Scary For Kids


  • Hey guys! New story! Hope u enjoy :)

    Title: Baby

    Karli and Ben were a very loving and caring couple. They soon became married, very in love.

    One day, Karli announced, “I want a baby.”

    Ben was going to protest, but then remembered how much she wanted a baby. So he replied, “Great, we’ll start tonight?” He formed it into a question.

    They had their sensation spark, and a couple days later, Karli’s pregancy test came up positive.

    They were filled with joy. They told everyone the news, but when Karli’s father became upset, she ignored the cranky old man.

    “Goodnight,” Karli whispered and turned out the lamp. Ben wrapped his arms around Karli’s big belly, and whispered the same word.

    Karli woke up with a sharp pain in her stomach. The covers were filled with blood, and Karli rushed to the bathroom mirror frantically. She then found out her bany had been ripped out of her stomach.

    She broke down and started crying. Ben woke up due to her crying and was devestated.

    Karli was depressed and started to cut herself. She felt that it was all her fault, and now her baby was gone.

    Ben couldnt take it anymore; he decided to help Karli by suggesting they try again.
    When Karli quietly accepted, they tried again, only to have problems due to the attack that had happened.

    Ben decided to end her suffering. He had a sick way of helping her this time.’

    “Do it!” Ben yelled.

    Karli hesitated. “Ben!”

    “Just do it quick,”

    “What if it hurts?”

    “Who cares if it hurts her?” Ben cried, leaning over the bloody pregnant woman.

    “Ill do it!” Karli cried in fustration. She grabbed the woman’s fetus and ripped it out. Ben clapped his hands and wrapped a silverish gray blanket around the bloody baby who was crying.

    Karli grabbed a hammer and started banging the woman with it. A big hole was left in the woman’s head who’s eyes were staring blankly at the sky.

    The married couple laughed. Karli loosened up and killed three woman snd stole their babies from their stomachs’. Ben was eager when they had four babies.

    They decided to steal one last baby—but thy wanted a bloodbath.

    They quietly walked in Karli’s friend’s house. They crept to the bedroom and woke Zara up. They grabbed scissors and cut Zara’s stomach up. Ben grabbed a knife and repeatedly stabbed Zara till she was unconscious.

    They ripped the baby out and cuddled it. Karli then grabbed a scapel and scooped out Zara’s eyes. She stuffed them inside the dead woman’s mouth and ripped off her ears. They cut off Zara’s nose and toes, and set them beside her. They banged a hammer against her heart and stuck the hammer in the place it was in.

    They smiled and decided they would stop.

    Now they raise the children, trying to decide if they should start the murders again— but are against ot because their kids do the work.

    They say, if you hear a baby crying, they’re comig for you. They’ll place a carnivore animal in you, staple the wound, and wait for the animal to eat its way out of you whe you’re still alive.

    Beware— a baby’s crying can kill you.

    (Hoped you liked it!)

  • I just wrote this story about like 5 minutes ago so I hope you like it:

    9:30 pm June 04, 2010: I’m watching the Simpsons but it’s an episode I already watched. Boring
    10:05 pm June 04, 2010: Still on the computer. I am so bored, I wish there was some horror movie on.
    10:30 pm June 04, 2010: Everyone is asleep, I turned on my computer in secret, LOL, my parents will never know.
    11:06 June 04, 2010: Wow, it’s already 11:00? Better go to sleep, good night.
    1:00 am June 05 2010: I heard someone coming into my room but I still hear my dad snoring. What the hell is going on?
    1:30am June 05 2010: I am not kidding, there is someone in here, and I can hear breathing that is not mine. Too scared to call mom. Help.
    2:15am June 05 2010: My heart is pounding so hard right now. I fell asleep for a little while and I opened my eyes a bit and I swear I saw a black figure at my window. I’m under my covers as I write this.
    3:30am June 05 2010: Still under my covers. Why is this happening? Crap, I’m crying. Please help.
    4:15am June 05 2010: God, why can’t it be light outside already. I can hear that person or thing just walking around my room, I guess waiting for me to react.
    4:45am June 05 2010: It’s so hot under these covers, I can’t even breath well. I can’t think straight; I can hear my heart in my ears.
    5:20am June 05 2010: Okay, it’s almost light outside and I’m going to try something. I’ll say “Goodnight” out aloud and hope not to get a response. I’ll write what happens.
    5:25am June 05 2010: No response. Thank god, now I can get out of under these co


  • Scary riddle “Reflection”
    One day, I decided to go explore this haunted house at around elevn or twelve at night. I was completely alone, and all I had with me was an uncharged phone and a flashlight. Anyways, I was very excited but scared.
    I entered the house barefoot and walked around the living room staring at the old paintings and peeling wall. There were no windows, in fact, the house had no glass at all. I went to the kitchen and ran the faucet water in the sink, nothing unusual. I went to the bedrooms and checked under the beds, just dustballs and old books. I went into the bathroom and checked the bathtub, again nothing unusal. That was when I turned around and screamed as I saw a dark figure in front of me. As I jumped, the dark figure jumped. Curious, I waved my arm, and the figure waved at the same time. I held up two fingers, and the figure did the same thing in unison. That was when I realized that I was staring at a mirror. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was my mother. She had found out that I had ditched the house and wanted me to come home or else. Sighing, I left the house disapointed that I didn’t see anything.

    Did you find the scary things in this? (There are two actually)

  • Nemo Nemo

    I have been a big fan of “Nemo” since it was showed in TV, all of my bestfriends have been also addicted to this Show. One day one of my bestfriends, Oscar bought a toy Nemo he said it was cheap and nice… another day later, i was Very shocked and depressed, and i bursted into tears when i saw his corpse on his bathtub, there was no wound or anything but I saw the walls had blood, the blood written Nemo. Turns out he was drowned. No one ever knew where the blood came.

    3 Years had passed since the death of my Best Bud and I was starting to forget about him. Until I saw Nemo again…. One night my sister went to hang out with her friends, my dad and mom went to a restaurant to celebrate their Anniversery. So, i was left alone. I was then playing games in my computer when suddenly there was a Blackout I said “Not Now Not Now!!!”. I went to my Room to get some flashlights. Then saw Oscars toy nemo, i said “When did this get here?” Then i threw it.

    Then suddenly i began seeing it again in the Attic where i was getting candles. Then i said “What?!?!?!” then i heard a laugh. It was getting louder and louder, becoming more Monstrous like the voice of a hundred yr. old ogre.

