Scary For Kids


  • This is my story! Hope you enjoy it… Title: Ice Cream (An obvious title, you can give it a better one if you want to.)

    One of my favorite things about summer was the arrival of the ice cream man. You could count on him like clockwork. As soon as the days got longer, and the temperatures rose in early June, you’d hear that familiar jingle that seemed to come from a dream, and end up right in front of your door. So as I sat on my porch that first day on summer waiting to hear the familiar chime of the ice cream bells, I was a bit startled by the sight that arrived almost stealthily in front of my house. It was a black van with the letters I and C painted on the side, and it didn’t make a sound. It just sat there with the motor running. I could see the shadow of the driver through the darkly tinted windows, his hair sticking out in all directions like he had been electrocuted. I slowly approached the van with my two dollars in my hand I was going to use to buy a delicious snow-cone with. I tapped on the window, and the door opened. "Um," I muttered. But before I could speak more, the driver yanked me in, and locked the doors. "Wait…!" I screamed, horrified, finding out that this wasn't the usual man who delivered the ice cream. The driver turned his head and stared at me with an evil, twisted grin. "What can I get for you today, pretty, young girl? A snow-cone?" How did he know that I wanted a snow-cone? I sat there like some turtle that was just about to get ran over by a truck, trembling, sitting there with my mouth open. The man went to the back of the van and got a rainbow colored snow cone. "Here," he gave it to me. I took it, with shaking fingers. "Eat it, pretty girl, eat it." he chimed, with a sinister tone. I thought of what would happen if I didn't eat it…
    So I unwrapped the snow-cone. "That's it," said the man. I took a few bites of the snow-cone. It tasted normal. He was still grinning maliciously. Suddenly, I began to feel woozy. My eyelids felt like 500 pound bricks on my eyes every time I blinked. There was a bad taste in my mouth. It grew hard to breathe. I finally blacked out.
    I woke up in a basement, wrapped in some kind of rope-like stuff. Struggling, I managed to break loose from the poorly tied knots. I found blood stains on the walls and floors. Whimpering, I ran up a staircase that lead to a wooden door that was also blood stained. I wiggled the doorknob, and to my luck, it was unlocked. I tiptoed into a corridor that was covered in cobwebs. I found a door at the end of the hall, which I entered. I found myself in a small kitchen. The windows were boarded up. A small cat was sleeping under a table. Prying at the boards on the window, I heard footsteps behind me. "Oh God, no!" I thought. I quickly got under the table with the cat. The cat stirred, and looked up at me. It hissed. "Kitty shhhh!" I whispered. The kitchen door creaked open, the hinges screaming. Heavy footsteps pounded on the tiles, and I swear I heard one crack under the man's massive, giant-like foot. I bit down hard on my lower lip, holding in a whimper of terror. "Pretty girl, where are you, pretty girl?" he squealed atrociously. He stopped in front of the table. "Preeeetty giiirl…." he squealed. I couldn't hold it in. I sneezed. The man lifted the table cloth, and exposed my hiding place. I scuttled away from the table and to the wall, hoping to get away. "No!" I shouted.
    "Augh!" I cried, as I woke from the horrible nightmare.
    I chuckled, and sighed in relief. That was a dream, a very bad dream. I smiled to myself, happy to be alive and well, that is, until, I found myself restrained by some rope-like stuff in a basement with bloodstains on the floors and walls….

  • Im new on here heres my second story please give me feed back thanks.
    Are you cool?
    Lilly was just 7. Her parents cherished she was an only child and particapeted in beatuy pajients. One day lilly was skiiping upfront while her dad was whatching her while reading a always wandered off and constantly needed adult supervision. Lilly came along a little girl about 9 drawing with chalk. “hi”said lilly. “im lilly you are?” she asked. “why is it your buisness , im caty, short for catherine.” said caty with brag in her voice. “oh why are you here all alone you need to be wahcthed while playing” insisted lilly.” i dont because im not a baby like you”snorted caty.”you wanna come over for um dinner?”asked caty an eerie smirk on her face.”yea”said lilly let me lilly walked away she heard caty say”whatta baby”. Lilly’s dad agreed like always and walked lily over three houses down to caty’s.”may i meet your parents”asked lillys dad.”there to busy cooking caty lied.”alright”herdad said,”have fun lilly. “whats for dinner”lilly asked.”youll see” she snorted again. As lilly walked in it smelt horrible rotten almost.”follow me to my room”demanded caty pretended to play barbies and dress up lilly became found of her and acted like her and did every thing she did.dinner almost ready”began caty”but lets play one more ge how about simon says.caty asked.”yea”snorted lilly immiatating caty. As tbey played lilly got scared,simon says cut your self lilly did,simon says lock your self in the closet, lilly did,”this is getting boring lets how cool you are all cool people do this woth that caty jumped out the window. Likly looked down caty was. Nowhere to be seen but likly jumped.
    Dinners ready she heardsomeone lillys dad knocked on the door for the 6 timehe just walked in caty was chewing on a big slab of meat.wheres lily.he demanded,whos lily ? She asked . The dad looked at caty sharp teethand looked at the meat.then screamed. This was a really boring story sorry.

