Scary For Kids


  • The Little Girl
    One night a girl named Kayla, who was 15, was at her house with her boyfriend, Jake. Kayla heard a knock on her door. She went to go answer it. When she opened up the door, she saw a little girl standing there.She looked about 4 maybe 5 years old. Shocked, Kayla looked at her and asked what her name was. The little girl then started crying. Whats wrong?” asked Kayla.
    “I cant find my mommy!” The little girl said.
    Kayla looked at her and said “Dont worry, it will be alright. Come inside and we will figure this out.”
    “Okay” the little girl said and walked into the house. Jake looked up to see the little girl comming inside.”Who is that?” Jake asked Kayla. “Some little girl.” Kayla replied. “She told me she cant find her mom.” “Whats her name?” Jake asked. Shrugging, Kayla turned to the little and asked her what her name was again. The little girl still didnt reply. “Whats your mom’s name?” asked Kayla.”I dont know.” said the little girl. “I was with her at the park. I ran to a swing and she never came with me.” The little girl started crying. “Its okay” Kayla told the little girl. “We will find her.”
    30 minutes later, Jake left the house and Kayla was alone with the girl. “Are you hungry or tired?” Kayla asked. The girl told her she was tired and Kayla put her in her room where the girl fell asleep. Kayla then went into the kitchen and called her parents. “Mom, when are you and dad geting back?” Kayla asked. “Tomorrow honey, Im sorry. Why is something wrong?” her mom said. “Well” Kayla said “its just theres this little girl who looks 4 years old. She knocked on the door saying she lost her mom. Shes in my room sleeping right now.” “Did she tell you her name” asked her mom. “No, she wont tell me.” “Okay well i got to go.” her mom said. “Lock up the doors and turn on the alarm system.” “Okay love you bye.” Kayla hung up the phone and turned to see the little girl staring at her. “Hey” Kayla said. “Is something wrong?” The little girl just looked at Kayla. Getting a little scared, Kayla told the girl to go back to bed. The girl just looked at Kayla. Suddenly, the girl grew pail and screamed. Scared, Kayla tried asking what was wrong but the girl kept on screaming. Finally, she stopped at looked behind Kayla. Kayla turned around to see a women who looked about 30 holding a knife. Screaming, Kayla ran, grabed the girl and locked herself in the bathroom. “Its okay.” Kayla whispered to the girl. The girl screamed again ran out the door, leaving it open. The women then saw Kayla, went into the bathroon and grabed her. Kayla screamed and as she did, she felt the women stab her. Then, the women threw her on the ground. Looking around, Kayla noticed the little girl was right by the women. “RUN!” she screamed at the girl. “RUN GET HELP!” The little stood by the women and smiled. “You silly!” the girl said. “Why would I run? I love my mom.” Kayla looked at both the women and the girl. She screamed one last time. The women then stabed Kayla again, killing her.
    The next day, Kayla’s parents came home to see blood on the floor. They went in Kayla’s room to see if she was alright, but only found a note writen in blood. The note said: My name is Heather. 2 down.
    The police arived and never found Kayla’s bodie. When they saw the note, they knew exactly what happened. They told the parents that the same thing happened two nights ago, no body and a note from a girl named Heather found, but with a different number on it.
    The police continued finding the same thing at different house for the next month, but the number kept on growing.

  • My scary story.
    There was a beautiful girl named Isabel. She was an 12 year old and even at that age she still loved playing with her dolls. Her parent’s used to tell her not to buy to many dolls, for things can happen… but she would not listen. Her grandmother had loads of dolls so she was there often. One day, when her grandmother and her went shopping, Isabel spotted a beautiful, angel like doll sitting on the shelf. Next to that doll was an ugly, disgusting doll with red eyes. When Isabel set eyes on the angel like doll she fell to her knees and begged her grandmother to buy it. Her grandmother agreed and bought the wrong doll. The ugly, disgusting doll with ferocious red eyes. She told her grandmother it was the wrong doll. But unfortunately, her grandmother told her to keep that doll. When she returned home, she threw the doll in the cupboard and scowled at it. “Ugly thug of a doll” And she ran upstairs into her bedroom and played with her dolls. Then night fall came. Isabel kept her door open, so she could run out if something bad happened. So she closed her eyes and slept. Suddenly, she heard rapid footsteps up the stairs.
    “Ugly thug… Ugly thug”
    She got the fright of her life.
    “Ugly thug… Ugly thug”
    It came closer to her bedroom.
    Before she could look the doll stabbed her.
    The next day Isabel was found dead, and carved on her chest was “Dolls have feelings”

  • “The Recital Costume”

    It was only natural that Maureen was picked for the lead in the ballet. With her tecnique, she got it every year. The tickets for this year’s show had already sold out. Her dance school could always count on her for a great performance, this time as a fairy queen. But what they didn’t count on was a fatal car accident.
    Every dancer at the school mourned the death of the girl, particularly a freshman named Dalondra. She idolized Maureen, and aspired to be just like her. To her delight, she was cast as the new fairy queen, and an order for a new costume was sent, as Maureen was slightly taller than Dalondra.
    Dalondra worked very hard at her part, and everybody agreed that she would make an exceptional lead. It took lots of practice, though, and she often stayed up late into the night practicing pirouettes in her foyer. One such night, her parents were away, and Dalondra heard the doorbell ring. On the porch there was a slightly worn looking box, bearing the name of the place where her costume was made: THOMPSON COSTUMES. At the bottom of the box, in sharpie, were the words, “Good luck, Dalondra!” She squealed in delight and opened the box, where she was met with a gorgeous, silky blue gown with a glittery bodice. Four layers of tulle cascaded from the skirt.
    “It’s beautiful…” she exclaimed. Then she sniffed it. It smelled…earthy, and a bit like chemicals. “Oh well. I’ll wash it.” After hanging it up gently on the clothes rack, she went to bed, dreaming of her fairy queen performance. The next day was a dress rehersal. As Dalondra was putting on the dress, she noticed that the shoulder straps had been folded and sewn down slightly. Now why would they make a costume like that, she thought, without asking me first? But the costume fit comfortably, and she didn’t have time to order a new one, anyway. After she got back to her house, she hung up the costume for the next day’s performance.
    Her little sister, Dahlia, examined it. “Sis, you should really be more careful with this. There is a HUGE rip in the tulle!” Dalondra groaned and said ahe would fix it tomorrow. She was rather irritated with the poor quality of the craftsmanship. Later that evening, she recieved a call on her cell phone.

