Scary For Kids


  • This is a story called No Escape. Plz read!
    I woke up in Heaven. They told me that my head was chopped in half by a madman with a cleaver and so had my friend, Lila. I know it sounds crazy, but just hear me out. It really did happen. Let me explain.
    I used to live in a neighborhood with lots of crime and paranormal activity. My parents had got killed in a car accident, so I was always alone. I would always see things like an old hearse park into my driveway with a shadowy figure inside, that would magically vanish into thin air. A boy who walks across the street, gets hit by a car and is totally unharmed, not lying on the road or anything, he just keeps walking. Stuff like this happens everyday, and that isn’t even the scary stuff.
    One day, I decided to just run away from my house. I knew it was my best decision. I just wanted to escape from that evil neighborhood. I knew something was wrong with it, so I packed up and was on my way.
    I came to a thriving neighborhood with one abandoned house. The house was in mid-condition, and there were neighbors close by, so I was happy with the house. I bet the neighbors wouldn’t mind if I moved in.
    Weird stuff started happening. The big organ in the house started playing creepy music, a little girl giggled while I was asleep, while I was making dinner the table would flip over for no reason. I was scared to the bone, but I wasn’t moving to another house. I decided not to act like a sissy and stay there.
    One day, I heard a knock on the door. A girl about my age walked in. ” Hi, my name is Lila”, the girl introduced. She had golden blonde hair and turquoise blue eyes. ” My name is Talia”, I exclaimed back, “I just moved in”. Lila thought for a moment. ” I have heard you play the organ before. You are really good”, she said. I can’t believe she thought it was me playing the organ, just a scrawny little girl playing such a giant instrument. “Oh, it wasn’t me. It was something I…can’t explain.”, I scarily exclaimed. Lila had a face that was so beautiful. But when she was freaked out she was not-so-beautiful. ” Are you okay?”, I asked. She’s never looked like or acted like this before. “I’m just going to go now.”, she said, backing away. I just blew it making a new friend. Great.
    That night, I was asleep. I woke up by footsteps coming toward my room. I was really freaked out, so I decided to just stay in my room and I thought everything would be okay. Just then, a news flash came on in my room’s tv and said a madman with a 6-inch cleaver had escaped from the asylum. That got me really freaked out. Then, a man walked into my room with a giant cleaver. “Talia, there’s no escape, and you know that,” he screamed. Then, he cut my head in half.
    The next morning, Lila came to visit. She realized that the door was unlocked, so she just walked in. “Talia?”, she asked. She walked upstairs and saw me in my room, head split open, in a pool of blood. “What happened?”, Lila asked, shaking uncontrollably. Just then, the tv turned on and Lila saw a news flash about the madman killing Talia Summerton. The madman went up behind Lila and split her head in half with his cleaver before she could scream. He yelled,”There’s no escape, Lila, and you know that”.
    So, there’s how it happened. How me and Lila took a gruesome death. If you still don’t believe me, watch the 3 news reports on June 19 about the madman, me, and Lila. And even go to the abandoned house. On the front, the madman wrote with graffiti “THERE’S NO ESCAPE” on the front of it. Are you convinced yet? If you’re not, well, we will just have to see what happens!

    ( Thank you so much for reading this! I hope this makes it on the site. I know it’s not the best but it’s my first time making a scary story. Thanks again.)

  • My Story:

    Pass Me On.

    Hello. My name is Max. I have something disturbing to tell you.
    I must write this as quickly as possible, because last time I tried to write it, my computer changed its password, and locked my account. It’s like it doesn’t want me telling you this.
    I received an email from an unknown sender.
    Subject: Hello
    Hello. I don’t know you and you don’t know me. I sent this to a random stranger using one of the numerous programs on the internet. I want to tell you something.
    Ever since I was 12, I’ve had a terrible time sleeping. I could never even feel sleepy until the stroke of midnight, and that’s when it came. The thing. Cloaked in shadow, I can never get a good look at it. It chills me to my very core, with primal terror.
    It walks up to my bed, and with a claw writes some words in mid-air. They glow brightly like fire, giving me time to read them before they and the creature disappear.
    For 5 years now I’ve been on medical drugs prescribed by my psychiatrist, but nothing worked. I see it every day. It has given me mental problems. I cannot go on like this anymore.
    You may ask, why am I sending this to you? Well, by now you should know why. It is all to do with what the monster draws.
    These words are ‘Pass Me On, And I Will No Longer Haunt You.’
    So I write to you, as you love horror stories. I’ve seen you on websites. Yes, I lied about it being random. So, post this online, on Spinetinglers, on Creepypasta, on ScaryForKids.
    I am at peace now. The monster has left. I am sorry for what I have done, passing this on to you in this email. Just do what I said, and you will be safe.
    I received this email one year ago, and after that a terrible entity began to haunt me. The sender of the email was right-it is primal terror, instinctive terror, which it evokes. It is unbearable. I may be forced to suicide if I have to carry on seeing this thing every night. So, I will do as I was told, and post this online, so the creature may be passed on.
    I am sorry, for whoever reads this. I am truly sorry.

  • A Man’s Best Friend

    My parents are always away on business trips, so I’m alone about three times a month. My parents thought I might get lonely when they’re gone, so they bought me a dog, that I named Jonah.
    As usual, I was home alone with Jonah, and it was about 10:45. I was getting tired, so i got into my pajamas and walked around the house, locking the doors and windows. But there was this one window in this creepy room in my basement that just wouldn’t lock. I figured it wouldn’t matter because we lived in a good neighborhood and i didn’t have to worry about it, and went to bed, and Jonah took his usual spot under the bed.
    A few hours into the night, I started hearing a dripping noise in the bathroom near my room. I got kinda freaked out because that usually doesn’t happen, so I reached under the bed and felt the reassuring lick of Jonah, and drifted back to sleep. About a half hour later, I heard the same noise, but Jonah gave me a lick of reassurance again. I was almost asleep, when the noise came back. I wanted to find the source of the noise, because is was making me scared and it was annoying. I walked into the bathroom and opened the shower curtain.
    To my horror, I saw Jonah hanging by the shower head with a slit in his neck,and his blood was making the dripping noise. I was so horrified, I didn’t even notice the writing on the mirror that stated in blood: HUMANS CAN LICK, TOO!

