Scary For Kids


  • No Swimming

    Colton was an excellent swimmer and was probably the best on the varsity team. He won state swim meets for Florida a bunch of times. He was a senior and also liked a girl on the senior team Brandy. They got long great and he also got along wth her friends Mackenzie and Katie but her friend Linday was not so nice and neither was Brandy’s boyfriend Cameron mainly because they were also rivals on the team and constantly competed against each other and he was aware of his crush on his girl and often got his buddies all on the swim team Jeff and Shawn,. Jeff was dating Mackenzie and Shawn was dating Lindsay. They constantly bullied Colton and played pranks on him. They wpuls shove him into the pool then wrestle him and try to dunk him etc when the coach wasn’l looking. One day Coloton and his dad went hunting in a radiation infested swamp. Authorities were unaware of this and didn’t close it off. A radiotion ingested alligator bit Colton and he was sent to the hospital. After a while he suddenly disappeared from the hospital.

    Brandy along with Mackenzie, Katie, and Lindsay, along with Cameron, Jeff, and Shwawn stayed after practice to swim in the high school pool. Cameron decided to play with Brandy and she bumped her head on the side causing ther be knocked out. They ran fo help but Katie and Mackenzie stayed. They watched a dark shape come from the ents and bring Brandy to the pool deck. It climbed out in its hind legs and gentky set her down. Then it jumped back into the pool and swam away. When Barndy came to she didn’t remember anything but Mackenzie and Katie said it resmbled an alligator. The guys said they were nuts. Everybody there were no alligators around that part of Florida.

    THey started stories of a man-gator, or gator man. Brandy, Mackenzie, and Katie stayed away from the pool after hours because of that. Cameron, Shawn, Jeff and Lindsay were again there after hours when Lindsay swores she saw red eyes in the vent and left with Shawn. Mackenzie joined her to calm her down but Jeff stayed. Suddenly they saw a giant shape that looked an alligator or rather a bunch of alligators come out of the vent. They tried to flee but there were too many. THe biggest one apparently the leader had big green eyes and really long teeth. He grabbed Cameron and tore him to shreds. Jeff was torn to shreds by the ret of the alligatros. Their friends heard their screams and saw the alligators flee.

    Mackenzie and Katie were onviced that it was Colton and since he liked Brandy he saved her but since he hated Cameron and Jeff he killed them. NO SWIMMING UNAUTHORIZED signs were posted on the pool door after that. Lindsay and Shawn thought it was nonsense since there were no alligators around that part of Florida. Shawn and LIndsay went swimming in a lake and Lindsay felt something pull her down and Shawn tried to save her but attacked by a bunch of alligators. Both were torn to shreds. after that No Swimming signs were posted there. Witnesses saw the alligators attacking but the local authorities. didn’t believe them. Everybody there were no alligators in that part of Florida…

  • -The Ice Cream Man-
    Once, there was a bad young man named Johnny. He pranked his treachers with cruel jokes. He started fights in school, often getting punished. However, it had no effect on him. Johnny just kept getting meaner and meaner. He also would go to parties instead of studying like he was supposed to. This way, he had failing grades. His mother kept saying “Johnny, just be a good boy for once!” And with that, she would break down and cry. Johnny just laughed and kept being the delinquent he was.
    One night at a party, Johnny was talking with his friends when one of them brought up the Ice Cream Man. Johnny smirked. “You don’t beileive that stuff, do you? Only little babies beleive it.” His friend frowned and ignored him.
    ” Johnny, you’ve got to improve your act, or the Ice Cream Man will get you. I’ll trll you guys about the legend.”
    Ignoring Johnny’s insults, his friend told about the legend.
    ” The Ice Cream Man is supposed to be a man who would drive the ice cream truck around the neighborhood. He was a cool guy, and he was really nice, too.
    One day, he heard that his wife died of a heart attack. He couldn’t believe it. Other than his job, his wife was everything.
    A little while after, people say his sanity snapped. He drive the truck around like a madman, and got involved in cannibalism. He would lure kids to his van, then chop off their heads and scoop out their entrails with an ice cream scoop. The van drives around now at midnight. If you dare walk around then, you can hear a man driving around singing ‘I am the Ice Cream Man, running over bad kids with my van. I am the Ice Cream Man, I have a bloody knife in my hand..’
    If you hear him, run home as fast as you can, especially if you are a bad kid.” He glared at Johnny. ” Or else..he will lure you to his van and chop off your head.” He finished speaking and left home. Johnny shook his head and laughed. “That will never happen.”
    At around midnight, the party ended and Johnny left for home. Shortly after turning the curb, he could hear an ice cream truck zoom by a few blocks away. Jhonny glanced for a moment, then cursed himself for being a wuss. He started walking again when he heard a man..singing. Johnny ignored it and kept walking. However, he felt the hairs on his neck go up and felt his hands sweat with fear. He whistled to himself and kept walking faster. He heard the man singing, the words closer. “I am the Ice Cream Man..” Johhny ran this time. He heard the veichle’s ice cream tune, and tripped on the sidewalk.
    As Johnny got up and brushed off his pants, he heard a voice behind him say, “Want some ice cream?” As Johnny looked back, the last thing he saw was a bloody knife.

  • Sorry! There were allotttt of spelling mistakes like years is meant to be tears
    And that beau thing is meant to be bear
    Thanks and sorry
    Kay bye

  • Sup! I’m kinda new here so ya I haven’t
    Thought of a title yet so feel free to choose
    One for me :)!

