it with me. And I found a door, it looked like it would lead to somewhere. It was locked and my pocket knife was too small to stab through the door. So, I kicked the door as hard as I could, luckily it worked. I ran out of there and noticed that I was where I first came in.I was happy that I got out of there. I checked to see what time it was. It was around 5:30 A.M. or so. I noticed the mirror again. I decided to wipe the dust off. And noticed that I was dirty, cut, and bruised pretty bad. My upper lip had a little cut , it wasn’t bleeding at all. But it hurts real bad. My forehead had a bump from that stupid flashlight. I touched the mirror gently.There was somebody else besides me. I was paralyzed with fear, only shaking. The mirror cracked, and it started to increase. Causing it to shatter everywhere. I covered myself from the shards coming at me. A few glass shards stabbed me on the arm. I screamed in pain as it started to bleed through my hoodie. I looked around, and notice blood oozing from the walls.I ran into a room and slammed the door. I was panting really hard from all of the running. I felt something cold, feeling like hands, wrapped around my mouth before I screamed. A dark, creepy, low, Lucifer-like voice whispered into my ear. “Get out of my house you’re not invited here..” The growl slithered into my ear. Sending me goosebumps, and making my hair from my body stand up. I free myself away from his grasped and ran out of the house.Vlad and Mike were outside of the house, waiting for me. Vlad was holding a flashlight, and noticed my injuries. I hugged Vlad really tightly, like a little boy hugging his dad that just came back from overseas. I was hurting really bad, but I didn’t care. I was happy to get out of there. Vlad felt me shaking like a leaf, and he hugged me back, trying to tell me that its alright, I was out of the house. Mike stood there in silence. Vlad was pretty surprised that I was hugging him so tight. He knew that it has been forever that I hugged him like this since we were little.Mike never did tell me the back story of the house. I asked him thousands of times, but he never tell me. Vlad had to tell me the story. He said that there once was a man, he was in his 20s. He was a satanist & a cannibal . He would always worship the devil, speaking in some weird language. What he would do is sacrifice a live person. And after the sacrifice to the devil the sould of the living human, he would drink the blood of the person and eat his corpse. Well, one day, a handul of people, not more of 20-30 people, came into his house to kill him. The young man was hiding in the basment throughtout the whole thing. A young man, he was 18 at the time, he brought an axe with him. He told everyone in the house that he would check the basement. He walked over to the basement door, and realized that the door was locked from the inside, so no one would come in to murder the satanist cannibal. He had an idea and told everyone that he couldn’t find the young satanist, so they decided to go home and call it a day. The young satanist heard them and sighed of relief as he heard the door opened and shut, so, he couldn’t here anybody. He unlocked the door slowly and found no one. He slowly closed the door. The young man with the axe quickly but quietly sneaked up to him and chopped his head off. Blood splattered all over his face, his clothes, and his all over his axe. Everyone cheered for the young man for killing the young satanist cannibal. Since then, you young satanist still haunts the old abandoned house, to this day.Since then, I never stepped into the house at all. And since then, I started to believe in ghosts, and I never came back in the house at all. I would stand in the yard, looking at the beautiful house on the outside. I can never go back into the place without running back outside, shaking like a leaf within less than 2 seconds. Even though it was a beautiful house, it has some dark secrets that was shared passed down since that one day..

  • I should say before starting that I’m a firm believer in an afterlife.

    When I was five my family moved from living with my grandmother (my mom’s mom that is) to our own house. My family was never rich so we ended up living in a neighborhood with row styled houses. The neighborhood itself is on the North side of the city of Pittsburgh, my hometown. It has been said to have been built upon a cemetery now I don’t know for sure if that was the case. But I tend to believe it to be.

    So I was the middle child out of five having two older brothers, two younger sisters, and weird things started when I was 13. I was always the last to go to sleep so I was always the only one up. I’d hear footsteps that started from my mother’s room and stop at my sisters. I never thought much of it cause nothing ever happened to cause alarm. But my sisters always spoke of seeing a man standing at the foot of their beds with red eyes. Then at 16 I’d see shadows approaching the shower when ever I’d bathe. The shower was in the basement; a place I did not like going much.

    The first time it freaked me out a little but I eventually became annoyed and would tell them to back up and they would. So I never really was scared until I reached 27. I was living with my sister after having moved back to Pittsburgh from Ambridge, a city 23 miles to the north. It was three am and I went down stairs to watch “Family Guy” which I had missed at eleven. When I noticed a chill in the air at which point the living room quickly grew cold, I mean shivering cold! Thinking it was weird I grabbed a jacket and returned to watching television.

    It was not until I noticed a softball sized orb of white light hovering about chest high next to me out the corner of my right eye that I began to feel frightened. I was also feeling a mix of curiosity as to what it could be so I did not run though that was my first reaction. As I sat there the orb began shinning brightly and the light expanded out from the orb.

    I turned my head to the right and watched as this happened. I was even more freaked out than before but sat there and continued to watch, my curiosity growing and getting the better of me. By now the light had started to take on a human form and I could feel that it was feminine from the energy it was giving off. At some point I stood up and backed away from the couch two steps and heard it say in my head “don’t run.” How or why I was able to hear it in my head I did not know at that time but I do now. I’m psychic, but that’s another story for another site. Anyway, I turned my head away from the sight before me and looked towards the stairs contemplating bolting up them at light speed.

    After looking away for the second time I noticed the orb was gone. Upon seeing that I turned off the television and promptly headed back upstairs. Needless to say I did not sleep that night. I couldn’t, I was too frightened by the event that had just transpired.

    I have never had another such encounter since. Though I have felt someone sit on my bed as I retired for the night after moving into my own place in 2009. Also I’ll feel the occasional presence as well as the occasional tug on the back of my shirt as it falls back into place as if it were raised.

    I nearly forgot to mention that the day of my gram’s funeral she visited me. My gram, being my dad’s mother, passed before Thanksgiving which I knew she would when I went to visit her with my father. I felt someone watching me as I lay there trying to sleep. I realized immediately it was my grandmother but someone else was with her but I did not recognize the energy I felt and could only assume it was my grandfather. I never got to meet him since he died when my father was a child. Actually both of my grandfathers passed when my parents were little.

    That’s my story nothing much has happened since I grew older but I do hear the occasional unexplained noise in my apartment, though I live alone and one time felt someone sit down on my bed just as I was getting ready to go to sleep. But I don’t fear it since nothing bad has ever happened.

  • The doll.

