Scary For Kids


  • Thanks for the Comments Guys!

    Ok, the ending of He Knows You, Xavier kills the camera crew and the reporter.

    Glass Doll, I just put random ones. I couldn’t remember them (really bad memory) and Im too lazy to scroll up since Im using meh IPhone :P!

  • I think I’m going to try to write a scary story~ “Don’t Look”

    After school,I began to walk home when she called my name. I looked over to her and she beckoned to me. I obediantly followed, immediately forgetting all plans I had had for after school. I followed her down countless alleyways, streets, and blocks when we arrived to a part of town I had never been to before. She told me to go inside the old, crumbling building in front of us.
    Inside, she showed me some of the things inside. She said hat she had lived here all her life and longer yet. Puzzled, I chose to ignore that last comment. She pulled me up the rotten stairs and up to what she said was her bedroom. Inside the room there was a glass sphere. She claimd it was her crystal ball, but I could never look into it. Then she sent me to my own home.
    Why didn’t she want me to see in her crystal ball?
    I had to find out. It would kill me otherwise.
    Late that night, at about 2:00 AM, I silently snuck out of my house and attempted to remember how she had gotten to her home. A half hour later, I arrived at the crumbling house and quietly snuck inside. Everything seemed the same as it had before, what with the rotting stairs and all. I tiptoed into her room, and picked up the crystal ball and peered into it.
    Suddenly a flash of light appeared in the glass. Red light. A person lay next to the light, which seemed to be resting on the floor. It took me a moment to realize it, but when I did, I screamed in horror.
    The person was me. The red “light” was my blood.
    I smashed the ball to the ground, only to find that the glass sprayed all over my body. In pain, I winced and slowly fell to the ground and bled to death. The last thing I saw was her, smiling wickedly, saying, “I told you not to look.”

    How was it? I hope it wasn’t too long. This may be too predictable, sorry!

  • By MegIz!

    Title: Glass Doll

    The Glass Doll calmy sits on the shelf, staring at me. It breathes with a perfect rythym, as if it’s alive. It takes a quick blink as I walk by. Sometimes, it’ll talk on it’s own. But that’s every other day.
    The Doll acts like a human. It’s programed like a human.

    “I love you!” The Doll says, then giggles. It’s smile is evil, but it hides the evil in it. But I can see through her.

    My mom gave it to me before she died of Breast Cancer. I believe that the Doll killed her.

    My mom loved the Doll. She didn’t see the evil in it. That’s the sad part.

    “Shut up.” I say, and pick up the doll. I throw it into my closet and close it, leaving it in darkness. I then pick up my phone and walk into the living room to rejoice with my friend, Lydia.

    “Hey.” I say, and sit next to her on the black leather couch.

    “Hey. Um, do you mind throwing this away for me? I forgot where the trash can is.” Lydia says. She smiles and gives me a banana peel.

    “Sure.” I say. I walk over to the kitchen an throw the banana peel away. When I walk back to the couch, Lydia is gone. The Doll sits in her place.

    “Lydia? Not funny,” I say. I pick up the Doll and set it on the wood floor. God, I hate Lydia.

    After looking all around the house, closets, about anywhere you could hide, she is gone. I start to panic. What the hell?

    “Dad?” I call for him.

    “Yeah?” He says.

    “Lydia is missing. I looked away one second and she was gone.” I say.

    “What are you talking about? She right behind you.” He says. I turn around. He’s right.

    “Oh, uh, thanks.” I say to my dad. I hear him walking back to his room.

    “Get out.” I say. I point to the door. Lydia gives me a confused look, then obediantly walks out the front door.

    The next few days, the Doll has been following me around everywhere. At school when I got there she was on my desk. When I got home I looked in my backpack for my homework, and found the doll in there.

    I can’t take it anymore. I pick up the doll, and throw it on the floor, creating a hole in her left cheek.

    Then, I feel a breeze come across my left cheek. But I dont feel a breeze on my arms, or anywhere, so I put a hand ovee my cheek. There’s a hole in it.

    “I’m part of your soul!” The Doll says, then giggles. It stands up so I grab it by the waist, run out of the house and throw it in the big empty garbage bin.

    “Go to Hell.” I say, and run into the house.

    “Dad!” I run into his room. “We have to go. Now! The Glass Doll is possesed!”

    My dad grabs ahold of my wrist. I see the Doll on his bed and know it trapped my dad inside it’s body.
    It starts to strangle me. I struggle to fight the Doll but it’s no use. It lifts me up and throws me across the room. It returns into his body, but not before he goes to get a knife. I struggle to get up but I can’t. It’s frozen me in place.

    It comes back with a knife and stabs my father in the chest, penetrating his heart.

    I scream as it inches towards me. Then, it goes black.

    The Glass Doll is still out today. If you come across a doll made of glass, don’t take it. It’s probably him.

  • ~The Black Rose~
    There was once a gardener and his daugher, Nichol. Nichol and her father loved each very much although her father barely made enough to afford dinner every night. ” It’s not his fault he works for so little. It’s the Baker’s.” she told herself and it was very ture. The baker’s were the wealthy, large, demanding ,and greedy family her father would garden for. Mr. and Mrs. Baker had 12 kids and a clumsy live in cook and maid. Nichol would always come along and help him in the massive, huge, colorful garden every day scince they couldn’t afford schooling for Nichol. The garden was filled with extic flowers and trees form around the world.

    “Father,” Nickol asked. “Why do you work so hard every day for such a little wadge?”

    “Dear daugher, Any other job I would have I counldn’t take you along Except this one.”

    That was also ture. His daugher would be home alone all day and he counldn’t bear the thought of it.

