Scary For Kids


  • Riddle “The bully”: I am sick and tired of getting bullied! Everyday, these two older boys would spit on my lunch, punch me in the guts, pull my pants down and humilate me in front of everyone. I am so sick of it! So today, I am going to try this spell that I obtained from this mysterious girl that I just befriended today. She told me that this spell could make me scary and be able to frighten these mean boys to never bully me again. So I chanted the magic words in the school’s bathroom. I don’t feel different nor look different. I feel disapointed, I walk out the door to see those meanies waiting for me ready to attack. But I was wrong, they took one look at me, and they ran away screaming in terror. The spell has worked! No more bullies. The rest of the school day went by pretty great. Not only was I not bullied, but the teacher didn’t even pick on me to answer a math problem. Everytime the two boys would take a glance on me, they would run away screaming as everyone else would laugh at them. Looks like the tables had turned, huh? Now I am walking home, I can’t wait to tell my parents the news. They worry too much about me, but now their problems are over.

    Did you find the scary hidden message? Answer:….I got transformed into a ghost.

  • Scary riddle “Attic”: I climbed up the stairs into our ancient time worn dusty attic closing the little door behind me. My older brother had made a bet with me telling me that if I were to spend the night in there, he would give me twenty dollars. What the heck, I took it.Nobody had ever been up in years, last time that I was up there, I was four and my brother was six. I put my sleeping bag on the center of the room and looked around the attic. Creepy furniture was covered in white blankets, eerie paintings hung on the walls with faded paint, an ugly curtain covered the small window and creepy toys were scattered everywhere. Before sleeping, I played with the toys a bit and I played the old piano in the dark (I have very good sight). Then, I put the toys away in the boxes and I covered the piano with a white blanket. Finally, I laid down on my back and I started reading an old book in very old English. I put the book beside me and I looked up at the ceiling to see a photograph of a creepy old man next to an old piano. A bit freaked out, I pulled my covers over my head and fell asleep. Bright sunshine blinded my face and I woke up. I had made it through the night! I won the bet! Happily, I ran towards the door to get my twenty dollars when suddenly..OW! I stepped on an old cowboy figurine. I ignored it and I managed to laugh and my brother for making such an easy bet. “You weren’t scared?” he asked. “Nope, of course not!” I said. Heck yeah, I could do this for days, weeks and years without freaking out.

    Did you find the hidden scary message in this? (Again, there are two) Answers – 1) The window was covered by a curtain making the room dark. However, I described that I was woken up by the sun’s light meaning someone or something must had pulled the curtain away revealing sun light. 2) I clearly put away the toys in the boxes. How did that indian toy get on the floor?

  • I came up with a view riddles
    Status 1
    I have always had a habit of closing and locking the closet door. It became a habit and I would do it everyday. I closed the door thursday night before going to bed. Friday morning, I was awoken by a womens scream and footsteps scattering to the front door. I must have forgotten, Silly me.
    Status 2
    A car was speeding and a cop stoped the car. The the man was taken out of the car for suspician of Drunk driving. The officer checked the trunk and the suspect started to flee.
    Status 3
    I was reading a story that strangely resembles my life. The main character was suspected to kill a whole family. The main character is stupid, though. He killed them with a knife. I used a chainsaw. after all it is all fiction.
    status 4
    I have to take care of my bosses dog for a week. I hate the little thing. I always lock it in its cage. Tonight,I put my hand out of the bed and felt something licking my hand. Stupid dog. This morning I went to the cage. I was terrified.
    status 5
    I went to the bus stop and waited with my two best friends richard and bryan. No one is ever there except me and my friends. A women waited at the bus stop with us and was occupied by her phone texting.
    bryan flirted by saying, “what cute girl, right!”. She looked up and smiled, but then her face turned pale and she screamed. She went running off. Me and my friends went home and looked in the mirror at once.
    “We’ll always attatched”, said richard. We all nodded at the same time.

  • Alright, I never figured I’d be submitting a story on this page. But here’s a story I wrote.
    “Curiosity Killed Me”

    I was walking through the hallways of my apartment, when I saw a girl.
    She had the most beautiful golden hair, and wore a black and white school uniform.
    She stood in the middle of the hallway, silently facing in the exact opposite direction of me, and I couldn’t see her face. I stopped in my tracks and called out to her. She remained silent. I walked a few steps closer to her and tried to tap her on the shoulder, and just before I could, she ran off, giggling.

    And that’s when curiosity struck me.

    I started running after her, up the apartment stairways, through hallways. I still hadn’t seen her face-to-face. I didn’t even know the real purpose of chasing her. She only giggled playfully as I tried to catch her, but she always appeared to be just out of my reach.

    And that’s when curiosity threatened me.

    We finally reached the rooftop of the apartment, which was about seven stories high. Both me and the girl were catching our breath from running through the apartment. She stood at the edge of the building, with her head tilted down facing the busy street below. I slowly walked over to her, and the next thing I knew she quickly spun around facing me, then forcefully grabbed me by the arm and I fell down off of the building, my last sight being her delighted smile and happy wave goodbye as I fell to my demise.

    And that’s how curiosity killed me

  • Hey SFK! I am about to tell you a really scary story that I am sure you are totally going to like! I hope so! THE MYSTERY

    Once upon a time there was a young girl named Carla. Carla lived in a canadian village with her parents’,grandparents’ and her older sister, Cinthia. Cinthia barely stayed at home she spent the whole day out of the house.Her parents’ barely stood it, espically, her father he was furious about his daughter going out every single day. One day her father made a decision that Cinthia hardly agreed to. He said:,’You go to school at 7am you come back at 12am you go to the library at 01pm you return at 3pm, you go to your friend’s house on thursdays only at 4pm and you return at 6pm any delays will cause punishment and that punishment is not to go to your friend’s house for three whole weeks!’ Cinthia was mad of her father’s decision so she shouted:,’THAT IS UNBELIEVABLE! I AM GOING OUT THE WAY I LIKE, DAD!’ Her father was furious of her bad and rude behaviour and sent her to her room but she insisted he would change his mind.But her father shouted at her and told her to go to her room.So, she went, mad and furious about her father’s decision right to her room. When she went to her room the door knocked she opened there was nobody. She went inside again the door knocked again she opened there was nobody, by now she was really mad.The phone ringed she answered there was nothing but a sound of breathe she hung up the phone but it rang again she answered it was a sound of breathe with a scream and the weird thing is that she heared a scream downstairs too at the same time. She hung up the phone again. Then suddenly, again, the phone rang she didn’t answer but the tune was longer like that the caller insisted so she answered and finally it was someone:,’Check your little sister,Carla now!’ She was scared but she thought it was someone of Carla’s friends’ making a prank call. Then the phone rang again she heard a scream and at the same at the room beside her. She hung up but it rang again it was the same man’s voice;,’Check on your grandparents’ now!’ She said that those kids are so stupid and that they are not funny but in her heart she felt afraid. The phone rang and there was a scream and at the same time in the kitchen this time it was a woman’s scream and after the scream with a few second a voice of that man again that said:,’Check on your mom in the kitchen’ by now she was so scared but she didn’t hang the phone she said:,’ Really give me one reason why I should check on my sister, my grandparents’and my mother?’ ‘Because it may effect on your life like it effected on theirs!’,said the voice. And after that a man screaming and calling Cinthia’s name, Cinthia was scared and that man started speaking again:,’Check on your…’ and before he finished Cinthia interupted and said:,’my father’ And she hung up the phone and called the police, the police told her to recall the man and keep on talking until they got trace of the call and Cinthia agreed to their idea and called that man again and kept him talking and then hung up the phone and called the police and asked them from where it came the police shouted to her and told her to get out right now because the calls are coming from her house and when she was going out he caught her hand and pulled her to him and kissed her softly on the lips and told her:,’ now, baby you can go out anytime you want!’ And kissed her again and when she looked at him it was Crook her friend from school she loved and when she looked in his beautiful blue eyes they suddenly turned red and he said:,’ I love you!’ And then murdered her with his own hands and made her choke!!!!

