Scary For Kids


  • Dancing with the devil,
    There was a girl named Diana who on one particular day hurried through her schoolwork as fast as she could. It was the night of the high school dance and she was so excited about it. She had bought a brand new, sparkly purple dress for the dance. She knew she looked smashing in it. It was going to be the best evening of her life. Then her mother came in the house, looking pale and determined. “Your not going to the dance.” the mother said “But why?” asked Diana. “I’ve been talking to the preacher. He says the dance is going to be for the devil. So you are absoulutly forbidden to go.” her mother said. Diana knodded as if she accepted her mother’s words. But she was determined to go to the dance. As soon as her mother was busy, she put on her new purple dress and ran down to the K.C Hall where the dance was being held. As soon as she walked into the room, all the guys turned to look at her. She was startled by all the attention. Normally no one noticed her. Her mother sometimes accused her of being to akward to get a boyfriend. Although she was not akward that night. The boys in her class were fighting with each other to dance with her. Later she broke away from the crowd and went to the table to get some punch to drink. She heard a sudden hush. The music stopped. When she turned, she saw a handsome man with jet black hair and on apealing tuxedo standing next to her. “Dance with me.” he said she managed to stammer a “yes” completly stunned by this gorgous man. He led her out on the dance floor. The music sprang up once more. She found herself dancing better than she had ever danced before. They were the center of attention. The man spun her round and round. She gasped for her breath trying to step out of the spin. But he spun her faster and faster. Her feet were hot. The floor seemed to melt under her she spun faster and faster she was spinning so fast that a cloud of dust flew up around them both so they were hidden from the crowd. When the dust settled Diana was gone. The man in black bowed once and disapeared from the crowd. The devil had come to his party and spun the girl straight to hell.

  • I don’t really know what to call this story, so any suggestions will be appreciated:) And I would love for any feedback, thanks guys<3

    One day, my mother sat me down and said she wanted to talk to me. She said she had an important story to tell me, about a girl from my school. This girl was called Angel, who was in my classes, and a few weeks back, had disappeared. I noticed in class, and I did wonder sometimes where she had gotten to. The police thought she was kidnapped so sent a huge search party out, but they never found her. It has been a long time now, but there could still be hope. It was such a shame; she was such a pretty girl.
    Well, I never knew the story around her disappearance, so my mom told me. Angel was a happy, popular, pretty, funny girl. She knew everyone, every boy loved her and girls wished they were just like her. She lived a perfect life; she had all the nicest clothes, prettiest hair, the most stunning makeup and more. They say beauty is only skin deep. They are right. She was never nice to me, I’ve never known why. Maybe there was some jealousy in her, or maybe she found faults in me that I have never discovered. She gave me cold, hard glares and purposely tried to embarrass me and made me question if I was good enough. She just made my life uncomfortable sometimes. I’m not one to hold grudges though. I would have tried to find out what was the problem, but she vanished soon after that. It was such a shame; she was such a pretty girl.
    Angel had over 1000 friends on networking sites, and never bothered to think of who she was adding. Requests came in from all areas, old men, 10 year old girls, 20 year old men. She didn’t care. She found talking to people online was easier than in real life. She could fit in more, and impress more people. Besides, most of her ‘friends’ were strangers and it would be a coincidence if they ever did meet. One day, she began talking to a new friend, a girl. She knew nothing about her, only that her name was Amelia. Angel and Amelia spoke every day after that, about boys, hair, makeup, love, and much more. Their friendship blossomed. But maybe they only got on because Amelia flattered Angel all the time. Gave her compliments when she didn’t even deserve them, she wasn’t worthy. Amelia loved to look at pictures of Angel, and commented on how pretty she was all the time. But Angel never knew what Amelia looked like, she never uploaded pictures, and the only image on her profile was a black square. Also, Angel never gave out compliments. Not because she had never seen Amelia, just because she wasn’t that kind of girl. She should have thought carefully about what she was getting into. It was such a shame; she was such a pretty girl.
    So Angel began asking Amelia more questions. Every day she tried to find out more, as people do. She asked, ‘What school do you go to?’ ‘Where do you live?’ ‘What do you look like?’ and things like that. But every question was met with no response. Amelia would shut off; stop talking for days on end. Without her, Angel was dead inside. She trawled the internet, trying to find a replacement friend, but failed. So every time, she came running back, apologising and begging. And believe me, she wasn’t the kind of girl who apologises. But each time she was forgiven and all was forgotten. This happened a few times. She soon never asked anything, just went with it, because she knew what would happen. It was such a shame; she was such a pretty girl.
    One day Amelia asked if she and Angel could meet up in person. They had been talking for months now and Angel was desperate to meet up with her best friend. She wouldn’t dare to tell anyone about her friendship though because she knew people would have made her give it up. She could never leave Amelia. So Angel said yes. After that, they didn’t know what happened. But the next thing they knew, she was gone. They are still searching. It’s amazing how much the police could discover just through their chats. Just off the computer. It was such a shame; she was such a pretty girl.
    After my mom had warned me countless times to stay safe, I was finally allowed back into my room. I quickly logged into my account and looked through my friend requests. No, no and NO. Why are all these people no good? I deleted them all. So that night, I gave up on my account. I deleted the whole thing. I didn’t want to get into any trouble, so this was the best way. I have added lots of strangers, but I don’t care. I’ve spoken to strangers but it doesn’t matter. I’m not worried about them; it’s me they should be scared of. I made sure I deleted all of our conversations. I logged out of my laptop and opened up the secret floorboard. No one else knew about this. I pulled out the sack. My thoughts turned to Angel. It was such a shame; she was such a pretty girl.
    I shoved the parcel under my bed and fell asleep. I slept very well that night; I had lots of peaceful dreams. The next morning, I woke up early. The house was very quiet. My mom had gone out. So I was by myself. This is what I’ve wanted for a long time now. I need it. Some alone time to really think about my plan. My mom is always around, just bugging me. But today is a new day. I’m sorry I’ve been lying. I can’t help it. I have no choice. So I reached for the parcel and rested it on my lap. And I thought, I thought and thought and thought. About Angel mainly, how sad her story was, how innocent she was. How innocent she looked. But she was evil inside. It was such a shame; she was such a pretty girl.
    I pulled off the sheets surrounding the bundle. Undid the rope which tied it up. I was hoping to let someone know about my special secret soon, but I needed time to think. They were looking for me, for her. I needed a plan. Stripping into some old clothes, I reached into my drawer and brought out the knife. It had been in there for weeks now, waiting for the right time. I lifted the body onto my bed and began chopping off her features. I sliced off all her skin and plucked out her eyeballs. Her beautiful green eyes. I smashed in her white, pearly teeth. She wouldn’t need them anymore. I cut off all her hair. Her long, thick, curly blonde hair. I gashed open her face, so it was covered in cuts and stroked all her beautiful bruises. No-one would love her now. This was why I made Amelia. She was a fake, and I hate fakes. But now I have to hide, to run, the police are close. I placed the ugly, mangled, twisted body back under the floorboards. Put the board back in place. My secret has been revealed now. You surprised?
    Poor little Angel.
    It was such a shame; she was such a pretty girl.