    “That was one of the only good things that came with your job, dear father” Nickol would say to her father. “That and the rose bush”

    Nickol loved roses they were her favorite flower. The one in the garden was partically specail. It had 15 red roses scattered aaround the bush and 2 white ones growing side by side.

    “You mean the one with the 15 baker roses and us as the white ones?” He joked.

    “Yeah that one” Nickol said.

    One day Nickol’s father accenidently spilled some potting soil on the garden shed’s marble floor tiles.
    “Dear Nickol could you please get me a wet rag to clean up a mess I’ve have made?” he asked sweeping most of the soil into a dust pan leaveing brown marks on the tile.

    “yes, dear father” Nickol said and hurryed into the kitchen.

    She turned on the sink’s fucet to wet the rag. When the kitchen maid bumped into Nickol while preparing roast beef, causing Nickol to turn on the water soching hot burning her hand badly.

    Her father would care for his daugher as best as he could but she needed medical attention.

    “Please just spare some money, my daugher needs some urgent medical attention.” The gardener begged. The baker’s would always refuse to give him any money at all not even a cent being thair greedy selves.

    As the days wore on Nickol’s burn flistered with infection and one of the white roses turned black as hate as the infection grew worse. Fanilly a week later Nickol fanilly died. Her Father heart brooken but being a pure man contiuned working in the the garden.

    A month later when the baker’s were having roast beef the house caught in flames, at that same time so did the rose bush. The gardener who was tending to the bush backed away form the flames amazed. The flames weren’t orange and yellow but black as hatred. When the screams of terror faded and the fire bruned it’s self out completely destory everything within the house. The rose bush fire ceased too. All of the red roses were nothing but ash. Only the white rose and the black rose remained untouched.

  • Title: Twenty Cages
    I was there, twenty years ago, at the execution of the murderer from Spain, Miss Pilar. She had killed people with her long index finger, known for being mutated. It was sharp at the end. She would stab her victims with it to kill them. Of course, I was a child then, too young to understand her evil deeds. Excitement had been the atmosphere, as everyone felt it, so I followed suit. I did not know about death. I had been to young to know. But I do remember the look of anger and hatred on the face of Miss Pilar as she died. She lifted a shaking arm, and pointing at my face, whispered her final words, heard only by me: “Le econtrare…”
    Elise and I were driving home from our dinner date. She had been my girlfriend for two years. We were beginning to talk about marriage, when we noticed the traffic. There had been an event at the high school that night, and everyone was driving home now. After surveying the area for a detour or different road, Elise saw a sign that read “THE GALLOWS”. It was a very muddy and unused road, but still, she insisted that we drive on it. I grudgingly agreed.
    While I was driving, I wrinkled my nose. The smell was nasty. Elise turned to me. “What’s that smell?” “I was about to ask you that,” I said, holding my nose. “I hope it goes away. I don’t want you to remember me as nasal.” We both laughed, and I released my nose. I was starting to impress her.
    The smell worsened as we drove on. Eventually, Elise suggested turning back. I nodded, but then it started to rain. This was bad, as it was a muddy road, but we had to continue. A few minutes after the storm began, a large, pencil-shaped dent formed on our roof. Elise screamed, “What was that!?” I assured her that it was nothing, and that everything would be okay.
    My memories were foggy, but for some reason, this place reminded me of “Le econtrare”, Spanish words. I had learned Spanish. I tried to remember, and it was on the tip of my tongue, but I could not…What did they mean? I pondered for as long as it took for the mud to get wet enough to trap our car. Elise and I got out, and decided to see what we could do.
    Soon, it was hard to move through the dark, muddy road, so I suggested that we sleep in the car. Elise agreed, and tried to call her parents, to explain why she would not be home. No signal. It seemed hopeless. We could only wait.
    The smell deprived us of sleep for a long time. My dreams included the sounds of steel, screeching into a different position, and gasps. After who knows how long, I was woken by a scream. I turned to Elise. another pencil-shaped dent came very close to her face. She was breathing heavily. Then, I looked around. They were everywhere, all over the roof. I was extremely surprised.
    We got out of my car, to see the sun rising and the clouds gone. The ground was still wet, but it would dry soon. Every thing looked great, until Elise looked up. An eerie silence took over the space, and I glanced at Elise, scared of what I might see. That was when I saw Elise’s terror, looking straight up. I looked up as well, to see cages. There must have been twenty of them. The memories of the execution came flooding back to me. They hung them, and after that, put them in cages above the road, as a warning to others. This, however, was not what scared Elise. It was the skeletal index finger of Miss Pilar, the one who’s Spanish words were “I will find him”, stuck in one of the many dents on the roof.
    (Thanks for reading! I hope I gave you goosebumps.)