    My mother loves antique dolls. She never buys them though, she says it is too expensive. One day, me and my mum went to yet another antique shop, when she saw it. It was a beautiful doll, with blue eyes and lovely golden locks, however, it was frowning – it was almost as if it was crying. When my mother asked the shopkeeper how much it was, the shopkeeper said, “That doll is not for sale, it carries a curse.” My mom pleaded and pleaded, but he wouldn’t change his mind. She thought I wasn’t looking, so she swiped it off the shelf and walked me out nonchalantly. “They didn’t need it anyway,” she told me,looking at my shocked expression.

    I was worried. The man had told us that it carried a curse, was he joking? It became apparent that he had not, however, over the following few days, doors slammed shut on their own, the TV flickered on and off, when no one was touching it and, on the kitchen floor lay a butchers knife which had not been there before. Every day, the doll grew sadder and sadder, or so it seemed, then it disappeared.

    It was nowhere, nowhere to be found, even after a week. The ‘curse’ was getting violent,we would find knifes in our beds, broken glass and thing would be thrown around by some unseen force. It was on a Monday, after I came back from school, that I saw it on my bed. The doll was crying. Literally crying. It was moving! Then it spoke,”Chuck me away, chuck me away, or you only have another 7 days!” I screamed. It vanished, into thin air, but it came back every day. “Chuck me away, chuck me away, or you only have another 6 days!” On Tuesday. On Wednesday: “Chuck me away, chuck me away, or you only have another 5 days. On Thursday,it came again, repeating the chorus, only with ‘4 days’ as a difference, however, this time, a horrible tall, black figure stood near the wall – 4 feet away from me. I blacked out.

    When I awoke, I was in hospital. It seemed like I had been in a coma for 4 days. I remembered the doll and thought it was my imagination,but when my mom told me that she saw it too, I was horrified. We were both in the same hospital room when it appeared. That was when I realized that the doll had been warning us, “Mum, where is the doll?” I asked. The reply was not my mothers voice, “Under the bed,” it growled in a demonic voice.

    Something crawled out, holding the doll, from under the bed.
    It was hideous! It had black holes for eyes, slits for a nose and razor sharp teeth. It was wearing black – this was the last thing I saw. If only I had listened to the doll, I might have been able to live. This proves that not all dolls are evil.

  • This is my story i live in Australia I went to Mildura with my family and we stayed in a house for a week there was some thing in the house.It had a creepy look it was a wooden house.On our First day nothing went wrong.But on our second day my baby sis who is 3 years old suddenly woke up in the middle of the night i think 3:50 am and started to cry she was looking at some thing and crying very loudly as if she was scared of some thing and we had never seen her cry like that before.Then on the other day I kept a CD on the DVD player and went out with my family for a walk and when we came back the CD was not there.When I searched for it and I found it in Our backyard.the next 2 day was OK.Then it was our last night my elder sis switch on the dishwasher with all the plates and spoon in it and I saw her doing that we went to sleep at night it think the time was around 12:00 am to 12:30 am the the door of our bedroom started closing all by it self and in the morning my father woke us up all the plates and spoon were on the table and the were all dirty and no one even had breakfast yet. the title of the story is “The wooden house”
    “Please leave your comments and tell me what do you think was in the house”

  • Mirrors.

    I hate mirrors. I don’t know why, but every time I look in one, I see a demon. A demon with no eyes. This started 6 years ago, when I was 11, my mother had bought me a beautiful ornate mirror for my birthday. Like all 11 year olds, I was clumsy. I broke it. 7 years of bad luck awaited me…Every year, on the same day I broke it,one of my family members would die. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

    1st year: Mom died, June 13, 2006
    2nd year: Dad died, June 13, 2007
    3rd year: Sister died, June 13, 2008
    4th year: Brother died, June 13, 2009
    5th year: Aunt died, June 13, 2010
    6th year: Uncle died, June 13, 2011

    All that leaves is… Me…

    Everyday I look in the mirror, the demon comes closer,bit by bit. I am scared. What if I die next?

    Friday 13th June, 2012 is today. I looked in the mirror. I screamed. The demon was right behind me. With a butchers knife.

    You’re probably wondering how I am telling you this story. When I died, my soul switched places with the demon in the mirror. I was trapped , he was free. I warn you, don’t break a mirror, or I will be forced to come after you and your family… One by one…

  • The Attic:
    Two years ago today, Ashley’s parents were brutally murdered. She was lucky enough to be at a friends house when it happened. The strange thing was that the police never discovered the bodies. Everyone thinks that the killer buried then somewhere in the desert. Ashley is in a new house. Her stepmother and father are out on a date. Ashley is watching TV show that investigates murder scenes. They mention Ashley’s parents. Ashley had decided that she wanted to find her parents and give them a proper burial. She decides to check her old house where they were killed. When she arrives, the door seemed to be rusted shut. So she found a large rock and busted the door open. When she crept in, a disgusting smell of rot lingered from upstairs. She decides to check it out. Every step the smell got stronger and stronger. When she finally reached the top the smell was almost unbearable.There was an attic slightly to the right of the top of the staircase. The smell was coming from there. Ashley is just tall enough to open the door. When she does, the skeletal remains of her parents fall on top of poor Ashley. About two days later a person driving by notices that the doors to the house had been opened. When he goes inside he looks at the top of the staircase. What hes sees still haunts him to this day. Ashley is sitting on the old wood floor. She positioned the bodies of her parents to where they to were sitting. Ashley had finally gotten her family back but worse of all, she was gnawing on the skeletal arm of her mom.