    The lights went on. I said “Finally.” I went to blow out the candles then suddenly there is this Laugh again. My sister got home. But her wrists were slashed. Then she was like very crazy, She said “Omen 9 times” Then i said “Omen?” I realized that Nemo if you read it backwards is Spelled “Omen”. Then i saw the Nemo toy again. It said “666” and was full of blood. My sister said, That Toy Slashed my wrists off.
    (Hope you like it! i worked hard to know this!)

  • Veronica
    There was a crazy woman who married Satan and lived in hell with him. Realizing how much she missed the planet Earth, she told him that she was leaving him for good. Satan let her go, but he told her that she will have a daughter named Veronica who carried a terrible curse.

    Once the woman was back on Earth, she met a rich handsome man of whom she got married with two years later. Surely enough, her husband got her pregnant and she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Sarah.

    Years passed and Sarah was already in school. One day, she came home and told her mother “Mommy, everyone at school calls me Veronica for some reason”. The mother just shook her head smiling, but deep inside she wasw scared. She knew that Satan had taken over her little girl, but she refused to tell her husband or even Sarah.

    So everytime the mother would go to pick up Sarah at school, she would hear other children calling her Veronica. “Hey Veronica, come sit with me””Veronica, want to come to my birthday?””I call Veronica on my team!”. And as more time passed, things around the house became weird.

    At first, Sarah would start crying or screaming at her parents whenever they would call her by Sarah. “My name is Veronica! Can’t you remember that?” Sarah would bawl into tears. And as Sarah grew up, she began getting involved in witchcraft and she refused to obey her parents. By the time she was nine, things got so bad.

    During diner one day, her father said “Pass me the salad Sarah” and Sarah yelled back “I am Veronica. Can’t you get that right?!?!” she yelled throwing him the salad. It was the last straw and her mother got up “Sarah, this has gone to far. You are Sarah and you must respect your father!”. In that moment, Sarah looked up with the eyes of a beast and the look of a demon “I am Veronica…” she replied in a voice that slowly began to rise “and HE IS NOT MY FATHER!!!!!!” Then, everything went black.

    A week later, a cop came to investigate their house. Apparently, a husband and wife were brutally murdered in the bathroom and their daughter had disapeared. When he came into the bathroom, there was a note written in blood on the mirror. It read “Here lies the curse of Veronica”. The cop simply frowned and said out loud “Veronica? What an ugly name”. In that moment, the mirror broke and a silouette of a little girl apeared and slit his throat apart, killing him.

    So it is said that anyone who chants Veronica in a bathroom mirror will get their throat slit and die.

  • Picture Frame

    Once upon a time, there was this girl named Alice. She was a Painter. She would sometimes sell her paintings at a price of 50 Dollars. Then she painted a Picture of herself. She then hired a Maid named Brenda, she was Jealous of her talent, good looks, and wealth. One day she decided to poison Alice, the maid put muriatic acid and bleach to her coffee, but Alice did not see it, she drank it with carelessness, and she knew there was something wrong with it, she started to cough badly then collapsed, then died… then The maid threw her corpse into a creak nearby where no one can see it, then her friends started to wander where is she, then when they came into her house,the maid murdered them and threw them away in the creak, Brenda was now comfortable. 3 years passed then she went in the attic, she saw a Picture Frame that hangs in the wall, Covered with smudge. She wiped it off with her blanket then she saw the painting of Her Face (Brenda’s Face) Then acid and bleach started appearing the acid dissolved the paint then her face in the Picture Melted, Then she heard a sound which was like acid melting the floor, she saw the ghost of Alice, then she screamed and ran as fast as she could but Alice was faster she then saw her friend’s Spirit, then there was nowhere to go. She gave up and together with Alice, her friends ripped her jaws out the they began pouring Acid in her eyes, she died with a curse that when anyone visits the mansion, they will never escape.

  • Scary Instant Message
    once their was a girl named hyna.she lived in a night a ghoust came and grabed a knife and slit her throut.5 years later a person moved in the house hyna came for revege.that same night she meet bloody was the altimit battle.bloody mary had the first strike.
    she sticks her hand up her butt and grabs her tounge
    turns her insideout and gutts went flying
    landed in peoples mouth.the gutts came alive and killed people.they slaped people.

    the end.

  • heyy SFK please post my story!!!! I worked really hard!!! tell me what you think!
    Hush Little Baby
    There was once a beautiful woman. Her life was going very well. She graduated from college with her PhD when she was 25. She started seeing a very handsome man right after graduation. She was very happy with the man and couldn’t imagine life without him. They got married after a year.
    Soon after their marriage, they had a beautiful baby boy. The newly wed couple loved the baby boy. The husband loved the baby more than anything, even his wife.
    The mother was always awake, taking care of the baby. She would have to put the baby to sleep, feed him, calm him. She did this. Every. Single. Night.
    The woman was growing to hate the baby. Her husband still loved the baby. He often put off his wife to play with the baby. The wife was overworked. She was craving attention.
    She became abusive. She would punch the baby and throw him around. She would try to drown him, but was always caught by her husband. She would spit on the baby and refuse to feed him for days on end. She refused to change the baby’s diaper as well.
    The husband still loved the baby and tried to protect him. He would often leave with the baby to ensure nothing happened to him. The couple was slowly breaking apart.
    One Sunday, everything was fine. The wife just sat there, not saying a word. The husband still played with the baby.
    That night, everything was peaceful. The husband decided to stay home with the baby because of the peace in the house. The baby started crying in the middle of the night. The wife got up and walked into the baby’s room. She picked up the baby from it’s crib. She pulled the knife from under the baby’s pillow. “Hush little baby, don’t you cry, mama has got a sharpened knife,” the mother began singing. “As I sing every little note, I get closer to slitting your throat,” The baby still cryed. “Hush little baby, close your eyes, 1,2,3 and then you die,” With that, she slit his small little throat.
    The husband woke up that morning and checked on the baby. What he saw horrified him. He couldn’t eat or sleep, or even talk. He watched the baby’s cold, motionless body all day. He finally got up while his wife was making dinner. She was stirring a pot of boiling water. He snuck up behind her and slammed her head into the boiling water. He held her head there, seething with anger. He whipped her head back and broke her neck. He slit his wrists and killed himself.
    Soon, a new couple moved in. They had a sweet baby boy. One night, the wife woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. She still had the lights off and was staring in the mirror. She saw her reflection in the mirror, rocking the baby. She had a blood soaked dress. Her reflection slowly turned to look at her. She saw her misshapen face, a grin slowly spreading across it. She raised the knife and brought it to the baby’s throat. All the woman could hear was the baby crying. Her reflection slit the baby’s throat. Then, there was silence.
    The worried mother rushed into the baby’s room. The walls were dripping with blood. There, standing before her, was the woman. She handed her the dead baby. The wife was crying. The woman lifted the knife. “Hush little baby,” she whispered.