  • Sliding Door:
    Summer was a babysitter. The best you could find. Everyone in her neighborhood would hire her to look after their children because not only was she the best in care, but the children loved her too. One night, Summer was looking after Ashley and Morgan Smith; they were the most well behaved children in the neighborhood and Summer loved looking after them. They also had the biggest house in the neighborhood, that was another reason she loved looking after them, with 56 inch plasma televisions and refrigerators stocked with ice-cream.
    Summer had sent the children to bed by 9:30pm and had began watching television in the main living room. During one of the commercials, she stood up to check on the children but screamed.
    There standing about 10 meters away from her was a man. He was covered with a shadow and the only thing separating him from Summer was the sliding door leading out to the patio. Summer ran back to the couch and rubbed her eyes; when she opened them again, the man was gone.
    Summer brushed this occurrence off as her imagination, she was watching a horror movie after all. She checked on the children, who were sleeping soundly and went back to the living room.
    The horror movie Summer was watching had ended and the Smith parents still hadn’t returned from their anniversary dinner date. Summer lay down on the couch and was about to fall asleep when something caught her eye and made her sit straight back up.
    the man, who was about 10 meters away before, was not only one meter away from the sliding door. He was holding his knife in a strange way, as if he were about to pierce the glass door. Summer ran into the kitchen and phoned the parents.
    ‘H-hell-oo, i-it’s Summe-er, there is a-a man wi-ith a knife outside of your h-ouse. I can see him through the sl-iding do-or. P-please come home quick.’ And she hung up.
    Summer started to run up the stairs to grab the children, but before she reached the staircase, the man jumped up from behind, slit Summer’s throat from ear to ear and ran to the living room.
    When the Smith parents came home to find Summer dead, they called the police. Ashley and Morgan were unharmed because the killer was unaware that they were there, but no one could find any clues to who the murderer was.
    Then, one of the parents checked their phone for any text messages, but found a voice message. He turned it on loudspeaker so the sheriff could hear, and Summer’s voice came up.
    ‘H-hell-oo, i-it’s Summe-er, there is a-a man wi-ith a knife outside of your h-ouse. I can see him through the sl-iding do-or. P-please come home quick.’
    Mrs Smith, filled with guilt, started crying. Sh the police made their way to the living room to search for clues, Mr Smith stopped them.
    ‘Uh, Officers, we have some information that may be of use to you.’
    ‘What is it Mr Smith?’ Replied the head officer.
    ‘We don’t have a sliding door in the living room. Only a mirror.’
    The police ran to the living room and searched until dusk, just as they were about to leave, the deputy noticed something on the floor behind the couch.
    it was a bloody knife.

  • Blind patient.

    Katie and her younger brothers, Max and Josh, were at home alone. Their parents had split up and they were living with their mother. Katie was told to look after her brothers whilst her mom went to the shops. Katie happily agreed as she loved her independence. She was watching the news whilst Max and Josh were playing upstairs when the anchors told an alarming story:

    “Escaped mental patient Joe Hughes is currently roaming Cravend st. He is harmless and if you approach him, do not attempt to do anything to him. Just call the police and keep and eye on him.”

    Katie was 16 and lived near Cravend st. at first she was alarmed but told herself that nothing would happen to her. She was an optimistic girl with plenty of dreams for the future.

    A few minutes later she heard crying upstairs. She ran up and saw Max crying.
    “Max! What happened?” She said. Katie was worried that if her mother found out, she would not trust her to be alone with her brothers anymore.
    “Josh ran away!” Max sobbed. she looked around the room and saw two blue eyes staring at her from under the bed. At first, she was spooked
    But Josh’s eyes were bright blue and so told herself he was just prancing his brother.
    “He didn’t run away, Max.” Why don’t you come downstairs with me and watch some TV?”
    Max nodded in agreement.

    They were watching The Simpsons when it was interrupted by a news bulletin. Before Katie got a chance to hear the news, she turned of the TV in frustration. She was sick of hearing about crazed patients. She waited a few seconds and turned the TV on.

    “So anyone in that area must be careful.” The news reader said, then it switched back to The Simpsons. Max fell asleep on her lap and she carried him upstairs to his bed. As she did so, she saw the blue eyes staring at her again. “Go to bed, Josh!” She firmly spat, before switching of the lights and shutting the door.

    She was not fazed that her mother hadn’t returned yet. She would often spend hours in the shops, buying things then realising that they were way past their sell by date. Katie just layed down on the sofa and texted her friends.

    Just then, she got a phone call. “Hello?” She asked. “Katie! It’s Drew. I just saw Max from my window banging on the glass. Something was dragging him down. Did you hear the news bulletin? Joe Hughes, the mental patient is on our street!” Katie hung up the phone as her face turned pale. She ran up the stairs to her brother’s bedroom and was met by a deathly silence. She ran to her room and locked the door. She kept on biting her cushions in stress and guilt. Then her cell phone rang. She picked it up and heard a raspy voice whisper.
    “You really should tell who’s eyes belong to who.” The person hung up. She was too scared to call the police. In all the films she watched, anyone who dialled 911 ended up dead. She just sat there, cuddling up to her toys. She slowly looked up to her window and saw a man staring back up at her, his sickly blue eyes, never looking away. Katie crouched down and started to cry. She decided to relax herself by taking a bath.
    As she dipped her body into the warm, soapy water, she instantly felt aroused. She was half asleep in the bath, oblivious to the shuffling sounds approaching her. eventually, she opened her eyes, she met a grinning man with watery blue eyes. He wore and orange suit that said Solers Insane Asylum. She screamed until her mouth drowned in water, she was being pushed down into the bath by Joe Hughes.

    Two days later, police found the bodies of a young boy and a teenage girl. Their mother arrived at the scene and started sobbing when she saw that her children’s throats were slit open, dried blood trickling down their naked bodies.
    “but where’s Josh?” She asked, trembling with fear. The police brought out another body, it’s eyes were gouged out, leaving bruised marks around the sockets.

    The police had only one explanation. Joe Hughes killed Josh and threw him out the window whilst Max was out of the room, this probably gave Max the idea that he had run away. Before he did, though, he gouged out Josh’s eyes and held them above his own, since he was a blind man, giving the appearance of Josh. Since he still couldn’t see, he scratched and dragged his way to the bathroom, where he drowned Katie. He wasn’t known as a dangerous man, but that was probably only because he was blind. Katie’s mother sobbed uncontrollably. Joe was never found. Then one night, a few weeks later, she took a bath, so relaxed that she was oblivious to the sound of footsteps and scratching that was approaching her……….

