Scary For Kids


  • Josh Ramsey

    For years now there have been rumors about a ghost at my school named Josh Ramsey. It all started like any school ghost story. With a kid who has no friends and Josh happened to be that kid. Because Josh got picked on he helped are janitor. His name was mr. McDonald. One day Josh went down stairs to bring down some boxes, the janitor followed him down there. People say that only the janitor came up. The body would probably still be there but we can’t check we are not allowed. All the janitors have to keep josh’s body a secret. After that we got a janitor named mr. Whoducky and the funny thing is he quit and we got a janitor again named mr. McDonald who even admits to working at our school before. Mr. McDonald even got in trouble for having janitor Helpers. Is it the old janitor checking in on Josh? Maybe. The most scary part of this whole story is that it is completely true and we had a grade 8 t our school 3 yrs ago named Josh Ramsey

  • The Haunted Tape by vancityswaag

    “Calm down, Sarah!” said Cam. “It’s nothing scary. It’s just a haunted tape. It’s not even real. You can’t die from a tape.”

    “Are you sure, Cam? Haven’t you heard of the Vancouver Tape Murder?” Sarah screamed.

    walking down Robson St. with bags from American Eagle,

    “The Vancouver Tape Murder?” Cam exclaimed. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Sarah, you’re so stupid! I can’t believe we’re related! It’s just a damn tape. It’s not even scary.”

    “Okay fine, you win,” Sarah sadly replied. “We get to watch it. As long as Bucky, Tyler, Jessica, and Marisa get to come along.”

    Cam nodded, not even looking back at her.

    A few minutes later, they arrived at the video store.

    “Here we are, Sarah.” said Cam. “You can go call Bucky, Tyler, Marisa, and Jessica to meet us at our house. I’ll look for the tape.”

    Sarah nervously slid open her iPhone and scrolled down to Bucky’s name.
    “B-B-Bucky?” she said, stuttering.

    “Yeah? What’s wrong?” he asked with shock.

    “It’s nothing, just meet me at my house in 20. Bring Ty-Ty, Marisa, and Jess along.” she replied.

    “Okay. See you soon.”

    She then hung up, not even replying to Bucky.

    “Cam! Where are you?” she said, roaming the video store’s eerie aisles.

    “I’m right here, in the horror section.”

    She ran to him, and scanned the movie selections.

    “Where is that tape?” he yelled.

    A clerk came up to him and gave him the tape. The clerk did not seem normal. She had thin grey hair, but she looked about 23.

    How could she be aging that fast? Sarah thought to herself.

    The clerk gave Sarah a big smile. Sarah noticed her vampire-like teeth.
    “Oh my God, Cam. Rent the tape and let’s get out of here!”

    Cam laughed at her, told her not to worry. He payed for the video rental and they left. It was around 7:30, and it was dark already. The mid-November air hit them like a wave.

    “That felt really good,” Sarah smiled. “It really cheered me up.”

    She took her phone out of her pocket, and realized she had a text message. She couldn’t see properly because she had forgotten to put her contacts in.

    “Cam, will you read this text for me?” she asked.

    Cam gasped. “Sarah, It says… WE R AT UR HOUSE WHERE R U? TY IS FREEZING.”

    Sarah grabbed her phone and gave Cam a friendly punch. “Ergh. I swear sometimes I hate you to bits. But you’re my brother.”

    “Aha, I know.” he winked at her. “For now, don’t hate me, let’s run! We’re only 2 minutes away from our house!”

    They ran until they reached their house.

    “Bucky! We’re here!” they shouted.

    Bucky ran up to Sarah and gave her a big hug and kissed her on the forehead.

    “Maybe now you’ll tell me what’s wrong,” he said.

    “Cam bought a ‘haunted’ tape and we’re watching it,” she sighed. “I seriously want to crawl up and die.”

    He looked at her like she was crazy. “Let’s go inside,” he mumbled.

    Cam was by the TV, putting the tape in. Soon, everybody was sitting on the couch. The tape started on the Golden Gate Bridge, it was a young woman, hanging a rope.

    The cameraman asked “what are you doing?”

    The woman didn’t reply.

    “Can you even hear me?” said the cameraman, but she still didn’t reply.

    “Turn around!” he said.

    The woman turned around and her throat was sliced open. She held her bleeding neck and said “I wanted to hang myself so I can get away from the pain!”

    Then, she looked straight at the camera, and gave the scariest look. Suddenly, her tongue darted out as if she were a snake. Her eyes were bloodshot and huge.