  • The witches soup

    There was an very ugly girl who would wear all this makeup to cover herself up. People at school would point and laugh at her and call her horrible things. It got so bad, that one day the girl girl decided to kill herself. She planned to kill herself at the girl’s bathroom during her next test.

    So she walked to the bathroom and pulled out a knife ready to slash her wrists apart. But before she had a chance, she noticeda strange girl behind her. She had a huge backpack on her and she was completely dressed in black. In a spanish accent, she asked “What are you doing?”. The girl frowned at that stupid question “What does it look like? I am ugly, so I am going to kill myself. I will stop only if I turn pretty”. The girl waited for the mysterious pale girl to leave, but she just stood there. Suddenly the pale girl spoke “I can help you. I know witchcraft that can turn plain girls like you into something so very fair!”. She pulled out of her backpack a blue potion, a dropper and a plastic cup. “Just add drops of the blue potion into the cup and drink it. Then, you will have the skin,hair, eyes, and nose of your dreams. Just add 81 drops, no more no less, or else horrible consequences will happen” in that, the pale girl gave the ugly girl the items and left.

    That night, the ugly girl dropped in exactly the 81 drops into the cup and drank it. Nothing happened at first, but suddenly she felt different. She looked into the mirror, and her eyes became brighter, her acne disaperaed as well as unwanted facial hair, her cheeks grew rosy and her hair became soft. She was so happy seeing the fast results, she fell asleep with a smile in her face.

    The next morning, the girl woke up and looked in the mirror to see the progress. But she didn’t expect what was going to await her and she screamed. Her face was a mess! Her lips looked like clown lips, her skin was tearing off, her nose looked like a character of picaso painting, her hair was green and purple, and other awful things. She was a mess! She looked like something out of a freak show! She hid her face under a black heavy jacket and went to school back to the bathroom to see the witchcraft girl.
    Right as rain, the pale girl was there washing some herbs under the faucet. She immediatly recognized her “Did you drop in the 81 drops?” she asked. “Yes! And look what you’ve done!” the other girl said taking off her jacket off her face to reveal her mess. The witchcraft girl was so shocked that she nearly screamed “What the heck! You clearly put in more than 81!” she yelled. The other girl yelled back “I did!”. “No you didn’t you greedy little cerdo!” the pale girl yelled back taking out her spell book and reading the beauty spell potion “It clearly says that you need 81 drops or else….Huh?” she suddenly broke off. Suddenly, she began blushing a deep red with a shocked expression on her eyes. Clearing her throat, she faced the clownish girl and said “My apologies, I made a mistake” she said “The spell required 18 drops, not 81. I am sorry, but the spell cannot be broken. Really, I am extremely sorry. Lo siento”

  • Rowan’s Revenge
    There Were Once 2 Best Friends Who Were Always There For Each Other. Their Names Were Rowan And Dave They Both Had An Account On A Website Called It Has A Bunch Of Scary Stories. Dave And Rowan Loved Writing Scary Stories. One Day Rowan And Dave Got Together And Wrote A Story Inspired By A Story Called The Rake. When Dave And Rowan Got Started Rowan Went To Get Some Fruitopia Fruit Integration. When Rowan Came Back He Spilled The Juice On Dave’s Pants. Dave Saying It Was Okay Continued On Their Story. When Rowan Took A Towel And Gave It To Dave, Dave Chocked Rowan And Threw Rowan Out The Window. Rowan Fell And Injured He Got Up And Left. When He Left Dave’s House Property Dave Wrote Some Things In The Story That Were A Complete Lie. When Scary For Kids Posted The Story On Their Website Rowan Read It A Got Mad All Day At School Everyone Teased Rowan About What The Story Said. Rowan When He Got Home Took A Butcher Knife And Stabbed Himself In The Head And Carved A Huge Hole In His Head Then Stabbed Himself All Over Guts Were Sent Flying.But Miraculously Rowan Lived, But He Lived As Visible Ghost.
    Rowan Then Realized He Can Get Revenge On Dave. So Rowan Went Over To Dave’s House And Killed Dave’s Parents And Broke Into Dave’s Room. Dave Got Off The Computer And Tried To Throw Rowan Out The Window Again But When He Tried To Choke Rowan, Rowan Disappeared Into Thin Air.
    When Dave Looked Around Right Beside Him Rowan Had An Ax And Before Dave Could Scream Rowan Cut Dave’s Head Off And Took A Plane To Washington D.C. And Hid The Head In The President’s Office. Later That Night President Barack Obama Found The Head And The White House Was Shut Closed For A Month And Every Cop Who Was Involved In The Investigation Was Killed Anonymously.
    (Message To Barack Obama: Sorry No Offense And I’m Sorry If It Was Offensive.)

  • I gulped as I stared at my groggy appearance in the mirror. Is this really who I have become? If so, I want to reverse whatever happened to me. I want my life to be normal again, but instead I face a life of crime. My name is Isabella. Apparently I am due in court for the murder of my best friend. Voluntary manslaughter…can you believe that? They think I killed her and then called 911 to make it seem like I was innocent. But I honestly don’t blame them. After a few tests were done at the crime scene, I was told my fingerprints were all over the murder weapon and her mutilated body. Her eye-lids were burned off so she could never rest in peace. At night, when I’m sleeping, I wake up to the sound of her voice echoing through my mind. Her pleas to stop me from gutting her with that butcher knife…to leave her alone. She claimed that she wouldn’t tell anyone about the whole experience. I didn’t believe her. So I stabbed her twice in the lower torso and hung her with a rope from the ceiling. I don’t love anybody, not even myself. I have no best friends, no family, no one that cares.

    (it’s kind of a riddle, see if you can figure out what happened!)