    It wasn’t Jonah licking my hand earlier that night.

  • Here is my story, it’s my first one, so enjoy! The story is called Hello . . .
    I had planned a shopping spree with my best friend, Leah, for Tuesday. It was going to be a fun weekend out, balancing our time with shopping and Kim’s, Leah’s auntie, house. On the Tuesday at around 6pm, we met at Nandos and had some food. At 9pm, we strolled around town, as we made our way to the Station. We paid for tickets and slowly made our way to the platform. It was deserted. This didn’t faze us as we giggled and yelled at the top of our voices and listened for the echo. The roar of an engine told us that our train was here. We skipped into the only carriage but stopped in our tracks as we realised that the carriage was full of people. Oh well, I guess that’s life. We eventually had to squish in between a fat man and a skinny business woman. “Just texting mum,” Leah said, fiddling with her Blackberry. As she texted, I took the time to gaze around at our fellow passengers. Oddly, the carriage was almost silent. I hadn’t even noticed. But, it was ALMOST silent. Every person on the carriage was muttering to themselves, so softly that I couldn’t make out the word that they were repeating over and over. It creeped me out badly, I couldn’t stand it. “What?” I yelled, shaking. “What are you whispering?” I could feel Leah’s reassuring hand on my shoulder and her soothing words, “Hey, it’s fine, just leave them be . . .” But, for some reason, my harsh words disturbed them and they all turned to face me. Leah gasped behind me. I was violently sick on the floor as I saw their contorted grins and deformed faces. And now I could hear what they were saying it was pounding into my brain. “Hello . . . hello . . . hello . . .” again and again. I turned to Leah and grabbed her arm to tug her away. But it was her who delivered the first cut. The knife in her hand was soon bloodied. As she sliced my body apart she cackled and kept on repeating the same old words “Goodbye . . . goodbye . . . goodbye.” Then it was all over.
    But now I’m back. And the only words I hear in my head now are “Revenge . . . revenge . . . revenge.”

  • ok here: Macie’s rage.
    There once was a girl named Macie Meeks.Now Macie’s life was very hard. She was an only child. Her mother hated her and her father was always away. There was no love in her life exept for her boyfriend.She as beaten everyday and forced to work.It was a warm summer morning and Macie went to see her boyfriend Issac. He lived on the other side of town and it was very hard to see him. When she got to his house and knocked on the door nobody came. “Issac, are you home?” Macie called. She suddenly heard a noise from his backyard. She went out back and she screamed. There was Issac making out with her best friend Kalee. “Oh, uh… hi Macie ummm I should have told you this earlier but Kalee and I are dating now. I never even really loved you so Kalee and I were dating ever since you and I started.” Ever since that day,something inside of Macie snapped. Her eyes turned from their beautiful hazel color to red. “How….how could you?” she asked. “Im sorry Macie!” Issac screamed. Macie grinned an evil grin. “Oh it’s alright. I even brought cupcakes” she said. She handed them each a cupcake. Little did they know that they were drugged. When they woke up they were tied to pieces of wood. “Ah, your awake. Good. Lets have some fun tonight.” Macie said quietly. She took out a prarie knife and dug Kalee’s eyes out.”This will teach you you ******* *****!” Macie yelled. She skinned her alive. She ripped off her fingernails and poured lemon juice where her nails should be.Kalee screamed. She cut open her body and forced her to eat her own guts over and over again.She slit her throat and her wrists.She eaven ripped her arms and legs out of their sockets.Right before Kalee died Macie whispered to her:”Life is an adventure.YOUR adventure just came to an end.”She shoved an ice pick in her heart and chopped off her head. As for Issac, nobody knows what happened to him.After this, Macie commited suicide. She now looks 5 like she wanted to. Legand says she carries around a teddy bear. It is possesed and she goes to a different house every night. She will ask you if you want to play with her bear.If you anser yes she takes you underground to play ith her until you die.If you say no she becomes enraged and kills you in the most grusome ways possible.Dont try to trick her.Shes no fool.( please post my story i worked hard on it.)

  • Here’s my story,it’s called,
    The Friend from Japan.
    Elena’s family had just moved to Tokyo for a vacation.One day,Elena was out playing when she happened to see another house directly across the street.A girl about 9 or 10 years old was looking out the window at Elena.A chill ran down Elena’s spine,but she brushed it off and made signals for the girl to come outside.The girl soon came out of the house to greet Elena.”My name is Tenshi,what’s your name?”Tenshi asked.”My name is Elena,want to play?”Elena smiled.”Sure!”Tenshi said.”I’ll visit you tommorrow.”Elena promised when Tenshi said she had to go home.Tenshi shoved Elena out of the way,and went home.The next day,Elena kept her promise and went to Tenshi’s house.To her suprise,the house was empty and overgrown with vines.Confused,Elena went home and asked her parents about the house and Tenshi.But when she got home,she found her parents dead in the kitchen.”I told you not to visit me!”Tenshi yelled.Elena turned around,to see Tenshi holding a knife.The last thing Elena saw before she died,was Tenshi grinning evilly.

