Scary For Kids
Tales of Terror

Tales of Terror

Twisted tales of terror, mystery and horror.

Tales of Terror

Tale of Terror – The Faceless Nun

There was a Catholic school that was rumored to be haunted. One day, a teenage girl stayed late after classes had ended to finish some schoolwork. As she was walking down the deserted hallway, she passed an open classroom. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a figure standing in the classroom. She walked back and peeked in the door. There was a nun standing there, scribbling on the blackboard. The nun suddenly turned to face her and the girl gasped in fear. The old woman had no face. Her features were smooth like an egg. The teenage girl screamed and fled in horror. She had seen what was written on the blackboard. In scrawled, spidery handwriting were the words: “HELP ME I AM IN HELL.”

Tale of Terror – The Quiet Student

In a girls’ school in the Philippines, it was the first day of the semester. The girls were all in their classroom and getting used to their new desks. When the school bell rang, the teacher walked and introduced himself to the class. Then he started to do the roll call, trying to make sure all of his students were present. When he had finished, he noticed that there was one girl whose name had not been called. The girl was dressed in a white shirt and jeans and was sitting in the front row, directly across from his desk. He asked the girl if she was in the wrong classroom. She didn’t answer and just stared at him with a blank face. He repeated his question and she remained motionless. Suddenly, he noticed that the girl was bleeding from her forehead. The entire class screamed as the girl stood up, walked right past the teacher and disappeared straight through the blackboard.

Tale of Terror – The Haunted Bathroom

There were three boys in a certain school who were always causing trouble. One day, the three friends were hanging out in the hallway at lunch time. They saw a girl go into the school bathroom and decided to play a trick on her. They locked the bathroom door and stood outside waiting to see what would happen. A few minutes later, they saw the doorknob turn, then it began to rattle. They heard the girl’s voice calling out. They chuckled and didn’t answer her. She began knocking on the door and begging to be let out. They just stood there, laughing and teasing her as she pounded on the door.

After a minute or two, the girl started crying and screaming at them to unlock the door. The three boys felt guilty and decided to let her out before they got in trouble. One boy unlocked the door and waited, but the girl didn’t open it. “It’s open!” he shouted, but there was no answer. The boys opened the door and looked inside. The bathroom was completely empty. They checked all the cubicles and called out the girl’s name, but there was no response. There were no windows in the bathroom and the only way out was the door.

By this time, the three boys were very creeped out. They ran out of the bathroom and down the hallway. They found the girl standing outside the front door of the school, talking to a teacher. When they demanded to know how she got out of the bathroom, she was puzzled. “But I didn’t go to the bathroom today,” she said.

Tale of Terror – The Man in the Bathroom

There was a young girl who was sitting in class one day. She desperately needed to go to the toilet and, after class finished, she rushed out into the hallway. When she got to the girls’ toilet, she went inside and saw that all of the stalls were empty. She went into the first cubicle and locked the door behind her. As soon as she pulled down her underwear and sat down on the toilet, she heard a strange noise. She looked down and was shocked to see a pair of men’s shoes standing right outside her cubicle door. The polished, black shoes were just standing there, perfectly still. The girl was frightened. Why was a man in the girls’ bathroom and why was he standing so close to her cubicle door? He seemed to be waiting for her to finish, but all of the other cubicles were unoccupied. The girl began to get very frightened and the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. Suddenly, the girl looked up and screamed. There was a freakishly tall man, peering over the top of the cubicle door and leering at her with a sinister smile.

Tale of Terror – The Poop in the Bathroom

One evening, a school janitor had just finished cleaning the bathroom. He was about to lock up the building when one of the teachers came hurrying down the hallway and asked if he could go inside to use the toilet. The janitor agreed and waited outside the door for the teacher to finish. A few minutes later, the teacher came out. The two men said goodnight to each other and the teacher walked off down the hallway. The janitor went into the bathroom to make sure it was clean before he locked the door. He was horrified to find that all of the tiled walls and floors were covered in streaky brown handprints. When he looked closer, he saw that it was poop. He ran off down the hallway and when he caught up with the teacher, he confronted him and demanded to know why the teacher had smeared poop all over the bathroom. The teacher was indignant and said he didn’t know what the janitor was talking about. The two men argued for a while and eventually, the teacher got fed up and turned to leave. As he walked out the door, the janitor was shocked to see another brown handprint on the back of the teacher’s white suit.

scary for kids


  • What do you guys think? Would it be creepy if you were sitting on a toilet, doing your buissness and sudennly just feel a hand on you ass coming from INSIDE of the toilet? Would that be creepy?

    And would it be creepy if it would turn out to be your little brother… and you release you were sitting on him and he was in the “holy water” and you were pooping on him?



  • The Haunted Bathroom was the creepiest and why are all the stories related to schools and some to bathrooms ? The last one was gross.

  • the picture creeped me out completely
    Cool stories though although the last one was a bit gross and the fourth one was a bit wrong and it reminds me of the slender man and the third was was just a bit confusing.
    All in all, cool stories bro

  • @Drayman . . . HOW DO YOU KNOW??!! WHY DO I HAVE TO BE A GIRL, I MEAN THE BOYS DO THEIR PEE IN THE THINGYS AND NEVER FEAR ANYONE WATCHING THEM ‘CAUSE THEY’RE USED TO IT (Or at least they do that on TV)BUT WITH GIRLS . . . WE GO THROUGH PRIVATE THINGS!! Sorry for talking in just Caps Locks btw. It is soooo creepy, if i type up my name on Google images it comes up with a peice of artwork I did and my School . . . I AM CREEPED OUT!!!

  • Pic – Imma have nighmares!
    1. Slenderwoman rises (@ jenjenrainbow, totally)!
    2. Okay, then…How did he not see the girl was bleeding? And what the heck?
    3. WHY are the boys in the girls’ bathroom?
    4. WHY is he looking at her? Oh…I get it…He’s Fantar.
    5. I’m rolling on the floor laughing…What the heck…The teacher got a spanking!!!! HAHA!

  • if you think about it, the tall man in the bathroom and the faceless nun probably got together and made slender man

  • In the last one there’s a mistake I think. It says the teacher goes to uses the girls bathroom but they say the teacher is a he

  • The last one was just GROSS! I almost fell outta my seat when I read the title…Lolz..:P All the rest are creepy! Especially The man in the bathroom!!!

  • Eww the last one…why are most of them bathroom stories? And why are ALL of them school stories?

  • HA! “The Poop in the Bathroom” that cracks me up! ’cause, you would find it in a…. never mind.

  • my school has a haunted class room…. class number 13… we can always hear noises when we’re upstairs, alone, and u go check it out, everything’s normal, btw, a teacher hung her slef in the girls bathroom. (in my school)

  • No, in the last story, there was a handprint on the back of the teacher’s suit, which meant that something else was in there with the teacher…

  • Umm…so the last one has a ghost of a person he died of poo? o.o Lmfao, gross though.

  • Why are there three bathroom stories in a row? XD The last one is gross but kinda funny.

  • These are pretty creepy. When I was younger I always had a fear of the school bathroom. There was a rumour that there was a ghost in the girls toilets and at the end of the day you could hear banging as it past through the wall into the boys toilets.

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