    “Is this Dalondra Peters?”

    “Yes, may I help you with something, ma’am?”

    “Honey, this is Thompson Costumes. Your order has been done for three weeks and you still haven’t picked it up.”

    (hope you liked it)

  • First story attempt: Girl Scout Camp (my friend made it up and i gave it a personal touch)

    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Laila, with one sky blue eye and one gorgeous green eye. She lived not long ago in a pleasant home in the woods. As nice as it sounds, Laila’s life was a horror because her mother neglected and abused her, and after she seemed to disappear, nobody bothered to look, although rumours spread that the mother threw her into a nearby stream. Tragic, I know, but let us not dwell on that for too long…
    There was a group of Girl Scouts, and they went on a trip to Camp Serenity, which was nestled in the charming woods where Laila once lived. They drove up to their little cabin and began to unpack. They noticed a canvas, with a painting of a tree on a hill with a tire swing. On the tire swing was the silhouette of a young lady with long hair. The girls oohed and aahed over the delicate brushwork, then went outside to roast marshmallows.
    “Elizabeth,” the troop leader asked one scout, “would you mind grabbing the kindle inside? The fire is dying.” Obediently, she skipped inside and grabbed a box of pine twigs, but not before she noticed something rather odd. The lovely silhouette on the swing appeared to have tears dripping from her shadowy visage. Back outside, the other girls were laughing at Elizabeth for her observation.
    “You really need a stronger eyeglass perscription,” laughed a pompous girl named Maggie. “Come on, Elizabeth, I’ll show you you were imagining things.” The whole troop followed her into the cabin, and were quite shocked to fond that the figure was hanging limply over the tire, as if dead. The girls began whimpering, and asked their leader if they could get another cabin. The woman picked up the phone, and all eyes were on her as she dialed the number of the camp owner.
    “…and thats why we need a new cabin. Yes. Really, thanks! Bye.” The troop leader exclaimed happily that they were moving cabins.
    But apparently, the painting was not through with its scares, because it was shocking to find that the entire canvas was a solid red, and the paint was oozing onto the floor.
    The entire group ran screaming from the cabin, until they reached the main office. When they arrived, the owner was leaning over the body of a cat. It was badly scratched and appeared dead, except for the steady rise and fall of its chest.
    “She appears to have been mauled by a dog, so I am treating her wounds for now,” the camp owner said. “Tomorrow I am taking her to a clinic. The poor dear has to undergo a series of rabies shots.” She gently caressed the helpless animal. Feeling pitiful, the troop stayed and helped tend to the kitty. At the break of dawn, one scout exclaimed “Look, she’s waking up! ” A crowd gathered to watch, as the cat opened her eyes. One was blue, the other green. The cat unsheathed a claw and extended it toward the camp owner. “Hello, mother,” the animal hissed.

    (I hope you enjoyed it!)

    Those who are fans of queen Elizabeth and like her. Please do not read this.
    Mario and Luigi . The candlelight dinner.
    Mario and Luigi were traveling on the Titanic.
    Mario: wow Titanic is soo cool dude let’s find someone to date here to man yo!
    Luigi: -_-‘
    Mario: what?
    Luigi : date? That word doesn’t suit you if at all it may suit you then that girl must be double the size of you!
    Mario: sheesh you are just jealous.
    Just then Mario sees quen Elizabeth walk by.
    He falls for her.
    Luigi : oh my god just the description I gave about your girl.
    Mario: don’t insult her! She is not the double size of me!
    Mario: she is triple the size of me.!
    Luigi : so WAT are you gonna do?
    Mario: I’m going to ask her to date me.
    Luigi: -_-‘
    Mario runs over to queen Elizabeth.
    Mario kneels before elizabeth.
    Mario: can you come with me I shall take you for a date!
    Queen: will there be human meat?
    Mario: WHAT?
    Queen: err. I mean will there be a fish meat?
    Mario: of course! Oh by the way meet my brother Luigi!
    Mario introduces Luigi to Elizabeth .
    Queen: looks tasty…
    Luigi: what?
    Queen: nice to meat you!
    Luigi: meat?
    Queen: oh sorry Meet!
    And so Mario and elizabeth go to the restaurant.
    Queen: bring the ostrich meat!
    The ostrich meat was bought.
    Mario: the meat is good!
    Queen: I know! ( she was grinning)
    Mario: geeee!
    Suddenly titanic hit the iceberg and started sinking.
    All the people were running here and there.
    Elizabeth ran on to the deck while Mario ran to the kitchen to get some snack to eat and watch the ship sink
    When Mario entered the kitchen he saw the most horrible sight.
    He had never seen this sight and never wanted to see it!
    Luigi was there!
    He was cutting the meat and cooking dishes. He was a chef! He wore chef’s hat.
    Mario: oh damn it I thought I ate you!
    Mario: yeah! I thought you tasted nicely!
    Luigi: well thanks for co operating Mario!
    Luigi grinned evilly at Mario
    Before the titanic sank
    Luigi and Elizabeth sat on the table at the candlelight.
    Luigi: bring the pig’s meat!
    Queen: ohhhhh I always wanted to eat his meat. When I first saw him he looked delicious .
    Luigi : yeah I too wants to eat his meat he looks tasty.i wanted to eat the meat before I died.
    Queen: now your wish has been granted!