  • Great stories guys! :)
    Here’s my story.. It’s called…
    The Strange Tree.
    When I was younger, I had a best
    friend named Talina. I went over to her house for a sleepover on a Friday night. I was very excited. My father took me to her house at 8 in the night. I was a bit freaked out because the house was old and it looked scary and Talina’s father had died a year ago at the house, he hung himself. I quickly stopped thinking about it and I knocked on the door, I was greeted by Talina’s mother, she was a very nice lady. The mother called Talina and told her that I had arrived. Talina came running down stairs to meet me. Talina then accompanied me to her
    room. There was a bunk bed which was against a grey wall
    , and a television set which rested on a shelf and there was a window behind the TV. Talina was sitting on the lower bunk while I was lying down on the
    top bunk. We were watching a movie and the curtain was still open because it was very hot that night. From
    the window I could see a large tree, with thick branches. It was now 9 pm and
    a bit dark. I then
    peered through the window once again and stared
    at the tree, I felt like I was being watched
    . Suddenly…
    I saw a thin, tall man, with his mouth opened wide and blood dripping from his mouth, his white clothing was stained red from the blood which soaked his body, he was hanging from
    a branch of the tree, with a rope around his scrawny neck. I was terrified, I told Talina what I saw but, when she looked
    out the window there was nothing there. She told me that I’m probably just seeing things. Talina then closed the curtains and killed the light. By now it was one in the morning. We said goodnight and fell off to sleep. I woke up the next morning and left her house early. I never slept over at her house again. Whenever I visited her again, I always had a strange feeling when I went near the old giant tree, on closer inspection I noticed that the tree seemed to have blood stains on it…

  • I have a story I wrote a long time ago…So here it goes!!!! Alyssa was a average 9 year old in 4th grade. She got good grades and was very athletic. She was a very happy girl and had a lot of friends. But that would soon all change one day. One nnight, she woke up in a cold sweat. She had has the scariest dream. Then, she started hearing crying and muttering. She went into her bathroom. While she was getting water, she saw a dark shadowy figure at the corner of her eye. The figure seemed to be long and skinny. Alyssa then noticed that it had glowing red eyes. As soon as she saw the red glowing eyes, she scearmed and called in her mom and dad. They said they found nothing and told their daughter to calm down and go back to bed. Alyssa was too scared to go back to sleep so she asked if she could sleep in their parent room. They said yes and she slept peacefully, not knowing that thing were gonna get turned for the worst. The next day she went to school. While she was in Math class, she saw that same figure outside the window again. She began to get very worried. The figure then pointed at her. She scearmed again. Her teacher let her go home early. Her parents thought they sould take her to a doctor. So they did. The doctor found nothing wrong with the girl and told her to take some pills and rest alot. The doctor also said not to go to school the next day. She did what he said. Thaat night, her parents tucked her in and said to call them into the bedroom if anything is wrong. She was a bit nervous but she listened to some music on her IPod to calm her down. She then fell into a deep sleep. She woke again in a cold sweat, like the other night. She noticed that it was 3:00 am. She then noticed that 3:00 am is the demonic withing hour, when demons are rouming the town. Alyssa then started to feel uneasy. Then, she felt a invisable presence on her. The invisable presence talk in a deep voice. The presence asked her to do something if she wanted to live. He said if she wanted to live, she would have to kill her parents. She refused. She then saw something written on the wall. Her eyes ajusted to the darkness. The writing said, “if you don’t do what we say, you will be have to pay a heavy price. The next day, she told her mother about what happened. And for some reason, her mother belived her. She then told Alyssa a story about a girl that was Alyssa’s age. She said the girl was going through what Alyssa was going through. And that girl was Alyssa’s mother. Alyssa was very shocked to hear this. Her mother than said that would have to do a exorciam on Alyssa. She felt very scared. Later that day, the mother told the dad everything that happend. Then they called the local priest, Father Molone. He came to the house the next day. Alyssa’s “demons” responed. The cermoney took about 7 hours. The demon inside of Alyssa was do very violent things. When the cermoney was over, the demon was the figure she kept seeing every time. She started to return to normal. She went back to school and had fun. But, everynight when she would go to sleep, she still sees red glowing eyes to this day. I hope you guys enjoyed it!!!! :)

  • Title: Mommy’s Angel.
    Sarah and Chris were in love. They wanted to be with eachother forever, and soon they got married. They were young and foolish everyone said, they never would understand what love was.
    So they moved to another place, Japan. They wanted to start their life new, but it was hard, they couldn’t find good jobs, and they didn’t speak Japanese. They ended up working overtime, and when Sarah got pregnant, Chris was overwhelmed, he worked extra hard for the baby. With everything that went on, Chris grew to hate his wife.

    She was always fighting, one day Chris threw her down the stairs. She stayed down there for hours while he just left and drank at a bar. She had miscarried the baby. Chris was angered and the only reason he didn’t kill his wife before was the baby, and now that the baby as gone he was pure rage. He wanted a baby si bad, and he wasn’t going to stop until he got one. Sarah was depressed and was beaten by Chris for her stupidity. She wanted to leave. Chris had overheard her talking On the phone about leaving home, he knew she was going to betray him, but he thought they were in love and he wanted a baby.

    So he cleaned Sarah up and took her to a doctor and asked about her having a baby. The doctor had brought the new she could not have children. Chris left without a word and he beat his wife until she was unconscious. He took it as a sign for a last option. He set off into the night and asked for the assistance of a witch who was shunned by the society, sent to the woods. There he asked for the witch to impregnant his Wife with his baby. The witch agreed only if she could take the wife after the deed was done. He agreed.

    He brought the witch home where she began the ceremony. The Witch drew out a blade and a bowl, she had cut a slit in Chris’s arm and drew the fresh blood into the bowl, she did the same to herself and the terrified Sarah. The witch exposed Sarah’s stomach and with the blood she said an ancient spell while covering the entire stomach with the red liquid. Then Sarah fell into a transe her eyes white. her stomach grew larger and larger, Chris was terrified, then Sarah’s stomach burst open she screamed and blood flew everywhere, the witch took the baby out of the mess of guts, and dragged Sarah’s dead and mutilated corpse out.