  • Umm.. This is my fourth story. Maybe you can published it:
    Europe Doll:
    Me, Ai and my younger cousin Mii, was waiting our grandfather come home from his duty to Europe. We spent our time with drawing and colouring.

    In the afternoon, our grandfather came home. He gave us a gift from Europe. My grandfather gave me a girl doll with europe red dress and a fancy smile. I’m a little bit scared about the doll because the doll’s mouth seems can move.

    Mii seems sad because she got a music box. She told me that my doll was very preety and she wanted my doll. So I decided to gave my doll to Mii and I got Mii’s music box. Mii was very excited and go home with her smile.

    Mii always carried the doll everywhere. When she play, when she eat or sleep. I thought that Mii was very like the doll. But, 1 month passed, Mii died because a car accident. Beside her, there was her favourite doll. It smiling.

    In her last ceremony, I’m about to gave her some flowers but I saw the doll laying beside I got chilled and I ran back to my home.

    The next day, after I got home, I’m shocked with Mii’s doll sitting on my bed. Then my mother came to my room and explained it to me that Mii’s mother want me to kept the dool for remembering Mii’s death.

    At night, I felt that doll was stared at me and smiling too me. Because I’m to scared, I put the doll on my shelf. The next morning, my mother giggles and said that I was sleeping with Mii’s doll. I’m confused and when I look beside my pillow, the doll, with that scary smile laying beside me. But, last night I put it on my shelf. Everyday, that doll always I put on my shelf but the next morning that doll was laying beside my pillow.

    I can take it anymore, so I throw the doll to my trash bin. So my mother will dispose the doll to the garbage with other trash on a plastic. After I went home I was shocked. The doll was sitting on my bed with a big smile. I screamed in terror.

    “AI!!” shouted my mother. “How dare you to throw away this doll?! It’s for remembering Mii’s death!! ” my mother went away with a heavy sighed.

    “I can’t take this longer!! I made my decision!”
    I took the doll to the nearest temple. I decided to put the doll on that temple. Let the temple kept this strange doll.

    The peace days after I put that doll to the nearest temple. Usually I went to the temple and took a look of that doll. The doll was okay. It didn’t disturb me.

    I year passed, My big family went to temple to remembering Mii and pray for her. When I was praying, I look the doll was beside Mii’s photograph. I was thrilled..

    “Wow, what a nice doll” said one of my cousin. I looked in that day. The doll was holding my cousin’s skirt tightly.

  • This is my third story, hope you can publish it:
    Cotton Candy
    Wendy ran as fast as she could to her house. It’s getting dark outside and her mother would be angry if Wendy didn’t came home yet.

    Suddenly, she hit somebody. She started grinning on the road and look a little girl in pain.

    “Sorry, I was late to getting home” Wendy apologize to the little girl.

    “It’s okay” said the little girl. She was very beautiful with white dress and pink ribbon. She was holding a red cotton candy.

    “It’s look delicious, may I try it?” Said Wendy softly.

    “Sure!” Answered the little girl and gave Wendy the cotton candy and let her tried it.

    “So Yummy..Where do you buy that cotton candy?” asked Wendy.

    “If you want to know, meet me in the hallway park at 6 AM and I will show you” the little girl turn around and walked to another route.

    That night, Wendy was eating dinner with her mother and sister, Bella. She told her Mom that she will go to her friends house tomorrow. Then her mother agree.

    At 6 AM, Wendy ran to the park and started to search the little girl. When Wendy was about search the little girl, somebody pulled her hair behind her. Wendy turn around and the girl was behind her, smiled.

    “Let’s go!” The girl pulled Wendy’s hand to the cemetery.

    “Why we should go to the cemetery??” Asked Wendy.

    The little girl didn’t answered and keep walking around the graves. Many of the graves have a big hole on the middle.

    “We are here! This is my house!” Said the girl.

    Wendy looked the house. There was a box with a writing in there. “COTTON CANDY” in. blue colour. The house seems old and never being clean up. The girl pulled Wendy’s hand inside. Inside the house there was a cotton candy maker, a wooden door, chairs and tables. Something that made Wendy curious was the wooden door.

    What’s inside the wooden door, Wendy has a feeling about this. Not good, but its was a bad feeling.

    Wendy ran and opened the wooden door. She found. dead human bodies.

    “Wha- What??” Wendy in shocked.

    “That’s our special ingredients ! Human blood,” said the little girl.
    “You’re blood looks really good” the little girl grabbed a big sharp knife and pushed Wendy to the ground.

    The little girl giggles and raise the knife.
    “You’re next”


    Moral: don’t trust stranger even she/ he is a children! Sorry if the story didn’t scared you or the story was bad

  • “Junta” – One day, 3 kids sat in the realm of boredom. 2 kids, 1 boy and 1 girl, looked at each other in a desperate cause. Their job was babysitting, watching the 3 year-old kid sit lifeless-like. But instead, they had thought of something to play. “Jhunta.” they both said. The child glared in confusion. “What’s Jhunta?” said the child. The 2 older kids led the kid to the living room. The child shivered. Something cold was in the room. “It’s a game we made. You just need 2 puppets made by your parents, but they need to be dead after to play.” the girl said. The little boy frowned. He expected a good game. “You need 3 people. 2 kids have to hide them. Then those 2 assigned children have to go outside and set the house on fire. Afterwards, the dead parents will appear and the child will have to guess where the puppets are. The parents will tell if the kid is right or wrong. If he doesn’t get the answers in time, he will die.(To be continued.)