    Did anyone understand WAT actually happened.
    Oh and this may. It be funny to some people and this may be gross too.
    Oh and I have no hatred towards queen Elizabeth.

  • Cyberbully

    There was once a 13 year old boy who loves to go on the internet. His favorite website is facebook. He likes go on that website everyday. But the problem he has to deal with is five bullies that have been saying mean stuff to him on the internet. Such as “No one wants you on this website, loser!” or “You are a ugly fat girl, go die in a hole!”. But he gets over them after an hour or two.
    One day, he went on his facebook profile to change his status, but one of the bullies hacked his profile and changed the status to “I am so stupid, that I can’t even look at the mirror!”
    Within seconds, he received hate comments on his profile. Such like “You sure are ugly!!!” and “Don’t forget fat like your mother!”.
    Then the boy was so sad that he changed the status to “I am now attempting suicide, goodbye everyone!!!” Then got a gun and killed himself. The bullies were so happy that the boy died.
    On a Friday, it was June 13, so the bullies went on facebook and started to chat a lot and say funny stuff. But weird things were happening in their houses. The lights flickered on and off and stuff began powering on and off. They were freaking out but continued on facebook. But then their computers powered off. Then they were scared.
    Then the computers powered back on, with an unusual wallpaper that has a creepy clown face on all of their computers. then the screens went black, and they had the threatening words that said:NO ONE WILL HEAR FROM YOU AGAIN! and they got killed from the boy who attempted suicide.

  • I saw this story called “The Exact Same Day”. I didn’t make this up.

    It was the exact day a year earlier that Thomas’s little brother Aiden had gone missing. Thomas had planned a reunion on the fourth of November every year to celebrate the life of his younger brother who had gone missing on this day. It was a sad occasion and everyone who had come had at some point started crying. Most everyone made a speech, some longer then others.

    When everyone had left, his mom had started to cry on the couch. “Can you make us some tea, honey,” she sniffed. Thomas made his way to the kitchen and put the kettle on the stove. He heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. But strangely enough, no one was there.

    “Stupid Pranksters,” Thomas said under his breath and he served his mom and dad the tea. A couple minutes later he heard a knock on the door again. He opened it and again no one was there. He was really annoyed by the whole situation and went back to the living room with his mom and dad who were setting up Aiden’s favorite movie.

    By the end of the movie Thomas heard another knock on the door. He ignored it first, but then he heard another knock at the door. He was really fed up with this prank but he decided to play along with it anyway.

    Sure enough no one was there. But as soon as he closed the door it was knocked on again. “Come outside,” said a distorted voice. “No,” said Thomas. The voice laughed, “Why not? Your brother did.”

  • This story is inspired by Mockingbird :) its called hush little baby it’s kinda like a backstory for it
    Hush Little Baby

    There was once a beautiful woman. Her life was going very well. She graduated from college with her PhD when she was 25. She started seeing a very handsome man right after graduation. She was very happy with the man and couldn’t imagine life without him. They got married after a year.

    Soon after their marriage, they had a beautiful baby boy. The newly wed couple loved the baby boy. The husband loved the baby more than anything, even his wife.

    The mother was always awake, taking care of the baby. She would have to put the baby to sleep, feed him, calm him. She did this. Every. Single. Night.

    The woman was growing to hate the baby. Her husband still loved the baby. He often put off his wife to play with the baby. The wife was overworked. She was craving attention.

    She became abusive. She would punch the baby and throw him around. She would try to drown him, but was always caught by her husband. She would spit on the baby and refuse to feed him for days on end. She refused to change the baby’s diaper as well.

    The husband still loved the baby and tried to protect him. He would often leave with the baby to ensure nothing happened to him. The couple was slowly breaking apart.

    One Sunday, everything was fine. The wife just sat there, not saying a word. The husband still played with the baby.

    That night, everything was peaceful. The husband decided to stay home with the baby because of the peace in the house. The baby started crying in the middle of the night. The wife got up and walked into the baby’s room. She picked up the baby from it’s crib. She pulled the knife from under the baby’s pillow. “Hush little baby, don’t you cry, mama has got a sharpened knife,” the mother began singing. “As I sing every little note, I get closer to slitting your throat,” The baby still cryed. “Hush little baby, close your eyes, 1,2,3 and then you die,” With that, she slit his small little throat.

    The husband woke up that morning and checked on the baby. What he saw horrified him. He couldn’t eat or sleep, or even talk. He watched the baby’s cold, motionless body all day. He finally got up while his wife was making dinner. She was stirring a pot of boiling water. He snuck up behind her and slammed her head into the boiling water. He held her head there, seething with anger. He whipped her head back and broke her neck. He slit his wrists and killed himself.

    Soon, a new couple moved in. They had a sweet baby boy. One night, the wife woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. She still had the lights off and was staring in the mirror. She saw her reflection in the mirror, rocking the baby. She had a blood soaked dress. Her reflection slowly turned to look at her. She saw her misshapen face, a grin slowly spreading across it. She raised the knife and brought it to the baby’s throat. All the woman could hear was the baby crying. Her reflection slit the baby’s throat. Then, there was silence.

    The worried mother rushed into the baby’s room. The walls were dripping with blood. There, standing before her, was the woman. She handed her the dead baby. The wife was crying. The woman lifted the knife. “Hush little baby,” she whispered.