    “Nice doing buisness with you,” she chuckled.

    Chris stayed in shock, the blood of his lover covered the room like paint. The baby was transparents, it’s insides could be seen, and it’s eyes shone red. He knew the evil before him and he picked the fragile baby and threw it into a wall. Before his eyes the child grew, the child was now at the age of eight with razor sharp teeth and a beautiful face. It was a beautiful girl. She smiled and her teeth dragged along her lips making them bleed, then she lunged at Chris biting into his flesh. He waild and screamed in pain as the child ate him.

    Then he was nothing, only a head. The kid wiped the blood for her mouth, and took a dress from the counter, it was long and oversized but she slipped into it. She then went outside. They don’t know what happened to the child, only that they found her on the streets of Japan feeding on an alley cat. She had attacked the orphanage she was sent to, and ate almost every kid there.

    Some call her The Antichrist, others the Devils Daughter. She lurks around Japan now, searching for her mother. They say she goes to your house at the hours of 3:00 and 4:00 pm and stares at you. Then she slowly whispers in your ear “Are you my mommy?” if you wake up she leaves, if you don’t she enters your stomach and eats you from the inside out.

  • The Mirror

    There was a girl named Nory O’ Malley who lived in a large house on the edge of town. It was rumored that a crazed lunatic had died in the house seventy-five years previously, and her ghost haunted the halls, but Nory was not a believer in the supernatural, and shrugged it off.

    One night, Nory was going to a fancy ball with her boyfriend at the country club he was a member of. She was putting on her makeup at her dressing table, which was made of mahogany and was very expensive. She leaned into the prodigious mirror to put apply some eyeshadow.

    As she stroked her eyelid with the brush, she sat back in surprise. Her reflection had winked. She waved her arm in front of the mirror, and nothing else was out of the ordinary, so she shrugged it off and reached for her hairbrush. She began to brush her red curly hair, but noticed that the more she brushed, the more straight and blonde the reflection’s hair became. At one point, the girl in the mirror looked nothing like Nory. Trembling with fear, she met the gaze of the mirror girl. “Turn around” the girl mouthed. As Nory turned around she found herself face to face with…nothing. Nothing, of course, except the sound of a fist through glass.

    (I love this website! Keep the great stories coming!)

  • I have one! The Puzzle
    Once there was an elderly old woman her husband had died and all she had was her puzzles to make her happy. One day while she was shopping for what grocereys she could buy she passed a isile she hadn’t seen before. She walked in it she saw nothing but puzzles she put back all of her grocerys and bought one of each. Once she got home she opened one she didn’t remember buying it read “Mystery Puzzle” Joyful she started putting it together. her mind filled with the possibilatys of what it could be. A meadow. A old house. A rare animal! “Oh what could it be!” she shouted on accident. She began to make out a few words it read “Don’t look behind you” Reluctantly she turned there on the floor were all of the puzzles finished spelling “What did I say?” then she turned again and there was something moving on the table it was so tiny. But it started growing.And growing.And growing soon it was bigger than her. “Why didn’t you listen? did your mother teach you manners” It yelled. Then it smashed the chair missed her by inches. then it got her. rumor has it if you do puzzles at 4:15 on April 17th she will warn you. You better listen.

  • I have story. The title is “my revenge”. I’ve always been made fun of by the popular kids. They thought they could do what ever they wanted with me and I wouldn’t mind…they were wrong. Everyday, I was planning my revenge. My hatred grew everday. april 5th was the day I got my revenge. The first person I got revenge was a kid called jake. He was always such a potty mouth,and He wouldn’t stop screaming,so I cut his tounge off. I decided I should keep it as a prize. The next person I got revenge on was a kid named greg. He was the athletic kid at school and he always beat me up after school. What I did to him was cut his arms and legs off and he died of blood loss. The last one,tom was the worst. If you didn’t do what he asked, he would have his “friends” beat you to death. I stabbed him for everytime he mocked me. I can finally rest in peace. Sorry if I messed up ^_^;

  • Tough Love:
    There was a 16 year old named Carly who needed some extra cash so she could go to the movies and the mall with her best friends.Luckily the Donaldson’s desperatly needed a babysitter.She offered to pay her $30.00 since they were going to be gone till midnight.The mother gave her a schedule and her cell phone number incase of an emergency.She had 2 children,both girls.The oldest was 8 and her name was Victoria.The youngest was 6,her name was Alice.Victoria was skinny and tall with black hair and grey eyes.Alice was tall and thin too but with blonde hair and blue eyes.She was watching the children play in the garden when out of now where Victoria punched Alice in the face.Carly ran towards Alice to see if she was hurt.Alice was crying and her nose was bleeding and bruised,so she took her in and cleaned her up.She made Victoria call her mother and tell her what she had done.Her mother grounded Victoria and told the babysitter to make her stay in her room after she ate dinner.It was 6:00 so Carly decided to start dinner.She made a cheese pizza and she had 3 slices and Victoria and Alice both had 2 slices.After dinner Victoria went in to her room and played with her dolls.Carly was cleaning up and saw that Alice was behind her holding a pink stuffed bunny,She turned around to see that she was crying and when she asked her why Alice stared at her and didnt respond.Minutes passed and she asked her again,but this time she said “Because Victoria is going to kill me!”Carly calmed her down and drew a nice warm bath and threw in a few bath toys.After she helped her get her pajamas on and brushed her hair she sent her to bed.The babysitter then laid down on the couch in the living room to watch T.V. It was 10:00 by now and the babysitter heard the sound of a door opening and feet shuffling.Then she heard another door open and tiptoeing.The babysitter was scared and went to check on the girls.She went in Alices room and found her dead,she was stabbed in the chest 5 times.Screaming she noticed there was writing on the wall,it said “She told you I was going to kill her,now your next!”She turned around horrified to see Victoria standing there,smiling and licking a bloody knife.