  • relax Zombie02 your story is fantastically terrifying! (:

    This is for Creepy pasta hope you (ladies and gentleman) like this!
    This one is my second its’ Called: “I didn’t do dat”
    Ok, this felt like years ago, but I still can’t get over the tragic ‘incident’.about my close friend. I had three friends; Melinda, Max and Will. Mel was the only girl (rather then my snoopy sister) to hangout with us.Max was pretty cool kid. I really liked him as neighbor.
    To hangout with Mel, Will, and of course me. I almost forgot to introduce myself: im Phil.
    And last but not least Will. he didn’t speak or talk much, but he did say”hi or bye”. When we saw or met up with him. My group and I; we use to go to the playground. And sneak through a small thicket. There would be a couch, tiny stool and a circular small camp fire. We’d sit down and take turns telling each other spooky stories. But all of that changed on one frightful day…so it was my turn to tell a story the prob was that I couldn’t recall what my story was about! Mel took over she knew I was struggling.Max said he had to do his ‘bussines’ and left. It was an hour after midnight and Max hadn’t come back. I shrugged “he’s probably just having washroom issues” I thought quietly. Will got up to look for him and when he came back I noticed there was a red stain on his right arm. I asked him. What was wrong he didn’t seem to acknowledge what I asked him? instead he peeped out” I didn’t do dat” I looked at him “do what Will?” I asked abit suspiciously. Again he didn’t say any thing. So Mel suggested we go home. Will and she agreed. But i was concerned about Max.Mel told me to ‘relax’ Max knew the ‘inn’s and out’s’ of the town. Only a fool would question him. Next morning I got dressed ate breakfast and headed out. I met up with Mel and Will, but Max wasn’t there .odd he never missed going out with us. Mel said she didn’t know where he was either. Will on the other hand was too quite to just ‘not know where Max was’! Mel said she read a newspaper of an ‘anonymous’ murder on the headline: “A murder at Horton’s Park”. The news ad read. Funny I scratched at the back of my head. It didn’t make sense I sure hope Max is ok.i thought silently. That’s where our ‘secrete’ hideout is. Where my group and I go to! Well it was getting late; I will go and investigate what ‘really’ happened! I thought determinedly.
    Mel told me Will was going to visit her for the night. Just as I turned away ,I couldn’t help but notice there was something strange about Will’s behavior… and what was more ironic was the same red stain on his right arm. So I went to my group’s ‘hideout’ .I was able to retrace Max’s foot steps. I followed them and recalling what he said before taking ‘off’ “just gotta do my ‘thing’” as I searched I made a sick discovery; Max’s stomach was slit open! And there was a written message in the blood: “I didn’t do dat” …I nearly through up. At the filthy display. I shuddered …turned away and I reported to the police. I went home my eyes were blurring with tears over my friend’s loss.” how would I explain this to Mel and Will?”. The thought lingered in my mind. So to relieve myself of stress I watched childish ‘barney shows’ at least this will help me forget…suddenly my cell phone rang! The vibrations nearly made the mobile fall off my dad’s old coffee table! I managed to grab it fling the slide open stick it right on my ear. I heard a panicked heavy breathing voice through the receiver; “hey Phil I need your HELP!! “What’swrong”? I asked; “not much time!! Will’s acting really strange…plllleeeeaaaasssseeeee you GOTTA HELP ME!!!”…..before I could protest or ask further questions, thee dial tone gave a dead silence… I hung up got out of my seat and RAN! To Melinda’s place! As I got there I got a whiff of a horrible smell coming from the kitchen the gross scene made
    Me wish I was blind! Two adult corpses were laying there dead in their seats. I quickly moved on .I just started walking up the stair case… when I heard a girl scream hysterically! It gave me such a fright I almost fell or tripped on the last step! I finally made it up. As I went in what met my eye’s was straight out from a horror movie! Just sheer terror; “Melinda was skinned alive!! And hung! By a hangman’s noose!” I nearly fainted at the scene. And another written bloody message similar to Max’s death! “ I didn’t do dat”.”Ok that was the last straw! I ‘ve had enough!” I heard a creek behind me…I saw…Will just casually standing there like nothing happened! But in his right hand was a sharp meat cleave! I asked him “so you’re the killer? Why are you doing this?” Will peeped in an eerie voice;” I didn’t do dat”.he said with a wide grin that ripped across his face. He didn’t answer me…just came…closer…I bolted past him, down the stairs. And left the house! I had never been so glad to escape out of a killing spree ALIVE! But now Im a 32 grown man but this thought in my memory stills haunts me…even today. I work as a detective, solving crimes, schemes and even murders.
    I was taking a stroll through the park; I noticed a figure lying on its side. My curiosity
    Got the better of me, so I grab a stick and checked it out. I turned it over and it was …a dead male on the dirt ground. I took some samples. And noticed his back was slit open! I could tell it had to be a meat cleave. Because of how deep the cut was! “This just isn’t my night poor guy” I sighed sadly. I saw a man nearby sitting on a wooden bench, reading a ‘times herald newspaper’ I turned to leave and drop these off at the lab. But I could have sworn the man looked awfully similar like Will… and I swear my ears would never deceive me…but I thought I saw him give me a grisly smile…and heard him snicker or chuckle…just as I got to the bus stop I turned away one last time and I heard him whisper very quietly but I clearly made out what he said in a tiny creepy voice;” I didn’t…do …dat”…

    I hope all of you like this! This is for (scarystoriesforkids or Creepy pasta)
    Thank you!(:

  • “Dear Dear Moxie” – Once a girl named Molly who lived with her parents and her brother Kyle. Molly had a doll named Moxie she and Moxie had lots of fun accept that her brother kept on harrassing her and Moxie. Molly told her parents but all they ever say is ignore him but he kept on going so she all she could do is just do what her parents said but all of a sudden Molly felt hungry so she got a snack from the refridgerator to eat and then she sees Moxie her doll on the floor lying there so she picked moxie up and tooked her upstairs with her and Molly founded Moxie really weird because she was on the kitchen floor and she thought Moxie would be doing paranormal stuff in her house. Then when Molly finished her snack she went to the bathroom to take a potty and when shewas done she sees blood on the floor and sees Moxie lying on the floor covered in blood and then Molly got afraid so she went to see where the blood came from then she sees her family found dead inside a cupboard against a wall and Molly started to cry and got got really scared and she would know that Moxie would not do such a thing. And Moxie looked at Molly with a grin and to let you guys know that Moxie face started to chang a lot and it got Molly afraid so badly it gaved Molly the fright of her life so then Moxie was a doll who was a friend but killed Molly with her own little dolly hands so after that Moxie was a doll who was actually a aggressive doll who used to live another family that was poor and abused by other people around them so Moxie decided to kill them so they live in peace not to be around her and was put in a storage to be in another store full of toys and was chosen by Molly to live with her to be best friends and that was a chance for Moxie to kill Molly not to be friends with her so that she could kill her. And in words in blood on the floor Moxie wrote a note it said “Dear Dear Molly you shouldn’t have choosed me as your best friend that you will know i will kill you”. The End (hope yall enjoyed this is my second story I’d made for scaryforkids.) So I hoped you guys really enjoyed Thank You. :)

  • Red Tulip, Red Rose

    There was two sisters, Hana and Eun. Eun was older and braver, smart and always protected her sister, Hana. Hana was younger, pretty and shy. Eun promised that she would protect Hana for as long as she needed help. Eun loved her sister that much.

    One night, Eun’s sleep was interrupted by a loud scream from Hana’s room, she rushed into her room and saw Hana was missing.
    She called out her name and looked for Hana everywhere. Her father and mother was awaked by the screams of Eun calling “Hana!!”
    Her mother and father began calling Eun, “What’s wrong Eun?!”
    “It’s Hana! She’s missing!”