    “Please help!? Is anyone there??? PLEASE!”
    Okay let me start from the beginning…
    It was a really nice day-not too hot and not to cold.
    So me and my friend and her younger brother set off
    to camp
    “Oh my gosh!!” Jessie complains. “Why did we have to bring
    HIM” she says for the hundredth time pointing at her little brother Sammy
    “Well… you have been asking that the whole entire trip!” And YOUR parents said to take him not me!” I say quite annoyed
    “Are we there yet?” Sammy asks
    “NO now shut up squirt” Jessie snaps at her brother
    “Do you want me to tell mum?” Sammy threatens holding the phone
    “Okay fine sorry!” Jessie apologises
    “Finally we’re here!” I say as we pull up into the forest. “Let’s set up….Here!” I say exploring the forest.
    “My feet are sore and I need to go to the toilet!!” Sammy complains
    “Go behind a tree” Jessie tells him unloading the ute.
    “Are you kidding me?” Sammy prods the tyre with his foot
    As we start pitching the tent up we hear a cold laughter
    Sammy starts edging closer to his sister “W-w-what was that?” He stammered
    “Probably just kookoobarras” I say assuring him
    Sammy doesn’t look convinced
    As soon as the tent is done we all start up the fire.
    “Do you want to hear some scary stories?” Jessie asks
    “YES!” Sammy shouts excitedly
    “Well ask Liggie coz I don’t know any…”
    “You sure you wanna hear it?” I ask
    Sammy nods
    “Okay but don’t come running to us if you pee in your sleeping bag!” I say
    “Well legend has it that out in the forest there used to be a house
    where a woman and her baby used to live. They all say she was a witch! Tricking children
    into thinking that she lost her beloved child they would help her find her baby
    and she would then disappear and then-
    “Okay that is really boring and not scary AT all!” Sammy says yawning
    “Don’t be rude!” Jessie says flicking her brother on the ear
    “Ow! I’m going to bed!”
    “Yeah me two!”
    “Me three!”
    Then there it is again another laugh more louder this time!
    “Kookoobarras” I say
    “But it’s already dark!” Sammy disagrees
    Suddenly we hear someone calling the name Alice
    We then hear hysterical crying.
    “Jessie! Jessie wake up!” I say shaking we awake
    “Mmm what?” She says sleepily
    “There’s someone out there! They’re crying!” I whisper
    Jessie suddenly sits up really fast
    “What? Someone’s out…There?”
    “Should we go help?” I ask heading for the tent door
    She suddenly grabs my arm “Remember? Stranger Danger!”
    I ignore her and start zipping open the door.
    “Hello?! I-I-is anyone there?” I shout into the distance
    Jessie is killing herself laughing. We suddenly see a dark figure walking towards us
    I hold my lamp out and see a young very pale woman standing there wearing a probably once white blouse
    with a long brown skirt that had rips and tears with muddy black sandals. Her makeup was all smudged and mascara was running down her face. She had emerald green eyes and her brown hair was in a loose bun that had lots of twigs and sticks in it. She had obviously been crying for a very long time.
    “Oh I have lost my daughter Alice. You haven’t seen her have you?” She asks then suddenly collapsing into a fit of years
    “Umm sorry no we haven’t” Jessie speaks up
    “Could you please help me find her?? She is my only child and and and-” She starts wailing again
    “What are we meant to do? With…her!?” Jessie asks gesturing towards the woman
    “I don’t know! Lets just help her okay?” I tell Jessie
    Jessie pulls a disapproving look
    “We will help you find Alice.” I say gently to the women
    “Thank you!!! OH THANK YOU!!” She says giving us both beae hugs even though she is so small and skinny.
    “Please follow me! The last place she was seen was walking towards my house in the forest”
    Jessie starts looking a little worried and looks back at the tent which is now 100 metres away.
    “What about Sammy?” She mouthes at me
    “He’ll be fine” I mouth back
    She still doesn’t look convinced
    “This is my home!” The women says
    It is a beautiful old Victorian house with a farm and everything!
    “Oh sorry you didn’t catch my name. I’m Ophelia Sandown!”
    “Nice to meet you Ophelia!” I say reaching to shake hands. I almost pull back in surprise as her skin is as cold as ice but I contain it l.
    Jessie reaches to shake her hand but Ophelia ignores it. Jessie just shrugs it off.
    “MUMMMYYYYY!!!!!!” We hear a high voice towards the farmhouse.
    Me,Jessie and Ophelia start running towards the farmhouse.
    “ALICE?! IS THAT YOU??!” Ophelia shouts
    Suddenly a little girl with dark hair and blue eyes starts running towards Ophelia they are suddenly hugging each other…Very hard.
    “OH MY!! Alice where have you been??!” Ophelia asks
    “Remember you said that we were going to play hide and seek because daddy was home and you didn’t find me and them i was trying to find you but you were gone!!!” Alice says between sobs
    “Oh Alice! Sweetheart I was trying to find you! Don’t ever do that again please!”
    ” I promise” Alice says hugging her mum while me and Jessie are standing there awkwardly.
    Ophelia suddenly starts hugging us
    “Oh you helped me find Alice!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
    “Err we didn’t really do anything-” I start to say but Ophelia kept on saying that we did.
    “Please! Come inside! I will get you guys some hot chocolate!” Ophelia says pulling us towards we house
    “Oh sorry we can’t! I have a little brother that’s by himself! So we really need to get-”
    “No no I’m sure he’s safe!” Ophelia says interrupting Jessie
    Suddenly we are at the house inside drinking hot chocolate
    “Okay that was really creepy she just forced us here! I mean we don’t even know her! Jessie whispers to me
    “I don’t know but I’m suddenly really tired” I say nearly passing out
    Ophelia the comes in.
    “Girls you must be so tired!” She says watching us yawn
    “Please come and sleep in one of our rooms! It’s the least we can do!” Ophelia says
    We are just too tired to object so we flop down on a beautiful four poster bed.
    “Good night girls! Don’t let the killer bugs bite!” Ophelia says closing the door with a smile on her face.
    “Pardon?” I ask
    “Never mind dear you just get some sleep.” She says soothingly
    We don’t notice her locking the door and the knifes under the bed
    As soon as we wake up we are locked in the room.
    “”Please help!? Is anyone there??? PLEASE!” We say banging on the door!
    We step back as we hear a voice saying
    “I’m comiiinnnggg!” In a sing song way.
    “Oh crap!” I hear Jessie say
    The door slowly starts opening…And in comes Ophelia!
    “Oh hi! We were locked in! So we didn’t know what to do” I laugh nervously
    Ophelia is smiling each word I say it gets bigger and bigger.
    “Umm are you alright?” Jessie asks Ophelia
    Ophelia brings something out from behind her back…
    “What are you doing?!! I scream
    Jessie starts screaming a blood curdling scream so horrible it’ll make your ears bleed
    Ophelia starts walking towards us with that huge smile on her face.
    “Get away I’m serious…LIGGIE!!!! Jessie screams
    ” STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? I scream at her
    Ophelia turns her head towards me axe poised at Jessie’s head
    “W-w-why are you doing this??” I stammer
    She starts laughing and laughing hysterically
    for me everything starts turning blue and then black dots appear every where
    and the last things I hear “Seeing isn’t believing Liggie, it’s time you know that” Then cold laughter and everything’s black…
    Sammy suddenly wakes up!
    Sorry guys if this is too long or not scary enough this is my first story as well
    but u guys have really cool stories!!! Kay bye!

