Scary For Kids


  • You’re Not a Monk
    The whole idea of this story is that it is very long and very repetitive. The audience hopes and hopes for a grand conclusion.

    There was a little boy who lived in a far away land. Close to the boy’s home, there was a tall mountain, always covered in snow at the top. Also at the top of the mountain, there was an ancient monastery where ancient monks lived.

    Sometimes, the little boy, as he was riding his tricycle around his yard, would look up at the monastery on the tall mountain and wonder what it was like up there.

    One day, when the wind was blowing down off the mountain, the air turned quite cold and the little boy could hear a very strange noise on the wind. It was coming from the monastery! He could not figure out what could possibly be making such a strange noise and he was curious.

    So, the little boy made a peanut butter sandwich, hopped on his tricycle and started his ride up to the monastery. It took him hours and hours, but he finally made it to the top. He bravely pounded on the massive door to the monastery and the head monk opened the door.

    “Hello, Mr. Monk, sir. Down at my home in the valley below, I heard a very strange noise coming from your monastery. Could you tell me what it is?”

    “I’m sorry,” replied the head monk, “I can’t tell you. You aren’t a monk.”

    Sadly, the little boy got back on his tricycle and rode all the way home, in a very foul and frustrated mood. He really did want to know what was making that noise.

    The wind did not blow down off the mountain again until a couple years later. The boy was a bit bigger and stronger now and now rode around town on his bicycle.

    As luck would have it, he was out riding when the wind blew down off the mountain, the air turned quite cold, and he heard a very strange noise on the wind. It was coming from the monastery! He could not figure out what could possibly be making such a strange noise and he was curious.

    So, the bigger boy made a ham and cheese sandwich, hopped on his bicycle and started his ride up to the monastery. It took him hours, but he finally made it to the top. He pounded on the massive door to the monastery and the head monk opened the door.

    “Hey, Mr. Monk. Down at my home in the valley below, I heard a very strange noise coming from your monastery. Could you tell me what it is?”

    “I’m sorry,” replied the head monk, “I can’t tell you. You aren’t a monk.”

    Sadly, the big boy got back on his bicycle and rode all the way home, in a very foul and frustrated mood. He really did want to know what was making that noise.

    The wind did not blow down off the mountain again until a couple years later. The boy had grown into a strapping youth now and rode around town on his motorcycle.

    As luck would have it, he was out riding when the wind blew down off the mountain, the air turned quite cold, and he heard a very strange noise on the wind. It was coming from the monastery! He could not figure out what could possibly be making such a strange noise and he was curious.

    So, the strapping youth grabbed a slice of pizza, hopped on his motorcycle and started his ride up to the monastery. It took him 30 minutes, but he finally made it to the top. He pounded on the massive door to the monastery and the head monk opened the door.

    “Yo, Mr. Monk, dude. Down at my home in the valley below, I heard a very strange noise coming from your monastery. Could you tell me what it is?”

    “I’m sorry,” replied the head monk, “I can’t tell you. You aren’t a monk.”

    Sadly, the strapping youth got back on his motorcycle and rode all the way home, in a very foul and frustrated mood. He really did want to know what was making that noise.

    The wind did not blow down off the mountain again until a couple years later. The boy was now a young man and often rode around in his new convertible sportscar.

    As luck would have it, he was out riding when the wind blew down off the mountain, the air turned quite cold, and he heard a very strange noise on the wind. It was coming from the monastery! He could not figure out what could possibly be making such a strange noise and he was curious.

    So, the young man bought a burger at a fast food place, got in his convertible sportscar, and started his ride up to the monastery. It took him 20 minutes, but he finally made it to the top. He pounded on the massive door to the monastery and the head monk opened the door.

    “Mr. Monk. Down at my home in the valley below, I heard a very strange noise coming from your monastery. Could you tell me what it is?”

    “I’m sorry,” replied the head monk, “I can’t tell you. You aren’t a monk.”

    Sadly, the young man got back in his convertible sportscar and rode all the way home, in a very foul and frustrated mood. He really did want to know what was making that noise.

    That night, he thought and thought about the very strange noise and how he just had to know what caused it. So, he resolved to do something about it the next day.

    The next day, he got in his convertible sportscar and raced up the mountain, slammed on his brakes, and skidded to a stop right in front of the massive door to the monastery.

    He honked the horn of his convertible sportscar until the head monk finally opened the door.

    “Alright, Mr. Monk, I want to know what is making that very strange noise coming from you monastery!”

    “I’m sorry,” replied the head monk, “I can’t tell you. You aren’t a monk.”

    “Well, then can I become a monk?”

    “Why certainly! It is quite easy. You must travel the earth and count the number of blades of grass in every field and the number of grains of sand on every beach. When you return with your answer, then you shall be a monk.”

    So the young man left the monastery and travelled the earth. For years and years he counted the blades of grass and grains of sand, until one day he had finally finished. He made his way slowly back to the monastery and found the head monk.

    “Oh, Mr. Monk, I have travelled the earth these past years, counting the blades of grass and grains of sand. I finally know that there are 123,123,123,123,123 blades of grass in the fields and 123,123,123,123,123 grains of sand on the beaches and I would like to become a monk.”

    So the man became a monk. At last, he would now be able to find out the source of that very strange noise coming from the monastery.

    “Mr. Monk, what is the noise coming from the monastery?” asked the new monk.

    The head monk replied, “The source is too complicated to describe in words. I am afraid that you must see it for yourself to truly understand it. This key will show you the answer you seek.”

    “Take this key to the deepest, darkest corner of the coldest, dampest room in the dirtiest, filthiest cavern under the monastery. There you will find a long corridor. At the end of the corridor is a door and through the door is the thing that makes the noise.”

    Well, of course the new monk went immediately to the deepest, darkest corner of the coldest, dampest room in the dirtiest, filthiest cavern under the monastery and there he did indeed find the long corridor. He walked down the corridor until he could see the door at the end.

    Unfortunately, there were three magical fires that never go out blocking the man from the door. He decided to jump the fires to reach the door. The man made sure the key was secure in his hand, took a running charge at the first fire and leapt!

    Over the first fire he flew, but he dropped the key. The man leapt back over the fire, ran all the way back down the long corridor, out of the deepest, darkest corner of the coldest, dampest room in the dirtiest, filthiest cavern under the monastery and back to the head monk.

    “Oh, Mr. Monk! I am so sorry! I went to the deepest, darkest corner of the coldest, dampest room in the dirtiest, filthiest cavern under the monastery, down the long corridor to the door, but there were magical fires and I dropped the key in the first one as I leapt over it.”