    “After seeing this tape, there is no going back. You will receive a phone call 2 minutes after you watch this tape. I will be talking to you. I will be counting your days. I will kill you.”

    Sarah screamed, “NO!” as she jumped up and ran to the TV. She ejected the haunted tape and started crying. Just then, Sarah’s phone started ringing.

    She answered it and said “H-h-hello?”

    A crackling voice on the other end ominously intoned, “I told you I would call you. From this point on, there is NO going back. Seven days, my love. Seven days.”

    Sarah screamed and threw her phone to the ground. “What am I going to do?” she cried. “This can’t be happening to me!”

    After that, Bucky’s phone rang. “Hello?” he said.

    “Seven days. You’re leaving with Sarah.” said the eery voice. “YOU’RE GOING FIRST!”

    “Screw you.” he replied.

    Tyler shot him a don’t-make-the-ghost-mad look. The rest of them were all creeped out. They got phonecalls too but the voice said one year for them.

    “Oh God, why us?” Tyler moaned.

    Five days later, Sarah, Cam, Tyler, Jessica and Marisa went to visit Bucky. Marisa sat down at the end of his bed.

    “Bucky, tell us what happened after the phone call,” Marisa said tearfully.

    “Well, on the first day, I was walking down the street and some guys jumped me and stole $100 dollars. The second day, I tripped and got this gash in my leg.”

    He pulled up his pant leg, revealing a huge wound.

    “Oh my God, Bucky,” Sarah said, crying.

    “It’s nothing,” he replied. “Anyways, the third day, my dog went missing and we found him dead with a note on him saying “I killed your dog. Now you and Sarah are left. Four days.” I booked it out of there, my mom was puzzled. I just ran until I couldn’t breathe. The fourth day, I found out that my dad’s in a life-or-death condition in France.. and today, I got death threats from people I didn’t know.”

    Sarah stood there, mouth wide open. “That’s.. exactly what happened to me.. Except they killed my cat, Stan, and the note said “I killed your cat, now you and Bucky are left. Four days, my love.” I honestly couldn’t breathe..”

    Bucky just sat there on his bed, his eyes felt tired, and the next thing he knew his eyes were shut.

    Two days later, Sarah was writing a goodbye note.

    “Goodbye world. Goodbye mum and dad. Goodbye Cam. I love you all. Goodbye Tyler. Goodbye Jess. Goodbye Marisa. Goodbye everybody.”

    She turned to Bucky. “I can’t do this,” she said. “I don’t want to die.”

    He didn’t say anything. He didn’t even move.

    “Bucky..?” She walked over to him and turned him over. There, she saw in shock that his neck was sliced open. There was a note attached to his forehead.

    It read: “Don’t look behind you. One second, my love.”

    Before she knew it, she lay lifeless on the floor.

  • This is a true story. Whatever I’m going to tell you are true events. This all has really happened. In year 1958, a few years after seperation of India and Pakistan, there was many many forests in Pakistan. Now my grandma also moved to Pakistan and there she got a nice little cottage in the middle of a forst. Her cottage was the only house in whole place and the nearest houses were at least 2 miles away. Now my grandma loved her house very much. She lived there by herself. But nobody came to visit her. At first, all her friends came but eventually everyone stopped seeing her. They claimed they could see headless ghosts sitting on the trees and as they would walk by, the headless ghosts would chase them. My grandma didn’t believe them at all nor did she ever see anything like it. But one man even fainted in front of my grandma’s house. When he woke up, he had gone crazy and he screamed and cried that there were headless people peeking through the windows. Time passed. People completely stopped meeting my grandma. Some started spreading rumours that it was my grandma who summoned the headless ghosts. My grandma eventually got married, had a family, and moved away. The forests were cut down as time passed. My grandma used to tell me these events and I loved hearing them. Then came a time when my grandma lost her leg. She had become so old and fragile that she had to change her home. So she said goodbye to us. Her stuff was packed and she left. I watched as the truck with the stuff left. And I went back home. The house was a mess. There were boxes, shoppers, dust and junk everywhere. As I was cleaning up, I noticed something peculiar. It was book…..of black magic. I flipped the pages. It showed how to talk to spirits, or curse someone and other stuff. But one page really caught my eye. It showed how to summon headless people. And then I knew that those rumours were, infact, true…. (Plz can anyone read my story? It’s true and scaryforkids, COME ON! READ IT)

  • Story time, yay! The title is “Arachnophobia”:

    I’ve always had a fear of spiders but never like this.
    It started when I was going to sleep and I took the covers off and I saw a spider with long legs. I was frozen in my spot. I shout “DAD! There’s a spider on my bed!” He came in and took the spider out of my room. I couldn’t move; I just stayed there looking at the spot where the spider had been.
    I slept with my parents that night.
    The next night I changed everything on my bed; the sheets, the pillow cover, even my blankets. Even after doing all that, I repeated to myself “No more spiders, no more spiders, no more spiders.” until I fell asleep. My dreams were filled with horrible looking spiders and acromantulas.
    I told my parents about my night and they said that I could sleep with them again that night. I felt so happy but nope, even though I feel safe with my parents, I still had nightmares of spiders. Every night was the same.
    Every single night was the same. But I never thought that my nightmares would haunt me in daylight. I started to see spiders everywhere I would go. In school, at home, in the museum, in the bathroom, in my food, on my clothes, in my hair, just everywhere.
    I would scream from fear at sight of all of those spiders. And every time my dad or a teacher would come, they couldn’t see them. I would point exactly where they were but they would say that they didn’t see anything.
    My parents would send me to see a psychiatrist after school but it was pointless, the spiders were still there, looking at me, following me everywhere. The psychiatrist sent me some medications and I was healed but only for a while.
    It was driving me mad, just mentioning the word spider would make me cry of fear. So that’s when my parents sent me to this nice big white place. It’s quiet but nice.
    The first days were horrible but now I’m much calmer. I stopped seeing spiders and dreaming about them now. I’m just so happy. And tomorrow I get to go home again, yay! Wait, why is there something in the corner of my room? Its coming closer and there’s much more of them… oh my god, no, no, NO!!!
    Thank you for reading and to tell you the truth, I really do hate spiders.

  • The well.
    I got up dressed my self and headed out the door ready to go to my friends house her name is chelsea. When I got there I felt that something was wrong my tummy churned and some thing dropped to the bottom of it. Then came Chelsea she looked a bit nervous. I was going to ask her what’s wrong but it seems like she read my mind!it’s my basement there’s a deep dark well in it. I froze in terror. w w what about the well?I stammered. Suddenly I had a vision a drunk mother dragging her child to the well before she was plunged in she took the mums most pride possession her rag doll. Then Chelsea said the exact same thing!me and my brother found a toy down the well she added.was it by any chance a doll with a pink dress green headband and a yellow lunchbox? Her body stopped moving she had a look of terror spread across her face. Yes! Just then we heard a dragging noise coming closer and closer. Then the women came in. She dragged us to the well and we plunged into our death it was the end of our childhood the end of our journey. But that’s not the end…YOUR NEXT!!!!!ha ha ha…
    (Did u like my story?)

  • Here’s my story. And yes, I’m a girl.
    Title: I had a doll

    I once had a doll
    I named her Jill
    I found her at the store
    At the top of the hill.

    But she was not
    An ordinary doll.
    I kept her in
    That chair in the hall.
    Ready to throw
    That spiky metal ball.

    She could talk
    I was stalked
    One time she even killed.

    One night
    It was a fright
    I heard a haunting cheer.
    It was in the mirror
    Was Jill
    With a knife
    I should run for my life.

    But it was too late
    Its Jill I really hate
    She grabbed her knife
    And there goes my life

    I was found dead the next day
    And mom was about to say:
    “No way!”
    But she was wrong.
    Jill had got me.
    She went to the attic
    Happy with glee
    But all of a sudden
    She had to pee.

    Lol like the twist ending? :D

  • I’m hiding.

    Lola was walking home from school one day when she tripped over. Her dress blew up, showing her knickers. Hoping no one noticed, she quickly stood up and hurried to her house.
    When she got home, she realised she lost one of her earrings. She told this to her mom and went searching for it. She got to the place where she tripped over and started sniffing like a dog for her earring. She came across a dried pool of blood.
    “Weird.” She thought. Then she told herself that it was her blood when she fell. Forgetting about her earring, she walked home. But she was rudely interrupted when she heard a noise amongst the bushes. Not wanting to get herself into any bother, she carried on walking.
    “I’m hiding. Can you find me?” A child like voice whispered into her ear. Trying to block out her fears, she immediatley told herself that it was just two children playing with eachother. Eventually, she arrived back home. Once she got dressed, she had her favourite dinner; mash and gravy. She poured the gravy over her mash and as she was about to eat, she saw that the gravy formed some words.
    I’m hiding. Can you find me?
    Lola told her mom.
    “It’s just your imagination. Now eat up, or it’ll get cold.”
    “Can I sleep with you tonight?” She said.
    Reluctantly, her mother agreed.
    That night, her and her mother slept together. During her dreams, she dreamt of her walking through an endless path, everything shaping the words I’m hiding. Can you find me?
    She forced herself to wake up and when she did, she saw her mom was missing. She got up and walked to the kitchen. She couldn’t see her mother. Her fear got the better of her and she ran to her neighbours house. Lola was greeted by her friend, Dani. They both watched T.V together until Dani said she needed the toilet. Lola sat on the couch and waited.