  • My story is titled “Secrets”.
    “Sssssecretsssssss…” The wind always seemed to whisper at nightfall, releasing a sound so terrible and beautiful, as if it were life itself. I would listen to this sound, well into a dark night, before exhaustion claimed me. The sound was no more than a thought, and perhaps, not even there. I may have been imagining it, but to this day I do not know. I still hear it sometimes.
    This is a story of a young neighbor of mine, who had once found meaning in this terrible sound, and to this day, I have always remembered the consequences.
    Haley was a good friend of mine. A neighbor, only seven years old at the time this strange event occurred. Haley smiled delightfully every time we met, and we told riddles every weekend, when school was out. I was ten, and at first disliked her because of our difference in age. When I got to know her, however, we became good friends.
    One day, Haley and I were eating popsicles on the porch of my house, when we heard leaves shuffling. I turned to my younger friend to ask her if she had also heard it, but she was gone. My eyes widened. I couldn’t find her anywhere, no matter how hard I searched. Eventually, I called up our neighbors, and explained the situation. They seemed just as worried.
    That night, a terrible storm wreaked havoc on our little town, destroying trees, spreading leaves and trash everywhere, and breaking windows. In the midst of the flying debris, I curled up in a fetal position under my blankets, listening to the bangs, and between them, a very faint “Sssssecretsssss….” At about eleven o’clock that night, I found it impossible to sleep, and went to my parent’s room for comfort. I found anything but that. “Mommy?” I asked, reaching for the light switch. Apparently, we had lost power. “Mommy! Daddy!” I shouted, and ran to the bed. I would not accept it if they were gone. I felt the covers for their warm bodies. The covers were cold, and nothing was under them.
    Terrified, I ran through the hallway, screaming for my parents, running up and down the stairs, hearing a faint “Ssssssecretsssss….” from outside. I found no hope in looking around a dark house. I ran outside, where the lightning was the only thing to see by. “What have I done wrong!” I shouted through my tears, releasing anger and sadness at the storm. It seemed to reply: “Sssssecretssss….” I continued to scream, until the wind shushed me, with a faint “Sssshhhhh…Ssssshhhh…”
    I don’t know why, but I listened to the wind. I then quietly whispered, “What have I done?” The wind screeched to a stop, and the debris fell to the ground, seemingly forgetting whatever direction it was flying to. “What have I done?” I whispered again. Then, a lightning strike in the distance hit the ground and glowed violently, not disappearing like one should. “Haley…Shhhe was my friend…She told my sssssecretsssssssss….” I gasped. This voice was coming from everywhere. “Ssssecretsssss…She told about ssssso many things…Ssssshe had killed me…” Then the lightning disappeared, and the world was still. I stood, dumbfounded, not believing what had just happened. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to meet my mother’s eyes. She stared down at me, nervously. For my sake, I would guess. “Where have you been?” I asked. She explained that she and dad were going to go search for Haley. Then, a storm started, and they had to return home. “You must have had a bad dream,” she said, leading me inside. The next day, when I woke up, and noticed immediately there was no debris outside, or anywhere. I heard my mother humming in the kitchen, so I came to see her. As soon as I came in to view, she smiled at me. As she poured me a cup of tea, I felt tension rise inside me. I had to know. “Have they found Haley?” My mother was dumbfounded when she heard this. “How did you know about Haley? She disappeared last night, very late. Were you up then? What happened?” I was just as shocked by my mother’s reply. I must’ve had a dream.
    Now, I am twelve years old, and to this day, Haley’s body has not been found. I had a dream about it recently, and today I turned on my computer. I did some research on our house. Apparently, a young couple that had lived here only two years ago had a child named Claire. It is very probable that Claire became friends with Haley, because they were around the same age. Then one day, Claire killed herself in the middle of a storm after a play date with another girl, who I assumed was Haley. Claire’s body was carried away by the wind, and they never found it. It was rumored, however, that Claire had a lot of nasty secrets…Ones that, as the wise would say, were to die for.

    (I apologize for my lack of writing skills, but even so, I hope you enjoyed my story. Thank you for reading it. NOTE TO SFK: Thanks for making Tell Me Your Story…I’m getting practice for writing, and telling, scary stories.)

  • Okay I have a story im making it up as im typing: The black knight:
    There was once a boy named Keith. He lived in england and was very intrested in local legends. Often he would read on town history and try them. So far none of them has worked. Then he came across the legend of the black knight. It was said he died being attacked by a witch and his life force was drained. It was said that every November 3, it would appear at the fields at 2:30 A.M. near where Keith lived. He then decided to try this. He asked some of his friends to come with him. So at November 3 they went to the fields and hid behind a few bushes and trees. At 2:30 a knight appeared. He wore a black armor and he had no helmet. They could see that his face was grey and drained out. His eyes were white and had a nose like voldemort’s. They could notice he had no chin. He held a sword often known as “Dark Exclabiur”, granted by the witch who he is now the servant to. As they were watching, Keith accidently cracked a branch. The black knight heard that. He went to Keith and stabbed him in the stomach, draining his life force. Then the black knight rode off. When his friends approached his body, his body became alive and grabbed one of his friends, dragging him under the ground. Even now, every November 3, at 3:00 A.M., you could find a dead body, black as the night and cold as the wind. If you should approach him, he would grab one of you and pull you to the depths of the Earth. So remember, every time you try a local legend, expect it to be true, and dont do anything to attract it!