  • The Hooded Man.
    Walking alone down the secluded country streets at night can be frightening. All the distanced streetlamps with flickering bulbs make it hard to see, and that can be the most frightening thing because, you don’t know what is lurking in the dark waiting for you, it could be nothing, but it could be absolutely anything.
    I was sixteen when I saw the true horror that lies in the dark spaces of these country streets, but then again walking six miles to get back home from a party in the dead of night wasn’t the greatest idea. My dad offered me a lift home and I should’ve taken him up on his offer but I was an independent girl, I didn’t need daddy’s help all the time. I left the party at 11:30pm and wouldn’t arrive home until at least 1am, it was freezing when I stepped out of the door of the bar but the thought of getting home and having a tranquil sleep was what made my legs start walking, but little did I know a tranquil sleep wouldn’t be what I was in for that night, it was much worse.
    I was tipsy, but I could walk fine, concentrating on the long, dark, narrow road ahead was hard with all the flickering streetlamps I was walking under, what really got to me though was how lonely these roads were tonight, I was used to walking them frequently when going to the bar but dad always picked me up afterwards and it was never this late normally. The roads were so desolate, one car went past every half an hour, and I had the strangest feeling, the one you feel when something isn’t right. I looked behind me to see if anyone was following me but, no one was. I looked at my phone; it had just turned midnight which meant I was half an hour into my journey just one hour-ish left of walking these lonely roads, another half an hour went past but this feeling inside of me had reached its peak, something is wrong I thought, and I was right. I was three quarters of the way down the long road when I reached a bus stop; a tall, slim man was sat there presumably waiting for a bus, then I thought to myself ‘a bus at this time of night? I didn’t know they ran at this time?’I walked over to the opposite side of the road to avoid walking past him but my eyes were drawn to him. I tried to look at his face but it was concealed under a hood so I just fast walked further down the road.
    There was about twenty minutes until I reached my village, I could see the lights, I felt a sense of excitement come over me but it was suddenly halted a few seconds later by the sound of heavy footsteps behind me, not far behind. I was too scared to look round so I kept on walking but the footsteps got louder and louder and my walking speed got faster and faster, I was at that point where I was just waiting for the hooded figure to reach out and try and grab me, so I turned suddenly and there he was, the figure from the bus stop but only now I could see his face. His hair was black as the night, his eyes were a wild dark brown and very bloodshot, his nose looked broken maybe from a fall, his lips where dry and his mouth was watering. I only caught a quick glimpse of him because I knew I had to run but as I looked down to turn away I noticed the sharp kitchen knife in his hand with a red colored substance on it. It was blood.
    I started to run, tipsy because of the alcohol I consumed and running weirdly because of the high heels I was wearing, I couldn’t scream, my throat was dry and my hands were sweating, I sped down the road as fast as I could but when I was about two minutes from the village I fell, the heel on my shoe had broken, he was getting closer and closer, I tried to crawl but my energy was being sucked out of me, suddenly I felt a shooting pain in the back of my leg, I looked back to see a kitchen knife lodged into the back of my leg, a deep cut spewing with blood. I prepared myself for my last breath in this world then suddenly a gunshot sounded. I looked at the hooded man and he staggered backwards then fell onto the pavement, he was dead. I glimpsed round to see who fired the shot and saw the village farmer standing there with a shotgun, he had saved my life, then I blacked out. I woke up in hospital with twelve stitches in the back of my leg, my dad hovered over me and stroked my hair while I explained the whole incident to the police who then informed me an escaped psychiatric patient had been hiding out on that long road after he escaped from the asylum a few miles away from our village two days ago. I was lucky to be alive. Take what happened to me and use that as your warning to not go walking desolate streets at night. Besides who knows what lurks in the dim lighted streets of your town at the dead of night.

  • I can remember as if it was just last night. It was a few years ago while living in a small house with my family. I usually share a room with my sister but at the time she was at her dad’s house. We had bunk beds and I always slept on the bottom, but for some reason that night I felt like sleeping on the top. A month or two before the event my dad had given me my first roseary and I kept it in my room by the door as a type of protection. The reason I felt the need for protection is because ever since I was a baby I’ve had supernatural occurences happening to me, not all of them bad but a good percentage. Either way, I felt safer with it there. It set my mind at ease. So that night I was watching TV in my room with the lights on. I know that the lights were on because I was on the top bunk and it was obviously easy to see. I must have dosed off for a little because when I woke up it was quiet. I was up for about a minute when I saw the figure. I was a pitch black figure, even with the light on, it was as if it was sucking all the light into it’s dark void of a body. I couldn’t take my eyes off of IT. At the time I was half-asleep and thought to my self that it might have been my mom trying to scare me. That wasn’t the case at all. IT was a small thing, maybe 4 feet tall, like a 5 year old but pudgy. I think I only truly thought that to keep part of sanity in place. I remember my blood running cold at this point, like nothing could get scarier than this. In a quick burst 3 terrifying things happened. The figure disappeared, the light turned off, and the door was slammed shut. I sat there in complete silence and darkness for about 3 minutes saying, “Hah okay mom I get it now turn on the lights” and “Mom I know you did it”. No answer. I finally gained the courage to get up and look around. I jumped off the bad and ran to turn on the lights. Nothing was there. I slowly opened the door, no lights were on except for the bathroom light. Reluctantly I opened the door. My 2 year old sister was just silently sitting in there. I know most of you that read this think that she was the one to do it. But think about it. At the time there was no way she could’ve even reached the light switch let alone slam my door. Which leads to something else, how did she get out of her bed? (she still slept in a crib) I got down on my knees and told her that I would be back and that I was going to go get mom. I don’t know why but I felt a compelling urge to close the door when I left, as though something horrible would happen if I left her exposed. I ran down the stairs into the basement where my mom slept. When I opened the door to her room I rushed to her side and shook her awake. If you can imagine being terrified beyond belief then you can imagine what I looked like when my mom saw me. She looked at me and asked what happened. I answered back saying, “Why’d you do it?!? Why did you have to scare me like that?” As it turned out she had been asleep the whole time and had no idea what happened. I hurriedly told her what happened and together we ran up the stairs to get my little sister. We found her sitting but this time she was bawling her eyes out. This by far was one of the scariest, horrific things to happen to me. We ended staying up together in the living room all night. When I finally looked at the clock I realized that when I saw the figure it was around 3 in the morning. The witching hour. To this day we’ve moved 3 times but we found ourselves back at this house. I’m just waiting for something else to happen. It seems as though the activity is building up inside of here. So I guess the only real reason I posted this is because I need to know if someone has seen this…thing also or something similar has happened to them too. Please, help me and wish me luck.