  • Bratty Baby

    Emma was ten years old but a big brat! She whined, cried, freaked out over the stupidest things. And she bossed everyone around. But she absolutely loved nothing more than dolls.

    One day she was tired of playing with her dolls. They were all old and she wanted a new one. She went to her parents and screamed and whined until they finally agreed to go to the toy store to buy her a new toy. She was overjoyed.

    When they got to the store, Emma’s parents told her to stay near them. But Emma didn’t listen. When they opened the door she ran straight to the dolls. She looked and looked but didn’t find one she liked. She got to the end of the isle and saw a beautiful doll with blonde smooth hair and pale tan skin with bright blue eyes. The dol held up to fingers in the form of a peace sign. And Emma had to get it!

    She went to the cashier to pay for it. “I want this doll” she said. “I’m sorry but it isnt for sale. Emma threw a hissy fit. ” I NEED IT I NEED IT I NEED IT!” She screeched. “Fine!” The cashier said. “Take it, but before bed, lock it in a cage, throw it outside and locked all the doors and windows. “Yea yea whatever” Emma said as she walked out of the store.

    That night when Emma had to go to bed, she threw the doll on the couch and went up stairs. She had three stairs.

    That night, Emma woke up to a light voice saying, Im comin up the stairs, coming up the stairs. She shook it off and fell asleep. About an hour later she hear, Im in the hallway, in the hallway. She got nervous and slid under the covers. Then she heard, Im opening the door. Opening the door. She looked over and saw the door creek open.
    Then she heard. Im in your bedroom im in your bedroom, in a deeper voice.

    “Im climbing up the bed, im climbing up the bed” the voice said deeply. Then she heard in a deranged voice, Im on your pillow im on your pillow”. Emma was scared paralyzed.

    Then she heard in a deep whisper. “Im gonna kill you im gonna kill you”. Emma looked up and gasped.

    The next day Emma’s parents came in to a horific sight. Emma was laying dead mangled up with a shear look of horro on her face. The doll was laying next to her.

    Emma’s parents were extremly sad. They buried her and gave the doll back to the store.

    A few weeks later a little girl walked in the store for a doll. She looked and looked. She saw a beautiful doll with blonde hair and blue eyes. The doll held up three fingers…

  • What is in The House

    Emma grabbed a cup of chilled juice from the fridge and chugged it down forcefully. She had seen something, she knew it.

    It was 2:00 am and she had awoken from a nightmare, she told herself it was, she felt almost certain it was a real being creeping up behind the clock.

    She took a deep breath and bean to walk back up the stairs to her room. she heard a light creaking behind her and in a panic she turnered around. Nothing was there.

    She turned on the hall light and stared by the wall, her eyes searching ever corner of the rectangular space.

    She had saw nothing, but was uncertain. I’m a rush she switched off the light and ran to the safety of her room shutting the door.

    The light from the hall reflected from under the door, a shadow was seen and she braced herself. She knew not to open the door from countless horror movies and sat upright on her bed, panting.

    Her light was on, yet she remembered she had turned it off.

    She was nauseous, something had been in her room.

    To her horror dark muddy footprints were on her white carpet, heading towards her closet.

    The door creaked.

    She quickly sprinted off the bed and ran out the door to her parents room. It was cold and a thick air hung around, she was scared to death with the events, and she saw the window was broken. The large human sized window.

    She bit her lip and screamed as she looked out of the cracked window to see her parents on the ground in a bloody pool. She fell back and began to sob.

    Something had begun to pat her head, and when she looked behind her she saw her father, with a Large axe in hand, he chuckled.

    “Emma, we got rid of Em’ just one more in hiding,”

    “Mom?” Emma asked horrified.

    Her father gripped her tightly. “That’s not your mom.”

    “The person…'” she stuttered.

    Her father gave her a cold look.

    “In my closet..”

    He threw her to the ground and made his way to Emma’s room.

    Screams were heard and Emma covered her ears. Her tears were like acid to her that burned her hot face.

    Her dad came back in with the decapitated head of a beautiful woman, the look of horror was bestowed on her messy face.

    Emma got up from the floor and slapped her father. “You idiot!”

    “They were going to kill us!” he replied.

    “Now we have no meat, now we have no servants…now we have no purpose!” she snapped.

    Her dad clutched her neck violently trying to suffocate her, but she had grabbed his wrist and twisted it harshly.

    He fell to the floor in pain.

    “You are evil.” he choked.

    “Mother was not good.” she cooed.

    “An….Antichrist…” he splurged.

    She gripped his chest and ripped off the soft chest.

    “Never call me that.” she spat.

    She dropped him, leaving him to die.

    Picking up the head, she took a deep bite.

    She needed a new family, more nieve people.

    She needed people to serve her.

    Taking the head she ran down the stairs and out the door.

    She needed to search.