  • Vengance
    When the samurai warrior Kane first came to California from Tokyo, be brought his new wife, the beautiful Ishi. She was an ideal wife: gentle, attentive, and a wonderful cook. Kane was the envy of his new neighbors. But he was a proud man. When a wealthy family moved into the neighborhood, Kane cast his eye upon their lovely daughter, Aiko, and desired her. In his mind Ishi was second best. So Kane plotted to rid himself of his wife so he could woo and win the fair Aiko.
    On a stormy night on the way home from a great banquet, Kane pushed Ishi over the cliff and into the bay. No one heard her scream though the howling wind. No one suspected foul play when Kane came rushing back to the banquet hall, shouting for help because his poor wife had slipped and fallen over the cliff.
    Kane acted the part of the bereaved husband to perfection. He gave Ishi a splendid funeral. It wasn’t until he was alone in his house that Kane relaxed and drank to his success.
    Outside, the wind whipped against the house, making the walls rattle and shake. A stray breeze swept through the sleeping-room with a whisper: “Vengeance. Vengeance.”
    Kane sat up and blinked as a dark figure stepped into the room. Its long tangled black hair hung over the dirty, bloodstained kimono. Its face was crushed and broken, with one eyeball hanging from the socket. The ghost of Ishi reached out a broken hand toward her husband, smiling through the shattered remains of her teeth. “Vengeance,” she whispered, “Vengeance.”
    Kane screamed in terror, leapt out of the window, and ran to a neighbor’s house. Mistaking his fear for grief the neighbors took him in and insisted he stay with them during the first weeks of his bereavement.
    A month passed as Kane waited for Ishi’s ghost to reappear, but she’d vanished. Relieved, Kane decided it was safe to bring Aiko and her family to see his home. As he escorted Aiko’s parents around the garden, he felt a hand on his arm. Kane turned around and found himself facing a beautiful Ishi, who kissed him and whispered in his ear: “Vengeance.” Laughing, Ishi danced away, waving to Aiko and her parents as she passed. Aiko glared after her in jealous rage.
    Fearing that Aiko might end the betrothal, Kane pressed forward with his suit, arranging for a grand engagement feast to prove his devotion. Friends, neighbors, and family came to the banquet hall to laugh and toast over food and wine.
    Kane was very please with his success. But when he looked across the hall, he saw the ghost of beautiful young Ishi walk into the room and stand demurely in the corner. He paused mid-sentence and stared in horror as she laughed and began to change. Her body twisted and broke before Kane’s eyes, her face collapsing inward and bleeding, her black hair tangling, her eyeball popping out of its socket.
    “Vengeance,” she whispered.
    “No! No!” Kane shouted.
    Around him, Akio, her parents, and the guests stared. None of them could see the ghost. As Ishi drifted out of the door Kane followed, vowing she would haunt him no more.
    The ghost drifted along the cliff path with Kane running after her, shouting and cursing. Suddenly the ghost stopped at the place where Kane had pushed her. She turned to face Kane and started to grow, her crushed body bloody and dirty, her eyeball swaying, her shattered teething gleaming in the moonlight.
    “Vengeance!” she screamed and lunged at Kane. The samurai stepped backward, face contorting in fear. His foot slipped suddenly on the loose earth, and he plunged backward over the edge of the cliff, his body fatally smashing into the rocks far below.
    That same night a terrible storm beat against Kane’s house. Lightning hit the roof and the house burned to the ground. Neighbors claimed they could hear a voice in the wind saying one word, over and over: “Vengeance.”

  • Amber

    Just read it

    Spooky TexasOh, you hear the stories about how dangerous Ouija boards are, but hey—it’s just a game. Mary waited until midnight to begin our little game, and the four of us—Sarah, Jessie, me, and, Mary, started by asking all kinds of silly questions.

    It was a strange-looking board, covered with letters and symbols. There was a plastic pointer that was supposed to move across the board at the behest of the spirits. The instructions called it a planchette.

    Around one thirty in the morning, the planchette suddenly froze in Mary’s hand. It wouldn’t move, no matter how much we pushed and pulled.

    Mary turned her frightened blue eyes toward me. “I’m not doing it,” she said, lifting her hands. I grabbed the planchette myself and tried to push it around, but it was fixed to the board.

    Suddenly, a kind of electric shock buzzed through my fingers. I gasped and tried to pull my fingers from the planchette, but they were stuck. Mary and Jessie both tried to pull my fingers away, nothing helped. The other girls stared with wide, round eyes, as the planchette came alive under my fingers—which were still fixed to its surface—and began to move.

    “Help.” The words spelled out under my hand. “Help me. Help me.”

    The planchette kept moving back and forth between the h – e – l – p continuously, until Sarah cried out: “Who are you?”

    “Amber.” The board spelled. “My name is Amber. I am eight years old.”

    “What’s wrong?” Mary asked. Her face was so white all the freckles stood out like darkened age spots.

    “Water. Danger. Help. Scared.” The words spelled out as fast as my hand could move.

    “Call 9-1-1,” Mary cried suddenly. “Quick. Amber is in danger.”

    By this time, Sarah was gasping into the phone. Then she hung up the phone. “They wouldn’t listen to me,” she told us, almost in tears.

    At that instant, my hand was suddenly free from the planchette.

    “She’s gone,” I gasped,

    “See if you can contact her again,” Mary said urgently. “We need to know if she’s okay!”

    I picked up the plastic planchette again. “Amber, are you there?” I asked softly, afraid of what might happen.

    After a long pause, it moved slowly across the board and spelled out the words: “Too late.” And after another long pause. “Water. Flood. Drowned. Mobile. Alabama.” The planchette stopped.
    I knew that Amber was gone.

    None of us got much sleep that night. In the morning, we rushed through breakfast and then looked up the Alabama news on the Internet. None of us were surprised to read that there had been flash floods the night before. I read the names of those who had died in the flood. One of the victims was an eight-year-old girl named Amber.

  • The Gothic Girl

    A girl named Raven studies in a school but she was different from other students. She dyed her hair pink and red, she has dark makeup and wears a Gothic dress. Everyone nicknamed her “The Gothic Girl” or Goth Girl when talking to her. She was often bullied by everyone but she had 3 friends: Salem, Meg and Eli. One day, Raven was walking home alone when she saw 4 bullies named Jake, Jason, Derek and Danny infront of her. Jason took her headband while she tries to grab it. She shouts “give it back!” Instead he threw it in the mud puddle . She retrieves it and cleans it. The next day, after eating her food, Jake spills pudding on her dress and she goes to the bathroom crying but the bullies didn’t care. She goes home crying and decides to get her revenge. She opens a spellbook and puts a hex on the 4 bullies. The next day, Derek finds Raven browsing through her stuff in her locker. Derek then says ” Hey stupid Goth girl”! Then Raven closes her locker and in horror, Derek looks at her red eyes and suddenly he was hypnotized by her. Raven then commands him to hang himself through hypnotism. She follows him to the schoolyard and watches him tie a rope on his neck and hangs himself. She does the same to the other 3 and everyone was scared that they told their parents and refuse to go back to school. The Gothic Girl may be at your school waiting to hypnotize you.