    “Do not worry, for there is another key and you must overcome tests on your way to enlightenment. The second key, however is far, far away in Canada.”

    The new monk left the monastery and travelled to Canada. It took many years because he had no money, being a monk and all.

    Eventually, he arrived in Canada and managed to track down the key to the door. The monk then had to make the return journey equally as painstakingly, but finally he arrived back at the monastery. Down into the deepest, darkest corner of the coldest, dampest room in the dirtiest, filthiest cavern under the monastery he went, until he found the long corridor.

    The three magical fires were in front of him as he took a running start.

    Over the first fire went the monk, key still in hand!

    Over the second fire went the monk, key still- RATS!
    He had dropped the key in the second fire. The monk leapt back over the second fire, back over the first fire, back down the long corridor he walked and out of the deepest, darkest corner of the coldest, dampest room in the dirtiest, filthiest cavern under the monastery. The monk went back to the head monk.

    “Oh, Mr. Monk! I am so sorry! I went to the deepest, darkest corner of the coldest, dampest room in the dirtiest, filthiest cavern under the monastery, down the long corridor to the door, but there were magical fires and I dropped the key in the second one as I leapt over it.”

    “Do not worry, for there is one more key and we must all overcome tests on our way to enlightenment. The third key, however is far, far away in Australia.”

    The monk left the monastery and travelled to Australia. It took many years because he had no money being a monk and all.

    Eventually he arrived in Australia and managed to track down the key to the door. The monk then had to make the return journey equally as painstakingly, but finally he arrived back at the monastery. By this time, he was quite an old monk.

    Down into the deepest, darkest corner of the coldest, dampest room in the dirtiest, filthiest cavern under the monastery he went, until he found the long corridor. The three magical fires were in front of him as he took a running start.

    Over the first fire went the quite old monk, key still in hand!

    Over the second fire went the quite old monk, key still in hand!

    Over the THIRD fire went the quite old monk, key still in hand!

    He had made it! He’d made the jumps and here he was standing outside the door with the answer to his question. Finally, finally, after so many, many, many years of wanting to know what was making the strange noise, he would know. The answer lay through the door in front of him and he could at last be at peace with himself.

    Slowly, the quite old monk slid the key into the lock. Turning the key a slight ‘click’ was to be heard as the lock moved back allowing the quite old monk to open the door. He pushed the door open and stepped inside.

    Shock and amazement came over him as he finally realized the answer to his question!

    “Do you want me to tell you what it was?”

    “I’m sorry, I can’t tell you. You aren’t a monk.”

  • The cotton candy man- There was once a guy that loved cotton candy so much, that he ate it every day and night, one day, he died because of all the candy he ate, but that is not the end, no. There were these people who decided too move into the cotton candy man’s house. One day, Tim, the man of the house decided too go outside and chill for a while, since he was in the stress that he was recently fired from his job. There, before him, he saw a man with a butcher knife on the lawn, the man ran towards Tim and slit his stomach open, then, replaced the intestines with cotton candy.

  • Wrong person- There was once a girl named, Abby, on Halloween night, she decided too to visit the cemetery for fun. As she walked in, she noticed a little girl, holding a butcher knife that stained with crimson blood. The little girl stood up, with that creepy smirk on her face, the little girl chanted “I know…where you live..” Abby screeched, then ran home. She then went into the bathroom for protection, then noticed a little girl in the shower, Abby screamed and used her knuckles too slam against her face, then kicked her in the stomach, the little girl screeched and collapsed in the shower, lifeless. With tears in Abby’s eyes, she noticed it was her little sister, she then turned around, seeing the same girl she saw at the cemetery, she spoke. “Wrong person.” then stabbed Abby in the chest, killing her.

  • The Eye of the Needle
    Once there was a man whose name was Dave. One day Dave made the biggest mistake of his life. He gave away his deepest darkest secret. He decided to eliminate anybody’s knowledge of the secret by taking their life. But he had to act fast, because the people who knew the secret were telling their friends, and they told THEIR brothers and sisters. He decided to be simple, and to leave no trace of the murder, he would stitch buttons in their eyes and so the victims couldn’t scream, he would stitch their mouths shut.

    Dave had no time to lose. Quickly, he found an unopened package of large black buttons. Then he got a needle and thread. He went to the first friend’s house. Then the next, then the next. Through threaenting phonecalls, Dave found the people his friends told the secret to. “I’ll be over at midnight. hee hee hee.”

    Pretty soon, nobody lived to tell Dave’s secret to more. Everyone except for me, that is. Yes. I know Dave’s secret and haven’t been caught. Want me to tell you the secret? Well, I’ll tell you the secret. One time, Dave went naked on live TV. On a completely un-related note, where do you live? I’ll be over at midnight. Hee hee hee.

  • This story is meant to be scary and funny.
    Once there was a boy named Daniel. Daniel would eat pretty much any food that came into sight. One day, the kids at school played a nasty prank on him. When he went to get his milk at lunch, they buried a fake bleeding hand under all the food. When Daniel came back, he sat down, finished his lunch, and looked at the fake hand. He dipped it in his milk, and ate it. “Delicious,” he said. the end.
    I call this story “Delicious”

  • Dear friend its true now i tell the hunted roads of himachal pradesh once a man work in his its too late to close office time 11.15 He want to go home quickly so he choose a shortcut to go home he go on the imagine its fully dark there are trees beside the road he saw a girl wear many jewels and asking lift but he got fear and go fast he didnot gives lift to her after crossing one kilometre he saw same giri asking lift he god more fear and go faster after cross a kilometer he saw a girl again he go very fast he saw her in the mirror the girl running back and say his name he amazed and the girl say give me a lift before many years iam died heare now you the man go fast with fear after he a policeman beside the road he stop his bike and ask water the policeman give water and ask him what happened? The tell him that he says better you didn’t give lift to the girl you give lift to the girl now you are not with life.