  • Hi, my name is Aneka the horse lova and I just logged into this site, and I would like to take this opportunity to share one of my experiences. I was soooooooo freaked when this happened, any way I’ll stop blabbing. I was in bed, and sleeping well when I suddenly woke up and needed a drink I tapped on my light ( touch sensitive light) and reached out for my cup when I stopped in my tracks when I saw the reflection in the light. It was a lady dressed in white reaching out to me!!! I broke into a cold sweat and looked around and nothing was there then looked in the reflection and it was still there! I was sooo freaked! This is a very true story, and I hope you believe me. Any way this is my first story and I hope you like it!

  • Dreams
    I started having these dreams from the past few weeks. The first dream I saw was a car accident, which had occurred quite near my house. I woke up from it and thought it was just another bad dream. But soon I realized it was not.

    That afternoon, while I was coming back from the grocery store I saw the car accident happen right before my eyes. It was the same as my dream, every little detail.

    That day I couldn’t concentrate at all in anything. The dream just kept flashing before my eyes. The days passed and the memory of the dream faded. However just as I was forgetting it, one night I saw another dream. This time it was a robbery, but in a different country, the next morning there was news of the same in the paper.

    This time I was quite freaked but couldn’t accept the fact that it was just mere coincidence. But soon I found out it was not just coincidence. The next dream I saw was the death of my grandfather. And it happened. I was very sad.

    After that I had many a dreams all of which came true.
    Now it is 3am in the morning and I just woke up from one of my dreams. I am writing this down before anything happens to me. Because the dream that I saw was, a person probably a burglar breaking into my house and killing me.

  • The Taxi Driver
    This is a funny story

    A man was waiting for a taxi. Then he finally got a ride. On the way, the man tapped the taxi driver on the back,, and he slammed the brakes. Why did you do that?! The man asked. ” Sorry,” said the driver, ” I used to drive a hearse.”n💀👻

  • Ghosts of Gettysburg
    You know, the funny thing about these stories are that the’ll REAL. I SWEAR ON BLOODY MARY’S GRAVE THEY ARE!
    My Grandaddy lives in Gettysburg. It was my sister’s bday, and we all went on a ghost tour. (Where people tell ghost stories). I was sitting on the end of the row, and all of a sudden, I felt a skirt brush TROUGH MY FOOT! I WAS LIKE, WHAT THE HECK?!?!
    In my Grandaddy’s basement, there is a rocking chair. On Christmas, my uncle was sleeping down in the basement. No windows where open, no air conditioning was on either. The rocking chair slowly rocked back and forth…
    Do u guys think my Grandaddy’s house is haunted? Cause its really old. My mom and her family used to visit there in the summer. ( it’s a lake house)

  • Soul Eater(made up not real folklore)

    The Soul Eater is a winter entity that lurks in a section of parks once owned by Native Americans. It is called as such because it eats your soul so you can’t have an afterlife. It is usually encountered on back trails. Afterwords it proceeds to eat your flesh. It sometimes manifests itself in the form of a really strong wind that wraps around you and binds your body and squeezes the life and soul out of you. In it’s physical form it resembles a Yeti but with wings, horns, and claws. it was believed to be created when settlers forced Native Americans out of their land as a form of revenge.

    A teenage couple was hiking on a trail and was going down a hill and rounding a corner when they heard movement in the trees on one side. It was getting dark so they first assumed it was a deer. They saw red eyes and then assumed it was a coyote so the girl got scared. The guy however noticed it was on two feet so he got her out of there fast.

    Sometime later the same guy was hiking on a back trail in the day this time alone. He came up to a lodge used for parties and just riunding the corner when he heard a terrible shriek. He went down some steps to a path by the river and back onto the main trail.

    The guy was hiking again this time at night. It was really dark and the guy kept hearing noises in the trees. He called “Who’s there” and saw red eyes watching him. The creature then glided down and chased all the way down the trail till he reached the clearing where he started and the park was.