    It had been 15 minutes and Dani still didn’t leave the toilet. She switched channels but everything was black. After a few seconds, she saw some words on the screen.
    I’m hiding. Can you find me? Then it showed a picture of Dani, her mouth wide open, and a deafning scream. Lola got so scared and she desperatly ran out of the house. The door was locked. She heard the bathroom door open. She heard footsteps. She couldn’t turn around. She froze with fear.
    “I’m hiding. Can you find me?” Lola turned around and saw her mother. She disappeared and out came a n old woman.
    “You found me. THATS NOT FAIR!” Lola screamed but nobody heard her. Soon her body was nothing but dust, and on top, lay two earrings.

  • Hi,here is a story I made…I’m just new here so this is just the first story i made so it’s okay if you don’t post it here….
    A Ghost Relative Following Me:Part 1
    Blair,a 13 year old girl was walking home from school.It was almost 6:10.On her way,she only saw a few people.Suddenly,
    she heard a sound behind,it was like she heard footsteps following her path.She turned around and the sound stopped.
    There was no one there.She continued walking until she reached home.Her sisters,Sidney and Karyn, were already there.Looks like they were riding a taxi to get here.When Blair was about to close the door,the door closed itself!
    The wind wasn’t strong,it was very weak.She was weirded out.She went upstairs to her room and changed her clothes.After that,she went downstairs to the living room.
    Her Mom and Dad were there watching T.V.She sat on the couch and joined them.The T.V was showing the news that happened tonight.A woman had just died in a car accident.
    The driver of the car was a woman named “Lindsay Larsen”.
    “That’s Aunt Lindsay!” Blair gasped.Her Aunt Lindsay was always mean to her,She always blamed Blair for everything.
    She also lives in the same neighborhood as Blair.Blair was now scared,”I hope she doesn’t become a ghost that will come to my house and kill me…” Blair thought.

    Sorry,but this is just Part 1,don’t worry because I will
    be writing Part 2 next time…

  • @BabyFreaks: Ive seen both of your stories before, but i dont recall where. If you have more on the comments, i didnt see. but just be original dont copy. i apologize if i offended you.
    @horror4everything your story about the doll, i read it on this site before. and one other site. i hate being a snitch im sooo srry but ur story wish upon a devil is on youtube and google under scariest story ever. did u put it there or copy sorrrrry
    @BLOODYMARYBLOODYMARYBLOODYMARY: i like your story humans can lick too but ive seen it before anyway, your a good writer!
    @raesayhey @IMINLOVEWITHSCARYSTORIES: i like your stories, but both are similar to another one on this site. lol p.s i love everyones stories! keep writing!

  • Middle School
    Six kids at my school has gone missing and i play innocent with the fear in my eyes and my mouth gaped open when the teacher announces another child has disappeared.Them not knowing they are hanging by they’re hair still alive in my basement.They don’t suspect me due to my eerie quietness.Today in class as everyone works i choose my next victim.i decide to go on a limb and do this at school because i cant help the fact that i love to torture people.So i follow Sarai Arriaga to the restroom.As she walks to the stall i grab he by the head then hit it against the porcelain sink.She is instantly knocked out.Then i take a plunger left in there by the janitor and place it against the chest and get a good suction then plunge until here chest has popped open.then i turn her body over and take out my knife and slice it straight down her back the i pry her rib cage open from the back and pull out her heart with my bare hands.then i bite it.but what i didn’t know was her blood was AIDS positive and i died due to the infected blood.but before i died i swore to kill as many people as i can in a i carry around my knife from bathroom to bathroom across the world picking my victims.and you could be next.

  • Hi there, SFK. This is a scary poem I wrote. It’s called “Mental Institution.” It’s about a girl murdered a whole family and is now in a sanitarium.
    (Note: I am not the narrator.)

    “Mental Institution.”
    By: xFenrirWolfsbanePotterx
    Sitting in my own world,
    Don’t enter if you wish to see tomorrow.
    Locked in thought,
    Drowning in sorrow.

    Have I had stopped myself,
    I wouldn’t be here.
    Maybe I could’ve stayed home,
    And overcome my fear.