  • Mary loved playing with her dolls. Every time you saw her, she would be playing with them. Mary would take her dolls to school, to bed and even the bathroom.
    One day, Mary was playing with them on her way to school. Her favorite was called Lucie. Lucie had lovely golden curls, sparkling, baby blue eyes and shiny white teeth which were always set in a smile (seeing as she was a doll).
    As she was passing the familiar alleyway, she accidentally dropped Lucie in a muddy puddle. Lucie was soaked an dripping wet.
    “Ew!” Mary cried and chucked Lucie in the alleyway. She didn’t notice that Lucie was frowning. School went by normally but her friend, Emily, asked her where Lucie was. Mary said, “I chucked her away because she was dirty.”
    When she was walking back home, she heard growling coming from the alleyway. Mary was terrified so she ran home as fast as her stubby legs could carry her. After telling her parents, and them not believing her, she decided to go to bed early.
    “Mary, I am in your parents’ room,” whispered a eerie voice from her parents’ room, loud enough to wake Mary up and make her panic. Its just my imagination, she thought to herself.
    “Mary, I am killing your parents’,”
    Mary uttered a silent scream. She was petrified. Obviously some kind of murderer has come and broken into my house, she thought, I need to hide. Mary hid under her bed. Suddenly, the door creaked open…
    “Mary, I am in your room,” something whispered from next to her.
    “Mary, I am killing you.”
    Mary felt the sharp jab of a knife against skin. The last thing she saw was Lucie, dripping with blood and holding a giant butchers knife. Then she was dead.
    Lucie disappeared, never to be seen again.

    Rumor has it that if you do the following, you can summon Lucie. Be warned though, you will die.

    1. Hold your favorite doll.
    2. Walk to the nearest alleyway, whisper ‘Lucie’ on every step that you take.3. Chuck your doll into a muddy puddle, if you cannot find one, chuck it at the wall.
    4. Say, “Eicul, Eicul, emoc kcab, Eicul, Eicul,” this is: ‘Lucie, Lucie, come back, Lucie, Lucie,’ but backwards. Make sure you say it correctly or it will not work.
    5. If you have done it properly, Lucie will appear, however, you will be dead.

    It is probably too late to tell you, but Lucie kills all who hear about her as well. She won’t come straight away as she has millions of foolish people to kill, but I assure you that she will come, kill you and gobble up your soul if she is hungry. So it makes no difference if you do the ‘game’. Goodbye, stranger.

  • this is called curiosity,
    there once was a brother and sister named jonathon and laney. jonathon was 13 and laney was 11.they moved into a house in alanta georgia.they were just un packing there stuff when laney saw a little girl in a house across the street.she says”jonathon, theres a girl in that house”.jonathon looks at the house,he sees nothing.”theres no girl at the house laney, its condemed,abandoned.maybe you just miss youre friends too much”.but-go get the other box. jonathon says like hes stressed out.”fine!”laney said angery.she started to march down down when she saw a doll on the second to last step.she heard a said “come play laney”.laney got scared and shouted “WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME”!her mom and dad heard her and said “are you okay!?” yea laney said with fear in her eyes.”where did you get this doll?” laney figured out that she was still holding on to the doll. she threw it down to the ground. i found it she said.well finish packing! mom said
    it was night time when they were done packing.whoo,time for bed kids. “good night mom and dad”both the kids said.
    the lights went off.laney looked out the window.she saw the girl.laney whispers,”what do you want? the girl said come over and see. laney said why? its a surprise.wait! said laney whats your name?renae she said. well my name is-laney renae said.come on laney hurry! ok! said laney
    when laney got outside,renae was gone. renae…..where are you….over here laney looked behind her renae was behind her but it wasnt the girl she was talking to at the house, she had black eyes,sharp teeth and sharp nails. her voice was different. it was like a deep scary voice. then renae said in that tone “lets play laney! laney screamed. renae scratched laney’s chest until you could see her heart.renae took laney’s heart of her body. renae stood up,hovering over laney’s body.she just stood there until she said “curiosity kills”.till this day,renae still wonders in alanta…..still looking for a soul.

  • I know this story is really long but whatever… enjoy! p.s. I know this story really sucks

    The date
    I looked at my reflection in the mirror, not too bad I thought to myself. While I ran my hand through my thick black hair I sprayed it with hairspray and thought my ends could use a trim. My face was pale as powdery white snow and blemish free, something I always strived for. I continued to get ready for my date at my boyfriend’s house with his parents, applying lots of mascara on my already naturally thick eyelashes and smearing ivory colored foundation all over my face. I wanted his parents to like me, and I thought I had to look perfect in order for that to happen. As I approached my closet to get my outfit the doorbell rang. I panicked and grabbed my black dress with the lace back, put it on, ran to the door and opened it just to see the neighbor standing there with Shadow, our Italian greyhound, yelling about how it was scratching at her back door for hours before she caught it. I grabbed my dog and slammed the door in her face, I didn’t feel like listening to her crap. I retreated back to my room with Shadow and again opened my closet. This time when I opened the door cold air blasted all over me and I thought I could hear faint soft whisper in my ear that said, “He is coming, run.” I thought that was weird because I was the only one in the house and it was summer but I shrugged it off. I put on my heels, grabbed my purse, fixed my make up, and sat on my couch. 5 minutes after I sat down the doorbell rang, I thought it was my dumb neighbor again but when I opened the door nobody was there. It gave me the chills and I closed the door and locked it. I felt stupid for locking the door; it was probably some idiotic kids playing ding-dong-ditch, so I unlocked it. Somebody knocked on the door right when unlocked it. I almost screamed but I calmed my nerves and opened it. My boyfriend, Felix was standing there holding a bouquet of blood red roses. My nerves were instantly calmed and I reached out my arms to hug him when he grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the door. I was just about to ask him why he did that when I heard a piercing scream from behind me. I turned just in time to see a large man with a meat cleaver holding my dog’s life less head. Felix pulled my arm so hard I thought it might come out of the socket. We ran straight to his car and he threw me into the backseat, jumped into the driver’s side and floored it. I looked out the back window and my heart stopped beating, I saw the man laughing and running down the road after us, still holding Shadow’s head. We were heading to the Police Station and we had to take the road that went through the woods. I had climbed into the front seat when the man suddenly appeared right in front of the car. Felix hit the brakes but we couldn’t stop in time, we smashed right into the man. My head hurt so badly and I looked over at Felix, he had a large piece of glass stuck in his chest, I started crying and grabbed his hand. He looked over at me and told me to run but I refused and said I was going to get him help. “Leah!” He yelled at me, “Go! Before you get hurt by whoever that was, just run and don’t look back!” I kissed him hard and told him I was going to get help. I tried to climb out the window but my leg was broken and I couldn’t get up. I was going to try and get through the back door when something grabbed my leg. I screamed and clutched the seat. I knew it was the man. He pulled harder and my hands slipped off the seat, thus letting him drag me out the window. I hit the hard dirt ground and begged for him to let me go, I heard his gruff voice say “But honey, why would I let go of you? If I do you would run away.” I cried even harder and screamed “WHO ARE YOU?!?!?” He just laughed his insane laugh and said very quietly and softly like he was talking to a baby “I am your real dad honey, they took you away from me when you mother died and I became a little silly” I looked in horror at him, yes he had the same thick black hair, white skin, and green eyes as me. “You’re insane!! You’re not my dad!” I screamed. I saw blue and red lights coming and heard sirens. A police car pulled up and they got out with their guns and shot my birth father in the chest. He let go of my legs and I crawled away from him. He fell to his knees and screamed in pain. I grabbed the police man’s leg and begged him for help; he ignored me and kept yelling things at his partner. I clawed at his legs and screamed again for help, he then lifted me up and put me in the back seat. His partner called for an ambulance and went over to inspect the car crash. I told him that my boyfriend was in there and he needed medical help right away. He leaned into the car and lifted Felix out. The ambulance came after what felt like decades and they helped Felix first. They pulled out the glass and were treating his wounds when a second ambulance came and the inspected me. They put my leg in a splint and told me I would be alright. I didn’t believe them. It had been 3 months and I was talking again. Felix had recovered fully and so did I. We got married years later and had 2 kids. But one night my daughter went missing. Then the next night my son went missing. Then Felix went missing. I keep getting notes every day; they have bloody hand prints all over them. I won’t read them, I already know I’m next. I know my father is still alive and that he won’t stop until he gets me back..