  • The Strange Man
    This is what had happened to my dad.
    He was in his late 20s and all he liked was to party. He desired it so much. He was at my uncle Xavier’s house. They were close and still are. My dad’s car broke down and he needed to get home. Xavier stopped him.
    “Don’t go, man. Something bad is going to happen, I’m sure of it. Just crash here.” he said. My dad looked at him.
    “I really need to get home and nothing bad will happen. I will take the bus.” Xavier opened a safe and pulled out a gun and handed it to my dad.
    “Just in case. Be safe and don’t trust anyone.” Xavier said. They said bye and my dad walked out. He was in this city or whatever where there were no sidewalks and there were apartments on top of stores and cafe’s. It was a dark night. The moon was full and there was a slight eerie feeling in the atmosphere. My dad sat on the bench by the bus stop, waiting. Then, man sat next to him. He was tall, wore very expensive clothes, had dark hair, long finger nails, a bunch of rings with weird symbols my dad didn’t understand, and fangs? And there was something weird with his face. Everything seemed to be going up. His eyebrows, his eyes. Like when a girl ties a tight ponytail. Then the bus came. My dad sighed with relief and got in. He knew the bus driver really well.
    “Hey man, what’s up?” the bus driver said. My dad waved and gave him the ticket. Everyone was talking like a normal night. My dad sat down. Right when the man my dad encountered came in, everyone was silent. No one moved. The bus driver had a frightened look and just looked straight through the window. Then there was a a flash and a loud noise. Lightning hit the window but the driver didn’t flinch. The man sat next to my dad and told him.
    “I know what you want.” My dad looked at him weirdly.
    “You don’t know what I want!” my dad snapped. The man just stood calm.
    “I know all your desires. I have it all. You can come to my house if you want and I will let you have it all.” he said. My dad was getting annoyed now.
    “Get the hell away from me. I will seriously hurt you. I don’t want anything from you.” my dad said.
    “Okay then. Your loss.” the man said as he got off the bus. Everyone was still quiet. As he walked, the man simply dissolved. Everyone started talking like nothing ever happened. The driver asked my dad scared out of his wits.
    “DID YOU SEE THAT??” my dad nodded quickly. The bus went towards his street and he got off. Then this lady got off with him and said
    “Be lucky you didn’t go with that man. God was on your side.” my dad smiled a little because he felt a good aura around that lady. She was an angel. My dad is not a stupid man. He knew who that strange man was. He was a demon. If my dad went with the demon, he probably would of been dead. Therefore, I wouldn’t of been born. It’s fate.

  • This is actually I riddle story I wrote about two years ago. I hope you like it.

    Closet Killer

    A shrill feminine scream was heard from all nooks of the house, though poor Mary was locked in a closet to be brutally murdered. Her hands were restrained with barbed wire, her feet being nailed to the floor. She cried out in pain, sending another yell through the house. Still more, in the closet were two men towering over her.

    She was crying, salty tears spilling out of Mary’s dull green eyes. Her offenders were young, one had a gentle face of innocence. However, his features at this time consisted of fear, guilt, and sympathy. The other, a sly grin and lusty eyes. He held Mary down, torturing her by sticking needles into her body, and biting her neck until it drew blood.

    “Please brother,” the innocence of the two said to the other, “Why are you doing this to her, Liam? Stop.”

    “No,” the other man stated. He was taller than his brother. His face emotionless, fixed in a blank stare. “You’re doing this to her, Emi. If you could simply get her to-”

    “I hate you!” Mary screamed at him, “I hate you with my mind, my body, right to the depths of my soul! I’ll never love you! Your external appearance is beautiful, but you are evil! Just like Satan!”

    Liam came down to her level and kissed her cheek.

    “Lucifer is a Christian belief,and you’re not a Christian.”

    She struggled away from him, “You don’t know that. You don’t know anything about my religion.”

    Liam stood up and took a knife from the ground. He pushed Emi next to Mary, and held the blade to her throat.

    “Go get the poison, or I’ll slit her throat and prolong her death!”

    The younger man mouthed the words, “I’m sorry.”

    He dismissed himself from the room to get the poison to murder the poor woman with, so she would die in a less painful way. When Emi came back, he was greeted by a horrible sight. His brother lay on the floor of the closet, his mouth sealed by stitches. A cactus was inserted into his anus, with Mary’s hand on it.

    She put her finger to her lip, “Shhh…”

    She yanked the cactus out of Liam, his muscles tensing up, as his back arched. Blood gushed rapidly from the wound. He tried to scream, but the stitches mutilated his face when he tried to part them.

    However, the most gruesome sight of this situation was what was attached to the cactus. Liam’s intestine was pulled out of his body, causing Emi to vomit at the emetic event.

    Once the intestine was entirely out of his body, Mary separated it from the body and started to gnaw on it. However, the Liam was still alive, breathing. His face was torn by the stitches, and crimson liquid poured out of him. Emi wasn’t touched or harmed in any way, but he fell to the ground. Cold and dead.

    Why is Emi dead and Liam alive? That is for you to figure out.

  • Here is another story i call: Emergency Alert System. i always had a fear of emergency alert systems… they just plain scared me….. one day i awoke to my house… all alone. no
    light at all besides the T.V. then all the sudden… the emergency alert system went off.
    the operator said: Flood coming to new york city. anyone outside get to shelter NOW.
    then I saw a mixture of emotions. one was sad, one angry one scared and one….just horrified. then i saw some disturbing images and videos. the system came back on…
    it said: All in shelter. get to the lowest point of your shelter. i ran to the basement.
    then, shocked, i saw a pair of eyes… staring…. at me. then, i got horrified by feeling something cold touch my arm…

  • here is a scary story i call ‘My Friend Jeff’ Once there was a girl, Marie And Dad, Richard. One night, Marie and her dad were asleep. Richard woke up to a horrifying scream, Marie’s scream. h ran into the room. He saw Marie. her face was pale. She said: i s-s-saw
    him…..Dad: Who? Marie: Jeff. he told me his name in my dream. he wore a white mask and had no eyelids. Dad: Marie, O.K. I’ll set up security cameras. then do you promise to go to sleep? Marie: Yes Dad. He set the cameras up… 3:00 in the morning… Richard
    switched the channel to 84 the news channel… then he heard the news say: A killer has broke loose. his nickname is Jeff The Killer. next night… Richard was awaken but this time not a scream…. a loud bang. Richard pulled out a gun and ran into his daughters room to a horrifying scene. Jeff, with a mallet, daughter blacked-out on the floor. the dad dropped his gun bad move Jeff said… 3 days later his body was discovered…. lifeless……..