    I just that I wanted to,
    Not that I needed.
    I took the knife and stabbed right through,
    I know that I succeeded.

    Now that I can’t harm anyone,
    I feel quite alone.
    I can’t get anyone to help me out,
    For I can’t find a phone.

    I’ve been trying to escape,
    Thrashing, pounding, crying.
    Maybe I should’ve been honest,
    Instead of lying.

    What did I think?
    Did I think I’d get away?
    Was I not aware,
    Of the prices I’d pay?

    I hate myself for this,
    I’m stuck, there’s no solution!
    I can’t believe I got myself,
    In a mental institution.

  • Choke Bear
    One day a little girl named Julie bought a bear from a gypsy.She told the little girl to be careful but, she ignored.When she got home she showed her mother the bear, her mother thought the bear was wonderful.That night Julie went to bed with the bear wrapped in her arms.Around the middle of the night Julie woke up to discover the bear on the oppisite side of the room.The vear stared at her and then it moved slowly.Julie was too terrified to move.The bear was at the side of her bed and it spoke “Julie we are going to be together forever”.Julie spoke and said “Of….Course we are”.Then the bear stopped moving and went limp and fell on the floor.Julie went to bed againt hinking she just imagined it.After many years the bear became torn and ripped but, Julies mother always fixed it.One day when Julie was 14 she found the bear in a box.She looked at it and put it with all her other things.But, after that Julie again forgot all about the bear.She had a dog who buried the bear.One day Julie was driving home and she saw a small figure in the rode and thought it was a dog and she hot a tree.The next day police discovered Julie she had died on impact.But, that wasn’t the only ting they found .They also found Julies bear and it had a paper attached to it and it said “Now we are together FOREVER”.

    I am not a very good writer.And I know about the spelling mistakes.I apoligize but, I hope yo0u like it.
    my story is actually called together forever sorry for the wrong title

  • My story is something that actually happend at my house. I’m sorry if it doesn’t sound good, i’m new at this. So, here it is. It is called “The Lady Ghost”
    Just a month or two ago, after picking me up for school and taking me home, my dad asked if i had gotten up to go to the bathroom late the night before. I told him no.He then told the family this story. He said that it was about 1am and he was just drifting off to sleep. The bedroom door was cracked open. He said that he suddenly saw a women figure peek into the room, coming from my room. Passing it off as me getting up to go to the bathroom, he went to sleep.
    After hearing this, the whole family was a little wierded out. It couldn`t have been my other sister who shares a room, seeing she is only one years old. And of course it couldn’t have been my brother, since my dad saw a women, and my brothers room is opposite from mine. It also came out of my room.
    My sister wakes in her crib every night screaming, and will not sleep in her crib. We find this strange because she sleeps in my room, where the lady ghost came out of. Just recently, my aunt came up to visit. she wanted a tour of the house. when i took her in my brothers room, she noticed the opening between mine and my brothers room.(my dad had cut squares in our closet large enough so we could crawl through when we were little.) The opening is up high with a board and drywall under it, so she peeked in and asked me if my mother was in my room then she ran to my room to checkcompletely serious. i felt a tingle up my spine . i told her no, and asked why. she said she saw a lady peeking through. S

  • Heres my story!! Hope you like (btw not good at writing so
    please be nice)

    You See The Problem
    One day there was a girl name Rose.She went to the park to play.When she got to the park there was a little girl sitting on a bench staring at her.The little girl was very pale and she had black hair.Rose walked up to the little girl and said “hi,what your name”?The girl stared at her and said nothing.”Hello, what is your name”? Rose said again.The little girl looked down and said nothing.Rose walked away thinking about why the little girl wouldn’t answer.The next day rose went to the park again.The little girl was sitting on the bench again.Rose got up close to her and to her horror the little girl had no eyes.Rose screamed really loud and then she vanished and so did the little girl.The next day the police officers found her mangled body and in blood next to her it said YOU SEE THE PROBLEM.

  • Ghost in the ally. There is said to be an ally witch is haunted by the ghost of Alice. A girl who was murdered there at night. people avoid that ally at night but some people don’t believe that there’s a ghost and once they enter they never come back! One night a gang was partying in that ally when they heard foot steps!…..then came thiy the most horrid man ever and he said he heard a faint screaming noise!everything was quite everyone was in an akward silence. Then he walked away a smirk on his face and his evil laugh was all that was heard until… They heard a earpeircing scream. They ran outside the ally to see thiy lying there his throught slit blood dripping down drip drip. Then they saw it the girl alice licking a knife her develish smirk burning the boys eyes then her eyes fixed on one of the boys neck then she vanished. The boy moved to a different city his memory full of that horrible moment…

  • Don’t answer the door

    Kelly was 12 years old and very sensible. Her mom and step dad trusted her to be by herself when they went on their honeymoon. The moment they closed the front door behind them, Kelly ran up to the phone and called her best friends, Katie and Amy.