  • To SFK: I wrote this story. :D

    Title: Bramlett Road

    There was something odd in the tone of the dispatcher’s voice when he called to tell me a person needed picking up at Bramlett Road late one summer night in 1947. I shuddered when I heard the name of the street. I did not want to go anywhere near that area, especially at midnight. But I drove a Yellow Cab, and it was my job to pick up a call when it came. So I swallowed and headed toward Bramlett Road and the slaughter yards.
    I’d been out of town when “the incident” happened. I call it an incident, but it was murder, plain and not so simple. A fellow name of Brown who drove a cab with our company was robbed and stabbed to death in his cab. Next day a man named Willie Earle was picked up by the police the very next day and put in jail for the crime, though he denied doing it.
    Then a bunch of hotheads who drove cabs for our company gathered together, passed around a bottle of whiskey and talking about “getting” the fellow who’d stabbed Brown. One of the men went out and borrowed a shotgun, and the mob drove to the jail, grabbed Earle and threw him in the back of one of the cabs. The hotheads took him to the slaughter yards and they dragged Earle forcibly from the cab and started beating him. A man pulled a knife and waded into the mob with it, and Earle shouted: “Lord, you’ve killed me!” That’s when the fellow with the shotgun put a bullet in his head, reloaded, and shot him twice more.
    When the mob was sure he was dead, they climbed back into their separate cabs and fanned out, each heading back to the city by a different route. Eventually word got out and thirty-one fellows were arrested for the crime. But they were all acquitted by a jury of their peers.
    After the incident, the slaughterhouse section of Bramlett Road got a bad reputation. No one in the cab company much liked driving there, especially at night. Folks claimed it was haunted by the ghost of Willie Earle.
    I shivered as I pulled onto Bramlett Road and slowed down to look for my passenger. No one was there. I parked the cab and got out to have a quick smoke while I waited.
    All at once, the temperature around me plummeted. I froze in place, suddenly terrified, as someone moaned in terror from the other side of the road. The sound scraped my nerves raw. I could hear the unmistakable thud of hammering fists and the darkness was filled with swirling black silhouettes pounding on something…or someone. I fumbled for the icy-cold door handle as a man shouted agony: “Lord, you’ve killed me!” I threw myself inside the cab as a gun exploded, cutting off the man’s cries. The shot was swiftly followed by two more.
    I squealed the tires as I spun the cab around. A tall, battered figure that glowed just enough for me to see its lolling head, the blood-stained, dead features, the knife-torn clothes blocked the road in front of me. I gasped, floored the gas pedal and swerved around it, heart hammering so hard it hurt my ribs.
    I was still trembling when slammed into the office a few minutes later and told the dispatcher I was quitting. Then I grabbed my things and headed for home lickety split. There was no way I was going to Bramlett Road ever again. And I never did.

  • To SFK: This is a true ghost story. I hoped you can add it. Thanks in advanced!


    Have you ever spent the night in a house reputed to be haunted? This story could make you reconsider.

    It was the autumn of 1834 when the Proctors, a Quaker family, began to notice disturbances in their house near Tyneside in northern England. Every member of the family complained of hearing footsteps and whistling that could not be accounted for. The sound of a clock being wound could not be explained. Over a six-year period, the intensity of the haunting increased. The stomping of angry footsteps echoed throughout the house, contrasted by faint whisperings. And then there were the apparitions. The white figure of a strange woman was seen in a window by a neighbor, and then seen in other rooms of the house by the Proctors. A disembodied white face appeared over a stair railing, seeming to watch the family.

    The Proctor’s plight was known throughout the area, and then, as now, there were skeptics who were certain they could explain it all away. On July 3, 1840, Edward Drury, a local doctor, volunteered to spend a night in the house with his colleague, T. Hudson, while the Proctors were away. Dr. Drury armed himself with pistols and waited on the third floor landing, unafraid of what he was sure were mundane house noises. Less than an hour into his vigil, Drury began to hear soft footfalls, then a knocking and an echoing cough. Hudson had fallen asleep. But at about 1 a.m., Dr. Drury watched in horror as a closet door slowly swung open out of which floated toward him the ghostly lady in white. Drury screamed and charged the phantom, succeeding only in tripping over his friend Hudson. What next happened the doctor could not recall. “I have since learned,” he later wrote, “that I was carried downstairs in an agony of fear and terror.”

    Some years later the Proctors could stand no more of the unexplained manifestations and vacated the house in 1847. The building was later torn down.

  • I was laying in bed on a stormy night. At the time, I was 10-years-old so I was extremely scared of thunderstorms. This night made that fear permanent.

    I was almost asleep until I heard a distant giggle from outside. I got out of bed to look out of my window thinking my younger brother was crazy to play in the storm, but when I pulled back the curtains, I saw a small human figure running in circles out in the field.

    I froze and just watched until it stopped and looked in my direction then started running my way. I jumped back in bed and hid under the covers.

    A few moments later, I peeked above the covers and my room was still pink and empty. I relaxed a bit, but had the urge to look out the window again. So I got out of bed again, pulled back the curtains and saw complete darkness.