  • These are just a couple of short stories. If ya like em..That would be nice.

    The Dream
    I got out of the shower and decided to call it a night. I get into bed and I immediately doze off. I see a figure outside of my bedroom door, and then I wake up. I wasn’t really scared because I knew it was just a dream. I go back to sleep to the same dream. Only The figure smiled revealing a knife in it’s hand. I wake up again. This time I’m sweating, and panting. I decide to say my prayers this time, that use to always help when I was a kid. After I finish my prayers I fall into sleep again. This time my room is empty. I wake up to see that it is still night time. I’m suddenly confused. I turn over to turn on the light and screamed. There was the same figure from my dream right beside my bed…

    In My Husband’s Skin.
    I woke in the middle of the night sweat from my sleep. It was another nightmare. My side of the bed was soaked from my sweat. I always had nightmares since I was a kid, and it seems the older I get the more morbid the dreams become. I had a dream that I killed my husband because there was a monster in his skin. I sliced his face down to his chest. My husband started caressing my hair telling me that it was only a dream and that I should try to get some sleep. His voice was soothing. I know this might sound foolish, but I wanted to see him, to remind myself it was a dream. I asked him if I can give him a goodnight kiss. But he said no. I asked why and he told me because since I had a nightmare and that it was dark, My mind might make me see something when I look at him, so he told me not to look. I turned to him and was frightened with what I saw. His face was cut from his face down to his chest. He started to look angry “ I told you not to look” he said. I then saw that he was holding a hatchet. “ Are you planning to kill me?” I asked. Then he snarled “ Well you killed me”…
    Stanger in my bed.
    I woke up to the sound of someone coming into my bedroom. When I looked around the room, there was nothing but the usual darkness of the night, there was no light in the room since the curtains were closed. I decided to stop being so paranoid and go back to sleep. I closed my eyes and turned to my left accidently kicking something in the process. I open my eyes to see the figure of my husband lying under the covers in the bed next to me. And I froze. My husband died in a car accident 5 years who was in the bed next to me..
    Hide and go Seek
    Me and two of my friends were bored one evening and decided to go play hide and go seek.
    My parents weren’t home, so we decided to turn off all the lights to make it more creepy.
    My friend Joshua was the seeker, and me and my friend Brandon had to hide. Brandon ran into the bathroom and I ran into my dad’s study which was one of the best places to hide. Only a few minutes passed when I heard “ One”. I thought that meant Joshua found Brandon. I wasn’t worried because I had the best hiding place, so I was expecting to win at the game. Few more minutes passed and I heard “ Two” which confused me because only two of us were hiding. It kinda freaked me out, but I brushed it off thinking Joshua was trying to get me out of my hiding place. Several minutes passed that seemed like an hour and I was starting to get bored. I was starting to wish that Joshua would hurry up and find me. More minutes pass and I had enough. I decide to call a lose so we could go and play videogames. I get out of my hiding place to see a figure standing in the doorway to the study. I’ve looked at it for a good minute but my eyes didn’t seem to get used to the darkness. Soon enough I could see a little, the figure still stay dark, but in it’s hand I could see a knife with blood dripping from it onto the floor. That scared me almost to death. But what really killed me was that a yellow smile with sharp teeth suddenly shown through the darkness..and that’s when I heard it..” Three”…