  • Heartbreak

    A married couple where out drinking in a bar when the girl named flower noticed that her husband Trevor looked a bit uneasy. She asked what was wrong but he did not move a muscle. She started to feel that something bad was going to happen. She pushed Trevor and to her horror he collapsed on the floor! Only then did she realise that someone had ripped his heart out and broke it. She ran out crying endlessly. When she reached home she collapsed on her bed unable to take in what had happened. Then she heard a faint whistling noise someone was down stairs! She quickly hid under her covers and turned off the light. Then there was a note next to her. She picked it up and read it. It read I’m down stairs go out now! Flower didn’t under stand and went to sleep. Next morning She went to her husbands funereal and everyone was crying she couldn’t believe that he was gone. When she went to sleep there was another note this time it read I’m climbing the stairs this is my last warning! Flower shook the horrible feeling she had and went to sleep without second thoughts. Next day she went to the bar where Trevor died and she just wanted to remember him so she couldn’t Help crying. Then when she went to sleep there was another note. It read you didn’t listen now I reached your room watch out! Flower didn’t know what was happening she just knew that her heart was broken but soon it really would be! The door swung open and in came a shadowy man he stepped up to her and brought out his knife before flower had a chance to scream he slit her neck the last thing she heard was cruel laughter. Her neck was broken so was her heart the man came back and broke it. Just goes to show… LISTEN TO WARNINGS!!!!!
    ( please comment i tried mg best!)

  • I’m only human

    Marie was an average girl in middle school, lots of friends, not too popular. One day, a new girl named Katherine joined her school. Katherine was a strange girl. She had pale skin and was extremely thin. Her dark brown hair always seemed damp. Marie was curious about the girl, and during lunch, she sat next to her. Katherine and Marie started hanging out together, and soon became close friends.

    Marie introduced Katherine to her bff’s, Sophia, Claire, Molly, and Katlyn. They all seemed to get along. They did everything together, till the Claire’s sleepover party. And that party sealed their fate.

    When Marie asked if Katherine was being invited to the sleepover, Claire grimaced. ” I don’t really like her.” she confessed. The sleepover happened without Katherine.

    The next day Katherine confronted Marie, angry and upset. Marie lied that Claire’s mom didn’t know Katherine, and that was the only reason.

    Marie and her friends started slipping away from Katherine. They tried to avoid her, and when they met exuses where said. Katherine became a mere obstacle.

    Katherine became ignored entierly. Finally, she snapped. Katherine came storming up to the group. ” Why are you avoiding me?” she demanded. Sophia came out and told her the truth. ” We don’t like you. We don’t want to be your friends.” Sophia said. Molly, Katlyn, and Claire agreed with ” Yeah’s” and nods. Marie stood back, not taking sides.

    That night Katherine called Marie. ” Why didn’t you do anything?” she asked angrily. ” What could I do? I’mn only human.” Marie retorted. The phone clicked off.

    The next few days Marie’s friends wern’t in school. Marie got worried, and started looking for them. She looked everywhere. Everywhere exept Katherine’s house, that is. She ran to Katherine’s house, pulled the door open, and raced to Katherine’s room. As she entered it, Marie screamed. Her friends lay dead, all of them stabbed and sliced with a knife. Crimson blood covered the room. Katherine stood panting, in the center of the room, bloody knife in her hand. ” How could you? Why?” Marie cried, tears streaming down her face. Katherine looked at her, grinning crazily. ” They stole you from me. I needed you back.” Katherine rasped. She came face to face with Marie, her breath hot on Marie’s neck. ” What could I do?” she said, clench on the knife tightening. ” I’m only human.”

  • i’m most likely not going to be the best at this but i will give it a try,

    The unexpected Rider,

    One night a young women was just getting off work at the local truck stop. she locked up the shop and walked to her car, she had the strange feeling that someone or something was watching her. but not seeing anything she got into her car and started driving home. A few miles down the road she looked in her dash board mirror and saw a large semi behind her blinking his lights. She waved him on, thinking he was in a hurry to get to his drop off point so he can get some sleep, But he didn’t pass her, he just kept driving behind her. About 5 more miles down the road and the truck started to blink his lights again so the lady tried to let his pass again, But he didn’t. Then about 5 minuets later he started honking his horn rapidly. so she called the police and told her to go to her house because she was about 2 miles away from there. So when she arrived at her house the truck pulled into her drive way. The police pulled the driver out of his truck and asked him why he was following the young lady to her house. The driver strongly said sir i was only trying to save her life, Questioning what the driver was talking about the cops asked what he meant. He said well if you would please go check the lady’s back seat, which they did. there they found the body of her younger workers body in her trunk along with a naked man with a 5 inch knife. The truck driver said that he was only flashing his lights to see if the lady would see the killers silhouette of he in her mirror, he also said he was honking to see if she would look behind her and see him slowly crawling over the seats getting ready to kill her.

    I know this is not the best but this story has been in my family for years and i wanted to share it

  • The noreturn hotel
    There was a young man staying at this hotel for a few nights due to his work. He was told that the hotel was haunted and anyone who entered faced horrible results. “Don’t worry I don’t believe in ghosts. They are not real he said
    However that night in the the hotel, the man was woken up by a horrible voice saying “Yum, yum, yum. I am going to grab ya, then I am going to eat ya”. The man shook a little but went back to bed thinking that it was a joke. The next day, everyone in the first floor of the hotel disapeared (the man waws in the fourth)
    The next night the man was again interrupted by the same voice chanting “Yum, yum yum. I am going to grab ya, then I am going to eat ya” The man trembled a bit. This time, the voice sounded closer. The next day, everyone on the second floor vanished.
    On the third night, the man again heard “Yum, yum, yum. I am going to grab ya, then I am going to eat ya”.The next day, everyone in that floor disapeared.
    On the fourth night, the man stayed wide awake with a baseball bat on his hanD waiting for this ghost or prankster to come in. “Yum, yum, yum. I am going to grab ya, then I am going to eat ya” The voice said. It sounded so very close, it came from the end of the hall. The man bit his lip nervously. “Yum, yum, yum. I am going to grab ya, then I am going to eat ya” This time, it came from right outside his door. Fighting his fears, the man opened the door and….there is a monkey outside with a booger on his finger “Yum, yum, yum” the monkey said “I am going to grab ya, then I am going to eat ya”. The man was so discusted, that he grabbed his things and left the hotel for good.

  • Okay here’s another story. it’s called Don’t Close Your Eyes.

    I ran towards the stairs and reached for the door hearing IT coming up the stairs after me.
    I wake another night with my mother right by my side. Every time I had a nightmare she was always there. She always said that something told her to come check on me. My nightmares always happened in the basement of our home, I never know how I get there. My attention is always set on this dark corner. I always stare at it and this shadow always begins to rise from the shadows. I’ve always try to keep it in there by not looking at it but I can’t move until I can see it. I always fear for the worst and my mom always wakes me before anything happens. She was my hero. I didn’t want to go back to sleep so me and my mom went to get a cup of coffee.