    He attempted to report the encounter but the rangers laughed. He swore it was true and they sent one down at night to check. When he didn’t respond and never returned they sent another ranger to check. When that ranger didn’t return or respond they sent a search party consisting of five afterwards.

    They went into a field and onto the back trail and saw a horrible sight. One was dead gun in hand and mutilated and the other appeared to have frozen. They saw red eyes and fired. It hit whatever it was but did nothing.The rangers shared the story at the station and after some research discovered it was called a soul eater. Ever since that night the park has a rule and regulation against going into any park at night during the winter.

    It is unknown what it does in the spring, summer, or fall but some folks believe it takes the form of earthbound critter and hibernates underground while others say it migrates to wherever winter goes.

  • Upside down Horse shoes
    A long time ago, there was a blacksmith who would make horse shoes. One day, a rich man came to his shop and offered him 90$ to get all 10 of his horses shoed. So the next day,the eblacksmith came to his house. Then, he heard a horrible shriek coming from the barn. He peeked around the corner and saw the man feasting on an undead woman. The black smith was horrified, then thought: what a horrible man! I must play a trick on him! So, the black smith went into the barn and thought of a trick: he knows that upside down horse shoes mean bad luck, so he would put on all the shoes upside down. And he did. The next day, he heard that there was a murder. “Yes” the blacksmith hissed, ” that horrid man died from the bad luck!”
    The next day, the blacksmith saw the man. ” impossible!” He said, the mans dead! Then, the two men got into a bad fight, and the black smith got the bad luck, and the man got a snack.💀

  • The Doll House

    There’s a house at the end of the street. It looks like all the other houses. The door’s the same. The windows are the same. But in one room there is something that is difrent. Row upon row of dolls. Smilling like they’re pleased to see you. Hands streched out as if to greet you. Dolls like little children. But where the soul and warmth in the eyes of children is there’s nothing but an empty coldness. The more you stare into those eyes the more that smile looks sly. The more those hands look like they are trying to grab you.

    There was a young girl I knew. She always went where she wasn’t suposed to. She was a pretty girl. With long blonde hair and bright green eyes. The day she went into the house she wore a tartan skirt and black tights. A black turtle neck jumper and red boots. She went to the house and opened the door. Years of mail litterd the floor. She wandered through the rooms. Each full of beautiful antiques all gathering dust. She climbed the stairs and steped inside the doll room. She peered at every doll. She thought they were beautiful. They looked so real. But just as she was about to leave she found she couldn’t breath. Her head swam as she fell to her knees. The room went darker and darker. In the distance a child laughed.

    Noone saw the girl again. Her mother and father were heart broken. But if they went into the house, into the doll room they would see a new doll. With long blonde hair and bright green eyes. Wearing a tartan skirt, black tights, a black turtle neck jumper and red boots.

  • hi scary for kids this is my first story which i write myself i hope u will be kind enough for me to publish this
    There was once a boy who lived with his parents, he had a good job and a good salary which every man desires for. One day he was returning from his office, after doing some extra work , due to which he got late. for reaching his home early he took a shortcut which passes through the cemetery, which was said to be haunted by ghosts , but he was not afraid of ghosts . He was about to get out of the place when he suddenly hears a noise calling his name .he look back a woman with long black hairs and pale skin was standing there . instantly he falls in love with her and propose her and to his surprise she said yes.but there was a problem with this woman that she come to his house after dark and get back before morning. expect this everything was going fine between them . After some time the man started to become ill , he become very weak . then his parents call a priest to cure him and the priest came to their house . he closed his eyes for some time and then told his parents that he was in contact with a evil spirit, then the boy’s parents told him about the girl who came to visit him everyday after dark . then the priest gave a red thread reel to boy and told him to put one end of the thread to the girl’s dress . when the girl came to visit him he put the thread in her dress. in morning after she was gone the boy called the priest and they both go in search of that thread when they pass through the cemetery the boy was nearly fainted after what he saw ” THE THREAD WAS HANGING FROM A GRAVE “

  • Band-Aid Man

    *NOTE: This story is stupid and intended to be so.

    One day a couple was walking in the park. The boyfriend tripped on a rock and broke his face. He was sent to the hospital to get surgery and the woman was told that he would be out in a month. The woman was sad because she hated being alone. One night when the woman was getting ready for bed, she heard a crash coming from the living room. She ran downstairs and saw a huge ugly band-aid monster. She was so scared that she ran into a wall and rolled down the stairs. The monster laughed really hard because it loved slapstick humour. It fell down laughing, but it hit its head on the coffee table and cracked its head open so it died. The woman was so embarrassed by this incident that she ran away to Japan. When her husband came back, he found a dead body covered in band-aids and assumed the worst; that it was his Croatian cousin who recently survived a terrible ‘house fire’ that might have had possible mafia ties; no one really knew for sure.

    PS: Except the mafia.

    The End.

  • Here’s my story @SFK
    It’s just supposed to Be a teenybopper story

    Dear Reader,

    Dear Reader, 
    Hello there 
    Are you curious as of why your receiving a letter from a unknown “person”? Well It’s me. Yes you know me very well. That little shadow you think you saw out of the corner of your eye when you came to get a midnight snack. It’s me , the knocking on your window on those cold stormy nights which you proclaim as “just the wind”. It’s me, That little feeling in the back of your head when you have the nervous feeling that somewhere right now your being watched. Guess what? You are. I’m watching you right now as You read this. Your getting nervous now right? A little shiver go down your spine? Do you hear that breathing in the room? Listen carefully enough and you’ll know I’m right behind you. Yes I am here. So before you go to bed tonight why don’t you check behind your door again? You never know where I could be watching…. Waiting. 