  • This is my story: Tick Tock-

    Sara was walking home from school barefoot one day. “Stupid bullies, always taking my brand new things!” she screamed. As she walked down the block, she saw a sign; it read “DON”T TAKE THIS BOX” and an arrow pointing at a brown box. “Well, people don’t listen to me, i won’t listen to them!” she decided as she snatched up the box. She brought it home and opened the box to find a clock. She hung it on her wall, and it turned purple. “Awesome! a mood clock!” After admiring her new clock, she read a book. After about ten minutes, the clock spoke: “Tick Tock! Mama’s in the shower! Tick Tock!” Curious, she yelled to her mother, “Mom! what are you doing?”. “Getting in the shower!” her mother yelled back. “Oh! what a coincidence!” Ten minutes later, the clock spoke once again: “Tick Tock! Mama’s gonna die! Tick Tock!” Sara was starting to feel nervous about her clock. “Mom! are you there?” she called. No reply. So she waited, and waited. “I guess she’s OK” Sara reassured herself. But she spoke to soon. “Tick Tock! MAMA’S DEAD! Tick Tock!” At hearing that, she ran to her parents bathroom. As she opened the door, she screamed. Her mother’s shower curtains were all bloody and it looked like her mother was hanged and rolled into them. Sara ran back to her room and cried. There was nothing she could do. But the clock spoke again, “Tick Tock! Brother’s outside! Tick Tock!” Sara looked out her window and saw her brother throwing a Frisbee. “Logan! get inside!” Sara yelled out her window. Startled, Logan threw the Frisbee into the tree. “OH NO!” Sara screamed. She ran downstairs and heard her clock hung in her bedroom, “Tick Tock! Brother’s in the tree! Tick Tock!” As the demonic voice told her this, she ran to the door. Right as she got outside, she heard her clock once again, “Tick Tock! Brother’s gonna die! Tick Tock!” Sara ran to the shed to get a ladder for Logan to climb down on. As she grabbed the ladder, she heard the clock speak, “Tick Tock! BROTHER’S DEAD! Tick Tock!” She ran back to the tree to see a small branch had pierced his neck as he reached out to grab the Frisbee. With tears in her eyes she started to walk back inside when she heard the clock, “Tick Tock! Sister’s in the kitchen! Tick Tock!” Sara ran to the door to find it was locked. She saw her sister walk into the kitchen and open the oven. “Tick Tock! Sister’s in the oven! Tick Tock!” “Emma! Get out of the oven!” Sara tried to help her sister, but she couldn’t hear her. She ran around back and grabbed the spare key under the mat and unlocked the door. When she opened the door, she heard the oven click. “OH MY GOD! THE OVEN LOCKED EMMA IN!!!” Sara screamed. She desperately tried to open it. “DING!” The oven clicked and Sara opened it to find her sister, in ashes. As she walked up the stairs, she heard a snoring noise. She looked in her room and found her dad. When did dad get home? Sara thought. Then someone hit her in the back of the head and she feel on the ground. “Wake up! You are safe! For now at least…” A shining figure spoke. Sara stood and found herself at the gates of Heaven. “What am i doing here? Am I dead?” She questioned. “No my child, you are not dead” The figure told her. “Who are you?” Sara asked. “I am an angel, and i have something that you can use to save yourself” The angel said as it handed her to sharp knives. “I want you to stab the thing in your bed, where he hurt you most” the angel instructed. “But… that’s my dad! He never hurt me before!” She objected. “Your dad is not in your bed, he never was” The angel said. At that moment, everything blacked out and she woke up. “What happened? Oh, the knives” She whispered as she looked at the sharp object in her hands. She quietly walked to her room and peeked in, there was a large black figure in the bed. “The devil! But, he hurt my heart but he doesn’t have one… but he told me they were gonna die, i heard him with my ears, he has ears!” She thought. “She got on his back and stabbed one ear, but hesitated on the other. The figure started to move. “Hurry! Stab the other before he wakes up!” the angelic voice came. The figure opened it’s eyes and started to choke her. “GO AWAY!!!” Sara screamed as she stabbed the second ear. “If i’m going down, YOU are coming with me!” The demon spoke. As the devil started to sink through the bed, she didn’t go past the covers. After she made sure he was gone, she snatched the clock off her wall, put it in the box, and threw it in the trash. Ever since, she never picked up a box on the street.

  • Ugly love
    Scotland Reed, A.K.A Scott, never laid her eyes on such a handsome man. His beautiful hazel eyes, his jet black, straight hair, Everything about him was perfect. But every time she stared at him, he never looked back.
    The final bell rang as she went to get her stuff out of her locker. There she met up with her best friend, Brooke.
    “Hey Scott! I just got the worst homework EVER! We have to write 200 Words about how the Civil War started! Talk about Pure EVIL!” Brooke shouted a little too loudly.
    Scott wasn’t paying any attention. She was thinking about that boy that was perfect for her. “Uh, earth to Scott! Are you there??” Brooke said. “What? oh, sorry. I just saw this boy in class that was so cute! I don’t think he’s interested in me.” Glumly, Scott hung her head. “Hey! Scott, don’t EVER, say that in my face again. You’re beautiful! “No I’m not” Scott Wailed. “And I have to make myself pretty.”

    The next day, Scotland had some makeup and the most fashionable dress. Girls and guys walked up to her, complimenting on how pretty she looked. But only that special guy stayed talking with his friends. Her smile faded. She thought that she needed more fashionable items. Each day, she was more beautiful than Yesturday. More beautiful than any girl in her school. But this didn’t attract her special boy.

    This week, Scott hasn’t came in yet. She was called in sick, the principal said. She didn’t come in the next day, or the next. The school dance was today, and Brooke didn’t want to go without Scott. She had to go anyways. She didn’t want to keep her date waiting. She brushed her teeth, Her hair, and put on her gown. She went out to the car, and drove to prom.
    Everyone from school was at the prom. Brooke and her date, were dancing and having a great time, when the door opened. The music stopped. Everyone stopped dancing and grew quiet. There was Scott. Bleeding from her eyes and lips. Her dress was covered in Seaweed, dirt and blood. Tears were running down her face.She had freaked out about her special boy and decided to look even prettier. She put on her makeup on so hard that they shot out blood. She walked over to her boy and said: “Am I pretty NOW for you? NOW??? I’ll DIE for you If I have to! Right NOW! Goodbye.” then dropped dead.
    Brooke couldn’t believe what she saw. Her best friend was dead. She packed up her things and went home. She later moved to chicago to forget about this.
    One night, As the boy was getting ready for bed, Scott appeared. “Satan told me that if I died, you would too. She grabbed the boy and sent him to the darkness. He was never seen again.
    To this day, the boy is missing and the police are still looking or him. No one knows what happened, but they all know not to ignore someone who is trying to get your attention.

    (This story suxxx!!! :( Lemme know if I should make some changes.)

  • it was a saturday morning and a girl named Andrea was at home asleep with her parents and her dog . Andrea lived a perfect life nothing never went wrong . One day andrea was on her way to her freind Amber house.Amber LOVED RIDING BIKES AND SO DID Andrea so they rode bikes and went to bed and when morning rolled around Amber noticed something diffrent about evreything around people were dressed in white and tears where shedding and Andrea was crying too and then she heard Andrea say ” i cant belive i lost my best friend ” ummm….. maybe there talking about arianna i heard that she was sick so i belive she died so maybe i should just sit here and wait maybe they were waithing for me to wake up. so i went into the living room and then i heard my mom say ” why why my baby girl ” and then i relized that my aunts, cousins, and family was their i tried calling their names and their was no reply so i looked in the casket to see who it was and it was me i remeber when i was riding bikes is all i can rember and i saw police and amberlince and my mom screaming and crying when they came . And it also makes since that when i told her i hate to be in that that is why their was no reply .

  • This is my story called “Walls” and I really hope it gets posted!

    I loved my new house from the moment I saw it. It was huge, and had a lovely balcony that I was nearly obsessed with. I was a fan of the soppy romance movies and I loved the romantic feel of it. A small pond was in our backyard of turtles and fish.

    My parents gave me the upstairs room which I loved. I’d always had a room on the bottom floor and I was excited to be located in the upper section. There was a room right next to mine that made me uncomfortable, although.