  • Street by street
    Amber was walking home from her friends house. It was 10:30 pm. Amber was supposed to sleepover Keria’s house but her mother disagreed. Amber was furious at her mother. She was lazy and constantly drunk and her accuse was the car is low on gas and it’s such a short walk. Plus, Amber your old enough. That was her accuse since age 8 only 8. Anyway Amber was walking down cricket road, two blocks away from her house when footsteps where dragging behind her. A liitle girl about three with her head down was waddling toward her. To scared she quickened her pace. She turned on holly drive when the footsteps got louder. Bieng brave Amber turned her head and saw the same girl but this time she was skipping age 7 she looked. Amber shivered and told her self it was a different girl. She then locked her gaze forward crossing heather street. Amber shivered the roads were unusally quite. The footsteps behind her mocked her every pace . Slowly turning her head she saw a girl her age 14 walking with her head slightly lowered not enough to show her face. She never reconized this girl from school so snapped her head forward. Quickening her pace once again. She hurried over to willow drive again looking to see if the girl followed her she didnt i guess because now here was an adult behind her but she looked eeringly similar to the young girl. She now looked forward. Deep eyes staringing into hers Amber wished anything not to tick this lady off or to be inpolite so she looked forward. She started to him to block out the loud footsteps behind her and turned on to berry street her street now jogging . “what a nice song ” came a very very deep voice behind her the lady was gaining on amber she now ran. The lady was now a very elderly women eyes like stones. Amber squeled at the sight eyes that are stones. She ran into her house locking the door behind her. A loud deep screech no roar literlly roar sent shivers down her back . Her tv was black and white fuzzed on the screen. Amber approached the couch to see her mother staring at the tv. Not moving just staring. Amber looked in her peephole the lady stood the head to the door. Amber sunk on the floor. Grabbed the phone and dialed 911. She looked back at the tv her mom gone she closed her eyes and opened the door pain struck her on both eyes then it went black the last thing she heard was my dear Amber i always mnew you were such a baby.After the police came all lights were off tv included mom was missing now bodies found just then the news flickered on someone exscaped from a insane asylum and was last found on berry street.

  • Fruit punch
    It was Artie’s sweet 16 party he wished for a red mustang. After all the theme of the party was red it was atrie’s favorite color since age 5 to be exact. He invited all his football buddies and alot of students from his class. Most of the kids in his school were going to be there as Artie says it. Needs to be big, the biggest party actually. Three days before his mother went missing. Allt of people was sad for him but he (referring to Artie) would no let anything stop his sweet sixteen. As guest arrived they were amazed at the sight of the party, so much food , flowers red of course, football cake bigger then a coffe table, so much more , games included, but the most amazing thing was the big red fruit punch a bowl bigger then a human. Artie would explain, an eerie smile layed across his face. Amazing punch, faboulos punch, hmmm mmmm so good, guest explained. Dont forget about the crispy ribs. Artie wod add. More complaiments came from the ribs. Then came the car . Red mustang oh wait suposeed to be mustang this made Artie furios. “A red volvo!” shouted artie. ” your mothers death, not enough money” whispered pleaded his father. But mothers her! Yelled artie. She had some punch , and some ribs , she”s here .

  • Black Coffee
    There Was Once A Couple Who Lived In A Big House In New York. They Weren’t Married Yet. They Had Run Away From Their Families A Year Ago Because They Had A Very Close Relationship But Their Parents Would Not Accept To Their Wedding. The Girl Who Was Now 17 Was Named Lily And The Boy Now 19 Was Named Martin. For Some Medical Disorder Lily Had 2 Years Ago Had Made Her Pregnant At The Age Of 17. A Few Month After Lily Still Pregnant Had Gone To A Party With Another Guy Named David. Seeing This Martin Had Gotten So Angry He Decided To Kill Lily When She Came Home. Later That Night at About 10:00 PM Lily Had Returned Home From The Party. When She Entered The House She Sat Down And Started Watching Her Favorite Show. Martin Was About To Stab Her In The Head But In The Nick Of Time Lily Turned Around And Martin Had To Hide The Knife Behind Him. And That Blew His Evil Plan Martin Put The Knife In His Pocket And Ran To The Kitchen. In There He Made A Cup Of Black Coffee For Both Of Them. When He Finished Making It He Ducked Under The Table And Took Out A Bottle Of Poison He Had Gone Out And Bought When Lily Was At The Party. He Quietly Pour The Entire Bottle Of Poison Into Lily’s Coffee And Then Served It To Her He Took A Sip Of The Coffee To Reassure Lily Because Lily Had A Feeling
    Something Was Onto Her. After Martin Reassured Her Lily Took A Sip Then Complimented Martin Saying The Coffee Was Great. After A While Lily Finished Her Coffee And Then Complained About Feeling Dizzy. Martin Then Told Her To Relax And Sleep A Bit. Lily Agreed Without Knowing What Was Going To Happen To Her In Her Sleep Smiled At Martin And The Slept On The Couch. Martin Laughed Quietly And Watched Football On T.V. A Few Minutes Later Martin Had A Chill Run Down His Spine Which Spooked Him. Martin Not Caring Dismisses It Then Keeps Watching Football. Exactly An Hour Later He Had The Feeling Lily Was Moving Next To Him The Slightest Bit. By This He Was Really Spooked. He Quickly Lifted Lily’s Body And Loaded Into The Back Of His 4X4. He The Drove 50 Miles Away From Their House. He Then Buried Her In A Ditch And Then Drove Back Home On The Way Home Lily’s Phone Rang. Martin Was Not Sure How It Got In There But Then He Remembered He Kept It With Him When He Buried Lily. He Answered The Phone And It Was The Guy Lily Went To The Party With. The David Not Knowing It Was Martin Said “Good Party Ah?” To Martin. Martin Whispered Into The Phone And Said “Lily Is Dead…” David Frightened Asked Who It Was. Martin Realized That David Did Not Know That He Was Lily’s Boyfriend. Martin Quickly Whispered “I Am Her Boyfriend… I Murdered Her…” David Asked Why. Martin Replied “She Had Cheated On Me. She Went With YOOOOUUUUU!!!!!” David Thought For A Moment And Realized What Martin Meant He Said “I Was Just Picking Her Up For The Party.” Martin Angrily Threw The Phone Out The Window. Then He Turned On The Radio And Listened To His Favorite Music Which Calmed Him And Made Him Forget About Burying
    Lily. When He Got Home He Was Opening The Front Door When He Heard “Black Coffee, Black Coffee I’m 50 Miles Away From Your House…” David Spooked Thought “Nah,Its Just Nothing. And Went Inside. He Was Watching T.V. For About 30 Minutes Then At About 11:40 PM Martin Got Ready For Bed. When He Got Up To Go Upstairs He Heard “Black Coffee, Black Coffee I’m 40 Miles Away From You House…” A Few Times After He Heard It Getting Closer And Closer He Fell Asleep. At 3:00 AM Martin Awoke To The Sound Of Footsteps Going Up The Stairs. He Did Not Know Who It Was Because He Was The Only One Living There Now. He Sank Under The Covers When He Heard His Bedroom Door Open. He Then Heard “Black Coffee, Black Coffee I’m Inside Your Room…” Martin Cautiously Looked Around. He A Saw Nothing. When He Went Back Under The Covers He Heard “Black Coffee, Black Coffee I’m-” Suddenly A Very Monstrous Voice Said “BEHIND YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. Martin Turned Around. There He Saw A Baby Boy And A Dirty,Bloody A Very Monstrous Mother. Martin Looked Closely And Realized That The Baby That Was Supposed To Be Born In 2 Months For Lily And Him And It Turns Out The Mother Was Lily. Lily Had Took A Knife And Taken Out Her Baby. Martin Begged To Live But Instead Of Replying Lily Took The Baby And Then Cut The Baby’s Head Off And Stuffed It Down Martin’s Throat. Then She Smiled And Left. The Next Morning Martin’s Neighbor Came Over And When He Knocked The Door Flung Open He Went Inside Looking For Martin But Martin Was Nowhere To Be Seen So Martin’s Neighbor Went Into Martin’s Room Finding A Murdered Man With His Eyes Rolled Backwards, His Mouth Open, A Baby’s Head In The Mouth And And A Note That Said Fin… The Neighbor Very Scared Went Back To His House Called 911 And Told The Operator What Happened. The Police Arrived And Investigations Happened But No Clue On What Happened.