  • Cannibal (my first story, it might suck a bit :P)
    Once there was a town. There was a cannibal on the loose, and ‘it’ (no one had survived encounters with it) was very dangerous and you have next to no chance of surviving his attacks. The only thing known about his identity was that it started it’s murder sprees 3 years ago, and that everyone who knew the true identity of it was soon murdered by it itself. its way of doing its murders is to find a lone person walking on streets at night, then stab them with who knows what before they have the chance to scream. It would then drag the body away to who knows where and eat bits of it off, but not all of it, then send the bloody, half-chewed off remains to the person’s family/friends. If the person had no known family, it would toss the corpse onto the street, and let it be discovered itself.
    One day, another mangled body was found on the street. It was sent to the lab, but no results appeared. They scanned his internal organs and found that the person had eaten nothing but human meat.

  • Knife

    Today I was walking and then a creepy man walked up with a knife and said
    knife shiny…kinfe and that really scared me ….So I started to run but he
    followed me and then he cought up with me and said Kinfe….shiny…….Kinfe so i ran for dear life. I did not know what he would do. But he started to run to I ran and ran and ran but I could not run no more
    so I stopped not my car was jut five cars down he went like Knife…..shiney
    ……..knife . and then finally i was at mt car but i could not find my car keys
    then i got them and unlocked my door and got in but right as my leg was out
    he said This Knife will end your life and stabbed me in the leg I shut
    the door and drove off he chased me for a wile but could not keep up
    so he stopped so I live to tell the story to this day it gave me a real fright
    so if you see a man with a knife run away!!! the end

  • Susan sat on the school steps, scared out of her wits. She knew she’d never be able to come to parent visiting day ever again. It was just this one little girl named Emily. She had tried to kill half the the classroom. Emily was forced to apologize to Susan and then she was sent home. “I can’t believe you, Emily,” her mother said. “You embarass me. All the parents in the 1st grade PTO think I’m a lunatic! You are going to get yourself together, young lady, or the worst will come.” Emily sighed. It really wasn’t her. People were always getting her and her twin, Ariel mixed up, but for some reason, the name Emily was always the name on their lips when it came to accusing.
    “Go to your room , you disgusting maggot,” taunted her mother.
    Poor Emily toddled off, turning around to watch her mom pat Ariel on the head and fuss over how great she was. Then she continued down the hallway to the small room she and her sister shared. One tear dripping down her cheek, Emily climbed on to her bed and fell asleep.
    That night, Emily felt hands shaking her awake. She sat up and realized it was Ariel, who was holding a long, sharp knife.
    “Get up,” Ariel oredered. Emily did as she was told. She wearily climbed out of her bed. Ariel pointed her knife at Emily’s back and instructed her to go to her mother’s bedroom. Emily followed the directions. Ariel told Emily to break the vase on the nightstand. Emily had no choice to do no. She reached out and pushed it down on to the hardwood floor. Quickly, Ariel ran away as fast as her feet could carry her. Having no idea of what was going on, Emily stayed, and the mother awoke.
    “YOU. I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!” Emily’s mother pushed her into the kitchen and pulled out a butcher’s knife from a drawer.
    “Oh, if only you could have been like Ariel.”
    The wicked mother then slit Emily’s throat and cut off her arms and legs so she would die slowly and in agony. Then she plunged the knife into Emily’s stomach, ripped it out again and licked it. The sight sickened poor Emily, but she didn’t have time to think about it. In a fit of rage her mother took a rope, hung Emily, then fired a single bullet into her head. Blood splashed everywhere, and not bothering to clean up a single thing, the mother went back to the master bedroom.
    The next morning, the mother went downstairs for breakfast, and found Ariel eating Emily’s corpse. Ariel picked up the gun the mother had left on the table.
    “You know,” said Ariel, “it was me who did everything. And you killed my sister. That cannot be forgiven.” Ariel then shot the mother in the chest and gleefully watched her die. She was never caught.

  • Dear SFK,Is this story good enough please post it,thank you for your time.
    The Promise:
    There was a little girl who was sitting in her apartment bulding just playing with her dolls when she looked out her window and noticed in the apartment building next to hers there was another little girl in the window,crying.She feeling bad for her opened her window and yelled “Hey my name is Nicole,Whats wrong?” The little girl looked up at Nicole and stopped crying, she said “Well my name is Kathryn and I am new here,I start 3rd grade tomorrow and I dont have any friends.”Nicole feeling sorry for the poor girl replied “I start third grade too,I will be your friend.Kathryn seriously said “Do you promise on your life?”Nicole a bit shocked by this question reluctantly said “Yes,I promise on my life.”So now on the first day of 3rd grade the Nicole saw Kathryn alone by the swings.She went over there and started talking to her but then a group of popular kids came up to Nicole and asked if she wanted to hang out with them and she exitedly left with them,living Kathryn alone yet again.Later on that day Nicole arrived home 3 hours later than she was supposed to be.You see after school instead of coming home she went to her new friends house,but didnt ask for her mother or fathers permission and didnt tell them.They were very angry at her and told her that she had them worried something bad happend to her and that she was grounded.So they sent Nicole up to her room with no dinner.Nicole upset looked out her window and saw Kathryn staring at her.Kathryn yelled “Hey come over!”Nicole said she couldnt because she was grounded.Then Kathryn pulled out a long and wide wooden board and put it from her window to Nicole’s window and told her to crawl over on the board.Nicole said ok and started to crawl.She was halfway through when she looked up at Kathryn and saw she had an evil grin on her face streching from ear to ear.Nicole realized what Kathryn was fixing to do and hurrily crawled back but she was to late.Kathryn pushed the board off and watched Nicole fall a 10 story drop.As Kathryn watched her fall she quietly said to herself,You promised on your life.

  • Child Seller;

    One morning, a girl woke up. Sheril -for that was her name- went through her usual routines in the morning. However, when she came down for breakfast, only three plates were set.