  • Dark Phobia is a story about A mom that wouldn’t beleive the “Creature’s in the dark.” She now blames herself for what she did.
    Once upon a time there lived a Family in the middle of a spooky countryside. There was a single mom named Alyssa.
    She had 7 sons and 1 daughter. Their neighbors always said that she loved her daughter most than the sons. But they were given equal love. The kids had to share one room and Alyssa had to sleep in the couch. One night, the 8 children awoken one by one and went straight to their mommy. They said in the dark corner of their room, their appeared a hairy man eating a rabbit. She went up to check on the incident but it turns out there was nothing in there. But the children swore that they really saw a hairy man. Eating a rabbit. A month later, her daughter Martha, graduated the 6th grade. She was now 13. But one of Allysa’s son, Jeffry dissapeared in the cornfields. They quickly called the police but they found no trace.

    Allysa was devestated on the news. She was depressed and only ate twice everyday. Then her children awakened everynight about the hairy man they saw. But each night he was doing different actions he was mostly smoking a large cigar. In the philippines, they call it “Kapre” who would sit on the branch of a tree and smoke a large cigar.

    But this was a Hairy man in a dark corner and not on the branch of the tree. He was completely different. Years passed and her sons where disappearing one by one until her daughter was the only one. She became more Protective and Caring. She would now sleep in her bed so that she was protected.
    Then Martha said that she saw the man again. This time she saw it too, It was staring at her widened and yellowish-green eyes. She freaked out. She turned on the lights and it vanished completely she went downstairs to call 911. When the police knocked on the door, she went upstairs to see her daughter. But she was too late, she completely disappeared.

    The next day the police knocked on her door. The police said they found at least a hundred people in the sewer canal. All of them torned limbs with yellowish-green eyes. They exampled their DNA and said that her 8 children were found there, dead. The police told her the news. Several months later, she became crazy and was sent to al mental institute.The police discovered the real killer. A hairy man that had gone completely insane and was arrested. They say that his all family was killed. And he sworn revenge. Then they found Allysa escape with a note saying: “REVENGE!”.

  • I have a story, maybe its not really good. The title is Luna:

    On South America, lived a happy family. They have a son named Rookie. At a cold christmas eve, his parents were out to watch movies and his parents called a babysitter to babysit Rookie.

    The babysitter named Christie. She was very nice and young.

    At 7 pm, his parents leave their home and told Christie too play with Rookie and went sleep at 9pm. Don’t forgot to locked the doors and windows. Understood, Christie said goodbye and locked the front door.

    Christie played with Rookie until 8 pm and Christie started to cooked dinner for Rookie. While Christie was cooking dinner Rookie was busy playing and talking with someone. When Christie asked, Rookie would said ” I’ts Luna”..

    Confused, Christie took Rookie to his room and gave him a delicious food. When Christie was about to clean up the kitchen, Rookie went downstairs, running and laughing. Christie asked him once again and he said ” I’ts Luna “…

    At 9 pm, Christie locked every doors and windows and brought Rookie to his room.

    Christie read Rookie a bedtime story and sing a lullaby to him until Rookie fell asleep. Luna was angry saw Christie that managed to made Rookie happy. So, Luna have a plan to killed that babysitter.

    In the middle of the dark night, Luna, grabbed a knife and stabbled the babysitter until she died beside Rookie’s bed.

    The next morning, Rookie’s parents went home and shocked with Christie’s dead body beside Rookie. Rookie was awoke and grabbed a knife with red blood stained on the sharp knife. Rookie smile and said,

    “Luna did it”

    The End
    (Sorry if the story are’nt scary at all, scary for kids please published it),

  • Bad Hair day
    There was a girl with the most beautiful hair ever. It was as brown as a chocolate, it was silky soft and it always smelled of fresh lemons. Her name was Maria, and she was a very shy girl with the hair of a goddess. Every boy who laid eyes on her immediatly fell in love and asked her out, even though she declined them all.

    However, there were also jealous girls who hated Maria’s natural beauty and would do anything to take it from her. Especially Christine, Myra and Lorena.

    One day during class, the three girls decided to sneak into Maria’s gym locker and replace her shampoo with sulfuric acid that they stole from the chemistry lab. Truelly enough, the three girls snuck into Maria’s locker and replaced her shampoo with the dangerous chemical.

    Before school ended, poor Maria had not only lost her hair, but her entire face and skin got completely deformed. When she looked herself in the mirror, she couldn’t take it and she hanged herself in the showers. When the three girls found out, they were ticked. They wanted Maria to suffer and feel like them, not get the boy’s attention.

    That night, Christine stood facing her television while brushing her hair. Suddenly, she noticed a strong knot on the center of her hair. She tried brushing it but it stayed strong. Sighing, she reached out for the scissors and cut it off. In that moment, she screamed. Thousands of spiders crawled out and began biting her violently until foam spewed out of her mouth. She dropped down dead.

    Next, Myra was busy cooking when her hair caught fire on the oven. She was too much in panic to stop and roll, so she ran around screaming until she burnt herself to s crisp.

    Lorena meanwhile faced her mirror admiring her hair. Suddenly, she noticed that it seemed longer. It seemed to be growing every second. In that moment, she felt her arms, legs and her whole body itching. She looked at her body and noticed that her hair was indeed growing every second. She fell on the floor scratching herself allover. How was this possible? Hair can’t grow this fast! She began coughing and her vision, breathing and hearing grew weak. Hair was also growing not only on the outside, but on the inside too. Hair grew out of her mouth, nose, ears and even eyes. She died of suffocation.