    When her friends arrived, they phoned the pizza place for some pizza. Then, they all threw themselves on the couch and watched a movie. About 10 minutes later, the door bell rang. Hungry for some food, Katie and Kelly dashed to the door and opened it. There was a woman in white, standing there. She had a silver badge that said Erica and she was holding a pizza box.

    “Your food, girls.” She said, handing the box to Kelly.
    “Freak!” Katie mumbled as she left. She and Kelly laughed and they closed the door and went back to the living room to eat the pizza.

    An hour later, Katie was fast asleep. Kelly and Amy heard the door bell ring and they both ran to get it. There was Erica. But this time, she was wearing white with little red circles.
    “I got fired.” She said. “Can I stay here for the night?” Kelly was clever and she knew not to let strangers into the house. “No. Sorry!” She said as she shut the door.

    Another hour later, Amy was also asleep. Kelly was the only one awake. Then she heard the door bell ring. Now she was getting angry. Who would be at the door at this time of night? She stomped to the window but saw no one there. But when she opened the door, Erica was there, this time wearing clothes that were covered in red.
    “I’m so cold. Please let me in!” She whimpered.
    “NOOOOOOOOO!” Kelly shrieked and she slammed the door in her face. She charged to living room and tried to fall asleep.

    The next day, Kelly’s mom and step dad arrived home. The house was silent. they went to the living room and smiled. All three of the girls were sleeping like angels on the carpeted floor. Her mother attempted to wake Kelly up.
    “Kelly! Wake up!” She said gently, as she nudged her back. Then she heard the door bell ring. She turned around and gave a puzzling look to her husband’s eyes. When she opened the door, Erica was there. Now her whole body was soaked in scarlett red.
    “Your children should learn to be kinder to other people!” Erica said, inviting herself inside the house. She pushed each child so their face was pointing to the ceiling. The husband and wife ran to the kids, lying lifelessly on the floor. Kelly’s mother held Katie’s hand. There were loads of cuts on her arms but no blood. There was no blood inside any of them. Then she looked at Erica, who was standing there, smiling. Kelly’s step dad walked up to her and touched her clothes, his finger was smothered in sparkling blood. His face went pale as he turned around. And then, almost within an instant, Erica laughed as she disappeared.

  • This is a story that I wrote but in a different way that I usually write. It really doesn’t have a title:
    Rin had a strange fear; every house she would go in she would check every single closet. She thought that there might be someone hiding in there. Her parents would always tell her that there’s no one who hides in closets. She didn’t care, she would always check.
    One day, her best friend Jessie invited her to her sleepover with all their friends; she obviously said yes.
    That night at her friends, Jessie’s parents left for a while. Taking advantage of this, they started to play scary games like Bloody Mary, Candyman, Cat scratch and other stuff like that. Rin was having so much fun that she forgot to check the closet.
    When they finished playing, they decided to go to sleep. Rin heard something but she wasn’t sure what it was. Daniela, another friend of hers, said that it was nothing so they all fell asleep.
    When Jessie’s parents came home later that night, they didn’t her the girls talking or laughing. They must be sleeping, they thought and then they also fell asleep.
    The next morning, Jessie’s mom went to the room where the girls were and saw that someone had pulled out their eyes and carved smiles on their faces. She screamed and told her husband to call the police.
    When the police came, they had found a note with a message written on it. It said “Always check your closet for monsters.”
    Sorry if its bad, I’m not that good at writing like this.

  • Dreams
    I started having these dreams from the past few weeks. The first dream I saw was a car accident, which had occurred quite near my house. I woke up from it and thought it was just another bad dream. But soon I realized it was not.
    That afternoon, while I was coming back from the grocery store I saw the car accident happen right before my eyes. It was the same as my dream, every little detail.
    That day I couldn’t concentrate at all in anything. The dream just kept flashing before my eyes. The days passed and the memory of the dream faded. However just as I was forgetting it, one night I saw another dream. This time it was a robbery, but in a different country, the next morning there was news of the same in the paper.
    This time I was quite freaked but couldn’t accept the fact that it was just mere coincidence. But soon I found out it was not just coincidence. The next dream I saw was the death of my grandfather. And it happened. I was very sad. After that I had many a dreams all of which came true.
    Now it is 3am in the morning and I just woke up from one of my dreams. I am writing this down before anything happens to me. Because the dream that I saw was, a person probably a burglar breaking into my house and killing me.
    Please comment!

