Scary For Kids
Tanning Lotion

Tanning Lotion

Tanning Lotion is an urban legend about a woman who uses tanning booths and sunbeds to get the darkest tan possible.

Tanning Lotion

There was a young woman who was getting married to the man of her dreams. Her wedding day was approaching fast and she wanted to look her very best. People were always telling her that she looked very pale, so she was determined to get a good tan before the wedding.

The woman went to a tanning salon near her house and tried to book an hour on the sunbed. The staff at the salon told her that, for her own safety, she could only tan for thirty minutes at a time. After the session, she looked in the mirror and found that her skin wasn’t any darker.

When she attempted to make an appointment for another thirty minutes on the tanning bed the next day, the staff informed her that she could only tan twice a week. After her second session, the woman still wasn’t satisfied with the result.

Fearing that, at this rate, she would never have a proper tan, the woman came up with a cunning plan. If the salon could only give her thirty minutes, then she would book appointments at every tanning salon in the city, one after the other.

She spent the next four days going from one tanning salon to another, lying on sunbed after sunbed. Even though her skin was beginning to get a little bit darker, she was worried that it wouldn’t be brown enough by the time her wedding day arrived.

She went to a shop and bought a special brand of tanning lotion. This particular lotion was only supposed to be used by people who had a rare skin condition. The tanning lotion was designed to increase the skin’s sensitivity to light.

She hoped that this would help her skin tan to a lovely golden brown. She slathered the tanning lotion all over her body, letting it soak in. Then she set off for her tanning bed appointments.

Later that day, at the tanning salon, the staff noticed the smell of burning in the air. When they went to investigate, they were horrified to find one of the tanning beds was on fire. After putting out the flames, all that was left on the tanning bed was the charred corspe of the unfortunate woman.

When the autopsy was performed, the coroner discovered that the woman’s internal organs had been cooked from the inside out. By combining the tanning lotion and the sunbed, she had literally cooked herself alive.

scary for kids


  • Honey, here’s some advice. You don’t see wanting to get any lighter, (I’m black) just because someone says I’m too dark. It’s your wedding day, and he married you for you. If you want to change yourself before your wedding day, (which honestly makes no sense to me) then go right ahead but just because someone says you’re very pale and white, doesn’t mean you have to change due to their opinion. Like I said, he married you for you and I’m sure he would like you stay that way. Mkay? Don’t let someone get the better of you because they think your too this or not enough that. You’re perfect the way you are!

  • Stupid woman! If it’s truly the love of her life shouldn’t he love her no matter what “skin tone” she had before she cooked herself alive!

  • I’m almost to a pale colour, but I wouldn’t wanna cook myself alive lol. And this just makes me laugh 😂😂😂

  • Guys I don’t think the pic is from final destination…. I have watched that movie at least 2 times. I don’t remember this.

  • First she’s stupid and desperate to use the lotion.
    Second after she went to all those salons she should’ve been like I give up
    Third and final that’s weird and creepy

  • Final destination!! WHOOO HOOOO WAY TO GO!!!

    I was born dark skinned. and never had to use lotion as my sisters do. I sit and play whenever outside I get darker. they lay on the trampoline with tanning lotion on trying to get bronze while I’m tan. by the time they give up and buy lotion that stains the skin orange (they thought it was tan though :P ) I’m tan they might be darker but its not natural. mine is. wanna know how?

    Me and my Dad have a lot of indian in us! BOOM!!

  • Isn’t this pic from a part of final destination?? Who cares… The groom would have gotten a baked wife…

  • @ whiler haha wow ok then nice one….
    So y didn’t the chick just lay out in the sun? Man ppl and their stupid tanning obsessions…

  • If I was a cannibal. I’d work there; near people who tan and have that lotion. Free meals for Moi

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