    The next morning, a mysterious tape was found in Maria’s locker. The school decided to play the tape under Maria’s memory during an asembly. When it played, the students could see Christine, Myra and Lorena sneaking acid into Maria’s shampoo. They watched as Maria’s apearance slowly turned hideous as she then killed herself. Then, the next scene showed Christine attacked by spiders. But the creepy thing was that there was a reflectiong on her television of an angry deformed girl. They watched Myra die and again they saw the same reflection on one of her cooking pots. And finally, they saw Lorena’s death and again saw the creepy reflection but on her mirror. Then, the film showed nothing but black.

  • The Open Window
    When you’re young, your parents always tell you that there is nothing unsafe about the dark. They tell you that there are no monsters in your wardrobe, and nothing under your bed. They try their best to convince you that nothing will crawl through the open door and attack you, yet you are still scared. You still check every nook, every cranny of your room, searching for potential threats that would take advantage of the darkness. You keep a night light to create a pool of light around you that would ward off any creatures. This makes you feel safer, but that fear still settles inside your gut and sticks like glue. I stopped believing in all that a while ago, of course. So, when I’m woken up in the middle of the night by rusting and find my window open (when I had closed it before I had fallen asleep), I thought nothing of it and fell asleep again.
    But, then it happened again.

    I sat up in bed with a scream, coated in sweat. I sat, bolt upright, breathing heavily, for a few minutes. I don’t know what woke me up, but, going by the scream and the fear in my gut, I’m guessing it was a nightmare. I sighed, and wiped the sweat from my brow. Lucky I was living alone. If I wasn’t, I would have woken up the whole house. I got ready to settle in my bed again – since it was pitch black in my room, the only light coming from my window- Wait, why weren’t my curtains drawn? And why was my window open? Again?

    I stood on shaky knees. Okay, one time, I can deal with it, but two? In a row? Nope. Can’t do it. It may have been a coincidence, but I doubted it – if it was, why did I have the overwhelming feeling that I was being watched? I felt eyes boring into my back, and turned on my heel to find…nothing. I was staring at darkness with scared eyes. Scolding myself for being so childish, I made my way to my window and locked it shut, closing the curtains afterwards. When I got back to bed, I heard no movement, felt no eyes on me, so I deemed that I was safe, and snuggled into my pillow.

    And that was when I felt a hand on my leg.

    I screamed again, hurriedly curling up on top of my pillow and grabbing the quilt in bunches. I shook, hazel eyes scanning the room. Nothing. How could that be possible? How could there be nothing?! I had felt it! Fingers, grabbing my leg one by one. I had felt claws. It must have been one of the residents. I think of the residents I know with claws; Bones, Lolly, Ankha, Moe, Tangy…None of them would do this! I’m well liked in this town. They wouldn’t scare me like this. Sighing again, I settled in bed, and fell into a nightmarish, restless sleep.

    I woke the next day with my stomach tied in a knot. Well, it felt like it, anyway. I let out a deep, ragged sigh full out exhaustion and stood. As I got ready, I wondered what I had felt last night, but brushing it off, thinking that it had just been a fluke. However, when I went round Lolly’s house – it is right next to mine – and asked her if she saw anyone going in my house last night, she sent me a weird look and said that no, no she hadn’t. It was hard to sleep last night and then I woke up in the middle of the night again.

    I woke up peacefully this time, my eyes opening slowly. I stayed down as I woke up, curled up underneath my quilt. Curtains not drawn. Window open. Someone staring. I narrowed my eyes, sitting up and scanning the room. But, as always nothing. Cold fear gripped me and a shiver went down my spine. I didn’t know what to do. This had happened three nights in a row. Three! It couldn’t keep happening, could it? I would never sleep again. I would stay up all night like a child, keeping my light on and scanning the room for the creature that uses the dark as its cover. A hand found my arm and pulled.

    I scream, a blood-curdling scream that echoed through my large house. It felt like my arm was being tugged out of it’s socket. As I was being pulled, claws digging into my arm, I realized that the hand was indeed a paw, a grey paw. Wait – a grey paw?! No…no, it couldn’t be…

    I looked down and felt myself being released, released into a hole. But, there was not a hole in my floor. This was a deep hole, too, so deep there wasn’t even sided for my scream to echo against, no end in sight. Wind rushed past my ears and my hair whipped against my face as I fell. I could hear my heart thumping. Falling…Falling… Why wouldn’t I stop falling? I looked up – it took some effort, as the only direction I knew for certain was down – and found myself staring into large deep red eyes. I seemed to sink into them, into the murder and malice. Soon, I was able to make out the rest of the face. Black ears, grey face, black stripes…

    “Lolly?” I mutter, my voice barely audible.

    And she just smiles and watched me fall.

    Note –
    I did NOT write this story, I just put it here. Credit goes to MollyMakesMagic on ACC aka My good friend. (I got permission to put it here!)

  • The day ends, darkness spreads through the land

    A soft whisper, then a touch of the hand

    While you lay sleeping

    Cozy in your bed

    The monster creeps out, taking sight of your head.

    You feel uneasy and you open your eyes

    The old man says your awakening and it is a despise

    He reaches to his pocket and takes out a knife

    All you can ask is why?

    In a swift motion

    Your screams are unheard

    You head is severed, all is exposed.

    The Very next morning the man walks away

    Saying a murder place is not where he should say

    He comes to your house

    Asking for a place to stay

    What you must do is say no way

    For in the dead of the night the souls that are lost

    Forever and ever never to heaven or hell

    They sob and cry

    If he comes, please tell him bye

  • I wouldn’t call the farm house I’m stuck in with my parents an ideal home. It’s too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter, and the paint job leaves much to be desired.

    Because we have no central heat or air I have two bedrooms. In the summer I stay upstairs in the attic and in the winter I’m downstairs in the sickly pink guest room. Right now it’s winter in Kentucky, so I spend my nights downstairs.

    I’ve never been an easy sleeper, I tend to lay awake some night for hours and just daydream until sleep finally comes. It was on one of those nights that I first started to hear the scratching. It was a faint sound, right above my head where my attic bedroom would be. A soft scratching, like nails against wood.

    I didn’t think anything of it, houses like mine are always home to some form of rodent menace. Eventually it stopped and I was left again in silence.

    A few nights again the scratching started up again. It was just like before, the soft sound of something dragged lightly across wood. But the longer I listened the louder it seemed to get. At some it stopped, and I drifted off with visions of a monster rat in my head.

    That morning when I got home from school I ventured upstairs to check out what was making all the night time racket. To my surprise nothing was there, nor was anything out of place.

    Night came again, and so did the god forsaken scratching. It was louder than ever. It had gone from a soft scratch to the equivalent of someone trying to come through the ceiling. More fed up than scared I bolted from my bed and went upstairs, ignoring the freezing cold and my pounding heart.