    The next morning my dad decided to take us out since he hadn’t been home for a few weeks.
    When we got back it was late. I went to my room to finish some late homework when I started to get tired, but I didn’t want to go back to sleep. I decided on going to get something to drink hoping that would keep me up. I got to the kitchen and instantly my eyes fell on the basement door. I quickly pulled my eyes away and went into the fridge. I pulled out some punch and headed towards the living room. I turned the volume down and flipped through the channels. Then suddenly the TV started shutting on and off. My gaze suddenly started turning to the basement door and I saw it was vibrating. I started moving by myself towards the door. I stopped infront of the door and froze. It slowly started to open. I tried to move but I was frozen to that spot. Hair started growing opening door. Hands started to appear. The door suddenly flung open, when my mom woke me up. ” I was walking passed your room when I heard you screaming” she told me. I had fell asleep unknowingly. My mom was already holding two cups of coffee. She smiled and kissed my head handing me a cup.

    A few nights have passed, and My mom always woke me up before I could see what was beyond the basement door. My mom had went on a business trip so she wasn’t with me. But she would call and tell me not to fall asleep. I felt like I was getting in her way but I was also happy that she still had some time to help me stay up. My dad was at the office so I was home alone.
    Late that night I went to go get something to drink when I saw the basement door was opened. I took the courage to go close it. I walked over to it and peered inside. it was dark so I reached for the light and thought I felt something grab my hand. I panicked and fell forward down the stairs.

    I awake to see I was in the basement. I remembered I fell and thought I probably fell unconscious. My eyes started getting used to the darkness as I got up. I was facing a familiar dark corner.
    I suddenly froze where I was standing. I saw something rising from the darkness. I struggled against my own weight and was finally able to move. I ran up the stairs and reached for the door hearing IT running after me. I ran out the door and shut it keeping my hands pressed on the door. I was out of breath. The door then started to vibrate. I locked the door and backed away. The door started opening. The kitchen was suddenly really dark and the only light that shown was from the TV. I heard something and quickly turned back to the basement door to see that it was wide open. Everything was blurry. I could hear my mom’s voice telling me I could open my eyes. When I awoke she was right beside my bed rubbing my head. ” I’m sorry I couldn’t make it in time” she told me. I was really happy to see her. To me she looked almost like an angel. ” But for now on I’m always with you” She told me as she wiped the sweat off my head and kissed it. She said goodnight and headed towards the door before turning around. ” Don’t close your eyes” she told me before leaving my room.

    The next morning I found my dad sobbing on the couch. I walked up to him and asked him what was wrong. he looked at me and got up pulling me into a hug. ” Your mother was in a car accident last night on her way back home” I couldn’t believe it. She had come into my room last night. I wanted to tell my dad but he needed some time. I always knew my mother was an angel.and that she’d always be with me. And her last words to me was a warning.
    Months have passed since my mother’s death and I hadn’t had any nightmares.I headed up to my room and started to go to sleep when my door started vibrating. The door flung open and
    a creature flew in. The last thing I heard was ” Don’t close your eyes”

    ( Hope you’ve enjoyed it ^^)

  • Scarred

    A young woman,named Michelle, had just came home from work and decided to change into her PJ’s, put her jewelry in her jewelry box, chill out on her sofa and watch TV. Suddenly, her favourite soap show had been cut off to show an important news bulletin.

    ” Local people from Brewensbury neighbourhood have reported seeing their neighbors being robbed by a middle-aged man. They say that he has short, auborn hair, greeny-brown eyes and he has a small cut on his upper lip. The police command you to lock your windows and doors and keep all lights on!” Michelle didnt seem to panic as she lived in Lenwood, which was three neighborhoods away. She turnt off her TV and went and got in the bath.

    As she sat washing, she heard clicking and didn’t move so she could hear what was going on. Nothing. She continued washing. Meanwhile, her front door was opening up and she didn’t even know. A middle-aged man with short, auborn hair, greeny-brown eyes and a a small cut on his upper lip, slipped through the door and creeped past the bathroom into Michelle’s bedroom. He scanned the room, looking for something to steal. At that moment, Michelle got out the bath, put on her underwear and waded into her bedroom.

    Seeing the burglar standing there, she screamed and the man turnt round and knocked her in her face, which caused her to fall to the ground. The burglar ran to her jewelry box and stole her mom’s wedding ring, her mom’s necklace, her golden ring and a crystal blue shambala bracelet. As michelle stood up, the burglar kicked her in her shins, punched her in her stomach and slapped her face until she fell backwards, straight onto the laminate wooden flooring.

    As her eyes started shutting, she tried to breath as hard as she could. As her eyes started re-adjusting to the objects surrounding her, the old man sprinted past her and ran out the door. All she could see in her mind, was the scar on his upper lip.

    She got up and threw her self on her bed. The blood from her nose started to stain the white duvet cover. Michelle tried her best to reach for the house phone. As her shaken hand clutched onto the phone, she held it infront of her face and dialed 911. She held the mobile to her ear and spoke. She tried her best to describe the burglar the best that she could. The police told her they will be there in 5 minutes to investigate, and that she should stay calm and relax herself for the time being.

    She waited for 7 minutes until the police had finally turned up. Although, only one officer had turned up. He led her over to her sofa and sat her down beside him. He asked her a bunch of questions and she answered them with small sniffles and weeps. She looked up at his face and fear covered her body. On his upper lip was a small cut, then he smiled at her mischeviously.

  • Here’s a new story of mine, hope you enjoy.

    It’s called the football.