  • And this is my second story hope you like it and can be published in this site. Summer Tragedy:It was summer holiday, Saki and her friends decided to watch movies at the cinema. They made a promise to met at the Town Hall first. Saki was very exited about this.

    The next morning, at 10 AM, Saki arrived at the Town Hall. She met all her friends but someone didn’t arrived yet.

    “Where is Mari?” ask Saki

    “Mari? She didn’t came yet” answer Kanon

    Suddenly, Kanon received a call. It’s from Mari. Kanon answered it. Mari’s voice was just like a sick person and told them she can’t came. Then Mari closed the phonecall.

    After Mari’s call, they started to walked to the cinema. Saki have a bad feeling somehow when they arrived at the cinema.

    They entered the cinema and buy some foods and tickets. They were watching a horror movie. At 2 pm, the movie started.

    In the middle of the movie, Saki’s friend, Saijyou, collapsed. Saki and the rest of her friend were shocked. They brought Saijyou to the nearest hospital.

    In the hospital, Saijyou died instantly. But, before she died, she told something made her friends confused. She told that Mari gave her something on that day in the townhall. Saijyou arrived to early and Mari came to her and gave something.

    Saki asked Saijyou what is the thing that Mari gave her, but it was too late. Saijyou was dead. Kanon called Saijyou parents.

    The next day, Saijyou was buried in the nearest cemetery. Still confused, Saki walked to Saijyou’s home with Saijyou’s family. Saki arrived at her friends home and walked toward Saijyou’s room.

    Saki opened the door slowly. And there was a study table , bed, carpet, windows, air conditioner and a television. On the bed there was an old book. When Saki opened it there was a note. Saki read it and shocked.

    -Saijyou, I’m sorry because I hurt your eyes until your eyes getting purple, this is the exchange for that, I’m sorry- MARI-

    Saki search something curious on that room and found a small black plastic. After she opened the plastic, she found Mari’s eye ball inside it.

  • What do you think about my story? I forgot the title, the title is “cursed call” ,

  • The ghost sisters. Ok. Here goes. I have to repeat it again 2 girls were playing in the park waiting for there mommy when they both heard a noise every 10 secs it came again only this time it was so loud it was saying come here come here darling. The girls went to investigate they thought it was their mom so they happily skipped to the tree the noise was coming from and there they saw their mom hanging from a tree all bloody and then she opened an eye it was all red and visouce. She grabbed the little sister cut off her head and ripped out her eyes!!the big Sis escaped just in time.that night she heard a noise it came closer and closer until she could just make out what it was saying and it said come here come here darling. Then the ghost mum came in and ripped her flesh and bone and them ate them!! Legend has it if you go to any park at night and say come here come here darling and either say big Sis or little Sid they come and say sorry I loved you then the ghost mum will come bs kill like the big sis if u say little sis or like the little sis if u Say big Sis . So watch out your next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’

  • The Corpse on the River

    One day, there were 5 boy scouts going camping beside the river. The boy scouts were named, Ryan, Andrew, Alex, Harold and Joe. As they were going to their campsite, their scout master told about an urban legend that a woman with waist length hair was murdered and her corpse was thrown in the river. All of them were brave and that they never believed that legend. As they arrived in the campsite, Alex began to smell foul odor at their campsite. His other fellow mates began to smell the foul odor too. So after they put up their tent, they took off their clothes and bathed and played in the river. After bathing, the odor did not smell. Then, they grilled their steak, ate it and drank some drinks. As they were putting on their pajamas, the odor returned and it smelled even worse than before. They could not take it anymore so they decided to investigate. Their scout master decided to help and while investigating, he saw something floating on the river. When he took a closer look, he found a corpse of a woman. her hair no longer black. Her beautiful face became deformed. Her dress was torned and ragged and the worse thing of all is that she has no eyes. Then he called the boy scouts and they went to his side. They were shocked to find a woman’s corpse. The scout master realized they camped beside the river with the woman’s corpse who was murdered before.