    It was silent. There was nothing there. I didn’t understand it. My curiosity got the better of me and I flicked on the light. As far as I could see everything was where it should be. Then I walked over to the corner above my bed downstairs. It looked like someone had taken both their hands and dug their nails in and dragged them across the floor. Ten perfect scratches across the floor.

    Now I was starting to get scared. I went back to other room and just laid there, not sure what to make of everything. Again the noise started and I jumped. Too scared to move I stayed put, waiting for it to stop.

    I got my mom to go upstairs and look it over the next morning. She was as confused as I was. Apparently she hadn’t heard anything at night, even though our rooms are right across from each other. Maybe it was imagination but the marks looked deeper.

    Every night I hear the scratching. It’s always in the same place, right above my head. Sometimes it’s quiet, sometimes it sounds like someone desperately trying to claw their way through the wood and plaster. The marks never change either, they always stay in the same place. No more ever pop up. Though sometimes it seems like they’re a bit deeper.

    Whatever, or whoever is trying to get through that floor hasn’t succeeded yet, and I hope it takes them forever. I think this summer I’ll stay downstairs….

  • Handwriting:

    Once there lived to young girls, they were the best of friends; they were so close that they were literally inseparable. The two girls did everything together, sleepovers, assignments, play dates but the weirdest thing of all, they hand wrote stories. Both girls had truly beautiful writing, but one girl thought her writing was terrible, her name was Katrina. Katrina was envious of her friend Macy’s writing and usually made the comment of wanting her hands. Macy always took this as a compliment and shook it off without any troubles.

    On a Tuesday afterschool both girls studied at each other’s houses. After a long afternoon they decided to start a new story. As Macy wrote Katrina stared at her friends hands, she watched every stroke, line and dot. Macy noticed and smiled as if it were a compliment.

    After failing an English test Katrina was unsurprisingly upset. Both of the girls sat together it her room and talked things over. All of a sudden completely out of the blue, Katrina stood up and started screaming, “I HATE YOU, GET OUT, I NEED YOUR HANDS, I NEED EVERYTHING!”

    Macy left in shock, what had made her friend act like that; she stared down at her hands, sure she had neat writing but what did that had to do with anything?

    After being kissed goodnight, Macy stared at her ceiling; she was still uneasy about what happened but soon fell into a deep uncomfortable sleep. She woke up to a small tapping at the door; it was 4:00am. The tapping soon fell silent and Macy relaxed, but something made her lay stiff as a board, she heard the creaking of her door, the sound it would make as if it were opening. She heard footsteps everywhere, as if the “thing” was making its way to her bed. The footsteps stopped, Macy breathed a sigh of relief and opened her eyes.

    She was unable to scream, she covered her hand with her mouth, there crouching face to face to her was Katrina smothered in blood. “Hello Macy” she whispered in a demonic voice, “I have come to collect what I have always wanted!”

    The whole house erupted with a blood curdling scream. Macy’s parents rushed to their daughters room, and there lying on the floor were the remains of Macy, her hands severed from her body, all left were bloody stumps. But the one thing they will never forget was the stone cold body of Katrina clutching a bloody sewing kit.

    They say if you stand in the middle of your bedroom at exactly four o’clock in the morning and whisper “Macy, Macy I have your hands” four times, the ghost of the girl who’s hands were severed will appear in front of you, it will seem as if it were pointing at something. DO NOT turn around as the demon of Katrina will be standing behind you with an axe and a sewing kit, the same one she used for Macy’s hands!

  • Not so Long ago in the year 1976, a woman named Essia fell in love.

    The mans name was Antonio, and he would have done anything for her.

    They lived in Mexico, and at the time, it was not doing so well. They were starved and couldn’t find work, they longed to migrate to America, but with all the troubles it came with, they chose to stay and suffer.

    One day Antonio decided to wed his beloved, he got his saving and went to the jeweler to buy the largest ring they had.

    When he had purchased it, he was excited to go home to his beloved.

    As he neared his home, he saw that the door was wide open, and the windows were broken.

    Scared, he ran from his car dialing 911 and searched for his love. She was no where to be found.

    The small little house was in ruins, as if someone came and knocked everything over. She had been in a struggle.

    That night, when the police Came over, they told Antonio that his love was one of the many women who had been taken from their homes.

    Years passed after that day and Antonio had leaned into a terrible depression, he never gave up on finding his bride to be.

    In the summer of later years, they found Essia and many other women in a forest, her corpse mutilated and torn. She had been buried alive, burned and beaten.

    They told Antonio she had been pregnant for a month.

    Antonio couldn’t bare the sight, and later when months had passed, he no longer talked.

    He didn’t feel he had a reason to live.

    So on a cold day in December, he decided to end the misery. He grabbed a gun and shut his eyes, but before he could pull the trigger, he saw the image of Essia in tears. She was gasping.

    He couldn’t believe it and stood up, he ran to her and they hugged.

    “I am to join you,” he cried out, kissing her.

    She stopped for a moment, tears flowing down her pale ghostly face.

    “You have a purpose Antonio. You can’t leave the Earth just yet.”

    He was angered by the words, what purpose could he have?

    didn’t she love him?

    “Why?! no…I can’t bare to live another minute without you, I have longer to be with you and now…”

    She shushed him slowly.

    “They did terrible things to me Antonio,but you must live your purpose. I lived mine. ”

    She began to slowly dissapear.

    “Bring justice to the women, justice…I love you and I will be waiting here for you,”

    She was gone and Antonio shattered in sobs.

    Months passed and people began to brutally die.

    Everyone was fearful of the event, all except Antonio.

    Justice was never brought for the women.

    Antonio had killed the wrong doers, but they never faced to the crime, they weren’t known as killers, just innocent victims.

    No one knows what happened to Antonio, some say he killed himself after the misery.

    Others say he still lurks around today, seeking the justice as death never took him.

    They say in the night hours Essia and Antonio come to a young couples home and bless them, yet if you have wronged your lover they take your soul

    In other versions, it is only Antonio who comes and he slits your throat if you have ever wronged a woman.

    Essia has been graffitied all over their town in blood during Christmas, though they haven’t identified the violator or whose blood it is.


    :D it’s an old legend my mother told me that would scare the boys to treat their women right ha…

  • “the terror of chain mail”
    I’m so sorry for telling you this but I have to I don’t know why maybe they’re making me do this. think back to every creepy text, email, story, or anything that promissed something was going to kill you. obviously that hasn’t happened yet because you’re reading this but think about all those terrors. do you know why they haven’t gotten you yet? I do. they made a deal to get you at your most vulnerable. tonight if you read; text, or do anything that obscures your view of anything in front of you, they’ll come. you won’t even notice as they creep closer behind your distraction. every single one taking what they promised in the story. I’m so sorry I had to tell you but I had to warn you before they got me tonight. I can’t even imagine it all my worst nightmares teamed up against me. goodbye I’m sorry if you don’t believe me.