    Her father gave her a sleeping pill to calm her down. Eun fell asleep and awoke again in the morning.
    She got up for breakfast when she went down, she saw Hana eating, with their parents.
    “Hana where did you go last night?!” Eun said
    She pointed at the barn.
    “Why the heck did you go there?! What if something bad happened to you?”
    “I saw him standing there.”
    Her parents where a bit scared.
    Her parents got up and gave her a medicine.
    “Here. This will make you feel better.”
    Eun took the tablet.

    After awhile, she read some books and fell asleep out of boredom. She heard Hana whispering into her ear, “Wake up sister, that man’s harassing me!”
    “Who is?”
    What’s he doing to you??
    He’s hitting me, please Eun!”

    They went down.

    “Why do you keep harassing Hana!?”
    “Why do you keep harassing Hana?!”
    “Eun, Hana is dead! She’s dead!!”
    “I’ll show it to you!”
    Her father showed her Hana’s grave.
    “Now do you believe me?!”

    The next day, her parents saw Eun is missing.

    They looked into the closet where Hana died, and saw Eun there, dead, like somebody suffocated her.

    The following year, Eun’s mom and dad visited their two dead daughter’s graves.

    They put a Tulip in Hana’s tombstone and a Rose in Eun’s.

  • The Snowman’s Revenge

    Sammy Snippet was a strange kid. He always smiled no matter what and always talked to himself. Lance, Eddie, Frankie, Joey and Billy and Thomas always picked on on him. He had no friends and always ate lunch alone and preferred to sit by himself. Lance and his group of bullies always picked him for having “imaginary friends”. One day in the winter when Sammy was walking hm from school Lance went a little too far. As he got out of sight from the high school away from teachers and staff Billy and Thomas shoved him into a snowbank. Eddie and Frankie bombarded him with snowballs then Lance and Frankie held him well the others piled snow on top of him turning him into a human snowman. What they weren’t aware was the fact he was claustrophobic and also got frostbite easily and couldn’t be out in the cold too long. They finished covering him and put some coal for a face, a carrot, some sticks, then a hat and scarf to “keep Sammy warm”. then laughed at their joke and ran away.

    Sammy’s mother got worried and called the poiice who couldn’t find him despite a firm search of the area. One day Billy and Thomas decided to build a snowfort. They made it so big that if it collapsed on them they couldn’t make it out and would die in the avalanche almost instantly. They were finishing and Billy was inside admiring it and Thomas came outside to check it when he noticed a snowman with the hat and scarf they had put on Sammy’s. He tried to tell Billy about it but he couldn’t hear him so he climbed in after him they could see it through a hole in the ceiling they made for air. They swear they saw it’s arm move. Billy had a little brother and assumed he built it and when they were inside the fort and didn’t notice. They turned for a minute and the snowman was gone. A few seconds later they heard the scarping of a shovel and saw snow covering both the roof exit and the front exit. They tried to escape but the fort collapsed on them both and they were trapped in the heavy avalanche.

    Frankie, Joey. and Eddie, and Lance went over to the local sledding hill at night to avoid the crowd during the day. Joey was going down the hill Frankie and Eddie went down the steps to meet him by the trees. They planned on stealing wood from the cabin at the top of the hill o the other side of the woods afterwords for a fire. Lance was already waiting there. Joey was headed down really fast and tried to avoid a snowman in the middle in the path but couldn’t steer his sled. After going under the snowman’s arm something sharp pierced his eye.

    When Joey got to the bottom Eddie and Frankie stared in horror at him. An icicle was jammed deep into his eye killing him instantly. They figured it fell from a tree. When they looked up the snowman that was previously on the hill was now at the bottom standing a few feet away from them. It looked like the one they trapped poor Sammy in. Both its branches were held together and in hem were a shiny metal axe. Eddie tried to run but fell and was decapitated by the axe. Frankie ran in the woods towards the lake but had nowhere to go but onto the thin ice. Unfortunately for him it was thin and he fell through it and drowned due to his obesity preventing him from staying afloat.

    Lance was wondering what was keeping the others. Suddenly he heard footsteps in the woods surrounding him. He saw a large round thing a few feet away holding an axe covered in blood. It got closer and he realized it was a snowman. The very one he had trapped poor Sammy in. It started to get closer but by the time it got there Lance was dead. Frozen in fear. Sammy The Snowman pulled out of his scarf and tied around Lance’s neck to “keep him warm” then hung from a tree branch and just stood there enjoying watching Lance’s frostbitten swing in the breeze.

  • Silent Night Bloody Night

    Back in the 1800’s lived a man by the name of Reverend Johnathan Parris. He lived in Philadelphia and was a descendant of Reverend Samuel Parris. He led a group of religious people referred to as the “Cult Of Parris” by the townsfolk. Him and his cult would bring justice into their own hands by capturing criminals and executing them for their sins. It began to get out of hand he he captured random townsfolk and accused them of witchcraft. He claimed his ancestor told him they were witches and most be killed. This caused an angry mob to track down him and his cult. They fled out of town and into the woods and stopped in an open field. He captured a skilled architect and had him construct a gothic cathedral. He had gargoyles on the roof and ledges and two marble lions on the doorway and demonic doorlnockers. He was rumored to have sold his soul to Satan to escape God’s wrath and ave worship services in his honor. He had the works of Edgar Allen Poe written in stone all over the walls. In the sanctuary were the words to “The Fall Of The House Of Usher”. Other hallways had “The Tell Tale Heart”, “The Raven, and, “Annabel Lee”. Eventually the town located the cathedral and set it on fire killing the reverend and all his followers. This was the last people heard of it however.

    Anyone who dared enter the cathedral either went insane, turned into a murderous lunatic, or just became downright cruel. A nun who tried to use it for an orphanage became cruel to all her sisters and especially the children. She would whip them or hit them constantly for no reason. A rabbi who tried to bless the cathedral went insane and was committed to an asylum. It was rumored it was the spirit of Reverend Johnathan Parris himself who posessed anyone who entered. As a result the cathedral was left alone until a priest converted it into a regular church with apparently no trouble.

    One Christmas Eve a group of teenagers headed into the woods just outside the city. They walked through the abandoned building that seemed to be from he Industrial Revolution and had a lower level but the stairs were cut off and a few upper levels with no stairs plus some rooms and came out the other end to the field. They walked a few feet up a path and came to the church. “We;re not going in there Trevor”. Erika complained”. “It’s too scary Phil” Nicole whined. “We’ll wait out here Greg” Courtney said. “Fine just freeze” Trevor joked. “Yeah we’re gonna be a while”. Phil chimed in. “Fine but you totally have to do something we make you do” Erica said.

    They opened the door. The hallway was lit with candles. The door slammed behind them. They tried it each of them pulling together. No use it was jammed. “Let’s split up and find someone to help us” Trevor said. Phil and Nicole headed to the chapel through another door and Greg and Courtney went down the hallway while Trevor and Erica went into the sanctuary. They saw a priest heading up the isle towards them. He was singing something. They couldn’t make out what. It seemed to be “Silent Night”. It echoed throughout the sanctuary.

    “Silent Night, Bloody Night”

    “All is gory, all is wrong,

    “Let the all mighty father pity the sinners”

    “May their souls be at peace”.