  • on halloween night

    once upon a time there was me, Emma i’m 10 years old. i an dead. this is my story….
    on halloween night you never know what will happen, you could be minding your own buisness, walking along the street eating your candy as you go along, the BAM! it hits you. in my case it was a candy with a rare parasite in it. it was green apple flavor, my favourite. as soon as i got the candy i ate it. at the time i was trick-or-treating and ended up going home early because i didnt feel good. as soon as i got home i went to bed. so tired….. and cold….. and hot….. all at the same time. eventuallr my parents came upstairs to check on me, but it was too late. well almost. the parasite had moved into my brain and caused it to swell, to swolen and painful to move, so swolen it was pouring out of my ears and nose it had also cracked open my scull. but i was still alive. so verry alive. i was rushed to the hospital immediatly. slipping in and out of concousness, the doctors decided to operate immediatly. they had no time to think they pulled my scull open and scooped evrything out. the idiots only realized what they had done after they did it. the pain…. horrible. i was some how still alive. apperently i was such an amazing specimen i was donated to a government facilatey to be studied. years and years of being looked at under every medical device under the sun i finally snapped and grabbed the closest object i could get my hands on, wich happened to be a chair and smashed in all the facility workers skulls in. then i went to the hospital and scooped out the brains of evry worker there, killing them all immeadietly. lastly i went to my home and slaughtered my “loving” parents who allowed all these tests.
    my friends call me Emma, but everyone else calles me the begining of your end.

  • -I am-

    I am me. My name is Lily, or as my friends call me, little miss delinquent. I hate school. I try my best at being bad. I bunk nearly every day. Until the school called my house. They threatened to take my parents to court, so my parents, who I hate, forced me to go. When I arrived, my teacher sent me to the ‘punishment room’ for being 1 hour late.

    The punishment room is basically a metal box. It had a metal chair stuck to the floor and a single, dim light bulb swinging from the low ceiling. It was almost like a prison cell. The iron bars let in a tiny bit of light and the heavy door had a giant lock on the outside. I had to stay in there all day. I guess my teacher forgot about me.

    In the morning, I could tell by the single ray of light coming through the bars, my teacher opened the door to let another late student in. She was shocked to see me.

    That’s when I snapped. With unbelievable strength, which I didn’t even know I had, I grabbed the metal chair and pulled. It came off the floor with a crack. I swung it at my teacher as hard as I could, and laughed as her blood splattered on the walls. The student she had brought in screamed then ran as fast as his little legs could carry him.

    I ended up chasing him. I killed him in the same way as every other person in the school. First, I pulled out their eyes. Next, I ripped their arms and legs out of their sockets. Lastly, I add the classic ‘ Your Next ‘ message to the wall in the victims blood.

    After finishing off my family, I traveled to the nearest house and murdered them. I repeated this on every family that I felt like killing. You never know, I might come to your house next. Because, I am me. Lily.

    I am me.
    I am a killer.
    I am a psychopath.
    I am a mental patient.
    I am … YOUR DEATH…!

  • There was once a beautiful 12 year old girl called Amelia, which chestnut brown curls and hypnotising hazel eyes. She was very popular and made her school friends jealous. She was skipping towards school when she came across a seven year old girl with pale skin but a pleased smile shone on her face.
    “Whats your name?” Amelia asked gently with a huge grin.
    “I’m Delilah, what’s yours?”
    “Amelia. You have a beautiful name, how old are you?” She wondered.
    “ I’m seven” Amelia was a little shocked that a girl as young as her was all alone, they chatted for a while as school was not going to start for another 15 minutes and she lived nearby. “Where’s your mother?”
    “At home” Delilah quietly murmured “You have beautiful hazel eyes”
    “You have pretty big brown eyes too”
    “Wouldn’t it be great if we could swap” Delilah said but she sounded angry almost as if she was jealous.
    “Yes it would, I’m going to be late for school see you tomorrow Delilah”

    The next day Amelia saw Delilah sitting on the kerb sowing,stitching two pieces of material together.
    “Hello Delilah,what are you making?”
    “Hello, Amy ,can I call you Amy?”
    “Course you can, so what are you making?” Delilah shrugged “You have beautiful eyes.”
    “Bye then” Amelia called, “Bye Bye Amelia.”
    It was unusual for Delilah to be shy. For the next week, Amelia saw the girl everyday and all she would say is “you have beautiful eyes” Amelia started to become slightly worried, she was obsessed and everytime Delilah said this she would sound slightly evil.

    At the weekend Delilah asked Amelia if she would like to come to her house. She sounded so sweet. So Amelia agreed.When she set foot in her house Amelia asked where Delilah’s mother was? But she just shrugged and said “Mommy cant see anymore, I always get what I want” Amelia was confused but followed her anyway. Amelia and Delilah played dress-up games and big ladies and a very unusual game of stitching eyes, that Amelia had never heard of, nor liked and found this game very disturbing. After Amelia had a drink she felt dizzy and she blacked out, when she came around she was lying down and Delilah was peering at her as if she was admiring her work. “What happened?” Amelia asked, rubbing her head, she felt a searing pain from around her eyes. “I don’t know you passed out” Delilah had a small smirk on her face, she didn’t think Amelia would notice. Delilah’s eyes seemed more green than usual. “I’m going to go now bye” Amelia ran out and headed home!

    Amelia had never seen Delilah’s mother. The line “Mommy cant see anymore, I always get what I want” troubled Amelia. As she looked in the mirror the next day her eyes seemed more brown than usual. As if they had swapped eyes, her and Delilah but she tried to push the truth aside. “Mom do my eyes look different to you?”
    “No sweetie” she hummed without giving Amelia’s eyes a glance. “Hmmm…” Amelia thought.
    She decided that she would have to find out the truth for herself. She waited until Delilah walked to the park alone and she climbed through an open window to Delilah’s house. Her house looked different than Amelia had last seen . It was messy, and had an over powering foul smell. She slowly crept up the never-ending stairs, she had never been upstairs before, and she hoped she would never have too again. When she reached the landing she peered at the cobwebs and rickety floor. The attic opening was ajar, the ladders didn’t look very safe but if she wanted the truth than she would have to take the risk… she climbed up and wished she had never known the truth.

    She gasped; in the room were shelves and shelves of eyes, brown eyes, blue eyes, hazel eyes. Amelia peered at the transparent shelves ready to collapse and caught a glimpse of her reflection. She couldn’t believe her eyes sockets were swollen and she could just make out 3 stitches on the bottom of each eye.

    But before she could hide, she heard the front door creak open. Amelia couldn’t hide the fact that it was obviously Delilah, what kind of sick person would swap eyes? When Amelia had said she wanted to swap eyes this she hadn’t meant literally. Memories started flooding back she could remember her sitting on that chair in the corner of the attic having her eyes pulled , no wonder Delilah was sowing , she was practicing the perfect stitch.