  • Diamond heart necklace
    Once there was a girl called Monique. Her birthday wass coming up and all she wanted was a nice blue necklace, it had shiny gem stones and she would always look at it in a shop window.
    One day her mother, Angela, secretly followed her through the mall, to see what she would like for her birthday. She saw her looking in the shop that sold the necklaces’ window.
    Right next to the necklace Monique wanted was a necklace with a single heart that was encrusted with expensive diamonds. Thinking this was the necklace Monique wanted, Angela bought it for her.
    Finally, when her birthday came, Angela presented her with her necklace. Monique was disappointed but didn’t show it so her mum didn’t feel bad. She didn’t really like it so she left it on her bed. She fell to sleep.
    When she woke up she saw that a few of the diamonds had fallen off the necklace. She didn’t think much of it. She carried on and walked downstairs. When she got there, everyone was having breakfast. She noticed that no-one had bothered to wake her up, tell her they’re having breakfast or even do so much as get her bowl out. She asked them what was up. They just told her they forgot.
    That day at school, nobody noticed her. She had to make a huge effort to speak to her friends or anybody else so she faked sick and went home early.
    The next day she woke up and almost all of the diamonds were missing. She went downstairs and none of her family new who she was. The same thing happened at school. She went to bed early. When she woke up she went downstairs and nobody even knew she was there. As hard as she screamed, nobody noticed her.
    She saw her friends walking to school so she joined them. She said, “hey!” but they didn’t answer and carried on talking. She tried to clap her hands to catch their attention but her hands flew straight through each other ….
    The shop keeper got it back and re-sold it because she knew that it was to die for…

  • Tom’s Dead grave

    Hi this is toms sister talking I am sorry but Tom had sadly passed away it was a dark stormy night and Tom had snuck out of his room at 2 am in the morning. He was going to the movies with his friends. The title of the movie they were about to see was called dead mans grave. It was a fearsome story about a,man who kills himself because his wife died n a terrible car accident. He haunts people who know the driver. ( seeing the driver just walking in the store street ect. Counts)
    Anyway there was only two tickets left but Tom ( and Jill knit were his other friends they were in a group of three) they decided who would watch first and second the movie was playing again after it already ran. So Tom decided to wait and watch the movie by himself. After the movie was over they couldn’t find Tom they looked for about a hour and gave up. They snuck back into there houses and went to sleep. The next day went smoothly. At Night Jill saw Tom he was very faded. He said they forgot to add the most important paper of the movie. That happens in the future. And I was the chosen one whe murders hi. Self and every one he comes in contact with. Guess what’s next Jill…

  • Maniac
    No…No…No…No… Now is not the time for questions. I must get my story out before the song ends.
    It was an august morning around 5:00, just after my cheer classes. My friend, Sarah invited me to her house for a party, so I dialed my mom’s number.
    No answer. “So? Yes or no?” I thought for a moment, and assumed my mom wouldn’t care, “Yeah, I guess so.” She climbed in her car, and I climbed in with her. After we had reached the house, and several other people appeared, we began to dance. There was one face in particular who caught my eye. He was very handsome. He had icy blue eyes, and silky blonde hair. He went up and popped in a disc. “Maniac.” After he pressed play, he looked at me, and began to dance. I had the time of my life, dancing to the same song, over and over. At around eight, I decided to head home. I said to Sarah, “I should go.” “Would you like a ride home?” “Sure.” so I hopped in her car again and we headed home. When we had reached home, I unlocked the door and opened it. “I’m ho-” my parents were dead on the ground in a puddle of blood. A sticky note was on the wall, ‘When the song runs out, so do you.’ and the same song we had listened to that whole night began. “She’s a maniaaaac maaaaaaniaac…” I freaked out, knowing that I couldn’t save myself. And now I sit, listening to the last sentence of the song. The last thing I saw was a pair of icy blue eyes.

    Feel free do edit this story, or correct anything, or send it back with suggestions. Hope to see it one the site, but It’s okay if It’s not.

  • Here is another story wrote by me Mizaki hope you like it
    The man next door
    Have you ever wondered who lives next door especially if your new to the neighborhood. Well once after my brother graduated college he told me the man that lived next door was creepy for once he WAS but a lot times he was fun. But to tell the truth the man…. wasn’t always fun as we thought. One thing was that when I came over to my brothers place 2 years ago like in the summer break we heard hammering and screaming next door. I thought he was watching a movie or something but it sounded so realistic. Thats when my brother got mad and went to complain and like 30 minutes later he came all scared and stuff. I asked him what happened and he told me no one was there and the door was unlocked. He tolled me he checked every room and nothing no furniture was there. The next day we went to the manager and asked if anyone live there and she told us no one. We told her about the man and the hammering and stuff and she just looked at us like WHAT. Then the manager told us some guy died there like 4 years ago while he was making a doll house for his daughter. My bro asked how he died like how and she was like after he made the doll house and gave it to his daughter she didn’t like it and threw it away thats when he killed himself with a hammer. Thats when my bro went up and packed all his stuff and told the manager he was leaving and never coming back ever. And to this day no one lived the place my brother live nor the place the man lived

  • You Better Watch Out. -By Brittany.