  • “The Coloring Book”
    There was a young mother who had been hoping and praying for a child of her own. When she and her husband found out they would be expecting a baby boy that fall, they rejoiced. They child-proofed their house and prepared a splendid nursery for the new arrival. William (the baby) was born plump and healthy, and had the cutest little blonde curls on his head. But as he became a toddler, the time when most parents had trouble with their young ones, they began to notice that William was rather, well, distant and often lost in thought. He would just sit at the window and color in his coloring books, listening to classical piano music all day long. Though he was a very sweet boy, his mother worried about his behavior and took him into a specialist. He was diagnosed with a rare condition, but the doctor said that it was nothing to worry about. Now, William had only one friend in his preschool years, a girl named Patricia. They had been buddies for awhile, but what struck his mother as odd was that her son just one day stopped talking about her. He seemed to lose contact with her around first grade, and became uncomfortable whenever his mother would bring her up.
    On a bright Saturday afternoon that summer, William’s mom noticed that he was just sitting and watching cartoons, without any of his coloring books or crayons or any such thing.
    “Where are your coloring books, sweetie?”
    “I locked them up in my room, mother. I do not wish for you to look at them until I move away.”
    “If you say so,” she sighed. Strangely, after this series of strange events, William began acting like a normal child. He played in the band, joined the football team, and became very popular. After high school, he left home to study abroad in Italy. About a year after William’s departure, his mother was going throug his closet when she found a latched box. Inside the box were all of his coloring books. His mother opened one up to the first page. crudely scribbled in orange crayon were these words:
    “I don’t know why I did it mother. I just felt like it. I promise it will never happen again. If you are reading this inside my closet, just look on the top shelf. Love, Willy.”
    On the top shelf was another latched box, which was full of salt. William’s mother reached in and pulled out the perfectly preserved head of Patricia.
    (Let me know what you thought of the story! :D)

  • Camping well

    There was a small group of boys who were all best friends. They were Veneto, Simon, Valencio and Bruno. They were playing hide and seek at an old camping sight and it was Simon’s turn to count. All boys ran to all direction deep into the trees. While Valencio and Bruno picked trees to hide in, Veneto decided to hide someplace more difficult.

    He ran deeper and deeper until his little legs couldn’t take him further. And he had to urge to urinate. He saw an old well up ahead and he began pulling down his pants to pee when a voice cried “Wait! Don’t pee on me!”. Startled, Veneto pulled up his pants and stared down the well. It was pitch black and he couldn’t see anything. “What is your name?” asked Veneto. The voice sounded like a child around his age, maybe he had fallen down. “My name is Antonio and I am very hungry. Do you have any food with you?”. Remembering that Veneto had a burger with him inside his coat’s pocket, he pulled it out and put it in the well’s bucket lowering down. In that moment, the sound of a clack was heard and the voice responded “Thank you! It was delicious! I want more!” But Veneto shook his head if Antonio saw it and he replied “Don’t you want to get out? Your mom and dad and friends must be wondering where you are”. There was a silence and then there was a sudden sobbing and wailing down the well “My mom and dad hate me! They always ignore me! And I don’t have anyfriends!” he continued sobbing. Feeling sorry, Veneto said “I’ll be your friend, and I bet my other friends will gladly be friends with you too. Why won’t you climb up so we can play hide and seek?” The voice down there stood quiet. Finally he said “Ok, but put down a rope so I can get up” Veneto put down a long heavy tree branch and Antonio climbed his way up. He was extremely pale with dirty clothes and greasy black hair. But Veneto didn’t care. They laughed at each other and they ran off to meet the others.

    They all had fun together until it got finally dark. The other three friends had gone home except for Veneto and Antonio. “I got to go home too” Veneto told him “And you should too, your parents must be worried”. Again, Antonio fell to his knees and began sobbing hysterically “They hate me!!!”. Veneto sighed “That is not true, show them to me” he said. Antonio grabbed Veneto by the arm and dragged him across the trees.

    They came across the same well, and Antonio pointed down the well. “But this is just a well” Veneto began saying.Suddenly, He felt Antonio push his back and Veneto fell in. It was not a long way down but he fell hard against something very sharp. In the moonlight’s reflection, he saw the bodies of a dead man and a woman. Antonio climbed down still sobbing “I told you that they hate me! They always ignore me!” Shocked, Veneto looked around to see corpses of boys his age around the well. There were all completely thin as if they were starved to death. “I used to have friends” Antonio continued “But eventually, they just stop talking to me. What is this? Am I not a good friend?” he asked. That was when Veneto realized that this boy was completely insane. Before he would react, Antonio grabbed him by the shirt and smiled grimly “You’ll play with me right? You’ll never leave me”.

    So it is said that Antonio hides in wells luring any child his age into them so that he could starve them to death. Watch out, your child could be the next one to be lured.

    (I don’t quite remember the ending very well. but it is an italian spanish story that my cousin told me four years ago)

  • The hairy hand

    There was a single mother who left her son and daughter aged 10 alone at their house. She told them to not answer the door to anyone and to answer the phone at all times. The son and daughter were both named Toscano and Maripina.

    So it was around seven pm and Toscano and Maripina were playing a board game. Suddenly, the phone rang and Maripina went to go answer expecting her mother. But it wasn’t. “Hello?” she asked and on the other end of the line came a very deep voice of a man saying “What is your name?” “Maripina” she answered, in that moment, he hung up. She shruggled her shoulders and went back to their game.

    At eight pm, the children were having a snack when the phone rang again. Toscano went to go answer and the same deep voice asked him “What is your name?” “Toscano” the child responded. Then, he hung up.

    At nine pm, the children were watching television when again the phone rang, both answered “Hello?” “Ciao Toscano and Maripina!” said a familiar voice. It was their mother “I just wanted to tell you that my car broke down, and I wont be back until the morning. Remember, don’t answer the door at all. I have my chiave and I can enter whenever. Goodbye” the children sighed in relief and sat down. But in that moment, the phone rang again and both children answered.”What are your names?” asked the same creepy voice “Maripina and Toscano” both children said in unison. This time, the man did not hang up he again responded “I am outside your house, answer your door”. Then, the doorbell rung and both children faced the door. Toscano was about to answer when Maripina said “You dummy! My told us not to open the door you idiot”. Toscano stopped in his tracks but looked through the peephole. “Nobody is outside” he said, “This is a joke”. But he was wrong, the phone rang again and they picked up to the same deep voice “I TOLD YOU TO ANSWER THE DOOR! IF YOU DONT ANSWER, I WILL SET YOUR HOUSE ON FIRE!” screamed the voice as he hung up. Then, the door rung again. The children were very scared, making sure that it wasn’t a prank they looked through the peephole and again saw nothing. Deciding to open the door, they finally did. In that moment, there was a man in a black cloth and very hairy hands. Both children screamed and ran to go hide in the bathroom. Maripina hid in the bathtub and Toscano under the sink. However, the man followed them and he immediatly went to the bathtub and grabbed Maripina and strangled her to death. Next, he found Toscano and smashed his head under the toilet lid until he was no more.