  • “THE BAR-B-Q”
    Susan’s mom was going to a bar-b-q down the street at mr. Sanches’s house. So Susan and her friend emmily stayed at the house so susan’s mom left and said I will be back in 2 hours lock both doors and her mom left the girls sat down and started to watch a scary movie about a hour past and they heard a knock on the door and emmily got scared than Susan got up and started walking to the door emmily yeld no what if it is a murder Susan rowed her eyes and answered the door Susan said it is mr. Sanches said your mom said to bring there over she said she will be back in a hour and he gave the ribs hamburgers and hot dogs Susan said thanks closed the door and her and emmily eat the food than 2 hours later they call the police because there mom isn’t home yet so the police show up so they gave emmily a ride to her house and Susan to her dads house 2 day later they get a knock on the door Susan and her dad answered it it was the police they said that they checked mr. Sanches house they found nothing but than they searched his garage and found there moms severed head and mr. Sanches admitted to killing her cooking her and made ribs, hamburgers, and hot dogs a week later the daughter dies of hunger THE END

  • Here is one it doesn’t have a name because it’s a true story about me so my moms grandma died right before I turned 2 when I was 3 my mom started to get freak out because when she would wake up in the morning and this plant that my mom got at my great grandmothers funeral one night she woke up and she saw it moving across the room to my crib and when it got there she saw a apperiction of my great grandmother appear right there beside my crib starring at me than see woke me up and than my mom heard me laughing and than she turned to my mom gave a big smile and said I love you baby than disappeared and my mom said that if I would be on the couch and she was in the kitchen and I would just start laughing I’m not scared about this it really just makes me smile

  • House 126…
    This really scary thing happened to me when I was 10 year’s old. I’m 12 now, so this was 2 years ago.
    “Darling, would you please take this £5 pound to the next street (Larry st) And go to the door 122.”
    So I grabbed the £5 pound note and set my journey off to the house 122.
    I reached the house. The wrong house. I forgot the number, I thought it was 126… And next to the door there were to windows.I knocked on the door three times.
    No answer.
    No answer.
    I took a glance at the window. Suddenly my eyes started burning, and then I went running to my mum. I started screaming and howling and tugging my hair. Suddenly, I bumped into Mrs Doris, my dinner lady. She looked at me with her calm eyes and told me what was wrong.
    “Well I went to that house 126 and I saw a lady and an old man, but I could see right through them…”
    Her face scrunched up, and she looked worried.
    “There’s no such thing’s as ghost’s sweet heart. I’ll take you myself and prove there’s no such thing.”
    I smiled and squeezed her hand as we entered the front yard. I held my breath as she rapped the door.
    The lady, the ghost, didn’t notice me until that second. Her eyes fixed on the door. She headed towards it while her menacing eyes looked at me.
    I grabbed Mrs Doris’s hand and ran all the way back home. My mum asked what happened and we told her. She looked worried and gave us a cup of tea. As I drank it the image of that lady’s cold eyes was still in my head. I felt around my pocket and checked. Where was the £5 pound? Mum got a phone call and she smiled.
    “Thanks for delivering the £5”
    I looked back half stunned half scared. I will never go to 126 Larry street again.

  • “Carpool”

    “I can’t believe you little twerps!” exclaimed Laurel. “You spilled NAIL POLISH on my new dress! What was the meaning of that?” Her little brothers, Noah (5), and Ty (9), only whimpered an apology in reply. They were waiting outside their house for the boys’ carpool to arrive. Their sister was ever so happy to see them off. “I will consider your punishment with mom when she gets home!” A wide smile spread across her face when she saw that familiar red minivan had pulled up to the curb. She shoved her brothers into the van as the doors opened.
    “But Laurel,” began Ty.
    “No buts! Get in the car, and don’t cause any such problems for your teacher at school!” She heard Noah crying (as usual) as the van doors closed and they drove away. Laurel turned to walk home, plotting revenge against her little siblings.
    Five minutes later, Mr. Wilkins pulled up in his red minivan full of schoolchildren, looking anxiously for his two regular passengers.