  • I registered in this site for a long time but I just opened it now.This is my own story.Hope you like it.
    Good Enough
    Lirah is a shy girl.She wears a thick-framed eyeglass with some beaded earrings on her ears.She doesn’t have friends in school.All she have were her enemies especially Nina,Karen and Khalida.They always make fun of her.She was always crying because of them.One Saturday morning,she went to her school in civilian clothes,wearing again her thick framed glasses and beaded earrings.It was an important day because her classmates are practicing their dance.Before entering the school gate,Nina,Karen and Khalida saw her.”Oh my god.The ugly one again!”Nina said.”What are you doing here you bitch”,Khalida and Karen said.”Uh…uh..well…I..I’m here to practice our dance ri…right?”Lirah answered scarily.”Darling,you scared of us.Girls,I think she needs a makeover”Nina said.Khalida pulled the hair of Lirah going to the vacant lot beside the school campus.”Please stop doing this on me.Let us be friends.Please!”,Lirah said.”If you want us to be friends,kiss my feet”,Nina said.Lirah followed.Then Karen prepared a very thin piece of wire.She threw it to a mud next to Lirah.”come on get that wire!”,Karen said.Lirah followed.She was about to get the wire when Nina said”Not with your hands,use your mouth”Lirah followed.When she is about to dive in the mud,Nina stepped on Lirah’s head hard and when Lirah had the wire in her mouth,her face is full of mud.”Maybe that was good enough”,Nina said.Lirah was very angry she slapped Nina’s face but nina pushed her hard and the head of Lirah had hit into the stone.She was dead.”Oh my god”,the three girls said.They ran.That day,Khalida was so scared.She need to go with her parents in the church early that’s why she needs to go to sleep.She was about to close her eyes when she heard someone saying “Good enough for you to sleep early”.Khalida thought it was her mother that’s why she answered yes mom when suddenly she accidentally looked on the side of her bed,Lirah is lying next to her.She screamed and Lirah killed her.She did the same to Karen.Now,Nina was scared.She knew she was the next.She was in the bathroom,looking at the mirror when her reflection suddenly changed.It was Lirah with no eyeballs.Her face is rotting and it has a lot of maggots digging in her face.”Nina screamed.Nina’s mom heard it then she saw her child dead.Blood had scattered around,her neck is on the toilet bowl,her arms hanging on the ceiling and the worst of all,Nina’s mom saw Lirah eating the legs and the intestines of Nina.”You’re the mom of Nina right?”,Lirah said.”Ye…Yess”,Nina’s mom answered scarily.Lirah replied”Oh!She killed me and I killed her.Well,she tastes good enough!”.Hope you like my story.

  • the previous 4 stories i told their names are…
    1.the dream
    2.the chatroom
    3.dont open your eyes
    4.killer messages

  • It was a typical Thursday night. I logged onto my Facebook and started IMing my best friend Heather.

    Heather: Hey Brookie
    Brooke: Hey
    Heather: Did you hear that someone was murdered in our area last night?
    Brooke: Yeah. Don’t remind me.

    I look at my clock. 8:45. I should probably go to bed soon…

    Heather: Brookie, it wasn’t anyone we know.
    Brooke: Thank God.

    I cannot believe I said that. ‘Thank God.’? What’s wrong with me?

    Heather: OMG! Somebody just pulled up in my driveway.
    Brooke: Heather stop.
    Heather: No joke! Oh sorry it’s just my uncle. Hold on, I gotta say hi.

    About ten minutes later, I get an IM from someone named ‘random’.

    Random: Hello.
    Brooke: Is this Seth?
    Random: You tell me.
    Brooke: Wow, Seth, this is a low. Even for you.
    Random: What would you say if I said it wasn’t Heather’s uncle that pulled into her driveway.

    I stare at the last message and look out my window cautiously.

    Random: Because it wasn’t.
    Brooke: I’d say how the hell did you know anything from our IM?
    Random: It’s a new hack. Click on this link:

    My hand trembles as I move my mouse to the link. I stop. “Think
    about this, Brookie”, I tell myself.

    Heather: I’m coming over (FIVE MINUTES AGO)

    “Huh? Ten minutes ago? Why didn’t I get it five minutes ago?”, I
    ask myself.

    Random: Why didn’t you click the link? It could save Heather’s life, you know.
    Brooke: How do you know that I didn’t click the link? And save
    Heather’s life? Huh?
    Random: Click the link:

    I click it in almost a heartbeat. My heart sinks as I stare at the
    picture of ten murdered children. I notice the girl in the background, hanging from her own intestines. You can see everything about her clearly.

    Random: Thanks for clicking the link.
    Brooke: Why is Heather hanging in the background?

    I look at the picture again. Familiar. The place the children are at…so familiar. I run down the hall and bound down the steps. I gasp at the sight of ten murdered children…
    And my best friend.Never talk to strangers people it always ends badly!

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