    Amelia tried to make a run for it but for a seven year old girl , Delilah was not stupid. She grabbed Amelia by the hair and pulled her back. “Have you been in my secret room?” She scowled. Amelia froze “Please don’t hurt me” she said trembling. As Amelia looked closer she could see Delilah was no longer a child she was a woman. She had a womanly figure , broad shoulders , although she was small. She had worn so much make-up to cover up her ageing face. “Wheres your mother,Delilah? Did you hurt her too? Your not seven years old!” Amelia cried shaking, she could see her own eyes sown into Delilah’s face. “I don’t want your eyes anymore I want your smooth skin!” Delilah screamed, she grabbed a knife and cut into Amelia’s neck her face frozen into a scream.

    Weeks after the Police had found the attic and the rotting body of Amelia, she had no eyes and some of the skin on her arms and legs were missing . There was no sign of Delilah , the police had been searching for her for months. There was a note next to Amelia’s body, “I always get what I want signed Delilah.”

  • Tennis Court
    There is a girl named Martha. She is 10 now. She likes mystery and playing tennis. One day, Martha went to the tennis court and playing with her trainer. After the exercise she asked to her trainer about the ghost in here. When Martha asked, her trainer said “there is a ghost in here, I can’t describe it, you should asked the old man at the drink counter”
    Happily, Martha tidy up her rackets and ran to the drink counter. She buy a drink and asked the old man immediately. “ there a ghost in the tennis court?”
    “Yes ” answer the old man.
    “Like what?”Martha getting more confused.”A lady”
    “Lady? That’s great!! You already saw her?” Martha jumped and continue to asked.
    “Yes” said the old man and tidy up the fruits.
    “When? Can I see it too??” Martha jumped around.
    “After the last time that the tennis court at 10 pm, thursday,I tidy up some tennis ball, then I see her at the court holding a racket.”
    “Wow, thank you then” Martha ran in many question spinning in her head, then she decided to check it.
    She took her course at 8 and finished at 9.30
    After she finished, she tidy up her stuff and hold it.
    The old man was finished his work and went to the next tennis court at right side. “Good Luck Martha” said the old man. Martha smiled and kept watching the tennis court. The strange began to appeared.
    The wind stopped blowing and the sky getting darker. And there is a light in the tennis court number one. The ghostly shout aloud a name. Its sound like “Chrissa Montana” then a ghostly girl appeared in the tennis court holding a blue racket and tennis ball. Her hair was blonde with white skin and blue sapphire eyes. With white blouse and skirt and a white shoes she began the fair match. But then, an earthquake happened. Everybody began screaming. The ghost Chrissa was screaming and ran away but she hitted by a big tree that falling.
    Martha had a good look at Chrissa. She is definitely her friend that gone mysteriously.
    “Martha, Martha!” called somebody. Martha opened her eyes and saw the old man. “Wha… “Martha woke up
    “What happened to you?”
    “Chrissa!! Chrissa!!” Martha scream in terror.
    “Chrissa.., she is my grand daughter. Its a tragedy 2 months ago. Before she died she had a tennis match , but.. and an earthquake happened. She got hit by a ball in her face and she got hitted by a tree and died”
    “Bu..but…” Martha can’t believe what the old man said.
    “Yesterday, at 7pm.. I met Chrissa, in my grandpa’s grave…she is crying”


    there was a young woman named keyoko, she was american but had a Japanese name, and when she was in middle school she was teased for it then one day, this guy and his goons came up to her and started teasing her, she got really mad, and when that guy pushed her to the ground,that was it, she finally snapped, her mouth started to bare her sharp dog like teeth slowly her eyes got round and her pupils started to change to a cats,and her nails got longer her ears turned up-ward and on top of her head, and her dyed orange and black hair grew longer and all over her body she grew from 5’9″ to 6’12” her cloths tore and she also grew a tail.
    one of the boys started to cry and run off keyoko let him escape.
    the other boy fainted keyoko left him alone as well.
    then there was only one boy left the one who pushed her to the ground gaven.”l-look im s-sorry! please f-forgive m-me?” he asked all shaky and on the virge of tears. keyoko looked even more mad “HOW ABOUT NO, ALL YOU EVER DID WAS HURT ME! I CANT FORGIVE SOMEONE WHO HURT ME AS BAD AS YOU DID!!!!!” she yelled her eyes turned from a beautiful blue, to a bloody red.”but i apologized!” “SORRY DOSNT CUT IT!!!” and she took her claw and slashed his throat everyone outside from the buildings saw this, and about for girls puked at the sight and when keyoko noticed everyone was watching, her eyes turned back to blue her nails went back to their original size her ears went back,
    she didnt have fur on her body anymore, she was back to her normal height her cloths were all torn.
    she looked at her hand and saw his blood, “so i finally did it? heh” she said under her breath, she started to chuckle, which then turned into a psychotic laugh.
    the principal called the police. but she ran away and there were no signs of her just a trail of giant paw prints leading to the woods.
    and they say if you stay up for the sunrise, you can hear her howl from the big cave in the woods.

  • my third story :D
    the curse
    scarlet found the picture and took it home she examined the picture she found. it was a picture of her family. she heard a scream. scarlet rushed downstairs her two sisters and her dad joined her. downstairs she saw her mum hanging by her scarf. nooo! scarlet screamed. she ran upstairs and collapsed on the bed crying. she took a look at the picture the mum had dissapeared. scarlet threw the picture out the window and decided to take a nap and forget what had happened. in the middle of the night she was awoken by a loud gurgling sound and then a deafening splash. there was a trail of blood leading to the bathroom. there she saw her sister lying face down in the water dead.. she took her sister out and went downstairs and put it where her mum was. she want upstairs thinking about what will happen?would all her family die? the picture lay beside her. she picked it up and noticed the sister was missing. she chucked it in the bin-wait! didn’t she throw the picture out of the window? her bedroom door opened. scarlet’s heart skipped a beat.a masked figure stepped in to the room. scarlet screamed. the man took of the mask. Brock! her best friend. he had scared her but Brock wasn’t scarlet’s friend anymore. without a word he took out an axe and plunged it deep into scarlet’s body.scarlet felt light she plunged onto the bed and into darkness. she awoke in the hospital she saw her dad and little sister .. she was now dead she was now a ghost she was ow never missed again. but mind you every 12:00 she goes into a random persons room and makes them suffer her fate. who knows you might get a visit from a dead person..from hell…….

  • hey im doing my series so here’s my second story in my collection. :D
    Joe is not a monster
    Joe is not a monster
    so don’t make fun of him
    people make names behind his back
    and a guy punched him in the chest
    Joe didn’t tell me to stand up for him
    but he’s my friend so back off all of ya’ll!
    wanna know how i know so much bout Joe?
    i know cause i am Joe’s…
    second head..