    “Maaay their souls be at peace”

    A long sharp knife came into view. The priest stabbed Trevor killing him instantly but Erika fled to warn the others. She found the dead. They had been stabbed by the knife that killed Trevor. She ran around screaming then heard the priest coming and ran into the sanctuary. She saw her friends all on crucifixes. She grabbed a small one and hid. When she heard him she jumped up and stabbed him in the heart with it killing him instantly. A black shadow fled his body and went up through the church. Erika was still stuck and had to call 911 for help. When they got there she was babbling about priests and shadows. The police attempted to burn the church down after loading the bodies out and were apparently successful but in the morning it was back to where it was standing in the meadow in its original structure as gothic cathedral.

  • Fashion trends

    Close to where my old house was lived a nice girl called Amy. She was 14 when the “terrible thing” happened. Like most girls her age Amy was extremely fashionable. The latest trend at our school was to wear hats with animal faces on them, everyone was doing it ( including me ) so of corse Amy did it to. As her birthday was coming up she decided to ask her parents for one, when they said yes she was filled with joy. Naturally she went to buy it on the nearest Saturday in town. I witnessed the next bit myself as I was in the shop at the same time. She arrived at the mall and immediately rushed to the new store selling the popular head ware. I watched her rush frantically around the store until I pointed out the stand full of hats. She thanked me and then started browsing the shelves. A few seconds later I heard some quiet talking and became curious so I decided to take a peek. I hid behind a pile of boxes and looked at what Amy was doing.

    “I can’t decide!” Amy exclaimed “they are all so cute!”

    There was a man standing with her, I think he must of worked there.

    “I recommend customs” the man said smiling.

    “These customs, how come nobody else has one?” Amy inquired.

    Even though she didn’t look it Amy was quite smart.

    The man seemed shaken “because… Because… Because they are new!” He stammered.

    Amy was satisfied and she followed the young looking man into a room at the back of the store. Just then I felt a pat on my back, there was a huge security guard watching me.

    “Spying are we?” He asked.

    I was thrown out of the store but meh, I didn’t mind apart from the fact that that man looked so suspicious. It gave me the creeps…

    All that week Amy didn’t turn up for school and the hats quickly became old, it changed to headbands and the store closed down soon after.

    It had been a few weeks since Amy had been seen and the police questioned all our class. When they got to me I told them everything and I’m sure they were grateful for the information.

    As the fashions changed rapidly the store never did. The police went to investigate it and “check out” my story. They said there was no door at the back of the shop so they had no choice but to drill through, meanwhile, I was helping the police to make an image of the young man I had seen and luckily for them I remembered him clearly. All of a sudden the police told me that I had done enough and a few days later a newspaper with all the details was released. They said that the man was an escaped mental patient called “Carl Black” age 28 and that he had a particular way of killing. The door was made for him especially, the rest of the people running the store knew about Carl and said he forced them to assist him. Carl’s style was hanging girls on a rack and one by one skinning them and torturing them. The most disturbing element of the report was the fact that he made sandwiches with skin and forced his co workers to eat them.

    After the report Carl escaped again and my family was put into government protection. When we asked why we were told that he had written his name all over his sell wall. We moved here to a nice quiet home, I like it here. Even though we are safe I am still in fear of my life…

  • It was the school disco at my school and the new school bathroom was full to get changed in so I went into the old bathroom that was said to be haunted but i did not believe in ghosts then! It started to rain and i was cold i opened the door into the stall.It locked on its own. “Weird.” I thought but i let it pass.Then i heard a rustle and a laugh behind me I turned round and there right there siting was and evil looking clown staring at me before i had to scream he shouted this riddle.Ye who shall go tonight shall never again see the light! And disappeared I was shivering with fear and I was stuck I could not move.As if someone or something was there.The knocking started it went on and on and on after 10 minutes of knocking there was a dreadful scream .I did not know about horrors such as bloody mary then but now i do. peeked out of the stall and and there was the clown but no wait he was not he was a young boy. “Phew thank god your here” i said but before i could say 1 more word he was the one who screamed! He started laughing but i ran for it and got away quickly. It was time for the Halloween disco and I decided to pass.The next day the school was closed apparently every soul that was in the disco or close died.the whole school had collapsed and it was all in the news! So if you read this story you better pass it on or you will get killed the same way!

  • Satan Claus Is Coming To Town (Up On The Rooftop)

    It was Christmas Eve. Louie “The Sleezeball” McGinty was wandering down a dark alley about to get pay from his boss a leader or corrupt cops that were abusing their authority and killing gang members so they could control the city. He was not only giving them info on the whereabouts of gang members. He stopped to meet him at the end. Nowehere in sight. Suddenly he heard singing “You better watch out, you better cry, you better run for your life I’m telling you why, Satan Claus Is Coming To Town”. “That you boss”? The singing continued “He’s killing naughty people, gutting them out, but don’t worry he won’t kill you if you’re nice, Satan Claus Is Coming To Town. H sees you whhen you’re scheming, he knows what you are upto, he knows if you’re up to no good, but it’s too late to be good anyway.” Just then he saw a red spot in the freshly fallen snow. He cleared the show away to reveal the multilated corpse of his dead boss. THe singing started again. “He sees you when you’re bad, he knows what you are up to, you should have been good for goodness sake but it’s way too late for that”. Just then a huge thud echoed on the ground behind him. He turned around to see a man in a Santa suit with a twisted smile behind him. The last thing he heared was a deep demonic like “Ho, Ho, Ho before his stomach was pireced by the man’s butcher kinfe.

    Elsewhere at the police station all the corrupt police were alone at the station in a meeting since all the straight police had been tricked into going home to spend Christmas Eve with their families. They were celebrating a succesful year. “The boss should be back any minute wth Louie The Sleezeball. Bryan Jones said. Once he’s back we’ll celebrating how close we our to rising to the top. Soon we’ll have all the gangs and crime lords off the map”. He continued some time passed and neither had returned. “What if they’re busted”? One said. “They probably broke down or skid on the roads. Another said. “Jones go check it out”. he ordered. Bryan put his jacket on. “Why him he thought he hated Christmas. Bah humbug he thought. The only reason I’m here is because this i the first year this stupid holiday has actually gone right. 4 years ago he was kicked out of his house for cheating, then last year his girlfriend left him because he couldn’t hold a place forthem and she found someone else, then he got evicted from his apatment last year due to falling behind on rent. He currently lived in a sleezy, run down motel. He always houted Bah Humbug to anyone who said Merry Christmas and would yell at Salavation Army people telling them to shut the hell up and eve kick over their basket. This year Louie The Sleezeball had stolen alot of charity money from Salvation Army buckets and they helpled cover it up. He walked to his patrol car opened the door and started the ignition then pulled out of the station onto the main road.

    Meanwhile in the station the cops wre waiting for Bryan to return when they heard singing coming down the chimney. “Up on the housetop demon claws, here comes bad ol’ Satan Claus. Down through the chimney to make you pay. Here to butcher you to make you pay for your sins. Ho, Ho, Ho who else would? Ho, Ho, Ho who else would? Up on the roooftop demon claws, Down through the chimny with ol’ Satan Claus”. Suddenly the roraing fire in the fireplace suddenly went out. A bunch of black soot filled the room and a figure dressed as Santa appeared out of the chimney. “Heeeeeere’s Satan Claus. I got your presents in my sack. He pulled down his sack off his back it was covered in blood. He opened it to reveal the bloody corpses of Louie Mcginty and their boss. They screamed in terror. Unfortunately being alone in the station no one could their cries for help.