    The next day, mother came home to find her door wide open. When she called for her kids, no one answered. Scared, she looked all over the house until she found their dead bodies in the bathroom. “Oh! My children! My sweet children!” she cried as she embraced their corpses “Who would do such a thing?!?”. In that moment, the mother saw her reflection in the mirror. Only there was someone else too, it was the man with the hairy hands and he was behind her in the bathtub. The mother freaked out and looked behind her, but no one was there. She again looked at the mirror and the man got out of the bathtub and began walking towards her with a knife. Again, she looked back but no one was there. Before she could look at the mirror again, an invisible force came and began stabbing her to death. The family were no more.

  • The Black Dove
    One Day 23 Year Old Missy Was Walking Along A Curb On A Busy Street When Suddenly A Black Dove Passed By Her And Then A Gun Fight Broke Out Between Two Gangs. Missy Was Shot In The Neck And Was Rushed To Hospital. When Missy’s Parent Heard About This And Came To The Hospital Missy Was Having An Emotional Private Talk With Her Parent She Suddenly Saw A Black Dove But This Time With Blood On It And 3 Wings. Missy Dared Not Let Her Parents Know About This And She Just Went Back To Talking When She Saw It Again But This Time The Dove Was Inside The Room When Blood Started Leaking From Missy’s Throat. When Her Parents Told Missy To Wait While They Get A Nurse, Missy Agreed. But Several Minutes Past And Missy’s Parents Had Still Not Returned. When Missy Looked Around The Black Dove Was Not In The Room It Was In The Hallway But With 24 Wings. Missy Really Scared Got Up And Looked In The Hallway Not Expecting To See 21 Dead Bodies In The Hallway When Suddenly 2 Bodies Fell From The Ceiling. Missy Screamed With Even More Blood Coming Outta Her Throat When She Discovered The Bodies Were Her Parents. Suddenly She Heard “Turn Around” When She Did The Black Dove Stabbed Missy’s Eye With It’s Big Sharp Beak.

  • “Noises in the Woods”
    There were two five-year-old girls named Mirette and LaKeisha, who met in kindergarten on the first day of school. After discussing the usual things that kids in their age group talked about, the conversation turned to where they lived.
    “I live in the yellow house on Fisher Avenue, near the movie theater,”said Mirette cheerfully. “What about you, LaKeisha?”
    She replied, “I live next to the big pine forest five miles from here. I hear noises coming from there at night, like ghosts. Mommy told me there is no such thing as spooks, but it scares me! You believe me, right?”
    “Of course!” exclaimed Mirette in her high pitched, squealy voice. “‘Cause you’re my new best friend!” This statement proved to be true; Mirette and LaKeisha were as thick as thieves the entire year. They did projects together, went to movie premiers together, and even went to Disney World together on Spring Break. As summer rolled around, LaKeisha’s birthday did, too, and she decided to throw a grand party and invite all the little girls from her class. Her mother hung yellow lace streamers and set out her best china. She even baked seven batches of pink and green bonbons, and prepared a four layer cake with the most delicate rosettes. Lakeisha’s mother had planned a party fit for a queen, and this made her daughter very happy. LaKeisha had even tied her braids up into a plaited bun, which was held in place by some old hairpins that were bright pink. The pins were very, very sharp, so the young girl was advised not to play any rowdy party games. Soon the guests began to arrive with the gifts. Mirette came in an expensive purple party dress that matched LaKeisha’s red one. The party went very well, and the birhtday girl recieved many nice gifts. Later that night, one girl suggested that they go out to LaKeisha’s gazebo in the woods to play. Around sunset, the girls were enjoying themselves when Mirette suggested a new game.
    “Let’s go find the ghost in the woods!” Since all the girls had grown braver over the past year, they all agreed, thinking it was all in fun. Of course, until it began to get dark out.
    “I’m scared!”
    “I want my mommy!”
    “LaKeisha, what if there ARE spooks in the woods?”
    At that exact moment, the girls began to hear a series of low pitched growls behind them. The girls flew into hysterics. LaKeisha was so scared she fell over onto somebody, she didn’t know who. She felt her head hit their’s very hard, and the impact was followed by a brief scream. She was so scared that she didn’t even bother to see who she had hurt, she just wanted to get the heck out of there! The girls made it back to the house, where LaKeisha’s mother did a nose count.
    “…and here’s Sarah, Delaney, and Elizabeth. But wait, where’s Mirette? Didn’t she come back with you?” The party guests shared horrified stares. A search party was immediately sent out but the poor girl was never recovered. rumors were spread that the ghost killed her, or that she was kidnapped by goblins. LaKeisha grew up and raised a family of her own. She thought of her old friend from time to time, but it never really bothered her late into her life. One day, her boss gave her the day off. LaKeisha turned on the TV to watch the news. Her face went pale as she realized who she fell into in the woods so long ago… (below is the news report LaKeisha listened to)
    “Breaking News: The remains of a young girl were found yesterday in a country pine forest. She appears to have been about five at the time, and DNA samples are currently being analyzed. The remains were clothed in a purple velvet party dress, and a pink hairpin was found lodged in the eye socket.”
    (Scaryforkids, you guys rule! I hope everybody enjoys this story!)