  • Scaryforkids please post this please I beg you!
    Optical Illusion
    One day Alice went on the compute.An add popped out for a scary optical illusion.Alice loved illusions so she clicked on it,a text popped out,it read: Stare at the picture for 30 seconds and turn around to see me!Confuesd Alice clicked “accept”,it was just a red dot.She stared at it for 30 seconds and turned around there was nothing there.She went down stairs and told her mom about it her mom dropped her cup of coffee and race up stairs with Alice.When she saw it she collapsed on the floor crying.”Why the hell did you do it?! Why!?” she screamed at Alice.”What’s wrong?” asked Alice.”That’s why your dad died? Don’t you see?” shouted her mom.After that she just left the room without a word.The next day as Alice was at school she asked her friends about it.They said it was haunted by a ghost that was the optical illusion whoever tries it gets skinned alive next week.She went home and went to bed as the night she woke up in the middle of the night then went to bed again.As a week went by Alice was at the computer again.She could feel sortingg behind her she turned around and saw her dad the next morning Alice’s mom came into the room to wake her up here was no anwser.She called again no anwser she took the bedsheets of her face and body she was skinned alive there was a knife beside her.A year later a girl was found skinned alive in her own bed it said that she tried the optical illusion and a week later she saw Alice.So don’t go out trying strange optical illusions!because that illusion is still out there!

  • Second Storie!

    The Sleepover Killer

    3 Friends Austin, James’ And Derek Were Having A
    Sleepover. While They Were Watching TV. The Tv
    Went Black And Words Came Up The Screen


    That Made Them Really Scared. Austins
    Parents Were Out For The Night. They Stayed In There Room.When Derek Looked Out Of The
    Window. He Screamed So Loud! The Killer Was In There Drive Way! Now
    They Were Scared To Death. They Grab 3 Metal Bats In The Closet And
    Stare At The Door For An Hour. After An Hour They Started To Feel Sleeply.
    They Fell Asleep. Austin Went Downstairs For A Glass Of Milk. When He Went In The
    Kitchen. The Power Came Out! Derek Woke Up. So Did James By A Loud Scream.
    They Went Downstairs And Scream. They Saw Austin Hang And His Legs Cut In Half. They Ran
    Outside To Scream For Help.

    They Ran To The Police. The Swat Gang Went To The House. They Found The Killer In The Bathroom.
    Derek And James Were Crying At The Living Room Couch.
    They Went To Sleep And They Heard A Voice In The Closet

    ”I’m Back”

  • The Shadow

    Roxas was a usual school going boy of age 13 . Although he appeared brave he was a coward. He is an orphan yet he has many enemies. He had heard about the the musket bridge in Washington d.c. There was a special legend concerning that place.

    Once upon a time a little girl was walking on the bridge when a shady man appeared in front of her. Legend has it that they talked from morning to evening and afterwards the girl ran home and the man dissapeared for ever and soon after a week the girl was found dead in her bedroom.
    The case is still a mystery to many detectives. Of course nobody knew about the man and nobody went to the musket bridge ever agai. Now Roxas was curious about the mystery and decided to solve it and so on a windy stormy dark night . He left his aunts home(he was living with his aunt) and cycled down to the musky bridge. As soon as he neared the bridge his hands turned cold they started freezing . He left his cycle on the grass beside the bridge and went to the middle of the bridge. As he went there a shadowy shaped formed out of the air and stood before him. “who are you?” asked Roxas. The man reminded silent instead he pointed at roxas’shadow.” What do you mean by that . What happened to the little girl?”Roxas spoke. The figure still said nothing it just stood there and pointed at roxas’shadow . Roxas suddenly fell down unconscious.

    It was dawn when Roxas woke up on the musket bridge. He ran all the way home(aunts home).
    He woke his aunt and her two children . Uncle went on a trip so he wouldnt be involved in this. Roxas told his aunt all that had happened. His aunt scolded him badly and grounded him for a week in his bedroom. The next morning Roxas woke up on his bed and went to his window and flung open his curtains, sunlight flooded in. Roxas at that moment by chance turned around and saw that he had no shadow. That was weird. Maybe it was his imagination. Roxas went down to eat breakfast when he heard the news of his uncle’s death. It was believed that he was murdered mysteriously and strangest hint was that the camera’s at his office did not show anyone murdering him. Roxas felt some thing strange. He sat in his room the whole day. The only one wired thing he noticed was that he did not have his shadow. The next morning he went to his cousins bedroom to find them dead on the bed, strangled to death in the night. The police were called and investigations showed no progress. There was no proof as to who murdered them. Roxas noticed that his cousins also had no shadows. He thought this was normal among all the people. That night he heard his aunts voice at 12:00am in the basement. That was really Roxas went down the basement he saw his aunt seated on the sofa. Roxas sat beside her. Aunt looked at him and smiled ” my dear child I am sorry but I have to do this”she said. ” Do what?” Roxas shouted. Then aunt picked up a huge axe and pointed it at Roxas. Roxas shouted and started running for his life.”are you insane aunty?”Roxas shouted. “It’s you who is insane Roxas I have to kill you before you kill me” his aunt shouted. Roxas ran into his bedroom and closed the door. He Heard banging sound on the door. After some time it quitened down. Roxas thought maybe his aunt was resting. He slowly opened the door to mid his aunt chopped to pieces by her own axe .”how is this possible? I did not kill her”Roxas thought. “well Roxas I killed her” a voice boomed. Roxas turned around but could see no one. Who was talk into him.”it’s me Roxas I am your shadow the shadow of your heart , the dark side, I am the devil” the voice boomed. Then suddenly roxas’ hand started moving someone was controlling his hands. His hands crept around his neck and squeezed. The last thing he could see before darkness was his shadow grinning at him.