    It was just a white room, ceiling lower than most, no windows, and the fan was colored red, orange, blue, and green. It seemed as though this was a child’s room. I noticed the wall was peeling so I ripped it off, seeing a floral design. I ripped the rest of it off and saw that all of the walls were designs of children playing. So it WAS a child’s room!

    I researched it and found that it was a house owned by a mother, a father, and three children. The mother and father got into a fight one day and the mother hung herself, while children were old enough to comprehend what was happening, so they hung themselves in the room. The room with the children playing! It made me uneasy to be in a suicide site…but I shrugged it off.

    Later, I found out that kids who investigated this house disappeared, but the disappearances stopped twenty years ago. This struck me funny, but again, I shrugged it off.

    The next day, when my dad got home from work, he went upstairs, finding me in my room watching a movie. He looked mad. “Son, what have you done downstairs! You made a terrible mess, not to mention wasting food!” I ran downstairs to find pots, pans, eggs, milk, plates, cups, and much more littering the floor. “Dad I didn’t do this!” I screamed. “Yes you did, stop lying!” Tears were streaming down my face. “No I didn’t… I didn’t do this! I swear!” My dad was fuming now. “You’re either lying or you were oblivious to know we were getting robbed. Go to the storage room, now!” I was terrified, not that room! “No dad…anywhere but there…please! I’ll do anything, please!” He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the storage room and locked the door.

    Banging, banging, banging. I turned around and saw that all the faces of the children were now directly pointed at me. I screamed and called for help, but my dad was obviously ignoring me. Then the lights went out.

    “Play with us!” the voice cried. “But in order to do so…you have to be one of us.” And then it all went black.

    * * *

    New people are moving here. The moving truck and everything is here. They even have a kid my age. It’s getting kind of lonely being the only teenager on this wall.

  • “The attic” – My parents got divorced three years ago, and now I was going to my dads house. I couldn’t wait! But I hated the fact that my bedroom there was a dark dusty room that never got cleaned. It was really creepy for me, but overall, I seem to always have fun at my dads house. I came to my dads house, and by the time I did, it was almost nighttime, since he lives on the other side of the state. I walked up the stairs into my room and I crawled into bed. My dad kissed me goodnight and I went to sleep. Haaa-shhhhuuuuu…… Haaaa-shuuuuuuuu……. Haaaaa-STEP! I froze and shot straight out of bed. It wasn’t coming from outside my room, it was coming from the ceiling. I walked out of my bed into my closet, and I noticed the small attic door. “Dad wouldn’t be cleaning, it’s the middle of the night”. I looked at the time. 1:37 am. Yep. My dad definitely wouldn’t be cleaning the attic. As I walked into the closet, STEP! Once again, I froze. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea”. But if I didn’t go up there, I wouldn’t know what was making the sound. I slowly opened the door and I walked up the small ladder to the pure darkness. It seemed like every board cracked in that place. I turned on the lightbulb and it barely turned on. I got some light now. I looked around and then I saw a big shadow. “What do you want?” It’s arm cracked with every move it made. It pointed straight at me. I started running out and it chased after me. It was like a big wolf creature, but it was definitely not a human. It was too bad I was a slow runner. It bit me in half. Blood was everywhere. Then, he dragged me out of the bedroom and all the way out of the house. Then he stuck my head on a stick and drilled it in the ground. The next day my dad was put on probation and was accused of murder. Then he searched the attic that day. Can you guess what happened to him? (Hope you like it!)

  • some of this story is true, most of it’s not. I’ll let you decide which is which.
    The Spot
    When I was younger, everything was simple. You went to school, youcame home, you did your homework, and you went to bed. Then I got to middle school. There it was…… Different. The teachers gave you detention if you talked out of turn. Lunch was too short. The lockers were impossible to open. But that was normal. Now, if you didn’t wear the right clothes, you were stupid. I was popular. I am ashamed of it, but I did ruin people’s lives, socially and mentally. One day, I was at the mall with my friends. We went to this shop were all of te clothes were at least $50 because that was were we always shopped. I tried on a super cute green dress with lace on the back, and I bought it. But when I got home, I noticed a spot on it. It was shaped like a full moon, but it wasn’t very big, so I didn’t return it. I wish I had.
    The next day was Friday, and there was a huge party at my best friend’s house. I wore the green dress that night. I was having a good time, until some nerd crashed the party. He looked even nerdier tonight than usual. He was going across the edge of the room, avoiding the dance floor. He was going toward the cellar; I didn’t know why. I thought this would be a great oppurtunity to embarrass him. “Hey Jeff, what’s that loser doing here,” I called. “Sorry, loser, but you have to leave.” He wouldn’t, so I pushed him down the cellar and locked the door. No one would miss him.
    On Saturday, my dad got me a new computer. I emailed my best friend immediatly. I started to go to facebook and shove it in everyone’s face, but then I noticed that there was a little spot right on the middle of the screen, shaped like a half moon. Just like my dress. Then I started to get creeped out. suddenly, I noticed a lot of my things I had gotten recently had the same exact spot on them. I became paranoid. I didn’t want anything. Eventually, my friends ditched me. I was at the bottom of the food chain. Every night, I cried myself to bed because I had lost everything. Now, things I had for years got that spot. My walls were covered with them. By the time I hit my senior year in highschool, I was a mess. One night, right before graduation, I snuck out of my house. I went to my best friend’s house. At least she was my friend when I was in middle school. I remembered all the things we did in that house, like throw that loser David in the cellar… Did we ever take him out? My best friend might of taken him out. I didn’t know. So I opened the cellar door, and I saw a light on, so I went down. What I saw horrified me. There was David, covered with those half moon spots. He told me that he had come to the party because he loved me, and that he still did. At that moment, I realized what a horrible person I was. David had spent most of his life down there because of me, and no one even remembered him. So here I am, writing this story down, in that cellar, with David lokking over my shoulder. I now realize that I have been dying inside since that party. Now it is time for me to die, for I have asked for forgiveness. Before I go, let me give you some advice: be kind to everyone that you know, or you might end up like me.

  • The Bucket
    There was once a girl named Emily. She went for a walk in the run-down part of town. Nobody lived here, and the buildings were deserted. Emily saw a man leaning against a wall. He had a bucket. The bucket had a note attached to it saying, “Money… please donate”. Now, Emily was a polite girl. She asked the man, “Can I give you any money?” He said nothing. Emily asked again. “Can I give you any money?” Still no reply. Since the man wasn’t talking to her, Emily just decided to put some cash in the bucket. But, when she bent down, she saw a head. The head said, “I’ve been waiting for you…” Emily began to scream. Then, the man leaning against the wall lifted his hat off. His head had been severed. The head in the bucket began to laugh evilly. Emily screamed and screamed, but no one could hear her. Emily was never seen again.