  • okay. This is a similar story that happened to me and a few friendS in my P.O.V. (Changed my frinds name though)
    The Woods
    It was my first time to be in Connecticut. I went there to visit a few friends. On my first night there, Jen was telling me about a village that use to be in some woods in the 1800’s. But, one day, all the people disappeared at the same time never to be seen again. No one ever found the bodies, however there is a cemetery there. They named the village “The Lost Village” because of the missing people. Jen then told me, “They say if you go into the woods where the village was, you can hear foot steps and feel things moving.” She paused then continued “I’ve been in there before with a few friends. In the morning and at night. We all heard laughter and children crying. We even heard horse hooves following us in the distance! It was in the Winter. When we turned to leave, it started getting really hot, so hot that we took off our jackets! When i turned around, i saw what looked like foot steps running after us.” “Has anything bad happened?” I asked. “No” Jen replied. “Why, do you want to go?” “Maybe.” I said. “Only if more people go. Maybe we could call Alex and Jenny and see if they want to go.” “Sounds good to me!” Jen replied. Later that day, i called them and they agreed to go with us. When we got everything planed out, we got flashlights and then left at 1 A.M. On the way there, they told me that we had to be very quiet and to not turn on our flashlights untill at least 5 minutes of walking in the woods. When i asked them, they told me that its privet property and people lived near by. When we got there, we started walking and came to a weird looking gate with a spot where you could go right though it. When we were in the woods, we heard nothing but our own footsteps. after about five minutes passed, we turned on our flashlights. Looking around, i got a strange feeling and started to feel scared. Shaking it off, we went to the foundation of what use to be an old house. There was a sign on the tree explaning who lived there. Jen then whispered “Okay everyone, turn off your lights and listen for laughter.” We did what she told us to. Suddenly, i heard someone, or something, laughing and saying something. It was too far away to hear what it was. I turned on my light and said “Okay, i heard something, can we just keeo in going?” “Hold on.” Alex said. “I want to look at the pit of this old house.” When she went closer to it, she feel right in. Everyone looked around and heard laughter, again. Alex quickly came out of it and ran to a tree. “Something pushed me!” she yelled. “Something, or someone pushed me! Who was it?!” No one answered. Finaly, i said “Alex, non of US pushed you in.” “Lets just keep going.” Jenny said. “I just dont want to be in this area right now.” We then went further into the woods. Not a moment later, we heard other footsteps following us in the distance. “Um, I thing theres someone else out here.” Jen said. “I’ve heard footsteps following us since we entered.” We all then shut off our lights and listened for the sound. The footsteps sudenly stopped. We turned on our lights and continued to walk. We then reached an old windmill. “Alright you guys.” Jenny said. “I think its tme to pull this out.” We all looked at her as she pulled out a box. as she opened it, we saw a board with letters and numbers on it. “Uiji Board!” I thought. “Why did she bring this?” Jenny then grabbed two candles and lit them. “Why did you bring that?” I asked “You know nothing goods gonna happen after this, right?” She looked and me and replied “Always worth a shot. I just want to see whats following us.” “This isn’t a good idea!” Alex said. “We are just gonna make a whole lot of spirits mad. I can already tell they don’t want us here!” Just then, something grabbed my wrist and started yanking it, as if trying to drag me off into the woods! I screamed. “Whats going on??” “Whats wrong?” “Are you okay?” everyone asked. I looked I just looked at Jenny and said “Put that away NOW!” She looked at me and put it back then suddenly, it stopped. “Lets just turn back around.” I said. “Its better not to say what just happened YET.” I took out my phone to see what time it was. It was already 3 in the morning! We started to head back when we heard a loud BOOM!followed by more laughter and a loud voice speaking another language. We looked around us and saw nothing. We froze for a few minutes then began to walk. Just as we started walking, I looked to my left to see a little girl and a women. The women looked at me and and pointed her first finger at me as if to tell me to come twords her. I froze right in my spot to able to move. Fear took control of my body and i was unable to do nothing but look with my eyes. My friends stopped and looked at me and then what i was seeing. “What are you looking at?” everyone asked. How can they not see it? I looked at them and back at the women and child. The child then started to come forward at me, hold out her hand. I somehow got rid of the fear in my body and ran as fast as i could. Not looking where i was going, i slipped on mud and fell down. I looked behind me and saw nothing but darkness. I listened for my friends but couldnt hear them. I looked around, begining to feel very scared. I then looked up and saw a little boy up in the trees. His eyes were glowing a bright shade of red as he looked down at me. He oppened up his mouth to reveal sharp teeth. He let out a low growl and a high pitched scream. He then jumped out of the trees and disappeared. I looked around, hopping he was gone. As I looked behind me, I saw three lights and three body shapes. As they got closer, I saw they were my friends. I got up and waited for them. “Why did you run?” Alex asked. “Did you see something?” Jen asked. I looked at them and said “Lets just get back to the car and leave this place!” As we got back to the car and drove off, I told them what had all happened. After i told them, they just looked at me. They didnt say one word for a few minutes. Then, Alex said “When you ran off, we all saw a little girl running after you then disappear after a few steps. We heard a growl and ran. We looked for you for 15 minutes! We checked the spot you were in when we found you twice, but never saw you! It was as if you just…left.”
    After that night, something followed us all back home. All our beds would shake at night and at one point, Jen saw something in her mirror. When we would all hang out at someones house, everything would shake and you could hear laughter. I soon went back home, where it would continue. After a year, it all stopped. I havent seen them since i went back home or heard from them.

    Thats my story! Hope you like it!

  • Little Girl, Older Boy

    There was once a 16 year old girl named Alexis who had always dreamed of being a boy. It started when she was 12 years old. She would look in the downstairs bathroom mirror and see herself as a little girl though instead of a boy. She hated herself as a girl when she had always wanted to be a boy. She would dress liked a boy and think like a boy and try to hang out with them but the boys would reject her. Alexis had even changed her name to Alexander so then people would think she was a boy on the internet.
    But, she would look in the downstairs bathroom mirror everyday and see her reflection as girl and never see a boy in the mirror.
    One day, Alexis’s parents went on vacation to Nevada for 2 weeks and decided to leave Alexis behind because Alexis refused to go to Nevada with them so Alexis was all alone in the house for 2 full weeks.

    “Why mirror? Why do you keep showing girl when I want boy?” Asked Alexis.
    Strangely, the mirror started moving slightly. The vision Alexis saw started crying and it started turning into a little girl and that little girl was-Alexis herself as a 6 year old, ten years back. Alexis started shaking and her younger self started shaking also.
    “Why would you replace me Alexis? Why?!” Sobbed the younger Alexis.
    “You ruined me! I wanted to be a boy but you have ruined the chance!” Shouted older Alexis.
    “How could you, I was the one who gave you your chance to think about the idea. If I kill myself, you will never be alive or… THIS!” And younger Alexis pulled older Alexis into the mirror and never came out of that mirror.

    2 weeks later, Alexis’s parents came back and brought some souvenirs with them too to give to Alexis.
    “Honey, I got to go to the bathroom right now, that was a long plane trip today and the bathrooms are revolting!” Said Alexis’s mom.
    She went to the downstairs bathroom and as she passed the mirror in their bathroom, and decided to look at her fabulous looks. When she was looking in the mirror, she saw Alexis, mangled and was missing arms and legs. All the sudden, Alexis’s body came out of the mirror and landed face down. Alexis’s mom turned her over and Alexis’s face was missing and she said,”Mom, I want to be a girl again.” and died on the spot. Alexis’s mom panicked and looked at the mirror and saw Alexis’s younger self, holding a knife with blood on it.
    “Hello mommy, I love you!” Said younger Alexis and disappeared inside the mirror. Police investigated the case and found nothing and no little girl.

    The next day, they had a funeral and Alexis’s parents swore they saw a little girl against a big oak tree sitting there and watching them. The day after that, Alexis’s mom announced she was having a baby girl and that made Alexis’s family very happy. They had baby showers and parties until the time came when Alexis’s mom was going to have the baby.
    9 months later, Alexis’s mom had the baby and they named the baby Rose. She looked exactly like Alexis but they didn’t seem to care and shook the erie feeling off of them.