  • Alice.

    Alice was a orphan, her parents had died in a car crash. She was looked after by her horrible aunt who would order her to do millions of things a day.
    “ALICE! Cook the food!”
    “ALICE! Clip my toenails!”
    “ALICE! Flush the toilet!”
    If Alice disobeyed, or made a mistake, her aunt would beat her or whip her for ages. One day, Alice got fed up.

    “ALICE! Put the TV on!”
    “NO!” She yelled back,”Do it yourself!” With that Alice ran out of the house. Overnight, she slept on the dirty, dusty and disgusting floor of the alleyway across the street. She awoke to the sound of a police siren and low mumbling.

    “She killed herself – suicide. Chopped her own head off. We can’t find it anywhere. Only her body,” Alice heard the policeman talking. She picked up her old sleeping bag and walked over to her house, hoping to apologise to her aunt about her behaviour. Alice saw police tape all around her house and realization struck her. The policeman were talking about… About her aunt.
    It was Alice’s fault her aunt was dead.

    Alice, suppressing sobs, ran to the house, frantically trying to rip the police tape off the gate.
    “STOP!” Screamed the policeman holding her back,”WHO ARE YOU?”
    “I am Alice, niece of the murdered woman, please let me in!”
    “NO!” He replied.

    Alice watched from the alleyway, waiting for the policemen to leave. Midnight. The police packed away and left, Alice took her chance and strolled nonchalantly down the road. She picked the lock with her hairpin and the door creaked open. The house looked normal, however, as soon as she stepped in a musty smell smacked her in the face. She followed the smell in to the kitchen and was appalled, blood was splattered all over the walls and the floor. A chalk outline of her aunts body was on the floor. It didn’t have a head.

    Crying, she trudged up to her aunts bedroom. Smelling the covers, trying to catch her aunt’s scent, she fell asleep. She heard a thump. Alice woke to find the closet door open, and her aunts head at the bottom. She screamed. Calming down a bit, she put her plastic glove on and picked up the head. Gross! She thought as she put it in a box and carried it down stairs. Leaving it on the bottom stair, she wailed herself to sleep.

    Thump. She jumped out of bed and headed to the source of the noise, it came from the stairs. On the second step lay her aunt’s head. Must’ve been the wind, she thought. She didn’t notice that the windows were closed. Alice wasn’t bothered to pick it up again, she didn’t even feel sad anymore.

    Thump. Alice was just about to go to bed when she heard it again. Peeking through the crack in the door, she was horrified to see her aunt’s head on the third step. She realized that the wind can’t make things fall upwards and that there was no wind. Despite the fact that there was no wind, she heard a eerie whistling that seemed to call her name.

    “AAAAALICE!” It said, “I’m on the third step.”
    “AAAAALICE!” It said, “I’m on the fourth step.”
    Alice was terrified.
    She hid in the closet.

    “AAAAALICE!” It said, “I’m on the fifth step.”

    “AAAAALICE!” It said, “I’m outside the room.”

    “AAAAALICE!” It said, “I’m opening the door.”

    “AAAAALICE!” It said, “I’m outside the closet, goodbye Alice.”

    “AAAAAAHHH!” Alice’s ear piercing scream broke the silence outside.

    The following morning, the police could smell blood. The metallic smell came from upstairs. They saw a line of blood – as if something had been dragged down – coming from the room. After following it, they were horrified. It led to the closet, which was wide open and blood splattered. At the bottom they saw Alice’s head, a look of pure terror on her face, while next to it, the saw her aunt’s head, smiling triumphantly.

  • Dear Diary.

    Jerry Simmons was distraught. His sister -Ellie Simmons- had died. No, she was murdered… By him. He hadn’t thought about what he was doing, he wasn’t even aware of picking up the knife and… Before he knew it, he was being carted off to the Mental Asylum. Strange though it was, Ellie had left him her diary. The warden had let him keep it with him, at night, Jerry would read a page or two before falling asleep. The diary was normal, it would talk about Ellie’s schoolwork and other normal things. At least until Jerry reached the end…

    Ellie had died on the 5th October 2012, however, the last few diary entries were beyond that.

    6th October 2012.

    Dear diary,
    Jerry will pay for what he has done.

    7th October 2012.

    Dear diary,
    Jerry will pay for what he has done.

    8th October 2012.

    Dear diary,
    Jerry will pay for what he has done.

    9th October 2012.

    Dear diary,

    Jerry was scared 9th October was today…

    After reading it once again, he fell asleep to horrific nightmares about Ellie. She would be standing behind him, her face disfigured, her hair long and matted, her nails , claws almost as long as her finger. Drip. Drip. Drip. Blood dripped down her face. That was when the scratching started. Jerry awoke with a jolt. He could still hear the scratching.

    He realized that the diary was wide open.

    Written in blood was the newest diary entry.

    10th October 2012.

    Dear Diary,


    Drip. Drip. Drip. Slowly, Jerry turned around…
    “AAAAAAAAHHHH!” No one heard his scream.
    The same thing he had envisioned was behind him.
    The last thing Jerry saw was a huge claw…

    The police arrived at the massacre in the morning. The whole Asylum had been silently murdered in their sleep. They had been stabbed right in the heart. All except one. The police who found Jerry Simmons were horrified.
    His eyes had been clawed out and lay in a blob beside his body. His limbs had been torn off and lay scattered around the room. Blood covered everything…

    The scariest thing though, was that on the wall in Jerry’s blood were the words: YOU ARE NEXT!


  • “Prom Day” – Ally was very excited for prom. She was going with her boyfriend, who she loved with all her heart. And, she had the perfect prom dress. She was at home, and she was going upstairs to get her prom dress on, when she heard her ringtone go off. Turning around, she looked at her phone, and saw a text from her boyfriend, Jackson. This was the text: “I am not going to prom. I’m sorry”
    Ally ran up to her room crying. She took a pill bottle and drank the thing down. She ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife, and cut on her arm: “it’s your fault Jackson” her last breaths gasped out of her mouth. She died right there on the kitchen floor. Jackson heard the news the next day. He was shocked. That night, he was taking a shower and he heard a female laughter coming from the drain and a constant singing: Jackson, I’m back and you’re about to die. He saw blood coming out of the drain and saw a figure come out of the drain. It looked exactly like ally. “It’s your fault. You didn’t think I was gonna get revenge?”, the figure said, and she slit his throat with the same knife she cut herself with. How do I know this story? Well, I’m Ally. YOU’RE NEXT!