    I am sorry but there is no place called musket bridge in Washington. It is just a fiction imaginary place. Scary for kids please post my story!

  • ScaryForKids, I’d think you’d like this one :) It’s written by me, but others have written similar.

    That’s Not My Dad

    Nauseas once again, I dragged my duvet over the vibrates of my body; the colour of a canvas-like flesh coursing through my vision as once again, my throat heaved. Cursing minor curses secretly to myself, I swiftly climbed from the surface of my bed, my body skimming the ladder from inches. Once on flat surfaces, I paced over to the door- my hand trembling violently as I twisted the handle, soon motioning to the bathroom. Wordlessly flaring my tear-trimmed eyes over the emptiness of my staircase, I’d imagined some silhouette, creature, monster crawling from the flat surfaces below, making the sickening feeling worsen. Immediately turning to the bathroom once more, I wrenched the string soon to be greeted by the warmth of light.

    Leaning over the toilet, waiting for minutes, I had faltered hope that the vile substance was ever going to emerge from the pits of my stomach. Moaning impaciently, I inched the door open, turning on the hall light sorce. The deadly darkness had vanished, but I had a feeling something wasn’t right. Although I had been living in this two story house for over two years with my elder sibling, who had now left me to be the only child, and my parents, I’d still feel the shiver of something skimming the hairs of my neck. Landing on the solid surface of the first floor, I searched everywhere for my parents, desprately wanting to be rid of the sickened feeling.

    Searching in the lounge, kitchen and their bedroom, I had found no trace. Emerging from the shadows of the gardan at the enterance, I had found something moving in the lightened office that had been possessed by my father. Inching closer, I had meakly smiled to myself- the arms of my father beckoning me closer. I had suddenly frooze when my parent’s car pulled into parking mode. The footsteps of my parents inching closer before arms sheilded my chest; a coo of concern from my mother.

    “What are you doing out here, your only making your condition worse- we’ll give you medicine inside.” My blood froze as my fathers office light’s had dimmed, the silhouette had vanished.

    If that wasn’t my father, then who was it?

  • There was once a boy named Riku. He was traveling with his family one night on a highwayroad.
    All of a sudden a lightning burst out and Riku’s father lost control of the car and they fell into a gutter. Dad tried to get the car out by pushing it but it was of no use. Riku was very small. His father asked mom and Riku to stay in the car while he gets some help. After hours of waiting Riku’s mom goes into a deep sleep. Riku then gets out of his car and goes in search of his father. He comes to an old abandoned hotel where he thinks his father might be. Riku enters the hotel as the rain pours heavily. Inside the hotel Riku hears strange sounds like crying and groaning. He goes to the terrace of the hotel to see an old hut. Suddenly an old man comes out of hut and tells him to go away as the place was haunted with the ghosts of the legendary 100 hunters. The old Man says that once the 100 hunters and their leader murdered people and stole them and looted them. At last they died of a bomb blast when they were living in this hotel. The old man claims that he is the leader of the gang and that Riku’s family is going to die one by one. Riku runs for his life he runs out of the hotel and goes to his car and opens the door. There he stood in silence as his mother’s head was twisted and her eyes were missing. Riku closed the door and went to the drivers seat and opened that door. He saw his father’s head stuck in the handles of the steering and that his eyes were missing. Riku was now left all alone. A seven year old boy. Now that he had no one left he made his way back to the abandoned hotel. He climbed on the terrace as he saw the 100 hunters holding the eyes of his parents and eating them. Riku said “I have no one to live for you can take me too but please send me to my parents I cant bear to live without them”.

    A few months later a family was traveling in a car on the same highway and their car ran out of gas. As they searched around they saw eyeless bodies of Riku’s parents. They found their way to the abandoned hotel hoping to find a place to stay at the night. Hey saw the body of a small boy without his eyes. Just then an old man came out and said that they had room for the family to stay.the highway is National highway number 9. In. India.

  • Strangers

    i got onto my im and my friend was on so we started chatting
    Me: Hey lilly
    Lilly: hey Janey
    Me: stop joking
    Lilly: I AM NOT JOKING
    10 minutes later some person named luve got on and said
    Luve: i got your friend lilly
    Me: who are you
    Luve: oh your friend is so perfect but i will kill her
    Luve: click on this link
    Ps not a real link
    as i stared at it i knew who each kid was and where they were located
    Luve: bye bye
    then i ran to lilly’s house but she was dead

  • Mother may i?

    When i was little i said mother may i give you a kiss and she said Y0U ARE STUPID I WILL KILL YOU WHEN YOU ARE 13 and i said 2 years later mother may i go to katie’s house and she said I WILL SKIN YOU IN 5 YEARS and 5 years later i said mother may i skin you and she said i am going to skin you right now and then she grabbed a knife and skinned her daughter and no one caught her.

    sorrythat is is short

  • The Ballerina

    Night outskirted the dawn as I inched my upper body, breathing harshly- I cried as the memories of the horror stories last night tormented my mind. I’d just realized, the room was shallowed into a deadly silence, the occasional sound of light rocking from the corner, the darkest clearing of my room. The chair that had been padded into a ash-coloured cushion with oak slimming it’s edges had been gone for over two years, that was it’s original place, it couldn’t have- then a thought of the little girl, white, draping gowns with blood stain patterns dragging me into complete darkness, torturing me unti I die from the pain.

    Don’t be silly, I scold myself before resting my head on the pillow once more, the darkness soon streaking my struggling vision once more as my anatomy was wrenched into the dreams once again. But, it wasn’t the little girl; it was worse, a.. Ballerina, feathered corset with draping three inch skirt, tights hiding the bloody wounds that had not clearly been hidden enough for steep cut’s scarred her legs. The slurred music of ‘The Swan Lake’ coursing through my mind before flashes of blood rippled into sight. I gasped in horror once again as the swift, smooth dancing faltered to a blood-curling twitch, her body stiffly rotating around, halting when the remains of her flesh had faced me.