    My dad has this cherished football of his. As a keen football player, he’s had it from the age of 10. He always kept it by his side and never let anyone touch it. However, that was before my dad died, in a car crash, you see, an accident though. Well, the driver of the other car, who survived, said that my dad tried to kill him, but who would believe a snotty OAP? After his death, no-one knew what to do with it, so I kept it. If I knew now the horrifying truth hidden in that ball, I would have burnt it to ash.
    One day, in the garden, I was playing footie against a wall while my mum was making dinner. Lasagne I think it was. I was about to attempt the ‘around the world’ move when I heard a clinking noise. Picking up the ball, I spun round to catch the burglar I was expecting to see. No one there. I was surprised at how dark it had suddenly got. I bounced the ball on the ground and there it came again. Clutching the ball tightly in my hands, I shook it. The sound was coming from inside the ball. There was something hidden inside it.
    That evening, when all my family were in bed, I got a kitchen knife and cut the ball into two pieces. I felt bad but I knew it had to be done. I pushed my hand into the hole I had made and felt around. I felt something cold but round, with a hole in the middle. It was a DVD. I carefully pulled it out and slipped it into my pocket. Frowning, I told myself I would watch it tomorrow and went up to bed.
    But all night the DVD was nagging at my head. Finally, I gave in to the temptation and snuck down into the living room. A quick glance at the clock told me that it was 3am. Slipping it into the DVD player, I took a seat on the floor.
    There was darkness. Nothing on the TV. But then a voice came, a rough, harsh one, of someone I didn’t know. He said ‘Look, Amy. . .’ I shivered at the thought of him knowing my name. ‘I’m sick, I can’t stop myself anymore, you just go back to bed.’ I froze, confused and scared, listening to him counting down. ‘10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. . .’

    Nothing. I smiled, thinking I had been such a fool to fall for this joke. It must have been my brother. I got up but my heart froze as the sound of a motor grew louder and louder.
    I screamed as a car burst through the front wall of my house. Bricks and wood fell on top of me. Just before everything went black, I saw the car.

    With my dad at the wheel.

  • I have read scary4kids stories for a long time, though i’ve only made one (not so good) story before. here’s my better one:
    Ding Dong
    Jake was an only child. His parents spoiled him, and he usually got whatever we wanted. By the time he was 16, he had everything he ever wanted. The only thing that was missing was a party. He had usually been invited to every party any kid in the school had ever hosted, because he was extremely popular, but he decided to have a party himself. He invited all the popular kids to his party, and ignored the rest.

    Jake’s father and mother decided to take a vacation, and they trusted Jake to clean up after the party was done. Jake said his goodbyes, and finished his homework. The party was a week away. That night, Jake heard on the news that a serial killer was on the loose. He saw a girl, about his age, but she looked really creepy. The news reporter said she had a habit of ringing doorbells. He was a little scared, but decided that he was just being paranoid. Besides, the jail she was at was at least a day away. What did he have to worry about?

    The day came when Jake wore an expensive tuxedo his parents bought him. He greeted people at the door, and pretty soon, the music started playing. Everyone danced and sang at the karaoke mic. They all seemed to have a great time.

    A minute later, the doorbell rang. Jake went to open it, but no one was there. He shook it of his mind, thinking he was just being paranoid. About a minute later, the doorbell rang again. Everyone looked curiously at Jake as he opened it. To them, they couldn’t hear the doorbell ringing. Jake shook it off his mind, and the party continued. About a min later, the doorbell rang again, this time twice. Jake opened it was was horrified to see the dead remains of his parents. Standing over them was the creepy girl serial killer smiling. She said in a creepy voice: “Your not alone”. His best friend, Kyle looked for him at the party. When he walked to the door, he could’ve sworn he heard the doorbell ring three times.

    (Thanks for reading!!! So, figure out what happened? His parents came home from the house, only to find the doorbell mysteriously ringing by itself. When they walked up to investigate it, the girl smiled and said: Your not alone. After that, two rings could be heard, and after that three, then four. The doorbell rings mean that another one has been killed.) (This story is totally not true, but it could happen!)

  • I have been on ScaryForKids for a long time and never made an account and so this is my story, here goes nothing.
    Hospital Nightmare
    There once was a boy, his name was Tony. He had to go to the hospital from a fever that wouldn’t go away, because of that he had hallucinations and dreams. This hospital isn’t like the new ones that seem fun, this is an old, run down hospital. It would scare anyone away. There are many stories about it but his parents chose this hospital because they really didn’t have the money and the doctors offered free check up and help. Tony was really scared, but yet his hallucinations are even worse, like seeing people disappear one by one… and red covered rooms, or his toys coming to life and chasing him… weird dreams and hallucinations right? Not as whats going to happen to him in the hospital… which wasn’t a hallucination… it was real.
    It was almost time for night time and the visiting hours where over. He made a friend whose also been in the hospital for a while, longer then Tony, but for the-same reason. His name was Danny. Danny told him some scary stories about the Hospital but Tony didn’t believe him and said he was probably hallucinating.
    Came night time and Danny said “Watch out, for the night, when people, come to an end”. Tony had a cold chill down his spine but he shook it off.
    He went to sleep but woke up in the middle of the night, he saw Danny awake to, but thing where different… things where more horrifying. The room was blood red and many people lye on the ground or where not there at all. Danny told him “Oh no… not again”. Tony then responded ” This just has to be a hallucination right?!?! Just a hallucination…?” “If this was a hallucination then why am i still here!” “By the way… what do you mean… again?” “A friend of mine told me this once happened, all the people that lay on the ground, become demons or haunting ghosts of the night… the reason I heard this story is because my friend came to this hospital but escaped and made it out alive… he died later that day, no one knows why, i’m betting its the people that haunt this place that got him, I also told him he was hallucinating, but he told me it was real, and here I am.”
    “Oh ok but-” “We have to get out of here!” Danny interrupted. They ran and ran but got separated. They where calling each-other’s name but they couldn’t find each other, they heard giggles of children, and haunting whispers. On the wall Tony saw in blood ” NO-ONE ESCAPES ALIVE OR DEAD”. He heard Danny scream, a chill ran down his spine, he was almost attacked by a ghost girl with a knife but he ran, and ran, and ran. He saw the corpse of his friend Danny and saw in blood on the wall “Run~!” he ran and ran again and made it out.
    He went home and told his parent what happened, they didn’t believe him but since there child was scared so much they didn’t bring him back. He woke up in his bed and did his early morning routine knowing his parents weren’t there cause they where at work. He went in his room. He heard scratched on the door but there was nothing, he started hearing giggles and thought to him self “no… no this can’t be happening!” Then he remembered the blood red covered walls… the scream of his best friend and “NO ONE ESCAPES ALIVE OR DEAD!” and right when he opened his eyes that was on his bedroom wall, he tried to open the doors and windows but they where locked… he opened the door, and in a flash, right after he opened the door… there he lye.. dead… in a hospital… as a ghost haunting the place with all the other dead children there.
    Sweet Dreams :)

  • The cradle

    There once was a father and mother who had twelve children. Since there were so many, they couldn’t afford buying so many things so the father chopped down trees to make beds,toys, tables and chairs.

    One day, the wife announced that she was pregnant, so the husband went out to the forest to chop down a tree and make a cradle. He made a beautiful cradle out of a maple tree and put it up in the attic, but when he began climbing back down, his foot slipped and he fell down breaking his neck.