    “Mom, where is the plate for my sister?” Sheril asked. She was curious, since her older sister was usually there first. However, she was nowhere to be seen– and her plate was gone, too!

    “What sister? You must be imagining things. You are the only girl in this household.” her mother replied, while hugging her new born baby boy tightly– Alex. She smiled upon Sheril before sitting down to eat. Sheril’s father came soon, too, and mentioned her to eat. She was dumbfounded.

    Later during the day Sheril went to school. She checked her sister’s classroom. Tracey’s -her sister- desk was gone. Her name was erased from the student list as well as her teacher’s grade book. She went over to the principal to ask him some questions concerning her sister.

    “Mr. McHenry, where is my sister? No one seems to remember her, but she was here yesterday!” The Principal looked at Sheril guiltily. But he still upheld a confused expression before answering Sheril’s question.

    “I don’t know your sister. But see, you might know what happened if you go there.” He pointed to the old hospital from the window. Hoping that Tracey would be there, she ran to the old hospital. She met a police officer on the way, and she decided to ask him as well.

    “Do you know where my sister is?” He seemed busy erasing something. It was the official address book, the new copy. He was erasing Tracey and Sheril’s name from her family. But Sheril couldn’t see and the officer wouldn’t answer; she left him to be.

    As she entered from the broken door, she shivered. Something was wrong. She heard footsteps upstairs. Excited, she raced up the stairs. A girl appeared in front of her. She was rotting, her eyes carved out. Her beating heart was visible and part of her brain was gone.

    “R…..u….n.” Sheril screamed, and the girl disappeared. She looked a lot like Tracey, that girl… Scared but convinced that the girl was merely a figment of her imagination, she continued her search. She walked across the hall and into a room. It was pitch black. A girl stood near the window, where the only light entered.

    “Tracey?” Sheril said. The girl turned around. She wasn’t Tracey, but she had the same eyes. She smiled kindly before walking toward her.

    “Don’t worry, you’ll be with her soon.” Sheril blacked out.

    Soon after, she woke up. She was tied to a surgical bed. She was in the same room. Now, it was lighted up. She could see what was inside the jars. Eyeballs, hearts, kidneys… All human. She could hear the conversation coming from the same girl and someone else.

    “Hello, Children’s Organ here. Yes, we have a fresh heart. Roughly ten years old… Yes, yes, we’ll send it right away.” The girl glanced at Sheril as she hung up. She smiled.

    “You’re ten years old, aren’t you? You’ll look just like your sister.”

    Meanwhile, her mother listened to Sheril’s dying screams in her house. She counted the money she sold her daughters for. She smiled at Troy while gently stroking his cheeks.

    “You have to grow strong and healthy, my love.” She grinned widely.

    “I wonder how much you will be worth~?”

    (Thank you for reading, and I hope you liked it!)

  • hide seek.

    Sue hated babysiters. But this one was kinda fun they play trouble and cule
    and lots of outhers games but then they all sat down to watch t.v. A news
    report was on it said a mental person ecsacped from the prison and that they
    should lock the doors sue and joe were scared they lived right next to the prison
    but of corse the babysitter locked all the doors and windows and they hid in the
    accit and sue and joe did not no they had a accit they found lots of cool to
    play quitley with sue found old dolls and a dress up trunk and joe found
    marbles and toy trucks sue wanted to look in the dress up turnk but when she
    opened it there was someone in there sue was scared it grabed sue
    and shut the lid and slit her throat befor she could scream for help she was
    dead.Joe looked for sue he looked and looked but he could not he thought she
    was playing a trick on her but she was not . he thought she was playin
    hide and seek. so he looked in the dress up trunk and he found Sue then he was
    grabed in to the trunk and his thorat was slit with a buther knife and died.
    it turns out the baby sitter was the mental person and killed the kids hope you
    like it i did my best!
    i did not spell good tho

    Lilly Grove and Louis Grove had finally had a child. The little baby boy’s name was Tommy. Tommy was adorabe but, he cried both day and night, never letting his parents get the chance to rests. This drove them crazy. They tried changing him, feeding him, rocking him to no avail. Lilly even tried singing him a lullaby that went “Good night, close your eyes and when you awake you’ll be somewhere better my sweet. I love you” Little did anyone know, that lullaby was a message. It meant that the baby was going to die. But he’ll awake in heaven. Louis was sick of the crying. He took the baby into the woods and cut off its head. He buried the remains. Lilly had begged her husband not to but he was so tired of the crying. And when she threatened to tell the police, he killed her the same way he killed her only son. Not long after their deaths, Louis mysteriously disappeared.
    Years later, a husband and wife moved into the Grove’s vaccant home. They reported a baby crying. Then, they heard a voice singing “Good night close your eyes and when you awake you’ll be in a better place, I love you.” After that the babies crying died down. But every night the husband and wife would be awakened by the crying and the lullaby. Finally they moved out.
    The Grove house is now abandoned but some visit it at night to test their bravery, all tell of the crying. Some people say the baby still cries…

  • The Prank
    There was a girl who like to prank here friend. One night, she ask her friend to sleepover at her house because her parents would go on a date, since it was their anniversary and she would be alone. Her friend agrees. When her friend arrive at the front door it seems so quiet like nobody’s home, but the lights are turned on. Her friend thought that maybe it was just a prank to scare her, so she prepare herself not to be scared. She slowly turn the door knob and carefully went inside the house. As she closed the door she check the back of the door but there’s no one there. She searched for her friend in the entire living room but she still couldn’t find her. She thought that maybe her friend is taking a bath upstairs. She waited and waited but her friend still did not come to see her. And she began to feel scared. “Hey! Andy! stop playing games! It’s not funny anymore!” she yelled. After an hour of silent there was a loud sound at the kitchen. She get nervous, but she thought it was her friend. As soon as she walked into the kitchen she keeps on calling her friend but there was no answer. She searched the kitchen but her friend is not around. She saw the fridge open and as she closed the fridge her friend was standing there laughing.