    Then a bolt of lightening lit up the field and a saw a group of small faces at my window staring right at me. They had blood streaming down from their eyes and mouth. One of them opened their mouth to show me the razor sharp teeth he had. Like a idiot, I stood there and stared until they started beating on my window.

    I jumped back in bed and hid under the covers and tried to fall asleep. It was hard because they just kept banging on my wedding until a hour later, they stopped. There was no way that I was going to look out the window again so I finally passed out relieved.

    The next morning, I woke up remembering the terrible nightmare. Just for laughs, I thought I looked out the window. So when I pulled the curtains back, I screamed. There were little hand prints all over my window.

  • ok my 3rd story
    Pass it on
    There once was a child he got a letter saying “Pass it on or i will kill you”. The child was clever and believed in mythology and supernatural and passed it on to his neighbour the neighbour thought it was a prank and threw it away in midnight there son saw a ghastly figure with a machete it decapicated the poor boy. Then it said “The girl is next” It went into her room and Ripped her legs off then her arms then decapicated her Then it said then the parents
    It went into their room but the father knew it would come because he encountered it before.He shot it but it didnt die it cut his head off and ate his heart.Then it cut the mother peice by peice and they were never saawn again the police arrived the murderer vanished.

    Then a family in Austrailia Sydney Nsw Got the letter but they were hanged by a phsyco murderer

    -_- After ten years of murder and mystery the police captured the phsyco and executed him buy cutting his head

    Though if u get a letter with the address
    From:D3aD H#K3Er
    Dont open it because the murderer haunts the person if they open the letter only way to stop it from killing others is to burn it and put the remains in a salt circle.

    Ty and im not much of a writer
    And i might continue this story

  • ok my 2nd story
    Silver gods
    Me and my friends were walking home suddenly i felt a chill down my spine and said “You guys feel cold” They replied nope so my 1st friend went back home then my other friend then me.The next day my frends and i were playing in the treehouse we had guns but we used them inase of emergeny we used toyguns which use beads as ammo and an fire them i felt a chill again but this time my other friend felt it.The next day my 1st friend got killed and we buried him with his gun.The next day the walls of the treehouse had written go away this is mine
    over and over again.The next day my 2nd friend died i buried him with his gun.I felt a cold breeze in my house while watching TV then i look behind and saw a man he was silver there was 2 they said “We died now its ur turn”
    But i knew they were a statue i closed my eyes and opened them i saw them rip my organs out an eat them and ii heard a voice saying i warned you.
    The end
    Plz tell me if u like it

  • This my 1st time writing so here it is…..

    People Die
    A boy named Tom was alone and his parents went somewhere
    He was watching TV suddenly a demonic and quiet voice and said “Tom you’r time is up”.After hearing this Tom was frightened and went to the basement suddenly a louder Demonic voice came and said “Tom wont you come”Tom was frightened and called 911 but the telephone line was cut
    then a his parents car parked at the driveway.Tom hurried down there his heart was pumping faster and faster.When he went to the driveway his parents heads were hanging and a claw had ripped of their hearts.Then tom was nearly about to die then a voice but louder”Tom your time is up!!”.Then Tom saw a figure with claws and a spiky horn Tom sreamed HELP!!!!!!! but no one heard him and then the
    Demon appeared it said “I am Tom and you are about to die”
    It clawed poor Tom’s eyes out and then took out his heart and ate it while he rammed to it with his horn.

    I hope u like it!
    My first story

  • To SFK: I like a lot of the stories you pick, but please try to make sure they aren’t stolen. I’ve seen several stories that I’ve read elsewhere, or that friends of mine have made who have never been on ScaryForKids. Although, some are original, and those ones should be the only ones posted. Please do some research to see if you can find very similar stories before accepting them. Thank you for reading this.
    I have written yet another story in attempt to have one on the website. My friends told me to post it, as with the other stories, so I decided to. I’m sorry that I am not such a good writer, but I am trying to write an acceptable story.
    Title: Black Sand
    By: ShadowKid
    A small town in the rocky mountains was built very long ago, on a plateau where there was only enough space for the living quarters. It was famous for this problem, and had created, to fix it, a narrow dirt path leading to another plateau in which a schoolhouse and church were built.
    The strange thing about the path was that it lead past a large rock. This large rock was rumored to cover some sort of cave, as was said by a man known for his insanity. Nobody believe him because of his previous claims, for example, that the disappearances at the beach — ten miles away — had been because of a giant lizard. This, the people believed, was a sign of pure insanity.
    As time went on, the town grew, and by 2009, everything was modernized. Except, for whatever reason, the dirt path. It was still dirt, and nobody cared to put concrete or cement on it. The people loved nature, and one of these nature lovers was Haley, a teenager who went to the high school on the second plateau.
    Haley was curious about the claims of this man, and so, when she was six years old and she had first heard of the rock, she ran up and tried to move it. One day, they had twenty-eight men try to pull it, but it would not budge. Haley had always wondered how a cave could be behind something so hard to get to. It would make no sense, she had always thought. But Haley did not give up easily. After ten years, she still wanted to find out, although most of the townspeople had given up long ago.
    One evening, Haley came upon the boulder, to notice it was in a different position. The change was slight, and hardly noticeable, but she saw it. She cautiously walked towards it, her feet making barely a sound. The cave was open. She gasped, delighted. She walked in to see a large tunnel in front of her, leading to something far in the distance and draped in darkness. Curious Haley did not wait. She experimented, realizing for the first time, why the rock could not be moved. It was much easier to pull it in to place when inside the cave than when out. It was so unbelievably simple, but important. It made sense.
    Haley ran into the cave, allowing her eyes to naturally adjust. She could barely see, but even so, she continued. That was when she fell. A large hole, invisible in this darkness, with black sand leading to the bottom. When she landed, she was covered in bruises and scrapes, but again, Haley could not be stopped. But for the first time she could remember, she was afraid, and very much so. She called out, and tried to climb, but the climb was so steep that only a snake could get up. A very large snake. That was when Haley heard a stone slide in to place, and the sound of slithering. Very loud slithering.
    It hit her then, that she could not escaped. That maybe a giant reptile — a snake, to be specific — was at the beaches, taking people. Afterwards, it would come here, to sleep in it’s pit of sand. Terrified, Haley realized the truth, and remember the pictures of the crime scenes were people had disappeared — blood spilled everywhere, various body parts scattered around the beach… That was when Haley also realized that this was the same black sand that was covering the beach.