    12 years later, Rose came up to them and said,

    “Mom, dad, I want to be a boy.”

    (I hope you liked that story and I really want Scaryforkids to post this story so I can be apart of this website. I really love this website no matter how much the stories freaks me out so I really want to have this story posted.)

  • (Hello! So here’s my 4th Story Attempt and I hope you’ll like it! If you do pls. do follow me on Twitter: @HanaBomi)
    Title:Don’t Trust Random Strangers
    My name is Ayezendra. I’m from the U.S.A. and I know how to speak in French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Spanish & of course, English. I went to Greece just for leisure purposes. I really hope i’ll get to learn how to speak in Greek thateasily. I don’t know why but it wasn’t that easy for me. Though; I have an ENGLISH-GREEK GREEK-ENGLISH book. I’m quite glad. In my opinion learning German would be easier if I just make new friends. That’s how I learned other languages easily. I was just walking around when I met this girl named:Aráchni̱. She came up to me and said “Γεια σας! Πρέπει να είστε τουρίστας. Καλώς ήλθατε στην Ελλάδα! Το όνομά μου είναι Αράχνη, ποιο είναι το όνομά σας;”. Which means Hello! You must be a tourist. Welcome to Greece! My name is Arachne, what is your name?. I’m happy I was finally able to have a greek friend and in lightning speed I replied “Γεια σας! Το όνομά μου είναι Ayezendra! Είμαι στην ευχάριστη θέση να σας γνωρίσουμε. Σας ευχαριστώ για την υποδοχή μου στη χώρα σας!”. Which means Hello! My name is Ayezendra! I am glad to meet you. Thank you for welcoming me to your country!. I was lucky I had that translator book. So we talked for a while about lots of things the whole day. Until I realized it was nearly evening and I haven’t checked in the hotel yet. She told me in greek that she’ll let me in her house temporarily. I was really happy with meeting Arachne. She was very friendly. Although; before going here my mom reminded me for the 1 millionth time “Ayezendra, be careful. Don’t Trust Random Strangers”. Well, Arachne isn’t a stranger… She’s my new best friend! When we approached near Arachne’s place I discovered her house was quite small, though it didn’t matter. I turned on their television for news, OOPS! I forgot it was greek news! Though on the headlines they said “ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΟΥΜΕ ΝΑ ΛΑΒΕΤΕ ΥΠΟΨΗ ΟΤΙ ΜΙΑ ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ έχει δραπετεύσει από την ψυχιατρική κλινική και ΚΑΛΕΙ HERSELF Αράχνη. Αφήνει ΤΟΥΡΙΣΤΩΝ ΣΤΟ ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΟ σπίτι της και σκοτώνει τον ύπνο τους. SHE είναι τρελό και δεν ξέρει τι ΚΑΝΕΙ! Είναι πολύ επικίνδυνο και έχει σκοτώσει 25 τουρίστες προτού να έχει συλληφθεί. Να είστε στο βλέμμα OUT ΚΑΙ Κλείδωμα όλων ΠΟΡΤΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΑ ΠΑΡΑΘΥΡΑ ΣΑΣ!”. I immediately texted my “translator friend” and told me that the headlines explained that there was this girl who calls herself Arachne who escaped from the mental hospital and we need to be careful because she was able to kill 25 tourists before she was caught. I was worried and asked Arachne about this matter. She said she has locked all doors and windows and it was not her. So she told me that her classmate turned insane becuase she was so jealous of Arachne becuase the smartest student in the whole class that she turned insane. She assured me that I was safe but I had this feeling of doubt it could probably be her. I told myself “Ayezendra, don’t be crazy!”. But this feeling was killing me and so I attempted to open the window but it wouldn’t open, it was locked. Smashing the window wouldn’t help because there were these + corners attached. I needed to get the key! “DARE or DIE, Ayezendra! DARE or DIE!”. So I needed to go to Arachne’s room to get the key. I got all the keys to be safe. But I heard some waking up noise. I was nervous becuase there was probably like 500 keys or something. I heard her moaning the noises “Σκότωσε —- Ayezendra … Σκότωσε —- Ayezendra ..”. What was she saying? AHA! I recognize that from my greek lessons! Oh my gosh! I knew it! She was that killer Arachne on the news! She’s murmuring “Kill—-Ayezendra… Kill—-Ayezendra”. I was going through my 10th key when she opened the door of my room she said “Ayezendra, are you trying to escape?”. I said “WHAAAAT? You—you speak in English?”. She said “YES, I do! I was speaking in greek so that you wouldn’t understand. The police don’t know I can speak in english which makes it easier for me to escape when they suspect me as Arachne becuase I pretend to be a tourist”. I replied back “Pls. Arachne, were friends right? P-please! D-don’t don’t KILL ME!”. She replied back “No! We were never friends! I just needed to kill you! Why would I set you free? You know my dark secret and you’ll tell the police! I won’t let you go!”. She got her butcher knife as she said “Goodbye Ayezendra… Killing is my hobby.. Chopping is my talent… I’m not generous… I’m greedy.. I’m greedy for bodies… The police don’t know it but i’m a CANNIBAL which also makes me escape easily.. I EAT THEM!”. And now…. I’M DEAD. Mother, i’m sorry but I trusted a random stranger.

  • When I was fourteen, something very unusual happened when I stayed in Japan as a foreign exchange student.

    Everyday, I would wake up and go to school by taking a train to Shinjuku and walking downtown into the enormous building. Sometimes I would stay after and arrive to my hostmother late because I would go exploring afterwards with the other group of Canadians, Americans, and Germans.

    Anyways, it was around nine at night and I was ready to take my train and leave Shinjuku. However, I made a dumb mistake and I ended up taking the wrong train. Realizing that the train missed my stop, I tried to act calm and I got off at a random stop. It was already almost ten, and that station was almost completely empty with only one or two (I think they were cops) roaming around. Deciding to call my host mom, I asked for a phone and they told me that there was when outside the station. Now keep in mind that the station was completely dark (except for random trains passing by) I am serious. So I go to the very dark phone booth outside the station when I suddenly see (or felt) this very bright red light behind me. I turned around and there is suddenly this festival looking thing going on about a block away. It was so random that it actually scared me (you had to be there to know what I was talking about). Well, I phoned my host mom and she managed to tell me how to get back. After that, that weird festival environment noise and light suddenly disapears. Just like that. No noise, no more light, nothing.
    I know it does not sound scary, but it was just weird. Besides my whole trip, the only other scary thing that happened was when I heard a scratching noise in the walls at night which scared the crap out of me (it turned out to be a mouse). I was also pretty lucky that I managed to get home on time, it would’ve stinked if I had to spend the night at that creepy station!

  • Answer to “reflection” riddle.
    There is no glass in the house, so I was not looking at the mirror, I was looking at a real figure
    2) My phone was uncharged, how could my mother call me?

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