  • The Facebook friend
    A boy named Jake, 24 years old was dragged from his room and thrown out of the house by his father. He was jobless and his father wanted him to go out find any job.
    Jake had no choice except to ask to one of his best Facebook friend to stay at his house for few days. Then his friend told him his address.
    After few hours he reached his friend house. His house near the bush and very less houses were there. Jake was terrified to see such a horrible place. It was a silent place.
    He rang the bell. His friend opened the door slowly and was very glad to see Jake. Both entered the house. It was an old and damaged house and also very smelly.
    “You live alone here?” Jake asked him, as staring at the each side of the hall.
    “Yaa! I live alone here,” he answered.
    At the corner of the hall there was a stairway. Jake looked up and saw there a door up there.
    He asked to his friend about the door. “What is there inside the door?”
    “There are some important things of landlord, but from many days he has gone to his village,” his friend answered him again.
    Next morning his friend went to his work and Jake was alone in the house. When evening arrived Jake made a ring to his friend’s mobile to ask when he will come. But he scared to hear the mobile ringing; it was coming from the house only. He began to search from where the ringing was coming. Very soon he identified that the ringing sound was coming from inside the door which was upstairs.
    Jake understood something is wrong happening. Last time he saw his friend’s phone a day before at 8:00 pm when he was talking with his girlfriend. Then, how and when the mobile came inside this door. Jake wanted to find out what is all happening.
    He went up through the stairs and tried to open the door but it was locked. After some time his friend arrived home. Jake didn’t tell him anything what happened with him.
    After a dinner they went the bed. They both sleep on the same bed.
    At midnight his friend stood up from the bed and went to the hall. Jake was watching him silently as sleeping. He saw him going upstairs to that locked door. Jake was also chasing him very silently.
    Jake hides himself behind the stairway wall and peering with one eye upstairs. His friend took out the key from the pocket and opened the door, entered inside and pushed it from inside.
    That was really weird for Jake. He went up to find out what the hell is happening. The door was not fully closed, he peered through the gap and suddenly icy prickles of fear crept down his spine. He was horrified to see what his friend was doing.
    There was corpse all around the room. Cutting the corpse with an axe, he began eating as he took his mobile back into his pocket. He was eating like an animal.
    All of a sudden Jake mobile started ringing, his friend turned to the door to see who is there. Jake hurriedly came downstairs as he switched off his mobile phone to stop the ringing. May be it was his dad call. Jake heart was pounding hard; he went straight to the bed and pulled up the cover above his face. Still breathing hard with fear.
    For a few minutes there was deadly silent. Then he heard that someone coming down from the staircase, he knows who he was! He heard the footsteps coming closer to him. Now Jake felt that he is now in the bed. He also heard the he put an axe on the ground.
    Next morning when he woke up he saw no one around him. He got a chance to escape from there. Instantly he packed his bag and opened the door and let out a sharp cry. There was is friend standing outside at the door holding an axe. Jake got scared and collapsed on the ground. The evil friend chopped Jake and thrown him into that same upstairs door.

  • Heres my story called “crazy train.” A guy named Charlie was in charge of his kids getting on the train to go see his wife. He figured it would take 25 minutes to get there and he was in a hurry. When he got there, he had 5 minutes to spare and sat down and watched TV when all of a sudden, the news came in as a “warning, this news report is about a man in Fulton getting out of a local prison and he is armed and dangerous we suggest you lock your doors and stay inside at all times. We will report you when this guy is found. Charlie got his kids and got in his train. Then a strange guy came in and sat beside him. Then the train went out and it got dark. The lights flickered and turned off for three seconds, maby more, then the strange guy disappeared. The train stopped, and Charlie looked out, and nothing was there. It was abandoned. Charlie went to look at the driver, and he was mysteriously dead somehow. Mabey a heart attack Charlie thought. He went outside told his kids to stay there. He looked around and heard laughter. Thinking it was his kids, he looked up and saw a video camera watching him and he went inside the train. Scared to death, he couldn’t find the kids in there. He looked and found a room and checked it out. He smelled something terrible, and sadly there was his kids, hanged up and skinned to death. In the kids stomach there was a note saying “I saw you watching the news about me” Charlie knew who he was and next thing he knew, a basebal bat wammed his face. As he passed out, he heard laughs. When he woke up he was in a room. A strange room with TV’s everywhere. He was being watched. He thought “A setup” he looked at one of the TV’s with his wife hooked up. He went to help her. Then, Charlie heard voices in his head saying kill her kill her NOW Charlie figured everything out. He was the murderer. Them kids wasn’t his. This isn’t his wife. He got on the train to run away. He killed the train driver bye stabbing him in the heart. He heard laughter in his head. He killed the kids cause they tryed to escape. He put them up and skinned them. He took a pill and he passed out. He woke up in his room and saw a women and went to kill her. He remembers. He looks at the women and says “I know you” the women shrieked. But nothing. Charlie laughed and jabbed a note down her throat and skinned her to death. Few years later.. Charlie went mentally insane and told the cops everything and killed himself. The cops investigated and found the kids. The cop saw a note in all the kids saying “watch out” and the cop went back up and found the dead woman’s body. He found another note and it said “he is behind you” the cop got scared, and when he turned around there was a man saying “I know you too” and killed the cop. Skinned him to death. The man then got the train drivers suit and started driving the train and killed more and more people. The other killer was the strange man at the beginning of the story things come out to be weird so if you go on a train please hope you don’t hear someone say ” i know you ” this story was made by me ThaBeast40 my first but not last story. Hope you like! Thanks

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