    I started shuddering with every movement backwards before I choked a scream, the image of the shattered swan-like ballerina twitch towards me. Bone descended into different directions as her pace fastened, I wasn’t moving anywhere; the ballerina inches from my own trembling silhouette, I screamed.

    “Leave!” I closed my eyes, trying to follow the gentle voice leading me to safety as I felt my body being wrenched back into reality, I sobbed uncontrolably into my pillow before I heard whispers resound my room, blood-shot eyes flared up, a twitching figure emerging from the depths of my curtains. I had no time to think, I collided my hand forcefully with the light to look around.


    Breathing harshly once more, I laughted meakly as my music box slurred familiar music.. The swan lake .. How did it open? Removing my eyes from the curtains, I froze, something breathing against my kneck; I slowly turned- screaming soon dimmed as the lights flickered off; she was here the whole time.

    Kinda sucked but I hope you enjoyed :)

  • Who’s there?
    Jane was alone at home. she was watching the news as a storm brew outside. Her parents lived in another country. There was a serial killer on the loose. She was beginning to get very scared. She heard a knock on the door. She was pretty scared when a total stranger came to her house. He asked for Mr.Brown and identified himself as Silverstein, Mr. Brown’s P.A. She asked him to wait as there was a storm outside. she phoned her mom and asked her if she could let him in, and finally, she invited him into the house. She was still scared of him as she thought he was the serial killer. Silverstein had a hard time convincing her not to woory as he was not the serial killer.
    She dialled 911 anyway. After a few hours of unbroken silence, only one policeman entered the room. He identified himself as Inspector Yan.
    Inspector Yan told her that he was a Mexican.He had responded to her call. Suddenly, she felt something dripping in her kitchen.
    It was the tea they had made. her kitten was boiling as the tea-blood mixture slowly dripped from the teapot.
    Her first suspicion was Inspector Yan. When she went back to the couch, he was nowhere to be found. She called her mom and told her the entire episode.
    Suddenly she found a not from Silverstein lying on the couch. It said, “Miss, I need to use the shower. I am in the room which is painted yellow.”
    Jane found it odd. There was no room painted yellow. Just when she tried to explore the house, the writing changed. Instead of a yellow room, it spoke of a red room. She entered into the first room only to find it covered in blood. there was a writing on the wall. It said, “told you there was a red room” She heard a laugh. It was a female. “Who said your name is Jane? You are Amanda.” She found the bodies of Silverstein and Yan tied up to the cieling fan. the walls were covered in their blood. Oh no, she thought. And then, the news flashed. “The serial killer is identified as living in the Brown’s house, identifies herself as Jane/Amanda/Kim. She is an orphan who is seriously mentally distubed.” She laughed maniacally. “now off to work poor darling, have to paint the walls pink!”

  • “Pretty Green Eyes”
    7 year old Marina had a long black hair and beautiful green eyes.She had to travel and change schools alot,because of her mother’s work.She barely ever made any friends before she moved again.
    One day,her mother moved in a town called Malaikat Mata.Marina felt weird once they entered it.She was curious about why it was named like that,and what it meant.She asked her mother,who replied:”It doesn’t matter at all.Work is work,and you have to do it.”
    Marina quietly nodded.She was even a little afraid to be in this town,but if her mother said anything,It’s true…
    One day she went outside after finishing school.She secretly wished that she could stay in one city…But she shaked her head at the though of staying in Malaikat Mata.
    She noticed she was being stared at.It was a girl,she looked like she was at her age.To Marina,it was very creepy.She never saw this girl at the school tour.She decided to ignore it and went home.
    The next day,after school,she saw her again.The girl was staring at Marina the same way as yesterday.Marina decided to ask her why she does that.She went close to the girl and said:
    -Hi!My name is Marina.What’s your name?
    -Angel-She replied.
    -It’s nice to meet you Angel!Why were you staring at me like that?
    -It’s because of your eyes.They are so pretty.I want your eyes-And she stared at Marina’s eyes.
    -Yours are pretty too!
    Angel didn’t say anything,but kept staring at Marina.
    Marina went home with a strange feeling.
    The next day,before school was finished,Marina started looking in the school for Angel.She asked people about that girl,but no one claimed to know.After school she went outside again,hoping to see her.And she did.Angel kept staring at her like always.Marina went up to her.Before she said anything,Angel said:
    -Nobody likes my eyes.They think they are ugly.I want your eyes!
    -But Angel,your eyes really ARE pretty,don’t think of mine!
    -You are lying!Nobody likes them!I want your eyes!
    -Don’t say that!-Marina replied with fear.
    -I want your eyes!Your eyes!Your eyes!
    Marina was so terrified so she ran away.
    When she went home she wouldn’t stop thinking about that girl.And she couldn’t sleep.She could still hear the echoes of her repeatedly saying she wants her eyes.Marina couldn’t sleep.When she was about to try and doze off,she saw a shade,a ghostly figure somewhere…She turned off the light,and when she looked around,she screamed…
    The next morning her mother came to wake her up,and horrified,she finds her daughter dead-Her face skinned and covered with blood,and her eyes…they were gone!
    Without knowing why,she looked up the internet about the meaning of Malaikat Mata.It meant Angel Eyes…