    Have any of you ever heard of Slender Man? Or have any of you ever played the game? If you have then you know what I mean when I say Slender Man, is freaking scary. I have thought a lot about telling my fellow writers, and and everyone else on this site who love horror and anything to do with it, my experience with Slender Man…..Here it goes.
    Well, at first I just thought that Slender Man was made up… Just a fictional character created to scare, but upon further research, my thoughts on the subject completely changed. The abnormal experiences all started roughly about a few months ago. My bestfriend Olivia will be mentioned.
    On late nights while walking Olivia home, (she lives right down the road from me) I would start to get an eerie feeling that I was being watched. And although the walk from my house to Olivia’s is only about three minutes….when I was on my way home from walking her home, three minutes, felt like forever. The feeling grew stronger when I was alone. I thought at first the feeling was just from the numerous horror movies we had been watching, or the fact the cop that worked the night shift was a creepy old guy who is always watching when we go on walks, bike rides, or explore around town at night. (usually around 10:00-12/1:00) When we finally ran out of horror movies and kind of just sat at my house on the computer or eating food, and I walked her home, I got the same feeling. (we also got a new cop, who was younger possibly in his 20’s) The feeling got worse, growing when I was walking on my own. So, late one night, I decided to go out on my own and walk. I just sat out in my backyard for like an hour, not planing to do anything, really just listening to music and deep in thought, I got the feeling. The same eerie feeling I was hoping to avoid. I didn’t think nothing of it, and I liked it out there. Cool, dark, and alone. Away from my family, away from the loud television, my sisters constant nagging, and the lights in the house that always seem to be on from daylight till dark. It was just peaceful. But, after awhile of just swinging on the old woofing swing by the ancient tree in my backyard, I decided to go on a walk. Not my usual walk to the park, or just up near the old hill were my cousins grandma lives. I went in the woods. Despite my mothers fears, and her always telling me about the “dangerous” wildlife. I mean, I’ve never thought of deer, snakes, and bears “dangerous”…Then again I’ve never been up close and personal with them. Who would want to? So, I went. I walk out of the gate, climb the the hill, and walked to the railroad tracks to the old trail that lead to the graveyard up in the woods. When I arrived I took a seat on the old wooden bench that had probably been up there for forty years. Nothing unusual happen to begin with. But after a while… I felt it again. This time greater than ever. I ignored it at first. Considering I was far in the woods and it was past midnight. (Your probably thinking I’m an idiot for going in the woods that late at night, and I am). After what seemed like forever up on that old bench, I ventured further into the woods. Near the old school building. The trail to the school was covered in weeds, and fallen trees. I went down it anyway. This is where my mother went to school. I would be going to this school today, if it wasn’t for my cousin and a bunch of his buddies getting drunk and burning it down. I had never been in the building without my mom, and I had never been in the building that late at night. But hey, there’s a first time for every thing…Right? So, I went along with my terrible idea and went inside.
    There was nothing interesting to me in there. Just mountains upon mountains of trash. Apearantly the rest of the town had turned into their personal giant trash can. I’m surprised the old building is still standing. It’s been abused by trash and old men and their beer bottles. I guess the fire didn’t do it’s job. While I was standing in the middle of trash heaven, something in my head told me to go investigate. I didn’t want to though, it was pitch black and I don’t have enough common sense to bring a flashlight. Of course, with me being me, I did it anyway. While searching through the trash mountains found nothing that I thought was worth having. Until after I was finished, I was ready to go home. On my way out I stumbled up on a flashlight, that had no business being there. I picked it up, amazed by what I had saw, although it was only an ordinary object. It wasn’t magic or anything. What I did with it was what any normal human being would’ve done. Even though no normal human being would be doing as I was. I turned it on. Unexpectedly, it worked! I didn’t find no need for it. I had traveled all the way without one, so I didn’t see the point of using one on the way back….but, I took it with me anyway. I didn’t think it would hurt to bring it along. Maybe it could come in handy….So with my new flashlight in my hand, I was on my way.

    As I was walking, when I had finally reached the graveyard, my tired legs couldn’t take no more. I took a break, and sat down on the old wooden bench. As I was setting and catching my breath I got the feeling again. This time topped every other time, it topped every scream during a horror movie, or the pounding of you’re heart after you wake up from a nightmare. That’s when I saw him. I didn’t no what to believe, let alone do. I just sat there, frozen in my seat. It felt as if all the blood had drained from my body. Paralyzed in fear, for what seemed like decades but was only for a matter of minutes, I absolutely could not believe my eyes. When suddenly, out of no where, Slender or what I would rather call the thing, VANISHED. It was gone. I got up and walked home slowly. Not looking behind me, fearing that what might be there may just be Slender man…following me. I focussed my eyes ahead of me not knowing what could be lurking behind any tree or what just might be hiding in the shadows. I went home, crept soundlessly through my back door, put on a pair of pajamas and climbed into my bed. And never spoke to anyone of my experience. Except for now… I warn all of you, be aware of your surroundings. Watch things closely, look behind every object. Make sure no one is watching you or following you. You never no what life can throw at you. The possibilities are endless. You better watch out.

    You. Have. Been. Warned. -Brittany.