    “Andy! You scared me to death!!!!…stop that…” she said with a frightened face.
    “Hahaha….okay..i’m sorry…but I like to scare you, I don’t know why..maybe it’s because that’s my thing! You shouldn’t be scared you know this is going to happen” Andy said.

    Her friend did not response.
    They went upstairs and watch a horror movie. As soon as they are going to sleep Andy went to the bathroom. After a few minutes when she went to her room her friend is gone.

    “Hey Molly! where are you? Don’t scare me. You know I’m not easy to be frightened” yelled Andy.

    She searched the whole house but she couldn’t find her friend. After an hour of searching she got tired and went to bed herself. After a while someone slams the door to her bedroom and she woke up. She thought it was her friend Molly.

    “You got tired of hiding do you?” she asked.

    But there was no reply. When she rise from her bed there was nothing there. She thought it was just a wind. After a while her phone began to ring.

    It read: MOLLY IS CALLING….

    She immediately pick up the phone.

    “Hey Molly! Where are you hiding? It’s supposed to be a sleepover not hide and seek you know!” Andy said.
    “What are you talking about? Didn’t you receive my message?” Molly said.
    “What message?” she asked.
    “That I can’t go to your house. I’m in my grandma’s house. I get worried so I called you” said Molly.

    Andy was shocked and when she hang up the phone there was a human figure staring at her and grinning evilly. As when as she screamed the man chopped her head and fall into her bed.

    thank you for reading my story. I really hope you like it..

  • The Babysitter
    There once was rich family, and they lived in a big house. The mom and dad had six kids. Alyssa, Janet, Jackson, Cameron, Stevie, and Martina. Alyssa, Janet, Jackson, Cameron, and Stevie were 11 year old sextuplets. Their parents had to take care of their kids all the time, so one day, they decided to go out to see a movie and have dinner. So they left the six kids with their babysitter, Sarah. The babysitter sent Martina to bed at 8:45, because she was ten, and let the rest stay up late and watch TV. There was a female serial killer on the loose, about 16, and she killed young kids. The kids did not think it was Sarah, but they were still scared. So she sent them all to their own bedrooms.

    Then Martina woke up, hearing a scream. Jackson was laying on the floor in the kitchen, in a bloodbath, dead. She grabbed a flashlight and searched the house. Nothing.

    She saw that in the kitchen, Stevie had her head roasted in the oven and her bones were cooked to soup. She panicked and went to the bathroom.

    The bathtub water was completely. Frozen, and Cameron was underneath there, naked. His clothes were clogging the toilet. This was a living nightmare for Martina! She screamed and locked herself in the closet, hoping not to die.

    She saw her sister, Alyssa was choked by a belt and she was tied up by some belts and sleeves. Scarred for life, she ran upstairs to escape.

    Then she was in her parents bedroom. Janet was smothered under the bed, all bloody. Then she ran to her bedroom. Sarah was in a straight jacket, mouth tied up, and hanging herself with a belt. On the wall in Sarah’s blood, it said:
    Little she knew, that was a lie.

  • Stay Alive;

    A male, mid twenties, was perched upon a cushioned, office chair. Sliding in the disk of the four month old video-game, he flinched as a sudden noise of whispers displayed on the tinted screen; a diary soon lacing open- words printed on vanished as read out loud.

    “come to me clouds, may you rise in a evil storm born to rip them open,
    let the cover of night bare witness destory those who resist,
    so they shall harm me not.
    The blood of many clense me, so I shall be beauty eternal.
    I prey you. ”

    After the words vanished one by one on the tinted screen, there was a sudden burst of light enveloping the blackness that swarmed around the figure who trembled lightly, figures of stiff silhouettes appearing on the screen of the opening scene.

    Many hours poured into the game, cornered by flesh-eating murderers, the game had came to an end, words printed in blood “Game Over”.

    The light had halted as the darkness once again swarmed the male who had now stared, over three minutes, wide-eyed at the screen. A sudden flicker of movement had caught’ his eye- a sudden outburst of shadows stiffly walking within the darkness.

    The look in their eyes, lust for blood as their canvas-like flesh stretched out, arms shielding the anatomy of the male once more- screams filled the atmosphere, the flicker of shadows upon the computer screens displaying the death of once again another victim.

  • I Kinda Changed A Story From The Book A Little
    Well Here Goes…

    I Woke Up… It Was 6:00 am There I See My Friends And Family Sobbing Upon My Possessions That Were Cleanly Layed Upon My Bed I Got Outta Bed And Asked What Was Going On And Everyone Fled From My House. My Wife Hid In The Living Room I Was Not Sure Why But I Got Dressed And Packed My Lunch I Got In The Car And Drove To Work,Not Far From My Home A Man Saw Me And Screamed In Terror. I Just Continued My Work And Kept Driving. On The Way My Ford Explorer Got Into An Accident And I Had To Call My Wife At Home Through A Payphone. My Home Maid Picked Up And I Asked For My Wife. The Made Replied My Wife Had Committed Suicide Because She Had A Feeling She Had Seen Me At My Funeral Alive… There Was A Silence At The End Of The Other Line.
    The Maid Whispered “In fact All Of Mr.Johnson’s(Me)Family And Friends Have Killed Themselves” Then She Asked Me Who I Was,Instead Of Responding I Just Dropped The Phone And Broke Into Tears…
    (Hope You Liked The Story I Took It From The Book And Changed It A Bit :D)

  • Hey! I love this website and have been reading stories for about a year now. I decided to contribute and write my own!