  • Wolfy Surprise

    Ian and Miranda had been dating for three months.Every time they had a date during a full moon Miranda would leave early or disappear. So one night Miranda had to leave. “Where are you going?” Ian asked. “Uhmm…No where”, she said as she put on her coat. “Ill see you later”. Miranda walked out of the door. Ian wanted to know where she was going so he followed her into the woods. When the reached a clearing Miranda saw him. “Why did you follow me?” she asked .Her voice sounded angry. “I wanted to know where you were going”. Miranda started to tremble and shake. “You have to leave now!” I an stared at her he didn’t move. “GO! NOW!” “Why?” “JUST LEAVE!” Before Ian had time to run Miranda had transformed into a wolf and had him pinned to the ground…..
    Now No one knows what happened to Ian but, people say if you going into the woods and hear howling it might be Miranda watching you..

  • The Unknown

    Well I know that you might have clicked on here waiting for a scary story. A mash up of horror from the edges of nightmares. Monsters witches goblins and darkness. Well then you might as well go away now. This is a true story, I’m warning you, right I guess your still here. Well no turning back now. I’m going to tell you a story that will inject fear into even those who have never heard of it.

    I was driving, late at night, there wasn’t one car on the road. When suddenly my head lights turned off. This had never happened to me before and the car wouldn’t start. Just as I began to suspect the battery being drained, I heard static on the radio, just a continuous buzz. This was strange as I was a 101% sure that the battery had drained. I wanted to call for help but something glued me to my seat. Something about the static. The more I concentrated the more the darkness descended around me until it was only me and the static of the radio. All of a sudden I started to notice a mutter in the static. I listened closely…

    It said…

    Help me it s nearly here. I sorry to whoevers listening. It’s already rocked the house twice, one more time and it will come in. I don’t have time , I have to tell someone about it, only then will it leave me. Oh no the third rattle, it’s coming , my friend told me to rid himself and now I tell you. It is a being that wants revenge on the world, whoever knows about it, it comes to seek and kill.

    I froze. Just then the car rattled I couldn’t see anything.

    The second rattle just came. I’m writing this and sending it out on the remaining battery on my phone. Only 1% left. All I can say now is…

    The the Unknown is coming for you…

  • bloodrose130902 October 27th, 2012 | 1:53 pm
    This is one of my own stories
    The Gruesome Test:
    Suitors came from all over Japan to woo a beautiful maiden. First they fell in love with her- then they ran away screaming. Some were heard screaming as they raced down the road.
    Suspicious neighbors spread rumors. They suspected the maiden to be a goblin or a fox-woman. Her parents were mystified. Why did their lovely daughter terrify young men? She was gentle happy and hard working. She didn’t complain when helping her mother around the house and never wasted a single grain of rice when she cooked their meals.
    What more could parents desire? Grandchildren. That’s why the couple wanted their daughter to marry. Besides, the aging father needed a strong son in law to help him grow rice. And he needed him soon.
    Arranged marriages had been the tradition for as many generations as anyone could remember. But long ago the father had decided to let his beloved daughter choose a husband for herself. One spring he began to regret his decision. He sat beneath a flowering cherry tree, watching pink petals fall to the ground. Would his daughters youth fade away as quickly as the delicate flowers? Just as he was losing hope that she would never marry, a soldier came striding up to the house.
    “May I court your daughter?” asked the bold young man.
    The father liked his broad shoulders and muscular arms, good for planting rice. “Come right in,” he said, and he happily introduced the young man to his daughter. The maiden moved gracefully about the room serving tea and rice. She seemed shy, speaking softly and lowering her eyes. The young man seemed smitten. When the meal was over, she accompanied him to the door and quietly invited him to come back.
    “But not until midnight,” she whispered, “and knock lightly so you do not awaken my parents.”
    He was surprised, but not half as surprised when he returned that night. The moment he entere the house, she mad a very strange request.
    “You must promise on your honor,” she whispered, “that you will submit a test if your love for me. And promise that you will never tell a living soul what that test is.”
    The young man couldn’t imagine what the beautiful young maiden had in mind but he agreed to remain silent. “On my honor, I will never tell.”
    “Then wait here,” she said. She slid open the paper screen to her room and closed it behind her. The soldier waited impatiently. When she returned she was wearing a loose white garment. Oddly enough, the handle of a shovel was poking out through the hem.
    “Follow me,” she whispered. They moved through the village under a cloudy sky, with only fleeting glimpses of the moon. The soldier followed the white figure ahead if him careful not to awaken sleeping dogs. They slipped through the village streets to the woods beyond, hurrying down the dark road which then lead to an ancient cemetery.
    When the moon emerged from the clouds, they could see old gravestones covered with moss and mold. Here and there, bamboo cups held wilted flowers. Weathered statues if gods stood guard, protecting souls.
    The maiden stood by a grave that looked quite fresh. She pulled forth her shovel and began to dig, flinging clomps of dirt everywhere. Then she dropped to her knees and swept aside dirt with her hands. The soldier could see that she uncovered a small coffin.
    Imagine his surprise when she lifted the lid, opened the white shroud, and tore an arm off the corpse inside. Then she clamped it in her teeth and took a large bite. She chewed it loudly while staring at the soldier. “If you love me you will eat what I eat,” she cried, ripping the other arm off the corpse and tossing it to the soldier.
    He didn’t hesitate. He took a large bite himself. Now he was even more surprised! He never thought human flesh could be so delicious! Until he found out he was eating a candy corpse, made of sugar and rice flour.
    The maiden burst out laughing. “You are the only one if my suitors who did not run away. I want to marry a brave husband and you are the one.”
    You would think the soldier would laugh too. The maiden was kit a monster, after all. But he glowered at her. “Only candy!” He said. ” I thought you were giving me much more.” And he grabbed the shovel and started to dig a real grave.
    This time it was the maiden who ran away screaming.

  • It’s under the bed
    Once there was a little girl named Gertrude. Gertrude lived in a small house with her mother and father. One morning, she did not fit in her little bed, so her dad went to town to get a new one. When he came home, the bed fit her perfectly. Gertrude climbed in and went to sleep. Then, in the middle of the night, she heard scracthing noises. She called her parents. “It’s under the bed!” She cried. “It’s just your imagination.” Her Mom said. She left her to sleep alone. The next night, Gertrude looked under her bed. Two red glowing eyes stared at her. She screamed. Her parents came in, tired. They told her to stay calm. The next night, Gertrude heard a whisper say,”I’m under the bed.” She got so scared. Then, the thing under the bed grabbed her, and Gertrude never returned.