  • Okay here goes nothing hope you like it (true story it really happened to my sister but this is a different version the actual one she got out just in time.) It was a Monday and I was walking home from school and, it was like 6:30. The reason it’s so late is that I’m in afterschool softball class. As I was walking home I felt like someone was following me and I thought it was my imagination because the street was empty and there were a lot of disserted houses in my neighborhood. I made sure I was walking quickly because it was getting dark like really dark. That’s when I tripped and I heard footsteps in the darkness. I twisted my ankle and now I Cant move unless someone helps me. The footsteps were louder now and faster too. I tried getting up but I was stuck with pain. Suddenly in the shadows I saw a figure a tall figure. He was wearing a hat and a dark coat. I couldn’t see his face but the moonlight was shinning and that was only source of light. I sat there watching and shivering from the cold. He didn’t move he was standing there watching me. It felt like forever until he actually moved toward me. I was horrified I thought he was going to hurt me that’s when I started moving away but it was too late he was right in front of me. I saw it, I saw his face! He had green eyes his nose was broken from I think a fist fight and he had blonde hair, and an evil grin. I stared in horror waiting for him to attack but nothing happened not until I made my move. My leg started moving again and then I somehow stood up and ran. He grabbed me by the arm but I kept pushing my way out. He grabbed me by the waist that’s when I knew I was goner but I kept kicking and squirming. I tried trashing and hitting more but I was too weak. That’s when I felt pain and blacked out…….5 days later I waked up in a hospital room. My sister Mizaki was sitting in the corner sleeping. As I looked around I saw coat hanger, that’s when the same coat and hat “he” was wearing. Suddenly the door opened and I saw a young man with blonde hair and green eyes with a suit on looking at me. I knew it was him I tried screaming but he grabbed me by the mouth telling me “I wont hurt unless your quiet sweet dreams.”BLACK OUT… ”Ahhhhhhhhhh!” I woken up with a start… it was a dream a dream but when I moved I felt a pain and felt my waist and there was 2 scars on my waist.

  • Jason
    One day I was playing on my wii with my friend, Jessica. We were looking at all of my miis when all of a sudden I saw one I didn’t recgognize, so I clicked on it. It said the name was Jason and it didn’t say the creator. It looked like it had a hockey mask on and it was really creepy so I deleted it. A few days later I went into my kitchen in the middle of the night because I was hungry and I screamed. On the wall I saw the words “You shouldn’t of deleted me, Mary!” in blood. My parents came down to see what happened but they said there was nothing on the wall. I was the only one that could see it! I fear that Jason is coming for me soon. I can’t sleep anymore. I’m sitting in my bedroom right now waiting for him. There is something rustling in the closet right now. The door is opening up……. Goodbye.

  • Put A Smile On

    Their plans were simple enough leave on the last train downtown so that they wouldn’t have to deal with a crowd. However Kirsten’s stupid boyfriend Clayton held hem up by breaking down after picking Matt and Chris. They’d be lucky if they got downtown to celebrate New Years at all. They were in such a hurry that they didn’t see the news about the escaped lunatic who was in that area and the New Years celebration was cancelled for safety reasons. He liked to dress up as a clown and cut his victims mouth from ear to ear as if they’re smiling.

    They got to the train station parked, got out, and began walking inside. THey thought they heard someone behind them. They checked and no one was there. They went through the doors and through the tunnel. They swore they heard it this time. Again, nothing.. It must have been echoing footsteps. As they got they heard someone jump off and go through the bushes. NOw the girls were a bit scared. They payed for a ticket and saw the train waiting for them. Not a soul was on.

    The train doors closed and it started going real fast. Kirsten and Clayton went to the conductor’s booth to tell him to slow down. They went through at least 4 or 5 cars and finally reached the booth. They opened to see the conductor on the floor his mouth slit from ear to ear like he was smiling. Then the one in the conductor’s seat turned and revealed himself. He was was wearing a clown mask with orange hair. He had a yellow suit with polka dots and big clown shoes like Ronald Mcdonald. Kirsten and Clayton tried to run but he cut the power so the door wouldn’t open trapping them inside.

    The others were rfeaked about the power going as they had just entered a tunnel. They used the emergency power to open the doors and go see what happened to Kirsten and Clayton. Chris and Dana saw a man sittng on a seat reading a newspaper and stopped to talk to him. He looked up to reveal and slit Dana’s throat with a knife then stabbed Chris with it. He slit their mouths from ear to ear to look like they were smiling then he went to the next car where Matt and Cindy where.

    Matt and Cindy went into the conductor’s booth and gasped in horrror at what they saw. Kirsten, Clayton, and the conductor were all dead their mouths slit from ear to ear like they were smiling. They ran out of the booth forcing it open with the emergency power. They saw a tall figure dressed in a clown suit heading up the isle. Matt tried to fight him off but got stabbed and he too had his mouth slit from ear ear like he was smiling. This left Cindy helpless as he came for her…

  • The lady in white:-
    I recently moved to a new house everything was great untill last week when i started hearing noisesbut when i check there’s no one there the noises are always coming from the bathroom yesterday i came back from college i was so tired so i decided to take a shower as i was showring i heard someone opend the door i looked but there was no one there i finished showring so i started brushing my hair infront of the bathroom mirror thats when i saw a pale woman with a white dress i was so scared i ran out of the bathroom i thought about it i told myself it was just my imagination so a few days later i forgot about it untill one night i was sleeping i woke up to a scream i saw the lady in the white dress but her dress was dripping blood out of it i was so scared i didn’t dare yo move untill it vanished i didn’t sleep all night i was thinking about it so at the morning i decided to do ome research about the house so i headed to the library i found out that before i moved to the house there was a murder and the lady in the white dress died there her name was jessica and the guy who murderd her wasn’t capturd yet i was so scared thats’s when i knew that the lady in white was just trying to help me i ran to my house as fast as i can i packed all my stuff thats when all the lights in the house went off and i could sense that there was someone in the house someone hit me in the back of my head so i fell when i woke up i was tied in a chair in the bathroom so that no one could hear me screaming thats when the police arrived they catched the killer and put him in prison i asked the police “who called you” they replayed ” you called us” thats when i knew the woman in the wite dress was the one who called them. Sorry if it was tall :)