    The Stares

    As the hot summer sky set into the twilight, Chloe gazed into the stars. Her eyes twinkled with delight. She loved watching sunsets and peering through her bedroom window at all the sparkling stars in the nighttime sky. Her life was getting to be perfect. But yet one more thing was missing.

    Chloe had just moved to the beautiful suburban city of Skymore. Her father had no other choice but to move for a brand new, high-paying job as CEO as the leading company, Silico. He managed the work of making machinery such as scissor lifts and cranes.

    CHloe, at first, had been devastated because of the move. She had been born and raised in the harsh weather of Drelmon. But as soon as she researched about Skymore and its tropical weather, she packed her bags.

    Chloe was still gazing out through her new window when she heard a blood-curdling scream from across the hall. She jumped, eyes wide, and stared at her bedroom door.

    All was silent.
    Until she heard the bang.

    It sounded as if someone was knocking roughly on her front door. She wondered if her parents could hear….her parents….her mom…the scream! Her mother had screamed….

    Chloe got up the courage to venture throughout the house and locate the source of the banging, as soon as she checked on her mother…

    She got her robe and slippers on, and slowly opened her door. She peeked through the crack between the wall and her door. She saw only the dimly lit hallway of her new house. She slowly tiptoed to her parents room, quickening her pace as she got closer to her parents door. She stopped in her tracks. She slowly opened her parents bedroom door…

    Her mother and father were sitting up in their bed. Their television was on, and eerie music was coming through the stereo…
    “Oh, Chloe! What’s wrong sweetie?” Her mother said. Chloe screamed as her mother slowly turned her head towards her.
    Her mothers face was melted away. Her flesh was slowly slipping off her bones and blood was in a big pool in the middle of the bed. Her mother….

    A voice screamed so loud Chloe covered her ears. “GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!!! SAVE YOURSELF!!! OOOUUUUUUTTT!!!!!” Her mother just sat there smiling as if nothing her happened.

    Chloe woke up, screaming. She was in her bed. The early morning sun was shining through her bedroom window. Her mother jumped as Chloe screamed.
    “Chloe?!? What is wrong, sweetie?” Her mother looked into her eyes with concern. Her face was the same pristine, stoney white as it was before the dream…
    “I had a terrible dream! There was a scream, a big bang, and I went into your room, and your face was melted away!” Chloe watched as her mother’s eyes went from concerned, to amused.
    “Now, what kind of scary stories have you been reading honey?”
    Chloe sighed. It was her first day of school. It was all just a dream.

    She stepped out of bed and went into the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and noticed something strange.
    Her robe and slippers were on.
    She had sworn that she hadn’t put them on before she went to bed. Her mind stumbled back to the dream…
    Her eyes were widened.
    “Maybe I forgot that I wore my robe to sleep….It was just a dream, so it is not possible that it was real.”
    Chloe pushed the dream to the back of her mind.
    She hopped in the shower, dried and curled her hair, and finished her new routine.
    She walked downstairs and was greeted by the sweet smell of her mothers strawberry parfaits. Her mother had taken a new breakfast recipe and now made it every morning.
    Chloe thanked her mother and scarfed down her breakfast, looking at the time. School started in ten minutes!

    She made it out the door and school started as it would in any town. Students rushing through the halls, the sound of gossip and lockers slamming shut. and the bells rang.

    School was over and Chloe was making her way home.
    When she got home, her parents were standing by the stairs. They both had vague stares. Chlow walked in the house and proclaimed, “I’m home….” She looked to her mother and father as they stared at her. Chloe stared back. She asked, “Mom? Dad? What’s wrong…?”
    They just stared.
    She slowly walked to the stairs, but as she got to the first step, her fathers hand shot out and grabbed her forearm.
    “Get out.”
    Chloe stared into her fathers eyes and yanked her hand free. She bolten up the stairs to her bedroom.
    She slammed the door shut behind her and pressed her back against the door. She screamed as her mother and father both were in front of her window.
    They out streched their arms and yelled, “GET OOOUUUTTT!!!”

    Chloe screamed as she ran downstairs. She ran out of her house and into the street. There were people crowded everywhere. They were all staring at her. “Get out…Get out…Get out…GET OUT…” they chanted.

    Chloe ran all the way past her new school. Past the mall. Across the bridge that connected Skymore to the highway. All the way there, there was the chanting. That awful chanting. “Get out, Get out, GET OUT, GET OOUUUTT!!”

    She ran down the highway and as she ran, her eyes went crazily wide. She turned to the oncoming traffic and screamed.

    She got run over by a car. She was smashed all across the highway.
    The police came and cleaned up. They searched all over the national records for her identity or her family. They found nothing, despite their countless hours of efforts.

    Months later still nothing came up. Chloe was gone. So was her identity.

    Months later…Chloe’s ghost walks the town of Skymore. The people who lived there were very against having humans in their town. They screamed “GET OUT!” to Chloe…but now that she was dead, she was welcomed into open arms.

    It is rumored that Skymore is a real town. That now that Chloe knows who you are…and that you read her story, She will come from Skymore and scream “GET OUT!” at 3 am…the time she died…

    Hope you enjoyed my story! I know it is kinda long, but I hope SFK will post it! Thank you for putting the website up, and for entertaining me for hours with the stories!!