  • Here is my story:
    the vents
    It all started when I moved into this new house. Well not particularly new, from 1860. It always felt like someone was watching you. I live here still, but I am going to tell you the story of what happened…… One year ago I was just moving in. It was freshly painted, had new carpet, and was being fully restored. I sat down on my couch and was very tired. I fell asleep. I had a nightmare about a thing… It looked half skeleton half alive… It had its ribs sticking out, but had flesh inside its ribs. It was sitting there, on the couch , watching me. I looked back at it, and I felt like I was burning. I ran right away. I looked back and it was gone. I ran into my wall in the dream and suddenly woke up. I looked around and nothing was there. I felt creeped out, but It was just a dream. I contined to work. That day, the new air conditioner was coming. I needed to disconnect the other one, and noticed something I hadn’t before. The air conditioner…. Was a door. It only weighed about 20 pounds, but looked like it was real. Behind it, was a door. Not any door, but a metal door. It looked old, but it had no lock. I decided to look inside. I opened the door slowly and there was only a room. Not a normal room though. It was the size of a small house. Why hadn’t The previous owner showed me this? It had an air conditioning vent, so when we got the new air conditioner, it would be a good game room. I hired someone to make stairs from upstairs to that room. It took a few days, but when it was done it was beautiful. I added windows that put in artificial light. (fake windows). I was down there for a few hours, measuring it for dimensions. It was 20 by 20. It seemed so odd I hadn’t known about it. I went to bed that night. I woke up from the same dream I had before. But this time, it was watching me sleep. It was in the vents for the ir conditioning. I woke up and looked at the vents. It looked like two dots… Red eyes…. Watching me… I ran to the safe room ( I had added a door from the house to the room) and sat there. I felt like someone was still watching me. I looked back, at there was the thing. It loomed like before. Exactly. Like in the dream. I tried to run, but the doors disappeared. I looked into his eyes… His soulless eyes. He opened his mouth and showed thousands of tiny teeth covered in blood. He opened his teeth, and out came a mouth. Not just a mouth, a HUGE mouth. He bit off half of my body. Now I look like him. But people who know must die. Right now, I am watching you reading this. Ill see you in your dreams.

    ( sorry if it’s long ) its my first story and would really like if its on scary for kids

  • A while since I made a story! Hi ppl! Btw here’s a story about… SLENDERMAN… :D it’s a made up entertainment purpose story blah blah blah.
    I walked down the lonely woods at the dead of the night with only a flashlight.. Thought it would be a nice time to go then, I catches a glimpse of something at the corner of my eye… I thought it was just my imagination then suddenly I walk in an open plain field then suddenly I get an urge to… COLLECT ALL THE PAGES!!! I did so and soon after searching a few locations at a rusted silo I found a page then my brain says: 1/8 Pages. Umadbro? After all that walking could be exercise! Then suddenly, my heart beats get heavier and heavier then I continue walking and head into some kind of a house maze then I search the entire place… Nothing there. I head out then OMG! I see a note at a as online tank maze headed in there got 2/8 pages. Sudden static occurs then I continue running. Then I run into the woods then– BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ….
    Alright that’s all I’m typing now hope you enjoyed my story thanks for reading and have a good night! :)

  • This is my story i call it:
    The secret assassin

    There was once a happy young couple, the househusband’s name was Andy who was a lovely character everyone loved him and his wife Jennifer, both were in their late 20’s and on the 18th of June got married. Although the couple were happy for the next few years Andy couldn’t help but worry for Jennifer who went out 5 days a week at midnight, whenever he asked what was going on Jennifer just got annoyed and complained she wants her own space. One night Andy’s curiosity got the best of him, he very sneakily decided to follow Jennifer to see what was going on, as he watched pretending to be asleep, Jennifer casually got changed, Jennifer got into her car and drove off, Andy went back upstairs, he knew she must have a secret, so the next day while Jennifer went shopping with her friends who picked her up, he put a chip just underneath the car, this chip would allow him to see a red dot on his phone this would be Jennifer. Soon as Jennifer came back from shopping as she said goodbye to her friends, he put on the TV and helped her with her bags. That night Jennifer once again went away. This time as soon as she left he followed her using his phone app he had set up that day, so he quickly got changed and went on his bike, with Jennifer not far in front of him he kept his distance, as he watched Jennifer park after 10 minutes of following, he was surprised where he was, he was at a very small and old cabin that he had noticed a few times, at the back cabin wall Jennifer went round, he went in the small cabin and put his ear to the wall where he could hear Jennifer talking to someone Andy had never seen before what was odd was the man was dressed in black only as and listened he heard the man saying “ah up for another assassination, Tonight I need you to kill Andy” said the man “fine” replied Jennifer, he gave Jennifer a card which as she read she realized she had to kill her husband which she didn’t mind, Andy was shocked, so shocked he didn’t realize both Jennifer and the man had gone. Andy cycled home, when he got home he waited in the hall for 2 minutes to be sure Jennifer was in bed, he realized he must kill Jennifer before she killed him and took a large butcher knife out the kitchen, he had a tear coming down his face, but went upstairs into his and Jennifer’s room where she was sleeping, Andy said “sorry I have to do this” and strikingly stabbed his wife, he started to cry he had defeated his wife, he put his dead unfaithful wife in a bag and buried her, though he was in misery all night what had happened was to much, he took his own life, using the same knife he used to kill his wife.

    By Hannah McBurnie

  • Hey sfk! Its been a while that i had last go to your website. So today im gonna make one of my stories. The White Room.
    One day, my mother took me to a strange house, and left me there. It is very freaky here. When I entered here first, there were 29 of us. But everyday, one person disappears. Everytime after supper, we are told to go to a clean white room in the end of the hallway-except one. The one who is excluded will stay in a secret room in the other end of the hallway. In the white room we are told to wait until they say we can go back in our rooms. But the one who stayed in the other room disappeared, we all thought it was a magical place. Time passed until there were only 3 of us, then 2. It was my time, I was excited to go, maybe it could take me to a wonderful and happy place. They took me there. It was a room made of glass. With my reflection in every corner. Then there was a chair in the middle, they told me to sit there. What I saw was, 29 children in a pool of blood. The horrifying part was, I was in the top of all the bodies, my head chopped off.

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