  • I knew it was the end for me. I was running from my awful past. Every where I would go my past would haunt me. What have I done to deserve this? I have been a good girl right? I only killed her because she stole my precious book. It felt good at the moment to kill her. After I saw what I have done I threw her in the lake next to my house. I felt pure evil and gained power from a dead person. I felt I had superpowers. I had this strange dream in the morning. I was walking with my two friends then suddenly a stranger was following us. I shouted and screamed to leave us. But he kept on following us like I didn’t scream out to him. Then I had the courage to take out a knife out of nowhere and try to aim at his face. I missed then again I strike then I cut half of his face and all the blood was on my clothes. I woke up panting.The next day my dream came true. I loved killing people. That was the truth. My next victim was my cousin. I got sick of her making fun of me. So I grabbed the scissors from the kitchen counter and stabbed her in the stomach. Got rid if her! I quickly cleaned up the place and threw her in the forest for the bugs to eat her. I felt myself going insane. I couldn’t control myself. I was becoming Mr.Hyde. OH how I loved being Mr. Hyde. The next day I killed my mom and Stepdad. I didn’t get what I wanted so got rid of them. I chopped their heads off and threw their bodies in the cellar. I Love Killing! I cracked my neck.It felt good. I cleaned the whole house and made some coffee. Ah it felt good not to hear a sound.What’s next? The dog was barking scared. Killed him. My youngest brother came from the door suffocated him. That was child play. Cool. My boyfriend knocked on the door. I invited him in and made some coffee. He looked around. ”Sally, what is going on?” I giggled. ”Nothing. It’s that it’s quiet.” He looked around. No one was here. ”Where’s everybody?” I looked strange at him. ”Why? Aren’t I enough? I almost shouted.”What’s wrong with you?” I smiled an evil laugh. ”You ask too much questions. It’s time for you to die. He looked at me in horror. I bent down to his neck and bit off. He died like a loser. But when I looked at myself I knew what I saw. A monster from hell. I looked hideous. I drowned myself in the bath and wrote a note to my sister telling her what I have done. But I wasn’t really sorry for the deaths of my loved ones. THE END.
    I hope you guys liked it. It’s my first story.

  • A Night I’ll Never Forget
    -By -GhostGirl-
    “This is it,” I informed myself, as the dark figure that haunted my soul emerge from the bushes. I clasped my hands against my chest, feeling the intensity of my heartbeats as they increased in tempo. A cold chill crawled up my spine and I could inhale the aroma of death.

    It was a dark, stormy night and I had just returned home from a Friday evening’s lessons. As I alighted a bus on my street corner, I’d noticed that it was drizzling so I quickly pushed and shoved myself through other passengers that got off spontaneously and sprinted up Duke’s street.

    Thunder echoed like gunshots in the air, as swift winds circulated the atmosphere. I could hear my neighbor’s dog’s howling at the detrimental weather conditions. As I arrived at the gate of my house, immediately something did not feel right. I suddenly felt a huge lump in my throat so I swallowed hard as I pushed open an unlocked gate.

    As it creaked open, I frantically passed the back of my palm across my forehead, catching a few drops of perspiration and slowly walked into the yard. Suddenly heavy rains pelted from the dark, foggy sky above, pounding the earth with sheer vengeance and splashing all over me. I jerked forward and staggered through slimy moss, getting my newly bought blazers all damp and soiled by the mud. As I shut up a flight of wooden, dilapidated steps and plunged at the doorknob, to my utter disbelief it was locked.

    Disappointment swallowed over me as disapproval colored my facial expression. I carefully descended the staircase and circle around to the back of the house. As I passed slowly along the stoned wall at the back of my house, two things occurred simultaneously. As a loud thunder exploded in the sky, I glanced in a bush ahead of me and saw a sudden moment of a shadow. I began to hyperventilate and suddenly felt the earth moving beneath me. I rushed indoors, forgetting to lock it behind me and started looking for telephone. Without hesitation I dialed the only number that I felt could save my life in a jiffy, the police. I rapidly muttered my name, location and current situation into the receiver as I passed to-and-fro unsteadily.

    As soon as the line went dead, desperation and inflated fear engulfed my mood and a sudden shriek of panic electrocuted my insides, and I was on the verge of throwing up when the backdoor squeaked open.

    I froze like a statue in a museum, unsure whether I should scream or make a run for it. I gave up until the next minute and sprinted through the front door that could have been easily opened from the inside. I raced through the rains, not caring if I were soaked entirely or not, and slipped in the mud, landing on my bottom in the greasy mud.

    As I struggled to my feet, glancing ahead toward the bushes, I saw the dark figure approaching. I held up my hands in defense and inwardly prepared to die. As I stared at the dark figure, my eyes began to water; and before I could withdraw, a well of water came pouring out of my eyes, gushing thickly down my hot, red cheeks. I began to shiver as my heart throbbed against my rib cage, like African drums in my chest.

    “Aalayah!” The stranger called. I squinted through the rain, trying to see the figure’s face. “David!” I exclaimed, running into his arms. “You are so freaking cute when you’re scared.”

    He purred in my ears. “That’s not funny.”
    “I’m sorry.”
    “Look at you, all dressed up in a black raincoat. Why did you make me call the police?”

    I searched for his eyes, and there they were; his emerald green, glassy, glittering eyes were the most beautiful thing I ever saw.
    “I planned the whole thing,” he smirked, “I had my dad answer the phone at the police station, once you called. They diverted your call directly to the main station, where he works.”
    “Nice, your dad’s a cop.”

    I was so relieved; it wasn’t funny. My awfully, sweet boyfriend played a mean prank on me, but I wasn’t going down so easily. I was going to plot my revenge. Avenge him, was exactly what I am going to do!

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