  • Man Within Walls
    One evening a family by the name of the Franks moved into a 3 story house in a small town outside of los angles. When they had the home inspector come to look at it the inspector said everything was great but the walls were unsually thick. They asked will that impeed the structure and the imspector told them no. The first night there son jimmy heard a strange noise from the wall. He looked and saw nothing but still woke up his parents and told them. They told him it was new house creaks and that they would be gone within a week. The next night jimmy heard a sawing noise and looked again and noticed a very say hole. He walked over to the hole and looked at it, then a voice giggled. Jimmy fled to his parents room and told them, Jimmy’s dad came and looked and said it was just a thumbtack hole. The next night jimmy heard, go get your daddy little jimmy so we can have some fun…..Jimmy screamed and got his father, when his father exaimned the hole this time a ice pick went throught the hole straight into his eye and the dad fell. Jimmy was stunned and dead sprinted to his mom only to find her shot in the head through a large hole in the wall. Jimmy got to a neighbors house and called 911. Police showed up and arrested the old evicant that used to live in the house. They say if you stay at the house you can still hear the ice pick sliding and the gunshot. Also never look in the holes…
    Thanks guys it was my first story please provide some feedback :)

  • Harold

    Once, there were two farmers who lived in a wooden hut in texas. Everyday they would wake up and do the same things. Wake, Eat, Take Cows To Valley,Bring them back, have lunch, take the cows to the lake to drink, come back. have dinner and sleep. One day theygot bored of the same thing. “lets make a doll!” one of the farmers suggested, then they started to build a life size doll and they named it Harold, after a man who they had both very much hated. Now, whenever somthing would go wropng, they would blame it all on Harold. they would kick him, punch him, slap him, and sometimes they would say, “hey Harold, I hate you!” and they would take a handful of food and smash it in harold’s face,until one day, The sat harold in the chair and they rubbed beans and mash in his face,and harold grunted! “hmm!”Did you hear that! the doll spoke!” exclaimed one of thefarmers. “no i didnt hear anything!” the other farmer would reply. Everytime they rubbed food in harolds face, he grunted. but the farmers didnt care anymore.Until, one day, Harold stood up! He walked out of the hut! the two farmers went outside and saw harold pacing, up and down on the roof. He never stopped until night, where he would sit on the roof until morning. but one day, the farmers never cameoutside, harold pulled ther bodies onto the roof, took out their insides and stuffed themm with straw. and he made them prance up and down like harold.

    sorry if it was boring.

  • The Faceless Doll

    Once there were 2 girls called Sam and Naomi. Everyday after school they liked to visit Montys’s, a shop just round the corner. It was a day like any other, when they spotted a sign in a different language. Now, the 2 girls didn’t pride themselves on their knowledge of this language, but even they could tell the sign was very wrong. They told the shopkeeper about this, and soon realised the sign was in a different language to the one they thought it was in. The shopkeeper told them never to come back to the shop. When they were about to leave, Sam noticed faceless dolls hanging around the shop. She took her camera and took a photo of the dolls as a memory.
    “Why have those dolls got no faces?” Naomi asked after Sam pointed it out.
    “I took them off, they were too creepy for the public,” the shopkeeper told them, “now GET OUT!”

    The next day, after school, Naomi suggested they go to Monty’s.
    “We’re banned, remember?” Sam reminded her. She took out the photos and glanced at them.
    “We’ll sneak in after it’s closed,” Naomi said. “I need to watch that TV they have!”

    At night, Sam got ready to meet up with Naomi. She looked at the photos and to her surprise she saw red faces painted on them. She showed Naomi.
    “Very funny, I bet you edited those to scare me,” Naomi said disbelievingly.
    “I didn’t, I swear!” Sam cried.
    “Whatever, let’s just go in now,” Naomi sighed.
    When they managed to find a way in, they were horrified. The shopkeeper’s chest had been ripped open and he lay in a pool of blood. The dolls lay besides him, faces painted on with the shopkeepers blood. They had evil grins. On the wall there was a message painted with the blood as well.
    “We have creepy faces? What about yours?!” Sam read. Naomi looked at the shopkeeper reluctantly. A cloth lay over his face. She cautiously took it off and gasped in horror. His eyes had been gouged out, his nose hanging on by threads and deep cuts all over his face.
    Suddenly a voice came from nowhere.
    “I thought you were banned?” It boomed.
    “N-no?” Sam stammered.
    “I don’t like liars,” it said calmly.
    “We-we-no…” Naomi staggered backwards.
    “Can you guess where I am?” It said in a taunting voice. “You have a minute before it’s all over…”
    Naomi fainted. Sam stared at her.
    “50 seconds…I’m coming closer…”
    “NO!” Sam knelt down and shook Naomi who slowly woke up.
    “40 seconds…you don’t want to end up like that shopkeeper, do you?”
    They both ran to door but it was locked.
    “30 seconds…maybe you’ll end up worse…”
    Naomi burst into tears. Sam desperately started searching the shop.
    “20 seconds…any idea where I am?”
    “O-over there!” Sam tried, pointing wildly.
    “Nope, time penalty, 5 seconds left…”
    “2 seconds…I’m behind you…” Sam spun around.
    The last thing she saw was an evil face made of blood.

    The next day, the police were sent to investigate. All they could find were 3 dead bodies and madly grinning dolls.

    (Our first story! We’re growing up so fast! :’D Anywaaaaaaay…hope you enjoy it :) It’s based on a true story, believe it or not. Well, the first part anyway, lol :p

    Le Epique :)

  • Another story I wrote and that has no title:

    I was running through the forest, running away from the most horrible creature I’ve ever seen; it was a tall red creature with two small horns on its head, it had no skin so I could only see its bloody muscles and it didn’t have eyes, it knew where it was from touch and smell. Wherever it went, it would leave a path of blood and anything it touched turned into a thing that was made up of arteries; a very disturbing thing to see.
    I couldn’t see much since it was like three in the morning but I didn’t care, I just wanted to get away from that ‘thing’, sadly, I didn’t see a fallen tree trunk in my way so I tripped on it. My jeans were stuck on a branch and I could hear ‘it’ coming closer and closer. I struggled to rip that part of my jeans off, but it was already too late, it had already smelt me.
    It touched the tree trunk and I could feel it turning into arteries and in that moment I knew I was dead. It turned its head to where I was and it ‘smiled’. It raised its razor-sharp claws and slashed my stomach open. I felt like I was turning into an artery thing and my eyes were closing and everything was turning to black.
    The last thing I saw was its smile.