  • ~Hey SFK, this isn’t my first time writing to you guys, but I hope this one is good! xxxx~

    Title: Payback
    By: xFenrirWolfsbanePotterx

    When Beth was in high school, she was very excited for prom. She had selected a dress of a beautiful peach color, with shoes and a hairband to match the dress. Beth was waiting for somebody to ask her to the prom, because Beth was shy and she didn’t know how she could ask any boys out. A few weeks before the prom, a boy who wasn’t the most attractive, and not at all popular, asked Beth out. Beth turned around and looked at her friends, who were sniggering. Beth looked at the boy, put her hands on his shoulders and shoved him backward. He stumbled, lost his balance, and fell over. Beth looked down at him and laughed in his face. “Go to prom? With you? In your dreams!” And she walked away, cackling with her stupid friends. Later that night, the boy, whose name was Cole, looked at his Facebook page, only to find that everyone knew about him asking Beth to the prom. People were making jokes, and sending him rude messages saying things like, ‘Lol dude you’re messed up!’ or ‘What were you thinking?!” The insults went on and on, until finally Cole closed his laptop forcefully, shattering the screen. Cole went into his closet and removed his belt. He took the belt and hooked it to a metal rod that Cole used for hanging his clothes. Then, he pulled up a stool. He stepped up on the stool, his small, socked feet slipping as he clambered up. He slipped his neck through the belt, and he jumped from the stool. Cole was dead.
    Beth heard of Cole’s death but thought nothing of it. That is, until the boy taking her to prom was murdered while he was sleeping the night before. Beth was distraught. She had nobody to take to prom. The police all said there was no evidence whatsoever of anybody’s fingerprints on the boy’s body. A few days before the prom, Beth found that she was growing very, very tall. Too tall to fit into her prom dress. She also noticed that her bright eyes were fading, and her hair was beginning to look shabby. Not only did she have no prom date, but now she couldn’t even find something to wear to the prom. When she tried to buy a new dress, she wouldn’t fit into anything. She finally decided to stay home on Prom night.
    The next day at school, everyone who attended the prom was absent. Which left only her in the classroom. “Um, Mrs.Gatewood, where is everyone?” Her teacher had tears in her eyes. “Everyone at the prom was murdered.” After school, Beth went home. Every article of clothing she owned had been ripped to shreds, including her bed sheets and curtains. Written on the wall were the victim’s names. When she turned around, she saw Cole, holding a dagger. “C-Cole, what’re you-” Cole approached Beth slowly. “Beth, when I asked you to prom, you pushed me, and laughed at me.” Beth was trembling. “I’m sorry!” she shrieked. Cole stepped closer. “You ruined my life, Beth. I always had one hope that we could be together. You ruined it, ruined it! So….” Cole stroked the dagger, taking a few more steps so that he and Beth were merely inches from each other. He put the dagger to her neck. “Payback is Hell.”

    c: Hope you like it!

  • This Is A Scary Story About Spongebob’s Sleepover

    Spongebob And Patrick Was Having A Sleep Over
    With Mr Krabs And Sandy At Spongebob’s House. They Were All Reading
    Chain Letters And Stuff. When The News Alert Came Up. It Said There Is
    A Killer By A Mile By Spongebob House.They Say To Lock All The
    Doors And Window. They Did That And Ran Upstairs. In Spongebob’s Room. They Turn On The
    TV. Another News Alert Came Up Said That A Man Name Squidward Got Killed By The Killer. Everybody Got
    Scared. They Found Guns In Spongebob’s Closet. They Got Loaded And Aim At The Door.
    1 Hour Went By Still Nothing. They Decided To Send Someone Downstairs To Check It Out.
    They Send Mr Krabs Down.1 Hour Went By Still Nothing. They Decied They All Had To Go Downstairs To Check It Out. They Went Down. Split Up. Sandy Screamed. They Ran To The Kitchen. They Found Mr Krabs Hanged With His Belly Cut Opened.
    They Heard A Noise In The Other Room. They Checked It Out. They Screamed So Loud!!! They Saw Squidward Hanged And Belly Cut Open. They Heard The Shower Running. They Ran Upstairs And Found Patrick Wounded With Cuts On Him. They Were About To Run But In The Door Way Was The KILLER!!!!! Morning Came The Police Found Spongebob Alive With Knife In His Arm. Sandy Was Found In The Closet Dead. Patrick Is Still Alive. The Killer Was Never Found. Spongebob And Patrick Went To The Police Station. They Start Asking Questions. About What Happen. Spongebob And Patrick Will Never Forget This Event Ever.

    It was the happiest day of my life my parents had finally agreed to signs my papers to be able to go to pacific.It was finally the day to leave when I got to the pacific a met a nice man named Erick.He saw I was having a hard time.he invited me his home I told him yes.
    when i got there the horror was unexplaneable when i looked back to run he had hit me with a peace of wood nokink me out.When I woke up I was tied to a tree he told me that will be my final resting place I screamed no. ho shouted no one will hear you no one will ever see you again.He left after while he came back he had lots of tools in his hand with blood on the side.I screamed STOP IT I AM DYING.