  • Ok if you didn’t realize it’s me I haven’t been on for months possibly a year. Please don’t blame me,my writing may suck because like I said I’m back!!! xD there is barely any stories so at least it’s something.
    Ok guys here it is
    Common Personalities
    Brittany was your everyday, every school type of popular. Silky straight blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and of course a nice body shape. All the boys adored her and she had several friends. Although she was quite rude. Brittany was stubborn always breaking the rules, if you didn’t do as she said you were a loser. Of course her personality caught up to the worst of her. It was Halloween night her and several of her friends went to the rich side of town like the smart 15 year-olds. With there bags full, Brittany’s the most, the group came upon “the house”. Nobody dared, not even Brittany’s friends, to ever take a step on the lawn. Of course Brittany taunted her friends and pushed passed them stomping across the lawn onto the porch. She bounded on the door looking back at her watery eyed friends. Heads bowed down. She rolled her eyes and pounded on the door again. A dim light flickered on and a deep handsome voice called “come in”. The door creaked open an a handsome 16 year old stepped out. He held out his hand and Brittany gasped she loved him at first glimpse. She walked into the house the door slamming behind her. Across the lawn her friend Rebecca watched the door open itself and Brittany hold her hand out toward something, the door slam following. Tears streamed down Rebecca’s face as they waited for a few hours. The flickering light upon the upstairs window, the silence in the streets, all broke by the screams of Brittany. She was never seen again. The boy was never there. What happened. Who knows.

  • Jasmine Humphrey

    There was a girl called Emma and she was extremely sick. She had a rare condition that nobody had a cure for yet. Emma and her mother Amy had lost all hope but then Amy received a letter from a hospital that specializes in the illness. Amy sent Emma there but stayed for 3 days to make sure it was okay. On the first day Emma`s long blonde hair was cut short by nurses. It was a hospital policy and Emma cried her eyes out. On the second day Emma had to make some new friends so Amy took her around the hospital to find one. Amy and Emma were searching all night and Amy was about to send Emma back to bed because it was 12:00 AKA when every patient had to be in bed. Emma was falling asleep when all of a sudden she saw a small silhouette of a girl in the hallway.

    “Look mummy look!” Emma exclaimed.

    *Amy looks*

    “Oh brilliant another girl!”

    Amy rushed over to the girl with Emma at her side. The girl`s hair was long and black with a pink ribbon in it. Her eyes were blue and her face pale.

    “Hello!” said Emma waving

    The girl just stared.

    “Oh… hello…” the girl said “I`m Jasmine!”

    “Hey Jasmine! I`m Emma!” said Emma

    Jasmine looked at Amy and started to cry.

    “I…want…my…mom!” the girl cried

    “Come with us and we will take you to your room!” said Amy

    Jasmine smiled and skipped along with them.

    “How come your hair is long?” asked Emma

    “It grew back. They don`t mind if that happens!” replied Jasmine still smiling

    They carried on until they reached a burned door it was rusty and old. There was red splashes on it.

    “Mine!” exclaimed Jasmine

    “Come to my room tomorrow!” said Emma

    Emma wrote her room number in pen on Jasmine`s hand and Jasmine nodded, she was coming.

    The next day Amy had to leave. Of course Emma was sad but Jasmine cheered her up. Jasmine and Emma played endlessly and made some posters to put on Emma`s plain white wall. Emma asked Jasmine if she liked Justin Beiber because she was a super mega fan but she was surprised when Jasmine said she had never heard of him. After hours of fun Jasmine left so Emma found another girl to play with. Her name was Molly. She was 13, 3 years older than Emma. She was pretty. She had hazel hair and olive eyes.

    “Hello!” Emma exclaimed

    “Hey there!” Molly said

    “Molly…” Emma said

    “Yes???” asked Molly

    “Do you know Jasmine Humphrey?” Emma questioned

    Molly`s eyes widened.


    Emma nodded and Molly just ran away. The conversation with Molly scared Emma but she just shook it off. Probably the stupid kid that nobody likes she thought. That night she heard noises in her room. She got up and she was sweating so she went to get water from the staff kitchen. She was scared so the took a torch and her teddy bear. It was very dark and when she got in the hallway she switched the torch on. She could see her hallway`s staff kitchen in the distance. She began to stroll happily. Her torch turned off. The hallway was plunged into utter darkness.

    “Stupid cheap rubbish!” she whispered

    She heard a dripping sound but it was very quiet. She thought it was the taps. She reached the kitchen but the taps were off and the noise had stopped. This shook her mildly but she just drank some water and headed back to her room. As she got nearer to her room the dripping became louder and louder until… it was deafening! She reached her room and the dripping was extremely loud.

    “What the heck is going on!?” she said

    She looked at the floor and saw blood. She held the toy tightly, she was terrified. Then the door opened… what she saw shook her to the max. It was Jasmine, she had hung herself with blankets and cut her arms and legs. She had also cut off her 2 cheeks. Emma screamed and a nurse heard her. She ran through the corridors and then ran past Molly`s room. Molly ran out. Her face pale.

    “Its from Emma`s room…” she said

    “H…h…how do you know?” asked the nurse

    “Jasmine… Humphrey…” Molly said

    The nurse grew pale as well and ran as fast as she could. By the time she reached Emma`s room she was already dead. Her head, arms and legs all cut off and her body lay on the floor. The nurse pressed the alarm button just before she passed out.

    Amy came that very night after the death of her daughter. She met Molly and what Molly said chilled her to the bone.

    “Jasmine Humphrey was here when I was only 4 the age I moved here. She was very nice but was bullied terribly. Every night she would cut her arm or leg with craft scissors the only thing she had. One night the bullies got to bad. They tied her to the bed and cut her cheeks off. When they left she was in terrible pain so she hung herself. All the bullies were killed in a manner of ways after that by her ghost. Now she roams the halls trying to find another victim. They call her the devil girl because her room was room 666. Nobody goes to room 666 now but Jasmine Humphrey still goes in there. If you go in she will kill you and you will go to hell because apparently there is a hole to hell in there. Only 1 boy was brave enough to ever go in there… he was never seen again…”

    Amy was shocked at this. And went to Emma`s funeral a few days later, the same day when Francine Cross went to the hospital and made friends with a small girl. Her name well her name was… Jasmine Humphrey…

    (Hope you liked it please post it sfk! :D)

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