  • Title: Phone Phobia

    Gillian sat on her bed. She was upset, Brandon said he would call, but he didn’t. She had waited all day, but nothing. After 11:00p.m. she gave up and went to bed. When the clock striked 12:00a.m. , the phone rang. “Hello?” she said. “Your next” said the stranger. “excuse me?!” screamed Gillian. “I got that brandon boy you like so much, now your next!” they said. Gillian got into the feetle position and cryed. At 1:00a.m. se got another call. “Gillian? its brandon, this guy…, he is hurting me aand says he’ll kill me unless you come over!!!”cried brandon. “ok i’ll be over soon!!” she said. Gillian put on some shoes and grabed the biggest knife she could find. When she got there, the house was completely empty accept for a note that said “If you where faster, he would have lived, but i promise, ill call you to warn you that ill get you. i enjoy watching my victums run like rabbits before i get them.” Gillian never answered the phone again.

    Okay, like I said, im new to this and the Best Friends story is alot better. And by the way, the squidward creepypasta story kept me up all night, the gorey details the person says made me almost barf and every time i blinked, i seen the video .i seen the video and it is awful. i still cant sleep, all i have to say is i can watch spongebob ever again. well played SFK

  • Title: Best Friends

    Lacey and Tristen where the best of friends, always together, telling deep secrets, and unusual girls.
    Lacey was a very cheerful girl, she wore pink all of the time, and wasen’t scared to say whats on her mind. But Tristen on the other hand, was an emo, bi-polar girl who was snarky, sarcastic, and most of all: shy. One day, a group of girls ganged up on Tristen while Lacey was staying after school, talking to a teacher. The girls picked up rocks and threw them at her while calling her embarassing names like “Forever alone” and “Dead girl.” After 10 minutes of humility, From a distance, Lacey seen the girls and decided to take action. She took out the pocket knife she carrys for protection and hurryed to the girls and Tristen. She screamed “BACK OFF OR ELSE!” The girls looked at her for a second and burst out in laughter. So, Lacey went up to the team leader and slit her throat. Blood splatered everywhere and the rest of the girls stood there, too shocked to move. Tristen was shocked as well. After a 30 seconds of scilence, the rest of the girls screamed. Lacey took her knife and stabed the rest of the girls to death, she accually cut off the ring leaders face. When it was all done, Lacey turned and looked at Tristen with her blood spatered skin and clothes,she said in a voice so smooth,” Tristen are you ok?” Tristen nodded her head. Lacey started to say “they got that they desur____” and got hit bu a semi. Lacey died instantly. Later that night, Tristen was mooning over her best friends life, until she her the scraching. It sounded like sharp fingernails on a chalkboard. Tristen stopped crying and listened. Now , she heard her bedroom door handle jigggling. She froze in fear as the door slowly opened…… revealing Lacey. Bloody and banged up from the truck. Broken bones, deep gashes, missing fingers…….. and she was holding a butcher knife. “Tristen,” she said in a voice colder than antartica “you will join me, we ARE best friends forever. And I will make the last part true.” Lacey slowly walking over to the bed, leaving a bloody trail behind her. Tristen finally blacked out, only to wake up with the knive in her stomach. She let out a bloodcurrtling scream as the knive was plunged into her several times. When the parents found her when they got home, Tristens entrails where splatered everywhere. Her face said she was in mid-scream when she died. Her eyes staring at nothing but darkness now. Tristen and Lacey still haunt the town they died in. They appeir in mirrors and dance in the street, Saying the names the girls called Tristen. Lacey did make it happend, her and Tristen would be best friends forever.

  • ok this is the 2th time im doing a story
    the title is: Zombie Town
    It was a pretty normal night for me and my brother Max. We live in a small town in Canada. Mom was yelling at us to go to sleep. So we did, but when we woke up something was different. We heard a scream coming from the kitchen. My brother Max was still sleeping, so I went to see what it was. I walked down the hallway and when I looked around the corner, I saw something I never would have imagined in my worst nightmare. Something was eating my moms face off. He was chewing on her face like a chicken bone. I ran and picked up a frying pan and smashed the monster in the face. It looked up at me, and I reconized him I was my Dad! He looked dead, and grey like a zombie. I ran away to wake up Max. He wouldnt wake up right away, so I picked him up and ran him to the our parents car. I knew my Mom always kept the keeps in the visor. My zombie parents where chasing us, I threw a chair at them and we ran into the car and slamed the door shut. They kept running after us, Mom was punching the window of the car so hard her hand broke and was bleeding but she didnt feel it. The noise woke Max up. I slammed the car into reverse, and after closing my eyes. I looked at Max and said to him, “We have to kill them or they will kill us.” Max agreed. I hit the gas and ran them both over. We went driving looking for a new place to start life over. The End

  • ok now this is my first time telling a story so get ready the title is;piggyman
    WHOOOOOOOOO! i was haveing a party and i was haveing so much fun intil one of the girls asked me to light up some candels and put them in the bathroom and turn off the lights in the bathroom and do this mith called piggyman so i did it but it diden work so i went to get a drink and when i whent back to the bathroom and one of the candels were gone and i turned arond and piggyman was there and he slashed me the end

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