  • This is just off the top of my head
    Crazy dad
    One dark stormy night a girl named Sally was Lying in her bed trying to sleep.sally lived with her mum and dad.later that night she heard a light tap at the door .
    She got out of bed and opened the door.
    Her dad was standing there but he had a crazy ,creepy smile on his face .
    “dad, are you alwright?”Sally asked
    “Sally , I am sorry but I killed your mother and now I am hungry so i will eat you!!!”
    Sally’s dad pulled a knife from out of his pocket and stuck it into Sally’s heart .
    He then pulled her heart out and and started nibbling on it

  • a very ugly woman once found a man
    who love another
    so she killed the other
    the man still refused to marry her
    he loved another
    so she killed her
    and all others he loved so she told him “i will kill all you love”
    then the man said “Ok i love you!”
    the next day she was dead
    remember the line she said “i will kill all you love”.

  • this is my sotory i hop to be a wrighter when i grow up!

    this is a story
    a story not for babys
    or wimps

    for there was a man
    a man that wore blue
    blue cloths even blue shoes

    he went to a house whoes address was 222
    he met a girl
    a girl in green

    when the man in blue left house 222
    the girl was no longer in green
    or blue

    but blood red

    there was a man a man in blue
    but his shoes were now blood-red
    the next house he will visit
    is number 223

    so bewear
    house 223
    for the blue man is coming
    to play battel

    but the battel will not be childs play

    i hope you liked it!

  • The Prettiest People

    Irene was a young woman who stood out in a crowd. She was beautiful beyond imagination, and many men fell in love with her. She simply waved them off, until she met Will, who touched her heart. He had never liked her, so Irene decided that she had to find a way to make him. One day, she saw Will speaking with a woman, even more beautiful than herself. She walked up to the woman and asked, “Is that your boyfriend?” “Husband,” corrected the woman. Irene nodded slowly, deciding to hide her anger.
    That night, Irene had a strange dream. She saw the woman, whose name she now knew was Natasha, and walked towards her. It was a strange building, unlike any Irene had ever been in. The walls were white, and as if it was a hallway, it was narrow and long. However, there were no windows, or doors, or a way out. Irene did not feel the heavy feeling that she normally felt when she was sleeping, so at first she did not realize that it was a dream. That was when she and Natasha met. “What makes you so beautiful?” asked Irene. “How do I be like you?” Natasha smiled casually. “Oh, you know…” Then, she grabbed her face, and it hung loose on some other form. “The usual.” The picture was so horrid, that Irene woke in a flash. She did not sleep anymore that night.
    The next day, she received a message on her phone, inviting her to dinner at Natasha and Will’s house. She obliged quickly, and arrived that night in her best dress. Natasha and Will were both strikingly good-looking, so Irene had to ask him when Natasha had left to pick up the food. It would be simple. “What’s your secret?” she asked, simply. “Oh, you know…” he said, shrugging, “I guess I was born this way.”
    The food was a very fancy meatloaf, and very delicious. That was when Irene had finished off her food, and glanced up to see Natasha and Will staring at her. “What? What is it?” she asked, alarmed. Then, Natasha’s face hung loose, and Will’s, as well. They peeled them off easily, revealing two monster-bodied creatures, unearthly. Irene shrieked. “Don’t be so scared,” the creature pretending to be Will said. “We use you humans for testing. We’ll test our potions and weapons on you, and when you die, we’ll invite someone else over for human meatloaf…”
    (Thank you for reading! This is by far not my best story, but the concept was scary enough to make me write about it. Hope I gave you goosebumps!)

  • My second story
    When we moved in to our new house I was 7. My dad decided to build a playhouse in my backyard. Actually in our tool shed. I chose all of these different colours for all of the walls. As soon as we got it finished we took pictures. In the picture there was a girl my age looking at me half hidden behind me. We thought it was just a double exposure. We didn’t mind or pay any attention to it. I didn’t have any friends because we just moved there so every day after school I would play in there. One day I heard something coming from my dollhouse. I ran inside and I said to my mom “someone wispered your a bad girl a bad bad girl from my dollhouse.” and my mom said ” nobody can fit in your dollhouse you mean your playhouse?” and i said “no my dollhouse” My dad thought I was being paranoid so he took out my doll house the next day and he thought he heard someone wisper ” I hate you, you will regret this” day after day I would come home to my furniture in my playhouse destroyed and one day I found my favorite doll, Tiffany hung by my light I ripped her apart and threw her in the garbage. My mom found her told my dad and he said he was going to take down my playhouse my mom said “wait let me talk to some neighbors first see if they know about any thing” she talked to mrs homes the oldest woman
    In the neighborhood and this is what she told her

    ” there was a little girl named Misty who lived there before. Her parents used to abuse her. I called the police numerous times and they always seemed to slip out of there punishment. One day during a beeting session in the shed a bag of cement fell on Misty and broke her neck. Her parents did go to jail this time but it was already to late!

    When my mom got home she told my dad that and I decided that I would give Misty my new favorite doll Melissa. I left Melissa on a chair and I said Misty I know you didn’t get to play with dolls before so I am giving you my doll her name is Melissa. The next day the doll was gone and we were not bothered again.

    I just wanted to say I am now 12 and my name is Haley. This is a true story Misty was only saying your a bad girl because that’s what her parents said to her and often people who are abused become abusers themselves! Please put up my story and I’m sorry if this story is stupid!!! Not really that scary!!!

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