    The poor wife was heartbroken, and that night she couldn’t stop thinking about the incident. Suddenly, a noise broke her thoughts, it went “creak…creak…creak”. It was coming from the attic. With her candle, the woman followed by her twelve children, climbed up the attic to see a cradle moving on it’s own “creak…creak…creak”. The mother suddenly smiled “Its okay, my dear ones.”she said “Its just your father, awaiting your next little brother” in that, the family went back to sleep.

    Months passed and every night, the cradle would rock. It was not long until the mother gave birth to her beautiful son. She put the baby in the cradle and in that moment, the cradle stopped rocking.

    That night, the mother again heard “creak…creak…creak” Only this time, she was not smiling, she was nervous. Was not her husband supposed to rest in peace now? Why is the cradle still rocking?

    And so, weeks passed and her baby son began growing very weak. He grew very pale and he would not eat. It was not long until the doctors said that he will die soon. And he did a few days later. And when he did, the cradle never rocked again.

  • “Maple Tree”

    Eulalie Morrow and her family had recently moved into a pleasant little house in the suburbs. Because the yard was so bare, her mother took her to a nursery to pick out a tree. The young girl was instantly drawn to a sickly maple sapling, and asked to have it for the yard. Her mother shook her head.
    “Are you sure you want THIS tree, Eulalie?”
    “Yes, Mama, it needs me.”
    Mrs. Morrow sighed. “Okay, sweetie, if you insist…just keep in mind that it is probably going to die quickly.”

    But Eulalie’s did not die. In fact, it thrived. As the girl grew, the tree did, too. At one point, Eulalie attached a tire swing to a branch for her little brother. Nobody could figure out why it grew so big and strong, or how it managed to become taller and more beautiful than the older trees in the neighborhood.

    As time went by, Eulalie grew up and graduated high school. As she was packing up her things for college, her eyes wandered to her beloved maple. She decided, before she went away, what was at the roots of the tree. She did not understand what made it flourish as it had done. With a shovel in hand, she went to the yard and began do dig away at the soft earth. Her eyes grew wide and she screamed.

    The roots were entwined around decaying human corpses. And some of them looked fresh.

    (This is the best website ever! I hope you enjoyed my story!)

  • hide n seek

    one night me, my sisters, and brothers were playing hide n seek in the dark. i was it. it was all going swell until i heard a blood curdling scream. at first i thought it was my 7 year sister joy screaming because somebody hit her, but when i searched the house i saw her dead in the bathroom. her legs were stuff in her mouth. i yelled for help. no one beleived me when i said that joy died. my brother darian said that that was the worst joke i ever tried to pull. then i herd my sister denisha screamed. so we all ran into our mom and dads room to find denisha and our parents murdered. they were hanging by there heads. i quickly picked up the phone and dialed 911 then i tried to turn on the light but the light bulbs weren’t in their sockets. then i saw a bright light and i thought it was a lantern, but it was my remaining brothers and sisters burning. finally the police got to the house and at that time i was outside looking at the ashes of my house. the killer was probably far away from my house. 3 years later i am safe in my aunt’s house. now im outside checking the mail and i just got mail from an anonymous person. it says “the game isnt over yet.” “ready or not here i come!”

  • Seven piano notes sins

    Bianco was a young man in his twenties who worked in a piano company creating music and performing along with other young people. He had everything: money, looks, talent, and a good heart. He also lived along with his mother, older brother, and father.

    The first day, he immediately befriends an Italian man named Angel who was new and tuned up the pianos with his clarinet. Mr. Herr (the director of the piano company) also began to take auditions on who will play the grand piano solo on the season’s premier. Bianco was positive that he could easily win the audition, so he decided to leave the chance to someone else. But just when Bianco was about to leave, the company’s beauty Clover caught his eye and he changed his mind. True to his word, he won the audition with no sweat. Clover even asked him out on a date.During the date, Bianco lost control and touched Clover inappropriately leaving her to slap him and leave.

    The next day, Mr. Herr gave Bianco a good scolding when he was practicing his piano feature“You need more emotion! Moonlight Sonata all comes in the chest, not the fingers!” Bianco stared at the piano in confusion “I just started today that’s all, I didn’t know that they made a second version of this song” he replied. “Bianco…” Mr. Herr said “You are not playing like I asked you to…I’ll tell you what, I will bring my son tomorrow, he lives in Spain with his mother but we have enough money to send him in tomorrow and to show what real music sounds like” Mr. Herr said smiling. But his smile was not a friendly smile, it was rather awkward the way he said his last phrase.

    True to his word, Mr. Herr’s son Onrefni came in. By God, he was extremely handsome with piercing green eyes, a gentleman and he played piano even better than Bianco despite they were the same age. Young women would blush and smile every time he passed by, and the young men would all gather around him to befriend him. Except Bianco, he was a bit jealous on how Onrefni would receive all of the attention; he even eavesdropped on a youngman asking Mr. Herr to replace Bianco with Onrefni.

    Meanwhile, things back at Bianco’s home began to fall: his father had died in a car accident so his brother and mother had to work extra hours to support their house. Bianco began buying expensive clothes to match up Onrefni’s appearance only to be insulted by his brother and beaten up for it. Bianco also began rebelling against his family very violently. He also began drinking, and every night, he would arrive home late and collapse on his front porch heavily drunk. And the next day, he would rush to his company completely red eyed and nauseous. It was not long until he also began skipping his piano classes and spent his days in his bed eating nothing but diner left overs. Finally, his mother began crying and told him “What happened to my sweet Bianco? You were an angel back then! If you continue this, Rosso and I will move far away and you will never see us again” Realizing this, Bianco’s heart was hit and he too, began to cry “I am sorry mother! I don’t know what got into me! I promise I will never drink or ditch another class!” then, the mother and son embraced and kissed.

    Once Bianco stepped into rehearsal the next day, and he was heavily scolded by Mr. Herr. There was silence until Mr. Herr sighed “Nevermind….today, you will stay after rehearsal and work with Onrefni at his mansion”. As he was told, Bianco went to Onrefni’s mansion. By god, jealousy struck Bianco again:his mansion as Onrefni showed him his bathrooms and rooms. He left Bianco in his master bedroom sitting down on a piano bench facing the most beautiful piano that Bianco had ever seen. When Onrefni came back, he was holding two glasses filled with wine. Ignoring his promise, Bianco drank his glass and Onrefni sat next to him on the piano bench and said “Watch me play, and you follow. This is a simple song its called Attic Basement and Beyond” Bianco watched as he played the song. It was perfect, and it gave Bianco goosebumps. Bianco suddenly began feeling very weird, he began feeling very tired and began gaining interest on Onrefni that began growing more and more. Bianco was drunk. Onrefni finished “Now you try” he said closing up on him. But instead of thinking twice, Bianco made a move and then they made love on the piano bench.