    Bruan arrived at the meeting place. He hadn’t seen them or any form of life tonight for that matter. He walked down the alley. They weren’t there but there were footprints in the show. Boots that definitely belonged to Louie and his boss. He’d recognize them anywhere. Suddenly he heard a deep voice singing. “Here comes Satan Claus, Here Comes Satan Claus, right down Satan Claus lane”. He heard a huge thud right behind him. He turned around to see a man dressed as Santa behind him. The man started singing. “Deck the halls with Brian’s carcass. Fa la la la la la la la la. Brian ran to his car. Opened the door and started it and sped off. Satan Claus jumped on top. He tried to stab him through his window but missed it breaking the glass, He started singing again. “Dashing through the snow in a desperate attempt to live, too bad there’s no use, you’ll die anyway. Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, jingle all the way, oh what it is to kill sinners tonight”. Bryan started swerving in an attempt to shake him off but Satan Claus held on tightly. He got back to the station and turned as hard as he could and did a doughnut and finally shook Satan Claus off. He ran into the station for help but couldn’t find anyone. Sudenly heard Satan Claus’s voice seeming coming from everywhere. It was loud, booming, and echoing all over the station. ” Twas the night beforre Christmas and all through the station, only one rat was stirring, the rest of them were all dealt with quickly, all except for the one who was rather quite sneaky, when what to a wondering, to his eyes would appear but a bag contaning the bodies of all his accomplices”. Sure enough Bryan found a bloody sack with the bodies of of his partners in crime including Louie The Sleezeball. Satan Clus continued to speak. “When out on the station roof their arose such a clatter and Bryan ran to see what was the matter”. He went into the main room with his gun in both hands. “He knew in a moment it must be Satan Claus”. Bryan backed up to the chimney. “When all of sudden before Bryan could make a sound, down the chimney Satan Claus came with a bound “. Before Bryan could move two arms grabbed him and pulled him up the chimney. The last thing he ever saw was Satan Claus saying ” and Bryan heard him exclaim as he prepared to kill him Burn in Hell to you all and to the good ones a Merry Christmas”.

  • I’m So Lonely

    Once there was a family who lived in a house, and one day the family decided to go on holiday so they rented out there house to a newlywed couple. as the couple moved in and became situated the wife began to here doors slamming shut and a voice whispering in her ear:” I’m so lonely”. One day all of the noises, footsteps, and whispers were enough for her. She had her husband search the entire house to see if anyone was in the house. After searching the entire house there was only one place left to search, the attic. As the husband opened the door he saw nothing except a little table with chairs, a tea set, and a doll, and when he saw this he walked into the attic to put them away in this little toy chest. Although, when he tried to open it it wouldn’t budge but as he sat there trying to open it he heard a whisper in his ear saying:” I’m so lonely.” Then he just gave up but when he returned downstairs to inform his wife that there was not intruder she had mysteriously disappeared. the husband searched high and low, in the town and outside with no avail. then when he melancholically returned home he had a thought and decided to look in the attic but this time there was no tea set, no table, no toy chest, and no doll. Although, as the weeks past he continued to hear noises and a little whisper saying: “I’m so lonely” and eventually he decided to search one last time for his wife in the attic. although this time the tea set, table, and toy chest had returned but only now there were two dolls. Without thinking twice about it the husband once again tried to open the toy chest and after half an hour of trying it just opened but this time the man was no where to be seen. (I know this story probably sounds rediculous but could you guess what happened to the couple?)

  • Morgan.
    Moran was sweet and beautiful, she was the most popular girl in school. She loves everything and everyone.. Except Reagean. Reagean was mean to Morgan. One day Morgan was walking home from school when she saw Reagean walking home from school. Reagean ran into Morgan purposely “Oops!” said Reagean. Reagean laughed but all of a sudden a car came. It came and hit Morgan and it was all Reageans fault. Reagean laughed then she saw the person get out of the car and call the police. Reagean spied as police cars, ambulances ect. came and investigated the scene. Reagean knew it was her fault, but she ran off and never told anyone about what happened. On June 4th over the summer Reagean received a strange email. It was from Morgan. It was impossible, Morgan was dead. Reagean opened the email anyway. As she opened the email the power went out. Reagen felt a stab in her back. It was piercing and painful. Reagean started losing feeling, and she died.

  • Mirror Mirror

    A little girl named Lizzie who lived with her parents ina small house in California. Her parents didn’t like the house they were living in so, they decided to move out. After they finished packing their stuff they put everything in the van and the house was solded, the parents were happy to move to another place where they could have some fresh air. And Lizzie didn’t really care about the old house anyways all she cared about was the new home they were moving to. An hour later they had made it to their new home it was a big house like a mansion Lizzie was suprised, also her parents too.
    Although Lizzie went around the house just to see a peek of it, her parents were outside unpacking their stuff and to bring it to the house, Lizzie went upstairs to see what was it like. So she did she saw two bedrooms one was a master bedroom and the other one was a normal bedroom so Lizzie went inside of the room it was vacant and the room color was already colored the color was pink, also Lizzie favorite color was pink so she took it as her bedroom so after that she went downstairs to her parents and to tell them about her new bedroom so Lizzie said to them,

    “Hey mommy and daddy I found my new room”. she said with a smile on her face.

    Her father looked at her and said.”Oh that’s nice my little princess”.

    Her mother looked at her with a smile and said.”Oh that’s nice darling. She said the same thing what her father said.
    Lizzie thought her parents didn’t care so she walked away and unpacks her stuff and put her stuff in her new bedroom. All of a sudden once she walks downstairs she walks in front of a door in a hallway and when she opened the door it was a basement, so she went downstairs to see what was it like and then she saw a mirror it was half cracked and it had red stains on it. And Lizzie was baffled she never saw a mirror that had red stains all over it so she looked at it and all of a sudden the mirror had some writing on it in big letters and it said “TOUCH ME”. And Lizzie touched it the mirror gave Lizzie a note and it said.
    And Lizzie wasn’t happy about it and said to the mirror

    “Why should I kill my mom and dad”. With a baffled look in her face.

    The mirror told her again. “GO AND KILL YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER”.
    So Lizzie had no choice so she went downstairs and grabbed a knife and before she would go to her parents she would hide the knife so they won’t know. So Lizzie went to her mother and her mother was cooking and so Lizzie went to her mother and accidentally spilled something in the cooking and her mother was angry then told Lizzie.


    Lizzie said with a grin and said. “NO MOMMY I WON’T”

    So then her mother decided to take her to the basement and lock her in there. And Lizzie wasn’t happy at all she was angry so once again she saw the mirror against the wall and went to it and asked it what should she do and the mirror responsed to Lizzie and said to her.

    “Kill your mother”. And this time the mirror said it with small letters.

    And then Lizzie went upstairs but she forgottened that the door was locked so the mirror showed her where she could find something to open te door at of nowhere the mirror tells her to get a hammer and break free. So Lizzie did when she broked the door and opened it her mother was resting then Lizzie puts the hammer down and gets the knife she hide then went to her mother and her mother woked up and said to Lizzie.

    “I thought i locked you inside of the basement”. she said

    Then Lizzie said to her mother.”Goodbye mommy”.

    So then Lizzie stabbed her mother a lot of times and kept on going and going until she stopped. Lizzie had blodd all over the place and blodd all over her too. Lizzie wa happy that her mother died. So then she saw her father then her father in the house after work and said.

