Scary For Kids

Three Kings

The Three Kings is a scary ghost game that supposedly enables the person who performs the ritual to access another dimension.

Three Kings

The Three Kings ritual could very well be dangerous, so you are advised not to attempt it. It is said that by performing the ritual, you can access a place they call “The Shadowside”. Its effectiveness depends on how closely you follow the instructions.

To play The Three Kings game, you need a quiet and empty room, preferably without windows. If necessary, you can cover the windows, making sure that the room is in total darkness. This is called the Dark Room.

You also need three chairs, two large mirrors, a candle, a lighter, an electric fan and an alarm clock.

The Three Kings Instructions

Step 1: Place a chair in the center of the room, facing north. This is your throne.

Step 2: Place the other two chairs exactly to the left and right, facing your throne. These two chairs are known as the Queen and the Fool.

Step 3: Place the two large mirrors on the Queen and the Fool chairs. The mirrors should be facing each other. If you sit on the throne, facing straight ahead, you should be able to barely see your own reflection in both of the mirrors. If you see your own reflection in the corner of your eye, just barely there, then you’ve done it right.

Step 4: Place the electric fan behind you, facing the throne, and turn it on. Leave it on.

Step 5: Turn off the lights, leave the door open and go to your bedroom.

Step 6: Put the candles, lighter, alarm clock and cellphone beside you bed. Set the alarm clock for exactly 3:30 AM. Turn off the lights and go to sleep while holding your childhood toy.

Step 7: When the alarm clock goes off at 3:30 AM, turn it off, get out of bed, but don’t turn on the lights. You have exactly three minutes to light your candle and make your way to the dark room to sit in your throne. You should be seated by 3:33 AM.

If the alarm clock did not go off at exactly 3:30 AM, abort the mission.

If the door of the dark room is closed, (remember, you left it open), abort the mission.

If the fan is off, (remember, you left it on), abort the mission.

If you are not seated on your throne by exactly 3:33 AM, abort the mission.

If you have to abort the mission, leave the house immediately. After 4:44 AM, it is safe to return.

If all is going as planned, you can proceed with the ritual. Sit down in your throne. Look straight ahead and stare into the darkness. DO NOT look at the mirrors.

I won’t spoil what happens next. All you need to know is that you won’t be alone. If you have questions, you will get answers. Sometimes those answers will come in the form of new questions.

Whatever you do, make sure you DO NOT look directly at the mirrors or the candle. Just stare straight ahead. Don’t chicken out either. You need to stay seated until 4:44 AM. Just stay still and try not to move. It’s okay to tremble a little bit. You need to stay seated for at least 1 hour and 11 minutes.

I didn’t specify which chair was the Queen and which chair was the Fool. That’s because it’s your job to find out. Also, from their point of view, you are either their queen or their fool too. Hence the name, Three Kings.

DO NOT let the candle go out or the ritual will end. This is a backup measure to protect you. Remember, the fan is behind you. Your body is between the fan and the candle. If your body was suddenly moved or dragged out of the chair, the fan would immediately blow out the candle. That backup measure may save your life.

To end the ritual, you can blow out the candle at 4:44 AM.

If the candle goes out before 4:44 AM, you’re on your own…

Be safe. Don’t play this game.

scary for kids


  • hi my names Dimitri. I knew of this game back in 2005. Me and my friend where sleeping over my house and he told me about this game. It wasn’t called three kings but it was exactly the same thing. All i can say is never play this game whatever you do. You won’t get “spirits” from the “Shadow side” to talk to you. But demons from hell. They will trick you into looking at them. If you do they will come into the material plane. While we played the voices told me that we will die if we did not help them move into our world. my friend did not hear it. He didn’t belive me. Last year i found out that he died. No one knows how or why but he was dead in his room when his mom found him. I was sitting with his mom at the funeral and afterwards she told me she wanted me to have his journal. I took it and went home. As I read the pages they continuously got more erratic and messy as if he was writing nervously and fast. They talked about nightmares and voices and that they were going to get him. It was weird because I started experiencing nightmares the night of his supposed death. Now 2012 I know im next. Never play this game whatever you do. 90% of people won’t do it right and possibly won’t have experiences… And those are the lucky ones.

  • go to Pencil Game and read my comments i say the same for this game. if you are gonna play i beg you to read those comments. NOW!

  • @Brony4life i would love to hear how to play my friends love to hear how to play new games i think it would be fun can you tell me how

  • @Brony4life I’d like to hear how u do it
    I am not gonna do it though. Too scared…

  • Wow -.- I wouldnt do it because if I didnt do it in time and had to abort mission my whole family would wake up and I’d be in trouble. That and I’m not a morning person. And looking in the mirror would be too tempting. I like looking at who I’m talking to.

  • Wow -.- I wouldnt do it because if I didnt do it in time and had to abort mission my whole family would wake up and I’d be in trouble. That and I’m not a morning person

  • This whole candle thing is a little confusing. So at first you say it’s a fail-safe and if it goes out the ritual ends for our protection. Like 3 sentences later you basically say we’re dead if it goes out.

  • Seems too risky for me even though it’s pretty tempting to play when they tell you not to play this game

  • @DeathAwaitsYou I guess you can after 4:44. Yes, how do you know what time it is? I mean you cant get up before 4:44 but how do you know its time get up?

  • I have questions n I need answers. If we play this game, is it ok to blow out the candles after 4:44 am? And if we want to end the ritual, how do we even know that it’s 4:44 am?

  • I did the game in my friend’s house and nothing really happened.It’s not scary either,because my friends were outside laughing and screaming,so I knew I wasn’t alone.The one “scary” thing that did happen was that I fell from the chair.LAME,I know.The Fan did blow up the candle,but my friends said that it was 4:34.So I guess it’s okay.I really didn’t hear anything and I stayed there for a while.One hour and a minute in the dark.Lol I am sure no one could do it by themselfes so I reccomend you to be with some friends.Good luck!

  • What happens during the game? If anyone has played it before, can you tell me what happened?

  • There is a psycological explanation if anyone playes this game and feels or experiences something.

  • I hanged it,and thought I was ok.Boy I was wrong.One of my friends began to have nightmares about charlie. He said he was about 8 or 9,and he had a hatchet on his forehead and he only had 1 eye.the other was hanging from his socket.yesterday my sister was playing video games when all of a sudden something pushed her and I was on a diffrent bed.(we have 2 beds.1 for me and another for my brother.)my parents thought I was lying,and i’m grounded for a week.who wants me to tell you guys how to play.

  • The pineco stopped on me and I could remember shaking like crazy. The 1st thing I told him to was if he can make it cold. I felt a colder every 2nd question was if he could push my pencil,and it actually moved! I’m serious! I was feeling really sick after that the last question was about the weather. I asked him if he can make it rain,and he said no. I asked if I could end the game,but the first 2 time he said no. I was on the verge of tears when it landed on yes. I thought I safe. When I came home the first thing I saw was a doll sitting on the couch. At first I thought it was normal,but when I went to my room to change,it was sitting on the floor. It couldn’t be my brother,cause he was at the afterschool program,or my sister and mother cause my stepfather,mother,and sister were at a doctors appointment. My grandma was taking a nap so it couldn’t have been her either. I ran back to my room shaking like crazy. I asked my grandma if she had a cross or something holy to hang on my room.

  • This ggame is really scary T^T I asked 3 questions and I glanced at the mirror by accident and I couldnt see my face it was just white D:!!!!

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