  • ive got a story!
    its called cannonball
    its based on the story backpacker
    there were 2 boys and a girl.the boys where named max and tony.the girl was called day they were out in their garden and linda decided to play hide and max and tony went to go and hide.linda said she would take a minuite 2 count but instead she morphed into her monster form,she was a giant blue snake with long arms,tipped with claws,5 inches long!”ready your not here i come!”she hissed.She slithered in the sent of the humans.she slithered over to the bathroom.”Maaaaaaaaaaaaaxxxxx!”she hissed.she swooped over to the door.she grabbed max and slithered out the window into the garden.she put max’s feet into her mouth.max felt her mouth,it was slippery and warm.she slid him into her throat.max let out a big scream.tony heard it and it wasnt a scream that he was in shock,it was an emergency!he dashed out into the garden and he saw linda,with a bulging belly.”AAARRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!what have u done?”he screeched.

    “Ive ate your best friend,now its your turn!”cried linda.she reached out her long arms and guzzed tony in one.she had a bulging belly and she gave it a rub.

    later on that day,tonys mom and dad came in and they couldnt find tony OR max.all they foung was linda,human,with a thin stomach.

    i hoped u enjoyed that,it was the first one ive ever typed,thank you 4 reading!

  • Sadly it was 6 o’clock exactly. when she walked in her home she smelled dinner, which was eggs and bacon. “mommy, i thought we were out of eggs ” ” oh honey we were, i just went to the super market and this elderly women offered me eggs for 50 cents ” she paused “i had to accept them especially with the economy these days. the women needed money”
    the little girl felt uneasy about the food so she went to bed.
    that night she had terrible nightmares about big scary monsters. so she went into her parents room to rest.
    during a rather pleasnant dream alli woke up to the blood curling screams of her parents. Alli jumped out of bed and to her horror her mother’s stomach started to exand . then a giant spider tore its way out of her mother. alli looked to her father and saw spider leg’s come out of his eye sockets. her father’s head snapped back and another spider forced its way out.
    alli decided the only way of escaped was to jump out of the window. when she landed she was instantly paralyzed from the hips down, so all she good do was drag herslef. unfortunatly she wasnt fast enough. >:D

  • Cereal Killers

    I am a cereal killer. What that means is that when i kill people, i use a spoon. I first gouge your eyes out, then i gag you with a spoon till you vomit blood. Last, i buy gallons of milk and pour all into your bathtub and drown you in it. After you are dead, i take all the cereal you have and pour it into the tub with your dead body. If you have strawberrys or bananas, i cut them up and put them into the tub also. After your body stops bleeding, i eat some of the cereal with what looks like strawberry milk.

  • Hide and seek

    Jess was so excited! Today was the day of her summer party! All of her friends would be there, as well as her family. Jess did her chores and read a book trying to wait patiently. Finally 6:00 came! She welcomed all of the guests. Her three neighbors had come too! First they ate a ton of food. Her dad had grilled cheeseburgers and hotdogs for dinner. They lit a fire and roasted marshmallows for an hour. They played party games too. At 10:00 they were all tired but decided to play one last game. Hide and seek. That’s when it all went horribly wrong. Jess picked her best friend Sarah to be it. Jess decided to hide in her favorite spot. No one could ever find her. She hid in the old refrigerator that had been dead for years. Jess waited silently. Before long she felt her eyelids closing. She decided she would take just a short nap. Jess awoke and realized it was morning. The sky was dark with storm clouds. She went up the stairs to get some cereal. The house was oddly quiet. Her brother and parents were all early birds. Jess became to feel like she was being watched. She heard a strange laughter floating down the stairs. She knew something was wrong. She quickly ran outside, which was a bad choice. She scanned her neighbors’ houses. The windows were all broken. But the horrible thing was, their heads were nailed to their mailboxes. Jess was too scared to scream. She looked at her mailbox. Her guests’ heads were on or around it. Suddenly, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She flipped it open. It was from an unknown caller, it said; “ready or not, here I come!” A few days later, local police stumbled upon the grizzly scene, the whole neighborhood slaughtered. They found Jess in the old refrigerator. A bloody ax lodged in her face. The killer was never found.

  • Hey, I just finished a story so here you go:

    You don’t know where your friends are, you were sure that they were behind you but they’re not. You heard their footsteps but when you looked around, no one was there. You’re terrified; your hands are trembling while you hold a gun in your hand. Two bullets left and where the hell is the gate to get out of here, you thought while you walked through the cemetery. You hear a crack and jump, you turn around and hold up your gun; nothing, just a squirrel and you sigh of relief and keep on walking. You shiver because of a cool breeze; strange, there hasn’t been cold wind since the summer started you thought and you hug yourself to keep warm. You’re tired so you decide to sit down on a bench under a tree. Not sure what to do you bury your face in your hands and cry because you’re confused and scared. Snap out of it, you tell yourself, I have to find the way out of this place, so you stand up and no longer scared, you start to look around.
    You start to feel very tired and you fall to your knees and you look up to the stars with tears filling up your eyes. Why, why did this happen, you ask to the stars, please, tell me why did all of this happen. You hear laughter coming from behind you and you stay there paralyzed of fear. You want to know why, don’t you, asks the strange person. His voice is familiar, you think but you still can’t move so you can’t see his face. All of this happened because you and your friends are idiots, if you see in front of you, you can see them, he says and he grabs your head and makes you look at the tree in front of you and you see your friends, hanging by their necks. You scream and the man throws your head to the ground. You can finally move but you can’t see very well because dirt fell in your eyes but you lift up your gun and you shoot the man in his leg. He falls down screaming out in pain and you get up to run and just as you were going to leave the man grabs your leg and you fall down again.
    The gun falls out of your hand and the man crawls over to where the gun fell. You’re dizzy and you know you’re dead. The man stands up, limping a bit because of his leg, kicks you so you’re facing upwards. You can see his face, he’s your brother. Brother, why are you doing this, you ask him, I never liked you, you always annoyed me and I hate you, he tells you and he pulls the trigger and shoots you in the head. You feel how everything goes cold and dark and the last thing you hear is a silent goodbye.

    Sorry if ti’s long.

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