    The next morning, Bianco woke up extremely late still in Onrefni’s mansion. He ran to the company in full speed. Mr. Herr simply looked at him and scolded him once more for sleeping during his practice with Onrefni. He also goes home and is scolded by his family leaving an angry Bianco to leave his house. Again, Bianco goes to a bar and orders the finest drinks gulping them down extremely fast. He then begins vomiting very violently and begins hallucinating. Frightened, he begins slashing the air around him until he is sent to a hospital by the manager for emergency. He waked up insane and begins cutting his wrists in order to bring in the doctors. His plan worked and he escaped in a flash. It got very dark and Bianco began hearing voices “Kill…your family…kills them” Demons began forming from the shadows chasing him until he reached his house. In the house, he stabs Rosso to death with a neaby machete after attempting to strangle him. Then, he stabs his mother twice but when the hallucinations stop, he escapes the house to avoid the police. The voices continue and Bianco rushes after them trying to find the end of them leading them to Onrefni’s mansion. He immediately sees Angel watering Onrefni’s garden which fills Bianco full of anger where he accuses him of stalking and backstabbing him. Just when Bianco is about to stab him, Angel sticks a hose up Bianco’s rectum in full blast. Out raged even more, Bianco chases Angel around the mansion until he meets him in Onrefni’s bedroom.

    Their eyes were the eyes of two hungry serpents, and they stared at him with pure darkness. Then, Onrefni began to talk “You’ve been a bad boy…” he mocked. “Shut up! I am going to rip your head off!!” Bianco screamed charging at him, but Onrefni simply grabbed him and tossed him on his bed. “Your pride has led you to into a monster…into pure hatred. Fortunately, my good Angel managed to track down your weak points so it was not to hard for you fall” Before Bianco could get up. Angel rushed to the piano and sat on the bench “Hey hey Bianco! I wrote a song especially for you!” he smiled “G as in greed” he said as he played a G on the piano. In that moment, a sharp pain rose throughout Bianco’s body causing him to scream in agony. “G as in gluttony” Angel hit the G again and another sharp pain filled Bianco’s body. “A as in anger” Angel hit the A and Bianco began throwing up blood. “B as in bon vivant” Angel hit the B and Bianco began to bleed from his eyes, ears and nose. “C as in …G as in ….F sharp as in…B as in…G as in…F sharp as in…D sharp as in…E as in…”

    Bianco’s mother goes to a mental asylum at least twice a week. She could see Bianco through a glass window strapped down to straitjacket. He was now completely insane, and any noise sent him to piercing screams of terror which reminded him what possibly made him this way. The piano has a set of seven naturals (white keys. Why? To determine your steps to eternal hell.

    (My very first story posted, I am sorry if it is too long. The story is also originally longer, so I took out most of the inappropriate stuff out.Also, I had seven demons haunting Bianco but I reduced it to two to avoid making it long. Yes Angel and Onrefni (inferno backwards) are demons and they can take the form of anything, animal and human in order to drag you into their power. Bianco’s pride represents his showing off for the piano, gluttony and greed of his purchase of alcohol and expensive clothes, envy of Onreni’s luxary and talent, sloth of ditching his classes to sleep in bed, lust for CIover’s and Onrefni’s incident, and wrath for killing his brother and stabbing his mother . Again, this website is just amazing! And I hope to read more fantastic stories from you all) I am sorry if its too inappropriate please edit out the weird parts if necessary, My next story will be about evil goblins in Spain.

  • Man In The Food Sorry The Title Is Actually Graduation Day.
    There Was A Happy Family Living In A Small Town. There Were Two Brothers In The Family Jack Who Was 12 And Dave Who Was 9. The Two Brothers Had Just Finished Their Last Day Of School And Were Walking Home. When They Got Home The First Thing They Did Was Sleep Because Dave Was Graduating From The Primary Division To The Junior Division. At About 7:00 PM Dave And Jack Walked To Their School. When They Went Inside Dave Told Jack He Had To Go To His Classroom So Jack Took Dave Up To His Classroom And Then Went Into The School Auditorium. When David Took A Seat He Noticed That No One Was At The Graduation Event. Jack Then Thought “They Might Come Later,” And Just Sat There Texting On His IPhone4S. Minutes Past And No One Came Except An Eerie Man Who Came And Sat Beside Jack. Jack Smiled At Him And Went Back To Texting. A Few Minutes Later Still No One Came So Jack Went To Check On His Brother Who Was Sitting In The Corner Reading A Book. Jack Went Closer To See What Book Dave Was Reading But As Jack Got Closer He Realized That Dave Had The Book Backwards And Figured Dave Was Reading The Info About The Author. Jack Went Closer And Called Out “Dave.”. There Was No Answer. He Called Out “Dave.” Again. Still No Answer. Jack
    Crouched Down And Put His Arm Over Dave And Looked At Dave. To His Horror Dave Screamed Seeing Dave’s Eyes Cut In Half, His Heart Ripped Out, Dave’s Stomach Cut Open With 2 Peoples Head In It. Jack Looked Closely And Found Out That The Two Heads Were His Parent’s Heads. Jack Was Staring At Dave In Shock When He Heard Scratching Behind Him. He Then Cautiously Turned Around And Saw The Man Who Was Sitting Beside Him In The Auditorium Sharpening A Knife. Jack Screamed In Horror And Ran Out The Door With The Madman Chasing Him. As Soon As Jack Lost His Breath He Turned Around And Saw Nothing Only An Empty School Hallway. Then Jack Stopped To Catch His Breath Then When He Turned Around He Saw The Madman With And Evil Smile On His Face. Then Before Jack Could Scream The Madman Cut Jack Head Off And Added It To Dave’s Stomach. No One Found Out About This Incident For 5 Years When New People Replaced The Murdered Students And Staff. A Teacher,
    Ms. Clement Found The Body With 3 Heads When She Went Into Her Classroom On The Day Before The First Day Of Classes. Ever Since The School Was Left Abandoned And The Teacher Was Admitted To A Mental Institute.
    (Thx For Reading My Story!:D)

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