    “Honey i’m back from work”. He said

    Then he saw his own daughter covered with blood and said to her.

    “What happened here”. He said with fright.

    Lizzie said t o her father and said.” Nothing daddy I hust killed mommy”.

    Her father in fright and siad.” How could you do this. He said.

    All of a sudden Lizziie stabs her father in the chest and her father screamed in pain. Lizzie didn’t really care at all but, one of the neighbors saw what happened and called 911. So bunch of cops come to the neihbor and tells what happened the neighbor tells what happens and so thenthe cops went inside of Lizzie’s home and yells.


    So the cop see Lizzie standing in the center of the livingroom the cop comes up to her and asks her what happened Lizzie told the cop in a whisper.

    “I killed my mom and dad”. She said

    The cop couldn’t believe what such a little girl would do the cop tells her why she did it and Lizzie just told them to go to the basement and the cop wanted to know what was in the basement and Lizzie said.

    “go find out yourself and you’ll see what I mean”. She said

    So the cop did what she said and went inside of the basement and saw a mirror against a wall and the mirror had a note and it was in big letters it said.


    Then out of nowhere Lizzie was behing the cop and said.

    “Mirror Mirror here I am”. She said.

    (Hope you guys enjoyed it and i hope it wasn’t boring also and thank you for reading. And i know i made mistakes in the story and i was kinda in a rush because this took time for me to do the story too. Just to let you guys know.) :)

  • Valentina was part of a group in the 5th grade who would do everything together. They went to dance, gymnastics, shopping and had more sleepovers than one could imagine. Late at night at about 1:00 a.m. They played truth or dare. They dared Valentina to do Bloody Mary she said no thinking something was going to happen. The girls looked as each other with harsh grins. They grabbed Valentina by both the arms. They dragged her across the room and threw her into the restroom. Before they shut the door they turned out the lights Valentina was confused. She thought these girls were her Freinds. She stood up but couldn’t find the light switch but she did find the doorknob. The girls had locked her in though there was no way out. The girls waited for about 5 minutes or so and started to worry. They unlocked the door and went into the bathroom and found Valentina dead on the floor when all of a sudden they saw Valentina’s reflection in the mirror. They tried to run but Valentina skinned them all one by one. She ripped their limbs out and soon there flesh was spread across the barroom floor.

    Valentina is still alive.. In fact she is in your mirror now. Send to 5 people or the next time you look in a mirror Valentina will rip your face off and tear off your flesh. You have 5 minutes. Please hurry..

  • The Student Teacher

    It was one of our school programs in our country,the student’s week,where teachers have to hire a student teacher in their own school to substitute them for teaching.As the week was coming to an end one teacher named Ailyn decided to treat her student teacher ,Alyssa at a nearby convenient store. Alyssa was always shy and conservative but she was at the top of her class.Ailyn asked her what food she’d like to buy. ALyssa said” you maam,you choose” Ailyn told her not to be shy and she brought her here so she could choose. At the end Ailyn gave her a hotdog and Alyssa seemed contented. When they were going to buy drinks she asked her again what she would like to have. Alyssa said “You maam,You choose. In the end Ailyn bought her a Dutch Mill drink because she sees Alyssa drinking it everyday so she thought that it was the perfect choice. After eating they went back inside the campus. The next week she noticed that Alyssa was absent. She brushed it off for a few weeks,but as weeks turned into months she was worried for the poor girl. So she decided to go into there house which was only two blocks away from the school. After classes she went to Alyssa’s house. She called her but no one answered the she noticed that the door was open so she went inside. Then a horrible stench greeted her as she walked further she saw Alyssa’s parents and siblings on the floor all of them were dead she tried her best not to scream. Then she heard the front door slammed It was Alyssa holding a bloody knife and an axe. Ailyn knew she would kill her too so she asked her “Which one are you going to choose to kill me?” she said shakingly. Alyssa said” You maam,YOu choose”.

  • Here’s my story! Hope u like it!
    Title: Spoiled
    There once was a spoiled girl named Grace. She got everything she could ever want and thought her life was perfect. Until she saw it. She passed by a store window and there she saw a cute puppy. She begged her mom to get it for her. Finally, her mom accepted. They bought the puppy and drove back home. That night, while Grace was sleeping, she heard a scream. She ran into her mom’ms room and she was dead, a knife by her side. Her puppy then walked in. “At least you’ll keep me safe.” Grace whispered to the small dog. The next day, Grace came home from school and found her father dead. Once again, her puppy came to comfort her. The day after, Grace’s friend, Sarah, came over to spend the night. Sarah said she was gonna go get her pajamas and she’d be right back. Grace got scared because she was alone after both her parents had been murdered. Then she saw a ghost-like man and woman walk in. Grace realized they were her parents!”Run as far away from here as you can! GO NOW!!” her parents yelled to her. She thought she was just imagining things so she didn’t listen. By this time it had been a while since Sarah had gone to get her pjs. Grace went downstairs and went into the kitchen just to find her friend’s dead body sprawled across the floor and her sweet little puppy, licking her blood up. Grace’s eyes widened, for she knew…the puppy was the murderer! She gazed into the puppy’s blood red eyes, and said, “Good boy, sweetheart. Mission accomplished.”

  • if We do get accepted do you have the right (the creator of the story) to make or display a pic or ‘cover page’ for the accepted story? Or do you or the website maker’s do?
    Like exp: hungry girl has a grudge like kid or woman on the ‘pic’ Because if we do or are please can I or you make my pic creepy silhouette with a red huddie? Please thank you!

  • Hello scaryforkids my sis, inspired me so i will give her the credit she deserves! i love ya sis! (:this story is called Red Huddie. Red Huddie is about a girl who’s friend goes to a relative’s funeral. But there’s alittle twist in the end…

    Once there was a young girl named Atta. She was quite shy, fun to hangout with. She had a close friend named Tyranny and hung out with her, they were very close and
    Atta sometimes called her ‘sister’. Now Atta’s sis always wore a blue huddie.wherever she went. It was very rare that Tyranny would wear her red huddie, she never really wear it unless it was a funeral. Atta knew anyone wears black gothic like ‘outfits’ especially If there were any funerals. But she didn’t dare question her friend about it. Atta went out with Tyranny to play at the park; she noticed it was getting late. And the two went home. Now Tyranny’s grandparents phoned her for an upcoming funeral to attend too. For the weekend. Tyranny turned to Atta trying not to frown. She tried her best to grin but it slipped abit.Atta sensed her friend was unhappy, but she respected her friend’s feelings and didn’t ask.”hey Atta I’m sorry but my grandparents are taking me to my cousin’s funeral…sorry I cant stay” Tyranny apologized guiltily .Atta smiled politely, so the car horn honked outside.” its okay ‘Ty’ maybe when you feel better!” she grinned and left. Atta went down stairs ate dinner and went to bed. There was an eerie creak coming from outside her bedroom…it came closer….the door creaked open slowly…Atta saw a shadowy silhouette of a girl! Maybe ‘Ty’ changed her mind! So she welcomed her to sleep in her room for the night. Next morning Atta got dressed ate some brunch. Tyranny wasn’t even there! She shrugged “maybe she’s at the playground and will meet up with me! “ Atta thought it in her mind. So she went to the park she saw ‘Ty’ but something was different about her…she was wearing her red huddie which she rarely ever wears! …..she didn’t speak…..or seem to acknowledge her….and she didn’t even say hi! Atta shrugged it off again…but she felt a little uneasy…so it was getting darker. Now, before Atta got home she turned to invite her friend but she was nowhere to be found! Atta scratched her head and shrugged for a third time that day. She knew that‘Ty’ could go home not by herself but she knew how to use the ‘buddy system’. So she went inside and got ready for dinner. Before she took a bite of her steamy hot lasagna sitting on her plate, Atta turned to her parents and asked “um ‘Ty’ and I where at the park today mom and dad” she continued “why did ‘Ty’ wear her red huddie? She rarely ever wears it?” Atta’s father looked at his wife and shrugged. And continued to read his news paper.”Uh honey you where at the park all by yourself, there’s no way she would have been there with you” Atta’s mother corrected her daughter. “Mom what do you mean?? I saw her…she was with me!” Atta insisted. Her mother shook her head, “No dear Tyranny went to her cousin’s funeral yesterday. If she was coming to visit you she or her grandparents would have texted you. And you know that Atta” her mother finished. Atta felt a sudden chill make its way down her back “mom if that’s true then who….was ….I …with? “

    (Hope you ladies and gentlemen liked it! Like I said my sis inspired me so I’ll give her the credit (: Please don’t copy but you can suggest on helping with me
    With grammar spelling. This was an inspiration of the novel series ‘To dark to read’ the story called ‘look what’s behind you’ (: Thank you! (;

    There were three friends, Emily, Rose,and Jasmine. They decided they wanted to go to a school that was said to be haunted. Rose thought that it was just a joke.
    “Okay, Rose.” Jasmine and Emily said together. “We’ll go check it out after school today.”
    At school, Rose couldn’t pay attention, she was so scared. She thought that her friends would be to chicken to go to the haunted school. Turns out she was wrong. At 4:15 PM the school bell rung, announcing the end of school.
    “Well, Rose, you ready to go?”, Emily asked.
    “As ready as I’ll ever be!”, Rose lied.
    They walked over to the school. It was much scarier up close. Rose wished she never said it wasn’t haunted. Now she was risking her life just to prove that she wasn’t a chicken.
    “Oh my gosh! This is so spooky!”, Jasmine said.
    “Lets go.”, Rose said with a gulp.
    As they walked in, the floor boards started to creek and the door shut behind them.
    “WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOME?!?!?!?!?!”, a raspy voice screamed.
    “We’re sorry! Can you please let us out???”, Emily asked in terror.
    “But this is a school!”, Rose said.
    Then, a sharp knife fell from the ceiling and stabbed Rose in the head.
    “ONE DOWN, TWO TO GO!!!”, the horrible voice said.
    They ran and ran until they had to catch their breath.
    “GETTING TIRED, ARE YOU?!?!”, the voice screamed.
    Then, a bottle of bleach forcefully poured down Emily’s throat until she died.
    “HELP!”, Jasmine yelled.
    “ONE MORE LEFT!!!”, the voice yelled.
    Just then, Jasmine escaped out of a window and ran to the police station to tell them what had happened. They just assumed she was crazy and locked her up in a mental ward. To this day, she is still locked up. No one else but her knows what happened that very frightful day.

  • Human Food

    It was March 16, March 17 is Cultural Community Day at my school. Cultural Community Day is when kids bring in food from their culture for other kids to try. My teacher Mrs.Promer asked the kid who are bringing in food to raise their hands. A few kids raised their hands one of them was the new kid Kevin Damagatchi. He doesn’t talk much. Ms.Promer asked “Kevin what is your cultural background?” all Kevin said was “You’ll see…” everyone stared at him in complete silence. Everyone’s been watching Kevin closely since what he said in homeroom.

    The next day was March 17. I walked into school in the hallway there were rows of tables set up with different good looking foods. Kevin was sitting at the end of the Grade 6 hallway in front of the science room, he had no business. This kid, David Promer, Ms.Promer’s son walked up to Kevin and bought food from him. I’ve got to admit, the food Kevin was selling looked pretty nasty. David ate the food Kevin had gave him and smiled “Guys! Come here this stuff is awesome!” People thought David was dumb so they just stared at him. They eventually ended up eating Kevin’s food. There was complete silence for a minute, then they all started complimenting Kevin. I went up to Kevin, “Hey Kevin… how did you make this stuff?” I said. “I won’t tell you but come to my house after school.”

    After school I headed to Kevin’s house he opened the door and took me down to the basement. He opened a door in the laundry room it was cold in there, Kevin turned on the light I screamed in horror there were dead bodies ripped apart.

    That night I was at home babysitting my 3 year old brother he was sleeping. I was in the family room watching cartoons when a news man came on and said “WE INTTERUPT THIS FOLLOWING PROGRAM FOR BREAKING NEWS! A MURDER HAS HAPPENED ON DOFER DRIVE NEAR THE CONDOS NEAR THE BANK! POLICE HAVE SAID THE MURDERER WAS SPOTTED IN 2309 NUMBER CONDO ON THE 3RD FLOOR! ANYONE WITH INFORMATION IS ASKED TO CALL CRIME STOPPERS OR THE POLICE!” I was scared because I lived on the 3rd floor of the condo they mentioned on the news. I heard some footsteps behind me I was scared but I thought it was my brother I turned around and I was stabbed in the head my vision got blured and I realized the killer was Kevin. I was dead.

    My parents got home at 9:00 they found me on the ground with a knife embedded in my head. My brother Tarrance was found chocked to death in his room.
    (Hope you guys like it I was writing it for a few days now and I hope I get a positive review from you guys!)
    There was a knock on the front door my mom opened it.
    She heard “WHAT A TASTY MEAL! CAN’T WAIT FOR THE NEXT CULTURAL COMMUNITY DAY!” There was a menacing laugh and then DEATH…

  • here’s my 3d story!!!


    There was a boy who went camping with his mom and dad. He was 9 years old. They were roasting marshmallows when his dad said he had to go to the bathroom. After 45 minutes, they started to get worried. The boy searched around the camp site when he reached an eerie forest. The camp director told him not to go into the forest because it was haunted. The boy just ignored him and he ran into the forest shouting
    He was just about to lose hope when he saw his dad standing next to a tree.
    “Dad, I finally found you.”
    He turned his dad around by the shoulder, horrified to see his body fall apart.
    “HELP! HELP! HELP!”, he shouted.
    He turned and saw a bunch of corpses and ghostly figures rise out of their bodies.
    they all started to say “You didn’t listen, and you are now cursed for eternity!”
    Freaking out, he finally found the camp site. When he reached his mom, he said,
    “Something killed dad!!!”
    She didn’t respond.
    Still no answer.
    He ran to every single family, but nobody could hear him.
    That’s when he realized the curse. He couldn’t be heard or seen by any one.
    Thank you so much for reading!

  • Here’s an other story.

    The night of the guinea pigs

    when i was three my mom got me a guinea pig. he was all black and had scary red eyes. one night he waddled into my room and started to hiss at me. i got scared and pulled the covers over my head. as i started to fall asleep i started to feel little teeth sink into my fingers. i turned on the light and saw that all i had on my left hand were bloody stubs. i cried and ran to my mom’s room. when she saw my hands she rushed me to the hospital. the doctor stitched up my hand and wrapped it in a bandage. to this day all i have on my left hand is little stubs.

    i hope you like it and the closest i ever came to getting my fingers chewed off was when my guinea pig accidentally bit my finger when he got excited over a carrot.

  • lets get some things straight! please no negative comments! if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all!!! im very sensitive!


    There once lived a girl who was 11 years old. She likes to get into trouble. Tonight was the 1st night her parents would leave her home alone.

    “You can watch television, but whatever you do dont go outside! We heard on the news that there is a deranged killer loose somewhere near this area.”

    “Okay, Mom you can trust me.”

    “Okay, Hon. We’ll be back in a couple of hours. We’re locking the door! Stay safe!!”

    “Mom! Okay!”

    Bye, Hon!”

    She waited about ten minutes to make sure her parents were gone, then she unlocked the door and stepped outside. She began to hula-hoop when she she heard a noise behind her. It was a very tall man with a butcher knife. She screamed, but it was no use. He charged at her and hacked her head to peices. When her parents got home, they saw a horrible scene in the back yard. They called the police and when they arrived, all they had to say was, “The killer striked again.”

    THE END!!!

    I hope you liked it!!!

  • The Whisperer

    Rachel was jumping with excitement when she found out that there was a place for a journalist to write in the middle pages of the school newspaper the free speech but it wasn’t free it was just called that. It said that write your name on the board and next to it write what your article is about and send the article to Emma Harriet’s Email. She looked down the list of names and felt a little defeated there were loads of names but she couldn’t give up. Angela Watson walked past Rachel with her friends laughing, then she looked at the poster. “Oh looky guys! I’m gonna try up for this” said Angela writing her name down. Rachel looked at what Angela was going to do. My trip to Paris it read. Rachel just couldn’t give up so she wrote down her name and left what she was going to do blank. When she got home she will think about it. At lunch she caught up with her friend Valery. Rachel told Valery about what she was going to do. Valery looked at Rachel with a vacant stare. “You nuts!? You can’t go against the most popular girl in school, Angela!” exclaimed Valery. Rachel just shrugged and took a seat and started eating. When she got home she chewed her pen for ages thinking what she would write about. Just then she heard a knock on the door. It was Valery. “Wanna go get some fish n’ chips?” she asked. Rachel thought she would just have a little nip so off they went. On the way home Rachel spotted the football team captain kissing Angela. They both where a couple. Wait. No it was Brooke he was kissing! He cheated on Angela! She took Valery the other way. “Sorry I feel like going this way” she muttered. When she got home she knew exactly what to write about. She wrote an article about why cheating is bad then she went to the internet cafe to write the article as there was no computer in her house. When she got to the cafe she found it was closed. “I only have today to email it!” she shouted. She walked around the town looking for an internet cafe when she came across one in a dark street. She entered and dropped the money on the counter. “An hour’s slot please” she said. The man shook his head and said no computer was available. Rachel pointed to one in the corner. “I don’t know if it works but try it” he said. So Rachel sat down to start writing. With a jolt she wrote and the same as she started she stopped. She had written nothing she wanted to! The writing read cheating is fun a football team’s captain was seen kissing another girl! Before Rachel could edit it she pressed send to Emma’s email. Rachel stared at the screen for a while then stood up and walked home limply. The next morning she found out that she had got picked for the article. Rachel smiled but then remembered yesterday. “Emma?” she said. “I don’t want people to know it’s me who write so instead write the whisper OK?” Emma nodded and soon people where grabbing and paying for the newspaper and reading with interest. Rachel felt extremely bad she had no intention of doing such a thing it just happened! Later in maths she sat next to Will Cain the football team captain and his girlfriend Angela. They both weren’t talking. “Come Angela it was just a simple kiss a little joke” he said cheerfully. “A joke! Joke you’re self you jerk!” Screamed Angela, then she ran out the room bursting into tears. Rachel felt guilty she never knew how much this could harm Angela. After school she and Valery went to the cinema, before the show Rachel went to get some popcorn and there she saw Emma. Emma grabbed a pack of sweets and slammed it into her pocket. When the gourd wasn’t looking she slipped into the film. Rachel was horrified. How could she! Thought Rachel. Straight after the film she felt a jolt and ran to the internet cafe, slammed the money and took the old same computer and started writing. Her writing read E.M was seen stealing sweets and going into the cinema without paying! Watch out E.M is about! Before she could stop herself she hit send. Rachel ran home and hit the hay. She had lots to think about. “You little! One chance just one chance or you’re out!” Emma screamed in Rachel’s face before stomping to class. After lunch Emma trudged up to Rachel and told her that she was fired. Rachel stood there shocked, she felt useless. She told Valery and both of them headed to the cafe to eat. The next day Valery slammed the newspaper in Rachel’s face. Rachel read what used to be the whisperer column. It read. The whisperer had a car accident. Rachel was horrified. She flew out in a rage then the thought hit her. The other articles she wrote all came true. She wrote one which said the Carly brothers will be arrested and it happened! So maybe she would be in a car accident. And that was the last thing she saw before…SLAM! A car hit her and Rachel lay there before she plunged in darkness…

  • The Antique Vault
    This is a story about a teenage boy who was gifted with an antique vault and affected his life forever.

    A teenaged boy named Brayden had his birthday, and as a present, his mother, Allison gave her son an antique vault which she bought at the antique shop. Brayden’s mother loves to collect antiques. His grandparents even said that since she was a child she already has a habit of collecting old items. After his birthday party, his mom helped him move the vault into his room. He was feeling uneasy, but he felt tired from the party and soon dozed off in his bed. At 12:00 pm he was suddenly awoken by a creaking sound. Gathering enough courage he went to the vault and he was shocked. Inside the vault he saw chopped body parts of a woman and a girl. Frantically he ran to his mother’s bedroom screaming and called out “Mom! Mom! Mom! Please open the door!” His mother very worried in what’s happening to her son opened the door and asked what was wrong. Brayden said “The vault! The vault! There are body parts in there!!” His mother said “What are you talking about? I bought that vault completely empty!” After that seeing her son like that she embraced him and decided to check the vault. When she came back she said she had found nothing. It was completely empty. After that Braden decided to stay in his mother’s bedroom and soon he fell asleep. When he woke up it was already 8:00 am. He went downstairs for breakfast, and then he asked his mom in where she had bought the antique vault. Brayden realized that place is not far away so he decided to get dressed and went off to the antique shop. There he met an old lady who was the owner of the shop. He asked her the history of the vault. The old lady said that the vault belongs to a rich family back in the early 1700s.The family was composed of a father, mother, and daughter. One time their family business was bankrupted. They lost all their money and this made the father lost his sanity. One rainy night when his wife and daughter were asleep he went outside their lawn and grabbed an axe which was used to chop wood. He went back inside and chopped his wife, after that he chopped his own daughter. Realizing what he had done, he put their chopped body parts inside the vault and hanged himself. Every time that the vault was sold, the buyer would always come to me saying that they saw body parts inside and sometimes they would see an apparition of a man holding a bloody axe. One buyer said to me crying that he found his daughter dead and returned the vault to me without even asking for refund. Brayden’s eyes widened and the hair in his neck stood up. Worrying for his mother, he rushed to his house and called for his mother. But there was no answer. He dashed up to his room and saw his vault covered in blood and lying on top of it is a bloody axe. Nervously, he approached the vault and with shaking hands he opened the vault he screamed at the top of his lungs when he saw his mother’s chopped body parts in it.It made him lost his mind and was sent into an insane asylum. The vault is still being sold, so be careful of the things you buy.

    Please bare it with me if you think that the story is corny,its my first time and I just based in a book I always read.

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